
-Disclaimers: All characters belongs to Joss and the WB. Quotes are labeled belonging to each individual.

-Summary: Story set after "Blood Ties". S/B. While fighting a demon Spike and Buffy are injured and their blood mixes with the demon's. The next morning they can communicate with each other mentally. They have been linked.

Rating: (NC-17)

***Anything that is appears like this: //word\\, are thoughts that they transmit to each other.***


Prince Henry: "And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never happens, or she does, and you're too distracted to notice?"

Leonardo da Vinci: "You learn to pay attention!"

from Ever After


Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5 * Part 6 * Part 7 * Part 8 * Part 9 * Epilogue


Part 1 

"What's wrong Slayer, not feeling your best?" Spike asked mockingly as she got up from the floor.

"Oh, and you were Prince Valiant." she said in a serene tone.

"Wasn't too bad, I've taken Lanithro demons before, just never killed 'em." He said wiping his leather coat.

"C'mon lets get the body out of here, I doubt people will walk by and ignore a ten foot piece of decaying mass that smells like shit." she said bending down and placing the demon's arms across his chest.

"Careful with the blood." he said.

"Is it poisonous?" she asked.

"No, not really, just doesn't come off fabric." he said grabbing the demons legs.

"Oh, well, too bad, I already have it all over me." She replied grabbing the dead demon by the shoulders. "You have it all over too."

He looked down and frowned. "Bugger." he muttered.

They walked in silence, taking the corpse to the far back of the cemetery were no one ever went.

"Jeez! Can he be any heavier?!" she cried, then stumbled back and fell flat on her butt.

He chuckled and walked in front of her extending his hand.

"Give the guy a break, he's dead."

She glared at him and reluctantly took his outstretched hand.

The second their skins came in contact with one another she felt an electric shock go through her body.

"Ouch!" she cried and retrieving her hand.

He looked at her confused.

"What did I do know?" he asked exhaling.

"You shocked me!" she cried accusing him.

"I can't shock you, pet, I'm dead, remember?" he said slumping his shoulders at her blonde ignorance.

"We'll you shocked me." she insisted and got up on her own.

"We'll that's a first." he said and started walking out of the cemetery.

She ignored his usual sarcastic comments.

"We'll I am going to the shop, gotta tell Giles the 411 on the nasties." she said looking herself over. She walked away and he watched her leave.

"Slayer!" He called after her, catching up with her.

"What is it, Spike?" she said not looking at him.

"Just you know....that's it for tonight?" he asked hoping that she would invite him to do anything as long as he could be with her.

"Yes, Spike, go home." she said.

"Are you inviting me?" he asked smirking.

She stopped and looked at him. "Can you be more annoying?"

"Do you want me to be?" he asked taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

She glared at him.

"I had the time of my life, now go away." she said and walked off.

Bitch. He thought.

"I heard that." she called at him without looking back.

Spike looked at her confused but shrugged, thinking that he had said the comment out loud.


Casey: "You can be such a ........"

Delilah: "What?"

Casey: "Pretty cool human being when you're not being a first class, grade A bitch."

from The Faculty


The ringing bell on the magic shop startled the Englishman, making him spill his hot English tea over his clean shirt. "Bloody Hell." he cried.

"Giles!" Buffy yelled as she entered the shop.

It was late, maybe 1am, and the only Scoobies that were left was Willow and Tara who were researching a spell they had been working on all week.

"Hey Buffy!" Willow said as she saw the Slayer enter the shop.

"What a night!"

"Are you alright? You look terrible." shy Tara said when she saw Buffy's appearance.

Her hands were bloody from a cut she had on her palm and was mixed with the drying blood of the demon. She also thought she had some of Spike's blood too since he was also injured in the fight.

"Yeah, just a nasty twenty foot demon, Spike said it was a Lanithro demon, I think that's what he called him." she said walking to the bathroom that always carried a first aid kit.

"Spike?" Willow asked looking at her.

"A Lanithro demon?" Giles asked coming back with a fresh shirt on.

"Yeah!" she cried from the bathroom then walked out with the white box. "He said that was the name of the demon."

Willow shrugged. "Spike helped you?"

"You know him, showing up out of thin air, pretending to be helping so he can get paid." Buffy said sitting down on the table in the middle of the room.

Tara sat with her to help her clean her wounds.

"Lanithro demons are very rare.....I wonder what business it had here." Giles said to no one in particular.

"It is the hellmouth, Giles." Buffy replied from her chair.

Giles shook his head in annoyance. "Did you kill it?"

Buffy raised her hands to show the green-goo blood that was stuck on her palms.

"Very well, then. I'll do some research on it tomorrow, you all should head home, its getting late." he said walking to his ample library.


"I'm like a bad penny, I always turn up."

from Indiana Jones

Part 2

"Anyone who spends significant time with me finds me disagreeable."

from the film Seven


Spike paced his crypt, something felt strange. Almost as if he had emotions, like he could feel them. I mean one thing was to want to shag the slayer and love her, another was to worry about all her friends and even her watcher and even the whelp! He even felt something strange towards Peaches, but he was blocking that out. Something was definitely wrong.

He tried to sleep but was kept up thinking how they could defeat Glory and protect the Nibblet.

This is none of my business. He thought. Sure I want Buffy to see that I've changed, but HELL!!

He paced the rest of the night and hardly got sleep during the day, he was worried about Buffy's school work.

Something was certainly wrong and he intended to find out exactly what it was.

As soon as the dusk came he grabbed his duster and marched to the Magic Box, maybe the witch was doing spells again. But as soon as that thought crossed his mind he got a feeling that Willow would never do that to him.

Ok he needed a vampire psychologist, he didn't know of any but Giles would do.


"The self is not something ready-made, but something in continous formation through choice of action."

John Dewey


Buffy was walking towards the Magic Shop from school. She had not gotten much sleep last night, with all the worries she had it's amazing she got two hours of sleep.

Worrying about Glory was enough and the whole Dawn and Mom thing, but she found herself thinking and wondering if Spike was alright. If he had enough blood, if his cuts were healing. She almost felt bad that she was so rude to him, but she stopped herself right then and there when she realized she was probably loosing it.

No matter how much she tried to push his safety aside when she walked by the butcher's shop and reluctantly stopped to get some fresh blood for him.

She didn't know what came over her, it was like she could feel what he was feeling. She was worrying about the things he should be worrying, and somehow her own troubles seemed lighter.

She had to talk to Giles, maybe someone did a spell accidentally, Willow......I would kill her. She thought.


"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden."

Johann Wolfgang


"I swear, G-man, I've read every single book in this shop and there is nothing, so whatever this Linguini demon is not here." Xander said, closing the ancient text before him.

"The name is Lanithro Demon." Willow said continuing her search on the lap-top.

"Maybe that's not the real name, maybe is some other demon." Anya said from the register were she was counting the money. "Lanithros are rare, and nasty, I once dated one.....didn't turn out very well, he read my mind."

"He read your mind?" Xander asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah, they tend to read people's minds." she said oblivious to the rest in the room.

"Hey you think that maybe Glory might have sent it to read Buffy's mind and find out who the key is?" Willow piped in from her corner.

"It is a definite possibility." Giles said looking very pensive.

"But you said Buffster and Deadboy Junior killed the telepath." Xander said crossing his legs at the ankles. "Nothing to worry about then."

Before anyone could talk both Buffy and Spike busted in to the store.

Spike came in from the front entrance and Buffy through the back.

"Watcher!" "Giles!"

The entire room turned both ways.

"What are you doing here?" Buffy asked accusing Spike, his mere presence was giving her shivers.

"I need to speak to the watcher, so sod off!" he said dismissing her.

"Did you eat today?" she asked out of the blue.

"Did you study for your English history test?" he asked out of the blue.

They both looked at each other in confusion.

"OK, Willow!" Xander cried out. "Spells, have you been doing spells?" Everyone looked at the unlikely couple and then at the red headed witch.

Willow shook her head vigorously. "Nope, no spells."

"She wouldn't do that." Spike said without thinking.

"Willow, are you sure?" Buffy asked ignoring the blonde vampire.

"Ye-yeah! Buffy you know I wouldn't do that." Willow said hurt.

"Now you upset her." Spike said looking at the slayer.

"Excuse me, eighties reject, but who's the one who busted in here asking if I had studied for my history did you know I had a history test?" she asked now concerned.

"How did you know I hadn't eaten today?" he replied getting freaked out himself.

There was silence in the room as they studied each other and the rest of the room studied them.

"Watcher!" "Giles!"

They both turned to face the elder who was extremely amused by the situation.

"What's going on Giles? Why is Spike speaking in my head?" she asked horrified.

"Spike is speaking in your head?" Anya asked coming forward extremely interested.

"Yes! It's killing me!" she looked at the blonde vampire. "How can you worry about such stupid things, don't you have a life?"

"Hey! This is all your fault, I'm sure of it!" he said pointing a finger at her. "I am the one worrying about the impact of industrialization in the urban areas of London!"

Buffy fell in realization and smiled brightly yet evilly at him. "This is great!" she cried.

Spike was confused and looked at her like she had two heads. "What the bloody hell are you blabbering 'bout?"

"Don't you see? I don't have to study! You're as old as Bob Hope and you were alive when most of the history happened!" she cried turning and looking at Willow smiling brightly.

"Buffy, I am sure this has happened with some greater purpose." Willow said studying the situation.

"I will have to agree with Willow on that, though I can't possibly think of the benefits." Giles said standing next the dueling couple.

"Yeah, Buffy, maybe the powers wanted and.....Spike, you know?" Tara said softly.

"Bloody Hell!" Spike almost shouted. "Why doesn't anyone ever think of how this might affect the second party, you know: how might the vampire feel?"

Xander started laughing. "Oh that's a good one!" he said between laughs. "Well, let me see....because you're a blood sucking homicidal demon who cares for one thing and that's himself."

Spike glared at him.

"Xander that wasn't nice!" Buffy said, then thought about it. "Oh God...I did NOT defend Spike." she brought her hand to her head and looked at Giles. "Do something!" she cried.

"Well Buffy......I don't know what to say." Giles said "I could start researching it and looking into it." he said very unsure.

"It was probably the Lanithro demon you guys killed, I told you they weren't nice." Anya stated crossing her hands in assurance.

Spike glared at her. "What 'bout the demon the demon we killed?"

"Good point, what about the demon, Anya?" Buffy asked standing beside Spike and strangely finding comfort in his presence.

"Did they just agree on something?" Xander whispered to Willow.

Willow nodded in shock "And they're about to invade each other's personal space."

"Well I think they can link people together, mentally, I mean. But it will be difficult since it requires exchange of blood." Anya said smiling. "So you see, there has to be another reason."

"Exchange of blood, you say?" Giles asked coming closer to the ex-demon.

Anya nodded and smiled.

"Oh, God." Buffy said feeling faint. Instinctively Spike felt her fainting and grabbed her by her shoulders, pushing her to sit on a chair.

The rest of the room watched in wonder at the almost certain tenderness between the odd couple.

"Ok this is freaky." Xander said pointing a finger at the slayer and vampire.

Willow could only nod, she had lost her speech.

Giles finally regained his composure. "Was, I mean, did you,....what I mean to say.....well..."

"Spit it out, watcher!" Spike cried reaching the tip of his patience.

"Did you" Giles finally said, turning very red.

"You feed off her!" Willow screamed at Spike.

Spike was confused and getting very annoyed.

"I din..."

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Xander interrupted him and grabbing Spike by the collar of his coat and slamming him against the wall, shattering glass jars on his back.

Buffy winced as she felt a glass object cut her back. "Ouch, stop it Xander!" she cried.

Spike was ready to rip the whelp's head off, he morphed into his real face. "Get your bloody hands off me you wanker!" he cried.

"Xander stop! He didn't feed off me!" Buffy said coming up behind Xander and ripping the brunette off the defenseless blonde. "You're hurting him!"

Spike looked at her and shifted to his human mask. "You felt that?" he asked referring to the shattered glass that had cut his back.

She glared at Xander and then looked at Spike //Turn around//. She thought without saying it out loud.

Spike blinked wince before he realized he had heard the voice in his head. "How the bloody hell did you do that?" he asked confused at all that was happening.

"What do you mean?" she asked trying to turn him around because she could feel the pain of broken skin.

"You spoke, my head, like I heard your thoughts." he said ignoring her tugging.

"I don't know! Turn, around this hurts!" she exclaimed finally turning the confused vampire around to reveal a large gash through his leather coat and into his skin.

"Great!!" she proclaimed letting him go and sitting on a chair. "I can feel his pain!"

"So can I!" Spike retorted. "It's my skin, you twit."

"This is amazing!" Giles exclaimed with a delightful look on his face but only to be glared by two frustrated blondes. "Well in the scientific point of view."

"Well what ever it is, undo it!" Spike said. "Look! This already cost me my coat!"

"Wait!" Buffy said with a smile. "I don't feel it anymore."

"Feel what?" Anya asked.

"The pain, I don't feel the cut." she looked at Spike. "Do you feel it?....Yes you do, I know it."

Spike frowned. "Can someone tell me what's going on? And don't tell me a good answer until there's a solution."

"This is going to be a long night." Willow said with a pout.

"I need a cigarette." Buffy said, then in realization her eyes opened wide. "Search! Search! Search NOW!!!"


"Sometimes I wish I had never met you, because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there."

from Good Will Hunting



"When they ask me what I liked best, I'll say it was you."

from City of Angels


Buffy continued to twist and turn in her bed. How the hell was she supposed to get any sleep when all she would hear was Spike in her thoughts?

Stop it, I can't sleep. She thought frustrated.

//Sorry// She heard him say.

//This ridiculous, you know?// She told him back.

//What? You want me to read you a good nigh' story?// He replied.

//NO!! Just leave me alone.// She cried.

//You know, pet, you shouldn't tell people about this, they might think you dropped.// He said and she could almost hear him smiling smugly at her.

//I hate you, you know that? Just shut up, turn IT off and let me be.// She said and buried her head in her pillow.

//Like I'm happy about this!// He said, almost screaming.

//You seem fine to me.// She replied.

//Slayer! Was that a compliment? Really, luv, I'm flattered.// He said and she heard him chuckle.

//I am about to stake you through our thoughts.// She cried. //I happen to have school tomorrow morning.//

//I know.//

//You, know?// she asked. //How the hell can you know?// She sat up on her bed.

//I am in your head, remember?//

She groaned. //Please, I am begging you...//

//Gotta, go Slayer, Harm's here.// He said.

//What do you mean, go to go?// she cried. //I am not lying here and hearing you shag that 'ho!!// She was disgusted.

//What? You wanna join us?// he was laughing.

//You're a pig, Spike.// she said.

Then out of the blue, she didn't hear him anymore. As if he had disappeared into thin air.



Good. She thought.

Then she got a clear image of him shagging the blonde Barbie and she cringed. How's a girl supposed to sleep?


Almasy: I just wanted you to know: I'm not missing you yet.

Katherine: You will

from The English Patient


He sat on his couch.

Pensive was a word he wished he could use but it was more like brooding, though he would not really admit it. He was pissed off at Harmony for interrupting his "conversation" with the slayer.

The Slayer.

He couldn't believe this was happening to him and the slayer, of all people,........Buffy!

He smiled, she had a lot of worries, more than what he had thought her little head was capable of holding. Maybe after this she would see him differently.

He sighted.

Giles had taught them a simple concentration method to block each other's mind waves from wondering to the other. They had refused to do any of the meditations, insisting that the Scoobies research on a way to stop the process. But after she craved a cigarette an he was in dire need of a diet coke they decided to comply.

He wondered if she knew he loved her. He didn't think so, how was that possible? He wasn't even going to begin to understand, the entire situation was ridiculous to begin with. Not that he was going to complain, but hey! A guy needs his privacy once in a while.

He stood up to get ready for "training", as Giles called it, a long night......A long night with Buffy. He smiled.


"Some People hear voices, their own inner voices, with great clearness, and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, but they become legends."

from Legends of the Fall


Buffy had to admit it to herself, she had not gotten much sleep the night before.

It was bad enough that she was tossing and turning because of worries but she was also imagining Spike with that thing!


She was upset at herself for letting it get to her but she was more upset with him for bringing it up.

She had also sensed something strange last night.

It was the strangest feeling.......subtly twisted and very strong.

As if love was radiating all around her. Enveloping her, protecting her. At first she brushed it off, but then......she embraced it.

She didn't know were, she didn't know when, but she knew someone out there loved her, and in spite of the situation she smiled.

Smiled happily as she walked to the shop to "train" with Spike. Giles had insisted that they learn to control this "thing" because it might aid her in her slaying.

For some unexplained and highly suspicious reason......Spike had happily complied..


"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who is standing center stage advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend the rest of your lifetime opposing, at the top of yours."

from The American President


"Concentrate! If you don't concentrate how I am supposed to train you properly?!!" Giles cried loosing the last bit of his patience.

Buffy and Spike were both sitting cross legged on the training mat. But Buffy couldn't concentrate, here was Spike sitting across from her in nothing more than black sweat pant-and nothing else.

Spike couldn't concentrate at all simply because all that Buffy was wearing were some thigh black leggings and a little tiny sports bra, that made her chest look like it was about to fall off.

"This's not fair, she gets to hit me, and I am used as the punching' bag dummy." Spike protested.

"Shut up bleach boy! Not our fault that you have metal rammed up your brain." She said opening one eye and looking at him pointedly.

He glared at her.

"Bloody Hell!" Giles cried throwing his arms in the air.

"Sorry." Buffy said sheepishly. Her watcher was turning colors she had never seen.

Spike smirked, this whole idea was silly anyways. They didn't need to stretch out their mind, they were perpetually linked.

//You think he's pissed?// he asked her mentally.

//If you would concentrate, this wouldn't happen.// She replied with her eyes still closed, looking very much like the apt pupil.

"Stop that!" Giles said.

Spike looked at the man in annoyance. "Already told you, mate. This is no use, the chit is already talking to me."

"I am not a chit." Buffy cried in dismay, breaking her concentration and placing her hands stubbornly on her hips.

"How am I to help you two, if you don't stop arguing?" Giles said removing his glasses and rubbing his temples.

"What exactly is your goal?" Spike asked leaning back in his cocky usual way.

Buffy hated him for it at the moment, that moment his abs flexed and revealed a perfect six pack. She gave him a disgusted look.

Even thought Spike was not looking at her he felt the hatred that was aimed towards him and looked at her.

"That was a nasty wave of hatred." he said.

"We'll let's not keep it a secret. I hate you." She said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well what's my line?" he asked looking mockingly pensive. "Hum, yes....And I am all you've got." He replied making her turn bright red with anger.

"This is exactly what I am talking about." Giles said standing between the two annoyed blonds.

Before either one could say anything Giles strode out of the room.

"When you've matured, let me know." He cried as he closed the door and locked them inside.

Buffy jumped up and ran to the door. It was locked. She pounded the door with all her slayer strength.

"Giles!! He'll kill me!" she screamed at her watcher on the other side.

"No used pounding the door down, Willow did a binding spell." he said. "You and Spike are going to stay in there until your little problem is resolved."

Buffy sighted, furious at her watcher for placing her in this situation. She turned around to find Spike casually leaning against the wall in nothing but those clinging jogging pants. He was calmly lighting a cigarette.

She paced the room.

He watched her.

She stopped and looked at him. He smirked and held out his cigarette. "Smoke?" he asked.

Buffy groaned. Why me?

//I heard that.// He replied smiling.

She glared at him. //Good.//


"That is not a choice, it's a lack of options."

from Armageddon


"How long do you think they'll need to stay in there?" Xander asked as he paced the floor of the magic shop.

"How ever long it takes." Giles responded not looking up from the book he was reading, he was through with the constant bickering from the two enemies and he was determined to stop it.

"I think it's romantic." Anya stated happily.

"Romantic?" Willow exclaimed.

"Well in that I hate you, ravish me sort of way." She smiled oblivious to the fact that everyone was staring at her. "You know, lets get locked in a closet, see who can keep their hands to themselves the longest."

"The moment Spike places a single hand on Buffy either of two things will happen." Xander said holding up two fingers at his girlfriend. "One, he'll be lying on the floor suffering from extreme headaches. or Two, he'll be lying on the floor suffering from a head concussion Buffy and her shoe will be responsible for causing."

Anya nerveless smiled. "Foreplay."


Lestat: "No one could resist me, not even you, Louis."

Loius: "I tried."

Lestat: "And the more you tried, the more I wanted you."

from Interview with a Vampire


Spike was smoking his twelfth cigarette. Staring off into space, trying to think of anything but the resting figure across from him.

"Ever heard of second hand smoke?" She asked, speaking the first words between them in over an hour.

Spike tilted his head slightly and looked at her like she was an idiot.

"Well it may not concern you, but it concerns me, I don't plan to die of lung cancer."

"Then don't breathe." he replied.

She shook her head in wonder. "You are"

"So what, Slayer?"

"You don't have a word, but whatever it is, you're it." she said crossing her arms against her chest.

"You're brooding, now that's scary." He said inhaling the dark smoke.

She rolled her eyes at him and looked away.

She was tired, sleepy, and most of all annoyed. She needed to hit something, needed to beat something out, needed to vent her frustration.

//Now you're sulking.// He said in her mind.

//Better than talking to you.// She replied defensively.

He shook his head lightly and she watched him carefully.

"What?" she asked.

"You, you and your constant denial." he said lighting another cigarette. "It's like a constant internal battle with you, slayer. I can feel it. You're drowning in it."

"Don't talk to me as if you know me, Spike." she said getting mad at his insightful opinion. "You DON'T know me, and you never will." she said standing up to face him.

He let out a small unhumorous laugh. "Know you?" he smiled. "I know you better than what you know yourself, pet."

"Oh right, and tell me something? Do you always flatter yourself so incredulously?" she asked glaring at him.

He stared at her for a long time and her eyes finally found his, neither blinked. Then all of the sudden she felt him go through her, like a sudden warm wave, and she was drowning in it. Fresh and renewing.

It was like he saw right through her, like she was standing naked in front of him.

She shuddered.

"What the hell did you do?" she asked getting angry at him for making her feel anything but hate towards him.

He said nothing but looked at her in shock himself. He didn't know what he just did, but it felt magnificent, like the time he killed his first slayer, a complete high.

She got angrier and strode to where he was at, grabbing his neck and pinning him to the wall. "What did you do?" she shouted at his face.

He got pissed, she had ruined a perfect moment for him, and there was still that manly high surging through his veins. He instinctively roughly shoved her away. Then he braced himself for the pain he was about to feel.


No pain.

No headache.

She stared at him in disbelief as she sat disoriented on the mat floor. Spike had just shoved her, like a hurtful shove. And he stood in front of her in all his male glory, looking at his hand confused and then back at her.

Oh Shit. Was all she managed to say before he strolled to her and smacked her hard across the jaw.

She flew backwards, and rolled, still in shock at what was happening. She had forgotten how strong Spike was, it had nearly been years since she had felt his blows. She sighted and leaped up, ready for a confrontation.

The she heard him laughing.

Then she realized, that his chip must have malfunctioned.

A strange, sickening feeling settled at the pit of her stomach, almost a dread sense of loss. Now, she'd have to kill him, fight him, he would go homicidal for sure.

But there he was laughing. Laughing. She had never heard him laugh before, it was a hysterical laugh. She stared him as she wiped the blood from her lip.

She was bleeding. Buffy got angry, he had hit her! Bastard!

She walked over to him and prepared to kick him in the gut but just as her foot was about to make contact with him, he reached out and grabbed it, twisting it and sending her flying, landing flat on her face.

Before she could recover, he pinned her on her stomach and sat on top of her.

"I don't want to fight you, Slayer." He said.

"Neither do I, really." She said in a mocking tone and flipped herself up sending him flying. She got up and stood ready for battle with the one creature who matched her ability.

Only one of them would get out of here alive, the door was locked, so it was either kill, or be killed.

He jumped at her, but she punched him, he punched back.

They fought not holding anything back, punching and kicking. Making each other tired and bloody all the same.

"Waited for this a long time." He said as he waited for her to get up.

She jumped at him. "Sorry to disappoint you, but today is NOT your one good day."

He sneered at her, remembering the insults he had received from her the day he told her how he had killed the other two slayers.

They continued fighting, making each other gasp for breath, though one of them didn't need it. It was a battle, fighting all the moments they had wanted this. The frustration of not being able to kill each other in the past three years, it was war.

He had plenty of chances to kill, but had not, and she knew it. Just like she had plenty of chances to kill him but hadn't, and he knew it.

In the heat of exhaustion he pinned her on the floor, bringing her arms above her head. She laid flat on her back and he was lying completely on top of her.

Knees touching knees, hips crushing hips, bare stomachs touching bare stomachs, chest feeling chest.

They were panting with frustration and weakness. Their faces were mere inches from each other and he could feel her warm breath hitting his face in soft waves of flames.

They caught each others eyes, and for an instant they were friends, they were enemies, they were.......lovers?

Spike didn't waste anytime, if he was ever to act he had to do it now.

He hastily crushed her mouth with his. At first she was stunned, but then an overwhelming desire took over her and she complied, meeting him with as much heat and hardness as he was throwing her way.

They battled, with their tongues and with their minds.

It felt like their brains were melting together.

She saw Spike, all that meant to be Spike. She saw the shy and good mortal man, the love-sick, homicidal vampire, and she saw what he had become, a light combination of both, trapped in one body.

He saw Buffy, and all that meant to be Buffy. He saw the scarred little girl who hated her duty, he saw the hardened slayer that feared nothing, he saw the strong woman before him who was so afraid to love it was palpable.

They pulled away as their kiss had become too intense, it wasn't anymore about who had kissed who, but it was about how they had collided together in a way neither had know.

He looked down at her flushed face, she was breathing rapidly, staring at him incredulously.

She looked at his face, and for the first time saw him. He was actually very stunning. He could look like a vulnerable young boy and he could look like a though man.

He let go of her wrist and slowly slipped off her. She almost whimpered at the loss of touch. But forced herself to curl up in a fetal ball and rest her head on the mat.

She knew he would not harm her, she had seen that in him. She was cold and she shivered. She laid there for a long time, regaining her composure at what she had just let him do and what she had encouraged.

He had kissed her, and she had kissed back! She didn't know what to make of it, to her it felt marvelous, she had never felt that with anyone. It was as if one was having a dialogue with one's self and one's soul. Like they had bonded in more ways than one.

Then she stiffed when she felt his strong arms wrap themselves around her, and spooned her against him.

She was about to protest and suggest that they needed to keep their distance.

//Sleep//. He said to her and she complied as she uncontrollably snuggled closer to him and rested. A dreamless sleep, a safe sleep.


Jack: What would you do if I kissed you right now?

Melanie: You wouldn't kiss me.

Jack: But what would you do if I did?

Melanie: Do you want to kiss me right now?

Jack: I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't.

from One fine Day


The training door slowly opened and five curious head popped into view. All wanting to know what the silence was about. It had been safe when they heard the fighting, that was normal. But it was the peaceful silence that had shaken them into curiosity.

What they found was what four of them had not expected and they rapidly closed the door as to not disturb or kill the unlikely-half dressed sleeping couple on the mat floor.

They all stared at each other in shock as the image of the cuddling couple engraved permanently in their mind.

Their haze was broken when Anya spoke. "Like I said......Foreplay. It's the latest trend."



Sebastian: Why can't we be together?

Annette: You wanna know why? Because I don't trust myself around you.

from Cruel Intentions


Buffy had found every which way to avoid Spike and Spike's thoughts. She had avoided "his" commentary, "his" bar, "his" hangout places. She had simply avoided him.

She had been beyond mortified when the gang confronted her about the incriminating position they were discovered in, and she had been mortified with herself. How could she do that! Spike could have killed her while she slept! He could hurt her, fight her, and kill her. But he hadn't.

He had slipped quietly from their embrace before she fully woke up. What woke her was the tender kiss that he had planted so lovingly on her forehead.

But by the time her eyes opened he had vanished. She could still sense him nearby, everywhere she went, she knew that he was watching her, but she made no attempt to contact him. He was apparently waiting for her to make the first move.

Well he could just wait forever!

It was like at the weirdest times of the day she found herself.......loving him. YUK!!!

Something had seriously screwed her up and she needed a reversal-rapidly!!

For three days now she had not seen the blond vampire and she liked it just as well. Not that not seeing him had done anything for her since she felt him just as strong, but at least she could deceive her eyes.

