
Rated a STRONG NC-17!! Do not read if you are underage!

This fic is an AU PWP. Not much story to speak of, just some (hopefully) smokin' hot sex.

Summary: AU fic. Buffy gets pulled over for speeding on her way to L.A. She and the cop have immediate chemistry...

Warnings for: Graphic depictions of sex, older man/younger woman, anal, a 'toy' is used during sex

Joss and ME own BtVS and the characters. I'm just borrowing them.

Thanks to Natalie for encouraging me to stick with it and finish this fic. Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing for me! You rock!

The song, "I Touch Myself" is by the Divinyls The song, "Radar Love" is by Golden Earring

This fic is just a fantasy, real law enforcement officers don't engage in this sort of activity. No offense is intended. If you have issues with a cop getting together with someone he stopped for speeding, please don't read any further.


Chapter 3

Buffy pulled into the motel parking lot, scanning it for Spike. For a second, her heart dropped--thinking that he'd changed his mind. But then she caught sight of him, a broad smile spread on her face.

He waved to her and smiled. Buffy pulled in next to him then got out of the car.

"Where's your bike?" she asked, not seeing his bulky motorcycle.

"Parked it around the corner." Spike gestured to the side of the building. "People might get ideas--they'd be right, but I'd rather nobody saw me here...Could get in a spot of trouble."

"Are you supposed to be on duty?"

"No, I went off shift right after...I stopped you. But I could still catch hell for going to bed with a--a woman who I was supposed to ticket."

"Oh." Buffy blushed.

"Why don't you get us a room, luv? I'll wait here. You need any cash?"

"No--I've got some money...I'll be right back." Buffy walked quickly to the main office.

Was this really her? She'd just had sex on the hood of her car with a cop she barely knew. She hadn't even known his first name before his tongue was buried in her pussy. Well--technically, she still didn't know his first name, just his nickname. But it felt right, it felt so fucking right. Now she was procuring a motel room to continue their night--and she couldn't wait to begin again.

Spike tried to look inconspicuous to anyone passing by as he waited for his blonde fireball of a lover to return. He should have told her that he had to leave, that he couldn't join her at the motel. He shouldn't have fucked her in the first place. But his body and the sex-starved part of his mind refused any argument against it. Spike wanted her. Even if it was just for tonight, he wanted to explore her nubile body extensively--to make her scream in pleasure many, many times.

Buffy returned holding a room key in her hand. She smiled, it was a happy, excited smile--with just a touch of anxiety. "Room 16," she said, leading the way to their room for the night.

Their hearts were beating like jackhammers. Buffy put the key in the lock and opened the door. They went in, she flipped on the light.

The room was pedestrian, about what you'd expect. A Queen-sized bed, a dresser with a large mirror, an open closet with wire hangers hanging on the bar. Nothing exciting or interesting. But the two of them didn't care, they would be providing all the excitement necessary. The room didn't matter. It was just a place where they could have privacy and some comfort.

Spike closed then locked the door behind them. "You sure this is what you want to do? Don't feel--"

Buffy, quick as a flash, turned around and threw herself against his body. His back was against the door as they kissed passionately.

"I want to do this--I want you." Buffy's fingers worked on the buttons of his uniform shirt. "I want to see your body."

Spike hoisted her up, holding her under her thighs. Buffy hung on to his neck, looking into his bluer-than-blue eyes. He carried her over to the bed and dropped her onto it. She bounced a few times on the mattress, smiling up at him.

Spike smirked and undid the rest of the buttons of his shirt. She watched as he took it off and tossed it over a chair in the corner. He stripped off his white undershirt.

Buffy's eyes widened and clouded over further with lust. His chest was gorgeous--better than she'd imagined. It was so cut, so muscular; her mouth watered. She had a thing for men's nipples--they couldn't be too dark, too small or large, she was a man-nipple aficionado. His were juuuuust right. Perfectly proportioned. Perfect placing on his defined pectorals. Perfect coloring--not too light, not too dark. Just perfect.

And those abs--yum-diddly-um! She never was so thirsty for a six-pack in her life. He was strong and nicely muscled, and oh-so-delicious looking. Buffy's attention was drawn down his torso by his hands undoing his belt.

Spike took off his belt and holster then draped it over the chair. He ambled back to the bed, crawling on it towards her. Buffy giggled and laid back. He lay over top of her, looking down at her for a moment before dipping his head down to kiss her. Buffy moaned into the kiss, putting her arms around him-- feeling his muscles shift and move under her hands.

Spike's right hand dragged up her outer thigh, he fondled her bare ass, pulling her against him. She could feel his erection pushing at her.

"Wait--wait a second," Buffy mumbled, weakly pushing at his chest.

"What's wrong?" Spike asked nervously. He thought she was having second thoughts about the whole thing.

"I--I feel stupid...but I have to call my--mother." Buffy flushed. "I told her I'd be home by morning. I don't want her to worry."

Spike smiled and kissed the tip of her upturned nose. "That's very considerate of you, pet."

