
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 26: And The Winner Is...

They put on some fancy duds and went to the Adult Entertainment Awards. Spike, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, Willow, Tara and Faith shared a table in the ballroom.

"Pretty extravagant for a porn awards show," Spike commented, looking around.

It was being filmed for Pay-Per-View television. The many tables set up on the floor were covered with white linen tablecloths. Huge flowery centerpieces graced the middle of the tables. Velvet draperies covered the walls, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

"Don't know why they try to class us up," Faith groused. "I'm fine with being a cumslut. I ain't Nicole fucking Kidman."

"Aw, poor Faith," Willow pouted. "After the ceremony, we'll find you a nice patch of mud to roll around in."

"Eat me." Faith flipped her off.

"I like all of this." Buffy smiled. "Makes me feel like I'm at the Oscars."

"I think it's pretty nifty too," Xander agreed, holding Cordy's hand.

"You guys ready to present tonight?" Tara asked Buffy and Spike, she sipped a glass of champagne.

As two of the hottest newcomers to the porn scene, the producers of the event asked them to present an award together.

"I’m nervous, but it’ll be fun," Buffy said.

"Yeah, I’ve never done anything like this before. Hope I don’t choke," Spike laughed.

"You’ll be fine, baby." Buffy kissed him.

Giles and Anya approached. Giles put a hand on Spike's shoulder and squeezed it gently. Spike smiled up at his mentor.

"This is quite posh, isn't it?" Giles asked.

"Yeah, we were just talkin' about that," Spike said.

"Hi!" a buxom, long-haired brunette walked over to them. She was 5’8", leggy and good-looking. But her most prominent feature were her giant E-cup breasts. "I’m Holly. I work for Synergy Studios."

They all said hello.

Holly’s eyes went from Spike to Xander and back. She grinned at Giles, making Anya hold his hand a little tighter. Anya could see how her boyfriend's eyes were drawn to the other woman's chest. Not that she blamed him--the things were huge! Anya herself had a hard time dragging her eyes upward.

"Wow, Ripper Giles!" Holly gushed. "I've wanted to meet you for so long!" She jiggled.

"Oh, thank you. How do you do...erm...Holly." Giles shook her hand, making her breasts jiggle more.

"I'm great! I'm always up for a party. I wanted to meet you two for a while now too," she said to Spike and Xander. "I’d love to do a movie with you guys sometime," she said, grinning at the men.

"That’d be nice, Holly. Who knows? Maybe we will someday." Spike smirked. He was a little shocked at the size of her tits. It really was a bit much.

Buffy and Cordy brushed against their boyfriends, sending mental warnings to the too-busty brunette. Holly ignored their attempts at showing her that the guys were not available. She reached into her small purse and took out two cards, giving one to each of them.

"Give me a call sometime. Maybe we can work something out. Your bosses have been wanting to do more inter-studio movies. We might get the chance to work together real soon," Holly said brightly.

"Great, luv. Our people will call your people." Spike smiled charmingly.

"Yeah..." Xander was hypnotized by the giant boobs. "Cool...looking forward to it."

Cordy pinched his inner thigh.

"Ouch!" He jumped and pouted at his girlfriend.

"Fantastic! See you guys later, it looks like things are about to start. Good luck!" Holly literally bounced away.

They wished her luck as well.

"Slut," Cordy growled.

Faith laughed. "Hey, Holly is lookin’ out for Holly. I can’t blame her for wanting to do a movie with these two hot, hung studs."

"Hmph!" Buffy moved her chair closer to Spike's. "Holy crap--Her boobs were--"

The lights dimmed, signaling the beginning of the ceremony.

They turned in their seats toward the stage, waiting for the awards to be announced.

A few awards were presented. Faith won for ‘Favorite Cumslut’, that was the one she’d been hoping for. Willow and Tara won for ‘Best Female/Female Sex Scene’. Riley and Robin won for ‘Best Male/Male Sex Scene‘. So far, Horizons was raking in the awards.

The Mayor motioned to Buffy and Spike from the wings.

"Looks like we’re on." Buffy stood up, smoothing down her white dress.

Spike took her hand, they walked backstage to get ready.

The announcer in the booth introduced them.

"And now, two of the hottest, young stars in adult films today--Buffy Winters and Spike!"


They walked out with big, movie star smiles.

Buffy was wearing a floor-length, filmy, white dress with a high waist. Her back and shoulders were bare, the dress tied around the back of her neck. She only showed a hint of cleavage, opting for more sexy than trashy--unlike some of her fellow actresses. She wore her hair long and loose. It was done in a Rita Hayworth-like style; the ends softly curled in towards her face.

Spike was wearing a raven-black tuxedo jacket with matching slacks. A silk shirt, a slightly lighter shade of black, had the first two buttons undone. His hair was gelled back.

They looked beautiful and happy as they approached the podium. There were whistles and hooting from the crowd. Porn stars tended to be a bit more gregarious than normal awards show crowds.

Spike spoke first, "Thank you. We're presenting the award for 'Best Group Scene'. Buffy, do you know the best thing about these awards?"

Buffy pretended to have trouble reading from the monitor. She replied in a halting monotone, "No. Spike. What is the--best thing about these--awards?"

"That we don't have that forced, supposedly witty banter between the presenters."

"Yes, Spike. You are correct. Is there anything more irritating than two pretty, vacuous blondes exchanging puns and innuendo, when all you want is for them to get on with it?"

