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 If oceans collide;
If the moon crossed the sun...
I'm waisting my breath,
With no name and no one.

The silence of the sound, 
And the color of the night. 
And the sound from the thoughts, 
And the thought with no light.

The way I’ve been sinking, 
Amounted to the light. 
There’s nothing but space, 
And the dove can’t take flight...

Silence of the sound, 
And the colors of the night... 
The sound from the thought, 
And the thought from the light...

((The last photo taken before his disappearance, before his eye injury when it shifted colors.))
Name: Joseph Anthony Grifonte Age: 89 Sex: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Height: 6 foot Weight: 198 Build: Thin, but built. Hair Color: Deep Brown (Short) Eye Color: Right eye is Red, his left White. Attribute: Vampire WOC: Silver Bladed Sword. Vampiric Clan: Brujah (VtM) His story: Born into this world he was a mortal boy. He was an average student, never had any outbursts. The age of twenty was upon him. That night he was the beginning of his new li...Unlife shall we say? He was killed that night, and changed into a vampire. Taken to a school, well more of training grounds, he learned the ways of the Brujah. Their violent ways never took hold in him though and he soon found himself an outcast. The Sabbat was welcoming to him and he was soon a member of the group. The Sabbat, the rival to the Camarilla, taught him the ways of the clan Tzimisce. They are cruel magic using Vampires. Their cruelty didn't stick with him as the Brujah's aggressiveness. He is now a neutral Vampire the Jyhad that rages between the Camarilla and the Sabbat have passed him by and he no longer cares about clans and groups. He drifted to London for a few months but soon returned to the US His family have long since thought him murdered. He now lives no where. He has learned to control his need to feed and will never do it unless he absolutely needs to. OOC Name/nickname: Joseph(Joe) E-mail address: AOL/AIM SN: Jakx890