
Chapter 16

Spike huddled deeper in his clack leather duster. Her mumbled under his breathe about stupid whelps and their ideas. The arena’s seats were ice cold and hard as nails. Spike couldn’t get comfortable as he watched the room fill up with spectators. It was Saturday mid morning and Xander dragged him to a local ice skating competition, in hopes to get a lead on Buffy’s whereabouts. Spike didn’t want to be here, he’d rather be at home, sleeping in his warm bed that still smelled sweet, like Buffy. Being here reminded him of her. Of watching her practice with her coach. The loops, lutzes, combos, spins, turns, jumps… everything here breathed as Buffy. Names like Choctaw, Biellmann, Rocker, Flying Camel were now names he knew, could recognize. He knew which side of a blade the skater should use, the foot to take off on and land. He knew it all and he hated it. The Zamboni whirled around the ice, clearing the debris and training slices as Xander sat down, handing Spike a drink container. Thankful for some alcoholic refreshment to get past this memory, Spike sipped at it eagerly. "Ugg, what the fuck is this?"

"Coke," Xander sat back and watched the Zamboni do its job. "Did you know that there is a thin layer of water sprayed across the ice to make it smooth again?"

"Where’s my beer, whelp?" Spike yelled. A bunch of people around them looked at Spike, scolding him with their eyes.

"No alcohol, kiddy show." Xander indicated at all the little kids in the arena. "It’s not a hockey game."

"Give me a bloody break, would you? Not only do I have to sit here freezing my rocks off and look at the bloody ice, but now I can’t even drink a bloody beer while doing it?" Spike threw his hands up in the air.

"Relax, Spike. If you want to get her back, you are going to have to pretend to enjoy this type of thing." Xander sat back, watching the Zamboni leave the ice. He knew there was a chance that Buffy would be skating here. He remembered her talking about the entry fee and who else was going to perform, he just hoped that she really was going to be here. He didn’t want to have to spend the whole day with a grouchy Spike without something good coming from it. "Look, sit back and relax. These people know Buffy, they’ve known her for years." Spike sat back in his chair. Buffy might not even be able to skate, she could be pregnant. He didn’t use any protection with her, and he doubted she used any. It was such a spur of the moment situation, Spike didn’t even think of the consequences. And, now she was gone and he couldn’t reach her.

"So have you whelp, and where has that gotten me?" Spike groused. It was too much to be in the cold arena again.

"I may be her friend, but these people…" Xander indicated at the skaters lining up to make an entrance. "These people share a passion with her. They understand her, the call of the ice. And if you don’t understand it, then you won’t understand her."

Spike looked over at Xander, the lights dimmed as the last minute arrivals took their seats, the show was about to begin, "I did understand her." Xander looked over at Spike, silently disagreeing, "I understood and she left."

"Look, Spike, I don’t want to judge, really, but… what choice did you give her?" Spike looked over at his friend, wide eyed and amazed. Silently, Xander went back to watch the local little children skate.


Buffy stood back stage, she had already warmed up her muscles, and now she had to wait. The anticipation boiled up inside her, practically boiling over. Her long time coach came up beside her, thankful that she was still skating. "Nervous?"

"Like a race track horse about to piss in a cup." Buffy laughed at the grimace her coach made.

"Colorful language you’ve acquired." The coached nose scrunched up, not approving of the phrase.

"Ahn, I was just joking… I heard it on one of those late night talk shows. Yeah, I’m nervous girl."

"You’ll be fine." She patted Buffy on her shoulder.

"Yeah, how would you know, haven’t seen me skate since before my mom…" Buffy’s thought trailed off, "I could step out there and land on my butt."

"Or you can step out there and be magnificent."

"Thanks, Anya… you’re the greatest. I won’t even do the Bunny Hop for you."

"Oh, bunnys… so twitchy… why would they name that?" She walked away from Buffy and then turned back. "Oh, I saw Xander, didn’t tell him you were here."

"Thanks, was anyone else with him?"

"Not that I know of." Anya stood at the door, watching the little kids finish their program.

"Thanks." Buffy stretched once more, relaxing her muscles.

"Oh, Buffy?" When Buffy stood up and looked over to her coach she continued, "It’s good to have you back and happy. It’s been a long time since you’ve been this excited." Buffy smiled, it had been a long time.