He removed himself from her body and sat on the edge of the bed. Buffy crawled over to the phone and started dialing her home number. Spike removed his boots and socks.

"Mom, hi, it's me," Buffy said, not taking her eyes off of him.

Spike grinned at her and stood up to remove his pants.

"Huh?" Buffy said, her eyes glassy.
"Oh, um--yeah. I'm really tired and thought I should spend the night at a motel. I got a room for the night. So I won't be home till--Oh god..."

Buffy's voice wavered when Spike dropped his pants and underwear then flung them onto the chair. He was gorgeous--every inch of him was gorgeous, and muscled, and--

"What?" Buffy asked distractedly. "Oh, I--I stepped on a tack...I'm fine. Yeah, what's wrong with--with people...leaving tacks on the floor...I'm--I'm real tired Mom..." She yawned theatrically.

Spike flashed her a sexy grin and stood at the foot of the bed, watching and waiting.

"Love you too, 'kay--Bye!"

Buffy fumbled hanging up the phone but finally managed to put the receiver back in the cradle. She turned back towards him and licked her lips. Her eyes didn't know where to look, it was allll good.

"You have a GREAT body..." Buffy said with open admiration.

"Thanks, luv." Spike's tongue curled against his teeth. "I showed you let's see yours..."

Buffy smiled broadly and kneeled on the bed. She made short work of her sundress then tossed it over the bed.

"Beautiful," Spike said, basking her nudity.

"You only gonna look all night--or are you going to do something?" Buffy teased.

Spike looked back into her eyes and smiled. "Oh, I'm going to do something..." Spike jumped onto the bed on his knees in front of her and grabbed her around the waist. "And I plan on doing it until you beg me to stop."

Buffy squealed and giggled. Spike kissed her softly, smiling against her mouth. Buffy hummed and started getting more serious. Her hands played over the muscles of his chest.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this..." Buffy sighed between kisses.

"You want to stop?" Spike asked.

"No way...but just so you know, I never did anything like this before..."

Spike's eyes widened comically. "You--you mean you were a v--a vir-- "

She laughed. "No! I wasn't a virgin before you. I meant, I never had sex with--with a stranger or a cop--or a stranger who's a cop before..."

"Oh." Spike laughed. "Phew!" He wiped his hand over his forehead. "I'd hate to think that you never-- that the hood of a car with a stranger would have been your first time. If I'd thought for a moment...I wouldn't have done things that way."

"You're sweet," Buffy said, nibbling on his full bottom lip. "I've had sex before--but never like it was with was--so exciting..."

"For me too." Spike kissed her. "You're so bloody beautiful and sexy."

"You going to--take me in, Officer?" Buffy moaned.

"I was thinking that you could take me in...again. Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes!" Buffy tilted her head to the side; he kissed and sucked on her neck. "You'd better frisk me," Buffy said playfully, getting more turned on. "I might have a concealed weapon or something."

"Where would you keep it?" Spike laughed.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out..." She pulled out of his arms and got off the bed. "Well? You going to frisk me?"

Spike smiled. She wanted to play a little. Fine by him. Spike got off the bed and stood in front of her.

"Assume the position," he commanded.

Buffy squealed and faced the wall. She spread her legs and put her palms flat against the wall. She was shaking with excitement and lust.

Spike went over to his clothes picked up his nightstick, her comment about it had started this whole thing. He walked back over to her, smacking the club against his palm. Buffy looked over her shoulder and shuddered when she saw it in his hand.

"Did I tell you that you could look at me?" Spike asked, the authority and sexiness in his voice made her clit throb.

"N-No--sorry." Buffy looked back to the wall.

"Now--where could a deviant, criminal mastermind, like yourself, be hiding a weapon?" Spike touched the tip of the stick to the back of her neck and slowly trailed it down her spine.

Buffy moaned, goosebumps broke out on her skin.

Spike tucked the stick between his legs then put his hands on her shoulders. His hands roamed over her skin, sliding around to her breasts. He squeezed and rubbed her mounds.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," Spike whispered in her ear and gave her lobe a soft kiss.

Buffy nodded. This was too intoxicating--she thought she'd cum just from his voice, his hands touching her, this naughty fantasy coming to life and the promise of what he was going to do to her. She wondered if it was safe for him to fuck her with the nightstick as well as his cock--that was a favorite wet dream of hers.

"Don't take your hands off that wall...make love to it," Spike said in a silky whisper.

Buffy's rapid breathing and exclamations were the only sounds in the room. Spike gave her nipples a pinch then removed his hands. Buffy groaned at the loss.

"You look like a criminal-type." Spike took his nightstick and ran it along the insides of her legs. He slid it back and forth against her pussy lips. He salivated when he saw the nightstick getting wetter and wetter each time he stroked it against her. Spike wiggled it so that her lips were parted around it; he stroked it back and forth slowly.

"UUHHH! Ohhhhh!" Buffy moaned loudly.

Spike took the stick away, leaving Buffy whimpering and her hips still twitching.

He stood to her side so that she could see him. Buffy looked at him, her eyes getting cloudier by the second. Spike raised the club to his mouth and licked up some of her juices.

