
Chapter 6

Buffy woke up alone in her apartment, thankful that not only was it the weekend and Dawn was opening the store, but the apartment was empty. She thanked the powers that be for that and started her day. Any attraction she felt towards Spike was purely physical and could never be acted upon. He was just like Hank, always thinking with his dick rather than his other head. Last night, he proved that point. Buffy rubbed her arms where Spike had held her so tightly. Refusing to think about Spike and Hank, she decided some artistic therapy was in order. Two hours later, Buffy was cleaning her brushes when she heard the front door open. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was barely nine. Two thoughts went through her mind, was it a burglar or something much worse: Spike. She made her way out to the front room and was assaulted with the vision of Spike in a pair of tight black jeans and t-shirt. She could see every muscle underneath said shirt as he walked backwards into the apartment, carrying a huge carton. Another man on the other end of the long box smiled at her as he helped haul the box in. Buffy stood in the living room gaping at the two men when Spike noticed her. "There you are, pet." Spike put his end of the box down and went over to her. "I knocked but you didn’t answer. I see you’ve been painting. Missed a little here," Spike kissed Buffy on her nose and continued to ramble. "This is my friend, Clem." Clem waved his hand after he put his side of the box down. "I saw that your couch was a little old, so I got us a new one." Spike started to cut the box apart, while he kept talking. "Got a right good deal, too. Didn’t I Clem?" Clem nodded his head vigorously. "So, it’s blue, like your old one. No need to redecorate everything." Spike continued to cut his way through the packaging, finally revealing a beautiful midnight blue couch. Buffy couldn’t believe him; he was acting like nothing was wrong, like they were lovers. He acted like he was moving in. Realization dawned and Buffy’s blood pressure skyrocketed.

When Buffy managed to get her voice back she said, "William… um… can I talk to you for a moment?" Spike nodded and followed Buffy into the closest room with a door, her bedroom. "What are you doing?" Buffy whispered loudly. Spike knew we was going to get an earful, he just had to play it cool. Make her feel non-threatened and then everything would work out. He would be in her apartment, her bed, and her life. Before she knew it, she would like him and soon would be in love with him. Smirking, Spike thought about all the delicious things he could do with her if she loved him.

"Unpacking the couch, pet. What does it look like?" Spike smiled as innocently as he could. After leaving last night, he brainstormed all night with Clem, an old college friend. After a bottle of bourbon they decided that Spike should move in with her to get close. He could then prove that he could be the man that she wanted.

"Who said… anything about new furniture?" Buffy was confused; Spike was staring at her so innocently.

"Pet, if I bring any clients over, I have to impress them." Spike said like it was the most natural thing to do.

"Why would they be coming to MY apartment?" Buffy couldn’t believe her ears he wasn’t making any sense. "We are supposed to be just dating… nothing more, Spike."

"Not just your apartment, I’m moving in." Spike said smugly.

"You are not!" Buffy’s voice rose in volume as she tried to keep her temper in check. So it was true, he thought he was moving in. "That was not the deal!"

"Shh, pet. I know what we discussed last night, but… we have to have hard ties. Living together will give us that tie." Buffy stood still, looking at Spike and shaking her head. Looking around the room, Spike took inventory. The room was large and had an attached bathroom. Her full-sized bed was made up neatly with a floral comforter and sheet set. A complimenting canvas hung over her bed; obviously she made it to go with her sheets. A small dresser sat near the window, as did an armoire. The closet door was open and he could see it was large.

"I guess… I could move my studio in here and you could have the other bedroom…" she held her bottom lip between her teeth, worrying it as she thought about the options.

"I think… I’ll come by tonight and we’ll discuss it, yeah?" Spike started to formulate a plan to get Buffy out of the apartment so he could move his bedroom suite in. "What are you doing today? Clem and I are going to be coming back and forth a lot today; maybe you should go to the shop so we don’t distract you?"

"I… am heading there shortly. Let me move my studio from the spare bedroom, so you can move those things." Buffy walked out of the room and headed towards the other room. Clem sat on the couch and gave Spike two thumbs up as he followed Buffy.

"Pet, let us do that. Promise to be careful and all that rot. You go to the gallery. We’ll be OK. Male bonding, you know?" Buffy nodded and headed back out to the living room.

"It was nice meeting you, Clem. Don’t have too much fun." Buffy grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

"Wow, I thought she was going to let you have it there, for a moment. She seems pretty nice." Clem commented after the door closed.

"Yeah, she is. Look, we have to take her furniture out of her bedroom and donate it to Goodwill or something. We just have to get it out of here. Then move my stuff in. That tiny little bed couldn’t hold a man half my size," Spike chuckled. He made a quick call to the movers he had set up down the street to come up. The two men worked on getting the old couch out of the apartment and down the stairs. Coming back up, Spike and Clem moved Buffy’s clothes out of the drawers and into boxes. The movers made their first trip up with Spike’s bed, a king sized piece of art. A dark wood four-poster bed now dominated Buffy’s bedroom. Spike watched as each piece of his bedroom entered the room and he begun to unpack her clothes back into the drawers. He tried not to pay attention to her delicate items, but couldn’t help himself. Little scraps of lace and material filled the drawer when he finished moving every single piece by itself.

The movers left and Clem watched TV in the living room, waiting for Spike to come back out. Spike finished unpacking his clothes and made room for them in the closet. He knew she would be mad at this invasion into her life, but he hoped to God he could convince her he wasn’t all that bad.

Clem left after he helped Spike move and set up the rest of his necessities in the apartment: A desk, his computer, and his entertainment system. Worrying what Buffy would do if Spike left and she walked in, Spike ordered Chinese to be delivered.

