was directed by Michael Rymer, produced by Jorge Saralegui, and written by Guilio Petroni, Scott Abbott, and Michael Petroni. Based on the novel by: Anne Rice Distributed by Warner Bros.
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Synopsis An adaptation of Anne Rice's best-selling novel (and third in the VAMPIRE CHRONICLES series), the supernatural adventure follows the legendary vampire Lestat (Stuart Townsend - orginally played by Tom Cruise in the 1994 thriller INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE), who reinvents himself as a rock star in the contemporary American music scene. His music wakes Akasha (Aaliyah), the queen of all vampires, whose malevolent power is so great that all the immortal vampires must stand against her if they hope to survive. As Lestat's music inspires Akasha to make him her king, Jesse (Marguerite Moreau), a young woman with a fascination for the dark side, falls in love with Lestat.
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