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Thursday April 08 2004: MAJOR UPDATE ON THE Icons Page.
There are lots of new IWTV icons and QOTD ones all from Ikone!!

Sunday April 04 2004 Updated my Vampire Chronicles Reviews with my review of Merrick.

Saturday 27 March 2004: Updated the movies section with my opinion on The Queen of the Damned movie.

Friday 12 March 2004: Joined a couple new fanlistings. Added about five new links. Updated the amusement section with the "you know you're obsessed with..."

Thursday 11 March 2004: Added several new fanlistings. I got a brand new guestbook. It's a Bravenet one, I rather like it. I also have a backup one for Angelfire. If only I could remember the bloody password...

Sunday 07 March 2004:
IT'S FINALLY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alas...but it still has lots of work to be done.