"Mmmm--s'good..." Spike moaned. "Lick it." He held the club near her face. She eagerly licked up and down while keeping her hands against the wall. Tasting herself was strange, but very erotic. "There's--a good girl." Spike gulped, his cock was throbbing.

The urge to take her right now, from behind was great. But Buffy wanted to play--she was getting off on this.

Spike cleared his throat and stepped behind her again. "I think I might have an idea where you're hiding that weapon." He dropped to his knees and put the nightstick down beside him. His hands stroked up the backs of her legs. She was shaking. "Keep those hands on the wall," he said, parting her legs further.

Buffy cried out when his tongue invaded her pussy. She opened her legs as wide as possible and arched back onto his mouth. Spike ate her from behind with a furious voraciousness, sucking up her liquid and his own cum that he'd put inside of her earlier.

Buffy "Ooooo'ed" and "Ahhhh'ed", scrunching up her face and gritting her teeth.

Spike moved his mouth up to her asshole. Buffy's eyes widened. She felt his tongue circling her previously untouched hole and his hands spreading her cheeks. She'd let him--if he wanted to fuck her in the ass--she'd let him. Two of his fingers slid into her pussy and pumped while he ate her out ass. Buffy had never even thought about getting a rim-job. The butt didn't seem like a sexy place--before. But--Oh!--didn't it feel good?!

"Ahhhlllllaaaa!" Buffy bucked, cumming on his fingers. The stimulation, along with the image of him fucking her pussy using his cock and her ass using the nightstick, was too much.

Spike abandoned her asshole and dived back into her dripping sex. He slurped and sucked her quaking pussy hungrily.

"Ohhhh--Oh Spike! OHHH--Please, fuck me!"

Spike picked the nightstick back up and moved it between her legs again; rubbing her wet labia with it.

"Spike! YES--F-Fuck me with it! Please!" Buffy wailed, humping onto the long club. Yet another fantasy was about to become a reality.

Spike had wanted to do it, he just wasn't sure if she'd be into it. His cock grew larger as he slid the nightstick inside of her lips and into her pussy.

Buffy gasped and cried out. The smooth, black, unbending stick slid easily inside of her. Spike slowly started fucking it in and out of her tight passage.

"Not hurting you, am I?" he asked quickly.

She shook her head. "N-No--Oh God--Fuck--Oh yes! Faster!"

Spike sped up his strokes with the nightstick, and put his hand around her body to play with her clit.

"Harder! OH SPIKE--OH--OH GOD--I'M CUMMING!" she yelled, gritting her teeth, and then letting out a window-rattling screech.

Spike removed the nightstick and buried his tongue inside of her again; soaking up her copious liquid.

"NEED YOU!" Buffy panted. "Need your cock!"

Spike jumped up, quick as a cat, and positioned himself behind her. He guided his thick cock to her pussy and shoved all the way in. He held her hips steady. They were breathing hard, sucking in air.

"So--good--Oh God--so good! Ohhhhhhh!" Buffy moaned.

Spike began with short, slow thrusts. His mouth latched onto her neck, licking and sucking. He made "mmmm-mmmmm" sounds.

Buffy rocked her ass back onto him, amazingly, she still had her hands splayed on the wall in front of her. She yelled unintelligible words and phrases when he started suddenly fucking her brutally; pumping the long, broad column of his cock into her.

"YESYESYES! Ohhhhh!" Buffy shouted.

Then, maddeningly for her, he slowed again, using long, languorous strokes.

"Uuhhhh! Please, Spike!"

Spike pulled all the way out of her and scooped her up in his arms. She gasped and threw her arms around his neck. He walked to the bed and tossed her onto the mattress. Buffy giggled and lay back on her elbows; watching and waiting to see what he'd do next. She was positively breathless with passion.

Spike crawled up the bed to her. He hovered over her without making a move for a moment, then dropped down. They kissed and touched frantically; their desire for the other's body exploding. He dragged his lips down to her tits and sucked on them. Buffy moaned when he bit down on them and nibbled.

"Spike! Ohhhh!" Her legs rubbed against his sides.

Buffy reached for his cock and brought it to her pussy. Spike plunged back in; staying still for a few seconds. He got to his knees and lifted her legs over his arms. Then he started alternately fucking her in drawn-out, slow strokes and fucking into her like a jackhammer.

"Ahhh--Ahhh--Ahhh!" Buffy's voice went up and down. Her hands flew behind her to grip the headboard as he treated her to a World-Class boffing.

Spike was rapidly approaching release. He brought his left hand around her leg to frig her clit while continuing to fuck her silly.

Buffy's body shook like she was being electrocuted again. Her neck arched, the veins standing out. Her mouth opened in a wide 'O'. A gurgling sound began, starting low, then building to a screaming orgasm.

"SSSPIKE! AUUUGGGGHHH! OH YES--OHHH YESSSS!" Buffy bucked wildly under him.

Spike's cock launched inside of her suddenly. "BUFFY! Uhhnnngga! Fuck!" His hips pistoned as he shot a large, thick load into her pussy.

