
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 31 (Path B): Love Hurts

{A/N: The alternate, less angsty version of Chapter 31 (Path A). The first part mirrors the other chapter, then branches off in a new direction. There is still some craziness and pain, but in a much different way. And many thanks to my new beta, Lana!}

Spike knocked on Buffy's dressing room door.

Their movie was shooting today. They needed to talk, or he felt that they should. Things were so weird right now. Spike tried talking to Lilah and Wilkins about recasting his part. Lilah was upset because she really didn't want Spike and Buffy doing anything together. But Wilkins insisted on it.

"Come in," Buffy said.

He went in. "Hey," Spike said softly.

Buffy looked at him in the mirror. "What do you want?" she asked coldly, her eyes shooting daggers into the mirror.

" that maybe we should talk before the movie today. I know this will be awkward--"

"Now, why would it be awkward? Oh! You mean because we broke up and you're an asshole?" Buffy asked sarcastically.

Spike looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Well, why didn't you say so!? That makes it all better!"

Buffy had been freaking out all day about doing the movie with Spike.

"Buffy, please--"

"The only thing that I'm sorry about is how much time I wasted on you," she said, brushing her hair. 'I won't cry! I won't cry! Be tough! Show him that you're strong--He can't hurt you!'

"I went to...Lilah," Buffy said the name like it burned her tongue, "and Mr. Wilkins to have my part recast, but apparently, the fans think we're something special together. Ha! Shows what they know, eh?"

Spike was having a hard time maintaining his composure. She was being so cold. "I tried too, to get out of doing the movie. They want it to get made with us."

Buffy turned toward him in her chair, her face angry. "You don't want to do movies with me? Do you find me repulsive? You can't even pretend to enjoy fucking me? Sorry, I'm not Lilah!"

"No! It's not--Buffy...I knew it would be awkward for you...and me...both of us. It's not that I don't want you...That I don't want to make love to you--"

"Whoa! Stop right there! Make love to me? That isn't happening ever again. That never happened in the first place."

"Yes, it did. I love you! When I was with you, it was always making love."

Buffy almost crumbled at the sincerity and the sadness in his eyes and voice; he was so beautiful and looked so broken (as broken as she felt inside). She had the urge to throw her arms around him. Her determination wavered for a second.

'No! He's putting on an act. Nothing's changed. He's still with Lilah. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you crack.'

"Don't say that to me again," Buffy told him. "I have to finish getting ready. Leave."

"Don't you miss me? Even a little?" Spike asked, looking (and feeling) like a lost little boy.

Buffy pointed a shaky finger at him. "Don't you fucking start with that! I'm not the bad guy here. There's one bad guy--That would be YOU!"

"I'm not saying that," Spike struggled to say something right. "You treat me like you hate me. I miss you so much, Buffy. Can't we--"

"To answer your question, no. I don't miss you. You make me sick. You're not a man, you're a...I don't know what you are, but you're not a man. A man stands up for his convictions. A man defends the woman that he loves and wouldn't let anyone come between them. And I do hate you now, so fuck off!" Buffy had to get him out of there, she was going to start bawling any second.

Spike's heart withered at her toxic words. He couldn't take it anymore. He was trying to defend her and keep her safe, in his own way. The impulse to tell her the truth grew. Spike was about to open his mouth again when there was a rapping at the door.

"Come in," Buffy said quickly, relieved that she wouldn't have to be alone with Spike anymore.

Caleb came in. He took in the scene and felt like turning right back around and leaving without a word. Something heavy was going on between the blondes; emotions were obviously running high.

"Hey...I was just comin' by to say hello. Spike, how you doin'?"

"Hi, Caleb," Spike said, his eyes watery. The urge to reveal Lilah's blackmail shrank back.

"I'm...interrupting. I'll talk to ya'll later," Caleb said, starting to close the door.

"No, it's alright," Buffy wanted to grab onto Caleb to keep him from leaving. "Spike was just leaving." She looked at him pointedly.

Spike was about to scurry away when he made a decision. He couldn't take this. This wasn't right. "I'm not through yet." He looked at Caleb. "I need to talk to Buffy some more," Spike said. "If you don't mind..."

Caleb looked to Buffy for confirmation that she wanted to him to go.

Spike jumped in, getting agitated. "I said, leave!"

"Don't you yell at him!" Buffy said, defending Caleb.

Spike whipped his head to her. "I have something important to say, dammit!"

"I don't care!" Buffy yelled back.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, you two," Caleb said calmly. "I don't want to interrupt nothing."

Just then, Tara appeared in the hall, behind her cousin. She leaned in the door. "Hey, how's--" It was obvious that Spike and Buffy were having a serious discussion. "Hi, guys."

Buffy and Spike both said difficult hellos.

"Cuz, can I talk to you for a minute," Tara asked, giving her and Caleb both a way out of the tense dressing room.

"Yeah!" Caleb jumped at the chance to leave. "You two take it easy, alright?"

The door shut again.

"I want you to leave, Spike!" Buffy said.

"No. I won't."

"I hate you! Just leave me alone! Why can't you understand why--"

"Shut up, and just bloody listen to me," Spike yelled.

"You prick! How can you--"

The truth streamed from Spike's mouth, "Lilah blackmailed me to get me to break up with you! She threatened Xander with the same thing to dump Cordy! I love you, Buffy! If it weren't absolutely necessary to protect you, I wouldn't have said what I said!"

Buffy stared at him, her mouth ajar. She didn't know what she'd expected him to say, but that certainly wasn't it. "Wh-What?"

He swallowed. "Lilah said that....she'd tell your parents about your career if I didn't break up with you. It wasn't my choice. Xander loves you too and couldn't hurt you like that either."

" God!" Buffy said, her eyes like pie plates. "No...Lilah couldn't...she wouldn't...Why!?" Tears promptly overflowed from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Buffy sobbed, putting her hands over her face.

Spike wanted to go to her, his own tears welled in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Buffy. I'm so sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me to begin with!?" she asked, crying hard. "Why did you let me think that you chose her over me!?"

Spike swallowed past the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to upset you!"

"Upset me!!?? You made me think that the man that I loved wanted someone else! That was so much worse than the truth!"

Spike looked away, crying in earnest now. Tears rolled down his face. "I thought...I thought it was best! I didn't want to hurt you!"

"I was hurt worse by thinking that you didn't love me! What were you thinking!? What the hell were you thinking!?" she demanded.

"I don't know!" Spike said. "It was a stupid decision, okay?! I'm...I'm sorry that I did it now!"

"You should be!" Buffy broke down in sobs, crying into her hands. "You're an idiot, Spike! A stupid fucking idiot!" She cried. "How could Lilah do this!? Oh God, she's going to tell my mom and dad--They'll hate me! I can't let them find out--especially not that way!"

He tried hanging onto what little composure he had left, looking away from her. His face was rigid. "She--She won't as long as she thinks that you and I aren't together."

Buffy bolted up and ran to her bathroom; Spike followed her, alarmed. She dropped down next to the toilet and threw up. Spike stood near the door with a pained expression as she heaved over the porcelain bowl.

When she stopped, panting for breath, Spike said, "Buffy, are you alright? Can I do anything?"

"Water," she rasped, flushing the toilet and wiping her mouth. She was shivering.

Spike hurried to get her a glass of cold water from the sink. He crouched down next to her, handing her the glass.

"Is there--" he began.

"Wait out there," Buffy said. "I don't want you seeing me puke. I need to be alone."

"Oh, okay...I'll go and wait." Spike didn't want to leave her side, he wanted to take care of her. But he did as she asked.

Buffy sipped the water, her mind was going a mile a minute, her insides still felt shaky and twisted. There were so many things going on in her mind right now, so many emotions were crowding together.

There were her feelings about Lilah: Buffy was terrified that Lilah would carry through with the threat to tell her parents about her movies. She was sick that someone that she had looked up to and trusted had betrayed her in such a hideous, evil way. Lilah had used Spike's love of Buffy to force him to stop being with her. Buffy wanted to murder that bitch. Murder her in cold blood with her bare hands. This was even worse than what Harmony had done.

Then there were her feelings about Spike: Buffy was in love with him. But he had concealed the truth from her, making her believe that he really didn't love her. There had been so much heartache, so many nights crying into her pillow. Could she forgive him and put all that behind them? Could she erase the scars on her heart from the whole experience?

There was also her fear about what her parents would do if they did find out. She would be an embarrassment and a disappointment to them. They would be deeply ashamed of her, no doubt. She wouldn't be welcome at the house ever again.

Spike looked at her when Buffy emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. She looked pale, shaken and ill. She walked to the couch and sat down, staring down at the floor.

"Buffy? Are you okay?"

"No. I think my mind snapped...I can't handle all of this, Spike." Her face rippled as she fought to keep from going off the deep-end.

Spike wanted to hold her so badly. "Can--Can I hold you? Please?" he asked, his voice cracking under the strain.

Buffy looked up at him, her vision was blurry from tears. She nodded, sobbing anew. Spike flew to her side, wrapping his arms around her and stroking a hand over her back.

"I'm so sorry, pet. So sorry. I didn't want to have to do this to you."

"I'll kick your ass later for not telling me the fucking truth!" Buffy growled between tears.

"If that's what you need to do, then fine," Spike said, his eyes closed. "I'll do anything to make it up to you, Buffy. I still love you, I'll always love you. Nothing will ever change that. I just...make some very questionable decisions...."

"That's putting it mildly," she hiccupped.

"If we can figure a way out of this together, will you...Do you want to move back in to the house? I can't stand it that you're not with me, pet. Please, say you'll come back."

"I--I have to digest all of this, Spike," Buffy said, crying. "I may choke on it before I can swallow all--this shit."

"All the things you said when we were fighting...did you mean them? Please, tell me that you're not with...someone else. Tell me that you still love me."

"I didn't mean it. I was just--in so much pain. It was killing me. I'll never stop loving you," she said. Her arms tightened around him. "God--Why is Lilah doing this to us?!"

"I asked her the--"

Knock. Knock.

Andrew's familiar voice floated into the room through the door. "Buffy? Warren says he wants--"

Buffy yelled at the door, baring her teeth, "Fuck off!"

They could hear Andrew scamper away quickly.

"Buffy, Andrew didn't do anything. He was--"

"I can't believe that Lilah did this! I can't believe that she's that much of a cold-hearted bitch!" Buffy broke down crying again. "I liked her so much! I trusted her!"

Spike wished he could take her pain away. He could only move his hands over her back and try to comfort her. He held her like that while she cried for some time.

Then there was another knock at the door. A more aggressive one. It was followed by Warren walking in without being invited. Spike sprang to his feet and stepped in front of Buffy.

"Alright, what the fuck's going on!?" Warren said, whipping off his sunglasses. "We've been ready forever waiting for you two! And Buffy scared the shit out of Andrew!"

"Buffy's upset," Spike said evenly. "We won't be doing the movie today."

"Bullshit! I can see that she's upset, Spike. But that don't mean shit when we have a schedule to keep! What'd you do? Rough her up?"

"NO!" Spike answered, offended and shocked. "I've never laid a hand on her in anger! How dare you sug--"

"Save your indignant outrage for someone who cares, Sparky. Look, I don't give a shit what you two are fighting about or if you slapped her around a little. Just get your firm asses out on the fucking set!"

"You'd better change your tone, mate," Spike bristled.

"Fucked if I will! You kowtow to me, Majumbo! Not the other way around."

"Is Lilah on the set?" Buffy asked from behind Spike, sounding eerily calm.

"Yeah, she's waiting along with everyone else!" Warren said.

"Groovy," she said simply. Buffy's mood shifted, turning from grief and panic-stricken, to quiet, gritting rage.

Spike gulped as he turned and took in her expression. It was confirmed. Buffy was mega-pissed and ready to spill some blood. Her eyes were steely. Her jaw was clenched. She showed no mood other than 'kick ass'.

", don't do--"

Buffy stood and walked quickly past him and Warren, and out of the door.

"Buffy!" Spike tried to move around Warren to follow her. But Warren blocked him.

"Just let her go, Spike! For God's sake, grow a fucking pair! Try to keep a little dignity."

"Buffy, wait!" Spike called after her. She kept striding purposefully, ignoring him. "Get out of my fucking way, Warren!" Spike glowered.

"No, you need to let her cool off. She has to calm down enough to do the scene."

"Fuck the bloody scene!" Spike yelled, shoving Warren backwards.

Xander came out of his dressing room to see what was going on. "Hey! Spike, Warren, what's going on?!"

Warren pointed at Spike. "He just assaulted me! He's going crazy because I told him to leave Buffy alone."

Xander furrowed his brows.

Spike growled, "I told her the truth! I told her what Lilah threatened us with! I have to catch her before she does something very, very bad to Lilah!"

Xander was shocked, but quickly recovered. "Shit! Let’s go! Sorry, Warren, you have to move!’

He pushed Warren aside, running ahead with Spike running alongside of him. Warren cursed at them loudly as they ran down the hall. "I thought you weren’t going to tell her!?"

"Changed my mind."

"Keep me in the loop in the future, would you? I've wanted to be able to tell Cordy for--"

"We'll discuss it later, okay?! God--We have to catch Buffy before she does something reckless! I've never seen her this upset!"

Lilah was talking to Faith when she noticed Buffy approaching out of the corner of her eye. She turned. "Well, it’s about..." Lilah faltered. Buffy looked positively demonic as he came nearer and nearer. "Buffy?"

Lilah started backing up, but it was too late.

Buffy swung and hit Lilah on the left side of the face. Lilah ‘Oooph!’ed, and dropped on the floor.

"You fucking bitch!" Buffy yelled. She dove on top of Lilah, punching her a few times, then grabbing her by the shoulders. Spittle flew from Buffy’s lips, "I should fucking kill you!"

"The crazy bitch is beating up Lilah now!" Harm pointed. "She’s insane!" Harm certainly wasn't going to be the one to try and break it up. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of an enraged Buffy's fists again.

"Get away from me!" Lilah grunted, trying to protect her face with her arms from Buffy's hard blows.

Buffy yelled as she punched, "You nasty, disgusting, evil bitch! I hate you!"

Spike and Xander burst into the room. Spike ran, full tilt, to pull Buffy off of their boss.

"Buffy, NO! Stop!" Spike got to her first, hauling her off Lilah.

Xander helped him by restraining Buffy's other arm. She kicked and flailed, trying to get free and resume her attack on Lilah.

"Let me go! I'll kill her!"

"Stop it, Buffy!" Spike shouted. "Please, calm down!"

Everyone stood around, staring in disbelief. Lilah was bleeding from her nose and mouth, she inched backwards along the floor, touching her hurt face gingerly and looking at Buffy in shock. Riley helped her to stand up, holding her protectively.

Faith was just as taken aback as everyone else. "B, settle down! What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Shut up, bitch!" Buffy spit. "Don't think I forgot how you were on Spike's jock the second we broke up! Never speak to me again unless you want some of that!" Buffy jerked her head towards Lilah.

"Have you gone totally mental?!" Faith asked.

"Yeah!" Buffy said with a crazy smile. "Yeah, I have, as a matter of fact! And you want to know why? Do you all want to know what your beloved Lilah did to us!?"

"Buffy, don't!" Spike whispered harshly, gripping her arm tighter.

Buffy continued, ignoring his warning. "She blackmailed Spike and Xander to stop seeing me and Cordelia! She threatened to tell my parents about me being a porn star if Spike didn't dump me for her!"

There were gasps and words mumbled on the soundstage. Startled, unbelieving eyes set on the injured Lilah.

"That's right," Buffy said, feeling a certain grim satisfaction, "that's what she did. She pretends to care about all of us, but don't turn your fucking back on her or you'll find a knife sticking out of it!"

Spike closed his eyes. Buffy had just cut her own throat, so to speak. Beating Lilah up and then revealing the truth to the whole studio, pretty much assured that her parents were going to be told.

Buffy was starting to sob again. "She's evil and heartless! You pathetic bitch! You can't have Spike or Xander for yourself, so you'll fuck up everyone's lives?!"

Lilah was reeling from the beating, but more than that, she was horribly ashamed. Everyone knew what she'd done now. She saw the way that all of them were looking at her: They were shocked, confused and showed their condemnation. Lilah tried shrinking against Riley's chest to get away from the harsh glares, but he suddenly released her and stepped back, furrowing his brows. Lilah wobbled, moving to a director's chair for support.

Riley asked, "You did that?"

Lilah swallowed.

"Tell him the truth, bitch!" Buffy said. "Let everyone know what a sick, backstabbing fuck you are!"

Two security guards ran to them.

"Miss Morgan! Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance? Who assaulted you?" one of them asked.

"No, no ambulance. Buffy attacked me," Lilah replied shakily. "Take her off the lot."

Spike and Xander held Buffy protectively. Buffy got quiet, trembling, her expression going blank. The enormity of what she had just done and said (combined with everything else) was hitting her. When she had heard Warren mention Lilah's name, Buffy's vision had clouded red, then another part of herself had taken over. The part that had cried it's eyes out every night, wondering if everything Spike had ever said was a lie, wondering if he were making love to Lilah while Buffy cried herself to sleep. She wanted revenge; she wanted blood. It had been like she was watching herself brutalizing Lilah from afar; an out of body experience.

The other guard said, "We'll call the police and have her--"

"No!" Spike panicked. "No police!"

Lilah looked at Spike, Buffy and Xander sadly. "Just...Just get her out of here. Don't call the cops."

The guards moved to take Buffy with them.

Spike moved his body in front of Buffy's. "Don't touch her. We'll take her home." He turned to Xander. "Can you take her to my car, Xan? I'll be right there."

"Yeah, sure. C'mon, Buffster." Xander put his arms around the zombie-like blonde and started walking out with her, followed by the guards.

"Xander," Buffy whispered, "I fucked up really bad...I'm scared. I'm so scared." She clung to his shirt.

"Shhh, it'll be okay, Buffy." Xander didn't believe that for one minute, but felt that he had to say it.

Spike walked up to Lilah. "Lilah, I--I told her and she didn't react well. She didn't know what she was doing--Please, Lilah, don’t tell her folks! Please, don’t!" Spike begged.

"Get the fuck away from me, Spike!" Lilah said, baring her teeth. Tears filled up her eyes.

