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The Best Online Games

Games that are my personal faves, you will love them too! Addictive, Simple and Fun...

Orisinal Games Really cute fun games, created by Ferry Halim.
My favourites include Bubble Bees and Bum Bum Koala.

Slime Ball Play various sports using half-circles to move
the ball around. In some games you can fly and
use magic powers. It runs in Java. easy to
load & can be quite addicting. Can be played by one,
or more players (up to 4!).

Triplets and us Here is a link to lots of 80's Arcade games you can play online.
I like playing Q-Bert and Dig Dug

Insaniquarium You take care of fish in a tank. Feed them, buy them
things and protect them from monsters.

Joust An 80's arcade classic where you ride flying
perredactyls and jump on enemies to collect eggs.
My personal fave.

Flight of the Hampsters Launch hampsters as far as you can. Very fun!

Double Wires Swing across the wires without falling. Kind of reminds me
of spiderman.

Fall DownKeep the black ball running
through the lines as far to the end of the screen as possible.

ZookeeperRe-arrange the animals to make rows. Very fun!

Bullet BillYou control Bullet Bill from Super Mario with the arrow keys.

Webcam GamesGames to play using your webcam!

Robot Unicorn Attack!Your a unicorn in a fantasy land, shooting at stars! My new favourite!

PacxonKind of a mix between Wildball and Pacman

Dino RunYour a dinosaur running from lava in this game! over at Pixel Jam Games.

Go Go Plant 2Hilarious and entertaining game. You are a plant running and punching objects
that get in your way. Great game!

IcycleMost unique great sound and graphic game, You are playing a
freezing man riding a bicycle collecting frozen soap bubbles.
Excellent game play!

Burrito Bison Launch Yourself as far as you can while
squishing/hopping over gummy bears, very addicting!


Ebaums World Games

PoomMake sure that the ball keeps bouncing on the squares,
not falling through the holes.

HangmanAnimated hangman.

Balloon HunterAim to shoot arrows at passing-
by ballons. Addictive!

BubblesGuide your bubble through the water avoiding mines.
Collect bubbles to grow bigger.

Shockwave Games

Fat Boy Raids the Cookie FactoryCollect junkfood and pop but avoid
the security guards.

InklinkSort of an online pictionary.

Tamale: Rumble in the Desert 2Grab ingredients to make a taco
but watch out for enemies.

Book WormSelect letters to make words.

Chicktionary Same idea as bookworm.

No Brainer Answer quick questions by shaking the brain YES
or NO, hilarious!