Tense minutes passed as Spike waited for Buffy to come home. The Chinese was staying warm in the oven and a quick call to the gallery confirmed that Buffy was on her way home. Moving from couch, to the large desk in the corner to the dining room Spike practically ran a hundred miles around the tiny space. He looked over at the clock and swore the hands moved backwards, taunting him. Finally the telltale click of the lock turning caught Spike’s attention. Standing behind the couch, Spike greeted his new roommate. "Hello, pet!" Spike put a false smile on, hoping that her head wouldn’t explode. "I hope you like Chinese." He knew she liked Chinese, Willow told him so after he threatened to fire her. "It’s warming in the oven; let me go dish it out." He walked into the kitchen, preparing the dishes to put on the table. "I know you are probably very tired and hungry. I know I am after a long day." His head popped out of the kitchen when he didn’t hear a sound from her. She was standing in the middle of the room looking around at all the new furniture in the living room. Her eyes were round and wide as she took in the new entertainment system, desk, and matching chair to the couch. "Pet? Here, sit down and tell me about your day." Spike inwardly grinned at himself, he was being the perfect boyfriend. Buffy made her way over to the dining room table and sat down. Spike brought out dishes piled up with food. On his second trip from the kitchen, he brought her a drink. They ate in silence again. Spike wasn’t sure if it was because he was anticipating an ugly scene when she found her bedroom, their bedroom, changed or if she just didn’t talk while she ate.

A satisfied smile adorned Buffy’s lips as she finished her meal. She sat back and watched Spike finish his plate of food. After all was done, she stood up and removed the plates, "Looks like you and Clem were busy."

Spike followed her into the kitchen, helping to dry the dishes as she washed. "All day."

"William, I’m… I’m not sure this is the best." Buffy rested her hands on the sink as she looked down at the suds. "I’ve… I’ve never lived with a man before, and…"

"Shh, don’t worry, Buffy. We’ll work it all out, yeah?" Spike stood behind her, wanting to touch her, but he just stood still.

"William, my mom… how can I… what am I going to tell her?" Buffy turned around and they were practically inches from each other. "She’s going to find out. Someone will tell her, they always do. I’d rather tell her before someone else does."

"You’re a good daughter to your mum, pet." Spike wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. He felt her sigh and wrap her arms around his torso, taking comfort where she could get it. "We’ll go see her this week, tell her in person."

She stiffened, "She can’t know about Hank."

"Shh, sweetheart, no, nothing about Hank. We’ll tell her that we’ve been dating and moved in together. She’ll be OK, pet. I’ll charm her, just like I did you."

"Shaw, you did not charm me, Mr. Winthrop." She looked up at him and fluttered her eyelashes.

Spike groaned when he saw her eyelashes flutter. "Be the death of me, pet." Buffy smiled and turned back to the sink, washing the remaining dishes. Times like this made it all worth it for Spike. "Say, pet. Why don’t we watch a movie? Got the entertainment system hooked up. I don’t know how you survived without a television." Spike shook his head in wonderment.

"I used to have one, but it broke. I never got another one." Buffy walked out of the kitchen towards the couch. Spike grabbed another wine cooler for her and a beer for him. He followed her out and sat on the couch.

"So what will it be?"

"I don’t know. Whatever you have." Spike got up and went over to the cabinet that held his DVD movies. He briefly scanned through the collection and found what he was looking for.

He popped the movie in and sat back down, waiting for it to start. "Now, pet. If you tell anyone that I have this movie, I will bloody kill you." Buffy looked up and giggled as she saw the credits start. It was the "Princess Bride."

"Oh, I used to love this movie!" Buffy sat on her feet as she began to watch the tale of Wesley and Buttercup. Spike sat back arm flung over the back of the couch watching her watch the movie. She watched intently, eyes wide open and mouth agape bringing Spike joy in just watching her. Through the course of the movie, she changed positions, eventually leaning back into the couch. Somehow, Spike found the silken threads of her hair and started to wind them around his fingers. She sighed peacefully at the end of the movie and he looked down at her face. Her eyes were closed and a sweet smile showed on her lips. Too tempted, Spike moved and rested his lips on hers. Softly, he kissed her lips; he felt her shift in her slumber and kiss him back. Pleasure ripped through his body, settling in his groin. Moaning, he deepened the kiss. His tongue moved on her lower lip, beckoning hers to come out and play. Slowly, she woke up, registering what was going on. Bringing up her hands to rest on his chest, Buffy gently pushed him away. "William," her low whisper was music to his ears. Grunting, he moved his head in closer to hers. She opened her mouth instinctively, letting his cool tongue roam over hers. He tasted of beer and tobacco. In the far recesses of her brain she asked herself when did he smoke? Sighing into him, she let him set the pace of their kiss. Normally turned off by smoking, Buffy liked his taste, it was nothing like the taste of ashes she had expected. His hands found her waist and held onto her while he changed their positions. Practically picking her up and pivoting her, Spike twisted them around. Sitting down into the cushions, he held Buffy reclined on his lap. He supported her with an arm behind her back and the other at her waist. His slow smooth kisses became harder as his need increased. Licking down her jaw, he concentrated on the soft skin of her neck, nipping and licking the smooth area.

Fog quietly settled around her senses as she enjoyed this treatment. Thinking that they would have act like a couple in public she didn’t stop the slow seduction. It was actually very nice. It had been too long since she had made out with someone and even longer since she had been in a regular relationship. Unpleasant thoughts of three years ago and Riley developed. He was a sweet man with a sweet heart, but he couldn’t be a second fiddle to her mother’s sickness. He needed someone to be there for him all the time and Buffy was unable to do that. Buffy understood and hoped for the best for him, she even introduced him to his new wife, Sam. Pushing back into her memory, she remembered Parker. He was after one thing and one thing only: sex. When she refused him, he spread a rumor around the local community college that she was a prude. The declaration didn’t bother her as much as Parker telling her she wasn’t worth a go. Shuddering at remembering the sneer he threw at her when she didn’t feel ashamed at not falling into bed with him. Finally her memory traveled back to her first love, Angel. Romantic ideals of a sixteen year old, intent on falling in love and then loving forever clouded her judgment. Angel was older, 23, when they met at the local club. His smooth words and actions enticed Buffy. She followed him around, worshipping the ground he walked upon. Her first exploration into sexual desire was with him. Patient and gentle, Angel coaxed her through the rites and revelations a virgin makes. On her seventeenth birthday, his declaration that he was involved with someone else, and that he was leaving her because she wouldn’t put out shattered any ideals she’d ever had about love. Between her father and the three men in her life, they destroyed any chance she ever had to find true and everlasting love. Heartbreak and mistrust were all she had.

