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Well, I already explained what this page is for, a dedication to one of my favorite bands, Emperor. But I guess you could be wondering why someone would waste their time creating a webpage about a band. Well It started some years ago when I picked up "Emperor/Wrath of the Tyrant" at my local record store. I never buy CD's based on their cover art or the name of the band, but for some reason this one stuck out from the surrounding CD cases, It looked so different and interesting to me. The inverted pentacle, the writing, the song titles, the look of the band members on the back of the CD, seemed like it would at least be a comical and/or entertaining listen.
Up untill then I had been listening to your standard Metal bands, Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Ozzy, etc. But when I popped this CD into my player, I was in total shock! The atmosphere was overwhelming, the darkness (and it wasn't that Marilyn Manson transvestite type of darkness), the aggression, the noise and the melody! The CD opened my mind to a completly different style/genre of music.
So Emperor influenced my choice of music ever since that moment, I still listen to my old favorites and all the classic metal bands, but I've been able to venture outside the mainstream/popular vision of Metal that had tied me down for so long.
Basically Emperor has everything I would ever want in a band, from their raw aggressive demo style, to their new layered clashing style between Classical music and Extreme Metal. So this page basically serves as a way to spread the word of Emperor to more people who could greatly enjoy and/or benefit from their music.
I hope you enjoy the webpage, and please feel free to sign the guestbook, stay Metal!\m/-george