
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 21: I Just Want To Be Your Everything

Buffy was nervous. Tonight they'd officially be 'making love' for the first time. She wanted to make it perfect--which was impossible. She'd wracked her brain trying to think of the nicest, most romantic and sexy things that she could do to him and with him.

Spike was at the studio with Xander all afternoon, helping to put up a set for the next day. Normally, she'd hate being away from him, but his absence let her plan and prepare surprises for him.

Buffy had never went to so much trouble for a man before. She had never planned an entire romantic evening with a man, much less one that she was head over heels in love with. It was so very important to her that everything be 'just so', perfect.

First, she had chilled a few bottles of Dom Perignon, nothing but the best for her man. A bowl of strawberries was also being cooled in the fridge. Buffy had read that strawberries and champagne were an incredible combination. She giggled, thinking of the way Faith had put the description of the sensations, 'It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's cumming!'

Then, Buffy put her chef's hat on. For an appetizer, she whipped up some cheese fondue in a big fondue pot, and cut up a bunch bread cubes to dip into the melted cheese. For the main course, she made Pasta ala Buffy (Ragu Pasta Sauce poured over noodles), but she made the noodles herself. And a salad with fresh veggies. For dessert, she made chocolate pudding--It wasn't a fancy dish, but it was tasty and held body licking possibilities. She was nervous but proud for making a whole meal by herself.

Buffy also planned on a bath for two in their sunken bath tub. Lots o' bubbles, vanilla-scented bath oil, and champagne.

Candles were a must when it came to creating a romantic atmosphere. She'd bought a ton of them at the store earlier. Candles of various types and scents were set up in the bedroom and bathroom, she'd light them when the time was right. Two beeswax, taper candles were set up on the dining room table along with their plates.

A bowl of white rose petals was sitting on one of the nightstands in their bedroom, ready to be scattered over the bed. The bed was covered with cream-colored silk sheets. White=Virginal, chaste. It was a giggle-inducing concept for them. But for tonight, they could pretend to be young and innocent. Fucking was fucking, but making love was a spiritual thing. They could finally express their love, both physically and verbally for each other. And it would be beautiful and perfect. That's what she wanted for tonight.

Her burned CD of romantic hits of the 60's, 70's and 80's was ready to spin.

Buffy put the ice bucket with a bottle champagne and two crystal glasses, the fondue pot and the plate of bread cubes on the coffeetable, they could start their evening there. She dimmed the lights to romantic, but not too dark. Then turned on some music to help herself relax a little.

She walked over to the large mirror in the living room. She fretted over a stray strand of hair that wouldn't obey her commands. Buffy was wearing an ankle-length, black dress. A slit ran up the right side to just below her hip. The dress was backless, fastening around the back of her neck. The V-neckline went down to the tip of her breastbone, exposing a goodly amount of firm, creamy cleavage. A pair of black stiletto heels were on her feet. Her thong panties were black lace.

Buffy hoped that Spike would be pleased with her appearance. When the fun moved into the bathroom and beyond, she had a green silk negligee ready to put on. She put a hand over her heart, feeling it pounding against her chest.

"Calm down, you geek!" Buffy said to herself. "Everything's going to be great. He'll love it--He loves you." She smiled at her reflection, imagining Spike's smile and his voice telling her those three words again.

Buffy saw her eyes widen in panic when the front door opened.

Spike knew that they were going to have a special evening tonight, he'd been so excited about it all day. Xander had volunteered to stay over at Cordy's tonight to give the blondes some privacy. Spike had driven like a madman to get home to Buffy as soon as possible.

He walked in the house and looked around. Buffy had been busy.

"Hi," Buffy said, turning around to face him. She pushed her nervousness away, instead putting on her seductive, confident woman air.

Spike's heart rate went up. " look beautiful."

She smiled. "Thanks. You like my dress? It's new." Buffy spun around.

"Yes, it good on you." Spike tossed his jacket and keys on the table by the front door, then walked over to her. "You know what looks even better on you?" He smirked.

Buffy's smile grew. "Hmmm, yeah. I can think of something better."

They met for a soft kiss, their hands lightly touching each other.

"You ready for a fantastic night?" she asked.

"I couldn't wait to get home. I'm more than ready." Spike touched his lips to the side of her neck.

Buffy took his hand and walked over to the couch. "First we have a little appetizer and some fine champagne."

Spike grinned. They sat down on some pillows on the floor next to the coffee table.

"Looks smashing, pet."

They used their skewers to dip the bread into the hot cheese, feeding themselves, but mostly each other, sensuously. They sipped their champagne. They kissed/licked the remnants of cheese and alcohol from the other's lips. It was as sexy as Buffy had thought it would be.

Buffy and Spike were both read to dunk more bread into the fondue, when one of her bracelet slipped off, falling into the pot with a splash. Hot cheese spattered on Spike's hand. He retracted his hand with a slight hiss of pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Buffy said. "Stupid bracelet! It just came undone! Are you okay?!"

Spike smiled wanly, wanting to show her that he was alright. "I'm fine, luv."

"Let me see," Buffy took his hand and examined it. "Oh--Your skin's red!"

"I'm fine, Buffy. It's just a little hot cheese. I don't need to go to the burn ward or anything." He took her hand and kissed it. "It's okay."

Buffy nodded, she was still upset about it. But he seemed to be okay. She gently kissed the red marks on his hand.

"Feels 100% better already," Spike said, moving his thumb to caress her jaw.

They smiled at each other.

"I guess I'll wait till later to get my bracelet back. I dropped my skewer in the pot too," Buffy said, looking at the bubbling cheese with trepidation.

"Don't need skewers."

Spike took a cube of bread and gingerly dipped it in with his fingers, careful not to put his hand in it. He blew on it then put it to her lips. Buffy flicked her tongue out, tasting the cheese, then put her mouth around it and the tips of his fingers. Spike released the food and let her chew and swallow it.

With a grin, Buffy brought his hand back to her mouth. She took his index finger in her mouth, sucking lightly.

Spike smiled, his eyes getting more glazed.

Buffy moaned around his finger, caressing it with her tongue. Their eyes were fixed on the other's. Buffy slowly began bobbing her head, sliding her mouth up and down his long finger, treating it like she planned on treating his luscious cock a bit later on.

Spike groaned, "Buffy...You'd better stop that. Otherwise, I might just throw you down and take you right here on the carpet.

She giggled and extracted his finger from her mouth. "There's lots more to do before that. Dinner's almost ready, why don't we go to the table?"

Spike sighed and nodded, smiling shyly.

They were eating the pasta and salad that Buffy had prepared.

Spike told her how good it was. He kept the fact the noodles were overdone to himself. So what if they were a little on the chewy side? Buffy had made an effort, that's what counted.

"Are the noodles okay?" Buffy asked, biting her lip.

"Yeah, everything's great!" Spike said, smiling.

"They're not...too rubbery?"

"No, they're perfect. I like them chewy, with a little bite. Just like Italians make them, al dente."

Buffy nodded, relieved that she'd done a good job. The noodles were still a too chewy for her tastes. Though...he might just be saying that to spare her feelings...

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yes, pet." He reached across the table and put his hand overtop of hers, stroking her with his thumb. "I love it. Thank you for doing all this." He gave her his sexiest smile.

Buffy melted. "You're welcome. I want everything to be perfect."

"Everything is perfect. You‘re perfect," Spike smiled. "Your look so beautiful in this light...makes me wax poetic."

"Oh? Care to recite me something?" Buffy said, resting her elbow on the table and holding his hand.

Spike stared into her eyes, and began in a low, lilting voice:

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death."

Buffy wanted to leap over the table separating them and kiss his entire body, beginning and ending with those lips of wine. But she only released a shuddery breath, full of longing and delight. The candlelight flickered, casting his face in alternating light and shadow. He was so beautiful to her, especially at this moment.

"I love Elizabeth Barrett Browning‘s beautiful. I love you, too. I could listen to you read the phonebook. Do you know how hot you’re making me?"

Spike smirked. "No, why don’t you tell me?"

"Finish your dinner, you bad, bad boy." Buffy winked at him, going back to her chewy pasta.

They went back on the couch with their desserts after dinner. They cuddled and kissed, sharing their pudding.

"You like dessert?" Buffy asked, trailing a line of chocolate down her own throat.

"Mmmm," Spike leaned over, licking the pudding off her throat. "Delicious!"

Buffy giggled and sighed as he dined on her neck. His lips and tongue felt so heavenly. She wanted some of his sexy throat too. When Spike pulled back, Buffy put some chocolate on his neck and licked it off slowly.

"What's next on the agenda, luv?" Spike asked with anticipation, his eyes closed in pleasure as her hot mouth glided up his neck.

"Next, is bathtime," she whispered, giving his earlobe a bite. "I want you get you all wet and wash your beautiful, hot body."

"Ahh, Buffy...I want you so much," he said, kissing her.

"Give me a few minutes. I'll call you in the bathroom when everything is ready."

Buffy pulled away from him with a sly smile. She went into the bathroom to light the candles and get the water ready.

Spike and Buffy were doing very little actual bathing. Their arms were around each other, their lips in constant contact with the other's body.

Spike was more impressed and moved with every new thing that Buffy had prepared. No one had ever done anything like this for him--before, or after, he came to Hollywood.

Buffy mouthed his neck, sliding her lips up and down along his jugular vein.

Spike whispered in her ear, his hands stroking circles on her wet back:

"O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."

"Ohh Spike," Buffy moaned, covering his mouth with hers and kissing the breath from him.

Shakespeare really got Buffy's motor running. Spike knew the verses by rote, and spoke it so well. His voice was liquid sex; smooth, flowing into and over every pore of her body. God, she loved his voice!

They were both breathless and panting when their lips finally parted.

"Strawberry?" Buffy asked.

"Huh?" Spike asked hazily.

Buffy giggled. "May I offer you a strawberry, my lusty poet?"

"Why, yes you may," Spike purred.

Buffy straddled him and retrieved a fat strawberry from the bowl set on the edge of the large tub. She gave him a sip of champagne from her glass, then put the ripe berry to his lips. Spike's blue eyes blazed into hers as he bit the strawberry in half, sucking the sweet juice up.

They were both sexually primed and ready. Buffy felt so tight; she arched. Spike's erect cock was pressed between their bodies. Buffy rubbed herself against him, feeling his turgid length and moaning. She fumbled to set the glass down on the edge while she licked and sucked the juice from Spike's lips and chin.

"Lord Byron," Buffy mumbled, nibbling on his chin.


"Quote me Lord Byron!" she rasped.

Spike accommodated her with the first poem that popped into his mind:

"She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies."

"Ohhhaaalllmm!" Buffy exclaimed, moving to straddle him in the tub. Her passion for him turning her into a poetry lovin' animal.

"Spike--Ohhh yes!" Buffy slipped his cock inside of her.

After a few long, slow slides, she began riding him hard. She was so turned on that she couldn't contain herself. Spike bounced her on his lap, holding onto her hips.

"Ahh--Ahh, Buffy!"

"Spike!" Buffy groaned, tossing her head back. Her movements got even wilder; water splish-splashed around them. "Uhwwwlll! Unnnhh!" Buffy keened as she came.

Water sloshed in the tub. Buffy gripped his shoulders, panting and looking deeply into his cerulean blue eyes.

"Uhhh--Ohhhh--Spike!" Buffy moaned. She managed to lift a strawberry to his lips. Spike sank his teeth into it while he gripped her ass, coaxing her to ride him harder.

Buffy screamed when she felt Spike's left hand on her pussy. He rubbed her clit, making her fly into another huge climax. Her hands flew back to his shoulders. She threw her head back and wailed, simultaneously pushing him down. She hadn't meant to.

Spike slid down under the surface of the water. Buffy didn't notice at first, her eyes her shut tight as her body spasmed. Spike's struggles to get his head out of the water finally got her attention.

"Spike!" Buffy said in panic.

She helped pull him back up. Spike broke the surface, gasping, coughing and spitting water.

"Oh Spike! I'm so sorry! I pushed you under the water, didn't I?"

Spike could only nod and hold onto the edge of the bathtub, he kept coughing water. He wiped his eyes and blinked to clear them of extra water.

"I'm so, so sorry!" Buffy felt like crying. That would've been real cute. The headlines would read: 'Woman accidentally drowns lover while in the throws of earth-shaking orgasm!'.

"I'm okay," he coughed, waving her off. The near death experience pretty much took care of his 'need for speed'. There's nothing like almost drowning in the bathtub to do in a mood.

Buffy got up and moved to sit beside him. She fussed over him, hitting him on the back for lack of anything better to do.

It took a few minutes, but Spike recovered. He could see how upset she was. When he thought about it (the fear he'd experienced, being gone) he laughed. It was pretty funny really.

Buffy looked confused.

"You almost killed me off there, luv. Did you secretly take out an insurance policy on me or something? Double indemnity in case of drowning?" he asked with trademark smirk.

Instead of the giggle and smile that he'd hoped for, Buffy looked devastated. His heart felt as though it were pierced when she broke into tears.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that--I'm so sor--"

"Pet, I'm sorry!" Spike hugged her, giving quick kisses to her neck and shoulder. "I was kidding. I didn't mean to make you cry."

Buffy hiccupped and sniffled. "I almost killed you!" she sobbed.

"No, you didn't. Not even close." Spike kept kissing her and holding her, rocking her back and forth. "I'm alright. No more tears, okay?"

"O-Okay," Buffy mumbled, holding him tightly in her arms.

Buffy was distraught. First, she burned his hand when her stupid bracelet fell off. Now, she'd almost drowned him having sex in the bathtub. She was scared what other harm would come to him because of her before the night was over.

Buffy and Spike dried each other off slowly. Buffy’s soft kisses and toweling him off was starting to get Spike back in the mood for love. Buffy asked him to stay in the bathroom while she prepared the bedroom.

She slipped into her special bra and panties and her negligee. In the bathroom, Spike put on his blue silk bottoms.

Buffy went around the room lighting the candles, praying that she didn't start a house fire next. The rose petals were spread on the bed, then she started up the music. She mentally checked off the list of things to do. Finally, when she was happy with her arrangements, she called Spike into the room.

Spike grinned happily, taking in the sights and sounds that she'd so painstakingly prepared.

"Buffy, you've outdone yourself. Everything looks beautiful...especially you."

They smiled.

"Thanks. I hoped you'd like it. You're sure you want to keep the evening going as I planned it?" Buffy asked. "Things haven't gone right from the start."

Spike made his way to her and wrapped his arms around her, looking down at her silk clad body.

"I definitely want to keep going." He kissed her, delicately nipping her lips. His hands slid down to her ass.

"Mmmm--Spike! I want to do something else special for you," she said.

"Oh? What is it, pet?" Spike brushed their cheeks together.

"Sit on the bed. I want to do a dance for you."

"A dance?" He pulled back and grinned. "Gonna give me a little sexy show, are you?"


"Oh, I'm liking that idea," Spike purred. He gave her a more spirited kiss then sat raptly on the end of the bed, waiting for the show to begin.

Buffy giggled, "I like an enthusiastic audience. I'm going to sing for you too. Tell no one of it."

Spike chuckled, "Okay. You have a lovely voice though, pet. Nothing to be ashamed of."

Buffy smiled slyly and winked.

"I can sing, 'If It Don't Fit Don't Force It'," Buffy said, rubbing her chin. "Hmm, not very romantic though. Oh, I know! A song that tells you how I feel about you--A nice, bouncy Disco number." Buffy skipped over to the CD player.

"Disco? Didn't get your fill of that at the party, luv?" Spike joked.

"Nope. I love dance music. Especially the Bee Gee's stuff. My mom was the biggest Bee Gee's fan in the world," Buffy laughed. "She has all of their albums, was the President of the Sunnydale chapter of the fan club, went to see them in concert several times and she had a huge crush on Barry. She was in loooove! If she would have had her way, I'd be their lovechild."

Spike laughed with her.

"So, I heard their songs a lot when I was little. Mom used to play the albums when she was cleaning. She'd be dusting and shaking her butt around."

They laughed again. Buffy felt a little pang of homesickness; she did miss her family sometimes. She switched gears again, preparing to turn Spike on and rock his world.

"This is technically an Andy Gibb song, but it's very cool too. Here we go," Buffy said, punching in the selection.

Buffy grinned, facing him and starting to move her body to the music. She danced near him, using tons of shoulder and bumping her hips to the left to the beat.

She sang along with the song:

"For so long You and me been finding each other for so long"

Buffy kicked off her high heels.

"And the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong, boy Take it from me If you give a little more then you're asking for Your love will turn the key Darling mine"

She traced his jaw with her index finger and moved it over his bottom lip, then pulled away. Dancing backwards and shaking her hips.

"I would wait forever for those lips of wine Build my world around you, darling This love will shine, boy Watch it and see If you give a little more then you're asking for Your love will turn the key

I, I just want to be your everything"

She pointed to herself and then to a grinning Spike.

"Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be The things you are to me and not some puppet on a string Oh, if I stay here without you, darling, I will die I want you laying in the love I have to bring I'd do anything to be your everything"

She danced around during the instrumental part. Buffy put her arms over her head and put her head back, pumping her hips along with the music. She slowly lowered her arms, running her hands down her neck, down past the sides of her breasts, and going down over her hips. She looked back at him, smiling seductively, as she reached up and untied her negligee. Buffy shimmied her body, causing the soft gown to slide down her body to the floor.