He first noticed a shudder and then a moaning sob. Her breath quickened and muscles became tense. Not realizing that her actions were not from lust and arousal, but from her painful memories, he kept kissing and touching. The hand at her waist found its way up her torso towards her breasts. They felt so smooth and soft; he wanted to rest his head there forever. Suddenly, Buffy tensed even more and pushed away. She scrambled to the other side of the couch, hugging herself and breathing hard.

"Pet?" Buffy whimpered. Spike reached for her, hoping to calm her. He had no idea what was happening. "What’s wrong?" Her eyes glared at him, accusing him of things he had not done. Silent green eyes met intense blue for endless moments. "What the fuck is your problem?" Spike asked, he couldn’t figure her out. Buffy got up and went into the bathroom.

Minutes passed as Spike stared at the bathroom door, willing her to talk to him. She finally came out, tear streaked eyes and holding a tissue. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… let it go so far. I’m sorry." She turned and went into her bedroom. Spike sat on the couch trying to think what her problem was. She seemed to like kissing him, why the sudden mood change? Then, he heard her gasp and yell, "WILLIAM!"


Chapter 7

A/N: Warning: Un-consensual sex coming up.

Spike wiped his face with his hand when he heard her. He knew this was it. Slowly, he walked into the bedroom. A dim light on the nightstand illuminated the relatively large room now filled with his furniture. Buffy stood at the end of the bed with her hands on her lips looking like a pissed off angel. "Care to tell me where my furniture is?"

Spike looked directly in her eyes and saw the fire, the passion, he encountered when they first met and it turned him on. Deciding to play with her, his lips turned into a confident smirk as he came towards her. "Well, you see, love." Flames rose high in her eyes as she bit her tongue. "My furniture couldn’t possibly fit in the other bedroom. I didn’t realize how small of a space it was, so I made an executive decision." Inches away from her, he inhaled her scent.

"How dare you move my furniture out of my bedroom and put yours in here." She inched towards him with her chin held high and eyes ablaze. This further embedded the idea Spike was like her father, making unilateral decisions without anyone else’s wants or needs in mind.

"Oh, pet, I tried calling you, but the gallery phone was busy."

"That’s bullshit, William, and you know it! So what? You moved my stuff into the spare bedroom? Did you move my clothes too?" She stomped over to the closet and flung the door open, almost off its hinges. Seeing her clothes neatly hung beside his, she looked questioningly at Spike.

"Actually, that mattress was lumpier than a fat mans ass. I gave it to Goodwill." Spike turned his back towards her so he could hide the smile trying to erupt on his face. "The bed’s big enough, we can share." He heard her gasp of shock and could feel her ten feet away tremble with anger and indignation. Still turned away from her he added, "Anyway, for this to work your friends and my friends have to believe that we are living together…" Spike turned around to look at her. "As a couple. No one would believe that I would have a separate bedroom."

Her mouth opened and closed several times, her brain trying to form words, but her vocal chords not cooperating. She walked over to the dresser and opening the drawers. She found her clothes and his, hidden away in the piece of furniture. Stepping back, Buffy raised her hand to her mouth, muffling her sobs that now bubbled up. Her green eyes met his and he saw her harden. Her body became rigid and he saw her emotions in her eyes become opaque. She was building a wall around her soul, never to let him in again. "I hate you, do you know that? You disgust me."

"You know you feel it, too." Spike stepped closer to her only to have her move away. Her fingers trembled at the end of her arm, the only indication that he was affecting her.

"You’re just like him. You don’t care about others…" Her heart hardened as she came to a realization of who William Winthrop really was. He was just playing a part when he took her out for pizza, sent her flowers, ordered food, or helped her clean up it really wasn’t him who was so thoughtful. It was just a means to get what he wanted, her.

"I care about you…" Spike answered her and tried moving closer.

"All you care about is yourself. I should have known…" She turned around from him and strode into the little bathroom, seeing his things scattered among hers. She came back into the bedroom and looked at him. "When you were kissing me…on the couch. I should have figured it out…" Distracted, Buffy looked over at the furniture. "It was trying to tell me you were like them." Her voice dripped with hatred. Without letting Spike interrupt, she continued, "Hank, Angel, Parker, and even Riley. You all wanted something and you didn’t care if it destroyed me as long as you got it." Anger and jealousy flared in Spike’s eyes as she talked about other men. "You don’t care if it destroys me. None of them did and you are no different. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. My subconscious was trying to tell me the whole time."

"You were thinking of them when you kissed me?" The deceiving calmness in his voice disarmed Buffy and she nodded her head.

"You may have wiggled yourself into my life, but you never will be here." She patted her chest near her heart.

Spike quickly strode over to her and grabbed her upper arms and shook her. "Don’t ever think of someone else when you are with me." He smashed his mouth down onto hers. Her harsh cry didn’t even faze Spike as he mashed their mouths together harder. He felt her legs try to kick and push away from him, but it was too late, his anger consumed him and blocked his thought process. Struggling to free herself, Buffy slapped Spike across his cheek. The sting of her blow did nothing but further infuriate him.

Spike threw her body over to the bed. Buffy stumbled and hit her torso on footboard, bruising her rib cage. She fell over the mattress and started to climb across, towards the door. Spike followed her, climbing on top of her body. His knees straddled her body as he turned her onto her back. Spike grabbed her hands, pushing them above her head, holding them there. She wiggled and bucked, trying to free herself. Cries and sobs came from her mouth as Spike peppered kisses along her neck. "I know you feel it too, Buffy. Let yourself feel it."