"No, Buffy. I don't think there is. In fact--"

(Groans and laughter from the audience)

"Alright, alright. You obviously don't appreciate witty banter in it's highest form," Buffy giggled. "Let's get on with it then. The nominees for 'Best Group Scene' are: 'Field of Creams'. Holly McNab, John Powers, Blue, Leslie Des Champs and Brenda Barr."

(Applause, whistles)

Spike took up the next movie, "Traffic Cop 4.
Ben Saber, Denise Love, Jennifer Hanson and Danielle Wang."


Buffy smiled wide, "Buffy the Vampire Layer." There were loud cheers and whistles from the Horizons section of the room. Buffy laughed. "Ripper Giles, Anya Jenkins, Xander Biggs, Willow and Tara McClay."

Spike grinned at his co-workers. "Cum Camping." More cheers. "That dashing bloke, Spike, Buffy Winters, Xander Biggs and Cordelia Chase. Pet, you want to do the honors?" Spike asked giving her the envelope.

Buffy took the envelope and ripped it open. "And the winner goes to...Oh my God! 'Cum Camping'!"

Spike laughed and hugged her. Xander and Cordy joined them up on stage.

"I swear that's what it says!" Buffy joked, showing the card naming them as the winners to the room.

They gave each other kisses and hugs. Xander and Spike were careful not to kiss as deeply as they wanted to--as far as most other people knew, they were totally straight. Maybe sometime in the future they could publicly embrace their bisexuality, but for now they were content to keep it a secret.

Buffy held the golden award in her hands. "I want to thank the critics who voted on these awards. I know I speak for the four of us when I say how thrilled I am to win this. Thank you Mr. Wilkins, and Lilah Morgan, wherever you are! I owe you two the most for giving me a chance. Thanks!"

Buffy stepped aside to let Cordy have her turn. "Thank you for this award! This was my first movie at my new studio and I really threw myself into the part." The audience and her co-stars laughed. "What? I did! It was easy to do with amazing actors like Buffy, Spike and Xander behind...under, and on top of me." Cordy smiled when she received more laughs. "Thank you."

Spike slid his arms around Buffy and kissed her shoulder. She smiled at him.

Xander took the award and held it aloft. "Wooooooo! This is so cool! I never won anything in my life, so this is really special! This is my first year doing adult movies. But it's been a dream since I was about 15." There were chuckles and sounds of agreement from the crowd. "Thank you!"

Xander gave the award a kiss and passed it to Spike.

Spike stepped up to the microphone. "I'm happy that the four of us got the job done right. I love working with all of my co-stars, but it's always extra special to work with these three particular performers."

Xander punched him on the shoulder. "Aw! Right back at ya, ya big galoot!"

Spike laughed. "Thanks to the critics for this award. Thanks also to Lilah Morgan who discovered Buffy, Xander and myself. And more thanks to Richard Wilkins for helping our careers to flourish. Thank you all."

(Applause and whooping)

They went off-stage and hugged again, jumping up and down.

By the end of the night, each of them had at least one more award.

Buffy and Spike won the 'Newcummers of the Year', female and male, respectively. They also won for 'Best Male-Female Sex Scene' for BtVL.

Spike won: 'Best Single Performance, Actor' for his role as the vampire in 'BtVL', Male Performer of the Year, Super Stud of the Year and 'Best Cum Shot' for 'Summer Heat'.

Buffy won: 'Best Single Performance, Actress' for 'BtVL', Female Performer of the Year.

Cordelia won for: 'Unsung Siren', and 'Best BDSM Scene' for a role in a movie from her old studio called, 'Lick My Boot'.

Xander won for: 'Unsung Swordsman' and 'Boy Next Door'.

The film, 'Buffy the Vampire Layer' won for 'Movie of the Year' and 'DVD of the Year'.

There was much to celebrate.

They piled back in the limo, heading to 'The Magic Fetish' club for the afterparty.

"We won! Yay!" Buffy laughed. "I can't believe all the awards we won!"

"We so fucking rule!" Xander hooted, exchanging high-fives with Cordy.

Spike popped open a bottle of champagne and poured them each a brimming glass.

"To us," he said, raising his glass in a toast, "the best damn porn actors in the bloody world!"

They laughed and clinked glasses, drinking down their first glass quickly.

"Hey," Xander said leaning across the center towards Spike. "I wanted to give you a big, sloppy kiss but couldn't. Give Big Poppa a smooch."

"Okay, on the condition that you don't call yourself 'Big Poppa' ever again."

"Agreed." Xander smiled crookedly.

Spike chuckled and met Xander's lips in the middle. They kissed each other hard. Buffy and Cordy started getting flushed and hot, going from mildly horny to super-duper horny in a matter of seconds. Spike leaned back and poured them more drinks.

Buffy laid her hand on his thigh, gently rubbing and scratching. Spike looked at her and was pleased to see the impish grin on her face. That grin could only mean one thing: Shagging.

Xander and Cordy were a little ahead of them. Cordy had climbed up onto Xander's lap and was currently kissing the stuffing out of him.

Buffy and Spike grinned and turned to each other. Spike lifted her onto his lap. Buffy kissed him lightly, tasting the champagne on his lips. She parted his lips with her tongue, dipping inside to taste his tongue. Why did everything taste so much better licked or sucked off of him? It was a wonderful, delicious mystery that Buffy planned on investigating thoroughly.

Cordy moaned as Xander kissed down the front of her throat. "I didn't like that Holly coming on to you like that. She's a slut."

"Hmm? Oh, Cordy, you can't be jealous?" Xander said.

"You don't like tits that big, do you?" she asked, leadingly.

"Of course not." Xander returned to her neck, licking and kissing. "Hootie McBoob ain't got nothin' on my Cordy Bear."

Cordy giggled and messed up his hair. Xander moved her dress to the side to expose her breasts.

"You have the most perfect tits since the creation of tits. Love 'em," Xander latched onto a dark nipple with his lips.

"You didn't like that girl's boobs, did you, Spike?" Buffy asked slyly.

"Nope. I don't mind large breasts, but when one of them is bigger than my entire head...little scary," he responded, biting her neck.

"Mmm, good answer." Buffy turned his face to kiss him.

"Hate to mess up this pretty dress of yours, pet," Spike said.

Buffy undid his belt and unzipped him. "I don't mind. 'Sides, I want to mess you up. You looked too fancy."

Spike chuckled and caressed the sides of her face in his hand. "My beautiful, naughty girl."

"That's me," Buffy said, giving him a wink.

Spike brought her back to his lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Buffy sucked on it and took his dick out. She was virtually an expert multi-tasker after months of diligent practice. She continued kissing him, stroked his cock and unbuttoned his shirt. Spike hummed his appreciation for her skills.

Xander had Cordelia's dress off, she was straddling him. His hands were splayed on her bare back, he bent her backwards slightly to suck on her tits.

"Ohhhh--Ohhh Xander!" Cordy panted and gyrated her pussy against him.

"Are we like...the horniest people on the planet, or what?" Buffy asked.

"Mmm-hmm, I do believe we are, pet." Spike carefully removed her dress and set it aside in a safe place. He ran his hands up her thighs to her waist, slipping his thumbs under the band of her white thong. "So sexy," he purred.

Buffy pushed his shirt open and thumbed his nipples.

"Feel like gettin' wet, Buffy?" he asked, his tongue poked out to touch his upper lip.

"Yes. I'm already fairly soaked, as you can tell." Buffy took his hand and placed it on her pussy.

Spike rubbed her through her thong, moisture seeped through onto his fingers. Buffy groaned rubbing back at his hand.

"Yeah, you are wet. But I had another kind of wet in mind," Spike said, taking the bottle of champagne.

He held her around the waist with one arm, and tilted her body backwards. Buffy put her hands on his thighs behind her to support herself. Spike poured out a stream of champagne onto her naked torso, starting just below her neck. Buffy squealed and giggled.

"Cold!" she said.

Spike smirked, put the bottle aside and started kissing and licking the alcohol off of her. He mouthed her breasts, taking most of a mound into his mouth.

"Oh Spike!" Buffy whispered.

"Hey, that looks like fun!" Xander said from the other seat. "Gimme that bottle."

"It's delicious, mate. I'm sure it'll taste just as good on Cordy." Spike passed the bottle to Xander then went back to sucking the liquid off of Buffy.

Xander got on his knees on the floor in front of Cordy. She giggled and slouched down, spreading her legs wide open. Xander poured some champagne on her tits, then a little on her stomach. She jerked when the cold liquid made contact with her skin. It ran down her stomach, into her bellybutton and down to her shaved pussy. Xander put the bottle down and started on her breasts.

Spike slid Buffy off his lap and shed his clothes. He mirrored Xander's position on the floor of the limo. Buffy eagerly spread open for him, letting him spill champagne on her pussy, then panting and yelling as he drank it up.

Buffy and Cordy smiled at each other over the guys' heads. Cordy ran her tongue over her top teeth and played with her tits while looking at Buffy. Buffy did the same.

The boys continued licking up the champagne from their girlfriends' toned bodies for several minutes. The girls were moaning and pinching their nipples. Cordelia's tits were big enough that she was able to lift them to her mouth to suck on her own nipples.

"Oh fuck, that's hot, Cordy," Xander groaned.

"Want to suck your cock," Cordy said.

Xander quickly got out of his pants, his erect cock bobbed in the air. Cordy pushed him back into the seat and took his place on the floor. She took his cock in her hand and began licking it up and down.

Buffy giggled. "Hey Cordy, they gave us the champagne treatment. I think we should do the same to them."

"Mmmm, good idea, Buffy." Cordy smiled and picked up the bottle.

She emptied the small amount of alcohol left in the bottle over Xander's fat cock. He gasped.

"Hey--That's cold!" he laughed.

"Yep." Cordy dived onto his cock, her mouth sank down over the entire shaft. She pulled up, sucking hard to get the champagne.

"Ahhh--Oh yeah!" Xander moaned.

Buffy opened another bottle of champagne and knelt in front of Spike. She poured a slow, flow of liquid over the top of his cock, watching in delight as it ran down the sides.

Spike gasped, then moaned when she sucked on his sac to slurp up the liquid that ran down onto it.

"Uhhh--Buffy! Yeah, pet--Ahh!"

Cordy looked over and licked her lips. "Xander, help Buffy with that big, hard cock."

Xander grinned and moved across the limo to sit next to Spike. They kissed for a minute, then Xander surrounded the cockhead with his mouth. Spike stroked his hand on Xander's back and had his other hand in Buffy's hair.

Cordy kneeled next to Buffy and continued the bj on Xander.

In the front of the limo, the driver, Graham, was having a difficult time concentrating on the road. He kept glancing in the rearview mirror, hoping that somehow he'd be able to see the action and not just hear it. Their moans and cries made him hard as a rock.

He couldn't wait to drop the actors off and have some alone time to jack off. He knew he wouldn't last long, he was about ready to pop just listening to them and imagining what they were doing to each other. Thank God they were almost at the club.

Buffy was impaled on Spike's cock, riding him in Cowgirl position. Cordelia was kneeling on the seat and holding onto the back of it while Xander pounded her pussy from behind. Buffy palmed and fondled one of Cordy's tits.

"Ooooh!" Cordy moaned. "Yeah! Auuuhh--Fuck me, Xander!"

Xander put one knee up on the seat and plowed into her harder.

"Ahh-Ahhhhhh!" Cordy said in a squeaky voice.

Spike reached over, running his fingers along Cordelia's slit. He found her clit and rolled it between his nimble fingers.

Cordy tossed her head back and shrieked with her orgasm. "OH YES! AAANNHHAA!" She loved it when all three of them touched and fucked her.

"Ahh--Cordy!" Xander thrust wildly into her.

"Slow down, baby," Cordy said over her shoulder to Xander. "I don't want you to cum yet."

With some effort, Xander changed to long, drawn-out strokes.

"I want him to see us," Cordelia said, her eyes bright.

"Who?" Buffy asked, rising and falling slowly on Spike's cock.

"The driver. He was pretty cute. It makes me hot to be watched." Cordy reached for the button that lowered the dividing window between the front and the back of the car.

"Cordy!" Buffy giggled. "Don't!"

Cordy's finger hovered over the button. "Come on, it'll be sexy. Imagine him watching and whacking off, getting sooooo hot from what he's seeing. It'll be like a live performance of one of our movies."

Buffy bit her lip and looked at Spike. He smirked and shrugged.

"Go ahead," Xander said, nodding at the button and pushing into his girlfriend.

Cordy lowered the dividing glass.

Graham's eyes flew to the rearview. His eyes were wide and a little clouded over.

"Hi." Cordy waved and grinned at him. "You want to watch, cutie?"

Graham gulped and nodded.

"At least pull over or something," Spike said. "Don't want to have an accident...especially while we're doing this."

Graham checked their location. The club was just ahead. He quickly signaled and pulled over to the side of the road. He turned in his seat to watch directly. Cordelia was only a few inches from him, but he resisted the urge to crawl through and grab her.

Cordy took control of the romp. "Okay, Xander go sit on the opposite seat. Buffy, Spike, you guys move over there too. I want two reverse cowgirls for our friend...What's your name?" she asked the driver.

"Graham," he said dreamily.

Cordy grinned. "Our friend Graham would like to see that, I think."

They followed Mistress Cordelia's orders and moved across to the other seat. Xander and Spike sat slouched a bit and spread their legs. Graham didn't know where to look: the girls were super hot, but the guys were very hot too. His eyes bugged out at the sight of Spike's massive, erect cock.

Cordy giggled as she climbed onto Xander's lap backwards. "I think he likes Spike Junior."

"Who doesn't?" Buffy asked, giving Spike's tool a few licks.

Spike hauled her up on his lap and turned her so that she was facing away from him. Buffy and Cordy put their feet up on the seat and put their hands on the back of the seat. Xander and Spike poised their cocks at their girlfriends' pussies. The girls lowered themselves onto the cocks.

After a few minutes, they began moving faster.

"Like it, Graham?" Cordy panted.

"Yeah," he answered, licking his lips.

Buffy felt like getting in on the naughty too. "Is your cock out? Are you playing with yourself?"

He swallowed and shook his head no.

"Do it. Take it out." Cordy bounced on Xander.

Xander and Spike looked at each other and smiled. They liked how dirty their girls could be. And Graham was very hot himself, from what they saw of him. Brown, spiky hair, green eyes, a handsome face with a strong jaw, nice pouty lips, a big frame that was probably muscular--definitely shaggable.

Graham unzipped and took his dick out. He was already solid and dripping. He spit in his hand then started stroking himself.

"Goooood boy," Cordy purred. She could tell by the motion of his arm and the look on his face that he was touching himself.

Xander and Spike held onto the girls tits and fucked upwards hard and fast.

"Yeah--Ahh-Ahh Xander!"

"Hang on," Cordy ordered, making all of them groan. "I know, I know, it's a drag to stop. But I want to do it in a different position. Xander, you sit on the floor. I'll ride you Cowgirl. Buffy, you turn around and get into CG too."

Buffy and Spike muttered, but she turned around on him. Xander sat on the floor and pulled Cordy into his arms. The four of them kissed as the girls slid back down on their poles. Graham watched and stroked his dick.

Cordy made sure that she and Xander were right in front of Buffy and Spike. They started fucking again. Cordy wrapped her hand around the bottom of Spike's shaft and pumped him. Xander massaged Buffy's ass.

Cordy took Spike's cock out of Buffy and leaned over to suck on it. Xander shoved a few fingers inside of Buffy's pussy and fucked her hard with them.

"Uhhh! Ohhhh God! Yeah!" Buffy moaned.

Cordy offered Spike's leaking tip to Xander. He licked around it a few times before swallowing it.

"Ahhh--Fuck--Yeah!" Spike groaned, fucking Xander’s mouth.

Xander pulled off, allowing Cordy to slurp on Spike a little more before putting him back inside of Buffy. Cordy and Xander humped each other frantically while rubbing and fingering their friends' genitalia.

Cordy was so close, and she could tell by the others' cries that they were too. She smiled at Graham. "You ready to cum, Graham? Let me see you jacking your cock!" she demanded.

Graham got himself into a half-standing, pretzeled position so that he could watch and let Cordelia watch him rapidly jerking himself.

"Oh God--Uhhhh!" Cordy's eyes rolled up as her body began to quiver--starting the cumming chain reaction.