Usually, she didn't wear underwear when there was imminent Spike lovin' in the offing. But she'd purchased a fun bra and panty set for tonight. Spike's eyes became wider, the look on his face was hungry, downright immoral. Buffy was wearing a see-through black bra, the front of which looked like a butterfly. Little jet-black beads were sewn into the butterfly's wings spanning her breasts. The sides of the bra were mesh, elasticized bands went around her neck and back. The matching thong also had a perky little butterfly on the crotch.

Buffy gave her hips an extra shake then spun around to let him get a gander at the whole thing (not that there was much to it). Spike was just staring at her. His erection was back full-force; she looked so bloody shaggable. Her body was a work of art, made just for him.

"Darling for so long You and me been finding each other for so long And the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong, boy Take it from me If you give a little more then you're asking for Your love will turn the key"

Buffy spread her arms and moving her shoulders. She smiled widely at the way Spike was obviously enjoying her little performance. There was quite the little pup tent forming in his pants.

"I, I just want to be your everything Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be The things you are to me and not some puppet on a string Oh, if I stay here without you, darling, I will die I want you laying in the love I have to bring I'd do anything to be your everything"

Buffy got into the dancing a little too much. She stepped on one of her discarded high heels and stumbled. She couldn't right herself in time and fell on her ass with an "Oooph!"

"Buffy!" Spike bolted from the bed to her. He kneeled down. "Pet, are you okay?"

Buffy couldn't speak for a moment. She was completely embarrassed--humiliated--mortified. Without a word, she sprang up and raced to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it. Spike heard her heavy sobs and wailing through the door.

Spike ran to the door. "Buffy, what's wrong, luv? Did you hurt yourself?" he asked, terribly afraid of anything being wrong with her.

"AAAHHHH!" Buffy cried, sounding like Lucy Ricardo. She said something that Spike couldn't make out, "Ahhhmmaigeeelk!"

"Pet, please, tell me what's wrong?!"

"I'm a geek!" she yelled. "Nothing's gone right! I f-fucked everything up! I can't believe I fell down! Ahhhhh! Real seductive, Buffy!"

"Buffy, baby, you didn't fuck anything up!" Spike insisted. "Please come out."

"NO! I'm never coming out!"

Spike spent the next 5 minutes trying to talk her into coming out of the bathroom. He sat down next to the door, feeling like he might as well since he'd be here for a while. Buffy continued to cry.

"I pulled the Princess Leia thing off without a hitch!" Buffy whimpered. "Tonight was so important--Why couldn't it be perfect!? I fucked it all up!"

Spike leaned against the door, touching it lightly with his hand, wishing that he were touching Buffy instead.

"Buffy...Don't you know that you can do nothing wrong in my eyes?"

"Well, you're blind then! I screwed up every single thing tonight! I wanted it to be perfect."

"There's your answer, luv. You put too much pressure on yourself. And for the record, I think everything was perfect."

"No, it wasn't," Buffy whined.

"Couldn't you see how much I enjoyed all the things you did for me? Tonight has been beautiful. Perfect. Perfect because it's you and me. It's been everything that I've ever dreamed of."

"You're just...saying that," Buffy said, sniffling as her tears dried up. She moved next to the door, leaning against it and touching her hand to it's surface.

"I'm not just saying it. The most stunning, sexy, adorable, funny and bright woman on the planet went to all of this trouble for me. I never thought any woman could care this much about me. My heart...feels so full--bursting with love for you. I've never felt this way before. I've never felt as alive as I have since I've met you."

"Really?" Buffy asked.

"Yes. I would have cried tears of joy at each new surprise or lovely thing that you had ready for me...but I didn't want to look like a gigantic poof."

The door opened a crack. "Really?" she asked again.

Spike looked up, seeing her peeking through the crack. He smiled.

"Really. Please come out, pet."

Buffy opened the door. Her face was wet, her eyes slightly puffy.

She looked down and mumbled, "I'm stupid. I wanted tonight to be...perfect. I capped it off by acting like a complete idiot and bawling in the bathroom."

Spike stood up and took her in his arms. He gently kissed her eyes, then her tear-stained cheeks as his hands caressed her.

"No, pet. You're sweet, and beautiful, and sexy, and yes, a bit of a perfectionist." He smiled. "But you're not stupid. I love you, Buffy. I love you so much--I think I'd die without you in my life."

Buffy put her head on his shoulder. Letting his words and body soothe her. "I love you, too."

"Would the things that have gone a bit wonky tonight have upset you if I were the one who set everything up?" Spike asked.

"No..." Buffy replied. It was true. She knew that she just would have been happy and touched that he'd tried.

"Well, that's how I feel about it. I loved everything you did for me--for us."

Spike bundled her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her on her back, settling himself to lay on his side up against her. His tapered fingers brushed over the side of her face, wiping the tears away. His eyes wandered over her face.

"I want to make love to you so much. But laying here, touching you, is good too. If, later, you feel up to--"

Spike's sentence was cut off by Buffy pressing her lips to his mouth, silencing him in the best way possible. She trailed her hands up over his chest to his face.

"Make love to me, Spike," Buffy breathed. "I want you."

"Buffy," Spike moaned then kissed her passionately. He felt around her back for a clasp to her bra.

Buffy giggled lightly, "There's no hooks. The bands are elastic."

Spike smiled shyly, "Oh."

He didn't take it off of her right away. First he wanted to show her how much he liked her choice of undergarments. He placed soft kisses onto her chest. His hands caressed her breasts.

"Pretty butterfly," Spike said, kissing along the sheer wings.

Buffy sighed, "Yeah, isn't it pretty? I thought it was cool."

"I like it's twin too," Spike said, his left hand drifted down her body, whispering over her suddenly too hot--too tight flesh. His hand kept going until it met her thong. "So pretty," Spike moaned, running his fingers lightly over the butterfly design.

Spike slid his hand under the tops of her panties, his slender fingers questing, moving along her moist slit.

"Spike," Buffy breathed, parting her thighs for him. "Ohhh!"

He groaned, reveling at her wetness. He dropped his head to mouth her breasts through the bra, soaking it with his spit. Two of his fingers down below entered her, she gasped and raised her hips slightly, encouraging his fingers to go deeper. As she was wont to do, Buffy watched their doppelgangers in the mirror above the bed.

"They make a cute couple, don’t you think?" Buffy giggled and sighed.

Spike looked up and smiled. "Yeah, they do. That chit is really hot. Look at her--So flushed, all rosy cheeked and beautiful."

Spike slipped his fingers in and out of her pussy, his thumb tweaked her clit.

"Uhhhh! I--I think the blonde guy is pretty hot too," she said. "Wouldn’t mind havin’ some of that. But he really needs to be NOW."

Spike chuckled, putting his mouth back on her breasts. "Mmm, you want him naked?"

"Oh yea! I want to see that hot body, that big, gorgeous cock. I want to suck on it so long and hard that he begs me to stop--I want to feel him bursting in my mouth. Shooting his--"

Spike panted and uttered a loud groan, her sex talk always got him solid as a rock.

Buffy smiled. "You think the guy in the mirror would like me to do that?"

"Uh-huh!" Spike moaned.

"He’d better get bare-assed naked then."

Spike kissed her on the mouth again, removing his fingers from her pussy. He made a path up her body, trailing a line of her pussyjuice up her stomach. He stopped to rub one of his own nipples, getting it wet. He leaned back letting her see what he was doing. Buffy got the message. She caressed his stomach and a hip as her mouth covered his nipple. She moaned, feeling his hard nub getting harder and tasting herself on him. Spike sighed in bliss, putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking off the rest of her tasty liquid. Buffy made a low, growly sound and bit down his nipple.

"Ahh--Ahh, pet!"

Buffy suckled at his nipple gently. She put a hand on his thigh, sliding upwards to his crotch. She rolled his balls in her palm through the satin pants.

Spike tilted his head back, groaning and rubbing himself against her hand. Buffy found the base of his cock, gave it a firm squeeze, then let her fingers 'do the walking' along the length. Pearly liquid was seeping through the fabric near his cockhead, making a dark, wet spot on the satin. Buffy's fingers played in wetness, rubbing against his cumslit.

"Ohhh--Buffy," Spike whispered, his hips involuntarily moving forward.

Buffy smiled and lowered her head. She kissed him through the satin, moving up the staff until she got to the wetness. She flicked her tongue out.

"Mmmmm," Buffy moaned, placing her mouth over the head and sucking.

"God--Buffy--Take it out!" Spike begged. He desperately needed to feel her mouth on his bare cock, with no barriers between them.

"Good idea," Buffy said, sitting up. "Let's get naked."

They needed to lose the rest of their clothing. They both sat up. Buffy pulled the band around her neck over her head and took her bra off. Spike took his bottoms off and pushed them away. He moved up to her on his knees, his hands touched her breasts then went down her sides. Spike stroked her thighs and bent his head down to lick the line of Buffyjuice that he'd made on her stomach earlier. Buffy made high breathy sounds as he cleaned her with long strokes of his tongue. Once he got all of it, he went further down to kiss her mound.

"Such a pretty little butterfly." He traced along the edges of her panties with the tip of his tongue. Spike was anxious to move on, but turnabout was fair play. "Think I'll give it a kiss." He smirked and covered her pussy with his mouth.

His tongue rubbed her outer lips.

"Uhhh--Ohhh Spike!" Buffy moaned, grinding against his tongue. She wanted to feel the joy of his tongue slipping between her labia, teasing her hole and wrapping around her clit.

She could feel the wetness of his tongue soaking into the thin fabric and mingling with her own juices. He could do such wonderful things with his tongue. She breathed loudly, touching her breasts. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds. She needed to feel his mouth on her bare pussy.

"Aaaoohh! Please, Spike!"

Finally, Spike helped her out of her butterfly panties. Buffy looked up into the mirror again.

"Now we’re gettin’ somewhere! They look even better naked."

"Mmm-hmm." Spike nuzzled her neck, rubbing his erection along her gash.

"I want some of this," Buffy said in a husky voice, wrapping her hand around his shaft. "I want it so baaaaad!"

"You can have anything you want, pet," Spike gasped as her hand stroked him. "’specially that." He grinned.

"I suggest you get comfy," Buffy said, guiding him to lay on his back with his head on the pillows. "I’m going to suck your cock ‘til you scream my name, spraying your cum all over me and down my throat. Then, I’m going to lick every bit of cum off of it. I know it will still be sooo hard--You always are, baby. Tastes soooo good! Ohhhmmm!" Buffy plastered her lips to the side of his cock, sucking on and caressing it with her mouth.

"Oh Goddd, Buffy!" Spike moaned, his cock jumped and twitched, growing longer and thicker.

"Oh yeah, baby," Buffy groaned, sliding her lips up to the head. "I want to feel your cockhead getting fatter, swelling in my hot mouth--It gets so big and fat, sometimes I think it might choke me. I want to taste your yummy juice flowing onto my tongue. Ohhh--Let me feel it!"

Buffy took the head in her mouth, smiling around it when she did indeed feel it swelling against her tongue. Her hands fluttered up and down over his thick column of flesh. She caressed the glans with her firm tongue. Pre-cum spilled from him, coating her tongue and sliding down her throat.

"Mmmmmm!" Buffy began bobbing and weaving her head, sliding his cock in and out and around in her mouth.

Her hands went to his hips and stroked up and down. Buffy looked into his eyes as she fellated him, loving the completely lost to pleasure expression he wore.

"Ahh-Ahh--Buffy--S-So good! Ahh--Yeah!" Spike moaned, watching her angelic face.

"Ohhmmm--MMMMmmm!" Buffy hummed, moving her head clockwise, then counterclockwise (like she'd seen Caleb do.

Spike cried out, "Ahhhh! Oh fuck, pet! Uhhh! Don't stop--Oh God!"

Buffy didn't stop--Nothing could have made her stop. She kept bobbing her head, stopping to lick and suck, then bobbing again.

"Ahh--69?" Spike asked hopefully. "Not fair that you get to eat and I don't."

Buffy chuckled giddily around his cock. She wanted to treat him to a long, thorough blowjob, but if he wanted to have a taste of her while she did...That was more than fine!

Buffy kept him in her mouth as she turned herself around and put her body in position over him. Spike slumped down on the bed and put his hands on her thighs. Buffy moaned when she felt just the very tip of his tongue tracing her slit. She wriggled and tried to grind down on to his face, but he held her hips in place.

Just the feeling of his hot breath on her pussy made her eyes flutter. Then he began kissing her pussy lips, like he would have kissed the lips on her face--sensuously, passionately. His tongue swept between the lips then back out.

"Ooommmm! Ohhhh!" Buffy panted, treating his cock like an ice cream cone.

Spike buried his face in her wet heat, sticking his tongue up inside of her, his chin rubbed her clit. They moaned long and low, keeping up the oral work for much longer without stopping to fuck than they'd imagined possible. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes.

Spike did all of those things that she liked so much. Buffy used every weapon in her blowjob arsenal, keeping him just at the brink for an eternity.

No words were spoken--except for exclamations to God and the other's name being moaned and mumbled into the other's hot, quivering flesh. They made love with their mouths and hands.

They became more aggressive on the other's sex; strongly licking, sucking, nibbling. They were driving each other crazy, grinding their hips at the other. Buffy's juices covered his face, Spike's pre-cum coated Buffy's lips and the inside of her mouth.

"Unnaaaaa--Ahh!" Buffy squealed.

She came. Her hips moved in a humping motion. His mouth surrounded her clit, sucking and pulling. Buffy moaned then growled. She mercilessly bobbed her head on his cock, sucking hard.

"Uhhh-Ahhh--Buffy!" Spike hips started bouncing on the bed.

That made her even more determined. She kept one hand on his cock while taking his balls in the other. She could feel them rumbling, boiling with his hot cum. She wanted it--She wanted all or it.

Buffy's hips still fucked his face with her own orgasm. She pulled off of his cock, knowing that some dirty talk would send him careening over the edge.

"Ooooh! Ahhh--Oh yeah--Spike--Ahh--Want your cum! Shoot in my mouth, baby! Oh, it's so good--delicious! Give me your hot, thick spunk, baby! Shoot for me!"

Buffy engulfed his cock with her mouth again, she took him in as far as she could. The spongy knob blocked the back of her throat, she swallowed hard around him.

"AHH--BUFFFFFFY! AHHH!" Spike yelled into her muff.

His cum flew down her throat. While his body shook, Spike re-doubled his efforts on her pussy. He sucked hard on her clit, sending her into another climax.

Buffy put one hand down on the bed for support, lest she collapse on top of him. This was heaven--It had to be. His hot juice filling her mouth, his beautiful mouth milking her pussy of endless buckets of her own juice. Buffy pulled off to taste his spunk as it flowed into her mouth--She was addicted to it. B.S. (Before Spike) taking a guy's cum in her mouth had seemed so oogy and gross, just like so many other things that were now commonplace for her. But now...she didn't want to go one day without tasting him; without drinking from his cock like a straw; without making him scream her name.

Before he could slow to a stop, Buffy took her mouth completely off of him and raised herself up a little. She jerked his cock, her delicate hand a blur. His cum kept shooting, spraying her chest and splashing her face. Buffy moaned and smiled, feeling the warmth of him coating her.

Spike felt faint, he was cumming a lot, even for him. But he couldn't let his girl down; he had to keep working on her pretty, little quim. He fucked her with his tongue, even as spots danced behind his eyes and a roar filled his ears.

"Ahhh-AHHHH--Oh yeah! Ohhhh!" Buffy took the head back in her mouth, gently licking and sucking.

They finished. How much time had passed? How long had they coaxed each other to higher and higher plateaus? They didn't know.

Buffy climbed slowly off of him and laid on her back. They huffed and puffed for breath. They saw each other in the mirror first, huge grins on their faces. They laughed, feeling dizzy and giddy.

"I gave you quite a bath there, luv," Spike said to his grinning girlfriend. Her face and chest dripped with his jiz.

"Mmmm, yeah, you did." Buffy smiled and rubbed the warm liquid around on her belly.

"Sorry 'bout that." He smirked.

"I gave you a facial too. Your face is all shiny."

Spike licked around his mouth and smacked his lips. "Yummy!"

"You know..." Buffy said with that wicked little smile that she got when she was being extra naughty, "if you're really sorry for hosing me down like this, you could clean me up. Lick it off," her voice dropped, her eyes glazed over.

Spike winked at her in the mirror then turned onto his side. His fingertips played in the cum on her belly, tracing little patterns over her wet skin. He kissed her mouth softly and slowly. Their tongues licked at the other's lips before diving into the mouths.

Spike's jaw ached a bit from all of the head that he'd given her, but he ignored it. Tonight, he was officially making love to Buffy. He would do his best to be an iron man. If he could manage it, he'd make love to her until she passed out from it.

Spike began by licking the wads of cum from her face. After each mouthful, he would go back to her lips. They would kiss, Buffy sucked the cum into her own mouth, moaning and eagerly going back for more. Once her face was relatively sperm-free, he dragged his lips to her throat, nipping and licking. Then onto her chest, mouthing her breasts and sucking up his own jiz. Buffy alternated between watching the mirror and looking down at him.

"Oooh, isn't it good, baby?" Buffy asked breathily. "Yeah--Ohh--Suck up that cum! Mmmm!"

Spike's eyes were half-closed as he licked his cum from her torso. He'd tasted himself many times, but it was never so good as when it was licked off of Buffy's body.

By the time he got to her bellybutton, Buffy was breathing shallowly and trembling. Spike gently put one of her legs over his shoulder and began tonguing her pussy again.

"Ahhh--Spike! Oh God--Make love to me now!"

He raised his head and smirked at her. "Isn't that what I've been doing?"

She laughed lightly, "Yeah. I mean the penetration part of the lovemaking."