She gingerly walked to the Magic Shop and as she got closer she felt Spike even stronger. Like and aura around her that covered her and protected her, embracing her, and loving her. She tried to shake the feeling off but the more she struggled the tighter it became, till she could hardly discern her thoughts from his.

//Stop it.// She said to him.

//Well hello, and welcome to the living.// He responded.

//Spike, you're dead.// She stated.

//Ouch! What's wrong, pet? In who side of whose bed did you wake up in?// He said and she could almost see him smiling at her with that cocky grin of his.

//Wouldn't you like to know?// She said sarcastically.

//Actually, slayer, I would know.//

//Why are you here?// She said before he entered the shop.

//Hey! Public place, Mrs.Scrodge.//

She practically threw the door opened and she rushed in.

//Out!!!// She screamed when she saw him sitting with his boots propped up on one of the chairs while he lounged looking at her smugly.

//Make me.// He replied.

She fumed, she knew now he could fight her back.

//You're encourage able.// She cried. Oblivious to the rest of the Scooby gang who was watching in horrid fascination at the mute-dueling couple.

"Pardon me." Giles piped in careful not to do any sudden movements around the two blondes.

Buffy turned sharply to look at her calm watcher and narrowed her eyes accusingly. "What is He doing here?"

"He is standing here." Spike replied leaping to his feet and challenging Buffy.

Buffy looked up to meet the cool blue eyes and shook away the feelings of contemptment that she got whenever he got so close to her.

"Giles." she said still looking at Spike. "What is He doing here?"

Spike growled.

"Both of you, stop it!" Giles yelled and everyone looked at him in surprise. "Do I need to lock you up in the training room, AGAIN?"

Buffy's eyes nearly popped out of their socket.

Spike grinned. "If you feel it's necessary." he replied.

Buffy spun and faced the vampire.
"NO! No necessity! No training room! No nothing!" she cried as she backed away from the dangerous closeness between her and Spike. "Get out." she said in a low menacing voice.

Spike cocked his head to the side and smirked.

"He stays." Giles responded before Spike could even open his mouth. "We need you two to go out and kill a Gongara demon that has been spotted near the south cemetery." he paused and looked at the two blonds. "And no 'BUTS', understood?"

Buffy sighted. She argued with her watcher all the time, she always contradicted what he said, but first of all she knew she couldn't fight a gongara demon by herself, and second off all she felt the icy shimmers in her watchers voice. He was fed up with their banter.

"Fine!" Both Buffy and Spike cried in unison.

She stomped to the arms chest and pulled herself an enormous ax, then followed by a small knife that she tossed to Spike.

"Hey! How come I get 'lil bit, over 'ere and you get Paul Bunyan?" He said looking at the tiny knife that she had thrown him.

Buffy slammed the chest closed. "If all else fails use your fangs." she replied.

He ignored her and walked himself to the trunk to retrieve a large Persian sword that glimmered in the light.

"Now, that's more like it!" he said looking at the large metal appreciatively.

Buffy rolled her eyes at the vampire. "C'mon, BamBam."

Spike looked at her in awe. "Oh, after you, Peebles."

Both strolled out of the room leaving behind a stunned audience.

"What's with the weapons?" Anya asked to Xander.

The brunette shrugged. "Makes them feel all manly."

"Even Buffy?" Anya inquired to her boyfriend.

"An, it's an expression, you know the more metal, the more stamina you think you have."

Anya looked thoughtful for a moment and then brightly smiled, she turned to look at Giles who was rubbing her temples.

"Giles, can we borrow that sphere you have lying around?"

"Dear God, Anya! Why?" he said astounded.

"So Xander can feel all 'manly' tonight." she said happily.


Henry: They're trying to kill us!

Indiana Jones: I know, Dad!

Henry: This is a new experience for me.

Indiana Jones: It happens to me all the time.

from Indiana Jones


//Get up, Slayer!// Spike cried at her as she was about to be trampled by the large green demon.

Buffy jumped up as she felt Spike sending her his energy. Wow, that's new. She thought.

She raised her leg and with both their combined strength she kicked the demon's head so hard and fast that the creature flew ten feet in the air, landing flat on his back.

//Nice kick, luv.// He told her as she eased down and felt his energy leave her.

She looked at Spike in amazement. //How did you do that?//

Spike picked up his fallen sword ran over to the demon and raised the sword so he could slice its head off. The demon slashed out too quick for Spike and sliced his stomach sending Spike tumbling back.

Buffy felt her guts being pulled from her stomach and she doubled over in pain as Spike moaned.

//Behind you, Slayer.//

Instantly Buffy spun around and ducked the powerful claws of the green creature, rolling she picked up Spike's fallen sword and swiftly turned, slicing the demon in half.

The fallen body slumped to the floor in agony. She walked up to the body and rapidly, with Slayer speed, sliced the demon's head off. Green goo-blood splattered on her face and clothes.

"Why look! It comes in a variety of colors!" She said sarcastically as she wiped the blood from her face.