"OH Cordy! AHHH--FUCK!"
"BUFFY! Uhhhhhaa!"

"Ahh--UNNGGH!" Graham gasped. His cum spewed forth through the open divider, shooting an admirable distance.

They sighed, petting each other.

"Nice load, Graham." Cordy winked.

He grinned and blushed, still stroking his cock slowly.

Cordelia gave Xander a kiss and crawled up onto the seat, dabbing at the ropes of cum he'd shot. "You want us to clean your cock?"

Graham's eyes danced over the four of them. He nodded quickly and raised up so that they'd have easy access to his prick. Cordy took him in her hands and licked at his knob. Buffy and Spike joined Cordy, kneeling on the seat. Buffy leaned in and licked the side of Graham's cock while Cordy lapped at the head. Spike just watched for now.

Xander decided he'd rather clean up his friends. He took Spike's cum-covered cock and stroked it while burying his face in Buffy's gooey snatch from behind. Buffy moaned using one of her hands to please Cordy, she slipped three fingers into Cordy's stretched hole and fucked her slowly.

"Cool, Graham's not soft yet," Cordy giggled. She looked up at him. "You like us licking your cock?"

"Yeah--Oh yeah," Graham moaned.

"You want Spike to suck your cock too?" she asked.

Graham thought about it for a moment. He'd never done anything with a guy...but...thinking about Spike's big cock did get him hard. He had tried to write it off or explain it away--But it seemed that he was a bit bi-curious.

Cordy and Buffy laughed, feeling Graham's cock do a jig at Cordy's question.

Graham blushed again but nodded. "Yeah...that would be...okay."

"Not very enthusiastic, mate?" Spike chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"No...I want it. I just never...with a guy..."

"Oh," Spike said. "Yeah, I was a bit nervous too my first time with Xan."

"Ah, sweet memories," Xander said from the floor.

Spike slowly brought his mouth to the head of Graham's cock, giving him the opportunity to back out if he had second thoughts. Graham remained silent, breathing more rapidly the closer the handsome blonde man's lips got to his shaft. Spike darted his tongue out, flicking at the shiny head that Cordy presented to him.

Graham let out a pronounced groan at the feel of Spike's lips. Cordy and Buffy handled his cock and balls. Xander was content to eat them out from below.

It wasn't long before all of them were moaning with pleasure and cumming again.

Graham's load was weaker this time, but still good. Buffy, Cordy and Spike shared it.

It turned out that Graham was an aspiring actor/model, who's luck had been less than great. Buffy sympathized with that. She offered to ask Wilkins to consider giving the hunky limo driver an audition. Graham was eager and happy to at least give porn a shot.

He joined them at the afterparty and got to know many of the other actors. Faith took it upon herself to 'audition' him in the limo.

The next day, her glowing review of Graham's performance (along with the others' recommendations) would be enough to convince The Mayor. Faithy was always right.

Back in Sunnydale...

Dawn laid on her stomach on her bed, doodling in her notebook.

Mrs. Spike Crane
Dawn Crane
Mr. and Mrs. William Crane
Dawn + Spike

She drew a big heart around their names. She sighed and smiled.

In another part of L.A....

"Hello?" his voice was rough from alcohol and cigarettes.

"Hi, Angel baby! It's me," Darla said sweetly. "I've missed you so much! We haven't gone out to dinner or anything in ages. Miss me too?"

"You fucked him," Angel stated in a monotone.

"Uh--What are you talking about?" Darla asked.

"That bleached blonde asshole--Spike. You fucked him! I saw it!"

"A-Angel, are you talking about a movie we did?"

"Why?" he asked, his voice getting that menacing quality that scared the crap out of her. "You've fucked him off-screen too, haven't you? Haven't you!?" he demanded.

"Angel, no! Stop it! I haven't slept with anyone at all except for you off-camera. That shit you're taking is making you paranoid. You need to quit doing it. Please, baby...Can't you see what it's doing to you?" her voice was pleading and desperate.

Angel didn't say anything. For a moment, he realized that she was right. He'd been in a downward spiral for months. His professional jealousy of Spike, his being fired by that weirdo Wilkins, his inability to get hired anywhere else, and subsequent crippling depression--the drugs that he'd been taking to lift his spirits were affecting him. But instead of making him feel good like they used to, they now made him more angry and suspicious.

The realization came and went quickly. Angel got more pissed off at Darla for pointing out the obvious.

"What the fuck do you know?! It's my life, I'll take what ever I want! You don't tell me how to live, bitch!" he growled.

Darla was upset at his recently adopted penchant for calling her names. He'd never done that before, except for when she asked to be called things during sex. His personality had changed drastically.

"I'll...I'll come over later, okay? I haven't seen you for so long. I'll bring some pizza--Does that sound good?" Darla hoped to re-connect with him, she missed him, missed the way they used to be.

"I don't need you," he said. "Go fuck Spike again, whore. Stay away from me or I'll bash your fucking head in!" He slammed the phone down.

"Angel! No it's not--" Darla stopped when she heard the dial tone.

"Oh God...Angel please..." Darla started weeping, letting her head droop down and holding the phone to her chest.

She could tell how badly he was hurting, how frayed his mental state had become. And she didn't know what to do for him. Should she leave him alone? Should she try to get him some help? Would he beat her as he'd began threatening to lately? Her Angel wouldn't do that to her, he wouldn't harm a hair on her blonde head. But this Angel...he wasn't the same one who had pledged his love or held her after lovemaking. This Angel was self-destructive and dangerous.

Darla didn't know if she was making the right decision, but she decided to stay away from him for a while longer. Maybe he could sort himself out and then come back to her...maybe with flowers and an apology for how crazy he'd acted over the last few months.

'Yeah, right! You're living in a Fool's Paradise!' a nagging voice said in the back of her mind. 'You're going to lose him forever...if you haven't already.'


Chapter 27: Little Sister, Don't

[A/N: Dawn does some bad things in this chapter. Skim over it if you have an aversion to Dawn and her lusting for Spike.]

Spike was alone in the house, wearing only a pair of blue, satin pajama pants (Buffy liked these on him--She liked ripping them off of his body even more). Buffy was over at Cordy’s helping her with a project for her fashion design class. Xander was playing Teamster again and was working on putting up sets at the studio.

Spike had enjoyed himself for a while, eating some cold pizza and watching the History Channel. But after a few hours, he was getting really bored and lonely. There was another storm blowing through the area like the one on the night that Harmony had gotten what was coming to her. Spike smiled as he got up to get a beer from the kitchen. Harm had taken a leave of absence. Apparently, she couldn’t face Buffy--or the rest of them--for a while at least. Somehow she had convinced Wilkins to let her take some vacation time. Wilkins never said anything to Buffy or Spike about it, so they had no idea what Harmony had actually told him.

The front doorbell rang.

Spike frowned. Who could that be at 10 o’clock and during a thunderstorm?

Upon opening the door, he caught an armful of giggling 16-year-old that was falling toward him.

"Dawn!? What are you doing here?!" Spike had caught her just in time, before she fell through the threshold.

"Hi, Spike! I was in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi! So I‘m saying HI!"

Spike got her inside and shut the door. It only took one look and one whiff of her to know that she was ass-over-tits drunk. He tried helping her to stand on her own, but she kept leaning on him. Finally, he just picked her up.

"Ooooh!" Dawn laughed, putting an arm around his neck and resting in his strong arms. "I'm alllll wet, Spike!"

"Yeah, I see that, luv."

He took her to the couch and sat her down. She tried hanging onto him but he ducked out of her grasp. "How did you get here, Bit?"

"Um--My friends drove me. We were hanging out and somebody said ‘Let’s go to a club in L.A.!’. I said ‘Yeah! I can v-visit my buh-big sister!" She snorted and giggled.

Spike rubbed his suddenly very tired eyes. What the hell was he going to do with her? Buffy was going to be so upset.

"Do your parents know you’re here?"

Dawn grinned and shook her head from side to side. "Nope. They don’t like it?" She hiccupped. "They can go f-fuck themselves!" She rolled around on the couch, laughing.

" need to call...rather, I need to call them. They're probably worried sick. We can’t let them know what condition you’re in."

"My condition-Heeheehee! You make it sound like I’m pregnant! They think I'm staying over at Janice's--they don't have a clue!" She started rolling on the couch again. "Roll, roll! Roll in ze hay! Roll, roll! Roll in ze hay!"

Spike sighed and shook his head. "Come on, I’ll put you to bed."

That got Dawn’s attention. She stopped laughing and rolling. "Okay. Bed sounds rrrrreal good."

Spike took her hand and helped her up. Dawn leaned heavily on him.

"You need to carry me." She blinked slowly at him and smiled.

Spike picked her up in a fireman’s carry over his shoulder. Dawn squealed and kicked her legs lightly. ‘Yum!’ she thought, face-to-ass with him. ‘I’m gonna take a bite out of it!’

"Hold still, Dawn. I'm going to drop you if you keep squirmin'."

She was just opening her mouth and getting ready to bite his butt when he started putting her back down. He had taken her to his and Buffy’s bedroom, and was setting her down on the bed. Dawn sulked that she hadn’t had time to feast on his yummy bum. But now she was in his bedroom! Even better stuff could happen now!

"Scoot back, Sweetbreads," Spike said.

Dawn’s heart sped up. She slid backwards on the black silk sheets to the head of the bed, watching him, giving him her complete attention.

Spike put a cover over Dawn. She smiled up at him, her eyes red, white and blue. Spike smiled back and turned to get her some aspirin out of the nightstand, if she took them now, it might help with the hangover she was sure to have in the morning.

Dawn's eyes dropped to his ass when he bent over. Such a nice ass. Would he mind if she touched it? She started reaching out. Spike was turning back to her. Dawn giggled and put her hands over her mouth.

"What's funny then, luv?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Nuff'um," Dawn laughed.

"Alright. Here take these pills and try to sleep it off for a few hours."

Dawn sat up, taking the pills and swallowing them with a drink of water. Spike patted her leg and went to stand up.

"No! Don't go!" she grabbed his arm. "I...don't want to be alone."

"Okay," Spike sat back down. "I'll stay for now, but I have to call your sister and let her know you're here."

"Shit...she's going to kick my ass," Dawn put her hands over her face.

"Yeah, most probably. You deserve to have your butt kicked. Takin' off like that, coming all this way."

"But I wanted to see you guys! I...missed my sis." Dawn started laughing again. "Missed my sis! Sssssssss! I'm a ssssnake!"

Spike patted her on the top of the head. "You're three sheets to the wind, Nibblet. Try to sleep, okay?"

"Mmm, okay." Dawn grinned and laid down. She shook her feet and looked straight up. "Hey! You have a mirror over your bed!" she laughed.

Spike's eyes widened. He'd thought that he had covered the mirror earlier. He looked up and saw their reflections.


"What's it for?" she asked coyly. She had an idea.


"What's the mirror for? That's a funny place to have one."

