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Hello. Here is some simple HTML codes.

Background Codes

The first thing you need is background.This code goes at the top of the page description.

If you use a background from this site it should look like this, just change the bg3 to the name you want.

Here is the code if you are useing a background from a diffrent site. Just change URL of background to the URL wanted.

You can change your background color to any color you want useing a # code or color name.

An example of a color # is: "#000000"

An example of color name is: "darkred"

Here is the code just change name or # of color to what you want.

Font color, size, and type

Now you need a text color, size, and type. This is what I have on this page.

The text color can be a color name like above or a # like "#000000".

The size can be between "1" and "7". The higher the # the bigger the font.

The face is the text type like "lucida calligraphy" or "ariel". Whatever you like.

Add Images

To add a pic or a animated gif to your page from this site this is the code just change image name here to what you want.

But if the pic comes from a diffrent site you have to replace the URL with the URL of the site the pic is on. URL is Explained above under backgrounds, in the 2nd text box.

Add Music

Add music to your page with this code.

You can also change autostart to start when page is loaded.
autostart = true
or to play when clicked on.
autostart = false.

You can make it play in a never ending loop.
loop = true
or make it stop after playing once
loop = false.
If the mid file is not comeing from this site change the URL to the URL of the site that has the mid you want. URL is explained above under backgrounds, in the 2nd text box.

Add A Link

Here is the code for adding a link to a pic.

If the pic is not from this site change the URL to the URL of the site that has the pic you want. The URL of the pic is the 2nd URL in the code.

Change the first URL to the URL of where you want the link to go.

URL is explained above under backgrounds, in the 2nd text box.

Here is the code for adding a link to text.

Change the URL to the URL of where you want the link to go. URL is explained above under backgrounds, in the 2nd text box.

Change text here to what you want the link to say.

Neopets Shop Item Text Color Code.

On Neopets to change the color,font face, and size in your shop use this code. Add it at the bottom of the shop description to change the color/font/size of the prices of the items in your shop. If this code does not work try the one under it.

This code goes at the top of the description instead of the bottom

Glowing Text

Add a healthy glow

On Neopets add glow to your shop items use this code. Add it at the bottom of the shop description to add glow to prices of the items in your shop

Other wise this code can go under the font code to make your word glow.

scrolling Text

For scrolling text use this code.

Fixed Non-moving Background Code

To keep your background from moveing when you scroll.

Change Scrollbar Color

Change the color of your scroll bar.add this to the top of the description.

Text Area

To add a text area use this code.

Center, Underline, Italic, Bold, Break

Text Extras

Add buttons so others can see what images will look like on diffrent colored backgrounds. put this code at the bottom of your page.

If you want to see a different colored background, just click on a button: