
Chapter 11

Buffy found it very disconcerting that her friends had accepted Spike into her life so easily. No one had questioned the fast courtship or the fact that he moved in with her. Willow and Xander welcomed him instantly into their group. She almost felt like the outsider with how easily Spike got along with everyone. Even Oz got along with him, coming over with Xander to watch sports on the big screen television. The two American men getting enamored with world "football" as the days went on. Willow came over and spent quality time with her friend, knowing that once the baby came, her time would be cut short.

As it got closer to Willow’s delivery date, Buffy started to go over to Willow’s apartment while the men went over to hers. She painted a mural of a park and children playing in the nursery. Willow absolutely loved it. Spike would come over to fetch Buffy after the game was done, dropping Oz off in the process and peaking into the baby’s new room.

Willow grew bigger and bigger, ending up taking maternity leave two weeks early because she couldn’t walk from the car to her office. With Spike’s transportation help, Buffy stayed most of the day with Willow, keeping her company.

Buffy was fixing Willow a fruit salad when she came into the kitchen with her hand over her expansive belly, panting. Buffy looked up from the cutting board and saw the flushed color on the redhead’s cheeks. "Willow, what’s wrong?"

"Buffy," pant, "I think…," more breathing, "my-water-just-broke." Willow doubled over in pain as her labor pains hit her.

"Oh my God!" The large knife dropped to the floor as Buffy hopped up and down. "Are you sure?" Buffy twirled around, looking for something, not quite sure what.

Breathing through the pain, Willow finally felt the contraction loosen. "Yeah, kind of think that little trickle going down my leg isn't the tons of water I've had to drink." Willow winced at the harshness of her words, but Buffy was too busy hopping up and down and looking around the counter to notice.

"Okay calm down, easy slow breaths. Okay where's the...the thing." she made gestures with her hands, "Oh the whatchmacallit. Shit, Willow the..." Willow stopped her and held up the phone.

"You mean the telephone?" Buffy stopped her impression of a dog chasing its own tail and looked at the phone in Willow’s hands.

"Yes," Buffy looked up at the ceiling, thanking God, "Yes, the phone, okay call Oz, tell him you’re in labor and to meet us at the hospital." Willow shook her head at her friend; sometimes she could act as the stereotypical blond. A few short minutes later, Buffy was running to the car, keys in hand. She hopped in and started the engine. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have a license, Willow needed to get to the hospital and Super Buffy could get her there. She put the car in drive and gunned the engine, only to realize Willow was still hobbling down the walk. Buffy slammed on the brakes and put the car in reverse, coming back for Willow. Buffy hopped out, opening the passenger door for Willow, helping her get in. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Willow shot her a look that could have made Atilla the Hun piss in his pants.

"Sorry but that marathon I ran this morning took a bit out of me. Oh, my bag… it’s in the closet." Willow looked at Buffy as she sat in the car.

Realization dawned on Buffy and she ran back into the house to grab the bag. Somehow, they made it to the hospital in one piece, despite the erratic untrained driving of Buffy.


Spike walked into the maternity ward, carrying a vase full of white roses for the new mom. Buffy had finally called him an hour ago, letting him know about Willow and her new baby girl, Tara. Oz got to the hospital an hour before Willow actually gave birth, amazed that she went through only four hours of painful contraction to only have to push a total of three minutes before Tara popped out.

Spike walked into room 405 to encounter a vision of beauty. Sitting in a rocker, Buffy held a pink bundle, rocking back and forth in her arms. The tiny red face peaked through the cloth and wailed when she saw his shocking white hair. Buffy shifted the bundle in her arms, quietly shushing the baby. She looked up, smiled at Spike when she saw the flowers. She indicated for him to put them on the bedside table, next to a sleeping Willow. Spike came over to her and bent down to peer into the blanket. "Well, hello there, little poppet."

Buffy smiled and cuddled the bundle closer, "Meet Tara Rachel." She moved her arm down, so Tara’s face popped out more towards Spike. He looked down at the vision; Buffy smiling gently at the baby, talking in soft whispers, taking care of this miracle. Madonna and child. Tears threatened to escape Spike’s eyes as he watched the woman he was falling in love with, so far beyond the lust he first felt all those months ago. She cradled the baby back in her embrace, comforting the baby as her mother slept.


Chapter 12

Spike refrained from any kind of sexual contact with Buffy, including kisses, no matter how tempted he was at night as he held her body next to his. He knew he pushed far beyond any normal boundaries that first night, letting his jealousy gain control over his body, creating an uncrossable chasm between them. She seemed receptive of his presence once again, not shying away from his accidental brushes, or of being in the same room as him. She started laughing at his jokes, genuine laughter, not the fake chuckles she used to force out when they were around her friends. Spike thought that they seemed to turn a corner and their relationship was of friendship instead of forced hostility.