"I...It's...Don't worry about it. There's a thing that makes it go away." Spike reached for the switch that covered the mirror.

Dawn put her hand over his. "No, it's cool. I like it."


"Is it for having sex?" Dawn asked.

Spike coughed in to his fist. "What?"

"The mirror. Is it for like when you're doing it and you want to watch yourself?"

"Uh...Dawn, you really need to go to sleep," Spike gulped nervously.

"Okay." Dawn smiled and settled into the bed. "Could you stay with me--just for a little while?"

"Yeah, sure. For a while."

Dawn sighed and giggled. "Lay down."


"Lay down with me."

"No...I'm fine...sitting here."

"Please? I'm nervous, being in a new place and knowing that my mom is going to split my skull open. And...I don't feel so good. Please?" she pouted.

"Alright." Spike reluctantly stretched out, a safe distance from, Buffy's drunk little sister.

'What if she tries something?' Spike thought. 'No...she won't. She's...not that kind of girl,' he reassured himself.

"I turned 16," Dawn said.

"I know. I wished you a happy 16th over the phone. How‘s 16 treating you?"

"Sweet 16--and never been kissed," she giggled, rolling to rest against his side.

Spike watched his eyes get bigger in the mirror. Dawn put her arm up on his chest and tucked her head under his chin.

"Dawn...luv...won't you be more comfortable over there?"

"Uh-uh. Like it here." She sighed and rubbed her face over his chest.

Spike patted her back awkwardly. He really should make her go back to her side of the bed, this could get weird...Make that weirder.

"Come on, Dawn. Go back to your side."

She ignored him. "I saw that movie you were in," Dawn said softly.

Spike closed his eyes. "Dawn, don't talk about that."

Dawn turned her face up to look at him, resting her chin on his chest. Her wide blue eyes were riveted to his. "But I want to talk about it. You made me And trembly inside. And so...wet," she moaned.

"Dawn! Don't say that!"

Spike tried to get up. But Dawn prevented him, laying more of her body on top of him.

"That was the first time I masturbated," she said, gazing into his startled eyes. "That night when I went home. I was laying in bed and I ached so bad. I thought of you and touched myself."

"Stop it, Dawn. You're Buffy's sister and you're too young." Spike tried to remain calm and gently remove her from his body.

"I'm being truthful with you. Don't you like honesty?" Dawn asked, sliding fully on top of him and effectively pinning him down.

"Some things are--best left unsaid, Dawn. Please...just go over to the other side of the bed to sleep, okay? I promise that I won't tell Buffy about this...But you have to stop this now," Spike said sternly.

Dawn laughed. "Tell Buffy, I don't care!"

Spike gasped when one of her hands cupped his crotch. "Stop! Don't do that!"

"Let me see it Spike! Ohhh let me see it, please! I use the dildo all the time, but I want the real thing!" Dawn groaned with desire and attacked his mouth with hers.

"MMmmph!!!!" Spike wriggled underneath the lanky teen. He couldn't believe this was happening.

He pushed her shoulders away and down enough for him to scramble backwards against the headboard. "You don't know what you're doing! Stop it!" he yelled.

"I know exactly what I'm doing!" Dawn growled, crawling up after him. Her eyes blazed like blue flames. "I love watching you in those movies! I cum sooooo hard! Give it to me, Spike--Fuck me!"

"NO!" Spike went to the side to get off the bed.

Dawn growled again, grabbing the back of his pajama pants and pulling him back hard by them. There was a *RRRRIIIIIPPPP!* sound.

"SHIT!" Spike cried, his eyes bugging out. Freakish strength seemed to be a family trait.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Dawn laughed, pushing him down and straddling his thighs.

"Dawn, stop it, dammit! This isn't bloody funny or cute in any way! You're pissing me off now!"

"Be my first fuck, Spike! Make me a woman! Make love to me!" Dawn shouted while yanking his torn pants down.

Spike yelled like a woman. Panic-stricken, he tried frantically to pull his pants back up. "Get off of me now, Dawn! I don't want to have to hurt you!"

"WOOF!" Dawn smiled with delight, staring at his exposed monster. "Holy shit! It's even bigger than it looked in the movies!"

Dawn pushed his hands away and dropped on top of him, wrapping her legs around his so that he couldn't escape. She kept trying to kiss him, but Spike thrashed his head around.

"Stay still!" Dawn growled. She thrust her hands down and grabbed his cock, double-fisted.

"DON'T!" Spike yelled.

'I'm being raped by my girlfriend's baby sister! OH GOD! This isn't happening!'

Everything was happening so fast--It was like some kind of nightmare--for him anyway. Dawn's drunk ass was reveling in every second.

Dawn's hands roughly jerked and stroked his cock. "Get hard for me, Spike! Get it hard!"

"NO! GET OFF NOW!" he grit his teeth, trying unsuccessfully to get her hands off of his cock.

"Get off! That’s what I want to do!" Dawn laughed.

With one hand, Dawn yanked her skirt up. With the other, she guided his fat cockhead to her pussy. He wasn't hard, but it still felt so good in her hands. She wanted to feel it on her flesh. Dawn moaned loudly, rubbing her slit over his cockhead. Spike became even more panicked. He felt the heat and wetness of her 16-year-old, virgin pussy on him. She was drenched; her pussy drooled all over his cock.

"DAWN! STOP PLEASE!" Spike begged, struggling to get out of her iron grip and push her away.

Dawn rubbed the head roughly against her hard clit. Spike bucked beneath her to get free, but it helped to serve her purposes instead. Her hips started pumping hard. She suddenly gasped and started shaking in climax. Her mouth hung open, her eyes shut tight.

