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Orkku84    10/10/20 16:51 Hoho i added him to my list. Let's see what he

                               says when he gets that message that i have added

                               him. I wonder if he understand who i am :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 16:51 I think he will understand who you are as soon as

                               he sees you are from Finland =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:52 Hoho! Anyway. I'm going to keep little chat with

                               him. :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 16:52 OH GOD he's on now hahaha


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:53 Is he? I can't see that yet because he is in that

                               awaiting authorization thing :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 16:54 He just came  on, I'm invisible to him...

                               He might be shitting his pants at the moment


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:54 I might try to send a message to him :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:55 This is what i said to him! "Hello. I think we

                               need to have little chat. Or what do you think?"


erikärpäne 10/10/20 16:55 Hhahahaa tell me if he says anything.

                               If he doesn't, I can open a chatroom and the 3 of

                               us can chat... or maybe you two, or whatever :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:56 I have not gotten any answer yet. :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 16:59 No goddamn. I don't know if he is wussy or what

                               but i don't get any answer


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:00 You think I should do something?


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:01 What do you suggest? :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:01 I don't know. I can be visible to him for a while

                               and see what happens...


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:01 Or let's try that chatroom. 3 of us. If you are

                               there maybe that makes him to say something :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:02 oookay


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:02 oookayy


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:03 I'm visible to him but he doesn't say a shit. I

                               wonder if I should say something or just request

                               that chatroom all of a sudden...


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:03 Try to just request that chatroom. :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:03 He just said hello LOL


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:04 Hoo! :) Just request that chatroom quickly :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:05 Shit! it says he's using a version of icq that

                               doesnt support chatroom.


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:05 Goddamn. Try to say him that he should speak with

                               me. Maybe if you ask he speaks something :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:06 he said "hello" and i answered "hello". now he

                               says "whats up"


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:06 If you wan't you could say him that he should

                               speak with me :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:07 Goddamn i'm stupid. Ofcourse he can't answer me.

                               I'm invisible :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:07 Okay now he should see me :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:07 I tried to say that chat thing again


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:08 but has he even authorized you?


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:08 No he's not :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:09 GODDDAMN HE just said "nittak ullu?"



Orkku84    10/10/20 17:09 He's not answering even i'm visible. Goddamnit


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:09 And that means? :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:10 that's supposed to be mitä kuuluu i think! :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:10 Fuck?! :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:10 i just said "mitäs?" 


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:10 Goddamn i need to keep that little chat. Say him

                               that speak to me :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:11 and he said ":????"


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:11 heh :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:12 I said that "goddamn be a man and say something"

                               to him :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:14 I said that we should speak portuguese then he

                               said "erika, is it you" and I answered, "yeah,

                               what is the reason for confusion"

                               AHHA he just said, "some marko from finland

                               requested authorization, why?"

                               and i said "ask him" :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:14 Say him that he should speak with me.


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:15 He said he by accident cancelled your request.

                               Try to request for that authorization again


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:15 Okay i requested again


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:15 Now we are getting somewhere 8-)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:16 He added me too :-P


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:16 He's asking if I sent you his icq number... what

                               should I say? :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:16 I don't know. Say what you wan't to say. Your

                               decision :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:17 Hahahha he's desperate asking what did I do :D

                               I don't know what to say... help me :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:18 Well what if you just say that we have to chat

                               littlebit so you gave number to me :) Why invent

                               something special. Just say the truth. I think

                               that makes him understand things better.


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:22 So. What is going on?


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:22 any proress there?

                               he just keeps asking what have I done....


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:22 No not any progress here. Goddamn just say him

                               that speaks something....


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:22 LOL he just said, "I'm not understanding

                               anything, explain things to me"


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:22 Say him that i can explain some things to him :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:23 just said that :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:23 Good. I will try to say something to him again


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:23 and he asks WHY


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:24 he seems to be scared... the way he speaks....



Orkku84    10/10/20 17:24 I said him that "let's just have that chat. I'm

                               not dangerous or anything" :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:25 Hahaa! I'm making some progress here :P


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:25 i just told him to speak with you and he says

                               he's sorry!! goddamn he has somekind of complex,

                               he says he's sorry all the fucking time


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:26 Okay. Now i'm starting my chatting here. Krhm :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:27 Keep me informed :) I'll want to read that

                               history later :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:28 Alright. I'll finish this chat and then i

                               copypaste it to you or something :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:30 Hmm. This is veery interesting. :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:31 Does he speak good english at all ? =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:31 Well good enough. He doesn't speak too much but

                               at least those short sentences have been right :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:33 good. well, he might be very well entertained

                               with you since he shut up here... hoho


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:33 Actually he shut up here too. I don't know if he

                               is writing something long because i said what i

                               planned to say to him. Or if he is just desperate



erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:35 Hmm... weird. Maybe he's shitting his pants, or

                               trying to commit suicide... we never know....