Entertaining the idea that he might have something more with Buffy, Spike made reservations at a nice restaurant. Buffy needed to get her mind off of her mother. Joyce’s health had declined since he first met her. She slept during most of their visits. Even the paintings Buffy brought stopped giving Joyce joy. Spike knew the end was near and instinctively wanted to protect Buffy from the pain, but he knew he couldn’t shield her forever.


The dinner was delightfully romantic, Spike being the perfect gentleman. Buffy enjoyed the food, the atmosphere, and even the company. They walked up to the apartment arm in arm, not even realizing the comfortable pose they held. Spike lighted candles on the mantle as they watched the late night news. Spike sat on the couch, letting Buffy lean into his frame as she fell asleep. He sat there through Jay Leno’s Tonight Show, but finally had to admit that he had to wake Buffy up to go to bed. He moved forward, letting her body slump down into the cushions. He looked at her sweet face, so regretful of the circumstances that brought him into her life, yet so thankful for them, too. Not being able to control himself anymore, Spike leaned his lips against hers, enjoying the warm pliant lips against his. She woke up with a start, feeling his unfamiliar, cool lips on hers. She looked up into his eyes. Surprised green met lustful blue and the connection was made. Buffy moved forward, and let her lips brush against his. It was his turn to be surprised. His eyes turned to midnight blue when he saw no malice, no hatred, nothing but lust and friendship shining back at him. Could it be more than just lust? Spike pushed his thoughts out of his mind, willing to take what she would give him. He picked her up, letting her drape her legs over his forearm and arms around his neck. He carried her into their bedroom and laid her down. She moved quickly and caught his arm as he turned around. He looked back at her, seeing her fingers slowly unbutton her blouse. With trembling hands, she reached out for him. He sat down, next to her, watching her shrug off her blouse and unzip her skirt. Standing before him clad in bra, panties, garter belt and stockings, Buffy breathed in slowly not knowing what else to do. She began to move her hands over her body, suddenly embarrassed at her brazenness. Spike reached out, stopping her arms. He looked soulfully into her eyes, silently thanking God of the gift he was about to receive. His fingers found her hips and rested there. His head came forward to lean on her small abdomen. He felt her shake and kissed her belly button, reassuring her.

Slowly, his fingers moved down her thighs and reached for the clasp of her garter belt. Unlatching each tiny clasp, he reverently worshiped her body. Spike dragged her silky stockings down her legs, trailing his fingers across her uncovered skin. She hissed as he tickled behind her knee, caressing the soft skin. She stepped out of the stockings, letting Spike look at her. This was more of a gift for herself than for him. She felt so sexy and loved tonight that she wanted it to continue. Spike took off the garter belt, his eyes roaming over her scantily clad body. She smiled down, encouraging him to continue. He reached for her again, only to stop a few millimeters away from her bare belly, savoring the electricity flowing from her body to his. She watched Spike withdraw from her, only to see him start taking off his shirt; she was glad he changed when they got home and she didn’t have to sit through him taking off his whole suit. He revealed his toned body, letting her eyes wander over his skin. He proudly sat on the bed while she stared at him.

Spike took her hand and gently pulled her closer, her knees hitting the mattress between his jean clad legs. His hands flew behind her, reeling her even closer. His cool fingers danced up her spine, finding the clasp of her bra. The straps fell first because she held the cups. He smiled knowingly and carefully moved her hands way, letting the lingerie fall to the ground. Her rosy nipples stood out from the brown areolas. He felt her falter, once again. He made eye contact and brought his face closer to her body, not looking away as he made contact with her breast. He slowly sucked in the nipple, running his tongue around it, making her moan. He paid similar attention to her other breast, all without loosing eye contact. His fingers found the edge of her lace panties, drawing them down her legs as he sucked on her breasts. She moved out of them, straddling his hips as she climbed onto the bed. He twisted his body, letting her fall down to the mattress, laying her pliant body out for him to gaze at. He noticed her breathing increased and a rosy tinge to her skin, feeling proud knowing he created it. Spike stood up and quickly divesting of his jeans, he got back onto the bed. His erection pressed tightly against Buffy’s leg as he moved closer. Holding her like a prized doll, Spike began to kiss her. First he met her lips, sucking on her lower lip and making her moan. He trailed down her cheek to her neck. Inhaling her scent, he licked and nipped at the tender skin, letting his lips acquaint themselves with her skin.

