Son Of A Preacher Man


Disclaimer: I own nothing of the characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy or whoever else can lay legal claim to them. Despite what the character of Buffy says, I own nothing nor claim to have anything to do with the song, "Son of A Preacher Man" that was originally sung by Dusty Springfield. I am merely borrowing them to create a pretty picture inside my head. 


Son of a Preacher Man

The applause was thunderous as Buffy made her way onto the stage. She waved at her fans before climbing onto the stool set out for her use. She situated the guitar on her lap and made sure the microphone was in place before turning smoky green eyes back to the audience.

"Hi everybody," Buffy said, waving again as the applause returned. "I’d like to sing the song that I wrote for my first love, Billy Ray." Her hands began to strum her instrument, her husky voice singing the lyrics that never failed to take her back to that summer….

Billy Ray was a preacher’s son

And when his Daddy would visit he’d come along

When they gathered round and started talkin’

That’s when Billy would take me walkin’

Buffy smoothed down the front of her short denim skirt. Her hands moved to adjust her cotton button-down shirt. She liked the way the small leaves around the blue flowers on her shirt made her eyes even greener then they were. One more turn and she was satisfied that she might actually be described as pretty today. From her blond hair pulled to a high ponytail all the way down to her red-tipped toes tucked into summer sandals.

"Hey, you," Willow said, hanging around the door frame. "Are you coming down or what?"

"Yeah, I’m ready."

Linking arms the two girls made their way back downstairs to the church parlor where the Sunday potluck was still going on. It was exciting to them both that they were finally allowed to participate in the grownup affair. Both were just past ninth grade and had officially been made members of the Sunnydale Baptist Church earlier that morning. Their goal for the day was to stay as far away from their parents as possible so they could maintain the illusion of being older than their fifteen years.

"There’s Xander," Willow crooned, looking at the tall brunette boy she had been crushing on for a year now. "And look, Buffy," she pinched her friend’s arm, "Billy Ray is with him."

"He goes by Spike these days," Buffy corrected with all the authority of someone who gathered the most current information on the teenager in question. "He just turned seventeen and he’s a man now."

"Oh, yeah," Willow said, "Bleaching your hair, smoking and drag racing makes you a man."

"It does in my book," Buffy purred.

They broke out in giggles which only brought the attention of the two boys they were ogling. Hopefully, before they could be caught, Buffy yanked Willow in the other direction even as her face flooded with color. Sternly giving herself a lecture on not acting like a silly schoolgirl she led her friend over to the punch table.

"Oh, great," Buffy muttered when she saw that it was Harmony pouring out the red beverage. She was Spike’s on and off girlfriend, currently off, and a persistent thorn in Buffy’s side. "Hi, Harm," she said brightly.

"Oh, it’s you," the other blonde said. "I saw you staring at my boyfriend. You may as well give it up. He’s not going to notice a little girl like you. I mean look at the way you dress. So, fourteenish."

"He’s noticed," Willow whispered conspiratorially so that none of the adults could hear. "Didn’t he ever tell you where he disappeared to during the Christmas pageant?"

Harmony’s eyes opened wide as she looked at Buffy who was blushing even more furiously. Yeah, Spike had noticed. Had noticed her so much that he had backed her into a corner, made her admit her mad crush, pulled her against his hard, lean body, licked her ear and then told her that he didn’t date jailbait. He was laughing about her juvenile response to him while he had walked away. Buffy cried for days afterwards and had decided to go out with Parker just to spite the big brute.

It had started a war between the two blondes that no one else knew about. Buffy had started dressing as sexy as her mother would allow, wearing makeup and she had learned to kiss. Parker’s kisses were always too wet but he had been an easy target for her to practice on. And she had been very firm about nothing more than kissing.

Over the last six months Buffy had pretended to ignore Spike, but had made sure he knew about her very active social life. Spike had made sure Buffy had known about his every conquest and typical minister’s son lifestyle. Every once in awhile their paths would cross as they would in small town fashion and the heat between them was impossible to ignore. He always left her panties wet and her legs quivering in need even though he never touched her. All it took was a look from those blue eyes and the way his voice dropped a couple of octaves as he whispered naughty things to her. The woman in her was satisfied though because he would walk away from her with a very large bulge in the front of his jeans. A bulge that she would fantasize about for hours with her hand buried between her legs.

