
Chapter 5

Will stood outside the office building leaning casually up against the wall. It was 10:20 PM and he was starting to feel impatient. The door had locked behind him and so he had no choice but to wait. Well, that wasn’t quite true. He could just go home. The breeze picked up a bit and the air started to smell of rain. "Should probably get the car," he thought, "before I get stuck."

Buffy checked herself one more time in the mirror. "Presentable," she thought, "no one would ever guess that you’ve just spent hours having the greatest sex of your life with a complete stranger in an elevator." Buffy’s hand flew to her mouth as she quickly relived the details. She pointed a scolding finger at herself in the mirror and aloud said, "Bad Buffy!" before taking a deep breath and walking out of the bathroom.

The area in from of the bank of elevators was deserted. There was no sign of him. She felt a surprising amount of disappointment wash over her. "What did you expect?" she asked herself. "Sex equals fun! Remember?"

The rain had started a little over ten minutes ago. It was coming down hard and he was already thoroughly soaked. "Annoying bint," he thought, "keeping me waiting out here in the rain," and then he saw her.

She stepped off the elevators and looked outside. It was pouring. "Great! What happened to ‘it never rains in California’?" she said to herself as she crossed the length of the lobby. "Gonna have to make a run for the bus stop," she thought as the opened the door and began to hurry off.

Suddenly she was grabbed from behind. There was an unexpected flash as she was swiftly turned around. There he was. Soaked to the bone, waiting for her. She heard a roll of thunder in the distance and then the black carpet of sky lit up as a bolt of lightening split across it. He struck a casual pose, like it was the most natural thing in the world to be standing there, in the rain.

"Buffy Summers?" he asked extending his hand. "I’m William Giles and I’d very much like to have dinner with you this evening. I’m starving and I know you haven’t eaten yet. There’s this great little place, not too far from here-" he said, the end cut off by a loud clap of thunder.

Buffy laughed and looked down at herself. "You do realize it’s raining right?"

"Yup!" he said putting his hand in his pocket and fishing around for his keys.

"We can’t go anyplace dressed like this-" she started to say.

"Sure we can. I promise. It’ll be fine. Trust me," he finished as his lips gently brushed against her ear.

"What’s this place called?" she asked suspiciously as another bolt of lightening cracked, illuminating his face.

"My place?" he said with a bright smile

The area outside of the office building was shrouded in darkness. All of the employees who worked in the business section of Sunnydale were long gone. But, on that warm summer evening, as the lightening intermittently flashed, anyone watching would have seen them, two lovers, kissing passionately in the rain, mindless of the thunderstorm.  

The End