Runt homepage... get used to it... aaaaaaaa i am stuck aaaaaaa help i have fallen and i can't get up aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Stuff that you don't want to read but you do anyway... what does that say about your life? Don't feel bad... it is better than mine
- time tells the truth
- not all who wander are lost
- luck never gives it only lends
- Don't fight ugly people, they have nothing to lose
- today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday
- bvaga23: u should become a stripper that'd show em
- can you make your self love? can you make yourself be loved
- there is no such thing as fun for the whole family
- love is like war easy to begin hard to end
- i have seen the future and it is just like the present only longer
- sometimes your the windsheild sometimes your the bug
- your problem is not the problem it is your aditude about the problem got that
- if you didn't find it in the index look carefully through the entire catolog
- before you criticise someone you should walk a mile in their shoes that way when you critisise them you are a mile away and have their shoes
- JosieStiltsKin: now how passionate are you about me? bvaga23: i'd kill for u
- of the thirty-six ways of avoding disaster running away is best
- you will make all kinds of mistakes but as long as you are generous and true and also fierse you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her
- wish for what you want work for what you need
- my karma ran over my dogma
- you can take a road that gets you to the stars i can take a road that will see me through
- what you do speaks so loudly i cannot hear what you say
- nothing is too wonderful to be true
- oh who can tell save he whose heart hath tried
- is there world enough for me?
i guessed this would happen
i felt it would
you thought i was dumb you thought i was stupid
i am smarter than you think
braver and smarter than you know
my preminitions were right so
i let you go
although you thought you would leave me on my own
the people that care helped me along
spoiled i may be selfish you are
you took advantage of a gift
it was like a star
Links And other stupid stuff just check it out
see how much of a freak you are and no you perverts i just mean crazy
bored? play a dang game because we all know I don't really care that you are bored.
how pure are you? betcha can't beat me
what kind of person are you? we all know that i am not a good judge of character... or am i?
songs from a band that is really good