"I told you guys that she was psycho! Buffy belongs in a nut house!" Harmony said.

"Shut up, Harmony," Spike yelled. "Shut your bloody mouth!" Then he refocused back on Lilah, going from anger back to pleading. "Buffy was physically ill she was so upset. I know after what she did to you that you must want revenge, but I'm begging you to--"

"Leave me alone, Spike!" Lilah yelled, stumbling away. "Just--leave me alone!"

"That's some fucked up shit you did," Faith said, shaking her head as Lilah passed by her. The others were giving Lilah looks expressing the same thoughts.

Lilah kept moving, not being able take their stares. Their completely justified, accusing, horrified stares.

Faith went to Spike, putting a hand on his arm. "I can't believe Lilah did that, man."

He put a hand over hers, giving it a squeeze. "Yeah, me either, Faith."

Harmony addressed him, moving closer, "You need to get away from Buffy, Spikey. She's loony tunes, she'll attack you next time!"

"Harm, get away from me! I want absolutely nothing to do with you! And you keep your fucking mouth shut about Buffy!" Spike grumbled and left.

He tried to get to Buffy and Xander in the parking lot as quick as possible, taking just a moment to let some of their friends give him words of comfort and support.

Lilah had her wounds treated by the studio nurse, then went back to her office. She locked herself away from everyone else. It would be too hard to see the way they looked at her now. They were more like her family than her real family and she'd lost their trust and respect.

She stared at the window, drinking a glass of Scotch. Why had she done it? Why had she let that side of her come out? Lilah shook her head and sighed. She was capable of being more petty, more cruel, than she had ever wanted to admit. Lilah vowed to never let herself sink this low again. She felt dirty, unclean. There was a darkness inside of her that scared her. She had let that darkness overtake and consume her, guide her decisions. Never again.

Beyond the numbness Lilah felt, there was that deep, deep shame in her heart. Lilah vowed to never let herself sink this low again. She didn't know how, but she had to prove to everyone that she was sorry. She needed to regain their trust. If she wanted to look any of them in the eye again, she had to do something.

She poured herself one more drink. She took a long swallow, closing her eyes and letting the liquid warm her up.

The first thing she had to do was obvious. But what kind of reaction would she get from them, her victims? Would they strike her down, listen to what she had to say, or slam the door in her face? She hoped that they'd listen.

It would be the hardest thing she'd ever done, to face them and spill her guts. Lilah wanted to crawl under a rock, hide away from the rest of the world and not have to deal with the fallout. But that wasn't her way. Lilah didn't hide from anything. She faced problems head-on, doing what it took to fix things. That was one thing that she had always liked about herself.

Oh, it was going to be so hard.

But she had to do what was right. Finally.

Spike drove Buffy back to his place. She didn't say anything on the ride home. She just stared out the window.

At the house, Spike took her to his bedroom and tried making her comfortable. After she cleaned herself up in the bathroom, Buffy curled up on the bed on her side. He let her lay in silence for a while.

"Are you alright, Buffy?"


"Can...Can I do anything?"

"No." Buffy sat up in bed, looking at him intensely. "I'm still mad at you for not telling me the truth.."

Spike looked down. "I'll regret hurting you for the rest of my life. I thought...I was doing the right thing. Don't penalize me for being stupid. I love you, Buffy. The last thing I ever want is to hurt you."

She started crying again. "It--hurt so much, Spike! Thinking that you were playing some kind of game with me--I wanted to scream, puke, cry and die, not necessarily in that order."

"Don't cry, please. I hate it when you cry."

"I can't help it." Buffy wiped at tears. "This whole thing sucks so bad! Why did this have to happen?"

"At least you know what's going on now, right?"

"Yeah, finally!" Buffy sniffled. "Now that you saw fit to inform me of it!"

"Look how you reacted!" Spike said heatedly. "You did exactly what I most was afraid of!" Spike got himself under control again, seeing the heartbreaking tears in his love's eyes reminded him to be gentle. "Pet, I could never apologize enough for not being straight with you and hurting you."

"I fucked up so bad, Spike," Buffy sobbed. "My mind snapped. Lilah is going to tell my parents now and I'm going to have to deal with the horrible consequences."

Spike looked down, not knowing what to say. Lilah was surely going to spill the beans about Buffy's porn career after what happened. And there was nothing that he could do to protect her anymore.

"We'll get through it, Buffy. I'll help you, however I can."

Spike heard voices out in the living room. "That'll be Cordy."

Xander had called Cordy from his cell phone on the way home and told her the truth.

"Let's give them a minute, then go out, okay?" Spike asked.

Buffy shrugged. "What does it matter? My life's over."

"Buffy, don't say that!" He sat next to her, tilting her chin up with two of his fingers and looking her in the eye. "I love you. Our lives are just beginning. We're going to get through this together. Do you hear me?"

Buffy sniffled, her eyes leaking. "I feel brain's broken."

Spike put his arms around her. Buffy laid her head on his shoulder, holding him for comfort. It felt so good to hold Spike and be held by him again. She rubbed her cheek on his shoulder like a cat.

"Everything will be okay, Buffy. We'll get through all of this, I promise."

Xander ran to the door to open it, not able to wait one second longer to see Cordelia. He flung it open.

"Cordy-Bear!" Xander exclaimed, holding his arms out for a hug.

Cordy slapped him across the face instead. Xander kept his face turned to the side and his arms out, he was surprised at her reaction.

"How could you not tell me, you creep!?" Cordy fumed. "I can't believe you and Spike kept that to yourselves! Do you know what you put me through!?"

"Uh..." Xander said, turning his face back to her and starting to lower his arms.

"Oh!" Cordy sobbed, throwing her arms around Xander. "Xander, I've missed you so much!"

Xander hesitantly closed his arms around Cordy, not sure what she was going to do next. "I...missed you too, babe."

Cordy pulled back to give him a tearful, but stern look. "Don't ever lie or keep the truth from me again, or I'll kick your ass! And you know I could do it, too!"

Xander looked like a chastised little boy, making her heart melt. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "It wasn't my idea."

"Mmm-hmm, and if Spike told you to jump off of a bridge, would you do that?"

"I trust him, Cordy. He's always been so much smarter than me...I've always followed his lead".

She put her hands on the sides of his face. "Trust your own instincts, Xander Harris. You should have told me, no matter what Spike said."

"I'm sorry, Cordelia. I love you more than--more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. When I called you and you said those things about hating me and that I was just a good fuck...It hurt so fucking bad. Did you mean it?"

Her face crumbled. "No! No, God!" Cordy hugged him tight. "I was hurt. That's why I said all of that. I love you too. You're so much more to me that 'just a good fuck'. I lashed out and--I should have had faith in you. I should have known that you wouldn't have done that with no good reason."

"I'm just glad that everything's out in the open, Cordy." Xander looked around. "Uh, you want to come in?" he asked with a small smile.

Cordy laughed and sniffed, walking in the door, finally. She searched around with her eyes, becoming more somber. "Uh, where's Buffy?"

"She and Spike are in their--his room, talking."

"She really beat up Lilah? God, that's horrible! I mean I understand wanting to, I'd like to take a chunk out of that bitch's hide too. But why did Buffy do that? She had to know that Lilah would respond."

"She's...Buffy pretty much went nuts. She's not taking all of this well at all. She looks terrible, all ashy and sweaty. I'm worried about her."

"Shit, Lilah's going to tell her parents! What can we do, Xander? We have to do something!"

"I don't know. I'm hoping that Spike will come back, with or without Buffy, and we can brainstorm together."

"I wish they'd come out. I want to be able to help Buffy, too," Cordy said.

Back in the bedroom...

"You want to go talk to them, love?" Spike asked, kissing her forehead.

"I guess. Yeah." Buffy thought it would be nice to have her friends surrounding her. Cordy and her had helped each other a lot since the break ups.

Spike followed her out to the living room. Cordelia immediately went to Buffy and hugged her. The girls talked quietly to each other for a few minutes.

"Hey, Cordy," Spike said.

Cordy looked at him, putting her hands on her hips. Xander was afraid that Cordy was going to smack Spike too for a minute. "The whole lying to us thing was your idea, eh?"

"Uh, I've already apologized profusely to Buffy for it. Cordy, I'm very sorry that the way I went about things hurt all of us. I love all of you, I'd never intentionally hurt you. Xander did want to tell you, but I begged him not to. Sorry," Spike said again, hanging his head.

Cordy sighed. "I should slap the hell out of you too. But Lilah's the real culprit here. If she hadn't been so rotten and blackmailed you, none of this would have happened."

" forgive me?" Spike asked hopefully.

"I'm still mad, at you and Xander, but I'll adjust." Cordy smiled.

"Alright," Spike said, rubbing his hands together and putting on his metaphorical 'thinking cap', "we have to do a pre-emptive strike. We have to think a step ahead of Lilah."

Reluctantly, Xander said, "She could have...called Buffy's parents already."

Cordy let Buffy squeeze her hand, though it was starting to hurt.

"Yeah," Spike said, rubbing the back of his neck. "We have to find that out first. Buffy, I'm going to call Dawn, alright? See if the shit's hit the fan."

Buffy just nodded, feeling sick all over again at the prospect. Somehow she remembered Dawn's phone number and told Spike what it was.

Spike quickly called Dawn's private line.

"Hello," Dawn said.

"Dawn, it's Spike."

Her eyes widened. Spike was calling her! "S-Spike, hi!"

"Dawn, has anyone called your house in the last hour and told your parents about Buffy's movies?"


"Has anyone called? There's...a woman named Lilah Morgan who has it in for Buffy. She wants to tell your folks about what Buffy does for a living."

"Oh shit...Um, no. No one's called. Mom and Dad aren't even home yet."

Spike sighed in relief. "Thank God." He said to Buffy, "No one's called, pet. Don't worry, okay?" Then he said back into the phone, "Dawn, intercept any phone call that comes into the house tonight, okay? This woman wants to hurt Buffy."

"O-Okay. I'll try my best. Why does this woman want to hurt Buffy?"

"It's a long story...I don't have time to go into it right now."

"Is Buffy okay?" Dawn asked.

"Uh, we're taking care of her, Bit. I'll have her call you soon. Let me know if Lilah or someone else calls about Buffy?"

"I will."

"Thanks, luv. I have to go now. Bye."

"Bye, Spike."

Spike hung up and went to Buffy on the couch. "No one's called. It's alright."

"For how long?" Buffy asked, looking at him. "She'll do it. After I beat the shit out of her and everything...Lilah's going to do it just to hurt me. I'm so stupid!"

Cordy cradled a weeping Buffy in her arms. "Shhh, it's not your fault, Buffy. I might have done the same thing myself if I found out first."

The doorbell rang.

Spike kept looking back at Buffy, but went to answer it. He was shocked to see Lilah on the doorstep. She was wearing dark sunglasses and had a glum expression on her bruised face.

"L-Lilah?" he stuttered.

"May I come in?" she asked. "I'd rather not be attacked anymore today, so please don't let her beat the shit out of me again."

Spike backed away, letting her come in. Lilah was the last person that he expected to see.

They all tensed as Lilah entered the room. They couldn't figure out why she would come here.

"Let me say what I have to say, then I'll leave," Lilah said. "I'm...sorry for what I did to all of you. You may not believe me, but it's true. I was...wrong to do what I did, and I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart. Part of me knew that it was wrong, but...I can't explain it adequately. It hurt to be rejected. It hurt a lot. So I hurt all of you in return. I know how wrong what I did was. I deserved every inch of that beating, and then some, that you gave me, Buffy."

They listened silently.

"I won't tell your parents about you. I--I'm ashamed that I even considered or threatened that. I'd never done anything like that before. I was very, very unethical to have done that. I've lost the trust and respect of everyone who matters to me...and I deserved it," Lilah finished, leaving them speechless.

Buffy spoke first, "You won't tell my parents?"

"No. They won't hear it from me, Buffy. I'm sorry for what I did to--all of you."

"Do you mean it, Lilah?" Spike asked.

"Yes. I'm...ashamed of myself for how low I stooped."

They just stared at her, afraid to believe that she could mean it. Maybe they were sharing a group hallucination?

"Why are you being so generous after Buffy beat you up?" Xander wanted to know. He was still suspicious that this was some kind of trick.

"Because I guess that she 'beat some sense' into me," Lilah replied, touching her hurt jaw. "That and seeing the way everyone looked at me when they found out what I'd done. It hit home how horrible a monster I was for doing it. It's too late to fix everything now. What's done is done, and I can't change it though I wish I could."

Spike thought that Lilah was being sincere, but there was a little kernel of doubt. He didn't trust his instincts anymore, not after how he'd bungled the whole mess. "What kind of trouble is Buffy in for hitting you?"

"As much as I'm hurting physically right now, I won't call for any disciplinary action or involve the law," Lilah said. "I know that I deserved it."

Spike took a breath. "Thanks for that."

"If all of you want to take a few days off to try things out with each other, that would be okay with me."

"You're being way too nice about all of this," Cordy said suspiciously. "If you're playing some kind of game with us..."

"I'm not playing any games, Cordelia. I'm serious. I sunk lower than--I ever thought possible because I was jealous and hurt. I have no choice but to face the music for it and take my lumps. I'm going to take a few days off of work to recuperate and do some serious self-examination. I hope that maybe, someday, all of you can forgive me... can learn to trust me again."

Buffy thought, 'Don't hold your breath waiting for that.' But she kept her scoffing thoughts to herself.

"I believe you," Spike said. "Don't make a fool out of me--again."

Lilah smiled sadly. "I won't interfere with your personal lives again. That's a promise. Well, that's everything that I wanted to get off my chest. Now I can go somewhere and lick my wounds."

She walked out the door. The four of them were quiet for a minute.

"Do you really think she's telling the truth?" Buffy asked, looking around at their faces.

Slowly they nodded.

"I do," Spike said, finally. "I really think that she meant it. You don't have to worry now, pet." He sat next to Buffy on the couch, rubbing her back.

Buffy sagged in relief, leaning her head against Spike's shoulder. "But..."

"But what?"

"The imminent threat's passed, but...what's stopping another Lilah or Harmony from using that against me again? I'm never going to let someone do that to me again. I...I have to eliminate the threat. I have to tell my mom and dad myself..." Buffy said with difficulty.

"You don't have to do anything tonight, Buffy." Spike knew that it would be hard enough on her without her being shaken up about everything else. "You need to rest before you do anything else."

"Yeah," Cordy agreed, putting a hand on Buffy's leg. "Why don't you get some sleep, sweetie?"

"Okay, that's a good idea. Rest." Buffy stood and went to her jacket. Cordy was still sitting on the couch. "Are you coming?"

"Um, I thought we could stay over here for tonight," Cordy said, glancing at Xander. "There's a lot I need to talk to Xander about."

Spike looked away, feeling sad. Buffy didn't want to stay with him here, even though she knew the truth. He really had fucked everything up by keeping the truth from her.

Buffy hadn't really thought about it, she just thought of her room in Cordelia's apartment when she thought of bed. Her mind was so mixed up about everything.

"Oh, that's okay. I understand," Buffy said.

Spike got up. He put on a brave face. "I'll make sure the bed's okay for you, Buffy. I'll sleep out here on the couch." He went to his bedroom.

"I'll see if he needs any help. Be right back," Xander said, following Spike.

Cordy walked over to Buffy and put an arm around her. "How are you feeling about Spike? Do you forgive him?"

Buffy sighed, "I'm mad that he didn't tell me to begin with. But I do love him. I don't know if we can go back to the way it was...You forgive Xander, I take it?"

Cordy smiled slightly. "Yeah. He's going to receive some discipline but I love him, and he was trying to be a stand up guy by protecting you. So, the guys' motives were good, despite the bone-headed way Spike went about it."

Buffy nodded.

"Plus," Cordy admitted, "I feel like a jerk for not figuring out that there was something rotten in the state of Denmark, you know what I mean? I feel like I should have known that there was a lot more than we were hearing. So, I've got a little making up of my own to do. That's how I feel about it anyway."

Buffy silently agreed with that part. She really had wanted to believe that Spike still loved her, but she'd let her fears and hurt feelings rule her actions. She should have given Spike a chance to explain himself, maybe the truth would have come out sooner if she had.

"Great," Buffy said wretchedly. "Now I feel guilty and incredibly stupid about that too."

"Oh," Cordy hugged her, "Buffy, I didn't mean to make you feel worse! I'm just saying how I feel. I'm sorry."

Buffy hugged her back, laughing a little. "It's okay, Cordy. It's not your fault that I'm a basketcase."

"You aren't. You had several bad shocks today. It's understandable. You can start to relax now, Buffy. The worst is over."

"Is it?" Buffy asked.

Spike put fresh sheets on the bed with Xander's help.

"It'll be okay, Will," Xander said, seeing the gloomy expression on his friend's face.

"She doesn't want to stay here. She wanted to go home to Cordy's."

"Buffy's a little out of it, that's all. You said that she told you she still loves you, right? That should tell you all you need to know."

"Yeah, she did say that." Spike tucked the covers in. "But loving someone doesn't guarantee that you'll be together. Maybe I screwed everything up too bad, maybe she can't get past the whole thing. Buffy doesn't want to be in the same bed as me."

"Give her a little time, man. I know that you guys will be together again."

Spike wanted to believe it.

Buffy came in the bedroom a few minutes later, Xander left quickly to give them some privacy.

She sat on the end of the bed watching Spike tidy up the room a little more.

"Everything look okay?" he asked when he was finished.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Well...I'll let you get some rest. If you need anything, I'll be in the living room." He started for the door.

"Spike, wait." He turned to look at her. Somewhat bashfully, Buffy said, "You don't...have to sleep on the couch. You can sleep here." She patted the bed.

Spike smiled tentatively, coming back over to sit next to her. "You don't mind?"

She shook her head. "I'd like you to stay."

He wondered if she wanted to make love or just have him there, but he didn't dare ask yet. He'd follow her lead.

"Cordy reminded me of something that I need to apologize to you for," Buffy said.

"No, Buffy. You have nothing to--"

"Yes, I do." She put a hand on top of his, lightly touching. "I'm sorry that I never let you try to explain. If I had let you talk to me, a lot of the mess might have been avoided. We both made mistakes...Big, fat mistakes."

"You said that you still love me. But does that mean that you still want to be with me?" Spike was afraid that the answer wouldn't be what he wanted to hear.

"I don't know if things can ever be the same between us."

Spike closed his eyes, turning his face away.

Buffy squeezed his hand. "But we can try. I'd like to try."

Spike smiled at her. "Yeah?"

Buffy smiled too. "Yeah."

"Can I hug you now?" Spike asked.

"Yes," she said with a little laugh.

Spike moved closer and put his arms around her. "I love you, Buffy. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Will you let me? Will you let me love you for the rest of my life?"

Buffy savored the feeling of her man's arms around her. "Yes. I love you, too." She didn't know if everything would work out, but she couldn't deny how much she'd yearned for him.

They kissed sweetly and tenderly, brushing their lips together. Moaning and whispering how much they missed each other.

Spike sucked on her bottom lip then pulled back. "I'm going to get a quick shower, pet. Wait for me?"

Buffy had the impulse to join him, but she felt so tired. Shower acrobatics were most definitely beyond her scope right now. She nodded, tweaking his cute little chin.

"I'll be here," Buffy said.

Spike's heart felt so light as he soaped up his body. He felt as if he could dance on air. Buffy loved him, Buffy was in their bed waiting for him. He could go back out there and make sweet love to her, showing her how much he loved and adored her.

Spike washed up quickly, anxious to be back in bed with Buffy.

"Buffy?" Spike climbed on the bed, laying on his side next to her. His hand rested on her hip, he brushed his lips over her shoulder. "God--I can't tell you how many nights that I wished you were here with me. I've never loved someone the way that I love you, pet." He kissed her shoulder gently. "How many nights did I lay here, thinking of how much I wanted to make love to you or just to hold you? Too bloody many. Did you think about me, too? Did you think about how--"

Buffy snored lightly.

"Oh. You're asleep...Yeah, well you had a rough day, didn't you?" he said, more softly. "You'll feel better in the morning. Sleep well, my Buffy." Spike kissed her on the shoulder again, then laid on his back.

He looked at their reflection and smiled a bit. Things weren't 100% yet, but Spike held strong hopes that he and Buffy could get back on track. He had been dying to make love to her again, to show her how much he missed holding and loving her. But Buffy needed to recuperate first. Hopefully, they'd have the rest of their lives to make up for lost time.

How long would things have gone on if Spike hadn't finally told Buffy the truth? Spike didn't know how long he would have lasted without her. It was hard enough surviving as long as he had, he couldn't imagine having the strength to get through it. He'd actually, for a moment, thought of turning to hard drugs to help him deal. Thankfully, he'd resisted that temptation.

He looked at her back as she slept. Spike wanted to wrap his arms around her, but didn't want to intrude on her rest. Buffy should feel a little better tomorrow, what with Lilah's threat being defused.

From the next room, he heard shouting.

"Ohhh! Oh Xander-Bear! Ohhh YES!"
"Ahh--Ahh! Cordy!"

At least it sounded like Xander and Cordelia were making up all right...

{A/N: You get extra points if you caught the 'Evil Dead' reference I slipped in *g*}


Chapter 32 (Path B): Making Up

{A/N: Another less angsty alternative storyline chapter. There are many new scenes and elements from chapter 32 (Path A). Some of the same things will occur, only a bit differently.}

Buffy woke up the next morning, confused at first about where she was. She turned over to see Spike sleeping next to her.

Everything came back to her: The truth about why he'd broken up with her, Lilah's blackmail, her bloodlust and the attack on Lilah at the studio, Lilah apologizing to all of them, etc. It hadn't all been a crazy nightmare, it was real.

Buffy was dizzy with the sudden changes and revelations in her life. But Spike was there, next to her, sleeping on his back and looking like an adorable little boy. She couldn't help smiling in spite of everything as she looked at him. He was beautiful, capable of monumentally bad decisions, but beautiful. And he loved her, she was sure of that again. That knowledge gave her a lot of peace. He hadn't been putting on an act or trying to trick her. She hadn't been a fool to believe him when he said that he loved her.

Buffy moved closer to Spike, not wanting to wake him up, but not able to stop from wanting to touch him. She put a hand on his chest and snuggled against his side, breathing him in. His skin still smelled clean from his shower last night...Ooops! Buffy had been waiting for him to come out when she must have fallen asleep.

Buffy made a 'Ooops!' face. Poor Spike must have been sorely disappointed to find her asleep when he came back.

Spike opened his eyes slowly and looked at her, a sleepy but happy smile developed on his face.

"Hi," Buffy said.

"Hi. You're really here, right? This isn't some wonderful dream that I'm waking up with you?"

She smiled. "No, it's not a dream. I thought so too, for a minute. I'm sorry that I fell asleep while you were in the bathroom last night."

Spike shook his head, pursing his lips. "Don't worry about that, okay? You needed to sleep after everything that happened. It's alright, pet." Spike caressed the side of her face tenderly. "How do you feel today?"

She sighed, "Weird. Yesterday was like a bizarre dream. I feel better in some ways, worse in others..."

"What do you feel better about?" he asked.

"About...this." Buffy stroked his forearm. "About us. There are things what we have to work past, but I love you so much, not being with you again isn't an option."

Spike grinned and kissed her softly. They kept kissing for a minute. Then Spike pulled back. "What do you feel worse about?"

"Lilah. Trusting people in general. And about telling my parents I have to do it." Spike could see that she was trying to be strong, but it still terrified her. Buffy's shiny eyes and slightly trembly chin gave her away.

"When it comes tell them. I'll be there with you, if that would make it easier. I won't let you go through it alone."

"No, I'd need to do it by myself. My dad might...blame everything on you and do something crazy." She chuckled sadly, "That seems to be a Summers trait. Jumping to conclusions and pummeling someone."

Spike wanted to be by Buffy's side, but the thought of what her father might do to him chilled him. Spike knew what he'd do if he thought some pillock was responsible for getting his babygirl (if he ever had one) into skin flicks. "Even if you don't want me to be there, I'll do anything else I can to help."

"If I think of anything, I'll let you know," Buffy said. "Maybe you can drive the getaway car, keep it idling by the curb so that I can jump in through the window and we can speed off when they chase me out of the house." It was a weak attempt at a joke, trouble was, she could see that happening.

Spike wondered anxiously if Buffy's parents would find his mother and tell her too. That thought filled him with stomach turning dread. 'No. No. Don't think about that now. I'll just drive myself crazy with that shit. Buffy needs me to be strong and supportive for her.'

"Pet, you don't have to do anything today. For today, why don't we try to get reacquainted? Talk things out, and make sure that we understand each other. I could hold you all day and be happy."

Buffy pressed herself against him, both of them just holding onto each other. "All you want to do is hold me and talk?" she teased. "I kinda wanted to get reacquainted in other ways too."

Spike grinned, pulling her over top of his body. "I wouldn't mind that myself. Spending all day in bed sounds perfect to me. I want to show you how much I love and adore you, Buffy. Today, I am your slave."

"Mmmm, you can start by kissing me, slave-boy."

Buffy kissed him languorously, they started rubbing their bodies together slowly.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

They groaned.

"What?" Spike mumbled out of the corner of his mouth, not wanting to remove his mouth from Buffy's face and lips.

Cordelia opened the door and stuck her head in, smirking at the blondes' positions. She assumed that some fornicating had gone on between them, like she and Xander had done all night. They could take a little break.

"Hey, you two, there's plenty of time for more of that later. Xander's making his 'Moon Waffles'! Come on!"

She disappeared from the doorway, leaving the door ajar. The distinctive aroma of Xander's patented 'Moon Waffles' (an idea he'd gotten from an episode of 'The Simpsons') wafted into the room.

Buffy rested her forehead against Spike's. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving," Spike said in a growly voice, kneading her ass in his hands.

Buffy giggled. Her stomach took that opportunity to rumble. "Stupid stomach," Buffy said.

"The tummy has spoken," Spike said. He was anxious to make love, but Buffy's stomach had to be completely empty after getting sick yesterday. "Like Cordy said, we have lots of time later."

She pouted. She wanted to feel him touching her and to reclaim him as hers. But she couldn't ignore her stomach's loud and angry demands for food. And she did love Xander's 'Moon Waffles'.

"Okay, but after we eat, you're all mine." Buffy winked. "Got it?"

"Ohhh," Buffy moaned, and not in pleasure.

Spike helped her to lie down on her side in bed.

 "Shouldn't...have had...that second 'Moon Waffle'," she groaned, holding and rubbing her stomach.

"I told you to go easy, love," Spike said with sympathy. "Those things are too heavy. You should have had soup or something lighter.

"I know, I know...They just tasted so good, and I was so hungry." Buffy grimaced.

"Do you think you're going to be sick?"

She groaned again. "God, I hope not! Puking two days in a row would suck major ass!"

Spike patted her on the hip and got off the bed. He came back a few minutes later with some supplies for her. He had a glass of Ginger Ale with a bendy straw, a cool, damp washcloth, a towel and a box of Tums.

Buffy smiled wanly, watching Spike put everything but the washcloth and towel on the nightstand. He dabbed at her forehead and the side of her face with the washcloth.

"You're so good at taking care of people," Buffy commented.

Spike bent over, kissing her temple. "I always take care of the people I love, Buffy."

She thought sadly about how often he must have done things like this for his poor mother when she was ill from the cancer and treatments. Buffy grasped his hand and smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, I'll leave you to rest for a while." He gave her another small kiss, then stood. "Lie on your left side like that, if you can. It'll help your digestion."


"I'll check in on you later to see how you're doing. If you need something before then, let me know, alright?"

She nodded, trying to get comfortable.

Xander peeked in the bedroom. He looked guilty. "Um, I'm really sorry that my waffles made you sick, Buff."

"I'm the dummy who ate too much, Xander," Buffy replied. "Don't feel bad." Then she groaned at another stomach cramp.

Spike and Xander left Buffy alone.

"I do feel really shitty," Xander said morosely, as they went into the kitchen.

Spike sighed, "You heard her, it's not your fault. Didn't I warn her not to eat too much?"

"Yeah, but being the sweetheart of a guy that I am, I can't help but have an attack of the guilties."

Spike smiled. "She'll survive. Buffy will probably be feeling better in a few hours."

"So..." Xander smirked and nudged Spike with an elbow, "Did you two make up nicely last night?" They walked to the kitchen.

Spike nodded. "Last night and this morning. We talked and told each other how we feel." Spike closed his eyes, smiled and sighed. "She still loves me and wants to try being together again. I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to forgive me."

Xander grinned too. "Yeah, I figured that she forgave you with all of the little smiles and looks you gave each other. But I meant, you know...making up. As in, did you do a little dance, make a little love, get down last night?"

Spike helped clear off the table, putting the dishes in the sink. "Uh, no. After everything that happened yesterday, Buffy was tired. She needs some time."

"Oh. See, Cordy and I figured that you guys were up to the Devil's business all night too. We weren't...too loud, were we?"

Spike glanced at him. "You did keep me up for a long time. Buffy slept through it though. Not that I blame you, if Buffy had wanted to, we would have been making our own noise."

"Do you have at least have promises of lovin' to come?"

"We were actually getting comfy when Cordy came in and told us to come eat your poison waffles."

"They were not poisonous! They were gooey, sweet and delicious!" Xander protested in mock offense.

They chuckled. The guys washed the dishes and the sticky waffle iron.

Xander said, "You must be pretty anxious for Buffy to feel better. I mean besides the goodness of her feeling better, there's the fact that you were denied some lovin'."

"Yeah, but that can wait. I've gone longer than I thought possible without Buffy, I can be strong a bit longer. At least I know that she wants me too now." Spike dried a plate and put it in the cabinet. "Hey, where'd Cordy run off to? She scarpers when there's clean up to be done."

"She said that she wanted to go back to her place to pick up some stuff for her and Buffy." Xander grinned. "Cordy wants to stay over for a few days. That's okay with you, right?"

"Of course, Xan! Cordelia's always welcomed here."

"You know..." Xander began. "Cordy and I were going to go back to bed when she gets back. You want to join us for a little 3-way fun?"

Spike smiled. "Tempting. But, no. I want to tend to Buffy if she needs something. And...she's the only person on my mind right now. If I have any of that kind of fun today, it has to be with her."

Xander patted Spike on the back. "I understand. Though if you want to stop in my room for a quick hummer, feel free."

Spike laughed and playfully shoved him away.

Around 4 o'clock, Buffy woke up from her nap. She rubbed her stomach, happy to be feeling better.

Buffy used the bathroom and took a short shower. The shower made her feel even nicer. All the ookiness from feeling sick and the badness of the weeks without Spike washed away down the drain with the water and soap.

Buffy's brain nagged at her, 'Yeah, but what about your parents? You still have to tell them what you do. You aren't safe yet.'

She dried herself off with a bath towel. "Stupid brain, let me be happy for one fucking day!"

Buffy put the negative thoughts and feelings on hold for now as she brushed her teeth. She had to take things one day at a time. And today was reserved for making things right with Spike again.

She put on one of Spike's black t-shirts and her panties. Then she went out of the bedroom to look for him.

Cordelia was just coming from the kitchen. She smiled when she saw Buffy in the hallway. "Hey, you feeling better? You look better."

"Yeah, I am. You know where Spike is?"

"I think he's out back. I brought some things from our place for both of us, some extra clothes, toothbrushes, your bunny slippers and stuff like that. The bag with your stuff is on the couch in the living room."

"Thanks, Cordy."

"Do you need to talk about anything? I'm here if you do."

Buffy hugged her. "Not today. Today I'm pretending that everything is perfect. No problems, no unpleasant things I have to do. Today is for me and Spike and showing him how much I love him."

Cordy smiled. "Okay, that sounds like a good plan. If you're done resting, I have some noisy things I was waiting to do till you got up."

"Noisy things?" Buffy laughed. "You won't be bothering me if you want to go ahead with that. I decided that I'm going to move back in here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to move back right away, but...It's nothing against you. I like living with you too."

"Say no more, Buffy. I understand. You and Spike have some time to make up for. If you're sure you still want him, you should do what feels right."

Buffy nodded. "I am sure. I love Spike too much to waste anymore time being away from him. You know what would be really cool? If you moved in too! Then the four of us could be happy and closer than ever."

Cordelia grinned, giggling softly. "Well, I have thought about it. Xander's even strongly hinted that he wanted me to live here. But part of me still loves having my own place. I'm thinking about it though."

Buffy nudged her. "You do that. I'm going to find Spike."

"Okay. Oh! And I want to talk to you about something later. We both forgive the guys for what happened, but they need to be punished." Cordy smirked and raised an eyebrow.

Buffy recognized the ultra-naughty look and giggled. "Right, we'll talk later. Can't wait to hear what you have in mind."

Buffy went to the sliding glass doors that opened into the backyard.

She smiled, seeing Spike right away. He was wearing a pair of black swim trunks, doing laps in the pool. Buffy stepped onto the patio and just watched him swim for a minute. He had Xander's boombox outside, playing some tunes while he swam. Some classic rock came from the speakers.

After finishing a lap, Spike climbed out of the pool, wiping water from his face. Then he noticed her standing there, a grin expanded on his face.

"You feeling better, Buffy?"

She licked her lips, looking at his scrumptious wet and muscular body. Her lust for him surged powerfully, almost making her dizzy. It had been far too long. "Yeah, much better."

"I'm glad to hear that, love." Spike took his towel and dried his face. "I was worried about you. You should still take it easy for the rest of the day. You want to lay out for a while by the pool? It might help you relax."

"Nah, I don't feel like just laying there doing nothing." Buffy toed the ground, looking up at him flirtatiously. “I kinda feel like a dip too, but I don’t have a suit.”

Spike’s heart beat faster. He’d missed her looking at him like that. “ don’t have to wear anything if you don’t want. We’re not exactly shy types around here.” He smirked.

Buffy lifted the t-shirt over her head. “That’s true. I'd like to move on to Step 2 in our making up now, please.”

Spike walked to her, putting his hands on her sides. Water was still dripping from his body. "I'm gonna get you wet..."

"Too late," Buffy answered. “Already wet...and getting much, much...wetter.”

He bent his head down to touch their lips together. Buffy slid her hands up his wet arms to his shoulders. She pressed her body against his. They supped on and tasted each other's lips.

"Pet, you need to rest."

"I'm done resting. This is what I want." Buffy's hands moved up to the sides of his face, she kissed him harder. "I want you, I want this--nothing else."

Spike held her tighter. "You want to go back to bed?"

Buffy giggled.

"What?" Spike asked with a smile.

"Our first time, our first movie was pool-themed. What do you say that we start over again at the beginning, except without the cameras?"

Spike grinned wider. "Buffy, that sounds very...very good. But Cordy and Xander are just inside. You don't mind if they see us?

Buffy laughed. "Spike, how many people have watched us have sex? Hell, we've had foursomes with Xander and Cordy countless times. Now's not the time to start getting modest, my love. Like you said, we aren't shy types. I don't mind if Xan and Cordy see us. I hope they enjoy the show. As long as they don't try joining in, I want this to be just you and me."

"Sorry to keep asking this but, Buffy, is this a dream? I'm awake, right?"

"Umm-hmm. You're awake. I'm awake. Let's be awake together," she giggled, putting her arms around his neck. "I'll be pinching different parts of your body every now and then to remind you that you're awake."

Spike nibbled at her lips and pushed her panties down. "Where would you like to start the festivities?"

"Body location or the actual location around the pool?"

"The latter," he chuckled.

Buffy slipped her panties down her legs, gave him a steamy kiss, then broke away. She ran to the pool and jumped in feet first.

Spike grinned and jumped in after her.

They played in the water, splashing and chasing each other around the pool, laughing like kids. Buffy would let Spike catch her, do some smoochin' and touchin', then she'd swim away again.

Buffy swam to the floating pool chair. Spike grabbed her around the waist and bit her shoulder.

Buffy giggled and turned around in his arms, keeping herself afloat by hanging onto the pool chair. They shared a soft, wet kiss. Beads of water clung to their eyelashes as they looked deeply into each other's eyes.

Spike's smile faded a little. "I missed you so much, Buffy. I missed being with you, laughing with you, waking up next to you...I missed everything."

