Enough For Now



Soft. Cruel. Tender. Hard. This is what he was for her. In whatever degree she needed it and when she needed it. Almost as if he was a chameleon that changed to please her. Tonight she needed to be broken. Tonight the vampires and demons had run from her. Even they knew her mood and there would be no chance to escape her need to make something else hurt as much as she did.

Buffy had led Spike here fresh from the last fight. To this crypt that was dirty and smelled of stale air. The lock had been rusted when she had easily pulled it from its feeble effort to protect the dead inside. Once inside she had kissed him without pretense of teasing and had taken his cock from his pants. She stroked its length with her hands until he was hard for her then she had released him so she could remove her clothes. It was him that had turned her, not wanting to see the deadness of her eyes, and bent her over the sarcophagus. In one thrust he had been inside of her denying the tenderness he had wanted to give her.

Now she grunts as he thrusts deep into her while she squirms trying to make her self more comfortable. The dusty stone of the tomb beneath her is scratching against the softness of her belly and the edge is cutting into her pelvis. His hands hold her hips in place as he pumps into her. Her hands try to hold her off the surface but being tired she relaxes allowing her face to rest against the top. A pebble cuts deep into her cheek as she is dragged back and forth from the motions he is making.

The copper smell drifts quickly fills the air teasing him with its call. Quickly shaking away the urge to transform into his vampire face Spike stops his movements long enough to pull his t-shirt off. He folds it and gives it to her for a pillow.

“Thanks.” Buffy whispers as her face now rests against the soft material that smells of him.

His hands move her again, lifting her up so she is not bent over the edge but falling down into it. It is almost as if he knows that she is being bruised by their sex. She curls her legs up so that her feet are resting against his ass cheeks. A laugh goes through her as she realizes the ridiculousness of her position.

“You okay, Luv?” He asks concerned as his hands drift over her back coming to rest on her shoulders. Once again he is merely resting, barely inside of her.

“Yeah.” She reassures him as she pushes back against him forcing him inside her again.

Taking the hint he resumes his movements building the tension between them. A soft sucking comes from between them as he pulls himself almost all the way then pushes all the way back in. Her moisture doesn’t want him to leave. Doesn’t want to lose the pleasure of being joined with him, it holds onto him like a virgin after a one night stand.

Her hand drifts between her legs separating her dripping folds to help bring her an orgasm. She begins to rub herself in time to his thrusts only to be covered by his cool fingers while his other hand moves around her waist to hold her up.

“Let me.” He tells her as she relinquishes her pleasure to him having faith that he will not leave her unsatisfied.

Spike pulls, rubs, twists, and pinches her clit making her pant in need of release. Raising herself on her hands she begins to meet him as he rams himself into her. Her toenails dig into the softness of his ass as she pulls him into her with her feet.

“Oh, God, Spike, now, please, fuck me.” She screams breaking the silence of the graves around her.

Growling he grinds himself into her rotating his hips as he twists her clit in the way he knows will make her cum. Then in a final keening shriek she finds her precipice and throws her self off. He smiles in arrogance as her body convulses with the force of her orgasm. Sliding his arms around her waist he picks her up bringing her back against his chest. She moans as their positions change and she sinks even further down on him.

“Move up, Luv.” He tells her as he begins to climb on top of the tomb.

Using her hands she crawls over the stone until they are both on top it. Softly he lowers her until she is resting on her belly again. This time he is covering her with his body feeling the heat, the sweat, the softness of her back against his stomach and chest. She gives a small sigh of contentment as she burrows her face against the t-shirt again.

“Do you trust me?” He asks as his tongue probes at her ear as his lips engulf the soft shell around it. Just like when he tries to take all of her pussy into his mouth while he tells her there is no other nectar like it in the world. He could and would spend all day with his head buried between the soft strength of her thighs if she would only let him.

She swallows as she turns her head to try to look at him. He shifts so that she can. His eyes are wide in their innocence as he implores her with them.

“Yes.” Her voice is trembling as she yields control to him. For the first time in this madness of what they do she gives him the power.

Surprise rushes through him at her consent but he doesn’t want her to change her mind. Slowly he allows himself to slip from her heat. Then suddenly it doesn’t matter this game he wants to play. He only wanted to introduce another game just because he didn’t think she would agree. To take her somewhere else that good girls like her didn’t go. Because he wanted to be able to force the issue making her capitulate in her need giving him the power for just a short while. Like all the other times he had taken her to new places it was just because he could; because in her innocence and pain and desire she would give in to his wicked ways to punish herself.

But this time she comes willingly with no struggle. No game of saying no when she wants to say yes. No making it seem like it was his fault. The Big Bad taking advantage of the poor depressed Slayer. And it makes him not want to play.

He turns her over onto her back shifting to cover her again.

“Spread your legs for me, pet.”

And she does so willingly, so trusting, so wanting. And there in her eyes is something he hasn’t seen before but he doesn’t take the time to analyze it as he enters her again.

Buffy gives a small gasp as she opens herself wider for him and her walls stretch again to allow him in. Slowly he moves. His rhythm almost leisurely as he looks deep into her eyes never breaking contact with his.

Her hand comes to caress his face, tracing the planes and the angles of him.

“Love me?” She whispers as she brings her legs around his waist again.

“I do.”

Slowly his head lowers so he can make contact with her mouth. Her tongue traces his lips before entering to explore his tongue and teeth.

Then as he feels his own orgasm coming he raises his head so that he can look into her face as he releases himself deep into her. And as her fingers digs into his shoulders he takes a chance. Even though he knows it might cost him everything but he asks anyway.

“Love me?”

Her eyes open in fright and her body tenses ready for flight.

“Don’t. It’s okay.” He tries to reassure her so that she won’t leave.

She nods then pulls him down to cover her. Her arms wrap around him as he shudders against her. Too afraid of breaking whatever was happening he lays on the sweet curves of her flesh. He wishes they could fuse together into one being so that she would always be a part of him.

She doesn’t push him off this time. She doesn’t tell him to move so she can leave. She lays there wrapped around him giving him the security to relax. Fear still tickles his brain telling him not to get comfortable. That it would change soon. It had to be a new game she came up with. A new cruelty of drawing him closer then she would play a new version of ‘Kick the Spike’.

Her hands slowly caress his back almost without thought.

Finally unable to stand the waiting he asks, “Do you want me to move?”

She doesn’t speak a word just shakes her head as his face stays buried against her neck. Trying to relieve a cramp in her thigh she removes her legs from across his back to rest beside his on the sarcophagus.

Soon Spike realizes she is going to sleep as her breathing becoming even and her heart rate slows down. This opportunity, this dream, might never come again so he still doesn’t move.

“I want to.” She whispers against his cheek. Her breath tickles his skin as her words force him to move to see if she is talking in her sleep.

His eyes look down into the green of hers that are filling with tears and it was enough for now.