He laid down on top of her; her tits rubbing against smooth chest. They panted and humped, humped and panted--until the shaking died down.

"Ohhh-Oh Spike..." Buffy moaned, caressing his back.

"Mmmm--Buffy--you're amazing, pet." He kissed her shoulder tenderly, then rolled them over.

Buffy lay happily on his chest, her eyes half-closed. She kissed and gently licked at his nipples. Her hips rotated, grinding down onto his still stiff (and getting stiffer) prick. Spike sat up with her. He rubbed his hands over her back and ass. Their mouths closed over the other's, their tongues wrapping around and pulling the other's into their mouth.

"Fuck, Buffy," Spike moaned, "I still want you so bad. Want to fuck you some more."

"What's stopping you?" she asked, shifting her hips and flexing her pussy muscles around his hard cock.

He tilted her backwards and attacked her breasts with his mouth again; savagely sucking and licking her nipples. Buffy closed her eyes, groaning and running her hands through his spiky hair.


"Hmmm?" His lips smacked as he dined on her chest.

"Can I--handcuff you to the bed?"

Spike stopped, looked up at her, and smirked. His eyes were alight and dancing. "You'd like that?"

"Uh-huh...I kind of...always wanted to do that..."

Spike laid back on the bed, the smirk still planted on his lips, and put his hands over his head.

"The cuffs are in the pouch on my belt."

Buffy smiled sinfully and jumped off of him, running to his discarded clothing. Spike's cock stood straight up for a second before dropping down onto his stomach.

Buffy was back to the bed almost before he realized she was gone. She climbed up to sit on his thighs and dangled the metal cuffs from a dainty finger. They grinned at each other. She held up the key and then placed it on the night table next to the bed.

"Be careful how tight you make 'em, pet," Spike said.

"Okay--I'll be careful." Buffy tried to get her rapid breathing under control. This was so fucking exciting and intoxicating--she couldn't believe she was actually getting to do all of this.

She closed the cuff around one of his wrists, ran the other end through a few slats of the headboard, and brought it out the other side to fasten around his other wrist.

"How's that?" she breathed.

"Just fine, luv. What do you plan on doing to me, now that you've turned the tables on me? You are a wily criminal, I'll give you that." He grinned, his tongue rubbing against the roof of his mouth.

"Oh, you'll see." Buffy touched his lips with her fingertips.

Spike opened up and sucked her index finger into his mouth. Buffy moaned, sliding her finger in and out while his tongue and lips stroked it.

"After I'm done playing with you, I want you to fuck me with the nightstick and your cock at the same time."

Spike's eyes widened then fluttered closed. He moaned around her finger, sucking it more strongly. Buffy pulled her finger out, smiled, then turned around. Her pussy rested on his strong abdominal muscles. Spike moaned at the sensation of her wet heat against his stomach; her juices and his cum pooled out of her on to him. Buffy stroked up and down his calves, and lowered her head to kiss his legs. His hard cock pressed into her stomach; throbbing with need.

She giggled. 'Not yet...'

Buffy raised up and crawled down his legs. She took one of his feet and engulfed his big toe with her mouth. Sucking toes was another thing that turned her on to think about. Spike groaned, looking down at her. Her luscious ass and saturated pussy waved back and forth in front of him. He strained at the cuffs; wanting to bury his face in her snatch again.

Buffy continued teasing him, sucking on his toes and tempting him with a good view of her dripping box.

"Buffy--pet--please..." Spike moaned.

Buffy smiled, she liked hearing that need--that urgency in his voice. But she wasn't done yet. She turned back around.

"Something wrong?" she asked innocently.

Spike groaned and smiled. "As you can see," he gestured with a nod of his head at his rampant erection, "I have some parts that need attended to."

"Hmmm, you're right." Buffy kneeled between his legs and pushed them wider apart; examining his equipment. "I can do anything I want to you right now..." Buffy grinned.

She kept eye contact with him. She scratched her nails up and down the insides of his fuzzy, parted thighs, then lowered her head, giving his cock a long, languid lick. It twitched and jumped under her tongue, making her giggle against his shaft. Spike tilted his head back and sighed.

Buffy licked and nibbled at his cock as if she were in no hurry. Spike was a groaning, squirming mess after a few minutes of this. She trailed her tongue down to the thick base and wagged it back and forth like a windshield wiper, then moved down to his balls. She sucked on one, rolling it around in her mouth. Spike panted, watching her with glassy eyes.

"Buffy--okay--that's good--now jump on me, pet." He thrust his pelvis up. He couldn't hide the desperation he felt.

Buffy giggled and took the other ball into her mouth, she batted her eyelashes at him and massaged his slim hips.

"Uhhhhh!" Spike tossed his head back and pulled at the cuffs again--he REALLY regretted letting himself be immobilized right now. He wanted to grab her and fuck the hell out of her.

Buffy sucked on his sac until he thought he'd scream. Then, just before he was about to yell and beg her for it, she sat up. She licked her lips and smiled broadly.