"I know." Buffy kissed his lips. "I did too. I was miserable without you. We're both sorry for how things happened. We've both accepted the other's apologies. Let's start putting it behind us, okay?" she said softly.

Spike closed his eyes and nodded. "Okay."

"Now," she grinned impishly, "Why am I the only naked person in this pool?" Buffy brought her legs up to his waist, hooked her toes into the waistband of his trunks and pulled them down his legs.

Spike laughed, kicking his trunks off the rest of the way. "You practicing doing things with your feet?"

"I can do all kinds of things with my feet," Buffy replied with a smirk and wink.

"Hmm, I'm intrigued," Spike said, curling his tongue up.

"Maybe I'll show you something later. My hands want to have all of the fun this time." She curled a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him close for another kiss.

His black swim trunks floated up beside them in the water. Spike picked them out of the water and flung them to the side of the pool.

"Get up on the chair," Buffy said impishly.

Spike boosted himself up to sit on the floating chair. Buffy carefully climbed on after him, moving to straddle his waist.

"Pet, we'll sink. This thing wasn't made for this kind of activity."

"Then we'll sink. I just wanna try it," Buffy said, stroking his mammoth cock.

Buffy laid down on Spike's chest. They kissed and stroked each other. Then, as Spike predicted, they began to sink.

"Ah, shit," Buffy groaned, then laughed.

"Told you." Spike smirked. "It was a nice idea though."

"We'll have to buy more buoyant pool chairs in the future."

They swam to the side of the pool, then hugged, resuming making out. Spike sucked on the soft skin of her neck.

"Mmm, ohh Spike," Buffy moaned.

From inside the house came the sounds of power tools being used.

The blondes stopped and looked at the house.

Spike's brow furrowed. "Good Lord, what are they doing in there?"

Buffy shook her head and giggled. "I don't know. Cordy said she had noisy stuff she wanted to do."

"Cordy's a wild one. I enjoy using toys too, but Black & Decker is a little too hardcore for me."

"I'm sure they'll tell us all about it later," Buffy said, nuzzling Spike's neck. "Don't let the noise distract you, baby."

Spike went back to Buffy's lips, forgetting about the rest of the world again. Buffy reached between them to take his cock in her hand. She placed the head at her entrance, moving it up and down her slit, and then shifted downwards. They moaned, holding each other, as she took more of him inside.

Spike only moved his hips slightly, just enjoying the feel of her pussy surrounding him again. They fucked slowly against the side of the pool, brushing their lips over the other's face and neck.

Buffy loved feeling his body against hers, but she had the need to feel him laying on top of her, or riding him.

"Can we get out of the pool?" she asked.

Spike stopped the motion of his hips. He looked at her worriedly. "Is something wrong?"

"No." Buffy kissed him. "I just want to feel you on top of me. And I don't wanna get all pruney."

"Oh." He smiled and gently withdrew from her.

They kissed again, then went up the ladder out of the pool. Spike took one of the removable body cushions from a lounge chair and laid it on the ground near the pool.

"Is this alright?" he asked.

Buffy nodded, laying down on her back on the cushion. "Better than the concrete. My knees hurt like hell after our movie," she giggled.

Spike ran his hands down her body. His mouth watered when his eyes moved down to her snatch. He'd missed the taste of her on his tongue and lips.

"Mind if I take a little detour before we get back to it?"

Buffy smiled and purred, spreading her legs open.

The song, 'Miracles' by Jefferson Starship started playing. Buffy moaned, letting the dreamy music wash over her as Spike began kissing and touching her.

Spike kissed down her chest, stopping to lick and suck at her extended nipples.

If only you believed like I believe, baby
(Like I believe)
We'd get by
If only you believed in miracles, baby
(If only you believed in miracles)
So would I

If only you believed like I believe, baby
(Like I believe)
We'd get by
If only you believed in miracles, baby
(If only you believed in miracles)
So would I

Buffy moaned as he continued his journey downwards. He kissed, nibbled and blew small streams of air on her stomach, her hipbones, and then her thighs. The aroma of her hot juice made him salivate like a hungry animal.

I might have to move heaven and earth to prove
It to you, baby

Spike stuck out his tongue and gave her wet pussy a long lick. Buffy started breathing and moaning harder. His tongue swiped up and down the outsides of her labia, dipping in just a little. He nuzzled her pussy, kissing and showing love to every part of it.

"Ohhhh, Spike! Mmmm! Please, don't stop!" she begged, putting one hand to the back of his head and pushing her crotch at his face.

So we're makin' love and you feel the power
And I feel the power
Then there's really nothing we can't do
(You know we could, you know we could)
If we wanted to, baby
(You know we could, you know we could)
We could exist on the stars
It'd be so easy

All we gotta do
(Oh, baby)
Is get a little faith in you
(Oh, baby)

Spike parted her wet nether lips with his fingers and gave her clit a wet lick and a gentle kiss. Then he stroked up and down with his tongue. Buffy gasped and moaned more loudly. His eyes were half closed with the pleasure of tasting her again. He was savoring it more than he had in the past. Spike licked from her hole up to her clit, circled it with his tongue, then repeated the actions.

Buffy writhed, holding onto the cushion underneath her. "Ohhh yes! Ohhh so good!"

Oh, I've been so many places
I've seen some things
(Yes I have)
I know, love is the answer
(Yes it is)
Keeps holding this world together
(Oh yeah)
Ain't nothing better, ain't nothing better
(Nothing's better!)

Spike drew circles around her clit with his firm tongue. His hands moved under her to hold her ass. His tongue moved down to thrust in and out of her pussy. Buffy's breathing was getting heavier and more rapid.

"Oh Spike! Ohh no one can do this like you! The best!" Buffy moaned.

"Don't you forget it, pet," Spike said saucily, curling his tongue over his lip. He promptly went back to pleasing her.

"Mmmm! Impossible--to--forget!" Buffy panted, grinning down at him. "Ahhh!" She threw her head back as she came.
And all the answers to our prayers
Hell, it's the same everywheres, baby
(Just the same now)
Nothing ever breaks up the heart
(Love's a game now)
Only your tears give you away
(Ain't it a shame now)

Then you're right where I found ya
(Oh baby)
With my arms around ya
(Oh baby)


Spike didn't let up on her. He kept tonguing and stroking her through her shudders and moans. The more he licked, the more tasty juice she dispensed. Buffy launched into multiple orgasms, arching off of the cushion.

"Ohhh! Oh SPIKE!"

Baby, baby, baby
Love is a magic word, mmm, yeah
Few ever find it in a lifetime
But from that very first look in your eyes
I knew you and I had but one heart
Only our bodies were apart
(It's making me crazy)
That was so easy, so easy
(Oh baby)

I had a taste of the real world
(Just a drop of it)
When I went down on you, girl, oh

Buffy grit her teeth, 'Oooh'ing and 'Aaaah'ing. When she spoke, her voice was husky. "Spike! Please! Need you!"

Spike gave her clit another suck then quickly moved up her body. Buffy wrapped her arms around him, kissing him sloppily. She felt like she was floating. Spike moved his hips between her legs, Buffy spread wide for him.

Oh, If only you believed like I believe
(Like I believe)
We'd get by
If only you believed in miracles, baby
(If only you believed in miracles)
So would I

If only you believed like I believe
(Like I believe)
We'd get by
If only you believe in miracles, baby
(If only you believed in miracles)
So would I

Spike thrust into her, inch by inch.

"Yes! All the way in, Spike! Yes! So full of you!" Buffy said, then bit his ear.

He wriggled his hips, delving deeper inside of her. Buffy moved her legs as far apart of possible, sighing as Spike's enormous tool slid further and further up her snatch.

I can hear windmills and rainbows
Whenever you're talkin' to me
(Never say never)
I feel like swirlin' and dancin'
Whenever you're walking with me

You ripple like the river when I touch you
(Let me touch you)
Then I pluck your body like a string
(Show you what I mean now)
Then I start dancin' inside ya
Oh baby, you make me wanna sing
(Oh baby, a love song)
Yeah baby, baby, baby, baby

Spike supported himself above her, to look into her face while he slowly fucked her. Buffy moaned, staring up into his eyes.

"Love you," Spike breathed.

"Ohh love you too, baby." Her hands stroked up and down his back. "Never want to--Ahh--be apart from you again!"

"Me either," Spike said. He arched his neck and closed his eyes. Being inside of her again was heavenly.

Buffy couldn't resist rising up, licking and nibbling at his Adam's apple. She also knew that he liked that. Spike moaned in appreciation.

Oh yeah! Alright!
Baby we're sure doin' it tonight
Every time you come by, let me try
(Come on by)
Pretty please, with sugar on it
That's how I like it
I can't even believe it, with you
It's like having every dream I ever wanted
(Dream of a lifetime)
Come true

I picked up your vibes
You know it opened my eyes
(I'm havin' a fine time)
But I'm still dreamin' yeah
(Yeah, Yeah, Yeah-ah-ah-Yeah! Oh!)

Spike sunk down to kiss her mouth. They kissed and thrust together, approaching climax. He wanted to hold off as long as possible, but it was difficult considering how he'd dreamed about doing this with Buffy again. She was so beautiful, so wanting. Her body was so responsive to his. It was perfection.

A strange thing popped into his mind that he had to share. "When eagles mate, they join in midair, locking their bodies together. They glide and spiral towards the earth, not stopping until they complete the dance or they hit the ground. Their natural instincts won't permit them to consider their own safety."

Buffy giggled softly, kissing his ear. "Is that your way of telling me that, if we roll and fall into the water, you'll keep shagging me until we cum or drown?"

"Not at all," Spike chuckled against her neck. "Just sharing a bit of knowledge with you."

"Mmmm, making love with you is always so educational! I learn something new every time."

They kissed, their thrusts getting harder and faster.

And you're right where I found ya
(Oh, baby)
With my arms around ya
(Oh, baby)

Oh, If only you believed like I believe, baby
(Like I believe)
We'd get by
If only you believed in miracles, baby
(If only you believed in miracles)
So would I

Buffy rolled them half off of the cushion. She rode him hard at first, then slowed down a bit. She looked down into his stormy baby blues and recited, "Lips that endorsed your breath, sealed with a righteous kiss."

"Ohh Buffy!" Spike groaned. She was reciting Shakespeare, no fair.

She felt his big, hard cock surge inside of her. Buffy called up another good poem in her head. She moaned, "Your words are my food, your breath is my wine. You are everything to me!"

They looked into each other's eyes, breathing in gulps of air as the song played on. Their bodies jerked. They melded together, feeling their orgasms racing through them. Spike and Buffy groaned, their faces contorting. Buffy felt the wonderful, warm flood of him unleashing inside of her. His cock pulsed. His mouth opened, he started to moan something. Buffy put her mouth over his, swallowing his words.

Their hips jerked at each other until they were spent. Then Buffy let herself melt fully over top of him. They kissed dreamily for a few minutes. Spike put his arms tightly around her, resting his face in the crook of her neck.

"I love you, Buffy. I've dreamed of being like this with you again. I couldn't stand being away from you."

Buffy nodded, stroking him. "I feel the same way. Be honest with me from now on, okay? No matter how much you think it may hurt me."

"I will. You're my angel. I'll never keep anything from you again." His voice trembled, "I would wither without you. If I could never hold you again--"

"Shhh," Buffy said, kissing him tenderly. "We'll always be together. Nothing will ever tear us apart again. I love you."

"Love you too," Spike responded, wrapping his arms around her warm body. "I love you more with each passing day." He closed his eyes, pressing his cheek against hers.

Spike would most definitely be honest about the big things. But if Buffy put on weight, he'd be damned before he told her that her ass looked big in a pair of jeans, should she ask him. Those kind of lies were acceptable. Even if she put on 50-100 pounds, she'd always be his beautiful girl to him. No matter what. He not only loved her physical appearance, he loved her soul - who she was on the inside.

Buffy moaned, kissing him with increasing passion. "Let's go to bed," Buffy said, biting his bottom lip, she had a impish little twist to her lips. "I wanna get your flagpole back up to full-mast."

"Sorry I didn't last as long as I would've liked, Buffy."

"Don't apologize. It was so wonderful. You're mine. I don't care what woman you do a movie with, but you're mine."

"Always. Forever." Spike's eyes gazed into hers.

"Let's go," Buffy growled.

They stumbled and fumbled their way back into the house, and back to Spike's (once again their) bedroom.


Xander looked out his bedroom window and smiled. It did his heart good to see and hear his friends making up. It also got him hard.

"You almost done, Cordy?" he asked, watching the blondes outside. Buffy cried out with what must be another orgasm.

Cordelia stepped down the stepladder and wiped her brow, inspecting the hooks she'd just installed in the ceiling. "Almost."

"Are you going to tell me exactly what those things are for yet?"

Cordy giggled. She put her tools down, then walked over to Xander. She put her arms around him from behind, getting an eyeful of Spike eating Buffy out. "You'll find out soon. It's a surprise."

"I'm impatient, you know that. Give me a hint?"

Cordy's hands moved down his chest to his waist. "It's naughty and will be soooo much fun," she teased.

 "Aww, now I wanna know more than ever!" Xander pouted.

"Hmm, maybe, just maybe, if you do to me what he's doing to Buffy, I'll tell you."

Xander turned around to face her, grinning. Cordy put her hand on top of his head and gently pushed down. Xander went on his knees, unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them down her long legs.

Once free of her jeans and panties, Cordelia put her right leg up on the windowsill, opening herself up to him.

Xander gripped her ass in his hands and buried his face in her pussy.

Cordy moaned, running her fingers through his hair. She'd watch Spike and Buffy for a few moments, then look down to watch Xander licking at her pussy greedily.

"Yeah, baby," Cordy purred. "Mmmm, eat my fucking pussy! You eat me so good! Ohhh!"

Late the next evening, Buffy was curled up with Spike on the couch and Cordy was sitting on Xander's lap on the recliner as they watched 'Pirates of the Caribbean' on DVD. The couples were once again settling into being happy and together.

Cordelia had refused to tell anyone (except Buffy) what her use of power tools was all about. Spike was relieved to find out that the power tools weren't used during sex play--that could kill someone! Though Xander's obituary would have been an interesting one. The girls had cooked up a plan to punish their men for the breakups.

Buffy and Cordy looked at each other, stifling giggles. They had done a little plotting when the couples had broken for dinner yesterday. They had something special in store for tonight.

"Honey," Cordy said, nuzzling Xander's cheek, "can we go to the bedroom? There's something I want to try."

Xander immediately became disinterested with the movie. He smiled at her and squeezed her butt. "Of course, babe."

They started to get up from the chair.

Buffy batted her eyes at Spike. "Spike, can we go to bed too?"

The guys didn't care if it was them or Johnny Depp that were causing the amorous feelings in the girls.

Spike grinned. "As you wish, pet. We can watch the movie again anytime."

"Can we be with Xander and Cordelia tonight?" Buffy asked. "I want us all to make up."

Spike smiled wider, as did Xander upon seeing Cordy grin and nod. "Sure, Buffy. That would be nice. As long as they're up for it too," Spike said.

"Up for it? Yeah, we definitely are!" Xander said.

They giggled and headed for Xander's bedroom.

15 minutes later...

Xander and Spike looked at each other, their arms suspended over their heads, their feet were flat on the carpet. Nylon straps were fastened on their wrists, went up through the hooks Cordy had installed, the end of the ropes were tied off on two more hooks embedded in the wall. They hung a few feet apart from each other, facing the door to Xander's room.

"This is all Cordy's doing," Spike said. "She's the S&M queen."

"Buffy seemed pretty happy about it too, man."

"Do you think...that they're going to take out some aggression on us?"

"If so, I will point out that it was all your idea. Frequently and loudly."

"Thanks ever so. I don't like being bound like this," Spike protested, tugging on his cuffs. "What was the 'safe word'? I can't remember."

"Neither do I," Xander said after a moment. "Listen, Cordy and Buff wouldn't hurt us for real...would they?"

"No. Course not." Spike shook his head, though he was a little worried.

A few minutes later the girls' light laughter floated into the room through the open door.

"Ah, Buffy? Pet? About time you came back. The blood flow to my arms is getting cut off," Spike said, trying to sound unconcerned.

Cordelia appeared in the doorway. She was dressed in black leather, and carrying a whip. Her large breasts were pushed up by a bustier. She had on a crotchless leather g-string and thigh-high leather boots. Cordy walked inside the room, cracking the whip like a pro.

"Aww, poor baby. As long as the blood is still flowing to other parts of your body, it's alright."

"Whips?" Spike asked with wide eyes. "Okay, that's beyond what I like!"

Buffy came in behind Cordelia, also wearing leather. She had on a leather and lace corset that was laced up the middle. Her pert breasts and nipples hung out over the leather. She was wearing a crotchless leather g-string and boots as well. She held a large vibrator in her hand. Buffy put her arms around Cordy, looking at their bound boys. Their makeup gave them a sultry look; not cheap or slutty, but sexy. Their eyes were shaded in dark colors, their lips were siren red and shimmered. They looked positively alluring, with a wicked streak. The girls' eyes shone with the promise of naughtiness.

Spike and Xander's eyes were big, they gulped.

Buffy smirked. "The safe word is 'Menthol'. But hold off on using it as long as possible."

"Just don't....use that whip on me," Spike said.

"That goes for me too!" Xander agreed. "No whipping!"

Buffy and Cordy giggled.

"This old thing?" Cordy asked, snapping the whip expertly. "This was just for show. But you boys do have to be punished."

"Yes, they do." Buffy agreed.

Cordy turned around to face Buffy. They started kissing and touching each other. Cordy held the whip at both ends and put it around Buffy's waist, pulling her against her. Buffy turned on the vibe and touched it to Cordy's chest. Cordy put her hands on Buffy's ass and squeezed while they tongue kissed. Buffy cupped one of Cordy's tits, applying the vibe to the other.

The men's protests dried up as the watched their women embracing. They just hung there, watching and getting harder.

In slightly different words, the boys both thought, 'Is this the torture? Is this the punishment for not being completely truthful? Having to watch our girls get it on without being able to do anything? It's quite effective, actually...'

"Let's get on to the games, Cordy," Buffy said.

"Yes, Buffy. Let's."

Cordelia had prepared a box o' fun and placed it in Xander's closet beforehand. She went to the closet to retrieve it while Buffy strutted towards the boys.

