
Note: This is a small chapter but the scene that comes after the last one is kinda long, and it’s gonna take me a while to write it so…

Chapter 20

She flinched when the door creaked open and she stepped into the darkened apartment. She crossed the living room as silently as she could, with small, quick steps, carrying her heavy duffle bag with her. It was late and with any luck Harmony would be asleep. She was tired, it had been a long weekend and all she wanted to do was get some sleep. That was what she told herself every time her mind asked her why she was sneaking into her apartment; why she was avoiding Harmony.

'I'm not avoiding Harmony. I'm just tired and-' She stopped her train of thought when her eyes caught a glimpse of black leather on the couch.

She stared at it for a few seconds; her eyes adjusting to the lack of light in the room and allowing her to identify the growingly familiar leather duster.

'He's here.' For some reason the realisation caused her heart to skip a beat.

Her gaze turned right, toward the corridor and she felt relief wash over her when there was no light coming from under the door that led to Harmony's bedroom.

'They're asleep.'

Inhaling, she secured her duffle bag over her shoulder, walked along the hall and into her room. She let go of the breath she had been holding the moment the door closed behind her and she was safe in her bedroom. Leaning against the wood, with her eyes closed, she let the bag slide down her arm and fall to the floor with a soft thud. Her hands came to rest on her face, lightly pressing her fingers against her closed eyelids before running her nails through her dishevelled hair. Blindly, her right hand padded the wall, searching for the light switch.

"Thank God they- AH!" Her own scream cut her off when the lights flickered and her eyes opened to find a half naked Spike standing in front of her.

Before her mind had time to digest the information her eyes were feeding it, she found herself shoved against the door, a strong hand covering her mouth and muffling her scream.


He had been standing in front of the door for about five minutes when he finally decided to push it open and step inside. He inhaled instinctively, her scent assaulting his senses in the darkness. He walked toward the bed, guided only by the weak light coming from between the shades, which wasn't much, but it was all he needed. He'd already memorized the layout of the entire room last night, after Harmony had drifted asleep and his intoxicated mind started to clear.

Just like tonight, sleep had eluded him, forcing him to stay awake and stare up at the ceiling of the pink bedroom. Thankfully, the dark of night served to soften the gaudy colour, but even so he felt compelled to leave the room. Sliding away from Harmony's body, he slipped on his jeans, feeling a wave of calm wash over him when he felt the pack of cigarettes in the back pocket. A fag, that's what he needed. He'd sprawled on the couch, staring blindly at the flickering images on the television; a burning cigarette dangling from between his slender fingers. He couldn't quite remember what had happened next, his mind, though clearer, still marred by the alcohol overload, but somehow he had ended up in the same room he stood in now.

Reaching for her bedside table, he turned on the lamp, flooding the room in soft shades of orange. Walking over to the cupboard he opened it to find a pale blue cashmere sweater lying on top of a small pile of clothes. Picking it up, his fingers caressed the soft fabric before bringing it to his face. Unconsciously he closed his eyes as he nuzzled the material and inhaling deeply - the strong aroma serving to conjure a perfect image of her.

"Bloody hell, Spike, what are you doing?" He growled, trying to will himself out of *her* room.

Dropping his hand away from his face, he reluctantly folded the sweater and put it back in place. He was still dwelling on his own question when he heard a door opening. Someone was in the apartment. It was her.

"Bugger!" He hissed, dashing back to the nightstand and turning off the light.

He sprinted back to the door but it was too late. Footsteps were heard in the hall, coming closer – he was trapped.

Without thinking, he slid behind the door just as it opened. Holding his breath he watched *her*, leaning on the wood merely a foot away from him. She seemed winded, letting out a long sigh before running her hands over her hair. She remained with her eyes closed while her fingers searched for the light switch.

"Thank God they- AH!"

Her scream lasted a second before he covered her mouth with his hand, slamming her against the door; gaze locked with hers. He watched a myriad of emotions rush by in the hazel of her eyes. Fear had been the first, followed by recognition only to be quickly replaced by uncertainty and finally anger.

A flash of their first meeting invaded his mind. The fire in her had stuck something deep inside him that he couldn’t quite understand, but he felt it every single time he met her after that first encounter. He felt it now as he pressed his body against hers, covered her mouth with one hand while the other rested on her hips.

They remained still for a few seconds, until he felt her bite hard into the palm of his hand. He yelped, jerking back as if he had received a powerful electric shock.

"Bloody hell!" He howled between clenched teeth.

"What are you doing here?!" Buffy asked with a deep frown over her brows.

"You bit me." He stated the obvious.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned again; her eyes automatically scanning his naked torso and throwing her off for a second.