"That was fun! I'm driving you crazy, eh?" She traced the muscles of his abdomen with her fingers.

"Yes! We can--move things along now, pet."

"Okay." She stood on the bed and stepped over to his head; grinning down on him.

Buffy stood astride him with her back facing him, and knelt down, putting her pussy right above his face. 69 was a position she'd always wanted to experience--especially with a lover as gifted in and enthusiastic about giving head like he was. Spike instantly raised his head and delved into her gooey snatch. Buffy moaned and sighed, then picked up his cock. She stroked the massive, granite-like column gingerly in her hands while taking the tip between her lips.

Spike mumbled, groaned and whimpered into her pussy, while Buffy devoured his dick, inch by inch. His oral attentions were wild and animalistic, Buffy's were slow and steady--she wanted to make him beg her, she wanted to hear him beg her to let him cum. It was difficult for Buffy not to gobble him like a lion on a wildebeest--but she was doing her best to stick to her guns.

Spike's groans and gasps became more urgent; his hips jerked up, trying to make her take all of him inside her mouth. But Buffy had a good grip around the base of his cock, and a firm hand pushing down on his hip--his bucking wasn't effectual.

Buffy raised her mouth off of him and tossed her head back, gasping and moaning as she came on his mouth.

"Oh Spike! Uhhhh!" She ground her pussy onto his face, shuddering.

Spike licked and sucked her madly, putting all of his energy into feeding from her since he couldn't do anything else that he wanted to.

Buffy panted, putting her head back down to lap at his cockhead some more. It was time to give him what he needed. Torturing him in this manner had been loads of fun; part of her wanted to see how long she could make him wait. But she could do with a good, hard fucking right about now, too. With one last slurp on his leaking cock, she turned around to straddle his waist.

Buffy smiled at him, licking her lips and rubbing her hands over his scrummy, muscular torso. Spike looked into her eyes, panting; not saying a word. She leaned over him and kissed him. Spike groaned when her hand wrapped around his girth and rubbed the head over her slit. Buffy swiftly impaled herself on his angry, raging erection, making them both cry out in pleasure.

Spike murmured, "Uhhhnn--Oh Buffy--Thank God!" He laughed deliriously.

Buffy whined, starting to rise and fall on his cock. She could feel that Spike was ready to explode; his cock was swollen to impressive proportions and pulsing deep within her body. Buffy bounced on him faster and faster; dropping down hard and gyrating her pelvis before moving quickly back up. She touched her clit, rubbing it vigorously.

She howled as she came again. Spike's body bowed off the bed.

"FUCK! Ahhhh--FUCK!" His cock went off violently in her pussy; discharging round after round.

"Ahhhhh--Ohhhhh--YEAH--OH YEAH!" Buffy yelled noisily.

They were both sweaty and trembling when it was over. Buffy weakly collapsed onto his chest. They laid together, trying to catch their collective breath.

"Ohhhh--Spike--God..." Buffy moaned, feeling his spunk dribbling from her well-used vagina.

"Pet--the cuffs." Spike rattled his restraints.

"Oh--Oh!" She sat up and reached for the keys. "I'm sorry! I--forgot." she giggled.

Buffy unlocked the cuffs. Spike rubbed his wrists, then placed the handcuffs on the night table. He rotated his right shoulder, and then the left.

"Sore?" She bit her lip. She hadn't wanted to harm him by making the game go on too long.

"I'm fine, luv." Spike smirked and held out his arms to her.

Buffy smiled and laid down in his sweet embrace. Spike hugged her lightly to him and kissed her forehead.

"Other parts of me are a good deal sore though..."

Buffy giggled. "Me too."

"How about we take a little rest then play a little more--well--unless you'd rather this be the capper to our night?" Spike looked at her.

"I don't want it to be over...yet." She added the 'yet' as an afterthought. The truth was, she didn't want it to be over--ever.

Spike smiled charmingly and brushed a finger along her cheek. "Good. Me either."

They sighed and rested against the other's hot, sweaty body; dozing off.

Buffy stirred in Spike's arms, rousing him--then when he saw her beautiful, petite body curled against him--arousing him. He smiled and brushed her hair away from her face lightly. Her hot breath puffed on his chest. He could watch her sleep all night; she looked so sweet and innocent. Spike smirked and suppressed a chuckle.

'Innocent, my ass!'

The girl had a kinky streak a mile-wide. He remembered something she'd said to him while she'd had him at her mercy. Something about wanting him to fuck her with the nightstick and his cock at the same time. His cock hardened and rose instantly. Spike bit the inside of his cheek, fighting the urge to wake her up--the girl needed some rest. He'd only slept for an hour, but he was used to not getting a lot of rest due to the demands of his job.

In her sleep, Buffy's left hand drifted down his body to rest on top of his cock. She sighed and caressed it slowly. Spike bit his cheek again, tasting a little blood. He was so focused on watching her small, delicate hand stroking his manhood, that he hadn't noticed her eyes opening or the smile that appeared on her face. She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Buffy moaned lightly and rubbed his staff harder.

