Exercise Review

Sit Up

My new year's resolution was to get my booty into bikini-wearing shape. So I purchased some exercise DVDs to work out with at home. Some I love and some were a complete waste of my money. I thought that it would be helpful if I reviewed what I think of the DVDs I have tried that way other people could better gage whether or not that particular one would be useful to them. So here they are:

Belly Dance Fitness For Beginners

Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease

Fit to the Hits with Tamilee

Gym in a Box with Leisa Hart

Kathy Smith's Kickboxing

Look Great Naked Abs

Look Great Naked Thighs

Kathy Smith's Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner

Crunch Yoga

Belly Dance Fitness for Beginners

I think that I have an outdated version of this Belly Dance exercise series. I got the 4 VHS set but after doing the Fat Burning video I never even played the others. The good thing about the workout was that I was very winded after about 15 minutes. The moves are easy to follow but it is a lot of hopping on one leg and very very hard on your knees and ankles. Also the instructions are done with a voice over, which seemed a little strange to me. The twins doing are very beautiful but that is no enough to make for a good workout tape. I have heard good things from some people about the new tapes these girls do but I have never tried them.

I gave this workout 1 star. I would not recommend this workout because of the strain I felt on my knees and ankles. But if that wouldn't be a problem for you it certainly would get your heart rate up.

Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease

This is a 5 DVD set. I haven't received all of these DVDs yet. I only have the second DVD, Fit to Strip. That DVD is almost totally a toning video. There is a 10 minute cardio warm up but the rest is toning. It is a great workout. The moves are not impossible but they are very challenging. The instructor is very easy to follow and hearing Carmen complain makes it fun. I absolutely adore this toning workout and I have never been able to stick to something that was strickly toning before. I will review the other 4 discs as soon as I get them!!

I gave this workout 4 stars because I love it love it love it. And I totally feel it working!

Fit to the Hits with Tamilee