She remembered Spike and rapidly turned to see him trying to stand up, clutching his stomach in pain.

"Let me see." she said as she walked up to him.

He removed his hands from his wounds and looked at her in shock as she seemed sorta-worried about his well being.

The cut looked angry, it had made three deep slashes on his perfect white skin. "C'mon, we have to get you cleaned up."

He instantly backed away. "Don't worry 'bout it, Slayer. It'll heal." With that he turned around, hiding his hurt expression form her, and walked back to his crypt.

She looked at his turned back in confusion.

//Well kill me, for caring.// She told him.

//If you would have cared you wouldn't have tried to avoid me for the past three days.// He retorted without turning back.

//I was NOT avoiding you.// She said following the limping vampire.

//Right, whatever you say, sunshine.//

Buffy groaned and ran up to catch up with him. She walked next to him in silence. Neither looking at each other, just being with each other.

When they reached the door to his crypt he paused and looked at her confused.


"I'm sorry." she hardly whispered.

"What was that, Slayer, you said something, to me?" Spike asked raising his eyebrow.

It had hurt him that she had rejected him after that day in the training room, when he had thought that all the barriers had been broken, but there was one more barrier, that of Buffy. He knew how to get through to the Slayer, with that he could deal, but not with the confused girl that bounced around wanting a normal life.

"Spike, I am sorry." she said reluctantly meeting his eyes.

She had gotten the strangest feeling from him the day of the training room. Almost as if he had cried out that he loved her. That was something she couldn't deal with right now. She had other things to worry about, like Dawn and Glory. There was no time for love-sick vampires.

In his eyes she saw hurt. Which was a confusing element, vampires didn't love, they had no soul, they couldn't hurt. Damm him for complicating things.

He looked at her clouded face and nodded, he turned and walked into his crypt.


"You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirits."

Demosthenes, Greek Orator (385 B.C.)


Buffy stood out in the cold looking at Spike's door after he had gone through it for at least ten minutes before she decided what to do.

Without a single sound she opened the door and stepped in. He was lying on top of his sarcophagus, trying to recuperate, an empty bag of blood was thrown on the floor next to him.

He felt her come in but didn't make a move, he kept his eyes closed as she walked around his crypt.

Buffy walked to his chest and pulled out a first aid kit, she walked quietly next to the lying vampire and hesitated, but instantly went about her task.

She reached out and opened his coat to reveal his slashed black t-shirt.

He tensed when he felt her hands on him but he didn't move or open his eyes.

Buffy looked at his face, he looked dead, well he was dead, but he really looked it.

His jaw was strained, she could feel the tension in him, but she went ahead and lifted his shirt to expose his blood covered stomach.

He flinched as she started to clean his wounds with the alcohol and cloths, but he still didn't open his eyes.

//Sorry.// She says as he flinched.

He didn't reply and she continued, making butterfly stitches on him, when she finished she tapped him up with fresh gauze.

He was amazed with her tenderness, caring, and gentility. It was something he had only seen with those she loved or cared for, never with him, he didn't know how to react, he felt bad that he had thought of her so bad.

When he felt her finish he slowly opened his eyes and saw her placing the things away, he slowly sat up and she looked at him with her large green eyes.

He threw his legs over the edge and motioned for her to join him sitting on the stone.

She finished placing the objects in the box and jumped up next to him, their legs barely touching.

"Thank you." he said after a while.

She nodded.

He felt the turmoil within her and looked at her, she met his eyes.

The tension was so thick, it cut be sliced.

He clenched his jaw and looked straight ahead, but with his hand he went out and reached for hers.

She was stunned by his approach but the moment their fingers intertwined she felt a peace rush over her. Like a current, or a warm spring day.

He could have sworn he heard music like angels were singing in his ears, like he was seeing the sun for the first time in one hundred years, like he was alive.

He twisted their arms and brought her closer to him as she rested her head on his chest and his arm went around her.

Wow. Was all she could think of as she felt warm and loved in his embrace.

"What happens now?" She asked in a low voice.

He bend down and kissed the top of her head. "Tomorrow happens."

"But what will happen tomorrow?" She questioned him.

He hesitated. "Whatever happens, I'll be there, you can't get rid of me."

She looked up and met his gaze.

"Do you love me?" she asked him.

He looked at her with those crystal blue eyes of his that made her melt.

"Took you long enough to notice." he replied in a mocking tone but with a serious face.

She smiled at him and kissed his lips lightly.

"Thank you."

"For' what?" he asked.

She leaned into him and placed her head of his chest again. "For loving me."

He smiled and exhaled. Glad to get over that, mate. He looked down at the girl resting on top of him. But I still got staked.


Skylar: You were hoping for a good night kiss.

Will: No, I'll tell ya, I was hoping for a goodnight lay, but I'll settle for a kiss.

Skylar: How very noble of you.

Will: Thank you.

from Good Will Hunting

