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My Little Children!!!

This is Maxine. I adopted her back in 2000. I got her when I was living with Emily. We adopted her from the SPCA in Hyde Park, NY. When we picked her out of the cage they told us that she was a he. Only when they went to remove her balls did they realize the mistake. So Mack became Maxine, who I call Max. She is so sweet. She even bathes all the other cats. Max is my perfect girl.

This is Buffy. She is my second and 1 year and 1 month. This isn't the greatest picture of her but I had to blur out my butt where she was sitting. Buffy purrs like she has swallowed a bird. She is such a sweetie. I love her to pieces.

This is Spike. He is the baby of the family. He will be a year old at the end of September if I remember correctly. Bobby bought Spike for me as a Christmas gift last year and now Bobby is in love with him and calls him his cat. Mine mine mine. He is the mushiest cat I have ever met. He loves people and loves to rub his face on our faces. It is so cute.

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