"You bit me!" He insisted, still nursing his hand.

"I come home to find you in my room. In the middle of the night!" She paused for a second before awkwardly adding: "And you’re half naked! You’re lucky I didn’t bite it off! What are you doing here?" She tried to focus on the anger brewing inside of her but, somehow, the sight of him standing barefoot, wearing nothing but a pair of black jeans seemed to make that task hard. Still, she managed to put a shocked and outraged expression on her face.

Spike’s mind froze for a few seconds. What *was* he doing in her room in the middle of the night? He didn’t seem to have an answer.

What was he supposed to tell her? ‘For some eccentric, probably *pathological* reason I felt compelled, the last couple of nights, to break into your room to sniff your clothes?’ That wasn’t going to work. The best option was to resort to what he was good at – ‘Lie.’

"Is this your room?" He tried to look dazed and sleepy as he looked around.

"Yes, it is." She answered impatiently.

"I woke up to go to the loo and must have gotten the wrong room." He offered, running his hand through his tousled hair.

Buffy’s gaze immediately fell on his arm, watching intensely as the muscles there contracted with the simple motion.

Spike frowned.

‘Is she checking me out?’ He wondered.

He had confirmation of his doubt when her attentions travel down to his abdomen. He couldn’t help the chuckle. The sound seemed to snap Buffy out of her thoughts, her gaze quickly dropping to the floor and awkwardly bouncing off a couple of walls before coming back to meet his eyes.

"You got the wrong room?" The question came out with a hint of be suspicion.

"Yeah. Guess that was it." He continued, his voice smoother; his lips curling sideways.

Buffy tried as hard as she could to stand her ground, but there was something in the way he looked her up and down that made her feel naked and want to hide every inch of her body from his scrutinizing gaze.

"I was about to get into bed when you walked in." He said, taking a step towards her.

She automatically stepped back, coming into contact with the door.

‘God, why do I keep letting him corner me?’ Her mind demanded, but her body remained still and her mouth simply muttered:


‘Oh? Is that my best answer? He comes up with a ridiculous excuse for being in my room and I go ‘Oh!’? I’m pathetic.’

There was an awkward silence between them until he finally spoke:

"So…? You gonna let me out of your room or do you have something else in mind?" He practically purred; his left eyebrow cocking up.

The muscles in her face scrunched up instantly at his remark.

"You’re disgusting."

He tilted his head, a smirk spreading across his lips:

"Might be." He admitted. "But then why are you standing there guarding the door, luv?"

She looked back, noting that, in fact, she was blocking the exit. After a second of confusion, she straightened up; with her chin held high she stepped away from the door and as a result closed the distance between them.

"Be my guest."

"That an offer?" He asked provokingly.

She frowned not understanding his reply. She watched his tongue dart out to wet his lips and realisation came to her. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times in shock.

"I meant the door!" She exclaimed, jumping back a few steps, once again, effectively blocking his access to the only exit in the room. "I meant you can use the door."

"For support? Don’t you reckon the bed would be better, pet?" His brows furrowed for a fake frown. "Would be a lot easier, but if you like it rough and-"

"What?!" She cut him off, wide-eyed. "No! I meant you can use the door to *leave*. As in *leave my room*." She paused, catching her breath.

"Can’t." Was his short reply.

"Why not?" Her frown seemed to move higher on her brow as absolute bewilderment settled in.

She held her breath and her eyes grew bigger looking up at him when he took a step forward and cut the distance between them to just a few of inches.

"You’re blocking the exit, pet." He answered in a low voice, looking down at her.

She flinched when she heard herself swallow in the suddenly silent room.

‘Why isn’t he wearing a shirt.? A t-shirt? Anything that is less distracting than a naked chest.’

She hated the way her body was reacting to him. Hated how her palms were sweaty, her heart was racing and the fact that the simple task of taking a breath seemed to reverberate loudly in the confined space, disturbing the quiet. And yet he seemed to remain immune, standing there…

‘With that stupid smirk on his face.’ Her mind growled.

Her face mimicked her thoughts and eyes narrowed almost angrily.

Inhaling, she stepped sideways and then away from him.

"Door’s all yours." She flinched inwardly when her voice came out and wasn’t as secure as she wished it was.

Without moving the rest of his body, he turned his head, looking at her. He paused before reaching for the doorknob and a cocky smirk tugged at the right corner of his mouth.

"Door’s no fun without you, luv."

He never gave her a chance to reply, opening the door and leaving the room.

She stood still for a couple of seconds, waiting until realisation filtered in and then growled.

"That arrogant little…. Grrr!" She said between clenched teeth, stomping her way to her bed and letting her body drop on the mattress.

