
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 23: Sunnydale Revisited

Dawn ushered her best friend Janice into her bedroom then quickly shut and locked the door.

"Did you get it!?" Dawn said excitedly.

"Yeah, my sister bought it last night." Janice sat on Dawn's bed and dropped her backpack next to her. "Are you...sure this is the one you wanted?" Janice asked slowly.

"Yeah!" Dawn jumped onto the bed on her knees. "Come on, let me see it!"

Janice unzipped her bag and brought out a plastic package. Dawn squealed and took it from her. The front of the package read:

Spike's Spike! 100% realistic Spike! Molded from the penis that broke the mold! Made of soft rubber. Realistic molding detail that you will enjoy! 12" of pure enjoyment! Are you woman enough?

"Damn straight, I am!" Dawn giggled, tearing open the package.

She gasped and took out 'Spike', weighing it and admiring it in her hand. It was so detailed that it even had all the bumps and ridges that the real thing possessed--as close to the actual Spike-ilicious penis as you could get outside of wet dreams.

"Dawn...that thing is fucking huge!" Janice said in amazement.

"Shhh!" Dawn hissed. "I'm so dead if my mom ever finds this!" Dawn looked at the back of the package, there was a picture of the real Spike smirking. "Oooh! Look! Isn't he just the hottest guy in the world?"

"Yeah..." Janice said, still spellbound by the 12" dildo. "You're really going to...use that thing?"

"Hell yes! I can't wait to use it!"

"Well--You're waitin'! Don't do anything with that while I'm here!"

"Ewwww!" Dawn laughed and punched her in the arm. "Don't be gross! Of course I'll wait. How much do I owe you?"

"40 bucks! You believe how much it cost?"

"There's a lot of material used in the manufacturing of this baby," Dawn said, grinning. "It's totally worth it. I'll get my babysitting money."

A few days later, Caleb returned from Alabama. He was greeted happily by both Buffy and Spike. Spike was feeling much more confident and assured that Buffy was in love with him, so no more crazy jealous, insecurity. Plus, the sex really was terrific the last time the three of them fucked. Spike hoped that the three of them could have an encore performance later. Maybe add Faith to the mix too.

Buffy, Spike and Xander were having a little get together at their home for some of their friends. Willow, Tara, Faith, Riley and Caleb all came over for dinner and an evening of fun. Anya and Giles were invited, but they wanted to do ‘their own thing’ tonight--Buffy was hoping to hear the tinkling of wedding bells sometime in the future for the couple. She wondered if, as the matchmaker responsible, she'd get an engagement gift too.

The group had finished their dinner and were settling into a rousing (and arousing) game of Strip Adult Pictionary. An orgy was on the horizon at some point this evening.

Faith and Riley were on the same team. He had unsuccessfully drawn a picture for her to guess, the phrase was ‘Autoerotic Asphyxiation’.

Faith pulled her shirt over her head. "Not that I mind getting naked, Ri. But that was the shittiest drawing imaginable."

Everyone laughed.

"Hey, that was hard! I thought I did pretty good considering. Like to see you try to draw that!" Riley took off his own shirt and put it on the growing pile of clothing on the floor.

"I’m not going to have to see you naked, am I, Caleb?" Tara asked.

Caleb smiled, his shirt was off, but so far he still had his pants on. "Tara, I’m getting buck nekkid at some point. Hell, I’d strip down to nothin’ right now, if the rules of the game permitted it."

"Eww!" Tara scrunched up her face and laughed. "Maybe I should put on a blindfold."

"Oooh," Willow nuzzled Tara’s neck. "That could be fun."

Spike and Buffy were on the couch together, snuggling, watching their friends and enjoying themselves. The phone rang. Spike rolled his eyes and blew out a breath. He gave Buffy a quick kiss and went to answer it.

"Keep it down, guys," Spike said, picking up the phone. The gang talked more quietly. "Hello."

"William? It’s Aunt Maggie." Fear clutched at Spike’s heart.

His aunt had never called him at home before. And she sounded troubled.

"Aunt Maggs...What’s wrong?"

"Your Mum had a fainting spell."

"Is she alright?" his voice rose, his heart was beating like a drum.

The others stopped talking and looked at him.

"She’s in the hospital. They want to keep her there under observation and run some tests," Maggie said.

"What happened?"

Buffy came over to him, she rubbed his back and looked at him full or worry. Xander stayed in his seat, but looked at Spike expectantly, very concerned about what was making his friend look so pale and shaken.

His aunt explained, "Anne was fixing dinner in the kitchen. I heard a crash and ran in to see what happened. She’d collapsed at the stove. It’s a good job that she didn’t hit her head on the way down or burn herself."

"Is--Is she conscious?" Spike asked.

He was trying to control the trembling of his voice and the hand that held the phone. What if his mum’s health problems returned full force again? Hadn’t the poor woman been through enough already!?

"Yes, William-pet. I just talked to her. She said not to call you. You know how she is, she didn’t want to bother you."

"Bother? She’s my mother! I hardly consider it bothering me! I’m coming home tonight--I’ll be there as soon as I can," Spike’s mind raced ahead to all of the things that he needed to get ready for the trip.

"William, why don’t you wait until morning? There’s really nothing you can do tonight. Visiting hours are over."

Spike let out a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair. He wanted to go right away. "Yeah...Okay. I’ll be there first thing in the morning then."

"Good. I know she’ll be thrilled if you visit--No matter how much she goes on about not interfering with your life. She misses you, dove."

"I...miss her a lot too. Thanks for calling, Auntie."

"You can stay at the house with me. It was your home for a long time, after all. And my sister would never forgive me if I let her baby boy stay at a hotel," Maggie laughed lightly.

Spike smiled wanly, "Yeah, she’d let you have it, alright."

"I’ll see you soon, William. Drive carefully."

"Yeah, I will. Bye, Auntie."

Spike hung up and took a few moments before turning to his friends. "My Mum is in the hospital, she had a fainting spell."

They all expressed their concern.

"My Aunt said she’s awake and talking, thank goodness. But I have to go home, I have to go see her."

"I’ll go with you," Xander offered immediately.

Buffy hugged Spike and kissed his cheek softly. "You want me to go with you too, baby?"

"Would you?" Spike asked, hoping that she would. "I’d like you to come, but do you want to go back to Sunnydale right now?"

"To be with you? I’d walk through the fires of Hell itself...Which isn’t too far off the mark." Buffy smiled, touching his face. "When do we leave?"

Spike took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist, closing his eyes. He was grateful to have her with him. "We leave in the morning. It‘s a 3 hour trip, and I want to get there by 9 when visiting hours start."

It was decided that Xander, Cordy and Buffy would join Spike for the ride to Sunnydale. Their guests departed, wishing Spike’s mother well and them a safe drive. Willow volunteered to inform Warren that Spike and the others wouldn't be in town to film for the next few days. Warren was sure to throw a fit, even with the special circumstances. But Willow could handle him.

The early morning sun made it hard for Buffy to sleep in the car. She’d tried for a little while, but the sun’s glare made it impossible, even with the DeSoto’s tinted windows. She gave up and decided that keeping Spike company was more important anyway. She wanted to keep his spirits up.

They’d gone to bed early last night in preparation for the trip. Spike had tossed and turned, not sleeping much. Buffy had held him when he permitted it. Xander and Cordy were following behind them in his car. Buffy glanced back to make sure they were still with them. They were. Then she looked at Spike. He was wearing his cute, round glasses instead of his contacts. He hadn’t seen his mother since he’d left months ago, he wanted to have at least a remnant of his old appearance--To look a little like she remembered him. Buffy put her hand on his knee and smiled.

Spike glanced at her, giving her a weak smile in return. "Can’t sleep, luv?"

"No. I’ll sleep later," Buffy said, petting his leg.

Keeping his eyes on the road, Spike said tensely, "Remember, call me William...or Will when we get there. And you work at the studio that I write for, that’s how we met. You’re a gopher, but you want to be an actress. And we don't live together--Mum wouldn't approve of that. God...I don’t want to have to lie any more than necessary."

He went over his list of lies, to keep them straight, for the hundredth time since last night.

"I know. We already talked about all that," Buffy replied, sounding tired.

"I’m," Spike sighed and gripped the steering wheel, "I’m just all messed up inside. Sorry, pet."

Buffy slid over on the seat and put her head against his shoulder. "It’s okay. It’s going to be okay." She rubbed his leg.

Spike tilted his head to the side to rest against hers for a few moments. "Thank you for coming, Buffy," he said, swallowing the lump in his throat.

She kissed his shoulder then his cheek. "You don’t have to thank me. I love you. I want to be with you, especially when you really need me."

Spike smiled at her affectionately. He risked looking away from the road for a short kiss. They settled back with her resting against him and touching him gently.

"Mum hasn’t seen me since I left. She’s probably going to flip." Then a few seconds later, he said in a smaller, tighter voice, "I’m scared, Buffy."

"Of what?" she asked, raising her hand up to gently stroke the hair on the back of his head.

"Of...everything. That she’s sick--really sick again. Poor Mum...That she might not make it through this time. Of having to lie so bloody much...I don’t want to lie...Not to her. Can I lie to her face? I’ve done it over the phone but..."

"I know, Spike."

That phrase was the main thing Buffy had contributed to conversation since last night. But she didn’t mind. Her man needed her to listen to him, and take her comfort and reassurance. He needed to vent his fear and worries a lot. She was here to listen and offer any comfort that she could at this difficult time for him. Buffy kissed his jaw.

"Everything will be alright."

Spike took one hand off the steering wheel and put his arm around her, holding her. They drove the rest of the way in relative silence.

The two blondes had tensed when they passed the 'Welcome to Sunnydale!' sign. Spike's mind had been drifting and he almost ran right into and over it. Luckily, he swerved away in time, just giving the two of them a good scare.

Finally, Xander and Spike pulled up in front of the Crane residence. They'd spent a lot of time over the last 5 years in that house. A flood of old memories, both happy and sad, assailed Xander and Spike's minds.

Buffy looked at the house. "Your house is yellow, but it looks exactly like mine! Same porch and everything," she laughed. He looked like his mind was a million miles away. "You okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah...I'm fine, pet. Just thinking of old times."

Buffy leaned over and kissed him.

Maggie came out onto the front porch. She was an attractive red-head in her mid- to late 40's, though she insisted to have stopped aging at 29. Her eyes were wide and dark-blue. Her long hair was done up with pins to hold it in place. She had a delicately boned face (Buffy could see which side of the family Spike owed his gorgeous bone structure to) that tapered to a pointy chin. She waved to them, smiling, wearing a pair of working-around-the-house jeans and an oversized red t-shirt.

Buffy squeezed Spike's hand and smiled. He nodded and exited the car. The four of them went up to the porch where Maggie was waiting.

Maggie looked stunned. "Oh my! William? Is that you, dove?" she exclaimed.

Spike smiled, adjusting his glasses. "Yes, 'fraid so, Aunt Maggs. What do you think?"

She threw her arms around him and hugged him. "You look so different! Still as handsome as ever," she pinched his cheek. "The girls must go into a tizzy over you!" she laughed, ruffling his hair.

Spike laughed, ducking away from the hair ruffling. "I only care about one girl going into a tizzy over me. This is Buffy, my girlfriend that I told you and Mum about."

Buffy stepped forward. "Hi."

Maggie looked Buffy over quickly and smiled. "It's nice to meet you, dear. Anne told me how sweet you were when she talked to you on the phone. Hope this one treats you right," she teased, gesturing to Spike.

"Auntie!" Spike groaned.

Buffy put her arm through his and grinned. "William is a wonderful boyfriend. He treats me like a princess. I can tell that he was raised right."

"Auntie, you remember my friend, Xander? This is his girlfriend Cordelia," Spike said, blushing.

"Of course. How are you, Xander? Hello, Cordelia. Such a beautiful, dignified name," Maggie said.

"Good to see you again, Auntie," Xander smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi," Cordelia said. "Thanks about the name. I've gotten flack for it before."

"Aunt Maggs, how's Mum today?" Spike asked seriously, his good humor disappearing as the real reason for his visit occurred to him.

"She's doing well. I just spoke to her on the phone. They want to keep her there for a few days. I told her that you were coming, she's overjoyed about it." Maggie smiled. "After she got through lecturing me, that is."

Spike laughed lightly. "That's Mum. It's alright if Buffy, Xan and Cordy stay here too, isn't it?"

"Oh, we can stay at a hotel or something," Xander suggested. "If you guys don't have the room--"

"Pish-posh!" Maggie waved away the suggestion. "There's plenty of room. Bring your bags in and get settled."

They thanked her and took their bags upstairs. Spike was anxious to get to the hospital.

Spike's mother was thrilled to see him, and he her. He'd gone in by himself first to see her. Anne had made the same comments about his changed appearance that Maggie had. She'd tsk'd him about tampering with perfection, she had thought he was beautiful before. With that out of the way, Spike let her know how concerned he was.

He held her hand and looked at her with his nervousness plainly showing in his eyes. "Mum, how are you, really?"

"Oh, I’m fine, dear." Anne patted her son’s hand. "I’m a tough, old bird."

Spike smiled slightly. "I know you are, Mum. But...why did you faint? Do the doctors know why?"

"I’ve just been overdoing it a bit lately...No need to worry about me."

"I do worry. People don’t faint for just any reason. Why have you been pushing yourself to do more? Aunt Maggs is supposed to help--"

"William, luv, listen. I just...wanted to try to do more than usual. I’m my own person, if I want to do something, I do it. Maggie can’t stop me if I’m determined."

"Do you need me to move back?" Spike asked seriously. "I’ll move back home."

"No! I won’t hear of it," Anne said firmly, ending any discussion of it. "You have a good life in Hollywood, and it’s only going to get better. You will not move back to Sunnydale. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Mum." Spike looked down, like a scolded little boy.

"Now, tell me about your young lady. How are things with the two of you? Will there be an engagement soon?" Anne teased him.