                               But perkele, I soooo want to know what you two

                               have been saying to eachother =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:35 Okay. I'll copypaste this start. :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:35  The reason i wanted to chat with you is that i

                               wan't to know what plans you have for erika


                               (..*)  (11:28 PM) :

                               well...i want to be only a friend because i think

                               she is a nice girl

                               Orkku84  (11:30 PM) :

                               Yes. She is indeed nice girl. I just have been

                               little worried here. I don't know do you know

                               about me and erika. But it is quite annoying to

                               be here when there is somebody there who is

                               trying something.



Orkku84    10/10/20 17:36 That is only things what we have spoken. He is

                               quiet now :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:36 Hohoo that was good!

                               it seems he went offline...


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:36 Oh so it seems. :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:36 I wonder why =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:37 Well we can never know :=


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:45 The jerk is back online!


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:45 I noticed :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:46 I'm back in business with him :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:47 good... veeery good :) damn this makes me curious



Orkku84    10/10/20 17:47 He said that he doesn't try anything anymore. :)

                               I asked why's that because i wan't to know that

                               was it my little chat what did that or what :D


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:50 Hmm it seems he has learned his lesson. Time will

                               tell if he really is


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:52 I wonder if he'll ever talk to me again hahah he

                               didnt open his mouth yet... :)

                               And if he asks about you again, I must tell him

                               you won't bite him, that you just bite me, and

                               your biting rules =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:53 I don't think he has any questions considering me

                               afther this :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:57 And my biting rules? Hoho just wait ;)


Orkku84    10/10/20 17:59 Okay i'm finished with him. Let's see what

                               happens :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:59 What else did you two speak!?!?! :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:00 he just said "i just talked to him, gotta go,



Orkku84    10/10/20 18:00 Nothing special. I just said that i understand

                               why he is interested about you but too bad that

                               you are already taken :D


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:00 and what did he say? =)


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:01 Well just sent a smiley and said that gotta go

                               thing to me too


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:01 and earlier he also said that i don't have to

                               worry  :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:02 i said to that "I don't worry because i trust

                               erika" or something like that


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:03 Good ! what else ? :)


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:03 Actually that was it :) Nothing else :)


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:06 I think he thought I forced you to talk to him or

                               something... the way he talked gave me that

                               impression....  But he was indeed very confused

                               at first.


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:06 Well is that bad thing? If he thinks that he

                               knows that you are not interested


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:07 I let that very clear from the very start! =)

                               Well fuck what he thinks.... I don't care.


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:08 Well time will tell what he does next. Maybe our

                               little chat makes him to calm down or



erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:09 He told you that he wanted to be my friend cuz I

                               am nice.... well he has told me that a million

                               times before and that's why he got my icq, i

                               think. Now I wonder if he'll give up being my

                               friend too haha



Orkku84    10/10/20 18:11 I don't know. Difficult to tell from here. But if

                               you wan't to be his friend and think that this

                               will affect to that somehow i can tell him that i

                               wanted to chat with him and this was not your



erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:12 I seriously don't give a shit about him or his

                               friendship whatsoever. Even because this thing

                               that 'he wants to be my friend cause I am nice'

                               is really suspicious. He has not talked to me

                               enough to know if I'm nice or if I'm a bitch...


Orkku84    10/10/20 18:14 Okay then we don't care. :) And you are not

                               bitch. You're so sexy sexy sexyy ;)

(..*)      10/10/20 17:03 oi


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:05 Oi....


(..*)      10/10/20 17:05 tudo bem??


(..*)      10/10/20 17:09 nittak ullu?


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:10 mitäs? :P


(..*)      10/10/20 17:10 ????...


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:11 é melhor a gente apelar pro bom e velho portugês



(..*)      10/10/20 17:12 erika? vc?


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:12 SOU!


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:12 qual é o motivo da confusão?


(..*)      10/10/20 17:13 pow, eh pq um marko da finlandia m pediu



erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:13 pergunta a ele ué =P


(..*)      10/10/20 17:14 naum sei falar finlandes...e eu sem

                               kerer tirei a autorizaçao dele


(..*)      10/10/20 17:16 tu mandou meu icq p/ ele?


(..*)      10/10/20 17:16 erika, qq vc fez?


(..*)      10/10/20 17:18 ?


(..*)      10/10/20 17:22 eu naum tou entendendo nada...m explica!


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:23 Cara, quem tem q te explicar é o marko aí....



(..*)      10/10/20 17:23 pq?...serio


(..*)      10/10/20 17:25 cara, desculpa qualker coisa


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:25 po, ele não tá querendo falar com vc? então

                               fala.....   eu to aqui quieta no meu canto...

                               não tem nada q se desculpar...


(..*)      10/10/20 17:27 vem k,...oq tu falou em finlandes cmg?...heh


erikärpäne 10/10/20 17:28 nada msm....


(..*)      10/10/20 17:28 sakei


(..*)      10/10/20 17:59 jah falei com ele...tou indo!..vlw!


erikärpäne 10/10/20 18:01 hmmm ok blz...