"Oh, that!" Spike said. He laughed and crawled back up her body.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"What do you think?" Spike took her hand and placed it on his rigid cock. "Always ready for you, my love."

"Ohhh," Buffy moaned, stroking her hand on his length.

Spike brushed his lips over hers, and recited another poem for her:

"I have no life but this, To lead it here; Nor any death, but lest Dispelled from there; Nor tie to earths to come, Nor action new, Except through this extent, The Realm of You!"

"Ohhh!" Buffy moaned, kissing his mouth.

She maneuvered him on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I love you," Spike said, thrusting forward into her pussy.

Buffy groaned, digging her heels into the backs of his thighs and her nails into his shoulders, "I love you!"

He rocked into her slowly, whispering his love in her ear. Buffy mewled, rolling her hips along with him. Their slow pace quickened over time. Buffy hooked one of her legs over his shoulder, wanting him to be able to plow as deeply into her as humanly possible. She wanted to feel his cock stabbing all the way up into her throat.

Spike took hold of her leg. He readjusted his position then resumed fucking her. His thrusts were slow and long as he bent down and sucked on her nipples.

Buffy moaned, "Oh Spike--Oh fuck yes--Hard--Ohhhh--Fuck me hard, baby!"

Spike propped himself over her on one elbow. He pumped his cock into her with a series of hard, fast strokes. Buffy cried out, hanging her head back. Spike couldn't resist suckling at her breasts again, they jiggled and bounced so beautifully when he was fucking her like this.

"Oh God--Spike--Oh God!"

Spike could feel her inner walls begin to quiver. He knew Buffy enjoyed going crazy on his cock when she came, riding him like an animal. He lowered her leg and rolled onto his back. Buffy got her bearings and braced herself on her arms above him. They smiled and kissed sweetly for a few moments, their pelvises rolling and grinding together. Then Buffy got back down to business: making them both scream and cum.

Buffy sat up, sliding up and down on his cock. She flexed her pussy around him.

"Like that?" she asked. She knew he did.

"Oh yeah!" Spike groaned, his fingers gripping her thighs.

"You like it when I use my muscles like this?" Buffy asked, teasing him. She contracted and released her muscles around him over and over again.

"Oh Christ! YES!"

"I've been practicing--Ahhh!--practicing working them out everyday. Faith told me--Ohhhh--how to do it," Buffy said.

"Ahh--I'd say--that it's paying off! Oh Buffy," Spike moaned.

"I'm a firm believer in physical fitness, inside and out," Buffy giggled, bending down to kiss him.

They smiled and kissed languidly. She continued manipulating his shaft with her developed muscles. Spike gasped and moaned into her mouth with every squeeze-and-release.

"More poetry?" Buffy raised a sweaty eyebrow. "I loooove it when you recite for me."

"Uh...I...I can't bloody think!" Spike laughed.

"Aw," Buffy pouted, "pretty please?"

"You'll--You'll have to stop doing that first."

Buffy smiled and stopped her contractions. She started riding him slowly.

"That better?" she asked.

"Yeah," Spike breathed. He wracked his foggy brain for something romantic to say. "O-Okay." He cleared his throat and gave her what she wanted:

"Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou are more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And Summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd: But thy eternal Summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee!"

Buffy had listened and gazed at him as he spoke, as if in a trance. When he finished, she growled.

"Ohhhh YESSSS!"

Spike held onto her hips. Buffy yelled, yipped, barked and screamed as she fucked herself on him hard and fast. They rode their way to another mind-numbing orgasm, exploding, screaming, thrusting their sweaty, rutting bodies with abandon. They whimpered and panted, staring into each other's eyes. They felt like they were sharing more of themselves than they had before. Touching each other's soul; becoming one perfect entity if only for a few, brief but glorious moments.

When it was over, they were left trembling and shaking from the intensity. Buffy was cradled to his chest.

"Wow," Buffy said, then giggled softly. "I's always Wow...but this time was extra Wow!"

Spike smiled, his mouth open as he tried to regain a steady breathing rhythm. "Yeah. Wow, just about covers it."

Buffy kissed his chest, then moved up to his mouth.

"You didn't want to use the cockring tonight?" Spike asked. He thought that she'd prefer that.

Buffy shook her head. "Uh-uh. I wanted it to be just you and me--No appliances or toys." She smiled softly.

Spike kissed her again. "I think we did just fine without it."

"Oh yeah," Buffy agreed.

His cock was still inside of her. He'd gone a bit soft after the orgasm, but he was still hard enough to stay inside. Buffy could feel his heavy cream inside and running out of her pussy. She luxuriated in it. He always made her so delightfully messy.

"Love you," Buffy whispered.

"Love you more," Spike grinned.

They giggled. Buffy put her arms around him, resting on top of him again.

"We really are huge geeks, you know?" she asked.

"Yeah. We are. But we're very happy geeks."

"Mmm-hmm." She snuggled down. "Waddya say, the next time we see Faith, we really ramp up the Eskimo kisses and baby talk with each other? That'll drive her fuckin' nuts!" Buffy laughed.

"You evil, naughty, little vixen!" Spike laughed. "Sounds good. Let's let her have it with both barrels of our shotgun of looove."

They giggled and sighed, petting each other.

"I really wanted to make tonight the best of your life," Buffy said, thinking of all the missteps she'd made.

"It was, Buffy."

She sighed again, "You're sweet to say that...but if we'd filmed it, we could make it into a blooper reel."

Spike laughed and hugged her. "Stop that, now. I had the time of my life. You made tonight so wonderful...Love you more now than I did when we started."

Buffy kissed him. "Me too. Thanks for not getting scared off when I spazzed out."

"No problem." Spike smiled. "You're still adorable when you're spazzing out. But now I have one free time that I can freak out without you saying anything. I'll cash that in at a later date."

"Okay, deal," Buffy laughed. "When you tell Xander about tonight, leave out all the stupid stuff that happened. Just tell him that I shook you all night long."

"You got it, luv."

It took them some time to recover. When they did, they resumed making love. Cumming together again and again until their bodies were too exhausted to move. They had a helluva mess to clean up when they woke up.


Chapter 22: Under the Weather

 Buffy was curled up on her side in a near-fetal position, wearing her Yummy Sushi pajamas. Her eyebrows formed a V, her lips were pouty--she wasn't happy. It was 'her time of the month' and she felt like shit. The birth control she'd been on had really been a Godsend the last few months, there were hardly even any symptoms: she'd hardly had cramps, her mood stayed buoyant and her periods only lasted a few days. But for some reason, this month was worse. The pain was terrible, she was bloated, felt ugly and gross. The urges to burst into tears or rip someone's face off, came and went.

Spike felt bad for her. He couldn't imagine what it must be like to have pain like she was obviously having. And she looked so sad. Her cute, little eyebrows were furrowed. Her adorable mouth was pouting. Spike wanted to fuss over her, do everything that he could to make it easier. He'd take care of her and make her feel better. That was his mission.

Spike sat next to her on the bed, putting a hand on her hip and rubbing lightly. "Hey, how are you feeling, luv?"

Buffy muttered something.

"That good, huh?" Spike joked. "Aw, my poor girl." He kissed her on the hip through the covers. "You want me to open the window? Some fresh air might do you good?"

Buffy shrugged and grumbled.

Spike went to the window and opened it up.

"Close the blinds! I have a headache!" Buffy growled.

"Right! Sorry, luv!" Spike closed the blinds, blinking at the decidedly, unsexy growl in her voice. "There. Want me to get you some aspirin?"

She shrugged, pulling the covers tighter around herself. Buffy turned her head to look up. She curled up her lip and made a 'bleugh!' sound at her reflection.

"Cover that fucking mirror!" she said, hiding her face. "I look like shit!"

"Oh!" Spike looked up at the mirror, then raced to push the button that made a panel slide over the mirror. He breathed out and smiled when it was covered. "All gone."

Buffy checked to make sure she wouldn't be able to see herself and nodded. She mumbled something and tried getting comfortable again.

"Hey, how about some soup? You hungry?"


"Come on, Buffy." He smiled. "You need to eat something, pet. Don't want you wasting away. We have Chicken Noodle, Chicken and Dumplings, Minestrone--"

"Not hungry," she said, her forehead getting more scrunched up.

"Nonsense. I'll make you something. Where was I? Oh yeah, Minestrone, Chicken and Stars, Vegetable Beef, Vegetarian Veg--"

"I told you, I'm not fucking hungry!" Buffy snapped. "I just want to rest. Leave me alone!"

Spike blinked. He'd never seen her look or sound so pissed at him before. Hurt and anger stabbed at him.

"What did I...Fine," Spike said tightly then left the room.

Buffy grumbled about stupid men and burrowed under the covers.

A few hours later, Spike sat at the table in the kitchen, looking and feeling miserable.