Chapter 17





Buffy stepped out on the platform, watching her strongest competitor exit the ice. The crowd was still clapping, thoroughly enjoying her performance. Buffy wanted to puke. Not that Tara’s performance wasn’t good, it was too good. She floated through the air, and her elements were perfect. Buffy cringed; it had been almost a year since her last show. Other than the rink officials, no one had watched her skate but Spike. Trying to push down his memory, Buffy stretched, listening to Tara’s scores… almost perfect. There wasn’t much room for Buffy to take the lead. Buffy looked out in the black crowd, mentally scanning for Xander. Anya said he was here, she wondered why he would go to something like this, especially if she wasn’t dragging him here.

Her cue was handed to her, and she stepped out onto the dark ice. A hush fell across the room; she skated to the middle of the arena.






The spotlight did a dramatic search for her on the ice, sweeping across the ice until it found her. Her head down with her hair loosely curled and arms above her head, Buffy hid her face from view. Only her green sequined little outfit was visible. Her feet were crossed, and then the music started to rumble in the speakers. Her hips twitched to the island inspired beat. She twisted, keeping her face hidden as the music started to crescendo…and she pushed off, slow turns and paces as she started. She heard whispers of recognition as the beat changed, increasing. Shoving off, she raced down to the end of the ice.

You think that we connect
That the chemistry's correct
Your words walk right through my ears
Presuming I like what I hear

And now I'm stuck in the web you're spinning
You've got me for your prey

Her first jump in the program came up. Buffy prepared her body, coiling it into a tight spring to take off and land a perfect double axle. The crowd went wild, Buffy smiled wide as she flew down to the other end of the ice. This was what she lived for. Her body relaxed, knowing this was home.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

She continued with combinations, increasing the level of difficulty as the crowd continued to cheer. Her energy increased, she continued to push hard, listening to the music and the cue hidden in the words. She knew she shouldn’t have picked that song, even if he was here, the meaning would have been lost on him… it was all his fault. She was perfectly fine in her little bubble world until he made her fall in love with him. Yes, it was all his fault.

You take advantage of what's mine
You're taking up my time
Don't have the courage inside me
To tell you please just let me be
Communication, telephonic invasion
I'm planning my escape...

Twists and turns that Buffy knew by heart blurred past her as she continued the program. Axles and salchows landed. Her body flew across the ice, racing for the finishing line.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls






Buffy felt a change on the ice. She wasn’t even sure if it was real, maybe it was her imagination. She was ready and she felt him. His eyes watching her. She was infused with warmth and encouragement. Not glancing at the audience, she continued the program. Her jumps seemed higher, the blade cutting through the ice smoother.

Now it's gone too deep
You wake me in my sleep
My dreams become nightmares
'Cause you're ringing in my ears.

Her smile bloomed, realizing the song was almost over, it seemed unreal. She really missed skating in front of people and the added encouragement she felt made the feeling so much stronger. The big finish was approaching and Buffy started to doubt herself again. Sure she could do it perfectly in practice, but that didn’t guarantee it now.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

Sweeping her legs across the ice, she built the speed necessary to get her though the last of it. Her body jumped up, tightly revolving. Once. Twice. Three times. Gravity working against her, Buffy landed and immediately took off again, hopping up and spinning quickly.

And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls

The song faded away, ending the lyrics and Buffy stood there, proud and ecstatic. Her arms stretched out above her head, framing her svelte body. She bowed down, knowing she did a good job. Her skates glided across the frozen canvas and made the way to the edge of the rink. Anya handed her the blade protectors and a huge hug. Smiling, Buffy let the excited blond guide her to the booth where scores were called. Buffy felt overwhelmed. Knowing that by tomorrow everyone that she knew would know that she was back.






A/n: Lyrics from No Doubt: Spiderwebs… I found them online.


Chapter 18

Spike made his way down to the bleachers as the lighting increased. A skater was leaving the ice, finished with her program. Her dark blond hair and multi colored skirt floated behind her. She reminded Spike of a witch. He found Xander easily. "What did I miss?" Spike sarcastically asked.

"Oh, Tara McClay, good skater, very graceful. Was Buffy’s biggest competition."

"Really? Now I wish I didn’t have to drain the lizard."

"Ug, and Buffy let you kiss her with that mouth?" Xander shook his head as the lights dimmed again. He saw a small figure work its way out into the darkened arena. The sparkles on her leotard glinted, reflecting some light, the only visible part of the next skater. The spot light swept along the ice, faux searching for the skater. Finding her, the brilliant forest green outfit and setting everyone eyes ablaze with the flittering light. Her blond hair curled around her shoulders and hung in front of her down turned face, blocking the view. Her graceful arms were swept above her head. The almost Caribbean beat started through the speakers and the skater started to move her hips. She shimmed, letting her hips dip down. As the lyrics joined the melody, her body floated off of her starting position. Recognition filtered off of Xander’s face, it was Buffy. Spike was too busy trying to find his drink to even notice the look in Xander’s face or the petite skater on the ice.