Spike smiled and laughed lightly. "Slow down a bit, Mum! We’re not getting engaged...yet. However, I think that’s going to happen eventually. She came with me, by the way."

"Oh! Buffy's here? She must be just as sweet as you’ve said to come along. I enjoyed speaking with her on the phone when you weren't feeling well. She seems like an absolutely lovely girl."

"She is, Mum. Buffy’s everything I’ve said and more. I love her more everyday."

"Oh, William...I'm so happy for you," Anne said with watery eyes.

She was so very happy for her boy. Anne could never understand it, William was such a handsome young man, so bright and kindhearted--Why hadn't the girls fought for his attention? She hadn't approved of that Drusilla girl back in England. The girl was older than him and had this strange look about her. The poor thing did end up in an institution--Just as Anne thought she might someday. When would children learn to listen to their mother's advice? William had been dateless for the most part after coming to America, spending all of his time with Xander and their male friends, or taking care of her when she was very sick. Her boy needed the company of and to be doted on by a girlfriend. Now he seemed to have that. She had to keep him from worrying about her, convince him that that she would be fine...

"Thanks, Mum. I'm happy for me too." Spike smiled. "Would you like to meet her? Buffy's right outside."

Anne smiled and sat up in bed. "I'd love to! Though...I must look a fright!" She smoothed back her graying-blonde hair.

When Spike was little, he always thought that his mother was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her hair was blonde and long, flowing in waves down her back. That's where he'd gotten the curls from. He'd thought that she looked like an angel.

"You look beautiful, Mum." Spike kissed her on the knuckles and smiled adoringly at her.

"Hmm," Anne said teasingly, "I think you need to get your glasses' prescription checked, darling."

Spike laughed, "Stop that! You're beautiful, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll go get Buffy, Xander and Cordelia."

He called them into the room. They greeted Mrs. Crane, saying that they hoped she was feeling better.

Xander leaned in and kissed Anne on the cheek. "Hey, Mrs. C.!"

"Xander, it's good to see you, dear!" Anne hugged him and kissed him back.

"Good to see you too. You still laying around in your cool, adjustable bed, getting waited on hand and foot? Pretty sweet!" Xander said cheerfully.

They laughed.

Anne swatted him playfully. "Yes, it's quite a scam I've got going here, isn't it? Shh, don't tell the doctors and nurses!"

Buffy could see that Spike's mother looked tired, but she did look very happy to have her son back with her. Buffy could see the resemblance between them: the wavy hair, the cornflower-blue eyes, the cheekbones. There were some good genes in that family. If she and Spike decided to have children someday, she hoped that the baby would favor him.

"Buffy, you're so lovely! William said that you were gorgeous, but you're even prettier than I'd thought you'd be," Anne gushed.

"Oh, thank you, Mrs. Crane," Buffy blushed.

"I want to thank you again for keeping me apprised of William's condition when he was under the weather. I do worry about him so."

"That's alright," Buffy smiled, "I was happy to do it."

"You girls work at the same studio as the boys then?" Anne asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," Buffy said. "That's where we met. I saw William walk into the room and...that was it for me!" Buffy laughed, watching the blush creep up Spike's face.

"You have excellent taste," Anne said. "Isn't my boy beautiful? Despite the crazy hair?"

"Mum..." Spike put his hands over his blushing face.

"He sure is!" Buffy hugged him. "We'd better stop complimenting him, he's going to spontaneously combust."

They laughed.

Anne kept praising him anyway. "I have the best son in the world. Has he told you how he's paying all of my bills?"

"Yes, I thought that was so sweet!" Buffy said.

"I had no idea writers made that sort of money," Anne said, making Spike tense up a bit.

Xander said, "Oh, well, not every writer makes as much moola as Will. The bosses like him a lot, they always say how much promise they think he has."

Anne grinned. "I'm so proud of both of you boys. You've done so well for yourselves, and all on your own. Beautiful girlfriends, good jobs, and you're making good money."

Spike and Xander thanked her. Buffy and Cordy smiled, flattered at the older woman's praise.

"Cordelia, where did you meet this little scamp?" Anne asked with a smile, referring to Xander.

"We met at the studio too, I'm an actress."

"Oh? How exciting! Have you been in anything that I may have seen?"

"Uh...No, I don't think so," Cordy replied.

Xander jumped back in, "So, when are they going to spring ya, Mrs. C?"

Anne sighed, "They won't say for sure. They're a bit vague about that."

"You'll stay as long as is necessary," Spike said staunchly. Then, his expression and voice softened, "I know how you detest hospitals, Mum...But we need to make sure that you're alright."

Anne patted his hand again. "I know, lamb. The four of you don't need to stay. Maggie's here. She can--"

Spike shook his head. "No. We're staying. No more protests. We could all use a short holiday anyway. We'll still be here when you come home. We can have dinner at the house together before we have to head back."

"Oh, that would be lovely!" Anne said with tears in her eyes. "Xander, you and the girls don't mind?"

"Not at all," Xander said warmly.

He thought of Spike's mother with more love and affection than he did his own, flesh-and-blood mother. Anne Crane had been so good to him over the years: giving him a place to come when things at home became too much, making sure that he was eating right, making sure that he was keeping up with his studies at school. She was a good woman--It frightened him to think of her being sick again too. No one deserved to be sick like that, especially her.

Buffy smiled sunnily, "I'm actually from Sunnydale too. I can visit with my family while I'm here," she hid a grimace. She was NOT looking forward to the Summers' family reunion.

A nurse entered the room. "I'm sorry, but Doctor Nelson left strict orders about visitors. Mrs. Crane needs her rest. You'll have to leave now."

"Oh," Anne frowned, "Bloody hell!"

"Mum!" Spike laughed, surprised by her use of that kind of language. "Obviously, Aunt Maggs has been a bad influence on you."

They laughed again.

Spike bent down to give her a kiss. "I'll be back as soon as they let me."

"It's wonderful to see you again, luv," Anne said, hugging him. She looked at the others. "It was a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Your mom is such a sweet lady," Buffy said as they got back in the DeSoto.

"Told you she was the best." Spike smiled, leaning over for a little kiss.

Buffy chuckled. "Everyone thinks their mom is the best."

"It just so happens that I was right," Spike said. "Pet, you really going to visit with your folks?"

Buffy sighed loudly, blowing out a nervous breath. "Yeah. I'll call my mom...tonight. I need a day to prepare I think."

"It'll be nice for you to see them again. The Nibblet will be chuffed to bits."

Buffy leaned back in the seat and giggled. "She really wants to meet you though. Spike this--Spike that--When can I meet Spike? I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her...I think she's in love with you."

Spike smirked. "She's just got a little crush. Who can blame her?"

Buffy laughed and pinched his thigh. Spike yelped.

"I hope my parents don't give you too hard a time," Buffy said.


"When you meet them...You will come with me when I go, right?" she asked nervously.

She didn't want to face them alone. She needed the comfort and support of her man.

"Uh..." Spike gulped. "Sure, pet. Meeting your parents...that should"

They stared at each other then giggled.

"I'm just nervous about it," Spike explained. "I've only ever been introduced to one girl's parental units before...That was a strange and off-putting experience."

"Dru's parents?" Buffy asked.

Spike nodded, starting up the car. "Yeah. Her folks didn't like her choice of boyfriend very much...or at all."

"I'm sorry," Buffy hung her head. "I wouldn't even ask wasn't important to me."

"Hey, I'll go, pet." He leaned over and kissed her sweetly. He smiled at her. "Parents should meet the man who's in love with their daughter."

"Can I tell Mom that we'll both be over for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, that'll be fine. I'll want to spend the afternoon at the hospital with Mum, but after that, I'm all yours."

"Thanks, baby." Buffy smiled and kissed him.

She was feeling better already about seeing her family again. If Spike was with her, she could do it.

At bedtime that evening, Maggie told the couples that it'd be best if they paired up boy/boy and girl/girl. She didn't mind herself, but it was Anne's home. Anne was old-fashioned about men and women sleeping together without the benefit of being married. So, out of respect for her sister, Maggie requested that the couples not sleep together. Little did she know that boy/boy-girl/girl had sexual possibilities for this particular foursome, as well.

But, the four of them were so tired and stressed out that they behaved themselves, dropping right off to sleep the minute their heads hit the pillows.

Except for Spike.

Buffy got up to get a glass of water. Maggie had loaned her and Cordy nightgowns for their stay--The girls had forgotten to bring 'proper' sleep attire. Buffy's nightgown was white, light cotton, knee-length, with little blue flower buds all over. Not her style, but it was okay temporarily. She couldn't wait to get back to their place to sleep 'in the buff' again.

Buffy tiptoed back to the room that she and Cordy were sharing. She stopped to peek into Spike's room, just needing to see him for a moment. Xander was in the bed, snoring. But Spike's side of the bed was empty. Buffy frowned.

She quietly went downstairs looking for him. She finally found him sitting on the steps of the back porch. Buffy observed him for a few moments. Spike was wearing a pair of blue, drawstring sweat pants, he was bare-chested (always a welcomed sight for her), no shirt, socks or shoes. He was wearing his glasses, his head tilted up, gazing at the starlit sky. He looked pensive.

She was bowled over again at just how handsome Spike was. The moonlight shining down on him bathed him in it's bluish, ethereal glow--He was beautiful. Perfect. If she were an artist, she knew what her main subject would be. No doubt, Spike was thinking and fretting about his mother. Buffy debated bothering him, she didn't want to intrude if he needed time alone. She'd just ask him if he was okay and then go back to bed. She made some noise to let him know that she was there, so as not to startle him.

Spike turned his head and smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing out here all by yourself? You're supposed to be getting some beauty sleep," Buffy said humorously.

Spike breathed in deeply, turning his face back up to the sky. "Couldn't sleep."

"You mind if I sit? If you'd rather be alone, I--"

"No, pet. I don't mind. Sit." He patted the spot on the stair next to him.

Buffy sat down. She leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees and joined him in his stargazing. Crickets chirped. A train sounded it's whistle, far off in the distance. A dog barked nearby.

Spike started talking again, "I would come out here to sit, just like this, whenever something was troubling me..." he chuckled sadly. "Did quite a bit of porch sitting over the last few years."

Buffy moved her hand to cover one of his. "I used to go out on my back porch when I was upset too. I wonder if we ever did it at the same time?" she said wistfully.

"Probably." He smiled. "I'd sit right in this spot, looking at the stars. Sometimes to do some thinking, sometimes to let my mind go blank. Picking out constellations, pondering those faraway points of light...wondering if there was someone like me out there on one of them. Silly, I know."

"No it's not," Buffy smiled and leaned against him, looking up at the sky. "You're deep. I like that in a man."

Spike chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders, holding her lightly against him. His thumb stroked the bare flesh of her upper arm. Buffy shivered, not with cold, but with arousal.

"I wish we could sleep in the same bed," she said with a sigh. "I want to feel your body next to mine."

"Isn't that what you're feeling now?" Spike asked impishly.

Buffy narrowed her eyes at him, still smiling. "You know very well what I mean."

"Yeah, I do, pet. I wish that too."

They shared silence for a while longer. Buffy could feel how tense Spike was. It killed her that he was upset and she couldn't make it go away. She felt a tad guilty for feeling so turned on right now. He needed her to just be with him, not trying to tear his clothes off all the time. But still...maybe he wouldn't object to a little foolin' around on the back porch. Lord knew, she wanted him--just as she always did. Buffy turned her head slightly, craned her neck up and softly kissed his hot throat.

"Love this sexy neck," she smiled against his skin.

Spike closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her lips and breath. "What this old thing? I just use it to keep my head from rolling off."

Buffy giggled, applying more kisses on the side of his neck. "Your neck is so sexy, I love it."

She sucked lightly on patch of skin. Spike gasped quietly. Buffy's hand moved to his inner thigh.

"Mmm, pet, you drive me crazy," he whispered, tilting his head and parting his legs, bidding her to continue.

Buffy's unoccupied hand touched on the side of his face. After taking a moment to caress a fabulous cheekbone, she turned his face to her. Spike turned readily, dropping his mouth to hers and joining her for a kiss. The kiss was soft and wet. Their tongues rubbed together.

"Wanna sit on your lap," Buffy moaned and climbed sideways onto his lap, resting her butt on the tops of his thighs.

Her arms wove around his neck, she went back to his lips, pressing her mouth against his. Spike put one arm around her back, the other arm he draped over her legs. His hand rested on her outer thigh, caressing her and sliding up past the nightgown slightly. They kissed and touched leisurely. Buffy wriggled a little.

Spike groaned, "Buffy, don’t do that."

"Why?" she grinned, kissing and nibbling at his lips. "Feel bad?"

"Uh-uh. The op-opposite. Feels too bloody good," Spike whispered.

Buffy could feel him hardening and poking against her bottom. Being naughty, she wriggled some more.

"Pet," Spike rasped, "we don’t have a bed...and we can’t shag on the porch. We should stop." He wished they didn’t have to, that there was somewhere they could go.

Buffy looked across the yard, zeroing in on a large Oak tree. That should provide them with adequate concealment from the house. She looked back to his eyes with a mischievous grin, raising and lowering her eyebrows. She didn’t need to say anything; Spike got what she had in mind. He smiled and waggled his eyebrows back at her. Buffy giggled and stood up. They joined hands and walked carefully to the tree in their bare feet. They circled around the huge tree trunk and began kissing again.

Spike did a quick survey of the edge of the yard to make sure no one was around. A high, 6 foot tall hedge would help conceal them from anyone looking from their back yards. Though, it wouldn’t help if the neighbors happened to be looking down from the upper floors of their houses--But Spike was getting quickly beyond caring.

Buffy wanted to give him a jolly-good fuck. She backed him up until his back was against the tree. She put her hands on the center of his naked chest, pressing him back, while she nipped at his neck. She dragged her lips down, mouthing his chest.

Spike moaned when her lips played with his nipple. Buffy sucked on the nub, rolling it between her lips and teeth. She stopped to look up at him, her eyes twinkling. Spike’s lips were parted, looking as if he wanted to say ‘Ohhh’.

Buffy moved her hands down over the twitching muscles of his abdomen. She was getting so wet and horny for him; she loved feeling those muscles of his responding to her touch. Her fingertips stroked downwards until she found the tie of his sweat pants. She pulled on the drawstring until it came undone. Then Buffy loosened the waistband and reached inside for her prize.

Taking his cock in one hand, she used the other to push his pants down enough for his sac to be exposed to the cool night air too. The pants dropped down to his knees. Buffy caressed his growing member with her hand, reaching down to cup his balls with the other. Spike shuddered, breathing more rapidly and pushing his pelvis toward her. But the lusty blonde girl didn’t need any encouragement, she wanted to eat him whole; to swallow his cock until he exploded down her throat. But the urge to mount him would probably win out eventually. This was for Spike--If he wanted to fuck, they'd fuck. If he just wanted a blowjob, he'd get just the blowjob. Either way, he wasn’t leaving this backyard until he had a big, delirious smile on his face.

Buffy raised his cock up against his body, holding it to him while she lapped at the head with her tongue. Spike watched her.

"Ahhh," Spike moaned. His hands lightly ran over her arms.

Buffy smiled up at him, flicking her tongue over his cumslit. She closed her eyes and moaned too as she tasted his pre-cum rushing out to meet her tongue. She covered the tip with her mouth, lightly licking while she sucked it out of him.

"Feel good, baby?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yes, so good!" Spike said.

Buffy slid her hand up his shaft to just under the big, flared head.

"God, your cock’s so big--I love it! Look how far up it reaches when I hold it like this," she said. "It almost goes up to your chest."

She rubbed the seeping tip against his body, along the bottoms of his defined pecs, leaving a wet, sticky trail of pre-cum wherever it touched. Buffy growled, going between licking it off his torso and sucking on the head. Her tongue swirled, dipped, stroked and lapped like it had a life of it’s own. Buffy kept shifting his balls in her other hand, rolling them, squeezing them--Feeling them become heavier with his cum.

Spike’s eyes were rolling around in their sockets. He struggled to keep in the sounds that wanted to rise from him. He wanted to scream and shout, proclaiming his love for this sexy little minx and what she could do to him. He bit his lip, looking pained.

Buffy giggled softly. "Mmmm, so good!"

She lowered her head again and gobbled up his cock, inch by inch. The knob hit the back of her throat, she steeled herself and went down further. It wasn’t comfortable, her jaw was aching already, but she wanted to take in as much as possible. She was getting better at it with all the practice, just like she hoped that she would. He tasted so good to her. Her saliva coated him, trickling down the rest of his cock and wetting his balls.

"Awwhhll--Buffy!" he said, a little louder than he’d wanted to.

She fondled his wet balls and bobbed her head slowly up and down his prick. She’d never blown him while they were both standing up before. It was fun, but she was getting a crick in her neck. Nevertheless, she kept going. No pain--No gain.

"Ahh--Ohh--Fuck!" Spike groaned. He tilted his head back. "It’s--It’s a bit weird--You doing this while you’re wearing my aunt’s nightgown," he joked.

Buffy looked up at him, extracting his steel-like cock from her mouth. "Really? Let’s take care of that then." She stepped back from him and whipped the nightgown over her head. She draped it across a low-hanging tree limb. Buffy put her hands on her hips. "Better?" she asked, wearing only a smirk.

"Much," Spike said huskily, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a fiery, tempestuous kiss.

His hands roamed over her skin. Buffy "Mmmm’ed" into his mouth, putting a hand on his ass and the other back on his cock.

"Those are some powerful groin muscles you’ve got," she said breathily. "Having to hold up this big ole' cock when you’re all hard and yummy."

Spike chuckled, kissing her neck.

"I’ve be meaning to ask you--Ohhh--are you part Clydesdale, by any chance?" Buffy asked with a giggle.

Spike made a whinnying sound and vibrated his lips in an imitation of a horse.

They laughed, giggling like horny school kids.

"Stomp a hoof once for yes, twice for no," Buffy laughed.

"Shhh!" Spike laughed too. "Shut your beautiful mouth."

"Why don’t you shut it for me, big boy?" Buffy put both her hands on his ass and pulled him against her.

Spike kissed her neck, sucking on the pulse point. A breeze blew over their naked bodies, making Buffy shiver.

"Cold, pet?" Spike asked lifting his head.

"A little--But I don't want to stop--Don't stop!" she begged.

"I didn't plan on stopping. But," he placed his hand on her mound, "I think I know a way to warm you up."

Buffy giggled then moaned as he nipped at her throat and his hand cupped her sex. His fingers delved into her.

"Ahh--Oh Spike--Ohhh--I'm feelin' warmer already." Buffy raised her leg and hooked it around his hip.

Spike moved her until her back was against the tree. Buffy pushed his pants down to his ankles with a limber foot. He gently pried her leg from around him and set it down. Buffy made a frustrated sound, lifting it again.

"Not yet, luv," he kissed a lazy trail down her neck. "Want to repay your kindness from a few minutes ago. Don't you want me to taste you--devour your sweet little pussy?"

"Ohhhh!" Buffy shuddered with lust, dropping her leg from his hip. "Oh yes, oh please!"

"So beautiful, my Buffy," Spike whispered, kissing her breasts and moving down to rest on one knee on the grass.

He reached behind him to pull his sweat pants off his legs, he didn't want to be impeded or slowed down at all. He kissed her pussy while rubbing her hips. "Love you--Love you so much."

"Oh Spike," Buffy put her leg over his shoulder and ran her hand through his hair, "I love you too. Nnnaaah!"

Spike gave her inner thighs some slicks and nibbles, moving up to her pussy. Buffy was soaking wet and trembling for it. Buffy threw her head back when his tongue slithered between her lips. She hit her head against the tree, but only noticed it with passing annoyance. All of her attention was focused on the part of her body that his mouth and hands were connected with--She'd worry about the sore spot on the back of her head later.

Spike started running his tongue up and down the length of her pussy. The tip of his tongue coasted along her lips, up to her hard clit. He circled around it, gave it a soft suck, then went back to exploring her crevice.

"Ahh-Ahhhhh--More--Eat me, Spike!" Buffy groaned, bouncing slightly on one leg.

Spike smiled and used the flat of his tongue to caress her swollen flesh. He licked, sucked and nibbled at her until she was frothy--reminding him of lightly-whipped egg yolks in a mixer. Her juice dripped from her, wetting his face and her thighs. Buffy groaned the whole time, her eyelids flapping. She gasped loudly when he took her clit in his mouth and sucked hard. He sucked and flicked at her nubbin until he felt her body quivering in orgasm. He smiled up at her, she was trying so hard not to scream. It was cute, and so fucking hot at the same time.

Buffy held his head to her pussy, undulating herself against his mouth. She wanted to yell her pleasure, but tried stifling it. She bit her lip. She bit the inside of her cheek. She bit her tongue.

Spike spread her lower lips open and dived in, fucking her with his tongue. His hand came around her thigh that was hooked over his shoulder to play with her clit. His tongue pumped strong and sure into Buffy's depths, reaching far into her canal.

A loud, ragged groan tore from her mouth, she couldn't help it. "Ahhhh--Spike--Fuck me--Fuck me with your tongue!
Ohhhhh! Ahh--Yeah!"

He continued pleasuring her that way until he felt her body coming back down. He needed to get his cock inside of her before he came all over the grass at their feet. Spike moved fluidly back up her body then lifted her off the ground. Buffy's legs locked around his waist. They kissed, panting into each other's mouths. Spike thrust into her pussy, submerging a 1/4 of his thick manhood into her.

"Ahh--Oh--Give it to me!" Buffy gasped, arching her back and pushing her pussy at him.

Spike jostled her and got a better grip on her thighs. He buried his face in her neck and began thrusting hard.

"Oh!--Oh!--Oh Yeah! Oh fuck me, Spike!" Buffy wailed.

"Shh, pet!" Spike whispered in her ear. "Must be quiet."

"S-Sorry," Buffy said, turning her face to kiss his lips.

He resumed plunging in and out of her. His strong grip on her ass hurt, but in a good way. Buffy hung on around his neck, using her legs to pump up and down. Buffy began flexing her inner muscles around him, squeezing his shaft hard.

Spike moaned and whimpered into her mouth, "Ahh--Ahh--Buffy--Fuck--Ahh!"

"Shhh," Buffy said with a teasing smile, "quiet."

"Ahhh," Spike groaned, his grip tightened, he fucked her hard against the tree.

"Unnhh--Oooh--Oh yeah--Oh God--Uhhh--Yeah!" Buffy howled, her voice going up.

With a high keening sound she started cumming again. She fucked herself back at him as hard and fast as she could, baring her teeth and groaning.

"Uhhh--Buffy--Ahhh!" Spike nailed her over and over again, faster and harder.

"Yeah--Oh yeah--Cum for me--Cum in me!" Buffy said in a half-whisper.

Spike grunted and groaned, panting against her neck. Buffy moaned as he shot into her.

When they reached completion, Spike sank to his knees. Buffy unwrapped her legs from around his waist and slipped his cock out of her. They kneeled by the trunk of the tree, holding each other and getting their breath back.

A few minutes earlier...

Maggie couldn't sleep.

She was still worried about her sister and needed a nice, hot cuppa tea to relax. She went into the kitchen and put the kettle on.

Strange sounds were coming from the backyard through the open kitchen window. Maggie peeked out at the moon drenched yard, but couldn't see anything. She furrowed her brow.

Then she heard a female voice say, "Unnhh--Oooh--Oh yeah--Oh God--Uhhh--Yeah!"

Maggie's red brows shot up. She knew what sort of thing made a woman make those noises. She shook her head. Occasionally, teenagers would wander into the backyard and rut under the spreading Oak tree. She didn't really care, as long as they didn't leave used condoms, the wrappers, beer cans or cigarette butts. It did upset Anne though--Good thing she wasn't hearing this.

Maggie's brows practically became one with her hairline when she heard the male say, ""Uhhh--Buffy--Ahhh!"

She knew her nephew's voice very well--It was still recognizable roughened with passion. William was having sex in the backyard with his girlfriend? To say that she was surprised would have been the understatement of the year. Sweet, shy, unassuming William--acting like a sex-starved animal?

Maggie rubbed her forehead but laughed lightly. She'd always thought that the boy needed to have his ticket punched. He was too uptight and rigid for his own good. Taking care of his mother and having more responsibility than other boys his age had made him reserved and grown up beyond his years. Buffy seemed to be doing him a world of good--especially right now.

Maggie laughed again. Good thing Anne wasn't hearing this though. Maggie doubted that her sister would have found it amusing.

Buffy and Spike got back into their nightclothes, and went quietly back into the house.

Buffy giggled when Spike grabbed her butt from behind. She skittered into the kitchen, stopping suddenly when she saw Maggie sitting at the counter. Spike was smiling and put his arms around her when he saw his aunt sitting there. He stopped smiling and stood up straight, taking his arms off of Buffy.

"Hey...uh...What are you doing up, Auntie?" he asked nervously.

"I felt like having a cup of tea. I can make some more if you'd like some."

"No, thanks," they both said, coloring with embarrassment.

Did she suspect what they'd been doing out there? Had she heard anything? Maggie smiled with amusement.

"Buffy, I need to speak to William for a moment. Would you mind leaving us?"

"Uh...No, I...I was just going back to bed." Buffy turned and looked at him with wide eyes, silently asking, 'Do you want me to stay?'

Spike gulped but smiled. He kissed Buffy once. "Yeah, get back to sleep, luv. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay...Goodnight," Buffy waved and quickly went back upstairs.

Maggie waited until she heard Buffy ascend the stairs. She rested her chin on her hand, staring at William.

"Wh-What?" he asked.

"I heard you out there. I didn't realize that it was you at first...but then I recognized your voice."

Spike closed his eyes and turned away, his face burning with shame. He didn't know what to say.

"William, I don't recommend you doing that in the backyard. You know how the neighbors are--too bloody nosy for my liking. I don't want something like that getting back to your mum."

"I...I'm sorry. You're right...of course. Oh God, I'm so embarrassed. I--I just..." Spike didn't feel much like a porn star right now. He felt more like a stupid, horny kid caught with his pants down. He thanked the Lord above that his aunt hadn't come out to investigate the noises--He didn't think he'd be able to recover if she had seen what they were doing.

"It's alright," Maggie said. "Personally, I'm happy for you. I'm not so old that I don't remember what it's like to have so much passion for someone--to rise to such heights that I had to have them there and then."

Spike looked at her with surprise.

She laughed, "Oh, stop! I was young once too. But no more backyard antics, alright?"

"Yes, Aunt Maggs," he said, dropping his eyes to the floor again.

She wanted to give him a hug, but considering what they were just doing out there...She settled for patting him on the top of the head.

"Go get some sleep," she said, smiling sweetly.

"I will. Thanks for not...flipping out"

"That's alright, dove. Just behave yourself. Especially when your mum gets home."

Spike nodded and took off for the bathroom.

Maggie sipped her tea and thought wistfully that their innocent, proper, sweet, little William was all grown up now.


Chapter 24: Meet the Parents

The next morning, Spike and Buffy had a little talk about doing it in the backyard. They were both embarrassed about being overheard by his aunt, but relieved that she wasn't angry about it. They agreed that there would be no more sex until they got back to their house. That could be days! Buffy didn't like the idea that she wouldn't get to have him until then. Spike didn't like it anymore than she did but--they had to be strong.

Maggie and Spike left for the hospital to visit his mother. Xander wanted to get in touch with some of his old friends and introduce them to Cordy. He wanted to see the green-with-envy, dumbstruck expressions he was sure they would have.

Buffy had to call her mother. She was dreading it so bad. She thought that they would take one look at her and instantly know that she'd been making skin flicks. She sat on Spike's bed and gathered her courage up to dial the phone.

Buffy gave herself a pep talk, "They won't know. That's crazy--That they could know just by seeing me. I'm just psyching myself out. It will be nice to see them again. I miss Mom and Dawn...and Dad. They miss me too. We'll hug, kiss and talk about stuff. Then I can leave. And Spike will be there later. He'll be with me."

She took a deep breath and nodded, punching in her old phone number.

The phone call went very well.

Joyce was happy and excited that Buffy was in town, and had asked her to come for dinner almost immediately. Joyce was also anxious to meet Buffy's boyfriend, William. (Buffy didn't think that the name 'Spike' would go over well with her parents)

Xander and Cordy dropped Buffy off at her old house before going to meet with Devon and the gang.

Buffy stood on the front walk, looking at the house. Her eyes went to the window of the room that used to be her bedroom. She had spent so many nights dreaming in that room--Dreaming of a fabulous movie career. Those dreams were dead now. She had a movie career, but it was one that she never could have imagined. Even if she did break into the mainstream movie business, she would never be able to live down her porn past. Traci Lords did alright--But the spectre of porn still haunted her too.

Buffy spared a moment to mourn the girl who had slept in that bedroom. She wasn't that Buffy anymore. A tear leaked from her eye. She wasn't that naive, daydreaming girl any longer. She dried her eyes and squared her shoulders, starting up the walk to the porch.

The front door opened as she approached. Joyce came out.

"Buffy!" Joyce smiled with tears in her eyes, and hugged her daughter. "Oh, Sweetheart! I've missed you so much!"

Buffy was touched by her mother's reaction. Her eyes teared up again. "I missed you guys, too!" Buffy sniffled, hugging her mom back tightly.

"Buffy! Daddy, Buffy's here!" Dawn said, racing out and piling on the hug.

"Hey, Kiddo!" Buffy laughed, putting an arm around her little sister.

"I can't believe you're back! We missed you a lot!" Dawn said.

"I really missed all of you."

They separated. Joyce stroked Buffy's hair, noticing how much blonder she'd become.

"It's so good to see you, honey. How did you get here? I don't see a car. And where's that boyfriend? He didn't get scared off at the prospect of meeting us, did he?" Joyce joked.

"My friend Xander dropped me off. And no 'the boyfriend' didn't get scared off," Buffy laughed. "He'll be here later this afternoon, in time for dinner."

Dawn's eyes bugged out. "Omigod! Spike's coming!?"

Buffy looked at Dawn, widening her eyes and curling her lip. Saying 'Shut up!' without having to say it. Dawn put her hand over her mouth.

Joyce looked confused. "Spike? I thought you said that his name was William?"

"I did--It is." Buffy shot Dawn another pissed look. "Spike's just a nickname. I must have mentioned that to Dawn when we talked on the phone once."

"Does he prefer William or Spike?" Joyce asked, wanting to make him feel comfortable when he got there.

"I think maybe we should all call him William. Daddy might not like the nickname."

Dawn gave Buffy a 'Sorry!' look, biting her lip.

They were still on the porch, too caught up in the excitement of seeing each other again to go inside yet.

"So what's William like?" Joyce asked.

"Oh, Mom, he's wonderful," Buffy said, wearing the biggest, happiest smile Joyce had ever seen on her. "He's so good to me. He's sweet, romantic and has a big heart." Buffy looked dreamy as she talked about him. "He's kind and generous, he's very smart and a Shakespeare fan." The Summers women laughed. "And he's sooo good-looking too! He's got these blue eyes that...they're so deep and soulful. You have to see them to appreciate how gorgeous they are, my description doesn't do them justice. And cheekbones! Oh, he has cheekbones to die for! And lips! Lips that are so--"

Joyce laughed and hugged Buffy again, "Okay, honey. I get it. He's a hottie."

"Hottie? When did you start talking like that, Mom?" Buffy chuckled, blushing from getting carried away talking about Spike's attributes.

Dawn just grinned, continuing to play dumb. She wasn't supposed to know what he looked like first hand. 'I know what part of him I'd REALLY like to see in person!' She held in a giggle.

Buffy's father came outside. "Buffy, you look well," he said simply.

Buffy kept herself from getting upset at his cold greeting. "Hello, Dad. You look good too."

"This boyfriend you told your mother about better not be some old pervert. I heard what goes on in Hollywood."

"Hank! Stop it!" Joyce snapped. "Buffy's here for a nice visit! So you just simmer down, right now."

Buffy's anger at his first words to her was replaced by surprise. She raised her eyebrows at Joyce. Her mother had never put her father in his place like that before. She kept a smile from her lips with effort. Hank didn't respond to Joyce's statement, he just looked away and grumbled.

Buffy said, "My boyfriend, William, has only just turned 20-years-old. He's not some crusty, old perv, FYI."

"So where is he now?" Hank asked.

Buffy wondered why he was still so angry with her. He hadn't even smiled or hugged her yet. "He's visiting his mom in the hospital. He'll be here for dinner."

"His mother's sick?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, but hopefully she'll be fine. He needed to come back to Sunnydale to see her, and I thought it'd be good to come along too. I wanted to see you guys again."

The women smiled warmly at each other.

"So," Hank said, "you wouldn't have come back at all if it wasn't for this William character? I guess we should be thankful his mother got ill, or else you wouldn't have graced us with your presence."

"What? How can you say that? And William's not a 'character'!" Buffy felt like crying, from anger and hurt feelings.

"Hank!" Joyce said. "Stop it. Right. Now. Buffy is starting a new life in L.A. We can't expect her to drop everything and visit us every weekend. She has to get her life on track. I'm grateful that she's here, for whatever reason." She scowled at her husband.

"Dad," Buffy said tightly, "do NOT say anything like that when William shows up. He's very worried about his mother and crap like that would upset him more."

Hank opened his mouth to respond, then he caught his wife's dangerous look. He shut his mouth without saying anything. He turned around and went back in the house.

"I'm so sorry, Buffy. Your Dad...he really has missed you. It hurt him a lot when you left--He's letting his hurt feelings make him act like an asshole," Joyce said.

Buffy sniffled, but giggled at her mom's use of the swear word. "I'll keep that in mind, Mom. I just don't want him acting rude to William."

"I'll keep him in line," Joyce said. "Come on, honey." She guided Buffy to the front door. "Let's go in the living room and catch up for a bit."

Buffy smiled for their benefit, and thought, 'Aaaaaand--Here come the lies!'

At 5:30 that afternoon, Spike's mother insisted that he go to get ready for dinner at Buffy's parents' house. He reluctantly left Anne's bedside, but he did promise Buffy that he'd be there.

He knew how difficult being back in Sunnydale must be for her, and how nervous she was about seeing her family again. Spike was happy that the doctor said that his mother could be released tomorrow. She could go back home and relax. And he could relax a bit too. If they were letting her go home, that must mean that they didn't think she was in any further danger. His mum had seemed a little off to him today--Which worried him to no end. She had noticed and put his fears to rest, saying that it was just being in the bloody hospital. She'd be fine once she was home in her own bed.

Spike had gone back to the house and dressed for dinner. He wasn't sure what kind of attire he should wear: casual, semi-casual or formal? He wanted to make a good first impression on them. He should have asked Buffy about it this morning. Spike had settled on semi-casual. His hair was lightly gelled, slicked back, but a few wayward curls stuck up here and there. He hoped that his wire-frame glasses would help him look more non-threatening to her parents. He'd polished them, and re-polished them. He picked out a royal-blue dress shirt and a new pair of blue jeans. He went with a brand new pair of black jogging shoes. He hoped that he didn't look like a prat.

He stood on the Summers' front porch with a half-dozen red roses for Joyce, and a half-dozen pink carnations for Dawn. Spike had considered bringing something for Buffy’s father too, but he had no idea what the man would like. Buffy didn’t speak of her father very often, it hurt her too much. He decided to go with just getting the ladies of the house a little gift. Hopefully, Mr. Summers wouldn’t be offended.

Before ringing the bell, Spike tucked the carnations under his arm and adjusted himself in his jeans. New jeans, even ones that were a bit loose like these, were rather binding on the equipment; they would be better once he got them lived in a bit.

"Bloody hell," Spike muttered. "Just ring the bell and get on with it, you ponce."

He put on a big, fake smile and pressed the doorbell.

Buffy answered the door immediately, she’d been waiting for him. She grinned and hugged him close.

"Hey, pet."

"I’m so glad you’re here," Buffy whispered.

"Is it going well?" He switched both bouquets to one hand to have the other hand free to put on her back.

When Joyce appeared over her shoulder, Spike’s hand moved up to the middle of Buffy’s back--He didn’t want the first thing Joyce saw to be the new boyfriend groping her daughter in the doorway.

"It’s...going," Buffy sighed.

"Buffy Anne, don’t leave him standing out there all day!" Joyce said cheerfully. "Let him come inside."

Spike smiled. He thought it was cute that Buffy's middle and his mother's first name were the same.

"Hahaha," Buffy laughed weakly, rolling her eyes before turning back to her mother and pulling Spike inside the house. "Mom, Dad, Dawn, this is William. My boyfriend."

"These are for you, Mrs. Summers." Spike gave Joyce a dose of his 1000-Watt smile and the roses.

"Oh! Thank you, William! You really didn’t have to do that." Joyce smiled and raised the flowers to her nose to take a sniff.

"And for the youngest Summers beauty," Spike said, handing Dawn the carnations. "It’s nice to meet all of you."

Dawn was grinning, barely keeping from jumping up and down. "Nobody ever gave me flowers before! Omigod! Thank you!" She fell just a little more in love with Spike.

"You’re welcome, Little Bit. I’m glad you like them," he replied.

Dawn was having a difficult time containing herself. Spike--William, she reminded herself, must call him William--was even hotter in person than he had been in the movie. She hadn’t thought that it was possible...but it was true.

Spike shook Hank’s hand. "Hello, Sir. Thank you for having me for dinner--to dinner."

Dawn giggled softly. ‘I’d like to have him for dinner! Hehehe! I’d take a big helping of that--’ Dawn’s thoughts halted when she saw that Buffy was glaring at her. The dagger-like glance only lasted for a split second, but it was enough to bring the younger girl’s naughty thoughts to a screeching halt. ‘Shit! Did she develop eerie, psychic powers or something? Better try to keep even my thoughts clean tonight.’ Dawn looked at Buffy, uneasily.

Hank regarded Spike appraisingly during the handshake. Spike stifled a groan at the extra firm grip the older man had. Hank looked at him as if he were daring Spike to wince or complain.

"Hello, William. I make it my business to meet all of Buffy’s beaus," Hank said.

"Daddy--’beaus’? Who uses that word? I believe it was last heard on the 'Beverly Hillbillies'. And what do you mean ‘all of Buffy’s beaus’? I’ve only had one other real boyfriend my whole life," Buffy complained.

"No matter how many you’ve had, 1 or 100, I would be sure to meet them." Hank released Spike’s hand.

Spike put his hand slightly behind him, out of sight, and flexed his fingers to get the circulation going again. His gracious smile never wavered.

"Dinner is just about ready," Joyce announced. "Dawn, honey, help me get everything on the table."

"What are we having? I could eat a horse." Spike smiled.

Joyce beamed; she loved someone who had a healthy appetite. "We’re having roast beef, potatoes and salad."

"Sounds lovely, Mrs. Summers. I can’t wait," Spike said sincerely. "I haven’t had a good home-cooked meal, made with a mother’s care, since leaving Sunnydale."

Buffy put one of her arms through his. "Don’t let him fool you, he can cook like a dream!"

Dawn smiled coquettishly. ‘Yeah, I saw! Humina, humina, humina! Bad, me! Hehehe--Oops, clean thoughts, must think clean thoughts.’ She would definitely be using her new 'toy' later after her parents retired for the night. Her eyes kept straying to his crotch--then jolting back up to his face when she realized what she was doing.

"Glad to hear it," Joyce said. "It’ll just be a few minutes." Joyce pulled Dawn along with her to the kitchen.

"I’m going to get washed up," Hank said, then went upstairs.

"Mom seems to like you." Buffy smiled and weaved her arms around Spike's back.

"At least one of your parents does." Spike felt discouraged. "That bloody handshake almost crushed every bone in my hand."

"Dad’s a...tough sell...where everything is concerned. Let me apologize humbly, and completely, in advance for any mean, stupid or--just anything that he might say tonight to make you uncomfortable."

"I shall persevere, Buffy. I’ll make them all love me." Spike smirked.

Buffy laughed. "I have no doubt that you can. It worked on me. You’re so sweet and--God--you smell so nice!" She leaned into him, brushing her lips over the side of his neck. "How do you always smell so damn good? Makes me salivate somethin’ fierce!"

Spike chuckled, running his hands over her back. "Somehow, I don’t think that my intoxicating aroma is going to impress your dad."

They sat down to dinner a few minutes later.

Hank said grace before the meal.

Buffy lowered her head in prayer, rolling her eyes. They never said grace. Her dad was obviously just trying to spook Spike, making him think they were a religious bunch.

Joyce did her best to keep dinner conversation light and upbeat. "William, it’s so funny that you’re from Sunnydale too! You and Buffy never met before when you lived here?"

"No, Ma’am. It took us moving to a new city to be--introduced." He’d almost said ‘thrust together’, but quickly changed his words mid- stream. "I even said to Buffy, that it’s a small world after all."

They laughed.

Hank spoke up, "What do you do for a living?"

"I’m a writer, Sir."

"What is it that you write?"

Spike felt like a criminal being interrogated by a hard-nosed detective. "Well, I’m just starting out. I do a lot of re-working of scripts. Ultimately, I’d like to write my own screenplays, novels, poems--"

"Poems?" Hank looked like he had smelled something bad.

"Uh...Yes. I enjoy poetry," Spike said.

"I do too." Buffy interlaced their fingers under the table.

"To each his own," Hank said condescendingly. "Not very manly. Writing doesn’t tend to pay very well, does it?"