Buffy was kind-hearted enough to smile warmly and say, "Don't worry, okay? We both love you, but Cordy really wants to do this. I think it sounds fun too. It's fun and cathartic."

"No...real hurting?" Spike asked nervously.

"Uh-uh. I promise, baby. It's just fun. We all forgive each other. This is only playing."

The men relaxed a little. Spike smiled at her. "Okay, then. Just no whipping."

Buffy nodded and winked at Spike, touching the vibrator to his chest for a moment. She spared a smile at Xander too. Now that the individual couples had had the time to make up, it was time for all of them to get close again.

Cordy carried out a big box from the closet, setting it down a few feet away from Spike and Xander's dangling bodies.

"Hmmm, so many goodies. What do we start with, Buffy?" Cordelia slunk over to the suspended men. She dragged her hand over Xander's chest, lightly scraping with her nails, then did the same to Spike.

Buffy kneeled down, placing the vibrator in the box, then rooting through the rest of the contents. "There's so much to choose from!"

Cordy rubbed and pinched one of Spike's nipples. She touched her tongue to her upper lip (much like Spike himself was known to do). "I didn't get to physically punish you before. But I'll fix that." Cordy walked around him, running her hand around him then down his back. Her hand rested on his ass. "Buffy, give me the paddle." She lightly touched Spike's ass, then swatted it with her hand.

He breathed in sharply, then let out a drawn out breath.

Buffy brought over two leather paddles and handed one to Cordy.

"I'll start on Spike. You start on Xander," Cory said, falling into 'take charge mode'. "Oh, and put the things on them."

The boys frowned. What things?

Buffy smile stretched. She went back into the box, taking out two cock rings like the one she'd got for Spike for his birthday (the one that had made her pass out from purest pleasure). She knelt before Spike, then Xander, fastening the cock rings in place.

"There," Buffy said. She gave Xander's cockhead, then Spike's a little kiss. "Both of the bald-headed beauties are taken care of."

Cordy pressed herself against Spike's back, caressing his hip and reaching around with her other hand to heft his monster cock. She licked the back of his ear. "Oooh, Spike, I forgot just how fuckin' big you were and how goooood you feel. It's allllll coming back to me now. I like how my pussy feels when you're fucking me - all stretched and full."

Buffy did the same to Xander, pressing her body against his back and stroking his cock. "Mmmm, Xander's cock is so nice, long and thick, Cordy. Aren't we lucky girls?"

The girls laughed, continuing to stroke up and down, agreeing that they were indeed lucky. The men hung their heads back, closing their eyes.

Cordy surprised Spike by spanking him with the paddle. "I'm gonna make your bum all nice and pink. Well, just this cheek. I'll leave the left for Buffy to tan."

Cordy massaged his tight ass, then smacked it with the paddle again. Spike jerked and moaned. Buffy hit Xander's ass with her paddle. They continued paddling the boys, then switched. Buffy swatted Spike's behind over and over again. In between hits, she would lightly kiss the back of his neck and his shoulder blades.

Cordelia stepped back, admiring the rosy backsides of their lovers. "Very nice. I think they've been spanked enough. Let's move on, Buffy."

"Thanks for the sore ass, babe," Xander winced.

"I didn't give you permission to speak," Cordy said, going back to the box of goodies. "How do you feel about nipple clamps, Buffy?"

"For me, or them?"


Xander and Spike pled with Buffy without words. They shook their heads and puckered their brows.

"Um, let's not use those. We have other fun things we can do. Oooh! How about the food stuff?"

Cordy giggled. "You keep them busy, I'll go get what we need." She skipped out of the room.

"Thanks about the nipple clamps, pet," Spike said.

Buffy giggled. "That's okay. Cordy likes all that kind of stuff. It could be sexy, but I wouldn't want to make you guys really uncomfortable."

"Your girlfriend's a super freak, Xan," Spike said.

"The kind you don't take home to Mutha," Xander agreed.

"What's she doing now?" Spike asked Buffy.

"I'm not supposed to engage in conversation with you while she's gone. You think I want to be hanging alongside you guys?" she laughed. "You'll see what she has cooked up."

Cordy came back with a white plastic bag that contained some hidden items. She smiled a wicked smile. "I think you'll like this part."

"What's in the bag, Cor--Mistress?" Xander said, remembering at the last second how she loved being called that during bondage games.

She went to the bed, taking out the contents and setting them on the mattress. "We have a few cans of Reddi-Whip, a jar of maraschino cherries and some nice, thick 'n ripe bananas."

Spike looked at her askance. "The other stuff sounds promising...But what do you intend to do with the bananas?"

Cordy and Buffy giggled.

"Don't worry, stud. We're not going to shove them up your cute little asses. The bananas are for a little later."

Buffy nodded. "Right. Nothing will be shoved up anything unless you two want it."

The men were relieved at that.

"Back to it," Cordy said, handing Buffy a can of whipped cream. She took her own can and the jar of cherries, walking back to Xander and Spike, swishing her hips back and forth. "Let's make ourselves some yummy desserts, Buffy. Starting with Spike. I have such a sweet tooth. It takes a lot to satisfy me."

Cordelia knelt before Spike. She put her hand under his cock, lifting it to lay straight against her arm. "We'll have to be careful with the cock rings, Buffy. Try not to get too much cream and stuff on them."

Buffy knelt down beside Cordy, grinning up at Spike. Cordy was the one who really got off on bondage, but Buffy couldn't deny how hot she felt seeing Spike all trussed up and helpless. Not that she'd ever really put a hurtin' on him, like she said, this was just for fun. Xander licked his lips and watched what the girls were doing to Spike.

Buffy did the honors with the Reddi-Whip, squirting out the cream along the top and sides of his cock. Spike jumped as the cream touched his skin.

"Shit! It's cold!"

The girls laughed. Buffy continued spraying it on him until his dick was well coated. Cordy's arm got splattered too, she didn't mind.

"Now the cherries," Cordy said, licking at the corner of her mouth.

Buffy opened the cherry jar, then delicately placed a line of cherries along the top of Spike's cock, spaced a few inches apart.

"Doesn't that look good?" Cordy asked.

"Mmmm, very good," Buffy agreed. "Better than anything Dairy Queen has to offer."

Cordy moved her arm out from under Spike's dick, laying it on the palms of her hands. "Feed me a cherry, Buffy?"

Buffy took a cherry by the stem, twirled it gently in the cream, then held it up to Cordelia's lips. Cordy opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out to lick lightly at the cherry. "Mmmmm, yummy."

Buffy dangled the cherry above Cordy's mouth, Cordy licked up at it. Then she let it slide into her mouth, biting it off the stem. She smiled and rolled the cherry around in her mouth. "Juicy too!"

Cordelia did the same for Buffy, holding a creamy cherry to her mouth and letting her suck and bite at it.

The girls had little trails of cherry juice leaking down their chins, and a spot or two of whipped cream on their lips. They leaned into each other, licking and sucking off the juice.

Spike and Xander stared, nearly out of their minds with lust. Xander's dick was standing at attention and they hadn't even gotten to him yet.

At the twin groans from the men, the girls stopped kissing and got back to feeding each other cherries.

"Buffy, Xander looks hungry too. Give him a taste." Cordy winked.

Buffy took a cherry from atop Spike's cock, stood and went over to Xander. She held it in front of his mouth. He didn't hesitate to wrap his tongue around it and pull it into his mouth. He moaned, biting down on it. Buffy scratched his chest lightly, then gave his chest a pat. She went back on her knees in front of Spike.

Cordy stuck her tongue out and started licking the cream from Spike's cock. "Mmmm, s'good, Buffy."

Buffy put her hand on Spike's hip and leaned in to lick the opposite side.

After they cleaned off most of the whipped cream, they started pressing their mouths harder against him. Their open lips were firm, their wet tongues lapped up and down his huge length. They both flicked their tongues over and around the head, then French kissed each other before going back to sucking and licking Spike's cock.

"Ahhh, Jesus!" Spike moaned, trembling in his restraints.

The girls took turns slipping their lips around his hard as nails cock. They'd bob and slurp, then let the other take a turn. Spike groaned, moving his head around on his shoulders. Then Cordy gobbled down his cock while Buffy sucked on his balls. Buffy stroked up and down his thigh as she tongued him, she reached around to grab his ass.

Buffy's curled tongue slid back and forth on his thick shaft. Cordy's hot mouth suckled at his cockhead.

"Oh God! C'mon!" Spike moaned. "Untie me!"

Cordelia and Buffy giggled, continuing to lick and suck him to the brink of madness.

Cordy sat back and wiped her lips. "Okay, now it's Xander's turn."

The girls moved away from Spike, he whimpered as he watched to them go. "Shit, you two are cruel!"

"Shut up, Spike! You heard them," Xander said, smiling. "It's my turn!"

Buffy and Cordelia repeated the application of whipped cream and cherries on Xander's cock. They fed each other the cherries, kissed and licked the cream from his aching member. Cordy fed Spike one of the cherries like Buffy had done for Xander. They licked and sucked on Xander's cock until he was shaking with lust.

"Okay, now wh-why don't you take the cock ring off and let me cum in your mouths? That's a good idea, huh?!" Xander said hopefully.

"Sorry, puddin'. Not yet." Cordy gave the purple head of his cock a quick lick. "As nice as that is, we still have things to accomplish. I wouldn't want you to shoot your wad and get limp."

Xander shook his head. "I'll get hard again real fast! Promise!"

The girls twittered.

Cordy went over to her whip and cracked it in the air, putting a hand on her hip. "Buffy and I are the ones who are giving the orders. Do you need a reminder about who's boss?"

"Hey, I thought you said no whipping!" Spike said.

"Relax, Spike." Cordy coiled up the whip and put it back on the bureau. "I wouldn't mark that pretty hide of yours with ugly red slashes."

Buffy didn't say anything, but she thought, 'Damn right, you wouldn't!' She liked Spike's hide just the way it was.

Cordelia hummed, going to the where the ropes were fastened to the hooks in the walls. She fixed the ropes so that there was more slack. "On your knees, boys," she ordered.

"Now what?" Spike said. He and Xander went down on their knees.

"Now it's time for both of you to service us a little."

Cordelia went to Spike, throwing a leg over his right shoulder. "Lick my pussy and make me cum."

The girls had discussed this beforehand, so Buffy was ready with some Reddi-Whip and a cherry. Before Spike could put his face in Cordy’s pussy, Buffy came over. She sprayed some cream along Cordy’s slit, then carefully inserted a stemless cherry between Cordy's pussylips.

“Eat it up,” Cordy said, smiling at Spike.

Spike stuck his tongue out and stroked it up and down her gash, sucking up the cream. As Cordy moaned, Buffy went over to Xander, flinging a leg over his shoulder. She smiled and sprayed a blob of cream on her snatch, and wedged a cherry between her nether lips.

Xander stuck his tongue out and lapped at her. His tongue curled around the cherry, pulling it into his mouth and biting down on it. The juice squished into his mouth. Swallowing a little of it, he kept some in his mouth as he went back to licking her, combining the tastes.

"Oooooh! Mmmm! Yeah!" Buffy and Cordy both exclaimed.

Spike and Xander did their best to clean the luscious pussies of the cream, drawing more gasps of pleasure from the women. Spike latched onto Cordy's swollen clit with his lips, drawing on it, while snaking his tongue down into her hole.

Cordy was the first to arch her back and shake.
"Ohhh! Ohhh! Fuck! Uhhh!" She held Spike's face against her as she shivered.

Xander wanted to make Buffy cum too. He sucked on her clit until she too came on his mouth.

"Oooh, Xander! Ahh, yeah!" Buffy ground her box against his mouth.

After a minute, Cordy disengaged from Spike, giving him a pat on the head and a sly smile. "Very good, Spike."

Buffy removed her leg from over Xander's shoulder, grinning at him. She wiped a bit of cream off his chin and licked it off her finger. "Nice tonguing, Xan Man."

"What else have you got planned," Xander asked, licking his lips.

"I'm hoping that it involves taking these contraptions off of us," Spike said, looking down at the cock ring surrounding his stiffy.

"Hmm, what do you think, Buffy?" Cordy asked.

"I think it's time to get down to some hard fuckin'. But the rings stay on until we say they come off."

Xander and Spike were happy about the fucking part. Cordelia went back over to the hooks in the wall and readjusted them, pulling the men back into a standing position. Cordy walked to Xander, Buffy went to Spike. They put their arms around their necks and began kissing them. They savored the taste of each other, the cherries and the cream.

The girls turned their backs to their lovers, rubbing their bottoms against their rampant hard-ons. The guys didn't know how much more teasing they could take.

Cordy and Buffy bent at the waist, moving their legs apart. They reached between their legs to slip their man's dick into their pussies. They started fucking themselves slowly on the hard rods, then felt around on the cock rings to turn on the vibrating features. The girls braced their hands on their knees, pushing their asses back .

They groaned and moaned, Spike and Xander did their best to thrust forward.

"Ohhh! Buffy, I loooove the vibrating!" Cordy enthused. "It adds a whole new level!"

Buffy moaned and smiled. "I know! I passed out the first time we used it! Ohhh! Spike thought I was dead."

"Hate to interrupt the chitchat, ladies," Spike groaned, pushing his hips forward. "But could you possibly take these cuffs off now?"

"Yeah," Xander grunted. "This ain't easy without being able to hold on to you."

Cordy chuckled, "Make us cum again, and then you shall be set free!"

Xander and Spike planted their feet firmly on the ground and gripped the nylon ropes, slapping their pelvises against the girls' asses, driving their cocks home. Buffy and Cordy each energetically rocked their asses back, using one hand to rub their clits.

"Ahhhh!" Cordy and Buffy cried out, nearly at the same time. They shook and moaned in ecstasy.

They pulled away after their orgasms faded, wearing twin smiles.

"Mmm, you boys did real good," Cordy said.

Xander and Spike groaned, looking profoundly frustrated and tired.

"We honor our promises," Buffy said, going ahead and releasing Spike's wrists from the cuffs. Cordy helped Xander out of his.

Once free, the boys rubbed their wrists and sore shoulders. Cordy and Buffy helped rub their arms and shoulders.

"You okay?" Buffy asked Spike.

"Yeah, I'll live."

Xander pouted. "Are we allowed to participate actively yet? Or are we still playing 'sex slaves'?"

Cordelia grinned and gave him a kiss. "We can all have some fun now." She put her hand around his vibrating cock and stroked gently. "I still would like to direct the action, but we can start playing."

"Leave the cock rings on for now," Buffy said, caressing Spike's cock.

The couples started kissing, sliding their tongues into the other's mouth, hands moving over flesh and leather. Xander kissed Cordy's chest, mouthing the tops of her breasts. Spike was doing the same to Buffy, only licking and pulling on her exposed nipples too.

"You were really handy with that whip, baby." Xander sucked on Cordelia's neck, removing her busier.

Cordy sighed, smiling. "Thanks. I've had some practice. Bet I could whip a lit cigarette out of your mouth at 10 paces."

Xander looked up at her. "I'll take your word for that, if you don't mind."

They laughed.

Spike helped Buffy out of her corset, slowly pulling the strings loose. "You could have helped me with my whip handling in the 'Indiana Bones' movie, Cordy. Didn't tell us you had a hidden talent."

"I have many hidden talents. It's more fun to reveal them little by little," Cordy explained.

"You scared the hell out of us at first, ya know?" Xander said, now fondling her beautiful bare tits.

"Just wanted to put the fear of Queen C into you a bit, Sugar Bear."

Spike let Buffy's corset fall to the floor, dropping his mouth to lick her tits some more. Buffy ran her hands over the back of his neck and head. The g-strings were slipped down the girls' legs. But the leather boots stayed on.

Cordelia broke away from Xander going over to a plush rug in the center of the room and laying down on her back on it. She crooked her finger at Buffy. Buffy came over and went into 69 position on top of Cordy (they had worked this out in advance too).

Cordelia gave the orders. "Spike, you kneel behind Buffy and fuck her. Xander, you fuck me, baby."

"Now these orders, I like!" Xander said, kneeling down between Cordy's parted knees.

Spike went behind Buffy, running his hands up her thighs. Buffy and Cordy gently kissed and licked at each other's pussies. Cordy's face peeked out from between Buffy's legs, she smiled up at Spike.

"Get to it, boys," Cordy said.

Spike and Xander put their cockheads at the girls' pussies, then pushed in. They were grateful to be able to hold onto the girls' hips while they thrust. As they moved in and out, Cordy was able to lick both Buffy's pussy and Spike's shaft and balls. Buffy swirled her tongue around Cordy's clit and Xander's prick.

They all moaned in appreciation.

Cordy put a hand out to massage Spike's sac, then moved it up to wrap around the base of his cock. She pulled him out of Buffy and started slathering his vibrating cock with her tongue, then slid it into her mouth, sucking and pumping. Buffy did the same to Xander. The girls giggled around the cocks, the vibrations felt really weird in their mouths.

After sucking a bit longer, they reinserted the cocks back into the other girl's snatch. Spike and Xander resumed stroking in and out.

Buffy laughed, "I think the vibrations shook some of my fillings loose!"

Cordy laughed and agreed, "Yeah, that was strange." She moaned, pushing her hips up to meet Xander. "God! It feels sooooo fucking good!"

"Ohhh yeah!" Buffy breathed, rolling her hips.

The guys weren't saying much, they were reveling in being able to move freely and pounding their girl's pussy. They only grunted and whispered how about how good it felt.

Cordy took Spike's cock out of Buffy again. "Give me another taste of that massive dick. And be vocal for God's sake! I love it when you two talk dirty!" She 'Mmmmm'ed and eagerly swallowed up Spike's cock.

Buffy missed his cock up her pussy, her hips still moved as if it were still inside of her. She snatched up Xander's dick and went down on it.

Spike looked down at Cordy while she sucked him. He ran a hand through her hair, the other hand caressed Buffy's ass. "Ahhh, Cordy! Fuck! Suck my cock! Ahhh!"

Xander pushed his fingers through Buffy's hair, thrusting lightly into her mouth. "Yeah, Buffy! Uhhh! Take it down--Yeah!"