"You up?" Spike asked hopefully.

Buffy mumbled, still pretending to be sleeping.

"Shit..." Spike whispered. He didn't want to wake her, but things were getting a little--out of hand.

Buffy stifled a giggle and continued caressing his cock. It expanded and swelled under her fingers.

Spike poked her on the forearm to gently wake her up. She still didn't show any signs of waking. He muttered some British curses under his breath and moaned as her hand went to his balls and started massaging them.

Spike blew a puff of air on her face. "Buffy?" he whispered.

Buffy couldn't help laughing this time. She giggled and opened one eye to look at him.

Spike smirked. "You little--You were faking!"

"Guilty as charged, Ossifer Giles!" Buffy laughed.

She squealed when Spike started tickling her sides. "Stop it!" She squirmed. "I'm sorry I was bad and mean--and played a harmless, little joke on you!"

Spike rolled them over and held her down under him. His eyes sparkled with merriment as they played over her face.

"I'll have to teach you a lesson..." he said in a deep, purr that sent shivers of lust shooting up and down her spine.

"W-What kind of lesson?" Buffy asked, staring up into his eyes.

"I believe you said something before about wanting to be fucked with my nightstick?"

Buffy nodded mutely, her breathing kicking up a notch and her honey beginning to flow once again.

"You want me to fuck you in both holes at once?" he asked, making sure that, indeed, was what she wanted.

"Yessss!" Buffy hissed with desire.

"There--might be a problem."

"Problem? What problem?"

"No lube. It'll hurt you too much if we don't have something to--ease the way," Spike explained.

Buffy thought frantically; she had to think of something to make it happen. She brightened. "Hand lotion! I have some in my purse!"

She scrambled out from under him and off the bed to retrieve her purse. Spike laughed when she jumped back on the bed and dug through the contents. She'd also brought the nightstick with her. She certainly was keen on the idea--not that he wasn't. Spike had had a fantasy of doing this very thing to a woman for a long time.

"This will work, right?" Buffy held up a bottle of lotion in a hand that trembled with excitement.

"Yeah, that should work real nice, pet." Spike smiled. "So," he got up on his knees and moved to her, "how you want to go about this?"

"Ummm--" her voice quavered, "surprise me." She'd never done anything like this--he would have to lead the way.

"Okay," Spike said and kissed her softly.

He broke away from her and went to the head of the bed, stacking up the pillows. He sat down and leaned against them in an inclined position. Buffy watched, her tongue darting out and licking her lips. Spike took the lotion and set it on the nightstand for the time being.

"Aren't you going to--use it?" she asked.

"In a minute, petal. C'mere." He motioned her to him.

Buffy crawled across the bed and into his waiting arms. They kissed slowly and methodically.

"Kneel in front of me, facing away, Buffy," Spike said quietly.

Buffy's heart started skipping beats as she did as he requested. She went onto her hands and knees in front of him and waited. Spike leaned forward and put his hands on her ass. He massaged her globes gently, then leaned in to kiss and lick her. He started licking at her pussy from behind until she started mewling and pressing her ass back at him. Then, his tongue moved up to her other hole. Spike licked around it and spread her cheeks with his hands.

"Ohhhh!" Buffy panted.

"Shhhh--There's lots more to come, pet..." Spike continued tonguing her hole.

His fingers came into play; he probed his index finger into her oozing pussy and pumped it a few times. Then he removed his pussyjuice-coated finger and moved it up to her ass; poking into it slightly. Buffy groaned.

"Just stretching you a bit, pet. Tell me if it hurts."

Buffy nodded, resisting the impulse to throw herself back on his finger. Spike knew what he was doing, by the sounds of it--she'd let him decide when it was time.

"Spread your legs a little more and lay your head down on the bed. Stick that pretty ass in the air," Spike said.

Buffy parted her knees wider and rested her head on her arms against the mattress.

"Tha's good...very good," Spike purred, leaning in and lapping at her pussy while his finger stretched her asshole.

"Ahhh--Ohhhh Spike!" Buffy breathed.

The preparations went on for what seemed like forever to Buffy. She wanted to feel him inside of her so badly.

"Alright, pet," Spike leaned back against the pillows, "sit on my cock, facing away from me." He took the hand lotion and coated his erection with it.

Buffy gulped and moved into position. Spike helped lower her gingerly on to him. His cock slid slowly into her descending ass; giving her time to adjust to the foreign object.

By the time she was sitting fully on his dick, she was shaking and panting for breath. Spike was fairly trembling himself at the feeling of her virgin ass encircling his aching cock. He coaxed her to lay back against his chest. Their chests hitched up and down from their rapid breathing.

"Relax, pet," Spike stroked his hands over her stomach and down to her thighs. When they'd both become accustomed to the position, he said, "Raise yourself up with your feet on the bed."

Buffy put her feet flat on the bed and lifted her ass to rest just above his groin. She put her arms behind them to help support herself. It was then that Buffy noticed that she could see their reflections in the large mirror above the dresser.