You think that we connect
That the chemistry's correct
Your words walk right through my ears
Presuming I like what I hear

And now I'm stuck in the web you're spinning
You've got me for your prey

Xander stared at his friend flying across the ice, faster than he’d ever saw her skate. He saw her muscles tighten, ready to jump. A loud roar erupted form the audience when she landed. Smiling, she started her journey back to the other side of the rink.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

Spike looked up, only to see the back of the person in front of him. He was getting up to take his unruly child out of the arena. Sighing, he continued to look for his refreshments. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the skater jump and extend herself on the ice, but paid her no heed.

You take advantage of what's mine
You're taking up my time
Don't have the courage inside me
To tell you please just let me be
Communication, telephonic invasion
I'm planning my escape...

He found his drink, finally. Spike took a sip and sat back. He looked at Xander, who was totally enthralled watching the skater. Shrugging, he looked around, everyone was watching the graceful athlete. Little children with looks of awe studied the rink, watching the glittering woman lap it again.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls

Spike finally forced his eyes on the ice, shocked to find the face that haunted him. There she was with a huge smile on her face, flying on the cold floor. Her legs twisted and turned through the elements, gracefully completing the fancy footwork.

Now it's gone too deep
You wake me in my sleep
My dreams become nightmares
'Cause you're ringing in my ears.

She was a vision, an angel flying down to save him. He watched her body relax, become one with the ice. She turned in his direction, and her smile widened. It looked so natural… so beautiful.

Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spider webs
So leave a message And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back

Spiraling around the ice, she continued to push harder, jump higher, skate faster. His own eyes traveling over her luscious body even more trimmed and toned than before. Wherever she was, she had a gym and an ice rink to practice in.

And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls

Spike didn’t bother listening to the song, the lyrics lost on him as she finished the program. Her final combination made the people in the arena jump to their feet. She really did a wonderful job. Her movements stopped and she smiled up to the bleachers. Her smile firm on her face as she bowed and left the ice, only to encounter her coach. Spike didn’t like Anya, she wouldn’t tell him where Buffy went, even when she admitted she had been in contact with her. Jumping up, not bothering to talk to Xander, Spike ran down the bleachers, hoping to get backstage to see her, to talk to her. Spike quickly got past the guard to the entrance and slipped behind the scenes. Different skaters were milling around, listening to music and envisioning their routine. He jumped up above the small crowd, hoping to get a glimpse of her location. Out of the side of his eye, Spike saw Anya following someone in a green outfit into a dressing room about thirty feet away. Spike quickly walked over to the dressing room, only to be stopped by a large man. "Only ladies, sir."

Spike looked up toward the heavens, "Bloody hell."


Chapter 19

Spike stood outside the door for "Ladies Only" for over half an hour and hadn’t yet gotten a glimpse of her. The competition was over and the public was finally allowed down on the floor. Xander walked over, "Talk to her yet?"

"Not bloody likely with Bubba over here guarding the bloody door." Spike pointed at the large guard.

"She in there?" Xander indicated the door behind Spike.

"No, she’s in the men’s room. What do you think, Whelp. I just stand here all fucking day for the hell of it? The bloody chit hasn’t come out yet."

"Hey, man, relax. It’s just that Anya is over there. Maybe she can get Buffy out." Spike stood straight and looked over at Anya with his eyebrow arched.

"Wait, she didn’t come out of this door. In fact… barely anyone has." As they looked at Anya, a door about fifteen feet away opened up, letting some ladies out of the room. "Oh Balls! There was another bloody door?" Spike looked over at the guard and he shrugged. Stalking over to the congregating group, Spike fumed. He’d been standing there like a nancy boy all the while, Buffy probably escaped through the other door.

"Anya…" Xander said.

She turned around and smiled, "Xander Harris, where have you been hiding yourself?" Spike walked up beside them, scanning the crowd for his pixie. "Spike, I didn’t know you liked these kinds of shows."

"Uh, yeah." Spike stood on his toes, hoping to gain enough height to spot Buffy.

"So Xander, you’re looking good, who have you been giving orgasms to?" Anya innocently batted her eyes while Xander sputtered a response of nobody.

"Anya, my boy here, Spike, is looking for Buffy."