Cordy bobbed on his huge cock. She adored Xander's cock, it was just perfect. But it was a thrill to suck off a giant cock like Spike's too. And the way it felt inside of her...Oh, it was exquisite! Cordelia loved the sex with Spike, and even loved him as a friend. But she was in love with Xander. He was her heart. They all felt that way; foursomes were fun and sexy. But the one-on-one sex with the person they loved was the best.

Spike moaned, "Good, luv, now put it back in Buffy."

Cordy put his wet, shiny cock back up to Buffy's pussy, she rubbed it along Buffy's crack. Spike moved forward, sinking back into Buffy's passage. Buffy took her mouth off of Xander's prick and lined him back up with Cordy.

The four of them grunted, humped, touched and licked. Buffy and Cordy yelled with a few orgasms over the next several minutes.

Buffy didn't even care if she passed out again. She just wanted Spike's beautiful, solid, gi-normous vibrating cock to plow into her forever. Cordy's wet tongue on her twat made it all the better.

"Switch!" Cordy gasped.

They were used to Cordy's whims to change positions, but it didn't make it any easier to stop. With groans, Xander and Spike pulled out of the warm inviting pussies and sat back on their heels. Their cock ring enhanced boners sticking up at sharp angles.

Buffy and Cordelia switched positions: Buffy was laying on her back, Cordy was on her hands and knees above her. They slurped at each other's sopping pussies while kneading each other's thighs.

Spike and Xander moved up against the new pussy, looking down into their girlfriends' smiling eyes.

Buffy took Spike's rigid cock in hand, gave it a lick and a kiss, then put it at Cordy's entrance. Spike slid back in slowly, Buffy's flat tongue was pressed against the underside of his dick. He moaned, burying his cock inside of Cordy. Then Buffy started licking and sucking on his balls as he gently pumped.

Cordy moaned around Xander's fat cock, sliding up and down his length as Spike's meat filled her. Then she put his cock back inside of Buffy's pussy.

The foursome kept pumping and licking for several minutes. Cordy turned off the vibrator on Xander's cock ring and told Buffy to do the same to Spike's. They removed the rings and set them aside. It was time to let the guys cum.

"Fuck us!" Cordy growled. "Fuck us HARD!"

Spike and Xander eagerly did as they were told. They started fucking in an increasingly wild rhythm. They all made loud moaning noises and grunts as their bodies slammed together.

"Yeah, Xander!" Cordelia panted, watching him fuck Buffy. "Fuck her cunt!"

Buffy similarly encouraged Spike. "Ohhh! Fuck, Spike! Shove your cock all the way in! Grind it all the way up her fucking pussy!"

The men groaned, fucking harder and faster. Cordy and Buffy started fingering each other's clits. Their breathing hitched, they bucked their hips and shouted in climax yet again.

Spike and Xander yelled, thrusting rapidly and cumming only a few seconds apart. They kept moaning and pumping.

As usual, Spike spilled a lot of his creamy seed, specially after being teased for so long. He quickly filled up Cordy's snatch. Buffy came back to reality, feeling a bit of his cum dripping down onto her face. She put her hand around the base, pulling him out of Cordy, then promptly placing him in her mouth. Cordy also took her man's cock out of her friend's pussy and sucked the last bits of his milk out.

Eventually, they all started slumping down into a heap. They tiredly rearranged their sweaty, nude bodies. They laid side-by-side and cuddled, Xander with Cordy and Spike with Buffy. No one said anything for awhile. They just brushed their lips against their love's face and their hands over their slick skin.

"That was an interesting angle to watch fucking," Cordy laughed. "A 'ball's-eye view, if you will."

The four of them chuckled, stroking their lover's body.

"Are we all made up now?" Buffy asked.

The others murmured the affirmative. Cordy reached back and caressed Spike's thigh, showing that all was forgiven.

"Good," Buffy sighed, rubbing her face against Spike's chest and wrapping her arms around his middle.

"God," Xander breathed, "I forgot how intense our foursomes were."

"Hmmm." Cordy grinned slyly. "They are soooo much fun! Next time, me and Buffy get to see you two fuck though. Ooooh, I wanted to do that tonight."

"Give us a few, luv," Spike smiled. "You might get your wish in a bit."

"Damn...we forgot to use the bananas," Buffy sighed.

"Yeah, I was curious about those. What was it we were going to do with them?" Xander wondered.

"Eat them, of course. After we've done a few other things with them. We'll save that for another time," Cordy said.

They snuggled against each other.

They took a few more days off of work. Days were spent getting back to the way they used to be, trying to settle back into their lives together. Things weren't perfect, some issues had to be talked out and resolved, but it was wonderful to be in their lover's embrace again.

Buffy temporarily dispelled any negative thoughts about what she would have to do. Telling her parents would be a nightmare, she knew it. She had to tackle one problem at a time. First was getting back on track with Spike, talking about all that had happened and sorting it out, making love and doing the things they had become so accustomed to before they split up.

Buffy still had some trust issues with Spike. A little voice at the back of her mind nagged that he would keep things from her again in the future if he believed the truth might hurt her. But she could learn to trust him fully again, she had to because she loved him too much.

She was also embarrassed that she would have to see all of her coworkers again after her public nuclear meltdown. They all probably thought she was crazy--Not that Buffy could blame them for that assessment. She had been out of her mind at the time.

Buffy knew it would be difficult, but she had to start facing problems in her life directly. No more hiding her head in the sand or just praying that everything would work out the way she wanted. Time to grow up.

The day before they were due back to work, Warren called Spike at home.

Buffy sat at the kitchen table watching Spike pace while he talked to the director. Spike was getting more agitated the longer he was on the phone.

"Why can't we use a fake one?" Spike asked. "They make those." He listened. "I am not being a whiny baby! I just don't want one!"

She could tell that he was trying hard to keep from blowing up at Warren.

"Fine, fine. I'll get one. But if I get an infection, I'm kicking your ass!" A pause. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." Spike hung up. "Wanker. I hate that guy!"

"What's wrong, Spike? What was that all about?" Buffy reached out and held his hand.

"I've got that subway movie scene tomorrow where I play a punk rocker. Warren says I have to get an eyebrow piercing. I hate those things! I don't want to put extra holes in my body."

"I'm sorry, baby. From your end of the conversation, it didn't sound like he wanted to take no for an answer."

Spike nodded, grimacing.

"It's only for the movie, right? You can take it out right after you're done filming."

"Yeah, that's what Warren said too. Just doesn't seem right that they can order us to do stuff like that. Don't we do enough for them already?"

Buffy stood up and took him in her arms, patting and stroking the back of his head and neck. "Yeah, we do. It isn't right that they ask more, but there's not much to do about it. You want me to go with you when you get it?"

"No, I'll go alone." Spike pouted.

"You know..." Buffy grinned and traced her finger over his scarred eyebrow. "It might be kinda sexy."

"Mmm-hmm. All red, puffy and irritated and painful. Real sexy."

Buffy kissed his eyebrow. "You'd look sexy no matter what. Faith has piercings in much more sensitive places that should never have holes punched through them. If she's okay, you will be too. You only have to keep it in for one day, tops."

Spike put his arms around her waist and smiled. "How do you always make me feel better when something is bothering me?"

"It's a gift," Buffy sighed, then smiled, hugging Spike.

Spike went that night to one of the better tattoo/piercing places in town and got a silver metal barbell piercing through his left eyebrow. He complained about it, but it did look good on him.

Before they knew it, it was the next day and time to go back to work.

They walked into the studio together, going down the hall to the main soundstage where there were always a lot of people working.

Spike, Xander and Cordy knew how anxious Buffy was about coming back after 'the incident'. They talked about other things on the way over to the studio to get her mind off of it. At present, Spike was going on about how he'd spoken to his mother that morning and how excited she was to have them all back in Sunnydale for Christmas.

Buffy didn't let on, but that subject made her even more nervous. Spike and Xander were so happy to be going home. To Buffy though, Sunnydale + Her parents = The Big Secret being revealed. But Christmas was so NOT the time to tell them the truth. She knew that they'd be horrified, she didn't want to ruin Christmas as well. So she would have to pretend everything was okay, the heavy weight pressing down on her, waiting for the day when she would have to tell them.

Spike noticed how her grip tightened on his hand the closer they got to the main studio. "It will be okay, Buffy," Spike said, squeezing her hand.

"Huh?" Buffy was distracted. "Oh. Yeah, I hope it will be. I feel like such an idiot...I don't want everyone treating me like a freak."

"They won't, Buff," Xander reassured her. "They're your friends. And they know why you did what you did."

"But they'll treat me like a mental patient," Buffy whined.

Cordy patted her shoulder. "I will personally kick each and every one's ass who treats you bad, okay?"

Buffy snorted and smiled. "Somehow I don't think that will be a good thing. No more ass kickings."

"Alright, but I'll give them a purple nurple or something then," Cordy relented.

"Purple nurple?" Xander frowned. "Is that the thing where--"

Cordy quickly reached out to Xander's chest, and twisted one of his nipples. "Also known as a 'tittie twister'."

"OWW!" Xander flinched and knocked her hand away. "That hurt!" He pouted and massaged his nipple.

"Oh, I didn't even do it hard, you big baby!" Cordy grinned.

The demonstration had the desired effect that Cordy was going for, making Buffy laugh.

"Didn't you get all your S&M ya-ya's out the other night, Cordy?" Xander asked.

"Mmm-mmm." Cordelia shook her head no.

"Such a genteel little lady you have there, Xan," Spike said with a smirk.

"Watch it. You have two nipples too, buddy." Cordy made like she was going to give him a twist too.

Spike jumped back and tilted his head at her.

"C'mon, you knuckleheads," Buffy laughed. "We're going to be late if we keep this up."

"You're ready?" Spike asked, turning to her and lightly stroking her cheek.

"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be."

Buffy breathed a deep breath, took Spike's hand, then walked into the studio proper.

Almost right away, others noticed the four of them. Some of the actors were nervous about how to approach them, especially Buffy.

Willow and Tara were the first to approach, friendly smiles in place.

"Hey, guys! How are you?" Willow asked.

"We were worried about you," Tara said, looking mainly at Buffy.

"Um, I'm really sorry about what happened the other day," Buffy said. "I'm sorry you all had to see that. You must think I'm crazy."

"No, Buffy! After what Lilah did to all of you? I can understand why it happened," Willow reached out and rubbed Buffy's arm.

Buffy smiled. "Thanks, Willow. I hope everyone is as understanding as you guys."

"See, Buffy?" Xander said. "I told you they wouldn't give you a hard time."

Faith came up to the table, hesitating a moment when she saw Buffy. But she wasn't one to back down or show fear. If Buffy wanted to fight, then Faith would respond, though she didn't want to have to. She still liked Buffy a lot. She couldn't help but smile and walk up to them when she saw Spike's piercing.

"Hey, it's the Fab Four! Welcome back! Spike, check out the piercing on you! Looks wicked good on you, Blondie!"

Spike smiled and lightly touched the barbell piercing. "Well, don't get too used to it. After the movie today, it's gone."

"Aw, that's too bad. You should think of keeping it, very hot," Faith said. "Then all you'll need is a tongue piercing!"

"Uh-uh!" Spike shook his head in a definitive 'no'. "No bloody way!"

"It can really enhance oral sex." Faith stuck her tongue out, wiggling her tongue stud.

Buffy hadn't smiled since Faith started talking. She wasn't amused. Buffy put her arm through Spike's, giving Faith a cold look. "Spike doesn't need any enhancement."

"Uh, B, can I talk to you for a sec? There's some stuff we should--"

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't need friends like you."

"Come on, can't we still be friends? You and Spike are together again, I won't make any moves on him."

Buffy looked away disinterestedly.

Spike felt bad. He knew that Buffy was very fond of Faith. The more experienced actress had helped Buffy a lot with support and giving her tips. It was unfortunate that Faith had been dumb enough to ask Buffy if it were okay to date him after they had broken up. But Faith was just a nympho, it didn't mean that she didn't still want to be Buffy's friend. He was about to take Buffy aside to talk to her when Andrew came up to them.

The smaller blonde man eyed Buffy nervously. "Um, Buffy? Hi. Mr. Wilkins said that he wants to talk to you in his office right away."

Buffy's heart skipped a beat or two. She didn't want to have to talk to the overly cheerful, and at times scary head of the studio.

"Okay...thanks, Andrew."

Andrew nodded and started to bolt away.

"Wait, Andrew!" Buffy called.

He stopped and turned slowly back to her, gulping.

Buffy felt terrible that she'd scared him the other day. She smiled the most non-threatening smile possible and walked over to him. "I want to say that I'm sorry about everything that happened before. I yelled at you and you didn't deserve that. I was never angry with you, it was that...other stuff."

Andrew relaxed a little. "Y-You're sure? 'Cause I'm sorry if I did something--"

"No, it wasn't you. You've never done anything to piss me off. You're a nice guy," Buffy assured him.

Then he smiled. "Thanks, Buffy. I'm glad that you're feeling better now."

Warren called, "Hey, Andrew! Where's my Espresso? Stop flapping your gums and get it!"

"Gotta go!" Andrew raced off.

Spike came up behind Buffy and put his arms around her, kissing her shoulder. "That was nice of you, pet. I can tell that Andrew appreciated it."

"It was only right. After I ran everything that happened through my head, I remembered how I'd scared poor Andrew. I don't want him to be afraid of me." Buffy sighed, relaxing against Spike's embrace. Then she let out a shakier sigh. "He said that Wilkins wants to talk to me. I shouldn't keep him waiting."

"I'm going with you." Spike didn't want Buffy to have to face Wilkins by herself. She was trying hard to be brave, but The Mayor had a way of scaring the bejesus out of people when something didn‘t meet his approval. He wouldn’t let Buffy be intimidated or frightened.

Buffy knew she should say, ‘No, Spike. It’s alright. You don’t have to go.’ But she really did want him with her. Today was too nervewracking as it was. She looked up at him with a small smile. “Would you?”

Spike kissed her cheek. “You don’t even need to ask, love.”

Buffy took a deep breath and knocked on the door to Wilkins’ office. She was holding firmly onto Spike’s hand.

They entered and saw The Mayor sitting at his desk.

Wilkins scowled at Spike.

"I don't recall asking to see you, Spike."

Spike tightened his hand around Buffy's. "I'm sticking to her like glue today, Sir. She feels badly about what happened and--"

"Fine, you can stay, but don't interrupt." He pointed to the chairs in front of the desk.

Buffy and Spike sat down, their hands still joined. Buffy was reluctant to let go.

Wilkins sat back, regarding her. "Miss Summers, I don't need to tell you how inappropriate and wrong what you did was, do I?"

"N-No. I realize what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have hit Lilah. I lost it because--"

"I'm not interested in excuses. You're darn lucky that Lilah didn't have you arrested. First there was the fight between you and Harmony Kendall, now you've graduated to attacking your boss. Am I next?"

"What? No, sir! Of course not! I--I promise, I'll never do anything like that again," Buffy protested.

"I'll need more than that. I took the liberty of signing you up for Anger Management classes. Here's the information." Wilkins slid a few pieces of paper across the desk to her. "You are required to attend every meeting."

Buffy opened and closed her mouth. "But..."

"No 'buts'. No arguments.” Wilkins’ eyes took on that cold reptilian cast that they did sometimes. “You do this, or you're finished in this town. That includes regular acting work too. My reach extends beyond the adult entertainment industry."

Among other things, Spike was outraged at the Mayor's threat to her livelihood. "Sir," Spike jumped in, "that's not bloody fair! You can't just sign her up for--"

Buffy put a hand on Spike's arm. "No, Spike...It's okay. He's right. I didn't like the way I was when I went after Lilah. It was like turning into the Incredible Hulk, I couldn't control myself. I don't want to flip out like that again the next time something makes me really angry."

It did scare Buffy how crazy she'd gotten, how enraged. What if Lilah had hit her head on something? Buffy might have killed her. As embarrassing and degrading as it was to have Wilkins force this on her, she knew that it wasn't a bad idea. What if, God forbid, Spike made her angry again and she hurt him? Buffy would want to die if she ever struck him, or any of the people she cared about, out of anger. There was a lot of stress in her life, she had to learn to deal with it before she exploded again.

"Are you sure, pet?" Spike looked at her, creasing his brow.

She nodded sadly. "Yeah. I don't want to get out of control like that again. I'll take the classes."

"I wasn't giving you a choice, so it's good that you're willing. I'm warning you, young lady, I don't cotton to troublemakers working for me. The next time there's any incident concerning you, I won't be so understanding or lenient." Her gave her an extra creepy, ominous look.

"I u-understand, Sir. There won't be any more incidents."

"Let's hope not. I'll be keeping a close eye on you, Buffy. A very close eye."

"Mr. Wilkins," Spike said, "you are aware of what Lilah did, aren't you? She was blackmailing--"

Wilkins' voice rose to drown out the rest of Spike's sentence. "I am aware of the situation. Lilah was very naughty to do what she did. But that doesn't excuse a savage beating. Both of you had better get used to working with her, Lilah is still your employer. You may go," Wilkins dismissed them. He started going through some papers.

Buffy and Spike looked at each other, then left the office.

Buffy let out a breath. Spike put his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"I don't like him making decisions like that for you," Spike said, his lips tight.

"I would have preferred to make it on my own, but I can't deny that I could use that class. Neither can you. I don't want to go crazy again, Spike. It was scary."

He tilted her face up and kissed her lips. "If it's what you want to do, I'll support you any way I can."

"I know you will. That's what keeps me going. I can take long as I have you by my side."

"Always. Forever." Spike kissed both of her cheeks, then her lips. "In fact, you'll probably get sick of me for hangin' onto you all the time."

"Never happen. Except when I need to use the bathroom. That's private Buffy-time." She smiled.

Spike tweaked her chin, smiling back at her. "Got it. No intruding on Buffy-time, specially in the lavatory."

Buffy giggled, "Lavatory. I just love the way you Englishmen talk!"

Neither of them wanted to discuss Wilkins' menacing threats right now.

It made Spike angry. He wanted to grab that arrogant prick by the lapels and shake him for daring to threaten the woman that he loved.

Wilkins both scared and pissed Buffy off. She knew she deserved some kind of punishment for going nuts, but he could have at least talked to her like an adult about it.

There were movies to be made today, there was work to do. They didn't have the time to express all of their feelings just now. They could talk more seriously later.