"Oh God..." Buffy groaned. It was so fucking hot--seeing herself impaled on his cock. In the mirror, she could see his base of his thick rod sticking out of her ass. She wished she could fondle and tug on his beautiful balls, but her hands had to be used for support and to help her move.

Spike maneuvered her upper body slightly, allowing his mouth access to her right tit. He craned his neck and put his mouth over her nipple, licking and sucking softly. He also glanced at the mirror to watch.

Buffy didn't think she could say anything intelligible right now--she sighed and moaned, thoroughly enjoying the experience so far. Her eyes were riveted to the mirror; fascinated at watching his cock appearing and disappearing.

Spike picked up the nightstick and ran it over her pussylips.

"Uhhhhh!" Buffy groaned, throwing her head back against the pile of pillows behind them.

'Never look at that nightstick the same way again...' Spike thought, ready for the fucking to commence.

"Alright, pet--when you're ready you can start fucking yourself on me--go at your own pace. When you're comfortable, I'll add Mr. Nightstick."

Buffy was anxious to begin. She moved up and down slowly; grunting and gasping in pleasure.

"Ahhh--that's--that's it, Buffy--g-good!" Spike encouraged her.

She fucked her ass onto his cock with more abandon.

"Ohhh-Ohhhhhhh! Nnnyyaaaa!" Buffy moaned. "Fuck me with the stick, Spike! Fuck me with it!"

They both looked in the mirror as Spike ran his hand under the arch of her leg, and slid the blunt end of the nightstick into her pussy. Buffy slowed down the ass-fuck to let him slide more of it into her.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Buffy breathed when half of it was firmly enveloped by her hungry pussy.

Spike slid it in and out of her slowly, moaning at the sensory overload he was receiving. Her ass was pure heaven, and he was the first man to go 'where no man had gone before'. As if her ass wasn't tight enough, the nightstick being fucked into her pussy made her much tighter. The nightstick gleamed in the light with her pussyjuice.

"Yes! Yes, Spike--Oh God--it's so incredible!" Buffy yelled.

Spike used his unoccupied hand to rub her clit in soft circles; his occupied hand slid the nightstick leisurely in and out of her pussy.

Buffy clenched her teeth and groaned; beginning to really fuck herself hard on his dick.

"Unnnhh! Oh--Oh yeah!--Fuck yeah!" Buffy grunted, riding his cock and forcing the nightstick deeper and harder inside of her at the same time.

"Ahhnngg--Buffy--Uhhh--Oh yeah, luv--Ride me!--Fuck yeah!" Spike's hips pumped up, slapping their flesh together loudly.

His cock was so thick, big and hard--having it jammed up her ass over and over again was pure bliss. She liked butt-fucking--she never would have guessed! And the nightstick--the stick was solid and so hard. The sensations of what they were doing, and watching it happen in the mirror as it happened...This was more erotic than even she'd imagined--her holes were full to bursting and she loved it. Buffy moved even harder and faster, bucking like she was riding a mechanical bull.

"Oh God, Spike! I'm going to--CUMMMM!" Buffy's sweaty body convulsed, she screamed shrilly.

The most gigantic, earth-shaking, best-fucking orgasm in recorded time took hold of her and made her its bitch.

"Buffy--Uhhnnngggaa--Oh fuck yes!" Spike grunted and shot his hot load up her ass. Despite his huge orgasm, he was able to hold the nightstick steady.

Buffy moaned loudly, still raising and lowering herself on to him with trembling legs. The nightstick moved deeper into her pussy on each upstroke of Spike's cock. She was driven to keep bucking her hips. Her mind screamed, 'More! More! More!' Buffy kept going until her muscles gave out; she didn't have the strength in her legs to move up and down anymore. She laid against his chest, panting heavily with her eyes closed; shaking from weakness.

Spike eased the shiny, wet nightstick from her pussy and set it on the bed beside them. He wound his arms around her and caressed her thighs. "Buffy? Pet--you alright, hmmm?"

"Unnhaa--sorp," Buffy muttered, not opening her eyes.

"Sorp?" he asked, his brows knit. What does 'sorp' mean? He hoped that he didn't break her.

"Uh-hunh..." Buffy nodded weakly.

"C'mon, petal. Let's get me out of you and let you rest a bit."

Spike held her around the middle and rolled them to the side with delicacy. Once he had her on her side, it was an easy matter to extricate his cock from her. His thick cum leaked from her ass. Spike took some tissues from the night table and wiped it up.

He spooned against her back, kissing her shoulder and touching her hip. "Buffy, you haven't said anything--anything I could understand, anyway...I'm starting to get worried here..."

Buffy's brain was starting to function again. "I'm--okay," she said softly. "Just--brain doesn't--work very good yet." She laughed breathily.

"You sure?" Spike gave her shoulder an open-mouthed kiss.

"Mmmm-hmmm. I'm going to be super-sore in the morning, ain't I?"

"Most likely--sorry."

She finally opened her eyes and turned her head to him. "Don't be sorry. In case you don't recall, I like begged you to do it. And I don't regret it at all--it was--so great...Damn! I wish I was--better with words..." Buffy smiled.