"It...can. I hope to make a good living at it." Spike bit his tongue. He had to maintain his cool.

Hank didn’t relent. "Sure, you hope to make a good living. But, just like acting, writing is more often than not, just folly. It rarely pans out."

"Hank, be nice!" Joyce frowned and chastised him. "This is going to be a pleasant dinner!"

They ate in silence. Their cutlery clinked against their plates.

Hank started it up again. "What’s wrong with making sure that my daughter’s husband will be able to provide for her?"

"Provided for? I can work too, you know!? I'm not handicapped." Buffy was suddenly angry. "And husband? We’re just living together--It’s not like we’re looking for a hip, Jazz combo to play the reception yet!"

They all stared at her.

"Wh-What?" Buffy asked, fidgeting under their gazes.

She wasn’t sure what it was that she’d said to get this reaction. She looked at Spike questioningly. He dropped his eyes, taking off his glasses and polishing them on his shirt.

" together?" Joyce asked. "You didn’t mention that before, honey."

"Uh..." Buffy wanted to smack the mess out of herself for letting that out.

"You barely know him--and you live with him!?" Hank’s face reddened.

"I know him!" Buffy fired back. "How would you know what--"

"Buffy," Spike said softly, retrieving her hand and holding it, "your parents are right to worry."

"Who’s side are you on?" Buffy asked, exasperated.

"It’s not a matter of sides, luv. If I had a daughter, I’d be concerned for her too." Spike looked from Joyce to Hank. "I’m not certain what I can say to allay your fears. But know that I want to make Buffy happy. I’m deeply and completely in love with her." He smiled softly and looked back at Buffy while stroking her wrist with his thumb. "My mission in life is to make this beautiful girl smile. Just like she’s doing right now."

Buffy was smiling, her anger had bled away. Anger was a foreign concept when Spike looked at her like that--when he was touching her and saying how much he loved her. Buffy let out a dreamy sigh, feeling a tear in her eye.

Dawn tilted her head and sighed too. Why was Buffy so damn lucky?

Hank was thankfully silent for the rest of the meal. He took out his frustration on his food; stabbing at it more viciously than necessary with his fork.

Buffy flopped backwards onto Spike's bed. "Well, that was nightmarish!" she said with a sigh.

"It wasn't too bad." Spike laid next to her, propping his head up with his hand.

Buffy raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

Spike laughed, " wasn't terrific. But it could've been worse, pet. It was only your dad that wanted to burn me at the stake."

Buffy groaned, "I can't believe I let the fact that we live together slip out. Shit--I'm so stupid!"

Spike put a hand on her hip, massaging her. "You're not stupid. Your dad got you a bit riled up, that's all. There are worse things that could have come out."

Buffy looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry that my dad was horrible to you."

"It's alright. I made it through." Spike smirked and kissed her. "Little Bit and your Mum like me. Two out of three ain't bad, as they say. Cheer up, luv."

Spike did not tell Buffy just how much Dawn seemed to like him. Or maybe it was just his imagination? The pretty teen had taken every opportunity to hug or brush up against him. When he had looked at her, Dawn just batted those baby blues of hers innocently. Was he just so immersed in sex that even little, perfectly innocent gestures seemed like a come-on? Probably. But he decided not to share it with Buffy; it would only upset her and cause trouble.

"You know, your dad kind of looks like that Almanzo bloke on 'Little House on the Prairie'," he said, hoping for a smile.

He got one.

Buffy grinned and giggled. "Really? I don't see it. Well...he is big, blonde and dumb. Okay. Seeing it more now."

They laughed and kissed softly.

Buffy smiled up at him. "You meant all that stuff you said at dinner. About wanting to make me happy." She wasn't asking him, just cheerfully re-stating it.

"Yes. I meant every..." he leaned down and kissed her lightly, "...single..." he kissed her again, "...word..." This time he lingered at her lips, and ran his fingertips over her cheek. "I love you more than anything in this world. Is there anything that I can do to make you happy right now?" He smirked.

"You're doing great on your own. Don't think you need any instruction," she giggled.

They started kissing with more fervor. Buffy put her arm around his neck. Spike put a leg between hers, shifting to move over her.

"Mmmm--" Buffy gently broke the kiss. "Spike--we can't. Remember? The no-sex rule?"

Spike groaned and pouted. "Damn."

"We don't want your aunt hearing...anything again. Believe me, I want it too. But..."

"I know, pet." Spike sighed, kissed her, then leaned back. "You're right. But that doesn't mean...we can't fool around a bit, does it?" He curled up his tongue.

Buffy giggled, leaning up to kiss him again.

There was a knock on the bedroom door. Maggie said, "William? I'm going to bed, dove."

"Alright, Auntie. Goodnight," he said.

"Is Buffy in there?"

Buffy and Spike made frustrated faces.

"Yeah," Buffy said. "I was...just going to get ready for bed too. Goodnight, Maggie."

"Night, dear." Maggie's footfalls moved away from the door.

"Damn," Spike whispered, resting his forehead against Buffy's.

"We'll survive...somehow." She kissed him and got up. "Goodnight."

"Night, luv. See you at breakfast."

Xander came in, wearing his bathrobe and rubbing a towel over his hair. "Have we switched sleeping partners?" he asked.

"No, I'm going to mine and Cordy's room," Buffy said with disappointment.

"Okay. Goodnight, Buffster. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

Buffy waved sadly at Spike and left.

Spike got into his side of the bed and sighed, closing his eyes and stretching out. Xander took off his robe and got into bed next to Spike, dropping his robe and towel on the floor next to the bed.

"Like my undies?" Xander asked, snapping the waistband of his black, silk boxers.

Spike chuckled. "Yeah, they're nice."

Xander turned off the light, letting the moonlight bathe the room. Xander moved his feet back and forth under the covers, he still felt energized.

"Man, you should have seen Devon and the rest of the guys' faces when they got a look at Cordy!" Xander said, talking low so he wouldn't disturb people in the other rooms.

Spike smiled. "Green with envy?"

Xander laughed. "Yup. Kermit-esque in appearance. The guys want to get together again, but I told them we might not have the time. Said we'd try to keep in touch though."

Spike nodded. "You know, Xan, I'd like to stay maybe a day longer. But you guys can head back if you want."

"No, we'll stay."

"You going to visit your folks?" Spike asked.

Xander shook his head. "I don't even have one little bit of desire to see them again. They probably don't even know that I left yet. I'm happy without revisiting the horrors of the Harris household."

Spike touched Xander's arm comfortingly. Xander smiled.

Spike wanted to switch topics, Xander's family was a source of sadness for his friend. "You know something funny? I've found that it's very hard to keep passions from flaring when you haven't had to hold back, or restrain yourself for months," he chuckled.

"You discovered that too, eh?" Xander asked with a grin.

Spike looked up at the ceiling. "Oh yeah. Very difficult."

"Well..." Xander shifted closer, rolling up onto his side. "We could help each other out?" Xander's hand went under the bedsheet and rested on top of Spike's bulge. "Want to pretend we're 16 and having a sleepover that turns...eeeerotic?"

Spike groaned. "We can't, Xan. We might be overheard. And we don't have sex without the girls agreeing, remember?"

"I thought sex with each other was exempt from the deal? It's just outsiders. I bet the girls are touching each other's 'special places' right now." Xander smiled and bent down to kiss Spike.

They kissed lightly, Xander's hand gently caressed Spike's cock through his underwear.

"Xan...I'm not in the mood, okay?"

Xander was disappointed, but backed off. "Okay."

He kissed Spike once more then went back to his space on the bed. Spike looked over at him.

"You're...not mad, are you?"

"Mad? Pshaw! Come on, man. I wouldn't get mad at you for that kind of stuff. You're not comfortable with doing it here, that's cool. I thought it might help you feel a little better, lift your spirits."

Spike smiled at him then chuckled. "You're so selfless, Xander. You wouldn't have taken any pleasure from it, of course."

"'Course not," Xander grinned. "Seriously, I do want to help take your mind off of things."

"I know, mate. Thanks." Spike leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

The kiss went on, their mouths opened, tongues playing softly. Xander moaned, feeling his cock hardening with the kiss. He was just about to wrap his arms around Spike when the blonde pulled away.

"Goodnight, Xan."

Xander groaned again. "Cock tease."

They chuckled and tried to get comfortable enough for sleep. Xander's boner was persistent, it wouldn't go down no matter what he tried thinking of to get rid of it. He decided to go to the bathroom and jerk off or he'd never get to sleep. He sat up, preparing to get out of bed.

"Where you goin'?" Spike asked.

"Bathroom. Have a little 'condition' that need taking caring of," he said laughing lightly.

"Don't," Spike said, rolling over to face him. "I'll see to you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

Xander's face lit up.

"But you have to keep your voice down, okay?"

Xander dropped back down onto the bed and made a lip-sealing gesture with his hand to his mouth. He smiled widely, reached under the covers and pushed down his boxers. 'Little Xander' was hard and ready. Spike folded the covers back to expose Xander's groin.

He wrapped a hand around the shaft. "Damn, you weren't kidding about needing some relief."

"I never kid about that," Xander said, closing his eyes.

"Hand me your towel," Spike said, stroking Xander's cock.

"Towel? What for?"

"For when you cum. Don't want it to get on the sheets," Spike explained.

"I--I thought you' know...swallow it. I was kind of hoping you would. I like to see you take it."

They smiled at each other.

"You do, eh?" Spike asked, leaning in to lick the shaft.

"Ohhh yeah--Seeing you drinking down my cum--It makes me want to cum all over again," Xander moaned.

"Okay, then. I'll swallow all of it. Just remember, don't get loud."

"Quiet...Quiet little mouse...that's me." Xander parted his legs further.

Spike licked Xander's cock and balls all over. Xander behaved himself by making only little gurgling sounds and soft moans.

"Let me fuck your mouth," Xander rasped.

Spike let Xander put his hands to either side of his head and begin thrusting shallowly up into his mouth.

"Ahhh--Will--Yeah," Xander whispered.

Spike kept playing with Xander's balls, feeling them swelling up. He worked his tongue around on the rod as it moved swiftly in and out. Spike pumped Xander's cock with his mouth, moving up and down fast and hard. Xander gasped and grabbed the towel, balling it up and covering his own mouth with it. His hips bucked, followed by a muffled cry.

Spike swallowed Xander's seed, continuing to suck and pull. Xander whimpered under the towel as his cock finished going off. Spike licked him clean. He laughed softly when he noticed the towel was still over Xander's face. He pulled it away.

"Shit, Will...God that was good," Xander breathed deeply. "Thanks."

Spike smirked and used the towel to dry Xander's crotch. "There. Nice 'n dry now."

Xander licked his lips and pulled his boxers back up. "You're sure you don't want me to blow you too? I wouldn't mind at all."

"Nah, I'm good for now." Spike gave Xander a cum-flavored kiss and laid back down.

Xander saw the nice, big tent under the covers. "Really? I'm pretty sure I know what that is," he smiled and pointed to the large lump. "And I sure as hell know what it wants."

Spike looked down. "Yeah...that just sort of popped up. But...I'm nervous about Aunt Maggs hearing. And Buffy and I agreed that we wouldn't have sex again 'til we got home."

"Buffy would understand. She probably has a mouthful of Cordy goodness right now." Xander rolled onto his side, caressing Spike's chest with his fingertips. "And I promise, no one will hear. Use the towel to muffle your shouts like I pretty good." Xander's hand continued down over the ridges of Spike's abdomen then slipped under the covers.

"You like seducing me, don't you?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"Uh-huh." Xander kissed and licked around Spike's nipples.

"This...isn't wise. The noise factor aside, you know how much I cum."

"I know. I'm ready for it. And what little I let escape, I'll catch with the towel," Xander said, pulling down Spike's sweat pants.

"Got it all figured out, have you?"

"Yep," Xander replied before applying his mouth to Spike's cock.

Spike pressed his lips together while Xander worked on him. He didn't want to emit any sound that would be a dead giveaway as to what was going on. Having his aunt hear him and Buffy going at it in the backyard was bad enough...He doubted she would be as understanding if she caught him and his best friend giving each other blowjobs.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Xander asked. "You're all tensed up."

"You know I'm nervous about this, Xan."

Xander stroked Spike's thighs and licked slowly along the underside of his cock. "Shhh, just relax. Nothing bad will happen."

Spike closed his eyes and tried loosening up a little.

Xander whispered to him in between licks and sucks. "Wish we'd started this a long time ago...Would've been so good. Love sucking your cock. Feeling it throbbing between my lips...and when you cum...It's always so amazing...tastes so good."

Xander smiled seductively up at him. He knew that the dirty talkin' really got Spike excited. It would have to be dirty whispers, but that was okay. In a way, that made it even more erotic.

Spike groaned, pushing his head back into the pillow. The hunky brunette stroked Spike's cock up and down while moving up to place soft kisses on Spike's abs.

Spike breathed out, "Xan!"

"Mmmm--Shhhh," Xander whispered kissing along the ridges of Spike's stomach.

His tongue flicked out to trace the lines. Spike put a hand on the back of Xander's hair, playing with the dark waves like he always did when they were like this. Xander went back to the stiffening cock, laving it around the base with his tongue. He pumped Spike's cock near the top.

After a quick, sharp suck to Spike's sac, Xander asked, "You got some cum for me?"

Spike groaned softly, his fingers curling in Xander's hair.

Xander licked up the underside of his cock to suckle at the head. "Mmmm--got some pre-cum. That's tasty too." He smacked his lips and sucked it up.

Xander lifted off the cock again, he rubbed two fingers of his free hand over the dripping head, getting his fingers coated with Spike's sticky goodness. He smirked at Spike then enveloped the head with his mouth again, his wet fingers moved down to Spike's ass. Spike gasped, trying to keep quiet. He grabbed the towel and balled it up over his mouth. He began groaning into it. Xander fucked a finger in and out of Spike's hole while he bobbed on his cock. He heard Spike's moans and exclamations becoming more desperate. Spike's hips fucked lightly at Xander's mouth. Xander sped up his sucks and the movement of his hand.