His face rested on his hand, he was slumped down with his arms on the table. He flicked at a napkin. Buffy had hurt his feelings earlier. He was only trying to help her and she yelled at him.

"See if I go out of my way to take care of her again," he mumbled.

But he had already done extra things for her since leaving her room in a huff. An hour later, he'd snuck back in with a bottle of pain pills and a glass of water. He’d gingerly set them on the nightstand and tiptoed back out, shutting the door with a soft click.

Spike was unhappy with himself for doing that. He felt like a punkass bitch for caving in and still catering to her after she bitched at him. matter how shitty she'd been, he felt compelled to take care of her. No doubt she could use the medication, even if she said she didn't want anything. He felt stupid for taking it so hard, but he didn't like it when she looked at him or talked to him like that. It wounded him.

‘God...I’m a git’ he thought dejectedly.

Xander came into the kitchen, going to the refrigerator. He started to open the door when he noticed Spike. He smiled and put his hands on his hips.

"You still brooding in here?" Xander asked.

"'m not brooding," Spike brooded.

"Brooding, fretting, moping, sulking--Take your pick of terms. Any of them apply."

Spike grimaced, "Very funny. Leave me alone, you big bully."

Xander laughed, leaning against the fridge. "You still upset that she cranked out on you?"

"What do you think? Yeah, I'm still upset." Spike pouted, ripping little pieces off the napkin.

Xander rolled his eyes. "You grew up surrounded by women your entire life. Your mom, cousins, aunts...I think your cousin Wesley is the only young male in the family besides you. How is it that you didn't learn to take things in stride and keep your distance at...'these times'?"

"None of the women in my family ever seemed any different. I'd heard that there could be mood swings and such, but...I never experienced them first hand. Kinda scary."

"Damn straight!" Xander said. "Don't let it bother you, man. Buffy will probably be back to her old self tomorrow."

"Um...Hi," Buffy said in the doorway.

Spike sat up. "You alright, pet?"

"Yeah...I wanted to say...I'm sorry for being mean to you before," Buffy said sheepishly. "You were trying to be sweet and I...acted like a bitch from Hell."

Spike smiled, feeling a million times better already. He stood up and opened his arms. Buffy grinned and shuffled over to him in her pink bunny slippers. She sighed and snuggled against his chest. Spike folded his arms around her, stroking her back. Xander stood back and watched, smiling himself.

"It was so sweet of you to leave the medicine and water for me...even after I was a big meanie."

"Don't mention it. I want you to feel better, petal."

Buffy sighed, loving when he used cute pet names for her. "Forgive me?" she asked, looking up into his eyes.

"Of course. You're not feeling well, it's not your fault." He kissed her on the tip of her nose.

"Thanks for understanding, baby," Buffy cooed, stretching up to kiss his lips. "I was just so miserable, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."

"I told you, it's okay. You hungry? You haven't eaten all day. This time, I won't play waiter and list every single food item we have in the house," Spike joked.

Buffy giggled, her stomach rumbled at the same time, making them both giggle.

"I guess that's a 'yes' on the hunger issue."

"Yeah, I'm kind of...peckish." Buffy smiled.

"How 'bout that leftover Chinese food?" Spike suggested. "I can heat up a plate for you?"

Buffy rubbed her stomach and licked her lips lightly. "That sounds good. Do we still have some steamed dumplings, prawns and peapods?"

"Yeah, I think we got lots of that stuff left."

"I...wouldn't mind having that."

"Then it's settled," Spike kissed her again. "You go back to bed and get comfy. I'll heat you up a plate and give you dinner in bed."

"Oh, you're so good to me." Buffy hugged him tight.

Spike's eyes bugged out a bit at the strength she exhibited, but didn't let on that he couldn't breath. "I love you," he wheezed.

"Aww! I love you too!" Buffy's voice broke, tears escaped from the corners of her eyes, wetting his t-shirt.

"Don't cry, luv."

"Can't help it!" she sniffed, wiping away her tears. "I don’t deserve you!"

"Yes, you do. Now, go on back to bed, Buffy. I'll get you some dinner," Spike turned her around and pointed her in the direction of their bedroom.

"Okay." Buffy dragged her bunny slippers along the floor.

"Feel better, Buffinator!" Xander said.

"Thanks," she said, going into her and Spike's bedroom.

Spike hurried to get the cartons out of the refrigerator, and load up a plate for Buffy.

Xander laughed, "Hehehehe!"

"What are you gigglin‘ about?" Spike creased his brow.

"Rowrrr!" Xander made a cat scratching gesture with his hand. "Wha-Pishhhh!" he made a whipping motion.

"I am not whipped!"

"You so are!"

"Buffy's not feeling well. I'm just helping her feel better."

Xander chided him good-naturedly, "You were Mr. Mopey Pants for hours because she hurt your feelings. All she has to do is give you a bat of those pretty green eyes and you're putty! More goo-like substance than man. Perhaps something in the jellyfish family..."

"Shut up," Spike groaned with a smile.

"Buffy's the Puppet Master and, you my friend, are Pinnochio! She makes you dance to her whim!" Xander put his arms out and did a little puppet-on-strings dance.

"You're a looney. I'm going to kick you in your fat ass if you don't stop it."

Xander stopped dancing. "Hey! I have a sweet, tight, eye-pleasing posterior." He turned around and rubbed a hand over his butt. "Just look at that! How dare you call it fat! You apologize to my ass this very minute!"

"You have gone round the bend, haven't you?" Spike shook his head, smiling. "I'm not bloody well apologizing to your ass."

" could apologize to it later...without words?" Xander waggled his eyebrows.

"We'll see," Spike grinned. "I wouldn't mind a ménage with you and Cordy, but Buffy might want me to stay with her."

Xander sighed dramatically. "And we're full-circle back to the whipped thing."

Cordy's impatient voice came from the living room, "Xander, hurry up! What’s taking you so long? I'm dying of thirst out here!"

Xander looked startled, he‘d forgotten what he‘d come in here for in the first place. "Oh! Sorry, babe! I'll be right there. It was--Spike! He distracted me!"

Spike laughed, "Oh, you're not whipped at all, eh? I should take a page from your non-whipped book, I suppose?"

"Shut up, wanker," Xander smiled, retrieving Cordy’s soda from the refrigerator.

Spike did end up staying with Buffy instead of having sex in the next room with their friends. His place was with her.

Buffy had eaten all of her food with enthusiasm. Then Spike gave her a massage: her feet, legs, shoulders, but mostly concentrating on her lower back. Buffy groaned with the pain/pleasure as his wonderful hands rubbed away her achys. After taking some more medicine, they settled into bed, watching her favorite DVD’s (of the non-sexual kind).

Buffy was curled around him with her head resting on his chest. She could stay like this forever. The smooth skin and hard muscles under her cheek, the lub-dub of his heart, feeling his arm around her back, stroking her softly, his other hand grazed over her forearm, back and forth, back and forth, in a soothing motion.

‘Fuck--I’m so lucky! Buffy thought and smiled.

A few days later, Buffy was feeling 100% better. It was just that one day where she felt like total and complete shit. Spike was a sweetie, waiting on her hand and foot, going to the store whenever she wanted or needed something. He even bought her tampons without an argument--Guys could be squeamish about buying that stuff sometimes.

She thought, but didn’t verbalize, that he would be a good husband and daddy someday. She got an image in her head of her, with a big, pregnant belly and him running around taking care of her. It was something that she didn’t want to share with him--As cool as he was, the thought of having kids might really freak him out. Buffy wasn't it any big hurry to have children either. She was only 18, and just discovered how much freakin' fun kinky, wild, butt-spappin' sex was. There were at least a few years ahead where she wanted to fuck day and night--Kids might put a little damper on that plan.

Buffy woke up to find Spike gone from the bed. She stretched and yawned. Maybe he was making her breakfast in bed again. Buffy smiled. He'd done that for her yesterday. Buffy's brows knit with concern when she heard the unmistakable sounds of someone getting sick in the bathroom. It was Spike.

Buffy jumped off the bed and went to the door. She rapped on the door with her knuckles.

"Spike? Baby, are you okay?"

Spike groaned.

"Can I come in?"

"Trust me, Buffy...You don't want to."

"I'm coming in," she said. She waited a few moments then entered the bathroom. "Awww!" Buffy said, seeing Spike sitting on the floor, resting against the toilet bowl.

She rushed to his side, touching his back.

"What's wrong? Why are you sick?"

"I don't know. Must have some kind of bug...Don't get close, don't want you to catch it."

Spike looked terrible. He was sweaty, his complexion was waxy, he had dark circles under his eyes. Buffy could see that he was weak.

"I don't care if I catch it. I'm going to nurse you back to health," she replied.

She touched his forehead, he felt hot to the touch. Buffy tamped down fear that rose up in her gut. The part of her that panicked easily was frightened that maybe there was something horribly wrong with him. The rational part of her took over. Everyone got ill from time to time. He'd be fine.

