Marilyn Manson Polls

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Marilyn Manson Daily Quote

You Are Disposable Teens!
You Are Disposable Teens! You preach that the world today is too harsh to
teenagers, increasing suicides, and making life
generally unpleasent for us. In your music
video, Manson is dressed as a Bishop in a
tainted church, making various innuendos to
Christ and the corruption of the world. You
are a brave one, indeed.

Which Marilyn Manson Song Are You?
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You Are the Beautiful People1
You Are the Beautiful People! In your music video, Marilyn Manson is a ruler
thats about twice the size of the normal man,
heigth wise. You represent the ying and yang
of the human race, Beautiful and Horrible.

Which Marilyn Manson Song Are You?
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Marilyn Manson Freak 2003 © Clare Manson

Story Generator

When were you born?

Know Alot
You know practically =everything= about Manson, and
you know you do. Congratulations!!

Do you know Marilyn Manson well enough?
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You are "The Real Manson"- or are you?
Does anyone know who they really are?
At least you have a spine...no strings
attached. Good job, you're at the top of the
pile of Mansons.

Which Marilyn Manson Are You?
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You are the Mechanical Animals Identity! Stylish,
showy, eccentric, possibly self-obsessed,
weird, and sometimes tacky.

What Marilyn Manson Identity are YOU?
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You're missunderstood. You're down to earth, a little creepy and a little depressed from time to time. But you'll get over it.
You're Newborn!

Which Muse Song Are You?
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antichrist superstar
You are The Antichrist Superstar Identity! Scary,
crazy, strange, dangerous, and powerful.

What Marilyn Manson Identity are YOU?
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golden age
You are The Golden Age Of Grotesque Identity!
Snazzy, forceful, thoughtful, and fashionable
(when you want to be).

What Marilyn Manson Identity are YOU?
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You are a KoRn Freak - Just like me- You watch the
stupied MTV rock countdowns - just to see if
they have KoRn on it - you listen to korn
nonstop- you can't go a day with out listning
to them - it is kinda of pathetic..but you
don't care - you are stuck in your world of
KoRn and you own over 1 KoRn poster ( your just
like me - lol -but not a worse-if you have
AOL/AIM im me -Freak0nALeash256)

Are you obssesed over KoRn????
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You are ATWA

Which System of a Down song are you?
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Your fantasy is a bizarre bondage thing you creepy
kid. But that's okay.

What's your Marilyn Manson fantasy?
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You just wana cuddle. Aww, how cute. I'd like that
too, but ya know what? Not gona happen. He's
taken by Dita (DOWN WITH DITA...I'm thinking
about death by spoon...).

What's your Marilyn Manson fantasy?
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WOOHOO i hail you , your a manson child as i am :P Hail Manson.

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You Kick Major ass!!

How Much Do YOU Love Marilyn Manson?!
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Your Manson Slash Pet is: Pogo. Ah, the scary
psychotic type; drives you wild, huh? Or maybe
you just like spikes. Still, your pet is one of
the most ignored. Zim Zum has been in more
slash stories than Pogo, and most people won't
admit to liking him. But at least you can rest
easy knowing that nobody is going to defile
your Pogo. Until I finish my Pogo/Tim story

Who is your Marilyn Manson Slash Pet?
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Ginger luv you pic
Your Manson Slash Pet is: Ginger. Poor tortured
little drummer boy. This guy is one serious,
grade A slut. He's the only band member to have
been paired repeatedly and properly with
EVERYBODY, well, except Tim, but nobody has
been paired with him yet. Not too girly, not
too macho, not too straight or gay, this guy is
perfect for slash stories. He's still a Fan
Fiction slut though; the band BIKE. Be proud of
your pet, I would be.

Who is your Marilyn Manson Slash Pet?
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Which Marilyn Manson Song Are You?

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you are "Long Hard Road Out Of Hell"

what non - album Marilyn Manson song are you ?
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Marilyn Manson
You are Marilyn Manson, the arch dandy. You like
dead things, absinthe and wearing make up.
You're also dating a porn star, go you!

If You Were In Marilyn Manson Who Would You Be?
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I am Marilyn Manson circa Antichrist Superstar
I am Antichrist Superstar Manson. I am a raging
nihilist who seeks to destroy all. I will not
accept modern conventions, nor will I take any
shit from the religious right. Hide your
children... Here comes Marilyn!

Incarnations of Marilyn Manson
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Are you in love with Marilyn Manson?
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Marilyn Manson!!
You are Marilyn Manson!! You can relate to the man
who is shunned by others- you have seen through
the makeup and discovered the pure passion
under his Brian Warner's skin. Did you remember
to get the Guns, God, & Government DVD? You
might want to visit:

Are you Marilyn Manson or Eminem?
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