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The War On Iraq

The Cost Of The War In Iraq
The war in Iraq is currently costing us over $143,000,000,000
Here is what we could be doing with all that money:
We could insure over 86,000,000 children for one year
We could have hired about 2,500,000 public school teachers for one year
We could have provided almost 7,000,000 students with four-year scholarships at public universities
We could have built over 1,200,000 additional housing units
We could have fully funded global anti-hunger efforts for 5 years
We could have fully funded world-wide AIDS programs for 14 years
We could have ensured that every child in the world was given basic immunizations for 47 years

Was The War Justified?

Bush Says...

America has to be ready to act first before anything happens. Iraq is the center of terrorism. Removing Saddam and bringing democracy into the world is safer.

Kerry Says...

The war was good at first when we were there to destroy weapons of mass destruction, but there were none to be found. The war on Iraq is a distraction from the war on terror, which can be focused with capturing Osama and destoying Al Queda.

Was There A Plan?

Bush Says...

I was told that America had adequate troops and resources for war, but there wasn't. I then asked Congress for $87 billion, but little of the money has been deployed due to the instability of Iraq.

Kerry Says...

While the president did have a plan to win the war, he didn't have a plan to win peace. The U.S. rushed into war against our allies wishes and the U.S. has also taken 90% of the casualties and financial cost of war.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Bush Says...

The war has improved the lives of the Iraqis and the security of the U.S. We must stay to ensure democracy in the Middle East. This will cause terrorist threats against the U.S. to be lessened. Troops will remain in Iraq until the Iraqi army is strong enough to keep peace.

Kerry Says...

In order to achieve peace in Iraq, the U.S. needs to successfully globalize its efforts. To achieve this, we need a change in leadership. Bush's decision to go to war has alienated much of our allies.

More From Bush And Kerry

Bush Says...

The war in Iraq is necessary because Saddam Hussein's regime was "a grave and gathering danger" to the United States, even though the U.S. troops did not find weapons of mass destruction. I vow to keep our troops in Iraq as long as it takes to establish a stable democracy.

Kerry Says...

I voted to authorize war, but Bush should have created a larger coalation and gone to war only as a last resort. I voted against the $87 billion in reconstruction money for Iraq, Bush should have eliminated some of his tax cuts to cover costs. I will plan to internationalize reconstruction with help of U.N. allies.

The United States Deficit

Where Does All The Money Go?

What Does The World Think?

Web Resources

The Cost Of War

Q&A From Bush And Kerry

The Latest News On Iraq