Buffy felt his knees pressed into her thighs, holding her still while he did as he pleased. She looked up to the ceiling, the same ceiling she looked at when she fell asleep. Tears blinded her as she felt Spike hold both her hands together with one hand. His free hand moved down her body, touching her, molesting her. He lifted his head from her neck and he watched his hand move over her breast, squeezing it. Tears rolled down her face as she moved it back and forth, hoping that one more moving part would throw him off. "Oh, baby, don’t cry. It’ll be good. We’ll be good, you’ll see."

"Stop, please." His head made it back to her neck, tasting the salty trails of her tears as he held her down. She felt his fingers on her shoulder and neck just before she heard him rip her blouse right off of her. There was no use in fighting, he would overcome and she would have to submit. Shutting away her heart and mind, she gave up. It was like a death wish, it was over, and she was tired of fighting. If he wanted her body, that’s what he would get, the only thing he would get. She felt like she was an observer, not really feeling anything anymore. She couldn’t feel her arms held in a punishing grip or his heavy body moving over her. Wordlessly, his mouth went down to taste her lace covered nipples. Still holding on to her arms, Spike moved down to taste her. Such a delicacy. Her pert nipple stood up through the lace material, begging for him to release them. Not paying attention to her empty eyes, his hand came down and unlatched her bra. Her arms stayed put as all his attention was directed at her chest. Fabric was pushed to the side as his mouth devoured her. Fingers made their way down to her jeans and they slowly came off. She allowed him to pose and prod her body, hoping he would be quick.

Spike had other ideas. He felt like he was worshipping her. Wanting to enjoy the whole experience, he slowed his seduction of her body, kissing and sucking on her sensitive flesh. She stopped moving and fighting him off a while ago as his hands trailed down to her waist. Glancing up at her face, he saw the vacant look in her eyes. Cursing himself at what he had done and what was about to do, Spike unbuttoned her jeans and dragged them down her legs. She would never understand, not until he showed her. They would be terrific together he just knew it. Her passion may be locked away for now, but Spike was determined to bring it out again. Smiling, his fingers ran along her bare legs, tiny goose bumps forming as he passed his skin over hers. Her body stayed still as he moved over her, taking off his own clothes, touching her, kissing her, making love to her. His fingers passed over the coarse curls at the apex of her legs. Deliberately, he pushed her legs apart, opening her up for his enjoyment. Her legs fell apart easily, letting his fingers dip down. His long index finger probed her slit, running up and down as he put more pressure on it. Dipping inside, he was amazed at the slick heat he encountered. Nudging her lips open with his thumb, he flicked her clit eliciting a betraying gasp from Buffy. Smiling, Spike dipped his head down and kissed her inner thighs. Struggling again, Buffy tried to close her legs, but between Spike’s head and his hands holding her legs apart, she couldn’t. Her breathing increased as she felt Spike probe her tender skin with his tongue. The pressure he built up inside her was ready to explode. His nose nudged her clit and she grasped the sheets, Buffy screamed as her first orgasm overwhelmed her. Breathing erratically, Buffy expected Spike to take her fully. She didn’t expect him to continue to kiss and lick at her slick opening. With one hand, holding onto her knee, he used the other to probe into her channel. She idly wondered if he could tell that she was a virgin. Breathing shallowly, she tried to lock herself away again, desperate not to take pleasure in his plundering, but she couldn’t. Her body screamed for release and she could do nothing to stop it. His fingers now caressed her inside as his mouth took up residence on her clit, sucking it into his mouth and playing with it. Buffy’s back arched as her second orgasm came and pounded her into the ground.

"See, I told you. It could be wonderful, pet. Just let it happen, I promise to make it good for you." Spike climbed up Buffy’s sweat slicked body, positioned to fully take her. He kissed her hard on the lips, swallowing her scream as he swiftly surged into her. Breaking off from her mouth, Spike looked questioningly down at Buffy. His blue eyes were dark with lust and power as full realization of what he had done hit him. Shifting his weight, Spike sank lower into her virgin tunnel, waiting for her body to relax. There was no going back; he had taken something from her that he could never give back. Resting his forehead against hers he whispered sweet nothings, hoping his behavior did not damn him in the future. Silent tears ran from Buffy’s closed eyes as her body protested against the invasion. "Shh, kitten. Be all right. I promise. Relax, I’ll make the pain go away."

But, her body didn’t relax. It only became tighter, as her soul protested and rallied in her mind. Opening her mouth, she let a sob out as she cried for the little girl that still held delusions of love shattered. In her mind’s eye she watched Hank lead the little girl away, and Angel lead the young teenager toward the pit of hell. She watched Parker cheer them on. Now, they were all encouraging Spike as they watch him rip the last vestige of her innocent heart away, throwing it on the ground, shredded and beaten. Crying for the little girl that she once was, Buffy’s body succumbed to the relaxation Spike talked about.

Spike started to move on top of her. She felt his hot breath on her neck, the sticky fluids that they currently shared, and his heated skin on hers. She felt him touch her clit again as he moved in and out of her channel, slick with her juices and blood. Refusing to open her eyes, she willed her body to relax, hoping Spike would finish soon. It hurt, of course, but the thing she wanted to stop was the pleasure. She felt another orgasm approach and she tried to beat it down, knowing he wanted her to give in. Spike’s head nestled in Buffy’s neck, kissing and nibbling on her skin when he felt her muscles grasp around his cock, almost strangling it. Roaring to life, Spike increased his pace, emptying his seed into her womb.

Spike collapsed on top of Buffy, still embedded in her. Slowly, he became conscious that he was crushing her and rolled off. Hearing and feeling the slight pop of his member leaving her body, she immediately curled into a ball with her back to him. Glancing down at his body, he decided to go get cleaned up. He walked naked into the bathroom and didn’t close the door, Buffy heard him use the toilet and running water.