His hands were not idle while he made love to her face with his mouth. They caressed, pinched, and touched every part he could reach. She mewled with pleasure as his finger wound in her soft curly hair, probing to find a prize. She widened her legs, allowing him access to her treasure. His hips found themselves pressing up against hers, ready to connect. He looked into her shiny eyes, knowing she was there with him. He grasped his long cock, positioning at her entrance. In one smooth motion, Spike seated himself in her warmth. Her tight channel clenched at the invasion. He kissed her lips, letting his tongue probe inside her mouth. He felt her body relax, not only did her tongue play with his, but he felt her muscles relax around him, letting him move in and out smoothly. He set a slow pace, letting her body become accustomed to his love making.

He watched the emotions cross Buffy’s face, the wonderment and pleasure carrying him through it. Her back arched off the bed, moaning his name. He smiled, knowing she gave herself to him, allowing him to love her. He felt his heart swell in love for her. He drove into her two more times, finally succumbing to his own pleasure. He rested a bit, still connected inside her. Slowly, realizing that he probably was crushing her, Spike moved out of her and off of her. He gathered her body into his arms, feeling her own arms wrap around him and they went to sleep.


Chapter 13

The next day Buffy got up early to skate in the morning and opened the shop at noon. Spike dropped her off at the gallery ten minutes until noon, wishing her a good day and headed off to his own office.

Buffy set her belongings in the back, ready to unlock the doors when the answering machine caught her attention. She grabbed a pad of paper and pressed play, thinking it was a customer. "Yes, this is Gladys Mayer from the Sunnydale Rehabilitation Center. I need to get in contact with Buffy Summers."

With her heart thumping, instinctively knowing it was her mother, she dialed the number, preparing herself for the inevitable news. "This is Buffy Summers, I got a call from Gladys Mayer."

A few clicks whirled in Buffy’s ear when she finally was connected. "Gladys here, may I help you?"

"Yes, I’m Buffy Summers, I believe you called?"

"Oh… yes dear… I’m sorry to say…" Buffy’s eyes closed, her suspicions were confirmed.

"She’s gone?"

"I’m terribly sorry dear. She never woke up this morning." Tears ran unchecked down Buffy’s face. The nurse rattled off some information that Buffy didn’t hear. Her knees weakened, leaving Buffy sobbing on the cold floor. She should call someone. Willow? Hank? Spike? Dawn? The phone lay at her side, beeping from the disconnection. Without much thought, Buffy dialed Dawn’s cell phone number. Buffy didn’t have to say anything, Dawn knew. She could tell by Buffy’s voice.

The day was much of a blur, Buffy had no idea what was going on or who was with her. All she knew was her mother was gone and she was free. The pain of her mother’s death was surprisingly not painful. Buffy knew it was inevitable and saw it coming closer. The only pain she had was to lose her best friend, never again able to go visit her, talk to her, comb Joyce’s thinning hair. The heartbreak Buffy was feeling wasn’t directly related to her mother, it was because of Spike. Last night’s revelation that she loved him, truly loved him, broke her heart because she knew she what she had to do. Their relationship was based on something wrong, unnatural.

Sometime during the day, Dawn called Spike, only to find out that he was in a meeting. She left a message with Harmony that it was a family emergency, but by the time Spike came out of the meeting, Harmony was gone. He had no idea what he was walking into when he opened the door to the gallery. It was quite a shock to see Oz holding little Tara in the front room, rocking her asleep. Oz’s normally impassive face was twisted with sadness. Spike sprinted into the back, passing Xander on his way. Spike stepped in the normally warm work room to find almost all the ladies in his life sitting on the couch, huddled in a hug. Dawn and Willow flanked Buffy’s suddenly miniscule frame. Buffy peaked through a gap between Willow and Dawn to see him fall to his knees, tears running down his face, almost like how she first collapsed. She got up and went over to him. Kneeling on the floor, she took his shaking body to hers, trying to give the comfort that she knew he needed. Buffy knew he had been visiting Joyce without her, getting to know her, making her time pass faster. Willow and Dawn left the two lovers, embraced on the floor, alone.

The sunset as the moon rose and Spike held Buffy to his chest. Her breathing was slow and deep, indicating her sleep. Tears still ran down Spike’s face, he was quite fond of the older Summers’ woman. Doubt littered his mind, knowing that she could pull away from him again. Their agreement was based on sparing Joyce’s feelings and now that her feelings were inconsequential, would Buffy find him inconsequential?