A dark scowl formed on Anya’s face, "I don’t think that is a very good idea. She doesn’t want any orgasms from you friend." She looked over at Spike, "I’m sure your orgasms are nice, but she isn’t interested." Anya turned back to Xander, "Did you know she won today?"

The conversation ended abruptly when the competition officials started to hand out the trophies. They listened as the younger skaters that were in the "junior" category, received their prizes and acknowledgements. Finally, the awards for the adult competition were announced. With bated breathe, Spike, Xander, and Anya watched the third place and second place winner graciously accept their trophies and money. Finally, Buffy walked up in a light green jogging suit and her hair pulled back loosely, accepting her award. She smiled enthusiastically at the presenters and waved at the crowd that cheered her on. In one split second, she met Spike’s eyes. Her breath faltered and smile dimmed when he saw recognition in her face. Then, she broke the contact and scanned the rest of the crowd. Spike started to push his way through the crowd, intent on getting to the mock stage area before Buffy finished accepting her award and shaking hands. The skaters from the "junior" portion of the competition surrounded her, giving an impenetrable shield ten feet around her. She turned away from him, walking to a room on the side, with the children following. With a flip of her hair, she once again disappeared into a room he was banned from.

Swearing, Spike received many poignant glares from parents and "junior" contestants. The bodyguard, nicknamed appropriately was standing in front of the door again. With one last glare at the bane of his existence, Spike stalked off in search of Xander, hopefully still talking with Anya. He looked around the small backstage area. Most of the parents were escorting their children out of the building, leaving only family and friends of the adult participants left. He found a seat and sat down. Xander and Anya were no where to be found. He watched the twin doors of the room she herded herself in. The skaters now exited with their belongings. Most carried duffle bags larger than themselves. He sat back, itching for a cigarette, but not daring to leave.

Xander strolled up, sans Anya, and sat next to Spike. "Did you get to her?"

Spike looked down at his feet, frustrated, "No, she’s playing hard to get. Damn bitch."

"Hey, hey. Don’t talk about her that way, man. Especially if you want her back… Anya told me that she’s going to be in town for a while." Spike looked hopeful at Xander. "She probably going to be pissed to find you still living at her place."

"Yeah, well. Probably an inch of dust in my old place… not going to clean it, now am I?"

Xander chuckled and slapped Spike’s shoulder, "Yeah, I shudder at the thought of some dust. Anyway, she said that Buffy and some girls from the competition were going down to O’Malleys… she invited me… and you."


Chapter 20

O’Malleys was packed with people from the skating competition. Spike scanned the crowd, finally spotting Anya’s outrageous hair. Xander followed Spike, heading to the table in the back. He heard her laughter first, it was sweet and unrestricted. As he came up on the group, he watched her swat a man on his shoulder, laughing with him. Jealousy roared in Spike, his inner demon coming forth, ready to claim what was his.

She looked up at him as he approached, his gait clear and concise, leaving her no doubt that he was coming for her. Her back straightened, chin lifted, and fingers threaded together on top of the table. She flipped her hair back and smiled, "William, Xander! It’s been a long time."

A million questions formed in Spike’s mind. How have you been? Where were you? Why did you leave me? Xander scratched his head when Spike fell silent, just staring at her. "Yeah, Buffy. Been a while."

"Yeah, oh. This is the gang… Kathy," a bubble blond waved, "Anya you know," Anya nodded their way, still glaring at Spike, "Tara," the same dark blond that skated before Buffy smiled shyly, "And this is Andrew." She leaned into Andrew, making Spike’s jaw ache. The blonde pip squeak looked like he couldn’t handle one beer.

Andrew stood up and practically knocked the table over. "Hey good to meet you too. Always good to have another male around. You know… hanging with all the ladies," Andrew smirked, trying to look like a ladies man. Suddenly he got an excited look on his face and started to bounce on the balls of his feet. "Hey, your duster looks like the one on my Neo action figure. I bought it on Ebay. I also got this Jedi figure… it’s so cool…Boba Fett… the bounty hunter."

Spike smiled knowingly, "Yeah, why don’t you write that address down."

"Hey, you’re English right?" Andrew looked at Spike, wondering if he could be cool like him.

"Yeah," Spike drawled, his eyes riveted at Buffy who was holding her head in the hands, shaking it slowly, knowing her game was over the minute Andrew opened his mouth.

"I’ve seen all the episodes of Doctor Who… not the Red Dwarf, though, because…" Spike stared at Andrew, amazed that this person kept talking. "It’s not on DVD yet."