She curled into a tighter ball when she heard the water stop and felt his presence in the room again. Spike sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at her, watching her through half hooded eyes. "Sweetheart, going to clean you up a little, kay?" Spike received no answer, but she didn’t pull away when he started to lave her lower regions with a washcloth. Finished, he threw the washcloth into the bathroom again. He climbed into the bed behind Buffy, spooning against her. His arms came around her, holding her firm to his chest as he peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses and little bites. "I didn’t know Buffy…" a few more open mouthed kisses placed on her neck, "I would have been gentler." He felt her shudder and knew he just lost any chance of gaining access to her heart.


Chapter 8

Spike woke up with a start. He reached over the bed only to encounter cold sheets. Spike sat up and looked around the room. The sun had started to peek its golden head through the blinds of the window. He stumbled out into the living room, buck naked as he frantically searched for Buffy. Moving from room to room, Spike started to panic. Had he just pushed her over the edge? Was she gone? He went into the spare room that she used as a studio, he found a wet canvas and felt relief. She wasn’t gone. She wouldn’t have started a canvas if she were leaving. Spike went back into the living room, trying to find some clue at where Buffy had gone. Sitting next to the phone was her personal phone book flipped to the XYZ section. One entry adorned the page: Christoph Zambockwitz: special coordinator, Sunnydale Ice Rink, 555-9697. Remembering seeing her skates the previous day, Spike quickly went to the closet that Clem had found yesterday to check. They were gone. Buffy must be at the rink. Yesterday when Clem found them, he commented he had seen Buffy skate at a competition a while ago and that she was quite good.

Spike dressed rapidly in the same clothes he had worn yesterday and grabbed his car keys. He drove through an unfamiliar part of town, looking for the building that held the ice rink. Finally, finding the building, he parked and went in. Soft music piped through the speakers as Spike stepped into the arena. On the ice, Buffy gracefully glided past with one leg extended behind her. The shallow arc of her blade turned her direction. Her eyes were closed as she communed with the ice, instinctively knowing where the edge of the rink was. Her long hair floated behind her as she moved away from his position. She picked up speed to head down to the other side of the rink. She wore dark skin tight pants and purple workout top. Her skates were white with a glint of sharp steel edge underneath. Spike sat down on the bleachers as he watched her practice, unaware of his presence. Her face was flushed pink from the cold and stress of working out. He watched as she positioned herself for a salchow, landing perfectly. If she noticed his presence, she didn’t show it. She kept skating from one end of the rink to the next performing a couple different jumps and maneuvers Spike didn’t know the name of. She slowed her speed, and rested her hand on her knees as she cooled down. Twisting, Buffy relaxed her muscles as she continued to make slow laps around the rink. Over the sound system, Spike heard a cough, "Getting better, Buffy. Going to have to work on that double axle going into the salchow. I don’t think your ankle is strong enough yet, it keeps wobbling." Buffy looked up into a lighted booth and smiled. Her teeth were bright and if Spike didn’t know better, she would look like she had no worries. But, he did know better and he knew he was the cause of one very big one. "Meet you in the weight room in fifteen." She gave the man in the lighted booth a thumbs up and continued to slow her pace. She practiced hopping from foot to foot, changing the blade that was on the ice.

She came near to his position and suddenly said, "Aren’t you bored yet? How did you find me?" She skated away, but looked back to where he sat.

Spike got up and walked over to the small door to the rink and leaned against the wall. His hands buried deep into the pockets of his black leather duster as he watched her come back. He shrugged, "How long have you known I was here?"

Stopping a few feet out on the ice she put her hands on her hips and cocked her head to one side, "Well, if you were trying to hide your arrival, you didn’t succeed."

Spike’s face broke out in a grin. "Yeah, love, I didn’t try to hide. I saw your address book opened, wasn’t very hard to figure out." Spike stepped carefully out onto the ice, trying to come towards her. He needed to feel her, if just for one brief second. Buffy smiled flirtatiously and started to skate backwards. "Come here, pet."

She looked around the rink making sure no one saw her and she shook her head. "I don’t think so." It was time to take some dignity back. She pushed harder and flew back a couple more feet. Spike kept stepping closer, trying to maintain balance on the slippery floor. She watched as he struggled to come towards her. A small giggle wanted to bubble up inside her. He was on her turf and she was going to win this round.

"Please, pet. I need to touch you." Spike started to run towards her, thinking she was playing a game. Suddenly, Spike found himself falling forward and smacking his body onto the ice. "Umph."

Buffy cautiously skated around his prone body, far out of arms distance. Spike sat up and rubbed his forehead, watching her circle him. A little voice inside her asked, ‘how could she let him do that last night?’ She should have fought harder, longer. She should have, but she didn’t. "I hate you, you know?" The venom in her voice startled Spike. He looked at her face and saw nothing but disgust. "What you did last night… it was disgusting."

Spike reached his hand out, wanting her to stop the dizzying motion. "Stop! I can’t talk to you while you bloody circle me like that!" Buffy stopped her movement, but stayed far away from him. Spike struggled to stand up, "Look, I… I messed up last night, right? I just lost it, Buffy. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that."

Buffy’s frown deepened, "You still did, William, and I’ll never forgive you." She started to slowly back away from him. He almost didn’t hear her say, "I’ll never forgive myself." Turning back towards him, she said loud enough for him to hear, "I have to go weight train. Be gone when I get back." She stepped off the ice and affixed the guard to the bottom of her skate. Spike stood out on the ice for minutes after she left, just staring after her. She had slipped through his fingers again.


Buffy walked slowly through the town of Sunnydale. Dawn was manning the gallery, insisting Buffy was in a bad mood and needed to go home. Buffy didn’t want to go home. Spike was at home, the bed was at home, and she didn’t want to face either one. She turned the corner, heading into a dark ally that separated two main streets of Sunnydale. Barely looking where she was going, Buffy passed a group of bikers hanging out near the backdoor to a bar. She didn’t notice when a man started to following her. She almost made it to the opening on the other side, but she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, "Where you going, doll face?"