Spike made a muffled, strangled cry into the towel as his sperm shot into Xander's waiting mouth. Xander concentrated on not letting any escape; swallowing swiftly. Spike's male essence filled his mouth and poured down his throat. It almost choked him a few times, but Xander was adamant. He had a funny thought that almost made him choke when he chuckled: Would cum shoot out of his nose if he laughed with a mouthful--like milk did in the lunch room when you were a kid? He recovered fast.

Suck. Gulp. Suck. Gulp.

'Damn, Will! You cum like a fucking horse!' Xander thought, wondering how much more his friend had left.

Two trails of white leaked from the corners of Xander's mouth, dripping down his chin. Another funny thought occurred to him: He must look like a vampire that feeds on human cum instead of blood...Hey, maybe there's a movie idea in that? Xander was just chock-full of fun movie ideas! Just when he thought he couldn't accommodate anymore, Spike's emissions began petering out.

Xander was a little disappointed that he'd let some escape, but he did pretty well considering the volume. He cleaned it off his face then started cleaning up Spike's equipment. Xander laughed lightly. Spike still had the towel on his face, his chest and stomach rose and fell laboriously.

"Okay?" Xander asked.

Spike pulled the towel away from his face, revealing a goofy 'just came' face.'

"Yeah, mate. More than okay."

They smiled and laughed quietly.

A little earlier, in Buffy and Cordy's bedroom

"Wonder what they're laughing about in there?" Cordy said, referring to the low chuckles coming from Spike's room through the shared wall.

"Don't know," Buffy said. "It's nice to hear Spike laughing though. He was so worried about his mom."

"But she's going to be fine. Therefore, ergo and forsooth, Spike will be fine too." Cordy smiled.

Buffy giggled. "You've been around Xander too long. You're starting to say weird stuff like him."

"You're right. He's infected me with his goofiness." Cordy looked at Buffy more seriously. "How are you doing? Seeing your family again and everything."

Buffy sighed. "The dinner was okay, except for my dad. He was such a jerk. I feel...weird. Spike and I have talked about this before, but, it's like--There's Sunnydale Buffy. And there's Hollywood Buffy. I'm not the same girl anymore. But when I saw my mom and walked into that was like I stepped back in time. Do your parents know what you do?"

"Yeah. My Mom's actually made a few attempts to reconnect with me over the years, but they didn't take it well. I told them when I got started, so they knew right off the bat."

"Wow, you really told them?" Buffy asked, astonished that someone could be that brave.

"Yeah. I've always done what I wanted, always very independent. It didn't matter that much to me if they couldn't handle it, it was my life. It would be tough shit if they didn't approve."

Buffy shook her head. "You're a braver woman than I, Cordelia. Wish I could think that way. I actually did briefly--ever-so-briefly--consider telling them myself today."

"You did? What changed your mind?"

"Fear. Mind-numbing, pants-wetting fear. As soon as I saw my mom open the door, I knew I couldn't tell them. I feel like such a coward," Buffy groaned.

"Don't beat yourself up, Buffy. It's hard. You actually care what they think of you and want them to have pride in you."

"It freaks me out, Cordy. Right now...I feel like I'd die if they knew...If I had to see the looks on their faces. I feel so sick when I think about it..." Buffy rubbed her stomach, her heartbeat increased.

"Hey, shhhh," Cordy moved up against her, holding and soothing her. "They don't know. Don't get yourself worked up. Take it easy."

"Sorry," Buffy said, sniffling a little. "I'm such a mental case."

"No, you're not. You're just scared, that's okay. Shhhh." Cordy stroked up and down Buffy's arms.

Buffy quieted, letting herself relax. Cordy pulled back a little and smiled at her. Cordy started coming in for a kiss. Buffy hesitated a moment but let their lips connect. They kissed softly. Cordy's tongue gently parted Buffy's lips.

"Cordy...not tonight. We shouldn't do anything."

"Why not?" Cordy asked, still softly kissing around Buffy's mouth.

"B-Because someone might hear. And Spike and I said no more sex until we go home."

"Maybe the boys will hear us and burst through the wall to join us?" Cordy giggled.

"Cordy," Buffy said with mock-sternness.

"No, huh?"


"It's alright." Cordy laid back down. "Mind if I get myself off? I've been going crazy all night."

"No, go ahead. Just be quiet." Buffy watched as Cordy raised and parted her knees.

"I'll be quiet," Cordy whispered.

Buffy turned away, trying to relax.

"Mmmm," Cordy moaned softly.

Buffy felt her own pussy getting wetter. Knowing what Cordelia was doing and hearing her pleasure herself was so sexy. She turned back to face Cordy.

"I you out?" Buffy said.

"Really?" Cordy grinned. "Change your mind about it then?"

"N-No. But I wouldn't mind doing you."

"Buffy, you are the sweetest! Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"There you go again with the Xander-type phrases."

They giggled.

Buffy poked her in the stomach. "Spread 'em."

"Oooh, forceful! Could you finger me and suck on my tits first?" Cordy asked easily.

"Sure, if that's what you'd like."

Cordy took off her nightgown and laid on top of the covers. Buffy started with some kissing, their tongues played and flicked at each other. Then she moved down to Cordy's big, beautiful breasts. Buffy really envied Cordy for her chest. Her own tits were nice, but she thought that Cordy's were perfect. Large, yet perky.

Buffy lapped at Cordy's tits, getting them wet with her spit. Cordy gasped softly as Buffy began nibbling and sucking at a nipple. Buffy's hand covered Cordy's mound, her fingers playing along the wet slit.

"Ohh Buffy--Yeah," Cordelia breathed. "You caught on to this stuff so quickly--You're a natural."

Buffy giggled around a nipple. She bit softly at it. "Thanks. You're really good too--I had an excellent teacher."

As Buffy sucked on her tits, Cordy's hand found it's way under Buffy's nightgown. Buffy groaned when she felt her friend's fingers slide between her pussylips.

"Damn, Buffy...You're so wet. You can't tell me that you don't want it too."

"Uhh--I--I shouldn't," Buffy moaned.

"We can 69," Cordy suggested. "That way, both of our mouths will be occupied."

Buffy was still reluctant. "I don't know..."

Cordy rubbed Buffy's clit.

"Aahh--Okay...maybe just a little bit."

Cordy giggled again. "Knew I could convince you. Side by side?"

"Yeah," Buffy responded, taking off her nightgown too.

The girls got into position. Buffy laid her upper body down by Cordy's legs. Cordy massaged Buffy's legs and urged them apart. They descended on the other's wet pussy, licking in long, slow strokes. They moaned together.

Buffy liked Cordelia's shaved pussy, there was no pesky pubic hair to tickle her chin. She nibbled and sucked on Cordy's puffy labia.

"Mmmm!" Cordy moaned, doing the same thing to Buffy.

They used their fingers to part each other's nether lips and worked their tongues around the pink insides. Buffy puffed air on Cordy's clit and flicked at it with the tip of her tongue. She repeated the actions until Cordy made a little squeaky noise.

"Suck on my clit, Buffy," she whispered harshly.

Buffy moaned when Cordy started sucking on her clit and slid a finger up her pussy. She put her lips around Cordy's clit and softly sucked at it, also slipping a finger into her. They worked each other over for several minutes: sucking, licking, kissing, finger-fucking.

They bucked their hips gently at each other, their moans were still quiet, but grew with intensity.

"Ooohhmm!" Cordy uttered a little cry, burying her face in Buffy's pussy and fucking her with her tongue.

Buffy felt Cordy cumming around her fingers, she slid her mouth down and shoved her tongue inside. Cordelia's juices gushed out into her mouth. Buffy gasped as she started cumming too. Cordy sucked up her liquid just as eagerly.

They smiled and licked each other clean while they came back down.

"Very nice," Cordy said. "Don't you feel better now?"

Buffy giggled, getting back under the covers. "Yeah, thanks, Cordy."

They kissed again then laid on their own sides of the bed.

The four of them fell asleep, feeling more relaxed. Still, they couldn't wait to get back home to their own beds and without the fear of being busted by an authority figure during sex with the partner of their choice.


Chapter 25: Tangled Web

[A/N: This chapter involves impure thoughts and actions by Dawn. She's 16, which is underage in some jurisdictions. If the thought of her getting frisky turns you off, skip her part. But remember, Buffy had *just* turned 17 when her and Angel got it on in the show.]

Dawn hummed as she walked up to the Summers' residence after school. Mail sticking out of the mailbox caught her notice. She strolled over and got it, looking at the large manila envelope first. It was from Buffy. Dawn's face lit up. Then she frowned at the last name of 'Winters'.

"Winters? Did she mean that to be funny?" Dawn wondered, then shrugged. Her sister could be weird. "Cool! I wonder what she sent mom and dad? One way to find out!" she giggled and went up to the house.

Sure, it was addressed to their parents, but she saw it first. She could let them know what it was. Luckily, neither Hank or Joyce were home this afternoon. They wouldn't take the package away from her before she had a chance to see it. It was immature to take something not addressed to her, but Dawn liked being able to be the one to tell people things first, before they found out on their own.

Dawn stopped in the kitchen for some milk and chocolate chip cookies, then made her way to her bedroom. She dumped all her school stuff on the bed, quickly got out of her clothes and into some comfortable pajama pants and blue tank-top.

"Ah, the life of a latch-key kid," Dawn giggled. Actually she quite liked having the house to herself for a few hours most days.

She tore open the envelope and peered inside. There was a DVD case and a note. Dawn emptied the envelope onto the bed. She examined the DVD case, there was nothing on it, it was blank. The DVD had no markings on it either. That was strange. Dawn read the note and smiled uncertainly.

"Okay...whatever, Buffy. You tiny geek. Oh Wow! What if she got a part in a movie!!?" Dawn tittered and hurriedly went to her DVD player.

She got it ready then jumped back on her bed with the remote, waiting with breathless anticipation for it to start.

The credits started. Dawn frowned at the title. "Huh? What's a Vampire Layer?"

'Starring Buffy Winters'

"Winters? Is that her stage name or something? What's wrong with Summers? Buffy got a starring role!?"

'Co-starring Spike'

Dawn's face froze. "But...he's movies..."

The first scene started with Buffy talking in an apartment with some other people. They were talking about weird shit like Slayers, vampires and mystical callings. Then the people started kissing and rubbing on each other.

Dawn sat up straight, moving a little closer to the screen.

Buffy was kissing the guys--and some of the girls. Then she said she had to go patrol for vampires. She left, looking frustrated and sad. The others shrugged and kept having sex.

Dawn kept watching.

The next scene was Buffy in a cemetery at night. A guy who was supposed to be a vampire was showing his teeth and growling at her. The next thing Dawn knew, Buffy was straddling the guy and riding him into the ground. She stared at the screen, mouth agape.

"Holy...shit!" Dawn wouldn't let herself accept the fact that her sister was doing porn until she saw the actual fucking. She couldn't look away.

Then it was over and Buffy dusted the evil vampire. Dawn's heart skipped when Spike walked out of the shadows toward Buffy. Oh Lordy...he was hot! He looked so good! Her tongue came out to wet her lips unconsciously.

Dawn sat raptly while Buffy and Spike exchanged words.

"10 orgasms!? Holy shit!"

Dawn hadn't even had that many in her entire life! Were they going to show it? It was porn after all. They didn't cut away when stuff started getting good like regular movies and tv shows. Her heart rate increased.

Then came the lower crypt scene. Spike was eating Buffy's pussy while she sat, spread open in the chair.

Dawn was getting so wet--She couldn't take it! Her clit throbbed, her abdominal area felt tight, moisture seeped down to the tops of her inner thighs through her panties. She touched herself lightly, rolling her eyes and groaning at the pleasure it gave her. She watched Spike's excellent tonguing and pretended he was doing it to her.

"Ohhhhh!" Dawn moaned roughly. When Spike's tongue became more aggressive onscreen, so did Dawn's rubbing.

"AHHH!" she gasped, cumming suddenly. "Oh God!" she gulped in air, her body trembling.

Then the screwing started. Dawn's chest rose and fell dramatically. It was squicky at first, seeing Buffy doing it. But the squikiness had passed--Now it was just hot. It was even better when she imagined herself being nailed by Spike instead.

"Spike's Spike!" Dawn said like it was a revelation.

She paused the DVD and dived into her locking desk drawer, bringing out the wicked dildo. She leapt back onto the bed, shimmying out of her pants and panties. Propping up the pillows, she leaned back and spread her legs. She put a pillow under her butt to give her more maneuvering room for thrusting. With a shaky hand, she unpaused the DVD.

The action kept going. Buffy was in the throes of constant orgasms. Spike pounded into her from behind.

Dawn rubbed the soft dildo over her slit, keeping her eyes open just enough to be able to see the screen.

"Oh Spike," she groaned, sliding it into her hole.

Dawn had used the dildo a few times since she first got it. It was really hard to get it inside of her, the first time she could only manage about three inches. But it had been enough to bust her hymen. That had hurt a bit, but passed. Every time after that, she tried to cram a little more inside. It pleased her that, in a way, Spike had been the one to take her virginity. Of course if she had a choice, it would have been the real thing instead of a large piece of rubber.

Dawn panted, pushing more and more of the monster-sized dildo up her pussy. Next time, she'd try to buy some lube, that would make it more slippery. She watched Spike switching positions with Buffy again. He was laying on top of her and plunging into her.

"Ohhh--Yessss--Spike!" Dawn said breathily, fucking the dildo into her in time with his thrusts in the movie. "Oooooh! Yeah--FUCK ME!" she yelled.

Dawn was pumping about 6 inches in and out of herself. She began humping up and whimpering.

"Oh! I'm cumming, Spike! Oh yes!" Dawn frigged her clit to push herself over the edge. "AHHHH--OH YES--OH SPIKE!"