"Uh huh, that’s… uh… admirable. Buffy? Can we talk?" Buffy looked up from her hands. Her green eyes surprised that he finally talked to her.

"Uh, yeah…" Buffy stood up. Spike walked around the table to hold out her chair. She glared at him, wondering why he was acting like a gentleman. Then it dawned on her, he was waiting to get her alone. "Bar?" Spike nodded and followed Buffy to the bar. She found two stools in the middle of the bar, people milling around talking and watching the televisions. She looked over at him. His eyes didn’t hold the electric charge they once had. Dark bags under his eyes marred his face, making him seem paler than he was. His cheekbones seemed to jut out further; he didn’t look like he was eating properly. "So…"

"Yeah. Hey, give me a beer, mate." Spike grabbed the bartender’s attention and gulped his beer. "Look… you didn’t have to…" Spike looked into Buffy’s eyes, lost in their glittering depths. The war between them still raging, he inhaled, hoping to calm down. "You didn’t have to leave…"

"Were you?" Buffy sat, looking straight at him. She knew she had to get through this, afterwards she could break down, alone, where no one could hear her cries of pain and anguish of her love.

"Huh?" Spike sipped his beer at a more leisure pace. His fingers itched to touch her, to hold her, to mold her.

"Were you going to leave?" Buffy didn’t let her gaze stray as she saw his emotions flitter across his face: surprise, anger, guilt, and longing. "Because, it looked like you still were there."

Shock hit Spike, "You… you were there?"

Buffy ducked her head, "Yeah, had to store my stuff. Drove all night to get here…" Buffy looked back up, her eyes softened, "You never left."

"No," such a simple word yet it spoke volumes.

Her eyes glistened with restrained emotion. "Why?"

Spike stared back, once again lost in her. Her scent, her warmth, her eyes. "Never going to leave you." His hand reached out to hers on its own volition. "Not like the others."

She didn’t pull away from him instead she savored the warmth seeping into her skin. She stared at their joined hands.

"I… I never meant for it to go that way." His thumb caressed the top of her hand, feeling the blood pump underneath the light layer of her skin. "Wasn’t supposed to be bad."

Buffy looked up into his eyes.

"I was going to treat you like the goddess that you are. My golden goddess." Buffy opened her mouth to say something but he lifted his other hand and rested a finger on her lips. "Shh, got to get this out… I wanted you from the first moment I saw you, glaring at Hank on the dance floor. Knew, I knew it was more than lust."

Spike looked at the bar, still resting his hand on hers. She slowly moved her wrist, rotating her hand under his until her palm met his. She threaded her fingers in his. Inhaling, he looked at their intertwined hands.

"I tried everything to get you to see me. Sure you went out with me once, but you were ready to cut me loose, I knew it. Then… the lame brain scheme with Hank. I wasn’t going to tell Joyce. I would have handled him quietly, no one would have known. But, I couldn’t let you know that or you would have banished me, yeah?"

Buffy nodded. A tear ran down her cheek, he reached up and wiped it away.

"And, that night. I’m sorry." Spike choked, his emotions finally surfacing. "God, it would be so easy for me to say I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did." A bitter laugh escaped his lips. "I wanted to possess you, show you who you belonged to… but you didn’t belong to me, did you pet? I belong to you. I have from the very first dance."

Buffy tilted her head, she heard the sincerity in his voice and her heart went out to him. Spike moved closer to her, resting his head against her shoulder.

"You consume me, fill me up to completion. I was so bloody scared when you were attacked. What if something happened to you? What if I did that to you? I couldn’t handle it."

She withdrew her hand from under his. Trembling, Spike was afraid that she was leaving him again.

"Don’t. Please don’t," he whispered.

She wrapped her arms around his body, angling her body to his and brining his head to her neck. She patted his back, consoling him through his emotions.

"I decided, I wouldn’t touch you like that again…" his words tickled the sensitive skin on her neck. "But, I couldn’t bloody do it. I had to hold you, love you, and show you that I wanted more. I love you." She felt hot tears drip down to her collarbone, washing over her skin. "I still do… bloody hell, look at me, crying like a nancy boy in the middle of a bloody pub."

"Don’t say that… no one is paying attention." Her fingers ran down his back, smoothing his duster. "And… and I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have run. I just couldn’t handle it." She looked around the busy bar and restaurant and bent her head towards his. With a low voice she asked, "Want to get out of here?"

His eyes lit up and she saw the flicker of electricity they were missing. They walked out of the bar hand in hand into the night.