Buffy turned around and was faced with a hulky giant standing in front of her. Standing well over six foot, he had tattoos and various piercings throughout his uncovered flesh. Wanting to gag, Buffy looked the stranger in the eye, "Home."

She turned around and was five feet from the street, when her body flew against the brick wall. Struggling to get up, Buffy felt a fist connect with her jaw. "Think you’re better than me?" The man kicked her in her stomach. "Can’t talk to me?" He punched her again. "Next time you might want to be nicer." The other bikers came up and pulled the man off of Buffy, telling him that was enough. The group walked back into the bar, leaving Buffy bleeding and supported by the wall.

Struggling to stand up, Buffy looked around. People didn’t even notice her or the attack. Tears ran down her face as she felt her ribs, at least one was cracked. She started to walk towards the gallery; it was only a few blocks away.

Buffy stepped into the back door into her workroom. Dawn heard her come in and came into the back. She saw the bruises and cuts on Buffy’s face. Gasping, Dawn quickly dialed Buffy’s doctor; she knew Buffy would refuse to go to the hospital. Buffy sat on her workbench, holding her ribs when the doctor came in. Dawn stayed out in the main shop as the doctor examined Buffy. The doctor started wrap up Buffy’s ribs when Spike walked into the outer gallery shop Dawn glanced up and noticed him, "Hey Nibblet, is Buffy in?"

Dawn looked at Spike and noticed the bruise on his forehead from the ice. She knew that Spike moved into Buffy’s apartment and they had a fight the first night he was there. Buffy was in too much of a bad mood for it to have gone well. Dawn also surmised that they couldn’t be in a real relationship. Buffy never lived with anyone after she moved out of Hank’s house. It just didn’t make sense that Buffy would allow a man to move in with her after a few weeks. "She’s in the back with the doctor." Dawn watched as Spike dashed into the back of the store. She wondered if Spike was the one that beat Buffy up, but dismissed the idea as soon as it entered her mind. His fists didn’t look bruised and he looked genuinely startled when she told him about the doctor.

Whatever Spike expected when he went into the backroom, it didn’t prepare him for what he did see. Sitting on the workbench, a bruised and battered Buffy sat with an ice pack against the right side of her head. Her shirt was off, but she still had a sports bra underneath from her earlier workout. Another female stood in front of her with bandages, wrapping her torso up. He saw Buffy wince as the other woman continued to pull the bandages tighter. Spike assumed she was Buffy’s doctor. "You OK, love?" Spike stepped closer as Buffy looked at him with cold, scared eyes.

Her eyes narrowed and she mumbled over the ice pack. "Got attacked. I’m fine." She looked away, not wanting to ruin the illusion she was supposed to create. "Nothing to worry about." The doctor grunted with disagreement but finished wrapping up her up anyway.

Spike looked over at the doctor and knew Buffy would play her part so he stepped closer to her. Gently, he took the ice pack away from her face. Her eye was swollen shut and a deep gash below it oozed a little blood out of it. He replaced the ice, holding it to her face, "Who did this?"

Buffy looked up at him when she heard the rough tone of his voice. "I don’t know." The doctor started to clean up the supplies and let the two talk. Buffy could tell Spike didn’t believe her, "Seriously, I don’t. One moment, I’m walking down an alley between Main and Vine, the next thing I am up against a wall."

"Which alley?" She could feel the anger rolling off of him.

Buffy took a glance at the doctor still in the room and whispered, "The one behind Willy’s, but Spike, please, leave it be. I’m alright."

Spike stepped closer, practically on top of her now, "Buffy, they hurt you." She saw his jaw clenching and the steel in his eyes as he tried to reign in his anger.

"Spike, please. I don’t want to deal with it. Just got knocked around a bit…been through worse." She gave him a pointed look, reminding her he did worse last night.

Spike stepped back; the blow of her words hit him straight in his gut. "Buffy, look love." She sent a scathing look his way, but sat quietly because the doctor was in the room. "I care about you. Deep down here." Spike pounded his fist into his chest. "All I see is you. I’m drowning in you, Summers." He took her hand in his. "No one touches what is mine." Spike looked earnestly into her eyes as the doctor left and begged her, "Please, who did this?"

Their eyes met. Tears rolled off her face as Spike gathered her up, holding her firmly against his chest, letting her cry. It broke his heart, listening to her tears of sorrow. They were like daggers through his soul. The pain on her outside didn’t even come close to the turmoil inside her. Being held in his arms felt like sweet torture. On the one hand she craved his tender, comforting touch but on the other, she was mortified that she allowed her rapist to touch her like this. His hands slowly caressed her back, encouraging her to let her pain out. She couldn’t deny that she was attracted to the sweet persona that Spike was sporting. Everything in his body language and eyes told volumes of his understanding. But, the nagging voice inside her head reminded her of the previous night. Buffy couldn’t help it. This man holding her was such an enigma: anger, jealousy, compassion, and possessiveness all rolled up into one man. The sobs subsided and her emotions rolled up into a ball, ready to be put away in her mind. She became aware of the low humming coming from Spike as he held her. It sounded like a sad, yet soothing, lullaby. The last of her tears rolled off her face and onto Spike’s shirt. Her breathing, still irregular, was calming down. She felt Spike shift, making it easier for him to support her weight. His hands still stroked her back. She became aware of her fingers clutching Spike’s shirt, crushing the fabric between her digits. She relaxed her hands, letting his shirt go. Buffy pulled away while she smoothed the crinkled fabric on his chest.

No words passed between the two. Spike backed away towards the front area of the gallery. A few moments later, he came back to Buffy and picked her up like a damsel in distress. He quickly strode out the back door and into the alley where he had parked his black car.

Buffy fell asleep on the way home, her energy and emotions were spent. Spike carefully carried her up to the apartment and tucked her into the bed. He quietly left the room, letting her rest. It was time for him to go into action. He’d make sure that she was safe from now on.

