
Chapter 21

Spike sat on the couch, looking at the new painting over the mantle… a gray whale sticking its grotesque head out of the water. He shook his head, only Buffy would find art in that. He listened for the noise of her coming home, to him, but only silence greeted him. He took another sip of his whiskey; the fire burned his throat, making him feel something.

Last night was like an epiphany that never was realized. They ended up sitting on a park bench in the middle of the elementary school playground. They sat quietly, not quite knowing how to fix the riff between them, but knowing the other person was ready and willing. They just weren’t able. They didn’t talk about her absence or the deal. She talked about the weather and he updated her on the different business deals he was working on. When dawn approached, he asked her back to the apartment, but she refused. She wasn’t ready for that. He watched her drive off in her car as light broke over the horizon, leaving him to go home to the apartment, now filled with Buffy’s belongings.

He walked into the living room and saw the huge canvas filled with the whale breaking the surface of the water, staring at him with his one big eye. He moved around the apartment and saw that she dumped the rest of her belongings in the spare bedroom. He noticed she hadn’t collected much. She had three suitcases and her art supplies. Venturing into the room, he saw familiar and new paintings. Spike didn’t sleep in the bed, too many memories, especially now that she was back. So there he was on the couch, drinking his whiskey as the sun peaked in the sky and the whale followed his every move. It felt like the whale was looking through him and knew every little secret and nuance Spike hid. Rubbing the palm of his hand over his eyes, Spike put his drink down and closed his eyes. Rest would be good.


Buffy knocked quietly, not really sure why she was knocking on her own apartment door. She was the one that paid the rent all these months, it was hers, right? Losing her confidence, Buffy stepped away from the door, ready to walk back down the stairs and out to her car when the door flew open. A shirtless Spike leaned against the jam with one arm above his head. His hair was ruffled and his eyes looked dark and sleepy as he peered out into the hallway to see who dare bother him. When his eyes fell on her she saw him change. He immediately stood straighter and tried to tame his wild hair with his fingers. Without words, Spike moved to let Buffy into the apartment.

Standing in the living room, she looked around. Yesterday, she was not really surprised to find him still living here, but she was amazed that he had not changed anything about the décor. Most of it was still hers. She turned back to face Spike only to find him looking at her like she was a steak and he was a starving man. With a shy smile she sat on the couch, looking at the whale painting. "Hey you moved it!"

"Yeah," Spike scratched his eyebrow with his thumb as he made his way over to the chair. "he was staring at me." The painting was leaning against the wall with the back of the canvas showing.

Buffy laughed, genuine laughter directed at him. "I think he can see into my soul."

"Bloody hard to get any sleep when he’s staring holes through you," Spike shook his head. Buffy looked around and saw his pillow and a blanket on the couch.

"You slept out here, why?"

"Couldn’t sleep in there," he pointed at the bedroom, "when I know you were near… it’s ours."

"Oh." The couple fell silent, still not knowing where to go. Were they together again? Stepping into the apartment, Buffy wanted to throw herself at Spike and feel him again. His kisses, his touch, his voice vibrating through her.

"I don’t know what to say… what I need to say… what you need to hear." A tear formed in Spike’s eye. "Whatever it is, I would say it and mean it… please, tell me what I need to do, say, be…" he dropped down on one knee and crawled over to her, kneeling a few inches from her. "I’ve been in hell these past months not knowing, not understanding… not with you." His hands were shaking when they came up and rested on hers. "I’ve missed you… not just in the bed, but everywhere. I miss your company, your friendship. I just want to start over, can we do that?"

"I don’t think we can." Buffy whispered, moving her hands so their palms were together.

"Can we try?" Spike looked in Buffy’s eyes, glistening with moisture. She smiled and nodded.


The day was spent in quiet amazement. They touched and cuddled on the couch. Talking softly as if they were revealing the most precious secrets of their world. "Where were you, pet?"

She looked up at him, "Huh? Oh, Bodega Bay."

"Oh, was it nice?" Spike tightened his grip on her.

"Mmm, very nice. But colder. Want to see some pictures?" Spike nodded numbly, he was overcome with the need to know where she had been. She got up and held her hand out to him. Taking it, he was lead into the spare room, filled with her belongings. Buffy showed Spike some of the paintings she created during her absence: the beach that she lived on, the harbor, the valleys of spring flowers blooming, and her Uncle Rupert’s house.

"Looks like a lovely area, pet." His hands rested on her hips while they stood back and looked at the paintings.

"Oh, it was… so peaceful." Her wistful tone cut at Spike, deeply cut.

Letting her go, he turned and walked out of the room, "Guess that’s why you cut yourself off from everyone."

Buffy followed him after she heard his hurt tone, "What? What’s wrong, William?"