~*~ ~*

The day of Joyce’s funeral was so bright and cheery, such a contradiction to the feelings of the few guests surrounding the grave, watching as a white casket got lowered into the ground. Spike held Buffy as she wept for her mother’s life. Willow, Oz, and Tara stood behind them, tying to give Buffy the support she desperately needed. Xander stood with some people from the skating association Buffy belonged to. Dawn stood next to Buffy, weeping for the mother she never had and the one she did have and rejected. Hank held his obligatory husband spot on the other side of the casket appropriately sullen and stoic. When he showed up, Spike felt Buffy’s body stiffen automatically. He watched Hank through half closed eyes, directing Buffy away from him.

Roses flew through the air, hitting the ground that swallowed Joyce’s still body and people turned their back, retreating to their inner sanctums. Spike continued to hold Buffy, letting her pay tribute her mother. Hank walked up behind them knowing this would probably be the last time he would have a chance to talk to Buffy. "Buffy." Her body stiffened into a board. Spike looked over his shoulder at Hank, glaring. "I’m sorry… she was very special."

Slowly, Buffy turned her body. Spike saw the fire flaming from the sadness, "Don’t." Buffy held her chin held. "You have no idea how special she IS." Without another word, Buffy strode towards Spike’s car, waiting for him. Dawn already had taken up residence in the backseat.

After a couple minutes, Buffy hazard a glance at the two men that were talking animatedly. Spike shook his finger and stood menacingly in front of Hank. She couldn’t hear their words, but knew it was about Buffy. She watched Hank say something nasty, she could tell by the way his mouth formed the words. She knew all to well the scathing words that that mouth could form. She saw Spike tense his jaw and strike. His fist flew so fast, Buffy didn’t even have time to register it before Hank was on the ground, clutching his jaw. Spike bended down close to Hank and said a few words. Then, he got up like nothing happened and walked to the car.

Back at their apartment, Buffy bandaged Spike’s knuckles in the bathroom. She noticed on the drive back that they became purple with tiny cuts marring his normally smooth skin. She ushered him past Dawn, Willow, Oz, Tara, and Xander to fix them. She didn’t ask what the argument was about, and he didn’t offer her any explanation. He sat patiently on the toilet and let her fuss over him, reminding him of the first time he met Joyce and the way Buffy fussed over her. Tears flowed between the two in the tiny bathroom, ignoring the food and guests in the other room only to cling to the other.

Food in the refrigerator, guests long gone, and their thoughts and doubts hidden left the apartment’s tenants quiet. Buffy fell asleep once again in Spike’s warm embrace, wondering what would come tomorrow and how she would handle it.


Chapter 14

Sitting over at the dining table with a mug of coffee and the paper, Spike watched Buffy move around. She didn’t get up early to train. Her brushes were dry. Spike was worried. She took Joyce’s death so gracefully. Never screaming at the injustice, the insanity, only tears of sorrow and love. As it got closer to noon, Buffy watched Spike. He showed no signs of going to work, she shouldn’t question it because she showed no signs of going back to her life. He caught her staring at him, "I’m not going to work today, kitten."

She looked shocked, "I thought… the big merger…" Buffy didn’t want him to put his life on hold for her necessities.

"Can wait, pet." Spike walked up to Buffy, holding his arms wide. She stepped closer, into his embrace. His head tilted down, burying itself in her fragrant hair.

She let his embrace warm her bones and then pulled away slowly, "No, you go. I’ll be fine here."

Spike looked down into her green eyes, nodding. He wrapped her back into his embrace and stood there for a minute, drinking in her comfort and pouring out his.


Spike climbed the apartment stairs, wearily. He unlocked the door, opening and getting into the dark chamber. Spike didn’t notice the loss of warmth in the apartment nor the lack of noise that usually came from Buffy. He went into the kitchen and made himself a drink, slowly looking over the mail. He sat quietly, unwinding from the countless phone calls he had today when it suddenly hit him. Buffy was not in the apartment. He looked at the clock, it was past eight, too late to be at the gallery. He moved quickly through the apartment, first to their room and then to her work room… it was empty. The painting supplies long gone from the shelves, canvases wrapped up and taken. He went back into their room and opened the drawers… empty. She had left.

Sitting on the couch, the one he bought for her, Spike sunk down into the cushions. She went through with her threat. Once her mother was out of the picture she would allow her father to fry in hell for his transgression and let Spike fry along with him.