Spike turned his face to her. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, of course I do, baby. You know I do." Buffy ran her fingers through his damp hair.

"Do me a favor then?"


"Kill me? Please?"

Buffy clucked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "Sorry. Can't do that. You’re going to the doctor," Buffy said matter-of-factly.

"What? No, I don’t want to go to the bloody doctor," Spike groaned.

"Too bad. I’m calling Doctor Mancini and making you an appointment."

"Buffffy! No--I won’t go. I didn’t make you go when you were sick." He pouted, his dark brows furrowed. Spike hated doctors, doctors' offices and hospitals. He'd seen more than enough of them when his mum was ill. They brought back bad memories and made him feel uneasy.

"I was sick from natural, woman stuff. And, for your information, smarty pants, I did make an appointment to have my birth control upgraded. I don't want to have a repeat of the same thing next month. So I will be checked out. We can go together." She smiled.

"Ohhh," Spike groaned, resting his head on the toilet bowl. "This isn't bloody fair! I never--get sick! Shit...I think--I'm going to hurl again..."

Buffy moved behind him, lightly rubbing his back.

"You'll be okay, baby.
Don't worry."

Hours, and a trip to the doctor's office later...

Spike was bundled up in bed. He was propped up slightly with pillows, a warm quilt was tucked under his arms. A thermometer was sticking out of his mouth.

Buffy was in the kitchen, heating up some chicken broth for Spike. She was talking to his mother on the phone. Buffy had been nervous at first, she'd never talked to his mom before. But the woman seemed very nice and warm.

Spike could hear Buffy's side of the conversation through his open bedroom door.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Crane, I'm taking good care of him."

"Oh, my poor little lamb," Anne fretted. "He doesn't take being ill very well."

"Yeah, I noticed. Has William always been this big a baby when he got sick?" Buffy knew Spike was listening.

"I heard that!" Spike grumbled, the thermometer in his mouth clacked against his teeth. "'m not being a baby!"

"Don't talk until I take the thermometer out!" Buffy called into the bedroom.

"Is he giving you a hard time, dear?" Anne asked.

"He's being difficult. But he's the sickie, so he's allowed to be surly."

"It's so sweet of you to go to his house and take care of him like this, Buffy," Anne said. "I wish I could be there to take care of him, but I can rest a bit easier knowing that he has someone."

"Yeah, it's no problem." Buffy bit her lip. Spike's mom didn't know that they lived together, she couldn't let it slip.

"Poor Xander's not well either, you say?"

"Yeah, Xander must have given the stomach virus to Spike or vice-versa."

'Gee, I wonder how they gave it to each other?' Buffy wondered. She was just amazed that she wasn't sick too, considering all the kissing, touching and exchanging of body fluids that they did.

"You poor thing! You have to take care of both of them?" Anne asked.

"No, Xander's girlfriend, Cordelia, is taking care of him."

"Oh, you girls are wonderful. Thank you for taking care of my boys."

Buffy smiled. "It's like our duty, you know? We have to take care of our special guys. I'm glad I can be here with William when he needs me. Oh, his soup is just about ready."

"You go make him eat something, Buffy dear. Could me in the morning and tell me how he's doing?" Anne was worried about her son, but didn't want to irritate Buffy.

"Of course, I will! He might be able to talk to you himself by then. The doctor said it's just a 24 hour kind of bug."

"Thank you, I would appreciate that very much. Tell William that I love him and hope he gets well quickly."

"I will, Mrs. Crane. It was nice talking to you, bye!"

"Goodbye, Buffy."

Buffy hung up then got his soup ready, humming to herself. His mom seemed to like her, that was of the good.

Spike was looking dazedly at the tv when she came in with the bed tray.

"Feel up to eating something? I've got yummy chicken broth, soda crackers and ginger ale!" Buffy said cheerfully.

Spike turned his head and looked at her blankly. He moved the thermometer back and forth in his mouth.

"Oh! Let me check your temperature."

Buffy put the tray down on the dresser then took the thermometer out and squinted at it in the light. "102. That's still not good. It did come down a degree though."

"When's the bloody medicine going to start working?"

"You couldn't keep it down the first time. Remember? You took it again a half hour ago. I think it is working."

"I'm not hungry just now, luv."

Buffy sat on the bed next to him, stroking his arm. "You feel like you're going to get sick again?"

"No...not at the moment. I never get sick!"

"I know. Your mom said that you always avoided getting colds or flus, even when everyone around you was sick. But those are the worst. When something gets a hold of you it digs in."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Spike groaned.

"Aww," Buffy kissed his warm forehead.

"I heard what you said. Tellin' my mum that I'm being a baby," he pouted and looked at her like a perturbed child.

"I was joking!
You know, Ha-Ha-Ha? I knew you were listening."

"Very funny. Fucking with my head like that when I'm ill."

"Oh, stop," Buffy rolled her eyes.

"And I hate thermometers," Spike said. "Why can't we get the ones that you stick in your ear? These oral ones are from the bloody Stone Age."

"Don't make me use the anal one on you," Buffy teased.

"It'd be better than having to hold it in my mouth. So next time, get some Vaseline and slide it on in."

Buffy giggled.

"How's Xan feeling?" Spike asked.

"Last I checked, he was about the same as you. But the doctor said you both should be back to normal tomorrow."

"I bloody well hope so."

Buffy got up to get a basin and wash cloth. She settled back onto the bed with him and put the cool cloth on his forehead.

"Thanks...for taking care of me, pet." Spike smiled.

"Don't worry about it. Just get better--soon! This taking care of someone jazz is tough for someone like me," she joked. "I never really had to before. My mom was always the one doing this stuff. But I like taking care of you...I don't mind, really."

Spike sighed. "Well, I appreciate it. Even if I do complain and grouse at you."

"It's okay." Buffy kissed his hand.

Later, in the kitchen

Buffy walked in. Cordy was laying her upper body against the kitchen table.

Buffy laughed lightly, "Hey, Cordy. How's your patient?"

Cordy raised her head and gave Buffy a miserable look. "He is so lucky that I love him."

Buffy laughed and got a can of Coke out for herself. She sat down across from her friend. "That bad, huh?"

"Xander is a huge, giant baby," Cordy said.

"Spike's getting better I think. His temperature's down and he's sleeping. He was Crankenstein for a while too."

"Yeah, Xander's feeling a little better too. I never took care of someone like this. It's hard," Cordy whined.

"I hear ya, sister." Buffy nodded.

"A couple of times, I wanted to bash Xander over the head with something. But...then he'd give me this sad, little boy look...Turned my insides to jelly. I had the inexplicable urge to hug him and sing a frickin' lullaby or something."

They laughed together. Buffy nodded in agreement.

"Yep, the little boy thing. Gets me every time. But Spike was so nice to me when I was sick, I owe it to him to be patient and help."

"Yeah, he was a sweetie pie. I better not get this virus. I can't afford to get sick."

"Me either," Buffy said. "I'll probably change my tune if I do get sick, but the risk is worth it. I want to take care of Spike. I really, really love him...It's kind of scary how much."

Cordelia smiled and touched Buffy's hand. "It's incredible, isn't it? Feeling that way about someone."

"Yeah, it is. I never knew it was possible to love someone like this. I mean, you love your family a certain way. You have crushes and get into some guys. But this isn't like anything I've ever felt. If I had to, I know that I'd step in front of a bus, or dive in front of a bullet for him--like a member of the Secret Service would to protect the President."

Cordy laughed. "Let's hope it never comes to that, but I know what you mean. I was in love once before, but it didn't work out of course."

"You were? What happened?"

"I was 19 at the time. Doyle was a little older. I was already doing movies when we started going out, that's how we met actually. I met him at a party, he was a friend of a friend. He wasn't an actor, just a regular guy. He was so hot! And could be so sweet. But he started getting really jealous about me and other guys. We started fighting all the time...And it just didn't work out."

"Aw, I'm sorry, Cordy. That must have been hard for you."

"It was. But now I've got my Xander Bear." She grinned. "He's an actor too, so he knows what that's about. And even though he's this big porn stud, he has this...I don't know...innocence? A boyishness that is so fucking irresistible!"

"Heh-heh, yeah. Spike has that too. It really is sexy as hell. With just a look, he can make me melt or make me want to tear his clothes off with my teeth."

"We've got it real bad, haven't we?" Cordy joked. "If you spend the day taking care of your man because he's sick, cleaning up stuff that you wouldn't normally go near with a ten-foot pole--That means you've got it bad."

"Yeah, we do." Buffy sighed and rested on the table. "There's no cure for what ails us."

They laughed, and rested for a while.

"Welcome to Talk to the Stars Live. I'm Anya and--"

"I'm Harmony," Harm said with less enthusiasm than usual.

Anya continued, "Today we have Spike and Xander back with us. Welcome to the show."

"Thanks, Anya," Xander said, smiling.

"Good to be back," Spike said, winking at Buffy who was off camera with Cordy.