"Are you telling me that you and Spike, pulease," Harmony tittered. "Maybe in your imagination, that is if you even could imagine."

"I bet she could," Spike whispered behind her. "Imagine a lot of things, couldn’t you, pet?" His finger twirled around her ponytail while the heat from his body was leaving her wanting to lean into it. "Let’s get out of here and see just what goes on in that mind of yours."

Harmony gasped, Willow’s eyes went large and Xander laughed. Buffy could see it in their eyes. She wouldn’t dare. Her father was a deacon and Spike’s father was the minister. For them to leave together would cause a scandal that would rock the church. It didn’t matter. None of it did but the feel of Spike’s long fingers tracing her spine. She brought her head around, letting her forehead barely rest on his chin.

Being good isn’t always easy

No matter how hard I try

When he started sweet-talkin’ to me

"Let’s go."

"Buffy you can’t," Willow protested.

"Way to go man," Xander said, slapping him on the back. "Score."

"How could you?" Harmony said. "She’s a little wannabe slut…"

Buffy heard them but she didn’t care. How could she? Spike was grinning and tugging on her hand. At that moment, on the cusp of every teenage fantasy she’d ever had, all she wanted to know was if he could make her feel as good as she thought he could. He pulled her through a side door. She looked behind her but no one was looking at them except the three at the punch table. Her stomach was filled with butterflies at what she was doing. She’d always been a good girl but for Spike she’d be anything he wanted.

They turned the corner into the main church hallway and he started running. She giggled as she ran with him. It felt like they were flying as they burst out of the rear door into the parking lot. Spike was laughing his head off when he jumped down the three steps. Buffy stumbled but he caught her, holding her tight against him as he swung her around. She giggled and twined her hand through soft blonde curls, feeling her body respond to him.

Spike set her on her feet and led her to his car. He opened the door like a gentleman, holding it for her as she slid into the old Desoto. Buffy laughed again as he jumped then slid across the hood to get to the driver’s side. He left tire marks as they sped out of the parking lot. She looked behind them once more but no one was coming. No one had even noticed that they were gone.

He’d come and tell me everything is all right

He’d kiss and tell me everything is all right

Can I get away again tonight?

"Come here, Luv," Spike said, holding his arm along the back of the seat.

Buffy moved to sit next to him and his arm closed around her shoulder. It was better than her dreams had been. Her body seemed to be made to fit next to his as she nestled under his arm. She was tingling everywhere his body touched hers. Deciding to be brave she unclenched her hands from where they locked together on her lap and put one on his leg. Her eyes closed as heat flashed through her, pooling in the most intimate part of her, and she felt a rush of liquid spilling from within her. Restless, she moved her bottom but it only made it worse.

In fear that he knew she glanced over at him but he seemed to be concentrating on the road. It was then that she noticed Spike was driving along the road that led out of town. The only thing out here was the lake. A notorious make out spot. Is that all he wanted? Buffy looked around her as she tried to ignore the throbbing from her pussy and rationalize what she was doing. Was she ready to have sex? She was only fifteen and had only kissed a few boys.

The only thing she had done besides kissing was letting Angel touch her breasts at Summer Camp when she was thirteen. She had gone from being totally flat to needing a real bra. Somehow her boobs hadn’t needed training because she had gone straight to wearing a B cup. Someone said that a boy massaging them would make them bigger and wanting to have larger breasts than all the other girls she’d granted Angel permission to touch them. She still wasn’t sure if it was the massages he gave her all summer or just growing up but she now proudly wore a C cup. And she wasn’t sure if it was her or the matter of fact way she made him touch her or if it was him but she’d heard Angel was now dating some guy named Wesley.

She sighed as she tried to force her mind back to what she was doing or about to do.

"You okay?" Spike asked. "Still with me?" He bent and nuzzled his nose in her hair, leaving a kiss on her cheek before turning back to the road.

"Yeah, still with you," Buffy said, proud of the calmness in her voice and knew she wasn’t backing out now. Assured by her decision, she settled closer to him and let her fingers drift over his thigh. His jeans were soft and pulled snug over his body, faded black, she noted as she cupped his knee.

