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@Nov. 1999
This book is written for
and dedicated to my son



The Secret
   Once upon a time there was a little boy named Jimmy.Jimmy was the star
player on his baseball team.
   But...Jimmy had a secret...that nobody knew...except of course his

   And what was that deep, dark secret that nobody knew?
   Promise that you won't tell anyone?
   Jimmy's secret was that he was afraid of the dark...
   That's right...The dark...
   Because of Jimmy's secret, he would always leave the light on in his room at

   Jimmys' mom would turn the light off before she went to bed.
   Well, one night Jimmy woke up and it was very very dark...
   If it was very very dark, you know what that meant?
   It meant that Jimmy's mom had turned out the light and gone to bed...
   And it was very very dark.
   All of a sudden Jimmy heard a very strange tapping sound...
   Of course Jimmy's head went right under the covers...
   Jimmy was so frightened that he could not even talk, not even cry out for 
his Mom...

   Suddenly Jimmy heard a voice whispering to him...
   "Please don't turn on the light, I am afraid of the light..."
   Now Jimmy was confused. How could anyone be afraid of.....the light?

   Well, this made Jimmy very curious...
   "Please oh please don't turn on the light..." Jimmy heard again...He was afraid 
to even answer. Then the voice spoke again...
   "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, but please don't turn on the light." 
   So, Jimmy was so curious that he peeked out from under the covers...
   and guess what Jimmy saw in his room?
    This is what Jimmy saw;
Well Jimmy didn't know what to do..
Should he hide? He was afraid, but he was so curious
that he came out from under the covers... 
 My name is Jimmy what is yours?
 and why are you afraid of the light?

 Well, the creature said
"My name is Kevin and I am afraid of the light, 
because you can't see the stars when the light is on."
"Stars?" 'What stars?" asked Jimmy.
"If you come outside with me," said Kevin
'I will show you the stars."

 Well, Jimmy didn't know about that...
Going outside in the dark..without his mom...
Well, he didn't think he could do that...
 "Ah, come on." said Kevin
"There is nothing to be afraid of, 
besides my friends Erick and Michael are out there and we will protect you."
and with that, Kevin turned and climbed out of the window.

Well, Jimmy's curiousity got the better of him,
and he followed Kevin out of the window.
There on the lawn was Kevin and his friend Erick.
Do you want to see what Erick looks like?
Well, here is Erick...

Erick called for Jimmy to follow him to the front yard.
"Come on Jimmy, the stars are out tonight."

There in the front yard, Kevin was lying on the grass.
Kevin's friend Michael was also lying there,

They was looking up at the sky.
Do you want to know what they was looking at?
What they pointed out to Jimmy?
Look Jimmy it is the planet Mars,"

"and look over there Jimmy, the Planet Neptune,"

and over there, is Jupiter,

Well, Jimmy got so involved looking at the stars 
that he forgot to be afraid of the dark...
He didn't even notice when his friends,
Kevin, Erick and Michael left him,
alone on the lawn...
in the dark...

You know everyone has something that they are afraid of...
but there are always ways to let go of your fear...
What are you afraid of?
You can always talk to your mom and dad..
when you are afraid of something...
Mom and dad usually know how to help you
let go of those fears...
The End...




All of my work is copyrighted
Please do not copy or remove my writings