Harm cast a venomous glance at Buffy.

"You guys weren't feeling well recently. Are you all better now?" Anya inquired.

"Yeah, thanks for asking. We're 100% better. Strong, like bull!" Xander flexed his biceps.

Spike chuckled and nodded. "Yes, we're much better. We had a little stomach virus thing that's going around. But we're right as rain now, thanks to some excellent TLC, and back to making movie magic."

Buffy waved, smiling up a storm. Spike smirked at her, puckering his lips for a moment.

Anya continued, "Happy to hear it. You guys are doing so well with your films, just like I knew you would. The fans love you. Is there anything you'd like to say to them?"

Xander smiled at the camera and waved. "Hi, fans! Thanks for buying our DVD's and other merchandise! Keep a lookout for the Xander Bobble Head doll. Also, thanks for writing, calling, emailing, using Pony Express, etcetera, to let the suits know you like us!"

Spike smiled. "I think Xander encapsulated my thoughts perfectly. But I still want to say, " he looked into the camera, "thank you all for your continued support. It means a lot to us."

"You two are up for several awards this year for the Adult Entertainment Awards. That must be a rush for you."

"Oh yeah!" Xander said animatedly. "In this field, there's so much competition. There's tons of films and actors out there deserving to be recognized. The fact that Spike and I got nominated in our first year of acting is really cool."

Spike nodded. "I watch some other people's work and I think, 'I'm not any better than them.' I appreciate the nominations, but I think lots of actors deserved recognition too. I'm looking forward to the awards ceremony. Even if I don't win, I hope Horizons wins big."

"Aw, aren't you guys just too sweet and gracious?" she laughed. Anya looked askance at Harmony. "You've been strangely quiet, Harm. Anything you want to ask them?"

Harmony thought about it. "Um, okay. Spike, what kind of movie would you like to do that you haven't yet?"

Spike, Anya and Xander blinked. Harm actually asked something smart, and not dick-related.

"Uh, well...Let's see...I wouldn't mind doing more group sex movies. Those are fun. More light BDSM would be nice. No hardcore stuff for me, like leather masks and whips, but handcuffs, spanking and things like that are fun."

Harmony asked, "Do you like to give or receive when you do bondage?"

"Both, actually. I like driving my partner crazy. But it's cool to be at their mercy too."

Anya smiled at Xander. "Xander, any starring roles for you coming up?"

"It's funny you should mention that, Ahn. It's almost as if I asked you to ask me that myself before the show."

They laughed.

"I do have my own starring vehicle coming up. I'm happy to become a part of the proud porn tradition of the randy pizza delivery boy and the lusty female customer!"

"That's great! Congratulations. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun," Anya laughed.

"Thanks. So far, it's called, 'Special Deliveries'. I like the title, 'Extra Toppings', myself."

"Let's go to the phones and take some calls. The first caller is JC from Detroit."

"Hi everyone! Wow, you guys are so cool!" JC (a young-sounding male) said.

Xander and Spike thanked him.

"What's it like having sex with all those gorgeous babes!?"

Xander laughed, "I think you know the answer to that one already!"

"There was another dude I thought was really cool too. What happened to Angel O'Connor?" JC asked.

They all looked at each other for a moment.

Anya answered, "Unfortunately, Angel doesn't work at Horizons anymore. There was a parting of the ways. But we all hope he's doing well."

"Was he jealous of you, Spike?" JC asked. "He was like the star of the movies until you started."

Spike shifted in his seat. He replied with a smile, "No. Of course not. We're both professionals," he lied. "Angel and I got along very well. I was sorry to see him leave."

Spike thought, 'Did I say that bullshit convincingly enough?'

Across town...

Angel almost spit out his mouthful of whiskey. He swallowed it with a loud gulp, gritting his teeth. He glared at Spike's image on the screen, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You son of a bitch--Got along very well, did we?"

He stared at the screen a moment, as if he were waiting for Spike to answer the question he'd asked.

"Get along with this, you fucking asshole! ARRRHH!" Angel suddenly lashed out, kicking the television screen. Sparks flew, smoke billowed out of the trashed tv set.

Back on the talk show...

"Thanks for your call, JC," Anya said. "Next, we have a repeat caller. Lori. Hi, there!"

"Hi guys!" Lori said, clearly excited.

"Hey, Lori!"

"Hello, luv.
Good to hear your voice again," Spike smirked and puckered his lips at the camera.

"Oh!" Lori breathed, seeing Spike giving her a kissy-face on her tv screen. She giggled like a schoolgirl. "Hi! Um...Oh yeah, I wanted to say how much I've loved your movies! You're my two favorite actors!"

"Aww, thanks, Lori! You're a sweetheart," Xander said.

"Thanks, Lori." Spike smiled.

"My question is, are you two single? Or have some lucky women snapped you up? Please say you're single!" Lori laughed.

"I'm involved with someone special," Spike said, he smiled dreamily at Buffy. Buffy blew him a kiss and winked. "I'm the happiest bloke on Earth."

"Nah-uh!" Xander said. "I'm the happiest bloke on Earth! I've got my little Cordy Bear."

"Aw, so you both have girlfriends?" Lori asked sadly.

"Sorry, luv. But Buffy and Cordy make us very happy."

"Buffy and Cordy? Oh wow! You mean Buffy Winters and Cordelia Chase? I love the movies that you star in together! You can see how much passion you have together," Lori said.

"Thanks, Lori. I thought we gave some memorable performances together too," Spike winked at Buffy again.

Harm thought she might lose her lunch. She strived to be a professional, putting her extreme dislike for Buffy aside. "Buffy and Cordy are offstage right now. Why don't you two come up and say hi?"

Cordy smiled and strode over to the couch, giving Xander a kiss and sitting beside him. Buffy remained frozen off-camera. She didn't want to be on screen. It was one thing to do the movies, but she didn't want to appear on television any more than she had to. She didn't want there to be more of a chance that she could be seen by someone that knew her from back home.

"Come on up, Buffy," Harm said, wondering why Buffy looked so spooked.

Spike knew how Buffy felt about it. "Uh...She's a little shy."

Harmony laughed. "Shy? Ch-yah, right! Yeah, I noticed her shyness while she was getting nailed and screaming about how she loved it in all of her movies!" Harm said sarcastically.

"Really, Harm--Buffy's not feeling her best today." Spike hoped that Harm would drop it. He could see that Buffy was freaked out.

Anya stepped in, "So Cordelia, you and Xander are a couple?"

"Yes, I met him here at the studio. It wasn't love at first sight or anything though."

"Hey," Xander pouted. "For me it was."

Cordy laughed and kissed him. "It took a few minutes for the love part to bloom for me."

"Watch it, Missy. I might just have a splitting headache later."

"I'd take what I wanted anyway. You can't keep that hot, gorgeous bod from me," Cordy giggled, squeezing his thigh.

Anya got the signal to wrap up. "That's all the time we have for our guests. I'd like to thank our callers JC and Lori. And thank you for joining us today. I'll see you later tonight, Rupert," Anya launched an air kiss at the camera.

"After some previews of this months movies, I'll be back, talking to Glory and Kendra," Harmony said.

"And we're out," the stage manager said.

Spike immediately got up and went to Buffy. He hugged her and kissed her gently. Xander and Cordy went over too.

"You alright, pet?" Spike whispered.

Buffy took deep breaths to regain her composure. "Yeah...Shit...I wigged out there. I must have looked like a deer in headlights."

Cordy and Xander patted her back comfortingly.

Harmony watched Buffy and Spike. "What was her problem?" she asked Anya.

Anya was using her compact mirror and fixing her makeup for her date with Giles. "Huh? Oh, Buffy's family doesn't know she's working on adult movies. Spike says she gets totally freaked out and panics when she thinks her family might find out. Sorry, I should have talked to you about that before. Buffy won't be on the show anytime soon."

"Hmm, yeah. I--wish I'd known before," Harm said slowly.

"Well, it's okay now." Anya smiled at Buffy and Spike hugging. "Looks like Spike made her feel better. I'll see you tomorrow, Harm. I've got a hot date with my fella!" Anya giggled. She patted Harmony on the shoulder and skipped away.

"Yeah...see ya," Harm said. A slow, grinch-like smile formed on her face.

'Oh, I hope Buffy's family doesn't find out somehow...Cause...that would be...bad.'

Later, Harmony was busy in her dressing room. She hummed and sang to herself as she worked.

"When the workin' day is done, Oh, girls, They wanna have fu-un, Oh, girls, Just wanna have fun!"

She sealed up the large, manila envelope with a flourish.

It was addressed to: Mr. and Mrs. Winters 1630 Revello Drive Sunnydale, CA

From: Buffy Winters Hollywood, CA

"Buffy, prepare to officially wig out," Harm laughed to herself.

Harm forgot the little fact that the real surname was Summers when she wrote on the envelope, but her package would find it's way to it's destination even with that oversight.