The car turned down the lake access road and Buffy felt another momentary doubt as they bounced along the dirt road. Spike groaned softly and it was then that she realized her breast was rubbing along his rib cage from the movement of the car. Her nipples were hard and jutting through the thin material of her blouse. She blushed as she remembered she was wearing bra and panties that she had bought on a rare trip into Los Angeles. Her mother wouldn’t allow her to buy the lacy red things that she now had on. So she had Willow keep her mom distracted until she had paid for them and shoved them in another bag. It only enhanced her excitement that Spike would see her in them instead of the plain cotton ones she usually wore. He would see that she was grown up.

"Where are we going?" Buffy asked as he turned down another road that led around the lake and away from the spot that she had thought they were going to.

"Someplace special," Spike promised, his fingers dangling over her shoulder brushed against the side of her breast. "It belongs to the church. They use it for special retreats and stuff. No one will be there."

Buffy nodded. They drove on for a few minutes until they came to a gate. Spike leaned over her to reach into the glove box. He pulled out a set of keys and sat back up. The small door bounced open again and it was then she saw the small foil packets thrown haphazardly over the rest of the contents and she quickly slammed it shut. It didn’t seem to faze him as he got out of the car to undo the lock and open the gate. Her hands were suddenly damp and she smoothed them over her skirt. The thought that he wasn’t a virgin kept repeating in her brain. He’d done this before, had brought other girls here so why did she think she was special. Did she just want to be a conquest to him?

"Almost there," Spike promised as they started down the road again.

"Have you brought Harmony here?"

His head whipped around to look at her. He studied her for a moment then grinned. "Nope, you’re the first girl I’ve brought here. I don’t like authority too much but I respect what belongs to the church and the parishioners. I come here sometimes when I want to be alone."


Spike pulled the car up alongside a small house that overlooked the lake. He stepped out and held his hand out for Buffy to slide out his side of the car. He gave her a quick hard kiss that left her hungry for his touch as his hands slid from her waist.

"Wait here," Spike said, running up to the house.

After he closed the door behind him, Buffy turned to look at the lake. It was beautiful and peaceful here. The grounds were still pristine. This place was obviously not used a lot and she believed what Spike had told her. There was no evidence of any parties and she sighed in relief. Maybe she wasn’t just another girl to him. The door slammed shut and she turned to see Spike running down the steps holding a blanket in one hand and some sodas in the other.

"I thought we’d go down to the dock," he said, wrapping the arm with the blanket around her shoulder. "You know, just lie in the sun and talk…whatever."

She turned to give him a bright smile and knew she loved him when he smiled back at her. When it happened she wasn’t sure. Spike had been around, somewhere in her life, since her father had moved them to this small town. During those eight years she had always wanted to be closer to William Raymond then he had allowed. She vowed she would do whatever it took so that he would keep her in his orbit, now that he had allowed her entrance to his world.

Spike spread the blanket out on the dock and plopped down. He held a hand out to her, making her feel like a lady as she sat next to him. She tucked her legs under her and reached to undo her sandals. Spike was already yanking off his boots and socks then his t-shirt. She swallowed as his chest was exposed to her view. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen it but it was the first when they were alone. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips as she stared at him. Startled by his knowing chuckle, she turned her head and scooted a little ways away. Her hands reached up to undo her ponytail, letting her long blonde hair cascade over her shoulders.

How well I remember

The look that was in his eyes

Stealin’ kisses from me on the sly

"You are so beautiful," Spike whispered, hoarsely as he crawled toward her. His hands cupped her face, tilting it upwards. "I told myself I was going to wait but I can’t, sugar, I just can’t."

His eyes stared straight into hers. She didn’t need experience to see the desire burning in them and she didn’t need to look down to know he was already hard with wanting her. Her hands lay on his chest, his nipples burning against her palms and somehow, instinctively she lowered them slowly backwards. He followed, coming to cover her, his legs entwining with hers. He just kept coming toward her until there was nothing but their clothes between their heated bodies. His lips covered hers and she wasn’t sure whose groan of satisfaction was louder, his or hers. For months she had wanted this and almost couldn’t believe it was happening. It was though, and her body took over thinking for her. Her tongue wrapped around his that was busy plundering her mouth. Her legs shifted and opened until he was cushioned between them. His erection pressing down on her heat and she curled up to increase the pressure between them.