Her long, lean body shook with ecstasy. Her hand kept plunging the dildo in and out of her on autopilot. She screamed loudly again, craning her neck backwards and clenching her eyes shut. White cream oozed from her young, trimmed pussy and down the crack of her ass.

Dawn wanted more--More of the big, beautiful cock inside of her. She was panting and shaking as she got to her knees on the bed. Her juices coated the dildo, running down the sides. She gripped the base and pushed it farther up into her. Her eyes went from the dildo to the screen and back, she didn't want to miss any of it.

A little more than half of it was swallowed up inside of her snatch.

"More!" she growled, baring her teeth and trying to spread her legs farther to take more in. She wanted all of Spike shoved up her pussy--Every single bit of him. She was woman enough!

One of her knees slipped to the side, making her drop down into a split suddenly. Dawn inhaled sharply. Her normally big, blue eyes became enormous as the entire shaft of the dildo was forced up her pussy at once. She made tiny, little whimpering sounds and reached out a hand to support herself on the mattress, otherwise she would have tipped forward.

She panted for breath, looking down at the realistic set of balls that were flush against her mound.

"Ohhhhh G-G-Godddddd!" Dawn groaned. "He's...all...the...way in me! Ahh-Ahhhhh!"

It started feeling better after a few minutes, her pussy was stretching out around it. Then it started feeling really good. Dawn got her knees back under her and moaned, sliding Spike back inside over and over again, from balls to tip.

By the time Buffy and Spike were fucking in the shower, Dawn was laying on her back with her legs thrown out to the sides, fucking herself with complete abandon. She was screaming and cumming, screaming and cumming, caught in a never-ending tsunami of pleasure.

After her huge climaxes, Dawn watched the rest of the movie in an orgasmic daze, pumping the dildo slowly in and out while she leaned back against the pillows. She had at least 4 more orgasms watching the group scene. Spike + Buffy, Spike + Willow, the cute redheaded witch, Spike + Tara, the buxom blonde witch, and Spike + Anya, the hot blond with the big rack. The other guys fucked the girls too.

It was the hottest thing Dawn had ever seen! They fucked in every position Dawn could possibly imagine. For the first time, Dawn even had sexual thoughts about women. Tara and Willow were really sexy, and they ate each other's pussies so well. Dawn wouldn't mind seeing what it would feel like to have one of them tonguing her.

'Porn good, Spike good' was the most articulate thing she could think when it was over.

Dawn couldn't believe how good the dildo felt when she fucked it all the way up inside of her vagina. She imagined that the real thing would feel a million times better. God--She wanted the real thing, Spike's real spike...

A little while later, after cleaning up, Dawn wondered where the DVD had really come from.

Who sent it?

Buffy needed to know about it...minus the details about what she had done while watching it, of course.

Spike and Maggie brought his mother home the next afternoon.

Buffy was so happy to see Spike relaxing and smiling. The dinner that night was much more pleasant than the one at her parents' house.

Anne and Maggie were happy to inform Spike that his cousin Wesley would be coming to town soon. He was going to be helping out a colleague at Sunnydale U. by taking over his History class for a few semesters. Spike was excited about seeing his only male cousin again. William had been referred to as ‘Wesley Junior’ when he was younger. Wesley was five years older than him. He always idolized his older cousin. Wesley was a genius, graduating college at the age of 20. He had devoted his life to the noble pursuit of teaching World History and had written several award-winning papers on the subject. He had even had an article published in ‘National Geographic’ about the lost cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum; Spike had clipped it and saved it--It was still in with his special mementos somewhere.

Spike promised to get together with Wes as soon as his schedule permitted.

Anne adored Buffy, telling her how glad she was that her son had such a pretty, loving girlfriend. Buffy could get used to being treated so nice. Spike's mom was a great lady, if a little reserved. His Aunt Maggie was the more boisterous of the sisters. She and Xander kept everyone laughing and smiling through dinner by making jokes. Anne blushed and kicked her under the table whenever her sister would make a joke of the bawdy kind.

Buffy was relaxing in bed, reading a copy of People Magazine after dinner. They were due to head back to L.A. in the morning. There was another movie to shoot. There was always another movie to shoot.

"Buffy-luv, Nibblet's on the phone for you," Spike called up the stairs.

"Ok, thanks!" Buffy used the phone in the bedroom. "Hello." She heard the click of Spike hanging up the extension.

"Hi, Buffy," Dawn said quietly.

"Hey little sister. Is...something up?"

"" Dawn was glad that Buffy couldn't see her flaming face.

Buffy puckered her brow. "Dawn? What's wrong?"

"Um...Buffy...something...came today." Dawn played with the phone cord nervously, watching her locked bedroom door as if expecting a parent to burst in.

"Huh? Dawn, just tell me what's going on."

"A package came in the mail today for mom and dad...from you."

Buffy's forehead creased more. "I didn't send them anything."

"Well, it says it's from you. I knew you couldn't have sent it though. Buffy...why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have said anything."

"About what? Dammit, Dawn, will you just spit it out!" Buffy was getting scared.

"It was a DVD of you doing porn!" Dawn said finally. "You were--doing stuff. 'Buffy the Vampire Layer', it was called."

Buffy couldn't breathe. She stared straight ahead with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open in shock, clutching the phone in her hand.

"Buffy? Why didn't you tell me? And who sent it to mom and dad?"

" God..." Buffy felt behind her and dropped back onto the bed, her legs were too weak to support her. Good thing the bed was there, or she would have fell on the floor.


"D-Dawn...I don't know wh-what to say," Buffy said, putting a hand over her mouth, praying that she wasn't going to vomit.

There was a quick rapping on the door, followed by Spike sticking his head in the room. He was smiling. "Hey, luv, maybe you can ask Bit if..."

There was something very wrong with her, she looked like she'd just received horrible news. Spike quickly entered the room, shut the door, and went to her.

"Pet? What is it?" His eyes darted over her face, searching for the answer.

"Spike..." Buffy's face fell, she hunched over, shaking with sobs.

Spike was confused and worried, he wrapped one arm around her and held her while taking the phone from her loosened grasp.

"Dawn, what's wrong!?" Spike said, his voice shaking. Tears popped up in his eyes at seeing his love in so much distress.

"S-Spike?" Dawn squeaked.

Her body temperature shot up at the sound of his voice. She pictured him fucking her like he had done to Buffy in the movie. His tight ass clenching as he--

"Yes, it's me. What's going on?" he asked impatiently.

"Uh--Spike? Is Buffy okay? I didn't mean to upset her! I just had to tell her--"

"Tell her what? She's falling apart here!"

Buffy buried her face in the crook of Spike's neck, her wails were muffled against him. She clutched at him, painfully scratching his skin under his shirt.

"Someone mailed an unmarked DVD of a porn movie to my mom and dad. Buffy was in the movie," Dawn explained. 'So were you!' she added silently.

"Oh shit," Spike closed his eyes, holding her even tighter. "Shhh, luv," he said, kissing the side of Buffy's head. "Dawn, did your parents...see it?"

"No. I...kind of wanted to see what it was first. I brought in the mail and took it up to my room to open it. It said it was from Buffy."

Spike took a moment to be slightly relieved; at least her folks hadn't had the shock of their lives. "Buffy, your mum and dad didn't see it. It's okay, pet. They didn't see it."

Buffy's cries lowered in volume slightly, but she kept crying.

Spike went back to the phone conversation. "It said it was from Buffy?" His mind raced to think of who could have done such a thing.

"Yeah. The envelope said Buffy Winters. Like her name in the credits of the movie. The big envelope was marked 'Horizons Entertainment Inc' with the address on the back, like it was the company stationery, you know? I thought Buffy got a movie contract with a studio or something. I was so excited for her...There was a note too."

Dawn got the note out and read it:

"Hi Mom and Dad! I thought you'd like to see some of what I've been doing since I've been away! Enjoy! Love, Buffy."

"Bloody hell..." Spike said. "Who would--Thanks, Dawn. For not saying anything to your parents."

"Of course I wouldn't! I mean, I'm totally blown away here, but I wouldn't tell them something like that! I wouldn't rat Buffy out like that!" Dawn was offended that he thought she would.

"I...didn't mean--I'm sorry, Sweetbreads. Of course you wouldn't. I've just...I've got an armful of weeping big sis here."

"It's okay...Sorry I snapped at you," Dawn said quietly. She hated herself for getting cross with the man that she loved. Of course he hadn't meant anything by it. Dawn was just flustered from everything: the DVD, giving herself some great sex with 'Spike', and now having to talk to him on the phone, and hearing her sister crying on the other end. "I wish Buffy could have told me the truth."

"She...couldn't. She doesn't--didn't want any of you to know."

Buffy had calmed a bit. She released Spike and got a tissue from the nightstand, blowing her nose and wiping her eyes. When she felt together enough, she held out her hand for the phone. Spike looked at her questioningly. Buffy nodded.

"Here's Buffy," he said, giving the phone back to her.

"Dawn...I'm so sorry that you had to see that. You have no idea how sorry..." Buffy said raggedly.

"It's okay...I was just...surprised. I knew about Spike, but...How long have you been doing this stuff?"

Spike rubbed Buffy's trembling back while she talked.

"For a few months." Buffy felt completely numb.

"Have you made a lot of them?"

"Yeah...I have."

"Why, Buffy? I thought you were trying to be a real actress?"

"I was...It didn't work out. didn't watch the whole thing...did you?"

"No, I just watched until...the sex started and I figured out what it was." Dawn lied through her teeth.

She had watched the entire movie...twice now. She wasn't crazy about seeing her sister like that, but Spike...Oh Spike! God, he was amazing! That body--That voice--The things he did to her lucky sister. It was a good thing that her parents had been out of the house because she couldn't have stopped masturbating and crying out when her orgasms hit if she had tried. Dawn was still in shock about Buffy's change in career plans, but she was also falling deeply in love with the bleached blonde hottie that was Spike. She was in love with her sister's porn star boyfriend and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"What did you do with the DVD?" Buffy asked.

"I...broke it in half and hid it in the garbage--inside of a Kleenex box."

Dawn bit her lower lip, hoping Buffy would buy that. The DVD was actually still intact and hidden in her locked bottom drawer of her computer desk. She planned on watching it again tonight after her parents went to sleep.

"You sure they won't find it?" Buffy chewed on her own lip.

"Yeah, totally. They'll never notice it. I promise."

Buffy sagged against Spike in relief. She was still horribly embarrassed that her baby sister had seen any of it--and that she now knew the truth.

"You must think I'm...disgusting," Buffy sniffled.

"No, Buffy! I just want you to be happy and be successful. If this is the way that you can be...then I'm okay with it."

Buffy blinked. "Really? You're not mad or disgusted with me?"

"No, of course not. I don't have hangups about adult movies or people who star in them. I liked Spike, right? It didn't matter to me that he did--that stuff. And it doesn't matter that you do them either. You're my big sister, I love you. Nothing could change the way I feel about you."

Dawn meant it. She didn't think any less of her sister. If anything, she was more impressed. Dawn thought a career in adult features would be a really cool way to make a living. Maybe she'd try it herself one day...

Buffy smiled, feeling relief and a greater appreciation for her sister. "Dawnie, you really are a grown up. You've been so mature about this. You're the best...You have no idea what it means to me that you're not judging me."

"It's okay, Buff. Hey, Mom's coming upstairs, I have to go."

Dawn had the decency to feel guilty for lying to her sister. She didn't mind her sister being a porn star, that much was true. But she'd lied big time about watching the movie. And omitted the fact that she really wanted Spike for herself. It was just a dream though--he loved Buffy. He would never look at Dawn that way. It was a depressing thought for the 16-year-old love-struck girl.

"Okay. Thanks, Dawnie. I love you."

"Love you too! Call me soon okay? Bye!"

Buffy hung up then hugged Spike again.

"It's alright, petal." Spike held her.

"She saw me. My baby sister saw me fucking on film. Why did I start doing this, Spike? I'm insane--that's the only explanation! Like I didn't think anyone who ever knew me would watch that stuff? God, I'm an idiot!"

"Shh, don't say that. Dawn was very understanding. She still loves you."

"I know...but it could very easily have been my parents who saw it. I doubt if they would have been understanding. What if they find out!? Not from Dawn, but somewhere else? I'm dead!"

"It might not be a bad idea...if you told them yourself," Spike said slowly.

Buffy shook her head violently from side to side.
"No--No--No! I can't! I can't tell them!"

Spike put his arms back around her. "You don't have to do it any time soon. Shhhh. Right now, I think the issue is--Who sent it?"

Buffy took a breath and began thinking hard about it. "Who would want to hurt me like that?"

"Dawn said that it was mailed with studio stationery. Someone there did it."

Buffy thought for a moment. "Everyone there likes me. At least they pretend to...Oh...well...except for one person."

Spike's face took on an expression of realization. "Harmony. She'd be the only one to have a grudge against you."

Buffy went from fear to anger in a split second. Her eyes slitted and glittered, her teeth ground together. "I'll kill that vapid, little whore," she said in low voice.

Spike gulped. By the look on her face, he believed that she just might. He wanted to take a swing or two at Harmony himself, but Buffy was seeing red. "Pet...this calls for something. But I don't know if more violence should be--"

"More violence? Oh, there will be a LOT more violence. After what she tried to do to me!? I'll rip her fucking head off!"

"Shhh!" Spike said, looking at the door. "Please, try to keep your voice down, luv."

Buffy closed her eyes and nodded. "Sorry."

"Remember what you did to Parker? That didn't involve violence, and you did him up a treat." He hoped to convince her to go another route.

Buffy sighed and put her hands over her face. "I want to kill her, Spike. I actually want to kill her and chop her body up into little pieces...maybe I could mail that to her parents."

"Easy, luv. We'll figure something out." Spike put his arms around her.

They left in the morning, with hugs and pecks on the cheeks all around.

Spike promised to bring Buffy and his friends back for a visit soon.

Then it was back on the road to L.A.