Chapter 15

Four months later…

Buffy strolled down the sandy beach in a pair of white linen Capri pants, a yellow t-shirt, and white zip up sweatshirt. The sun popped out from beneath the clouds, warming the cool air. She walked up to a large flat rock and sat down with her sketchbook. Gliding her hand across the paper, Buffy recorded the beauty that was early morning in the Bodega Bay area. The cool breeze rustled the trees around Buffy as she continued to sketch the blue waters and green pastures. Her golden hair, now tinted slightly darker whipped around her face, making the daily excursion come to an end. She walked back the way she came, not disturbing the beach’s natural residents as she made her way back to her rental house, owned by her mother’s brother, Rupert Giles. She idly wondered why her uncle would own such property, surrounded by similarly large, worn houses that sold for more than half a million dollars. He was a kind man that couldn’t stand Hank Summers from the very beginning, and she knew he would not tell anyone of her whereabouts. He acted as her liaison to her customers and friends, allowing Dawn to go to school and not worry about the art shop. She didn’t want to put Willow or Xander in danger of loosing their jobs by staying loyal to her friendship so she stayed out of contact with them.

She kept her lease of her apartment, knowing she would eventually come back to it. Her uncle had told her of an angry, bleach blond man looking for her, inquiring her location. Evidently Hank had given Rupert’s name as a possible association to her. He had sent her a few letters, but she had not opened them, she send them back to her uncle, untouched. A few orders for paintings came in, giving her a necessary income. Every time she sent something to Sunnydale, Buffy would smile sweetly at the old postman, asking him to smear the location stamp. She had received several requests from Spike, through his company for paintings and she accepted the order. She knew he was trying any angle to get in touch with her, but she stayed hidden. She finished the paintings, having Rupert deliver them. Spike knew she was okay, he spent enough time studying her other paintings to know her work and he knew that what was delivered was indeed her work.

The days melted together, giving Buffy much needed time and space to grieve. She spent the mornings on inspirational hikes and the afternoons at the local ice rink. She trained harder than ever, recovering the loss of time and strength the attack cost her. She built up her stamina and ankle strength, affording new and different jumps and twists in her program.

She learned how to drive and got her license. The money she was paid from the sale of her art paid for a used car, giving her a mobility she never had. She drove down to the harbor, and up the coast. She watched the whales migrate from their mating waters to their birthing places, amazed at how elegant those large creatures could be. She painted a large 4 by 4 foot mural of a particularly large gray whale, coming up for air. His body came out of the water, revealing his forty-foot frame, dwarfing the other marine mammals around. It was her favorite painting by far. She felt like the whale’s large eye saw into her soul, searching for it.


Spike sat in his office, drinking his stash of whiskey away. It’s been five and a half months since she disappeared. The painting on his wall told him that she was alive and doing all right. Her strokes were clean and precise, accurate to a fault, creating an illusion of a sunrise through a corporate window. He knew she painted it for him, knew she knew morning was his favorite time of the day. It was when he held her without question and inhaled her essence. Even now, when she’s gone, he still held her in his dreams. Lying still and quiet on the bed, enjoying her warm skin against his. But it all was an illusion, just like her painting.

The sound a knocking broke through Spike’s muddled thoughts, he looked up to see Xander Harris standing in the doorframe to the office. "What do you want, whelp?"

"Are you drunk without me?" Xander walked into the room. Through the past months, the two men had gotten close in Buffy’s absence. They bonded over drinks at the local bar and became good friends. Spike even let Xander in on the little deal they had pertaining to her father. Xander was amazed that Buffy would go along with such a thing until Spike explained about her mother. Xander sat down in one of the chairs opposite of Spike’s desk.

"What’s it to you?" Spike slurred. He poured another three fingers of whiskey into his glass and gulped it down.

"Nothing, man… just… what would you do if she walked through that door, and saw you like this?" Spike looked at the door, hoping that she would walk through the door. "Relax, she ain’t here. But, if she would, you wouldn’t be earning any points with her."

"Well, she ain’t here and she’s not going to be. She left. Left the apartment, left the shop, left me."

"I would’ve leave you too, if you acted this way."

Spike’s blue eyes flared with anger. Turning his gaze on Xander, they narrowed, "What did you say, wanker?"

"I said that you are being a royal pain in the ass and I don’t blame her for leaving." Spike stood up and stalked over to Xander. Xander stood up, ready for him.

"Mind repeating that?"

"You," Xander pushed a finger into Spike’s chest, "Are," another push, "Being," Spike growled, "A," Xander ignored the warning and continued to poke him, "Pain in the ass."

Spike pulled his fist back, "Don’t want to hurt you, whelp."

"Whatever, Spike. The point is, if she happens to come by again you are in no condition to get her back." Xander backed away, heading to the door.

"She isn’t going to come back." Spike’s voice sounded suddenly sobered.

Xander turned around, "Are you sure about that?" Xander walked out of the room, leaving Spike to contemplate what he’d said.
