
Dedicated to Audrina, inspiration comes from the strangest places

Summary: NC17: PWP, Spike sits in a chat room when he gets an interesting instant message from a very interesting woman

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the story they are set in.

Spoilers: None




Sitting in front of the computer talking to perfect strangers, pretending to be something he’s not has always calmed William down. Work at the local bookshop was always slow and boring. No one wanted to buy books anymore, unless they were rare and expensive. So William’s little store carried unusual volumes of literature. Today had been no different than and other day, lengthy and mind numbing. He was sitting behind the counter reading a book on the occult when some stupid kid walked in with an attitude, giving William a hard time. William wondered what about him made others pick on him. His shaggy, dusty blond hair hung over his forehead as he typed away in the chat room. It really didn’t matter whom he was talking to, it was the illusion of it all. His illusion: Spike- a no non-sense son of a bitch, punk with bleached hair and a bad "Fuck You" attitude. He charmed the ladies when they showed interest and pissed off the males as they entered the room unsuspecting. He knew the women he talked to probably were not the same outgoing, hot girls that their profile claimed them to be, but he didn’t care. Words were words and ideas were ideas. With the disposition and looks that William had, he had to take the attention where he got it.

He entered one of his haunts, The Crypt. The people there were a bit weird but they were good friends. They didn’t judge him or put him down. They accepted who he was, or at least what he appeared to be. Seeing that none of his regular friends were in there, he sat back and waited for them to come on. He could tell the room was filled with teenagers. They were discussing non-sense and "hooking up" with each other. He minimized that window, waiting for a private message from one of his friends and checked his email.

A few minutes passed as he waded through breast enhancement junk mailings. Rubbing his hand over his face, trying desperately to delete the emails, William almost jumped when he received a private messaged from "The Slayer." Not recognizing the name, he opened the message. "Hi, I saw you around and wanted to get to know you better, click here to see my web cam."

Needing a good laugh, William clicked on the link, knowing it would send him to a pay per view page. Quickly typing in his credit card information and joining the site, Spike found "The Slayer." Her picture promised a lovely blonde girl with a matching red bra and panty set on. Her hazel eyes twinkled brightly, beckoning him to choose her extension. Reading the directions over, he clicked on her link and a message box popped up. Quickly typing in his message alerting her of his presence, William unbuckled his jeans. If her web cam was anything like her picture he knew he would need some room to work. She looked like perfection to William. She was one of those women that men like him would only dream of.

"The Slayer’s" web cam popped open to reveal the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Her golden hair fell past her shoulders, curling at the end. Pouting pink lips smiled as she looked into the web cam. She looked down to the keyboard and started to type.

The Slayer: Hi, handsome!

Spike: Hello, cutie

The Slayer: I’m sure you say that to all the ladies

Spike: Just you, love

The Slayer: So what’s your pleasure?

Spike: How about start off with the shirt.

She looked in the camera and winked. Her hands came up slowly to take off her shirt, teasing him. She revealed her full breasts covered in a purple lace bra. His cock stirred as the creamy skin swelled out of the cups, enticing him to lick and kiss them.

The Slayer: Good thing you suggested that, I was getting hot.

Spike: I could tell. Now the pants.

The Slayer: Oh, you are so right.

The woman on the screen stood up and started to unbuckle her low riding jeans. The zipped slowly slid down revealing the top of her panties. She quickly turned around and inched the fabric off of her body. The creamy expanse of her rounded bottom popped up as her jeans wiggled their way down to the floor. She turned around to reveal her purple thong that matched her bra. She smiled and touched her breast, squeezing it. She sat down and looked into the camera, rubbing her nipple until it protruded from the lace covering.

The Slayer: OH, I’m getting even hotter, Spike!

Spike: Guess you’ll have to take off more, then.

The Slayer: You’re so right.

Her hands moved around her twin globes, rubbing them as she went. Slowly her hands moved to the front clasp, unhitching it with one hand as the other rubbed her stomach.

Spike: Oh yeah baby, touch yourself for me.

William’s jeans now lay in a heap underneath him as he stroked himself while watching her. His cock grew incredibly hard when she started to rub her breasts the first time. What he would give for a girl like this in real life. Words of poetry filtered through his head, but he dismissed them knowing they were not good enough for her.

The girl in the computer leaned forward and typed something quickly. Glancing down, William watched as her message popped up.

The Slayer: Would you like me to use a vibrator?

Spike: I just to see you pleasure yourself, with your fingers or vibrator, it doesn’t matter.

She laughed and looked into the camera and winked. Her lips formed a small pucker and blew him a kiss. She wrapped her fingers around her thong and drew it down her legs. William watched at the edge of his seat, stroking himself up and down. He used the dripping precum to lubricate his movements. His engorged cock struggled against his hand as it sought relief. She threw her panties behind her and opened her legs, revealing a completely shaved pussy. Her hands ran up and down her thighs, propping them up on the desk to let him see better. Her pussy lips dripped with her arousal as one hand came up to fondle her breast and the other circled her nether lips. Twisting and tugging on her tit, "The Slayer" moaned and arched her back. She slipped two fingers into her dripping sex, stimulating the flow of her juices more. Licking her lips at the camera, she spread her sex open and fondled her clitoris with another finger. Smiling at him, she moved her hand on her breast down her stomach to meet with her wet hand. She reached for her vibrator and turned it on. William watched her put the steel phallus into her dripping core, stimulating her clitoris with a protruding nubbin. Moving in and out, she touched her breasts again, arching her back as she moved towards orgasm. William didn’t even notice himself plunging towards his own orgasm. She twisted on the vibrator as she shook with force. Her sweat slicked body was lying limply in the chair. On the other side of the computer, William sat back in the chair, utterly exhausted and satisfied. He sat up and grabbed some tissues, cleaning up his own spew from his chest and abdomen. The girl in the monitor smiled seductively at him as she came down from the high.

The Slayer: Hey there, you’re awfully quite.

Spike: You’re amazing pet.

The Slayer: Thanks

Spike: Can I see you again?

The Slayer: You know my extension.

Spike: See you then.

William picked up his jeans and put them back on. The denim fabric seemed so harsh compared to what he just witnessed. Smiling, he went back into his regular chat room, and for once, was excited for tomorrow to come.

~The End~