To liven the trip up, Buffy went down on Spike as he drove. She sucked and stroked his pole until he dumped cupfuls of cum into her mouth.

As a 'thank you' Spike drove one-handed and fingered her to climax.

Buffy also did some deep thinking about Harmony. Spike was right, just beating the shit out of her wouldn't be enough--She'd have to come up with something special and really traumatizing for Harm.

A cunning, evil plan began to formulate in her mind.

"Spike," she said, "have you ever seen that show, 'Scare Tactics'?"

Spike glanced at her. "No. Why do you ask?"

"I think I have a fun way to make Harm pay a little for her treachery. It will require some good acting from everyone."

When they got home, Buffy had a full-fledged plan to share with them.

At the studio, Spike informed Warren that Buffy and Cordy were on their way to Vegas for a few days of girl-type fun.

Warren fumed about delaying the film further. Willow stepped in and calmly suggested filming the other scenes, the ones without Buffy or Cordy first. Warren wasn't happy about changing things around, but it was a doable plan.

Spike went to the buffet table to get some coffee. He'd seen Harm hanging out there. He was nervous about Buffy's plan. It was crazy. His woman certainly had a devious mind--He reminded himself again not to get on her bad side. Ever.

Harmony was observing Spike. He surprised her by looking up at her and smiling. He hardly ever smiled like that at her.

"Hi," he said. "You filming today?"

"Uh--Yeah. I'm doing a scene with Forrest. was your trip home?" she asked conversationally.

"Oh, it was good. Nice to see my mum again."

"Anything...interesting happen?"

"Like what, luv?" Spike asked, stirring his coffee.

"It's kind of strange that Buffy would take off again as soon as she got back."

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that girl can be so impulsive. Like when she hurt you that time."

Harm looked down. She was surprised, yet again, when Spike's fingers touched beneath her chin and tilted her face back up. She stared into his deep, blue eyes.

"I'm really sorry about that, by the way. She had no right to put her hands on you," he said in a soft, velvety voice.

"It's...not your fault that she's unstable. You can't control what your crazy girlfriend does."

Spike chuckled, brushing his thumb over her cheek. "Yeah, there's no controlling Buffy."

"Um...Not that it isn't nice, but maybe you should stop touching me," Harm said with regret. "If Buffy hears that we were talking and stuff, she might go nuts again."

"Hmm, you're right." He lowered his hand back to his side. Harm sighed a little, wishing he could have continued. Spike looked around, then stepped up to whisper in her ear. "But she won't know if we go...somewhere more private."

"Huh?" she asked, closing her eyes at the feel of his breath on her ear.

"Why don't you come over to my place later? Xander and I are going to be so lonely. You could keep us company?" Spike leaned back, grinning and running his tongue over his top teeth.

" serious? I thought you and Buffy were--"

"Buffy and I are an item, true. But she doesn't understand that I have needs...strong, uncontainable desires," his voice was thick and rumbling.

Harm shivered as he reached around her and ghosted his fingers up her spine.

"I'm a man, Harm. When I see something I want...I take it." Spike nipped at her earlobe.

Harm whimpered and breathed deeply. "But...if you like me, why did you avoid me so much and ask not to have me in scenes with you?"

"That was all Buffy's doing. She's such a pushy little chit. I could do without a lot of her interfering. I think she flipped out on you because she knew how much I liked you, pet. To keep her quiet and happy, I let her have her way. But..." he smirked. "while the cat is away, etcetera, etcetera..."

"Let's go to my dressing room," Harmony exhaled.

"No. I have some stuff to do today. But tonight...I'm all yours. Xander's wanted to fuck you again for a long time too. You don't mind if he joins us, do you?"

Harm smiled gleefully. Visions of Spike and Xander fucking both of her holes danced in her head. "No, I don't mind! Not at all!"

"Good. Why don't you come over at around 7:30? We'll have had dinner by then, so the whole night will be open."

Harm giggled and batted her eyelashes.

"See you then, pet." With a sexy smirk, Spike walked away.

Harmony turned to watch his ass. She sighed happily. That stupid Buffy would never be the wiser. How dumb was she anyway? Leaving a hunk of burnin' love like Spikey alone for days? The bitch deserved to get played. And Harm was happy to be the one that Spike played with. Fucking Xander too would be extra nice.

Harm wondered what had happened with the little present that she'd sent to Buffy's parents. Spike didn't mention it, and Buffy surely would have lost her shit if her mom and dad confronted her about it. Had they seen it and not said anything to their daughter? No. They would have said something. Maybe it got lost in the mail?

'Phooey! I guess I'll have to try again. Stupid Post Office.'

But Harm was more interested in what was happening tonight. She would be getting a hot beef injection from her Platinum Baby and his friend. That was going to be so much fun!

She grinned and floated around the studio the rest of the afternoon, humming 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'.

Harmony showed up at Spike and Xander's at 7:30 sharp. Actually, she had waited in her car from 7:15 on. She was excited to get the evening started, but didn't want to seem like a dweeb and show up too early. A thunderstorm was rolling in just as she rang the doorbell.

Spike greeted her at the door, invited her in and gave her a glass of wine. Harm was buzzing with sexual energy as they sat and made small talk for a few minutes.

"Um..." she said, tapping her foot, "Can we screw now?"

Spike and Xander laughed.

"Ready for things to progress, luv?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it all day," Harm replied.

Spike looked at his watch. "I think we've waited long enough." He stood up and waved his hand toward the bedroom, lifting an eyebrow. "Shall we?"

"Let's do it here." Harmony took her shirt off.

"I'd rather do it in the bedroom, pet. If things go like I think they will, we're all going to get very...messy." Spike smirked.

Xander laughed. "Yeah, and it's a bitch to get the carpet clean. The bedroom is easier to mop up."

Harm giggled. "Okay. That's cool."

The three of them went to Spike's bedroom. Spike turned the lights down low then turned on some soft Jazz music. The storm outside intensified, raindrops tapped on the windows, thunder crashed. Harmony thought it provided a cool backdrop to the sex.

Harm flew into Spike's arms, kissing him hard. Xander came up behind her. He ran his hands over her hips and kissed her bare back.

"Oh shit--I'm so hot for you!" Harm cried, practically ripping Spike's t-shirt off his body.

"Aw, what about me?" Xander said.

She turned her head smiling at him. "You too, Xander. I want you to fuck me in the ass while Spike's pumping my pussy. Sound good?"

"Sounds very, very good," Xander answered, grinding his pelvis against her butt.

The boys got her clothes off and took her to the bed. Harm laid on her back, giggling up at the mirror. Spike and Xander kissed each other while Spike unbuttoned Xander's shirt. Harm watched, dragging her tongue over her lips. Once they were both shirtless, they took up stations on either side of Harmony. She moaned, feeling their hands caressing her naked body and their mouths on her chest and neck.

"Get those pants off!" she said. "I want to play with those big cocks."

They laughed and started undoing their pants.

The bedroom door slammed open, making them all gasp, look and jump.

Buffy stood there, soaking wet from the rain. In the dim light, they could still see that she was irate. Her teeth were bared, her eyes were wild.

"Buffy!" Spike said, sitting up. "W-What are you doing here? I thought you were--"

"Yeah! I know what you thought! I knew it! I fucking knew you were messing around with that whore!" Buffy yelled.

"Hey! It takes one to know one!" Harm said. She didn't like this at all, she was scared that Buffy would beat her up again. She hid partially behind Spike and peeked around him at Buffy.

"Buff, take it easy, hon," Xander said, holding his hands out.

"And YOU!" Buffy pointed to Xander. "You're cheating on Cordy with this bitch?! You're just as disgusting as him!"

"Now pet, listen--"

"Don't call me ‘pet‘! This is it, Spike. This is the last...fucking...straw!" Buffy ground her teeth, and raised her arm.

She was holding a big butcher knife.

They gasped again.

"Buffy--What are you doing?! Put that down!" Spike said nervously.

"You know why I came home early?" Buffy asked, smiling crazily. "I got a call on my cell from my mom. Seems she got a DVD in the mail. They know about me. They disowned me and said they hated me."

"Oh Buffy, I'm--" Spike started to say.

"SHUT UP!" Buffy spit. "Then I come home to my boyfriend and find him cheating on me? No...this ends now."

Spike got up slowly from the bed, eyeing Buffy warily. Harmony tried pulling him back, but he shrugged her hands off of him.

"Buffy, you know you're my girl. We were just having a little fun, is all."

"Come here, Spikey," Buffy crooked a finger at him, "I want to give you a BIG kiss." The smile on her face was demonic.

Spike walked closer to her. "Put down the knife, pet...Then we'll talk, okay?"

Buffy looked at the knife in her hand. "What? This knife? No, I think I'll be keeping this."

With a yell, Buffy closed the distance between them and stabbed him in the mid- section. Spike screamed. Harmony and Xander screamed on the bed.

Buffy stabbed him brutally a few more times. Spike stumbled back, clutching his stomach.

"Buffffy," he rasped, then pitched forward onto his face.

Blood coated the blade of the knife and Buffy's hand.

"That felt GREAT!" Buffy laughed dementedly. "You're next, Xan Man."

Xander screamed shrilly and made a run for the door. Buffy jumped on his back and stabbed the knife into his back over and over again.

Harmony was against the wall, screaming with her hands over her face.

Xander's yelps of pain died, he crumpled to the floor. Buffy stood up, her chest heaving. She slowly turned her smiling, blood splattered face to Harmony.

"Two down, one to go."

"PLEASE--DON'T! I'll g-give you anything! Money! I'll give you money!" Harmony begged.

Buffy chuckled, wiping blood from her face. "Don't want money, Harm." She stalked over to the bed.

Harmony squeaked and jumped off the bed, making a run for the door. She tripped over Spike's body, going sprawling on the carpet. She turned over to see Buffy standing only a few feet away, blood dripped from the large knife.

"P-Please...don't kill me!" Harm whimpered, crawling backwards.

"I know it was you." Buffy's eyes glittered in the dim light, the insane grin becoming wider. "You were the one that sent that DVD to my parents. You destroyed everything."

Harm shook with fear. "I'm sorry! It was--a joke! I didn't--"

"SHUT UP, BITCH! Then I find you making time with MY MAN!? You're going to pay!"

"Please Buffy! Please don't!" Harm wept, crawling until she couldn't back up anymore.

Buffy stepped closer and closer. "I'm going to enjoy slaughtering you. I'm going to take my time--not like with them." Buffy nodded at the bodies of her former housemates. "First, maybe I'll cut off your fingers. Then your toes...then maybe I'll cut your tits off. Then I'll start slicing into your body. I'm going to bathe in your blood--finger your entrails. It's dyin' time."

"NOOOOOOO!" Harmony let out a blood-curdling scream, putting her arms up over her face.

There was only silence, nothing happened.

Harm peered over her arm at the insane woman.

Buffy started laughing boisterously, slapping her thigh. She stepped around Harm and turned the lights up to full illumination. Spike and Xander sat up and smiled.


"Gotcha, Harm!" Buffy laughed. She demonstrated the retractable blade by 'stabbing' it into her arm. Fake blood squirted out of the handle. "It's a stage knife."

Harmony looked around, still confused and severely frightened.

"You okay, Sugar Bear?" Buffy asked, helping Spike back to his feet.

"Yeah, you got a little carried away with the knife plunging though. Think you bruised me."

"Aww, I'm sorry," Buffy pouted and kissed him.

"Yeah, Stabby Joe!" Xander said, wincing at the aches in his back. "Next time you pretend to murder us, use a more gentle touch, if you please."'

They laughed.

"What's wrong, Harm?" Buffy asked. "Didn't you think my little joke was funny?"

Cordelia came in. "Well, that was really creepy! You're good, Buffy! You almost had me pissing my pants--and I knew it wasn‘t real."

"Shucks," Buffy said shyly. "Thanks, Cordy."

"Harm, you’ve been PUNK’D!" Xander chuckled. "Where’s Ashton Kutcher when you need him?"

"It...w-wasn’t real..." Harm stuttered.

"Boy, you really aren’t very quick on the up-take, are you?" Cordy asked, shaking her head.

"Consider that a teensy bit of payback," Buffy said. "It was really super-easy to figure out that you were the one who sent that DVD. Very sloppy. You need to take a course in villainry or something."

"I--I--" Harmony was in too much shock to think of anything to say. She still was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall.

Buffy walked to her and crouched down. "Let me tell you this though...if you EVER try fucking with me again..." She held the knife up. "This won’t be fake. You want to try me? ‘Cause I’d love it!" The crazy smile returned.

Harmony started whining, sliding along the wall to the open doorway. They all watched her. Then Harm got up and ran. A few seconds later they heard the front door slam.

"Yay!" Cordy said, clapping her hands. "That was great!"

Xander nodded. "Nothing like some good ol’ psychological trauma."

Buffy bowed. "Thank you! I love you all! But, I couldn’t have done it without my two handsome co-stars/victims. Excellent deaths, boys."

They joined hands with Buffy and bowed too. Cordy cheered.

"Ow--fuck! She kicked me in the side when she tripped over me. Bloody well hurts!" Spike grumbled, rubbing his sore ribs.

"Poor baby." Buffy touched his side and kissed him.

Cordy embraced Xander, giving him a big kiss.

Xander put his arms around Cordy‘s waist. "You realize that Harm’s running around outside naked in the rain right now? I wonder if she grabbed her purse. At least she can drive home if she has her keys."

"She didn’t piss on the carpet, did she?" Spike chuckled.

"Eww, I hope not! We’ll have enough trouble getting the fake blood out of the rug." Buffy screwed up her face.

"Speaking of which, we should get this cleaned up. Starting with our hot, bloody men," Cordy giggled, pinching Xander’s butt.

Buffy smiled. "I agree. Into the shower, boys. We need to scrub you good to get the blood off, and all of those Harm cooties too."

Cordy and Buffy chased their boyfriends into the bathroom, stripped them down and had some soapy fun with them.