"Come on," Buffy said. She gave Spike a kiss, then pulled him along with her towards the dressing rooms. "We have to get ready."

Buffy changed quickly for her part. She only had to put on some lingerie, a mini-skirt, tube top and do a little makeup. She slipped on her robe, then she went to Spike's dressing room to help him prepare for his role. He needed more done than she did for her part and she wanted to assist him.

They talked as Buffy fixed his white-blonde hair, making it stick up and twisting it into points.

Spike looked in the mirror at her handiwork. "There's an ass-to-mouth bit in my scene."

"Euuughh!" Buffy screwed up her face. "Yuck!"

Spike grimaced, nodding.

Buffy took the tube of black eyeliner. "Make like this," she said, looking up at the ceiling.

Spike rolled his eyes upwards, as per her instruction.

Buffy began carefully applying the eyeliner to his lower lids. Spike looked up, his eyelids fluttered.

Buffy was still thinking about the gross ass-to-mouth action in Spike's scene. She said, "Licking ass can be okay, but I wouldn't suck a dick that had just been in my butt. There are hygiene issues, besides the ick factor."

"I know, but this actress, Nikki, is apparently known for those kinds of things. She doesn't mind it. Gets off on it, in fact."

Buffy's nose was still scrunched up in distaste. She finished his makeup, then re-capped the eyeliner.

Spike shrugged. "There's an audience for it, pet. Some people really get off on seeing or doing that stuff."

"Well, I don't like it. There's some other freaky things that I'll never do. I don't care how much money they throw at me."

Spike nodded, then smiled, wanting to change the subject. "Thanks for helping me get ready, Buffy."

She returned the smile. "My pleasure." Buffy looked him over, expelling a breath. "Boy, I gotta say, you do look really amazingly hot. You think Punk!Spike could pay me a visit sometime? In the late, late hours of the night...all sexy and dangerous."

Spike chuckled, standing up and putting his arms around her. "I think that could be arranged. You really want that rogue, that lawless ne'er-do-well, to ravish you? You can be the sweet, innocent girl, who can't help herself from wanting him." Spike stuck his tongue out to lay against his top lip.

Damn, he was turning her on! "Ohhh, yes, very much!" Buffy's loins were heating up at the thought of it. She took the sides of his face in her hands and started kissing him intensely. She raised a leg to his hip, grinding against him.

Spike was getting into it, then remembered that he had to be on the set in less than 15 minutes. He gently took her by the shoulders and separated from her.

"Still...have the movie, pet. Can't let ourselves get carried away."

Buffy pouted. "Okay." She lowered her foot back to the floor. "We're doing that later though. Just giving you fair warning."

"Does that mean I have to keep the piercing in?"

She traced her finger over his eyebrow. "I wouldn't make you keep something you didn't like. Nah, we can get you one of those fake ones. I don't know why they wouldn't let you get one of those." Buffy picked up a box of safety pins, then she and Spike began pinning them all over his vest.

"Bloody Warren. You know how he is. I told him to get stuffed, but apparently Wilkins liked the idea too. Warren convinced him it was necessary, no doubt."

"We need more leeway in our contracts. I mean, we make them butt-loads of money!. We're the talent, we should have more say in what they can and can't make us do."

"Mr. Trick said the contracts are airtight. These people know what they're doing. Next time we come up for renegotiation, there will be some big changes."

Buffy and Spike both silently wondered if they would even want to be in the business when that time came.

For their next film, the studio acquired a set that looked like the inside of a New York City subway car and part of a platform. Stagehands stood by, ready to shake the car to make it look like it was moving. They'd also have the sounds and flickering lights associated with subway travel. Spike and Buffy thought, as they inspected the set, that the whole thing looked pretty authentic, except for how clean the floor was. A real subway car's floor would be fairly disgusting and littered with filth. But in the interests of having the actors naked and barefoot, the floor was clean.

The premise of this cinematic landmark was this: Various couples screwing on the subway through different periods of time: the 70's, 80's, 90's and the present.

Spike and Nikki, the newest actress to join the studio, were up first. He was playing a punk rocker, circa 1978. She was playing a Foxy Brown-like woman, complete with a big, fake afro.

"Spike, lookin' good," Warren said, checking out Spike's outfit. "How's the eyebrow? Feeling alright?"

"As if you really care?" Spike asked sarcastically, raising said eyebrow.

Warren shrugged. "Yeah, you got me. I really don't care. It will look good on film, that's all that matters." Warren looked beyond Buffy and Spike, waving someone over.

Spike's upper lip curled up at Warren in a snarl. Buffy ran her hand over his back, trying to help him settle down. Warren was such a prick.

Spike's co-star, Nikki (a hot black woman with a curvaceous figure) walked over. Buffy felt a stab of jealousy that this woman would soon be treating Spike's body like an amusement park.

"Nikki, baby! It's been a long time! Haven't seen you since that convention in Vegas two years ago. You look terrific!" Warren smiled.

"Hey, Warren. Thanks," Nikki replied. By the barely tolerant look on her face, she didn't care much for the director either. Did anybody really like Warren? Lord only knew what Jonathan and Andrew saw in him.

Warren introduced them. "Spike, this is Nikki, your co-star today. You've got a few minutes to get acquainted before it's go time." Warren walked away to make some final preparations.

"Hello, Nikki. Pleased to meet you." Spike and Nikki shook hands. "Great outfit! Love the wig!" He smiled.

Nikki grinned, her eyes sweeping up and down his form. Nikki had heard enough (and seen enough) of Spike's work to be very excited to work with him. She had a thing for pretty white boys who also happened to have a boa constrictor in their pants. She couldn't wait to see it and feel it for herself.

"Nice to meet you too, Spike. You look great too." She patted her big afro. "Make sure you don't pull the wig off along with my shirt, okay?"

"I'll be careful with it."

Nikki couldn't stop her eyes from making circuits over his body. "Mmm! Damn, you're a pretty man!"

Spike laughed, "Pretty? Hmm, not sure I like that."

"Pretty. Handsome. Hot. Damn sexy. You're all of those. I've been looking forward to working with you."

"Thanks, I'm sorry that I'm not familiar with your work. And I usually like an opportunity to get to know my co-stars beforehand."

"Yeah, but since we're strangers in the movie, it might be better that we don't know each other. Though we could get to know each other better later on." Nikki raised then lowered her eyebrows suggestively.

Buffy was tired of feeling invisible and standing by while the pretty woman hit on her boyfriend. She stepped up to stand next to Spike, holding his hand. "Hi, Nikki. Welcome to Horizons."

Spike smiled at Buffy, squeezing her hand back. Nikki frowned at the interruption.

"Hey, you're Buffy Winters, right?"

"Yeah, that's me," Buffy said cheerfully.

"I've seen some of your flicks, girl. You've got some skills." Nikki gave Buffy a complicated handshake.

"Uh, thanks! Interesting set, isn't it?" Buffy said, referring to the subway car.

"Yeah, it is. I never did a scene on a subway set before. Should be fun," Nikki said.

"Okay, everybody ready?" Warren raised his voice. "Let's go, people! Places!"

"Speak to ya later." Nikki winked at Spike and went to the subway set.

Spike gave Buffy a kiss. "You staying?"

"I'll...probably hang out by the snack table. Break a leg." Buffy gave him another kiss and sent him on his way.

It never got any easier to see the man she loved screwing another woman. It was even more difficult than it had been before. After they had broken up, Buffy had spent many nights being insanely jealous imagining Spike with Lilah. She was feeling more possessive of him, wanting him only for herself.

'Have Spike to myself. Yeah, that should work out fine considering the line of work we're in!' Buffy thought, biting her lip and watching Spike take his place on the set. The urge to quit the business when possible grew. Did Spike feel the same way? She would have to talk to him about it later.

For now, Buffy would have to grin and bear it. Her scene with Graham wasn't going to be shot for a while yet, so she could leave. Buffy didn't want to watch, but it was like a train wreck.

Subway Series

Starring: Spike, Nikki, Buffy Winters, Harmony Kendall, Glory, Anya Jenkins, Graham Hardman, Robin Wood, Holden Webster

New York City, 1978--12:31 A.M.

There were a few people scattered throughout the subway car. It was late, not many people rode the rails at this hour. The people made a point not to look directly at each other, hoping one of their fellow passengers wouldn't start harassing them.

Two passengers did keep glancing at each other though.

Spike was a punk. His hair was bleached and standing up in points on his head; his eyes were lined with black, he wore a black vest with safety pins stuck all over it; a black belt with the buckle off to the side; faded and ripped blue jeans and big, clunky combat boots. He had on a lot of rings and a few silver necklaces: a pair of dog-tags and a small padlock. A metal barbell piercing split his left eyebrow.

He looked dangerous, like he was liable to hit you over the head and steal your wallet at any second.

Nikki was a hip, strong black woman. Her hair was a stylish, full afro; she wore brown, high-heeled boots; tight, black pants with lacing up the sides; dark brown, leather belt; brown, low-cut shirt; long, leather coat [much like the duster that Spike, the actor, owned].

They were two completely different types of people who found themselves appreciating the other's form.

Nikki stood in spite of the fact that there were plenty of seats available. She held onto one of the metal poles that ran from floor to ceiling. Her eyes kept darting back to the hot-looking young punk.

Spike was standing too, holding a pole loosely in his hand. He was less shy about looking at her. She kept and held his gaze, daring him to look away first.

He didn't turn away this time. He let his eyes drag up and down over her, letting her see his obvious interest. His eyes returned back to hers, he smirked, his tongue poking out and curving to touch his upper lip.

A small smile lifted Nikki's full lips. She appraised him with her eyes openly now, her smile grew wider in appreciation. She licked her lips and moved her hand slowly up and down the metal pole.

Spike's smirk broadened, liking that she was teasing him right back.

The train stopped and the doors opened. A few of the passengers exited through the doors, leaving just one person besides the horny man and woman. [Jonathan was happy to have another onscreen role, 'Male Passenger #1']

Spike looked at the man, frowning. If he could just get rid of that little guy...

The train started on it's way again. The two of them continued to stare at the other, getting progressively more provocative using their eyes, lips and hands.

Spike unbuttoned his vest slowly using one hand. Nikki's eyes were focused on his muscled chest. When the vest was undone, he put a hand on his washboard abs and moved it down to hook a thumb in his belt. Nikki re-wet her lips, plainly liking what she saw. She removed her leather coat, tossing it onto the seat behind her. She moved and hand down over the side of her breast, down her side to her hip and massaged her ass cheek.

Spike unbuckled his belt, one-handed. His hand moved down over the rising bulge in the front of his jeans. Nikki's eyes moved with his hand. Her eyes widened for a moment, seeing how extensive his bulge was becoming. She grinned and winked at him, loosening her own belt.

At the next stop, Nikki went to the last remaining passenger and whispered to him.

"You see that rough lookin' dude over there?" She gestured toward Spike with a jerk of her head.

"Y-Yeah...what about him?" Jonathan asked.

"I think he intends to do you some bodily harm. Looks like he's sizin' you up."

Jonathan gulped. "Really?" he squeaked, noticing that Spike's vest was open and his belt undone.

Spike tilted his head and frowned slightly, wondering what she was saying to the guy. It was something about him, that was for sure.

Nikki nodded. "Mmm-hmm. I suggest you get off at the next stop. I'll keep him busy."

"B-But what about you? Aren't you afraid of him?"

"Nah, don't worry about me, baby. I can handle him."

As soon as the train stopped, Jonathan made a beeline for the doors, practically running onto the platform and away from danger.

Spike chuckled watching the little man run off. "What was that about, luv? Scare 'im?"

Nikki smiled. "Told him you were bad news and he'd better haul ass before you mugged him...or worse."

Spike laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm, you ain't afraid of what I could do to you?"

Nikki walked to him, switching her hips. "Uh-uh. I'm real curious about what you could do to me." She stopped one pole's length away from him, running her hands up and down the cool metal.

Spike shrugged his shoulders, causing his vest to slip down his arms. He caught it and tossed it onto a seat. "How 'bout you come over here and I'll show you what I'm capable of," he said leering at her lasciviously.

Nikki went willingly over to him. They threw their arms around each other as soon as they were within grabbing distance. The mashed their lips together, kissing intensely. Their hands groped and dragged over the other's body. Spike pulled her shirt up over her head [being careful not to pull her wig off]. Nikki wasn't wearing a bra. Her firm, chocolate brown breasts bounced with the movements of their bodies and the subway car.

Spike kneaded her rounded ass and a tit with his hands. He dropped his mouth to take a dark nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking it.

Nikki groaned and scratched at his upper back. "Mmmm, yeah, baby! Suck my tits--Ohhh!"

Spike lavished both of her tits with sucks and licks, his saliva making them shine. He went down on one knee in front of her, unzipping her pants then tugging them down over her hips. When her trimmed, dark bush was revealed, he grinned then looked up into her eyes.

"Pretty pussy."

He kissed her mound, moving to the top of her slit. He gave it an open-mouthed kiss, sliding his tongue inside. She was already creaming, the tops of her thighs were wet with her desire. Spike licked at the juice that had ran onto her inner thighs.

"Ohhhh fuck," Nikki moaned, closing her eyes and gripping the pole next to her. "Get these fucking pants off me!"

Spike guided her backwards so that she could sit on a seat. He quickly pulled her boots off, and then her pants and underwear. Nikki leaned back, raising and parting her legs, resting her heels on the edge of the seat.

"I wanna see what my legs look like wrapped around your head," she said.

Spike smirked and chuckled. He kneeled in front of her, took a hold of her thighs and buried his face in her pussy.

"Oooh! Mmmm! Lick me!" she yelled, moving her legs over his shoulders.

Spike lapped at her pussy lips then parted them, digging his tongue into her pink wetness. Nikki yelled as he munched on her sensitive pussy.

"Ohh fuck yeah! Eat my fuckin' pussy! Ohhh yeah!"

He alternated between licking, sucking and shaking his head, whipping her into a lusty frenzy. Spike rubbed her hard clit with his thumb and slid a finger into her hole.

"Ahhhh!" Nikki thrust her hips at him. "Shit! I'm gonna cum!"

Spike moved his finger in and out of her. He lifted his head. "What if someone gets on at the next stop?"

"Then--Ahhh!--I hope they enjoy the show!" Nikki growled, pushing the back of his head back down.

Spike tongued her clit and fucked his fingers into her until she screamed with pleasure.


Her hips bucked, her juices overflowed from her pussy like a dam bursting. Spike played with her clit and soaked up her juice with his tongue while she moaned in ecstasy. She petted his blonde hair as she recovered.

"Stand up. I want to see that sweet thing you got in your pants."

Spike smirked, gave her pussy a few more licks, removed her legs from his shoulders and stood up. Nikki put her feet on the floor and sat up, her hands unzipping his jeans. She pulled them down to his knees and stared at his hardening member, awestruck for a few moments. Then she smiled and looked up at his smirking face.

"Like what you see, luv?" he asked.

"Oh, yes! That's a BIG YES! Goddamn, boy! This is the biggest cock I ever seen!" Nikki put her hands around it, stroking it lightly and examining it. "Shit, it's gorgeous!"

Spike put his hands on the metal bar above his head to steady himself. "You gonna look all day?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

She laughed and shook her head. "Oh, I got plans for this thing! I can't wait for you to fuck me with it. Just let me have a little taste first."

Nikki licked down the length of his cock. She held it up and wriggled her tongue up and down the underside. Spike groaned, gripping the bar in his hands. She circled the head with her tongue, then swallowed it up, sucking and rubbing her tongue on the glands.

"Uhhh yeah--Suck my cock!--Ahhh!"

Nikki held his balls in one hand while pumping his shaft with the other. They looked at each other as she blew him. She moaned and let him slip out of her mouth.

"Mmmm--Damn, you taste so fucking good!" she exclaimed. "I could go down on you all night, but I need to get fucked with this beautiful piece of white meat."

"How you want it, pet?" Spike asked huskily.

She released him, turned around and kneeled on the seat, spreading her thighs invitingly. Spike moved up against her. His hands rested on her curvy hips. In one swift movement, he plunged his cock into her dripping pussy.

"OH FUCK!" Nikki cried out, clutching the back of the seat.

Spike swiveled his hips, grinding more of his king-sized dick into her depths. She moaned and trembled, her mouth hung open.

"Yeah! Oh fuck yeah! Jam it up my cunt! Get it all in there!"

He sank in until he was against her body. Spike was impressed that all of him fit inside without too much effort. He began sliding his cock in and out of her body.

"Fuck me hard! Ohhh yeah! Fuck me with that big, white cock!"

Spike bared his teeth, pounding her pussy, fast and furious. Nikki yelled and groaned, slamming herself back at him. He put one foot up on the seat next to her and reached around to grab one of her bouncing breasts, continuing to pump hard and fast.

"JESUS--UUNNGGHHH!" Nikki screamed, cumming on his cock.

Warren smiled, watching the action. He was such a brilliant director, a genius! The performances he painstakingly wrung from his actors were things of beauty. By all rights, he should be making Spielberg money. Everyone should get on their hands and knees to kiss the ground that he walked upon. They could do a few other things for him since they'd already be down there.

Faith stood near Warren, looking between the scene being filmed and Buffy. She could see that Buffy wasn't very happy, though the blonde tried not looking effected. She rarely felt it, but Faith now felt guilty for telling Buffy about wanting to get with Spike so soon after they'd parted ways. Spike was an incredible fuck, but Buffy was her friend. She was a bitch to want to try to snatch up Buffy's man and tell Buffy of her intentions before the body of the relationship was even cold.

Faith moved next to Buffy. She whispered, "Hey, B, you don't really want to watch this, do you?"

Buffy glanced at her. "What's it to you?" She winced as more cries of pleasure rose from the subway set.

"It's bugging you. Don't put yourself through it if you don't have to."

"Don't pretend you give a shit about my feelings, Faith. You've made it obvious that you don't."

"I do give a shit. I'm...sorry about sayin' what I said and wanting Spike. I don't usually feel bad or apologize for stuff, but I feel bad about what went down. I like you, B. You're my girl. I still want us to be friends."

