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My Poems

The Fight
I'll hug you forever
If you hug me back
We can shelter eachother
from the attack.
The battles you've faught
I've mirrored them, too.
I can relate enough
to see you through.
Where are you going?
Why can't you stay?
Did someone else
make up your mind in a day?
But I still have my secrets
that I wish to share.
I've saved them for you
but now you're not there.
The phone just keeps ringing
My heart just keeps waiting
for you to answer your phone...
But now you're not there,
not anywhere...
so I sit here all alone.
Though with the tides you've drifted
if you wish to sail back my way..
we can remember our moments
and once united days.


Slipping through my fingers
it was only there to linger
and watch the masquerade.
Then on and on it goes
where it stops, nobody knows
helping the sun create more shade.
Causing buzzing in the morning
and will escape without warning
but expects to be obeyed.
Time will leave
too quick to retrieve
so make sure your dues are paid.

(I think I was a little sleepy when I wrote that

Quick Visit

We interrupt this reverie
to deliver a message to Earth,
before you think to dismiss me
ask yourself what it is worth.
There seems to be a shortage of
this thing that you call "time",
a thousand memories great and true
will pass by the end of this rhyme.
Unfolded tales of childhood
almost seem pretend,
all those turning points in life
have blurred edges in the end.
So when you go back to grumbling
about how nothing's right,
time pushes past without stumbling
and will soon be out of sight.
We leave you with fair warning,
please take our words to heart,
so upon waking in the morning
you'll know just where to start.

İLarryn Bell, 2003