// Setting x to 1 enables the rendering of visible objects only. 0 renders all regardless which should reduce performance. I'd recommend setting this to 1.
gl_cull 1
// x sets the maximum texture size. 256 is the default. Depending on your video you may be able to use larger textures, e.g. Pre-Voodoo 4 users should use 256. Others may be able to set 512 or higher.
gl_max_size 1024
// A setting of 0 for x gives best image quality. Setting it higher (0 to 4) may improve performance but reduce image quality. I’d recommend leaving this at either 0 or 1.
gl_picmip 0
// Setting x to 0 gives best texture quality for models. Setting it higher (up to 2) may improve performance but reduce image quality for models. I’d recommend leaving this at either 0 or 1.
gl_playermip 2
// gl_texturemode "x". Valid entries for x are GL_NEAREST (worst),
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
// r_displayrefresh "x". With this you can force a specified refresh rate. Replace x with the desired refresh rate you want to use, e.g. 85.
// Don't set it above your monitor refresh rate though or you may damage
r_displayrefresh "60"
max_shells 0
// Setting x to 1 may improve performance, although it may cause flickering with distant objects. 0 will eliminate the flickering although can lower performance.
gl_ztrick 1
// A value of 0 for x will enable Lightmap lighting (real-time) of levels.
// Setting x to 1 will enable Vertex lighting instead, which is faster, but uses static lighting of levels.
r_lightmap 1
// vid_wait "x". x is used to enable/disable Vsync.
vid_wait 1
// A value of 1 for x enables standard blood effects. Setting x to 0 can improve performance.
violence_ablood 1
// A value of 1 for x enables standard gibs. Setting x to 0 can improve performance.
violence_agibs 1
// A value of 1 for x enables extra blood. Setting x to 0 can improve performance.
violence_hblood 1
// A value of 1 for x enables extra gibs. Setting x to 0 can improve performance.
violence_hgibs 1
// When x is set to 1 this enables the precaching of textures in Video memory before loading a level.
// This can improve performance on many graphics cards (In the sense that Textures aren't loaded during a level if the Graphics card has sufficient texture memory), although it will also increase loading time.
// When x is set to 0 textures are loaded during levels instead, which will improve level loading time, although can adversely effect performance in levels as textures are loaded into Video memory.
precache 1
// Triple buffering allocates a 3rd frame buffer.
// This frame buffer can improve performance by allowing the hardware to render at the same time that the 3D application performs other tasks.
tripplebuffer 1
// Enable model smoothing. Disabling (0) may increase fps a bit
gl_smoothmodels "1"
// Enable amplified (higher) waves in water, 1 may decrease FPS
gl_wateramp "1"
// Enable blending sprite graphics
gl_spriteblend "1"
// Set texture size rounding-down value (higher rounds more, resulting in lower quality and higher FPS)
gl_round_down "1024"
// Enable light holes (0 may improve perfomance)
gl_lightholes "1"
// Enable allowing slight cracks between textures, setting to 1 may look better on some video cards, but will be a bit slower (fewer fps)
gl_keeptjunctions "1"
gl_reportjunctions "1"
// Creates a uniform light source with no shadows (OpenGL only)
gl_monolights "1"
// Enable dithering
gl_dither "0"
// Enable paletted textures
gl_palette_tex "0"
// Enables dynamic lighting - the light reflections glowing objects make on other objects nearby, such as rockets and the flashlight (0 may improve fps)
r_dynamic "1"
// Enable inclusion of monsters in glow sprite occlusion checking (1 will decrease perfomance)
r_traceglow "1"
// Forces MMX calculation methods for MMX CPU's (set to 1 if your CPU supports MMX Any p2 does, as do most newer AMD and Cyrix chips. If using 1 reduces perfomance, set back to 0)
r_mmx "1"
// Enable drawing underwater polygons (must be 1 for r_wateralpha to work)
r_novis "1"
// Enable alpha blending underwater (r_novis muse be 1 for this to work)
r_wateralpha "1"
// Enable reflective textures (0 may improve performance)
r_mirroralpha "1"
// This defaults to 4. This setting can cause decals (blast marks and so on) to flicker in and out of surfaces with some video cards.
// To fix this, you can try setting this to 20 to eliminate the flickering. Otherwise, leave it be.
gl_polyoffset 4