Warren shot them a nasty, pissed off look. Telling them to shut up without having to say it. Faith rolled her eyes and tugged Buffy with her away from the set. At first, Buffy had just looked at Faith's hand on her arm, wondering if she should throw it off. But Buffy remembered the talk with Wilkins, she decided to go along peacefully. Besides, Faith was right, she really didn't want to watch Spike 'working'.

Faith spoke quietly, "How about it? Can we still be pals?"

Buffy appraised her. "Why should I trust you? I'm not big with the trusting these days."

"I don't know what else to say besides that you can trust me. If I do, or say, something fucked up, you have my permission to kick my ass."

Buffy smiled slightly. "No more violence for me. Your good friend Wilkins signed me up for Anger Management classes. If I so much as look at someone funny I'll...actually, I'm not sure what he could do to me. It just won't be pleasant."

Faith toed the ground. "Yeah, Wilkins can be a hardass. You really don't want to mess with him. I'm lucky that I've always been on his good side. If he has it in for someone, they've got big trouble." Faith looked back up at Buffy, her doe eyes big and sincere. "I'll try to keep him off your back."

Buffy slumped a little. She was still mad at Faith for being so thoughtless and slutty, but she missed hanging around with her. Faith was a lot of fun. "Do you promise that you won't try to get your hands on Spike? And you better tell me the truth."

Faith raised her right hand, and crossed her chest with her left. "I promise. Guys, even way hot ones like Spike, come and go. But girlfriends should stick together. I'm sorry that I didn't have my priorities straight before, Buffy."

Buffy sighed, "Alright...I'll forgive you. We can try to be friends again." Faith beamed. "But on a trial basis. If I think you're trying something funny..."

"I won't. I swear."

"And if you do any movies with him, you'd better remember not to have too good of a time. Because it ain't happenin' if the cameras aren't rolling."

"I get that, okay. Um, you mean even if it's like the three of us? Me, Spike and you? I like licking carpet too, ya know?" Faith smiled and winked.

The idea wasn't totally repugnant to Buffy. Threesomes were often very fun. Faith was beautiful, and really knew her way around male and female bodies. "I won't discount the possibility of that occurring," Buffy said cooly. "I'll have to think about it."

"Thanks, B. Even if you don't agree to that, I'm glad you're giving me another chance to be your bud."

Buffy nodded. She turned her head at the exclamations Spike and Nikki were making. She turned back to Faith. "Shit. I wish they'd finish already. It's hard enough to watch, but I don't want to see that ass-to-mouth part, euugh!"

Faith covered her mouth to keep a giggle in.

The twosome changed position. Nikki was facing him, her legs wrapped around his waist, holding onto the metal bar above their heads. Spike held her up in the air, his arms under her thighs, his hands gripped her ass. They both watched her pussy receive his meat package.

"Ahhh yeah--Fuck--Damn, that's a big cock!" Nikki panted with a grin.

"Like it?" Spike asked.

"Ohhh yeah! I love it! Uhhh--FUCK ME!"

Her cum squished around his pistoning rod. Nikki was like a wildwoman, pumping herself up and down, yelling and moaning. It rarely happened to her, but she had a purely vaginal orgasm--no clit or other kind of stimulation necessary. Her G-spot was never ravaged like this before. With every hard stroke of his cock, a series of inner-quakes shook her body. Getting with Spike again (on or off-screen) was a must. Though he and that Buffy girl seemed kinda lovey-dovey, hopefully they weren't that serious.

Nikki hung her head back, letting out a rough shout, "F-FUCK! Y-YYESSSSS!"

Spike grinned. He was having a good time, of course, but it was Buffy that he wished he were doing the scene with.

They changed position again, this time with Spike laying on his back on the (suspiciously clean) floor of the car, and Nikki straddling him. She wildly rode him in Cowgirl position. Their bodies were covered with beads of sweat. Spike fondled her tits as she bounced on him.

"Uhhh--Before you cum, you want to fuck my ass?" Nikki asked.

"You really need to ask?" He smirked.

Nikki got back up on her knees on a seat, pushing her ass up and out. Spike stood behind her. He pumped his fingers in her pussy, getting them coated with her love juice. She came a lot for a woman. He scooped up a large dollop of her cum and proceeded to rub it around and then in her anus. Spike was dubious that he could fit in there, but he was game to try.

"Come on--Split my ass, baby!" she said. Nikki loved taking it up the ass. The bigger the cock, the better.

Spike worked his slippery fingers into her asshole. Nikki moaned and rubbed her clit while he got her ready for his cock. He surprised her by driving his cock back inside of her pussy and stabbing at her a few times. Then he pulled out and poised his fat, slick cock at her ass.

Spike worked his hard dick into her tight hole, bit by bit. Nikki groaned, parting her legs further and urging him on to keep going. Before long, he was bending over her back and sliding his meat vigorously inside of her. Nikki went wild again, screaming, humping and thrashing beneath him.

"Oh yeah! Fuck my ass, baby! OH FUCK YES! FUCK IT!"

Spike slammed his dick home over and over again, smacking her ass with his balls with each forceful thrust. He reached around and rubbed her clit when he felt her ass muscles tightening up.

"AHHHHH--FUCKKKKKKK!" Nikki's body spasmed, her cum ran out of her pussy. Now she really wanted to taste his jiz. She enjoyed doing ass-to-mouth scenes, she didn't mind tasting herself on a guy.

"Ahhh--I'm cumming!" Spike said, pulling out of her.

He slapped her ass with his cock. Nikki turned around in the seat, took his cock in her hands and jacked him. She lapped at and sucked the streaming tip of his cock. Spike put his hands on her shoulders, his hips pumping.

"Unnngh!" Spike grunted.

Nikki's face was soon splattered with his hot spunk. She moaned, licking and sucking on his squirting cock.

"Mmmm--You taste so fuckin' good, baby! Yeah! Gimme all that delicious cream!"

She pumped his cock and swallowed his thick, milky fluid greedily. She moved a hand around to his tight ass, squeezing and pulling him closer to her.

Spike gulped in air and fucked his hips at her until he ran dry.

The two of them had made quite a mess of the subway car: the seats where they had screwed were wet with their combined fluids; the floor had a few hazardous wet spots as well.

Cut to the next stop -- Spike and Nikki are fully dressed again and cleaned up. They step out of the train onto the platform

"I'll probably be riding the train tomorrow 'round the same time," Spike said with a twinkle in his eye and a slanted smile.

"Is that so?" Nikki smiled slyly. "Well, I just might...see you again then."

With a wink and a nod to each other, the unlikely, impromptu lovers walked in different directions.

"And...CUT! Excellent!" Warren said. "Terrific work you two."

The crew whistled and applauded.

Spike and Nikki walked back to each other, giving the other a hug.

"Great scene, luv," Spike said.

Nikki held him a little closer. She groped his ass, and flicked his earlobe with her tongue. "I'll give you my number before I leave today. I usually only do ebony movies, but I could get used to white boys if they were all like you."

Buffy had started paying attention again when Warren had called 'cut'. She saw Nikki feeling up Spike. Her eyes narrowed, adrenalin began pumping through her, her hands clenched. That familiar bloodlust was rising. Buffy started walking towards them.

Spike politely pulled Nikki's hand off of his butt and stepped back from her. "Sorry. I'm not interested. Buffy and I are together."

Nikki frowned. "Serious?"

Spike nodded. "Very. We're in love. So I'm not looking anywhere else. No offense."

"Wow, love, huh?" Nikki sighed, heaving her shoulders. She was extremely disappointed. Buffy was just a few feet away, hearing what they were saying. "Well, can't say that it's not a letdown. But more power to ya, I guess. Love's a hard thing to find and hold onto."

Buffy's anger deflated. She went to stand next to Spike. "Seems like the scene went pretty well."

Nikki smiled at Buffy. "Yeah, it did. You're a lucky woman."

Buffy smiled too, putting her arm around Spike's waist. "Yeah, I am."

"See you lovebirds later." Nikki pulled the afro wig off of her head, and fanned her hot scalp as she walked away.

"Okay, people," Warren said. "We're taking a 15 minute break. Glory and Holden are up next. Get the set ready for the 1980's."

Warren strode off, heading for his office. Jonathan and Andrew followed him, as usual.

Buffy didn't want to cuddle Spike too much, he still had Nikki and the smell of their sex all over him. She made do with stroking his arm. "I got really mad seeing her pawing you like that."

"I'm sorry, pet," Spike soothed. "But I set her straight and she seems to accept it."

"Yeah...we'll see." Buffy's eyes darted to the door Nikki had gone through. "I'm probably just being paranoid, but I'm not convinced that she'll give up that easily."

"Hey, even if she doesn't? I'm not interested. I've got you back, and I'm never going to lose you again. No other woman can excite me or make me happier than you do."

Buffy grinned. Hiding her discomfort, she said, "If you didn't smell like another girl's pussy, I'd give you a big kiss!"

They chuckled.

"I'll get washed up, love. You have to stay here for when they need you?"

"Yeah. When I'm done and cleaned up, I'll come to your dressing room, okay?"

Spike smiled and nodded. He didn't want to hang around to watch her and Graham screwing. What a bizarre world they lived and worked in!

"I'll be waiting."

Spike and Xander sat on the couch in Spike's dressing room, passing a joint between them.

"So, how was Nikki, the new girl?" Xander asked.

"Good. She's a pro. She wanted a little more 'alone time' with me."


"Yeah, after the movie, she said she wanted to give me her number. Said something about getting used to white boys if they were all like me."

"Uh-oh. You have another Harmony on your hands?"

"I don't think so. I told her about me and Buffy. And Buffy was there on set."

"Buffy watched it?"

"I don't know. I was kinda busy, mate. But she was there before and after, that's all I know. I was worried when Nikki grabbed my ass and whispered in my ear. I saw Buffy coming out of the corner of my eye, though she might be wanting to do some damage. But it was okay."

"Phew, good thing Buff didn't get medieval on Nikki's ass!" Xander and Cordelia had been informed about the meeting Buffy had earlier with Wilkins.

"Tell me about it."

They relaxed and smoked for a few minutes.

Spike said, "It's weird, knowin' that Buffy's out there with Graham...That I had sex with someone else just a while ago."

"You should kinda be used to that by now, buddy."

"I am, but...I just want her all to myself."

Xander nodded in understanding, patting Spike's leg. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

"When I was doing the scene with Nikki, I did my best, but I had to really get into character to perform. I wanted to be with Buffy. And I didn't want Buffy to see it. What if the problem gets worse and I can't do the films anymore? I've still got years left on my contract."

"Don't know what to tell ya, Spike. I feel the same way. I think it's just that we've been through a lot. We're back with our lady loves, we’re trying to get our shit together again. It’s natural that we’d want them to ourselves. What’s unnatural is fucking strangers or friends on film instead of the women we love. Foursomes or combos of the four of us are good though.”

“That’s the one exception right now. It feels right to share with you and Cordy.” Spike sighed, “I’ll probably get some enthusiasm back for doing the movies eventually, this is just a passing thing.”

“Well, we’ll get a break when we go back to SunnyD for Christmas. See what it’s like livin’ in the clean world again,” Xander chuckled.

Spike smiled. “It will be so nice to see mum and auntie again. Though I wish mum would relax the ‘no sleeping in the same bed as your girlfriend’ rule.”

“As I recall, Spike, old bean, we found ways around that rule.” They chuckled. "Hey, Buffy will probably want to stay with her folks, won't she?"

Spike frowned. "I...hadn't thought about it. I suppose she would. We haven't talked about it."

"Is she still planning on telling them about her movies?"

"As far as I know, yeah. I doubt she'll them at Christmas though. That'd be a bit much for them to handle. I haven't said anything to Buffy about it, but I'm worried about what her parents will do. Not just where Buffy's concerned. I feel selfish for even thinking about it."

Xander caught on. "You mean, you think they might tell your mom too?"

Spike looked nervous and breathed out a shaky breath. "It would kill mum if she knew what I've been doing...I don't know what to do."

"You shouldn't feel selfish, man. You have good reasons for not wanting your mom to know."

"Buffy feels so strongly about doing this, Xan. It's important to her mental health to just get it out in the open. After Harmony and Lilah...I'd be a self-centered asshole to bring up how her telling her parents might effect me," Spike said, frowning.

"Talk to her about it. Don't hold shit back anymore, don't keep your fears to yourself. We've done that in the recent past and regretted it. Remember?" Xander said gently. "Be open with Buffy about everything. She'd want to know what's going through your mind."

Xander thought that it was too bad that Buffy and Spike's parents weren't as lousy as his were. Xander didn't care if the Harris' knew about him being a porn actor or not.

Spike smiled a bit. "You're right. I will talk to her about it...soon. But supporting Buffy is what's important right now. I wish I could make everything better for her, Xan. I hate feeling helpless."

"You can only do so much, Spike. Just be there for her like you have been."

Spike nodded and sighed. "Yeah, that's about all I can do. Can't make it go away...I love her so much, Xander. I don't know what I'd do without Buffy in my life. I couldn't stand it in the time that we were separated. What if I hadn't told her the truth about what Lilah did? What if I--"

"Hey," Xander stopped him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That's a moo point now. We're all cool with each other again. We're not going to let anyone or anything break us up again. Don't drive yourself nuts about what might have happened if, okay?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, you're..." he furrowed his brow and looked at Xander. "Did you say it was a 'moo' point?"

Xander smiled, hoping that Spike would catch that. It was one of Xander's favorite jokes from the show 'Friends'. "Yeah, a moo point. Like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter."

Spike smiled, then started laughing. He didn't know what he'd do without Xander either. Spike put his arms around Xander, giving him a tight hug. "You're crazy, you know that, don't you?"

"Yep. Crazy like a fox." Xander hugged him back.

Buffy knocked, then came in, smiling at Xander and Spike locked in a hug. "Oooh, is this a private thing? Or can I get in on that?"

"Come on over, pet," Spike smiled.

She giggled and went over to the couch.

Xander and Spike separated, giving her room to sit between them.

Xander gave Buffy a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the knee. "I'd best skedaddle. Cordy and I are going out to dinner at Maison Blanche. I’m going home to pretty myself up for Queen C.”

They said goodbye as Xander left.

Spike kissed Buffy’s temple, cuddling her against him. He was happy to smell the clean scent of her hair and body instead of the musky smell of sex. "How did the scene go?"

"It was alright. Graham really loves his work,” she laughed. “He’s a good guy." They just held each other in silence for a few minutes. "It’ll be nice to take a break from working during the holidays.”

“Yeah, about that...I meant to ask you, where do you want to stay when we go back to Sunnydale? With me or with your parents?”

Buffy held his hand, stroking it absently. “I...guess I’d have to stay with them. They might be pissed if I didn’t.”

“Will you be okay with that?”

She looked into his eyes and took a heavy breath. “I have to be. And, no, I’m not going to tell them my big honkin’ secret yet. After the new year, that’s when I’ll do it. I feel like I’m purposely putting it’s going to suck so bad, Spike.”

He kissed her again, deciding not to talk to her about his other fears for now. “You’re doing the right thing by waiting, Buffy. You will get up the nerve to tell them. But there’s no sense in opening up Pandora’s Box at Christmas. I know it sounds crass, but just for the next few weeks, try and put that out of your mind. Try to enjoy being with them. Be happy.”

Buffy leaned her head against his shoulder. “It might be the last time I do get to enjoy the holidays with them, or any other time. After they know...”

“Shhh.” Spike leaned against her and closed his eyes. “We’ll worry about that when the time comes. They’re your family and they love you. And I happen to love you more than anyone."

Spike wanted to change the subject to something less upsetting. “Now, I keep wondering what a certain beautiful, petite blonde might want for Christmas?”

Buffy grinned. “Yeah? I wonder the same thing about a gorgeous hunk of blonde Englishman I know."

“Since we‘re done for the day, how about we go shopping for presents?”

“I could definitely go for some shopping!” Buffy said, trying to put herself in a better mood. “It always makes me feel good to shop, and picking out gifts is even better.”

Spike kissed her hand and smirked. “Shall we?”

“Yes, we shall!”

They got ready to leave for the shops.

Spike and Buffy had made many purchases for their family and friends that day. They still had a lot more to go, including what to get each other.

The best present they could give was each other. After a simple dinner, they went to bed, making love all night.

Still, they had to think of something that they could actually wrap up, stick a bow on and put a nametag on. They felt pressured to find the best possible present, but were coming up blank.

Buffy woke up the next morning to find Spike sitting on a divan in the bedroom with the Shakespeare book she’d given him on his lap. She smiled, stretching and yawning.

He looked over at her and smiled. “Morning.”

“Morning. Doing some light reading before lunch?” she joked.

“I’m not really reading it, just admiring it. It’s the best thing anyone’s ever given me.”

She sighed. “I shot myself in the foot on that one though. I’m really happy that you love it, but how am I going to top that in the future?”

“Buffy,” he said, closing the book and putting it back on it’s special stand. “I would love anything that you gave me.” He came over to the bed and crawled on next to her, putting his arm around her waist. “You could make me a picture comprised of macaroni and glitter glued to construction paper and I‘d love it.”

Buffy laughed. “Yeah, that’s an idea. I wouldn’t feel like an idiot at all, considering that you’ll most likely find something completely wonderful for me.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “You want to do that? Exchange macaroni art? ‘Cos I can do wonders with that stuff.”

Buffy giggled, “There’s no need to panic. Let’s give it some more serious thought before we resort to that, okay?”

“Sure? Now I’ve got an itch to make a Bucatini Buffy.”

“A what Buffy?” she grinned.

“Bucatini. It’s a type of pasta. They’re long, hollow tubes. I’ve made it before with a pesto sauce.” He smirked.

“Yeah, hold off on Bucatini Buffy for a while longer. Maybe hit the stores one more time before you start on your art project.”

They smiled, feeling giddy, and kissed. Spike slipped back under the covers with her, pulling the covers over his head. He started kissing down her torso, his hands making soft circles over her hips and thighs.

From under the covers, he said, “Here’s something I can give you that I know you’ll like.”

Buffy moaned, her eyes rolling up. “Oh, you know just what I like, Spike! That‘s a gift that just keeps on giving!”

{A/N: I am aware that ass-to-mouth stuff is very unsanitary. It happens in pornos though. I wouldn't include it in one of my normal love scenes. But hey, it was a hardcore porno film *g*}