"Oh, God, Buffy, what are you doing to me?"

Spike didn’t wait for an answer. His mouth was on hers again, hungry, and needing her. Buffy didn’t hesitate to give him her passion, her mirroring ardor for him. Their tongues twirled, tasted and plunged from one mouth to the other. His hands were still holding her face, fingertips caressing the back of her neck while his hips ground down into hers.

Buffy wanted to know everything about him, about his body, and her hands started to move. They slid around to the warm, smooth plane of his back to feel every curve and valley from shoulder blades down to the edge of his jeans. He shuddered when her fingers slipped just under material. She wanted to make him feel the same delicious fire that was consuming her and she pushed her hand down to knead at one cheek. A part of her was thrilled to the fact he wasn’t wearing underwear and another part was shaking from the realization there was one less thing keeping him from her virginity.

Takin’ time to make time

Tellin’ me that he’s all mine

"I’ve been waiting so long for you to grow up," Spike whispered. His lips moving along her jaw to her neck. "Do you know how many times I wanted to kill Parker for even touching you?"

Her legs wrapped around him in response. "I’m yours, only yours." Buffy vowed. Her fingers slid through his hair as he nuzzled the valley between her breasts. He nipped the side of one soft mound and she threw her head back. "Make love to me."

Spike froze for a second then made a growling noise as he started to unbutton her blouse. His lips followed the trek down her body as more and more of her stomach was exposed to him. Licks and kisses were trailed along her belly until he pulled back to kneel between her legs. Buffy sat up and quickly pulled her shirt off then lay back down with her arms over her head. She didn’t know the signal she was giving him; complete and utter surrender. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Nothing was going to stop them now. He undid the button and zipper on her skirt. She lifted her butt as he tugged it off. It was thrown over on top of her shirt. He stared at her for a minute but she wasn’t self-conscious. Today she wasn’t a little girl or even a teenager. She was Spike’s woman. Made for him to do with as he wanted and she smiled up at him.

"Who was it?" Spike asked in a voice that was almost deadly in its icy detachment.

"Who was who?" Buffy asked confused by his sudden turnabout in attitude.

"The boy," Spike laughed contemptuously, "Or boys that you’ve fucked?"

"No one," Buffy said, sitting up. Suddenly she felt uncomfortably cold in the hot June sun.

"Oh, come on, pet, don’t lie to me. You expect me to believe you’re a virgin with your red lace underwear, your plea, "oh make love to me", and your damn ‘I’m easy’ signals."

What had happened? It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Buffy drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. She buried her face in her knees.

"There hasn’t been anyone, I promise, Spike."

His hands gripped her arms and gave her a small shake. "Don’t lie to me. I can’t stand being lied to. Was it Parker?"

Buffy shook her head violently as the tears came. "I couldn’t be with anyone else," she claimed. "I was only with Parker to learn how to kiss. It’s all it’s ever been with anyone else. I love you, Spike, I’ve always loved you."

The hands fell from her arms as Spike stood and walked to the end of the dock. His body was silhouetted in the brilliance of the sun that was beginning to slip a little lower in the afternoon sky. Buffy watched as he hung his head and his shoulders shook. He spoke to her and she had to strain to his words.

"I love you, too. I’ve tried not to because you’re still so young but I can’t help it. You’re the only girl that I want. Only dated Harmony because she looks something like you."

"Come back to me," Buffy said, raising her arms to him when he turned to look at her. Spike loved her too and she wasn’t going to let anything come between them again. He came back to her, wrapping his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. "Love only you, want only you, make me yours," Buffy cooed, rocking him.

"I’m going to go to hell and probably jail, too," Spike said, lowering them back to the blanket. "But I’m going to make love to you."

Learnin’ from each other’s knowing

Lookin’ to see how much we’ve grown

His fingers plucked at her bra clasp, freeing her breasts to his questing hands. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around him again. His fingers kneaded the soft mounds while his lips taught her things about kissing that Parker had no clue about. The fire returned to consume them and Buffy let the flames lead her to their inferno. Her hands roamed over his body, enjoying the slight shudders he elicited when she touched sensitive areas. He was rolling her nipple as he maneuvered between her legs again.