A/n: Thanks again Char, your suggestions and editing are wonderful!!


Chapter 9

The next day was spent in quiet reflection as the two occupants of the apartment tried to forget the previous two days. The doctor that Spike had arranged to make visits insisted on bed rest for a couple days for Buffy. Buffy wasn’t happy when the doctor told her she would not be able to put on her skates for at least a month, probably longer. Buffy’s injuries seemed pretty superficial, no bones totally broken and the bruises and cuts on her face already started to heal. Her ribs were tender and when she tried to move, they hurt, so she couldn’t really argue about the bed rest. The doctor also set up a home rehabilitation schedule for Buffy. Spike left for a short time after the doctor’s visit to grab some things to make it easier for Buffy. Buffy sat in the bedroom, filled with his furniture, fuming that she was stuck. It hurt too much to move off the bed and walk around. But, it also hurt to lay in the bed... his bed. Buffy sighed; Spike really was sweet yesterday when she got hurt. He stood by her the whole way, making sure she had everything she needed. One thing was for sure he was a possessive man. Between the sweet words and kisses and the rampage of jealousy that resulted with him raping her, Buffy didn’t know who Spike really was. She lay there, wondering who the real Spike was.

Spike came back a few minutes after he left, carrying a bag from the local pharmacy. He came into the bedroom, intruding on Buffy’s private thoughts. Setting down the bag, he showed her a pager that would allow him to move around the apartment and even the neighborhood, but still be in contact with her if she needed something. He also bought a grab bar to help her get into the bathtub, in which Buffy vehemently declined the use of and told him to take it back. Complying with her wishes, he took the bar away. He attended to her, like a new mother fussing over a newborn baby. She shooed him out of the room a couple times, only to have him trot back in a few minutes later baring some sort of peace prize either hot food, trinkets, or most importantly chocolate.

Glancing at the clock, Buffy noticed it was getting late. Her back was hurting, once again, and she picked up the pager. Buffy hadn’t used it yet, since he bought it, Spike was always hovering around the room, not giving her chance to want anything. After dinner, she made Spike leave the room so she could have some peace. Buffy assumed he was working on his computer when she heard little clicks of the keyboard. She pressed the button and heard a commotion as Spike flew through the door, looking at the room. "What’s wrong?"

The look on his face almost made Buffy laugh. His cheeks were red and his brows furrowed with worry. He crouched down a little, looking like he was going to tackle a burglar. She looked at him, realizing he might be the most attractive man that ever came into her life, and the ugliest, too. She stifled a giggle, trying not to jar her sore abdomen. "Did that thing shock you?"

Spike stood up straight, trying to calm himself down when he realized she wasn’t hurt or in danger. "Uh, no, pet. Just… are you alright?"

Buffy nodded, "Could you get me my pain pills." Spike nodded and went into the bathroom. A minute later he came out with a glass of water and her pills. He helped her sit up and waited until she finished swallowing the pills down. He went back into the bathroom and came back with a new glass of water and her pills.

"Getting late, pet. Time to put you to bed." Spike helped Buffy lay back down. He went back out into the living room and shut down the computer. Coming back, he had a paperback novel in his hands and started to get ready for bed, too. Buffy was amazed at the lack of shyness Spike had. He stripped down naked and put on his silk pants. Buffy tried not to star at the chiseled form, but she couldn’t help it. His butt looked like it was chiseled marble, smooth and muscular. Glancing away when he turned in her direction, her face flushed and lips pursed. He saw her looking at him through the mirror, Spike knew she would deny it if he called her out on it. He couldn’t help but chuckle inside.

Spike climbed in between the cool sheet, propped up by his pillow. He noticed after a few minutes that Buffy hadn’t fallen asleep yet. She laid flat on her back, staring at the ceiling, listening to him turn the pages of his novel. "What’s wrong, pet?" Spike was staring down at her when she turned her gaze over to him.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, "Oh, well… someone made me stay in bed all day with nothing to do… kind of not sleepy."

Spike’s whole body shook in a chuckle. It was true he made her stay flat on the bed all day, hoping to heal her ribs a bit faster. "Want me to read to you?"

Buffy’s eyes widened with shook, she remembered Joyce reading to her when she was a child. With some consideration, Buffy raised her head to look at the book jacket, "What are you reading?"

Spike smiled and showed her the worn book. "Count of Monte Cristos, one of my favorites."

"What’s it about? I hope not some philandering Victorian Count deflowering into young maidens." Her eyes rolled when she thought of all those romance novels Joyce read about a strong man saving the virgin and then plundering her himself. Buffy smiled innocently and almost laughed at Spike’s reaction. She didn’t mean for her comment to mirror them.

If Spike’s eye sockets could have gotten wider, his eyeballs would have popped out of his head. "No, it’s about a man falsely accused of a crime and sent off to prison. While in prison the people who set him up become rich. His life falls apart. When he escapes, he wants revenge."

"Does he get it?" Buffy scooted, as much as her injuries would allow.

"Here… let me start from the beginning," Spike turned to the beginning of the book and scotted closer to Buffy, letter her rest her head on his stomach. "‘On February 24, 1815, the watchtower at Marseilles Signaled the arrival of the three-master Pharaon, coming from Smyrna, Trieste and Naples….’"

Buffy stayed awake long enough for Edmond Dantes to escape from the Château d’If. Spike put a book mark into the book at the start of the new chapter and carefully placed Buffy back onto her back. Turning off the light, Spike settled down next to Buffy, lightly clasping her warm hand into his.

A/N: The Count of Monte Cristos by Alexander Dumas is TRULY one of the best novels I have ever read (like 20 times, I don’t think that’s an exaggeration) and encourage everyone to read it.