"Nothing, everything is bloody perfect. You had a perfect house on a perfect beach near a perfect bay. Your life was bloody perfect!" Spike’s voice rose with every word.

"What? William?" Spike stalked over to his whiskey, pouring a half of a glass and swallowed it quickly. "What’s gotten into you?"

"What’s gotten into me? Come on, love, what do you expect from me? A happy dance? You left me." Spike pointed at his chest. His lips twitched into a self-deprecating smile, "I loved you and you left me." His lips jutted out in a pout with his declaration, Buffy’s heart melted. "You were…" he waved his hand towards the paintings in the spare room, "there, and I was here. No one would tell me anything." She saw him fight the tears in his eyes. "Bloody uncle of yours returned all my letters."

His jaw twitched and Buffy was afraid he would break the glass he was holding, "Calm down William… no one knew, at least…" she stopped and inhaled, "not many. The ones that did know, well… they stayed quiet because I didn’t want to be found."

Spike collapsed on his knees, staring at Buffy, "Was it so awful? Was I that awful?"

Buffy quickly walked over and knelt in front of him, "Oh no, William. Don’t think that." Her hand came up and cupped his jaw. His tears ran openly down his face. "I needed time. I was so confused." She felt her tears run down her own face. "I… I didn’t know how I felt, I was so confused."

Spike looked up into her wet eyes, "What do you feel?"

"I… uh… I… William, I was so confused."

"Are you still confused?"

"I… uh… William…" Buffy looked into his eyes, knowing he knew her secret.

"Are you still confused?" His voice dipped low, caressing her with words.

"No," Buffy took one deep breath. "I love you."

Hope bloomed in Spike when he finally heard her words, "Really? You mean that?" Buffy nodded as Spike grabbed her and hauled her closer. His arms banded tightly around her and he let the tears and insecurities wash out of him. "I’m so sorry, pet. I just wanted you, needed you, loved you so bloody much."

Buffy smiled through her tears and labored breathing. "I love you too, William."

Buffy clung to Spike and Spike clung to Buffy as their emotions finally made it to the surface, refusing to be pushed down. Spike moved his head back to look at her. With tear tracks down her face and makeup smeared, she couldn’t be any more beautiful. They melted together: lips, arms, torso, legs. It didn’t matter. They were together, they were one, they were perfect.



16 months later…

Spike sat behind his desk, diligently working. Proud that the company did a total turn around in the past couple years. The stockholders were happy, the employees ecstatic, and most of all Spike was happy. The silver band on his left finger glinting in the fading daylight brought his thoughts from work. Running a hand through his bleached hair, Spike smiled to himself. This life, his life, was wonderful and couldn’t get any better. He looked at the picture on his desk and smiled. It was their three-month anniversary today and he wanted to go home.

Gathering up the paperwork to bring it home, he closed his black leather briefcase, a Christmas gift from Buffy. Spike walked past his secretary and out to his car. Oh life was good! The sun was out, birds sang their melody, and he was going to see his wife. Spike drove through the streets easily and headed to the gallery. He stopped on the way to pick up a dozen blood red roses for Buffy. He hopped out of the car and headed into the gallery. Dawn glanced up when he entered the front of the store. She had graduated college and stayed on to help Buffy with the business management side of it. Grateful that she freed Buffy up for more important things like him, Spike always had a smile for the kid. "Hey, Spike. She went home early." Dawn said quickly, avoiding eye contact.

"Is she alright?" Spike set the roses down and looked at her.

"Um, yeah. All right. Just a little woozy." Dawn turned around, and started to shuffle papers.

"Dawn?" Spike growled her name.

Dawn sighed, she hoped he wouldn’t come into the store today she hated lying. "She’s fine Spike." Spike eyed the girl warily and picked the roses back up. He walked out without saying goodbye, his thoughts directed totally on Buffy. The past week she had been whiney and picky. Nothing he did seemed to please her. Spike wondered if she came down with a flu or a cold.

Driving up to their house, Spike’s wedding present to Buffy, he cut the engine off. The house, a two story three bedroom colonial sat on a quiet cul-de-sac. Buffy parleyed the enclosed sunroom as her new studio. Her argument was that it was best to paint in natural light. She gave him the basement, allowing him to decorate it as his. Black paint, a brand-new stereo system, built in speakers, wide screen T.V., wet bar, and a leather couch transformed it into what Buffy lovingly nicknamed ‘The Crypt.’ Spike let Buffy make all the rest of the design choices in the house. She always asked his opinion, but Spike insisted she had better taste and if the design didn’t include flowers, he would be all right.