"This has to be heaven," Buffy thought, opening her eyes to stare at the bright clear sky as his mouth descended on her breast. Her entire areola was sucked into his mouth while his tongue flicked at the pebbled tip. She arched her back and his hand cupped her bottom pulling her closer to his hardness. The intensity was drowning her in an all encompassing desire to be his. She knew her panties were soaked with the same need that was making her belly ache and her pussy pulse. Spike, sensing her increasing heat, rubbed himself against her. She heard herself mewl in response but what they were doing wasn’t enough to satisfy her. She wanted it all and her hands slipped between them, pulling and yanking at his pants to try to free him.

"Slow down, baby," Spike said, rolling off of her. He quickly got his jeans off and threw them in the pile with her clothes. "Your turn," Spike whispered, slipping his fingers into her panties and pulling them down her legs. They were quickly thrown to the side but when he started to cover her again, Buffy stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She pushed him on his back and unabashedly gazed at him in his nudity.

"You’re the one who’s beautiful," she whispered, uncaring for his manly pride because he was gorgeous. Lean, muscled, a little pale but the lines of his body that pulsed and rippled made up for it. She gulped and placed her hand on his stomach, feeling the heat of him, the sweat from their activities and the glory of it made her shake in wonder. Growing braver, she coaxed her hand to dip lower, to cover his cock. It jumped under her questioning fingers as she explored the hardness and yet softness of it. She looked into his eyes for a second before lowering her head to kiss the tip of it.

The next thing she knew she was on her back with Spike fumbling to get the condom out of its container. She had let loose the man in him just as he had brought out the woman in her and there was only the act itself to complete them. Reaching out she helped to roll the latex over him then when it was in place, she lay back taking him with her.

"You sure, Buffy?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," Buffy said as she felt him at her entrance.

"Wrap your legs around me," Spike instructed. "Higher, around my ribs and relax."

It made her wonder how many virgins he’d taken but she pushed it from her mind as he thrust into her. She gasped as he filled her completely, breaking through her hymen and bringing a pain she hadn’t really expected. Her nails dug into his back as he murmured how much he loved her. He didn’t move for a minute until she stirred beneath him.

"Go on," she whispered to him.

Spike was gentle, easing back and forth, showing her just how much he didn’t want to hurt her. She knew he needed more and she ordered her body to relax. Slowly her muscles cooperated, unclenching from around him, giving him the encouragement so that he sped up. The dock creaked under the force of their movements. There in the front of God and whoever might be hiking around the lake, Buffy gave everything she had to the only boy who had ever been able to reach her. His grunts and sweat slid over and around her as he rocked inside her.

"Everything’s going to be all right," he whispered to her. "Let it go, baby, let it go."

His hand moved between them, sliding down to touch a part of her that no one had ever touched but her. He circled and teased as he changed his thrusts to a more grinding motion. Everything was forgotten as the flame licked at her again. It was taking her someplace she’d never been and she let go like he asked. It was better than anything she had ever felt as her soul soared through the blue sky above them and her body quaked under his ministrations. The moment she felt herself coming back to herself she knew he was going to fly too. Her hands caressed him and she nipped along his shoulders as he came undone over her.

Spike slid off of her, disposed of the condom then cuddled into her. He pulled the edge of the blanket over them. Reality came over her. Her parents were going to kill her. They were probably out searching for her now. Spike could go to jail for making love to her since she was under sixteen.

"Don’t," Spike said. "It’s going to be all right. No matter what happens I love you and will always be there."

"You promise," Buffy asked, feeling like the little girl she’d been when she had left home that morning.

"Promise," Spike said, sleepily.

"I believe you," Buffy said, relaxing against him.

Knowing that everything was going to be fine because Spike loved her, she closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep with him.

And the only one who could ever reach me

Was the son of a preacher man

The only boy who could ever teach me

Was the son of a preacher man

Yes he was, he was, oh, yes he was

He was the sweet talking son of a preacher man

Sweet lovin’ son of a preacher man

Ahh, move me

The music faded from around her and Buffy stood so she could bow to her audience. She straightened up and took the microphone to sing her next song. As the band behind her began to play she took a second to wink at Spike standing off stage with their small son cradled in his arms. 

~~~The End~~~