Chapter 10

Buffy woke up enclosed in a familiar cocoon of warmth. The past two weeks seemed to fly by. Her ribs didn’t hurt too much unless she moved too fast. She could sleep on her side, instead of on her back, a big plus, Buffy thought. Every night she would fall asleep with her head resting on Spike’s stomach, listening to him read to her about the devious and sometimes dubious adventures of Edmond Dantes just to wake up wrapped up in his arms. He only read a couple chapters a night, drawing out the story, but she didn’t care. It felt so natural to listen to him read. That realization made Buffy reel. She hopped up from the bed and staggered out into the living room as fast as she could. It felt natural, with Spike? That wasn’t right. She shouldn’t feel so comfortable with him, shouldn’t trust him. She regretted it the last time. But the fact remained that she did feel comfortable with him and somewhere, very deep down, she trusted him and it scared her.

Spike walked into the living room, looking for Buffy. He was enjoying holding her warm pliant body next to his when he felt her stiffen and crawl out of the bed. She practically ran out of the room, making Spike wonder what was wrong. He gave her a minute or two alone and decided to head out after her.

She was standing next to the empty mantle; the owner of the painting came yesterday to pick up the piece. Her eyes were wide and her skin pale as he watched her pace. He wondered what had her that agitated but decided to let her walk out her energy. The doctor still had not given her his consent to skate or weight train and he found she had an extraordinary amount of energy. The second day after her attack, she refused to lie in bed like how he wanted her. It seemed to Spike that every time he would turn his back, she would sneak into her workroom. When he came to check on her, she was missing from the bed and he would find her standing stiffly in front of a canvas, moving the brush delicately across it. Each time, he would get her back in bed, only to have her sneak down the hall again.

A couple days ago, Spike escorted Buffy to the facility that held Joyce. Normally, Buffy would walk or grab a cab if she had a painting with her, but Spike refused to let Buffy go alone. Buffy lead the way into the facility. Spike didn’t know what to expect. On one hand this woman was Buffy’s mother, someone she respected and loved dearly. On the other hand, she married the weasel Hank and stayed with him all those years. Buffy rounded a corner and entered a room, Spike following her. In the center of the room was a single bed with a frail woman sitting up, drinking hot chocolate. She looked over at her visitors and smiled. The resemblance was amazing. Despite the difference in age and hair color, no one would ever mistake the relationship between them. Buffy, without hesitation, went over to hug the diminutive woman. Her short, dark ash blond hair hung limply, curling at the ends, it contrasted with the long, straight, light blond Buffy sported. The premature wrinkles around Joyce’s face stretched as she smiled at her daughter. "Buffy, I’m so glad you came."

Buffy smoothed down an errant hair on Joyce’s head. "It’s Thursday, isn’t it?" Buffy sat down next to her mother, holding on her hand. Buffy was thankful Joyce had not picked up on the fading bruises on Buffy’s face or her stiff gait.

"Of course, dear. Who do we have here?" Joyce’s soft eyes landed onto Spike’s white head.

"My name is William, Ms. Summers." Spike came slowly to the bed, on the same side as Buffy. He took Joyce’s hand and kissed the thin skin.

Joyce in turn smiled brilliantly, "Call me Joyce, please." Spike nodded and rested his hand on Buffy’s shoulder. "Are you a friend of Buffy’s?"

"Yes, Ma’am." Spike squeezed Buffy’s shoulder, afraid she would ruin the agreement with her mother.

"Oh, don’t ma’am me, mister." Joyce gently scolded Spike. "Would you two like a cup of Cocoa? Or tea?"

"None for me, Mom. William?" Buffy looked at Spike for the first time since the entered the room. He saw trepidation in her eyes.

"Do you think they have some of those little marshmallows?"

Joyce’s kind eyes crinkled up as she smiled. "I believe they do." After Joyce called the cafeteria to ask that they bring another cup of cocoa with marshmallows, Spike sat down next to Buffy, holding her hand. The gesture was not lost on Joyce and she gave Spike a knowing wink. Spike got along very well with Joyce, his seemingly natural charm wooed Buffy’s mother, having her insist he come back and see her again.

Spike chauffeured Buffy to the gallery whenever she wanted to go. He was too afraid to go to work the past week, knowing Buffy would try to walk wherever she wanted to go if he wasn’t there. Buffy found it incredibly funny how Spike would jump at her every whim, enjoying the faux relationship. Every once in while Buffy would remember the first night and the anger bubbled within her. A few times Spike had caught her in the memory and ended up with his feelings on the floor, totally eviscerated by Buffy’s callous words, but knowing he deserved them.

Their life started to calm down into a routine. Spike started going to work in the afternoons, spending the mornings cuddling with Buffy, watching her paint, and making sure she was safe at the gallery. He started to bring work home to toil on at night while Buffy painted or did her rehabilitation exercises. To Buffy’s dismay, Spike would pick her up at six from the gallery. The one time she walked home with Dawn before he came to pick her up, he virtually ripped her a new ass. She was amazed at how angry Spike was, even while they ate dinner with Dawn. Dawn was astonished at the show of concern Spike displayed, even though he was volleying from yelling to sulking. He finally got over it when Buffy promised not to walk home again and wait for him. She would have promised anything to get rid of the sulky Spike. Yelling and anger she could handle, but his pout was driving her crazy.

Spike took the whole day off on Thursdays to go see Joyce with Buffy. They were getting along wonderfully, even when Spike would visit Joyce without Buffy. He found that even in her weakened mental state, she was a kind woman. Even on her bad days, Spike would drink a cup of cocoa or two while he sat and held her small hand.

Life progressed for Buffy. She finally got permission to skate again. She found that her injuries and subsequent break from the ice made it a bit harder to do her jumps. She worked heavily on the weights, trying to make her legs and abdomen even stronger than before. She trained hard, starting practice at six in the morning, a fact that Spike had tried to talk her out of.

Days turned into weeks as the couple became more comfortable with each other and their new lives. Buffy never questioned Spike about Hank and what was happening on that end, but she did find out from her mother that Hank had retired from the company and now was living a life of leisure.