He quickly walked through the garage and into the house. The kitchen was dark, as the rest of the first floor. Stepping up to the second floor, Spike spied a light on their empty spare bedroom. They hadn’t gotten to decorate it yet. Spike walked into the room, surprised to see Buffy laying on the floor with her hands behind her head. Her legs swayed a bit as she hummed a childhood song. "Buffy?" She jumped a bit when he spoke, she didn’t hear him run through the house. She greeted him with a bright smile and patted the carpet next to her. Her engagement and wedding ring glinted in the light. Spike came in and sat down next to her. Grinning, he swooped down to capture her lips. "What are you doing in here, petal?"

Buffy smiled again and looked around, "What do you think? Green walls?"

"To match your eyes?" Spike teased and lay down on his side, facing her. His head propped up on one hand, allowing his other to play with her hair.

"Hmm, no, not to match my eyes." She looked shyly over at Spike. His face was alight with curiosity. He bent down to nuzzle her cheek. "I was thinking green is pretty neutral and cheery."

Confused, Spike propped his head up again, "I thought we decided to keep the rooms white until we figure out what to do with them."

"Well, I know what we are doing with this one." Buffy smiled and laid her hands on her stomach, watching Spike.

"Another studio? Pet, don’t you think two is enough?" Spike teased Buffy.

"No, not another studio. I thought you loved my paintings?"

"I do, love. So not another studio. What then?"

"A bedroom." Buffy looked at the ceiling, suppressing her smile. Sometimes he was so dense.

"Another bedroom? He already have ours and the guest room. We don’t need another bedroom." Spike pouted.

"Yes we do." Buffy took her hand and reach for his. She brought his palm to her stomach and let it rest. "Or, to be exact in eight months we will."

Spike’s eyes widened in comprehension, "Do you mean? Are you?"

"Pregnant? Yes, I am." Spike moved so fast, Buffy didn’t even see him. He covered her face in kisses and his hands explored her stomach. Every inch of her was covered by the time Spike came up for air, both panting with want and need.

"Oh my god, am I hurting you?" Spike slid off of Buffy quickly, afraid he had done something.

"No, it’s ok. I’m ok." Buffy rolled on top of Spike, straddling his hips. "I’m more than ok."

Spike grinned up at her with his hands on her hips. She looked radiant. Her golden hair tousled from his fingers, lips swollen from his kisses, and eyes dreaming of their child. Naked desire flared in his eyes. Buffy say the moment when the mood changed. His hands stilled and his pupils dilated. Smiling as sweetly as she could, Buffy swiveled her hips on his, grinding her groin into his growing erection. Spike whispered, "Guess we’re going to have to celebrate."

"I supposed we have to." Buffy smiled and started to unbutton Spike’s shirt. His tie already gone, she displayed his chest. "Mmm, celebrate it real nice."

Buffy squealed as Spike rolled them on the floor, switching positions. "No alcohol for you, so what does that leave us? Seems to me, Mrs. Winthrop, someone is a little over dressed." Spike quickly divested Buffy of her clothes, leaving his panting and writhing on the carpet below him. He shucked out of his pants and boxers rapidly

Lying down, Spike watched Buffy. Her skin glittered with perspiration, and eyes watching him watch her. Everyday, he fell more in love with her. Her strength, her energy, her enthusiasm. Buffy, knowing he had slipped into his poetic and reflective thought reached out and grasped his cock. Squeezing it lightly, she ran her thumb around the tip. "Think someone wants to join the celebration."

Groaning, Spike touched her breast reverently. "It’s hard to believe that there’s someone growing inside you." Spike’s lips touched hers. Breaking away, he continued, "In a few months these will be ripe and full with milk." His head bent and he sucked her nipple into his mouth. "Mmm, delicious." Spike moved his head to her other nipple, laving it with the same treatment the other on received. He inhaled her sweet scent. Such power and grace, the best part was it was his. Buffy wrapped her legs around Spike when he moved over her. Wanting and needing to feel him slide into her. Feeling his thrusts. Spike moaned when Buffy positioned him right at her entrance, not leaving her intent a mystery. Sliding over her, he captured her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip. Simultaneously, he sunk down, penetrating her. Twin sighs of relief echoed through the empty room.

Moving gently, Spike’s eyes watched Buffy’s. Blue and green collided, speaking to each other. Buffy’s hips moved, meeting Spike’s. The energy swirled around them, creating a cocoon of love. Spike shifted, allowing deeper penetration, hitting Buffy’s g-spot just right. Her eyes widened as the pleasure overwhelmed her. She felt her muscles start to contract, free from her mind, the fluttered around Spike. Feeling the exquisite contraction of her muscles, Spike fell over the precipice, too, spilling his seed into her womb. Rolling over, Spike brought Buffy up on his chest to rest.

Oh, yes, his life just got better.


Now, this is the END