"Glad you liked it." Spike smirked and kissed her lips. He slid his hand across her stomach.

Buffy laced her fingers with his while they kissed.

"He's a lucky bloke," Spike said with a smile.


"The man you end up with."

"Oh..." Buffy blushed, feeling guilty that she already had a boyfriend (no matter how inattentive or uninterested he was). "Do--you have someone?"

Spike looked uncomfortable, he nodded. "Yeah, I do--that doesn't make me look very good, does it?"

"I--kind of do, too," Buffy admitted.

"We didn't do very well by them tonight..."

"No--we didn't. We both have our reasons for...Let's not talk about, or think about, them...okay?" Buffy said. "I want to pretend that nothing else matters--no one else exists--just for now."

"Okay...pretending...I like that idea." Spike kissed her.

Their passion for one another was still strong and demanding. Their bodies, on the other hand, were completely exhausted. Buffy turned towards him and rested against his chest; his heartbeat, smooth skin and hard muscles comforting and lulling her. She snuggled into him. Spike held her, stroking her back gently.

"Thanks, Spike," Buffy whispered, her eyes sliding closed. "Tonight was--wonderful..."

"That it was, pet. Thank you, too. It was the best--"

Buffy's light snoring interrupted him. Spike chuckled and sighed. He let sleep claim him as well while he luxuriated in the feel of her skin under his hands and her body pressed against his.


Chapter 4

Buffy woke up. Light filtered in through the drapes on the front window of the motel room. She yawned and stretched. Her hand quested on the other side of the bed for Spike's warm body--but he wasn't there.

She opened her eyes and sat up in bed. His uniform was gone; he was gone. Buffy sighed sadly. On his pillow, were a red rose and a note. She picked up the rose and sniffed its fragrance while she took the note and read it. It said:


I tried waking you before I left. You must have been completely knackered. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye in person.

Saying 'thank you' again for last night seems crass; not nearly strong enough a sentiment to express what it meant to me. But, for lack of anything better or more original to say...thank you.

Last night was--I can't remember a time when I felt more alive, passionate or burned for someone like I did with you. I hope that you took something special away from our time together too. I know that I'll always look back on it fondly and hold the memories of it close to my heart. Even if we never meet again, I'll cherish our night together.

Maybe it is better this way, no awkward 'morning after' goodbyes. It'll be difficult to go back to real life after the fantasy fulfillment of being with you. But we both have to get back to business as usual.

We both have people in our lives to answer to. Like I said, we didn't do very well by them last night. But I'm not calling 'us' a mistake or an accident. I knew exactly what I was doing. You have no idea how much I wanted, or needed, you. (Then again, maybe you did get an inkling) I've never felt that out of control, where I thought, "Bollocks to everything else! I just need this woman!"

Have I said too much? Went on too long? Probably. I tend to do that. I didn't want you to think I just left without a second thought, that I'd leave without wanting to say goodbye.

One more thing. Although it will be best if we slip back into our normal lives, I know that part of me will be on the lookout for a red Corvette with a pretty, little blonde at the wheel in the future.

You're a hell of a woman, Buffy. The bloke who calls you his, had better start treating you right, like you should be treated. As precious. I hope that everything works out for the best for you.


P.S.: NO MORE SPEEDING! Seriously, it's dangerous, pet. I'd hate for something to happen to you.

Buffy smiled and inhaled the rose's scent deeply. 'Where did he get the rose?' she wondered.

She wished that she could have woken up in his arms. But he was right. Last night was a fantasy--a wonderful, glorious fantasy--for her too. Spike had been amazing, fantastic even, in bed. He'd done so many mind-blowingly good things to her and indulged her most secret, naughty fantasies. But he was still just a guy; not perfect. There were probably lots of little quirks that he possessed that would get on her nerves...after a while. Last night was about stepping outside the boundaries of normality and taking what she really wanted, but shouldn't want. Buffy had cast aside her usual skittishness and un-aggressive nature to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. And she didn't regret doing it--though her nether regions were sore as hell. A nice, long, hot soak in a tub would help with that.

Buffy couldn't help wondering about the woman in Spike's life. What was she like? What kind of person was she? Was she pretty? Of course she had to be pretty; men that looked like Spike could have their pick of women, they tended not to date dogs. When they'd mentioned the other people in their lives, his eyes had held such sadness. Why did he stay with the woman if things were bad? Buffy chuckled sadly. The same question could be asked of her about Angel. The fire, the spark, in their relationship had dimmed and sputtered months ago, yet she was still officially with him. Whether it was not wanting to admit defeat, or just being accustomed to being with Angel, she didn't know.

She sighed tiredly. Time to get back on the road to Sunnydale. Time to put last night and Spike behind her.

Mmmm...Spike...behind her...That had been a LOT of fun! She glanced at the mirror and giggled. Buffy shook her head as she made her way to the bathroom for a much needed shower. Putting all of it behind her and moving on was going to be tougher than she thought...