"Uuuhhh! OH OHHHH! Want to feel you inside of me!" Dawn wailed.

Spike felt overwhelmed and sick. He didn't care if he hurt her or not anymore--This had to stop! His cock was having an involuntary reaction to all the friction and starting to get hard. He took her by the shoulders and shoved her hard away from him. Dawn had loosened her grip on him during her climax, she was thrown off easily. She bounced on the bed twice then reached for him again.

"NO! Stop it--Just fucking stop it!" Spike batted her hands away while trying to pull up his pants.

He stopped and gasped when he saw Buffy standing in the doorway. She looked as shocked and sick as he felt.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Buffy screamed.

Dawn's head whipped toward Buffy. Her face went blank and pale. "Oh, shit."

"Buffy--I--" Spike started.

"Spike--Get out--I have to talk to Dawn," Buffy said angrily, gritting her teeth. "NOW!"

Spike jumped off the bed, fixing his pants. He had to hold them up to keep them from falling down again due to the big rip along the side. He looked at Buffy as he walked to the door. Would she hit him? Would she kick him? Did she hate him? Could she ever forgive him for this? Buffy looked more irate than he'd ever seen her. Spike was still too shocked to think of anything smart to say to calm her down. He decided to just leave and let her come to him when she was ready to hear an explanation. If she even wanted to hear one from him.

He left the room without another word, going to sit and wait on the couch. He felt like he was going to vomit. Spike closed his eyes and put his hands over his face. He should have gotten Dawn away from him before it went that far--Why didn't he force her away sooner? He'd tried, but...At least the girl hadn't made him penetrate her before Buffy showed up.

He groaned miserably into his hands.

Buffy circled around the bed, like a predator sizing up it's prey.

Dawn gulped, pulling her skirt back down and moving back against the headboard.

"I have questions. And you will answer," Buffy said frighteningly evenly, making Dawn think of Hannibal Lector for some reason. "What was going on in here? Why were you on top of my man and...What were you doing?"

"I--I love him!" Dawn squeaked. "We were--I wanted him to make love to me!"

Buffy fought to control her temper. She breathed deeply, clenching and unclenching her fists.

"He's my boyfriend."

"It's not fair!" Dawn started crying. "I love him too--I wanted him to be my first! Why do you always get the good stuff? I don't have anything! I want Spike!"

"He doesn't love you or want you!" Buffy yelled. "You're just a stupid kid! How did it happen? How did you get in bed with him?!"

"I--I don't remember," Dawn wept. "I think I asked him to stay with m-me."

Buffy went closer to Dawn, smelling the alcohol from a few feet away. "Did he give you booze?" Buffy knew that he didn't, he wouldn't have done that. But she needed to find out where her sister got tanked up.

"N-No. My friends...had it."

Dawn couldn't think straight anymore. She felt sick and scared of what Buffy might do to her.

"So, let's see if I understand so far. You showed up here out of the blue, drunk as a fucking skunk, and tried having sex with my boyfriend? Is that about right?"

Dawn just sobbed into her hands.

"Dawn, give me an honest answer to this--or I swear I'll pull out your hair by the roots--Did Spike do anything to encourage you, or participate in any way?"

Dawn looked up at her through her tears. Her face completely crumbling. "NO! He k-k-kept trying to get away from me! 'Coz I'm ugly--and I'm stupid--and no one wants meee-heee-heee!" She broke down, bawling and wailing, her body shook.

Buffy put a hand over her eyes and rubbed them hard, taking deep breaths. She knew that Spike couldn't have done something like that--But she needed to be absolutely certain. She had heard him yelling for Dawn to 'Stop it!' as soon as she had come in the front door.

Buffy frowned at Dawn's heaving body. She sighed and sat on the bed, putting a hand tentatively on Dawn's back. The girl deserved to have the shit beaten out of her, but Buffy never could stand to see Dawnie upset. She was practically hysterical--and very drunk. Buffy didn't want to make it any worse at the moment. But she would have a nice chat with Dawn about the attempted rape of Spike once she'd gotten a few hours of sleep.

"I-I'm so sorry, B-B-Bufffffy!" Dawn cried harder. "I'm s-so s-s-stupid!"

Dawn knew that Spike didn't want her, it crushed her.

"Shhh, no you're not. You just did a stupid thing," Buffy said quietly.

Dawn threw herself against Buffy, holding her tight and crying loudly on her shoulder. Buffy put her arms around Dawn and held her.

"It's okay, Dawnie."

"D-D-Don't hate me!" Dawn begged her. "I'm sorry! Don't hate me!"

Buffy patted her sister and said in a soft, lilting voice, "I don't hate you--You're my little sister. I couldn't hate you. It's okay. But if you ever touch him again, I'm tearing your arms off and beating you to death with them. And I mean that."

Dawn sniffled and hugged Buffy. Due to the circumstances, she wouldn’t argue with Buffy about it right now. But she was in love with Spike--She could never stop wanting him. For now, she’d let Buffy believe that she was just sorry and would never do it again. Dawn didn’t feel like being beaten up.

Spike sat on the couch, hugging his knees to his chest. He was terrified of what Buffy would say to him. He felt...dirty, and not in a good way.

He listened to the yelling, then the pitiful wailing, then the silence. The silence scared him most of all.

The bedroom door opened then closed again. Spike's heart thudded, he swallowed and stared straight ahead with rounded eyes, afraid to look at Buffy's face. Her face would tell him what she was thinking. If she hated him--He couldn't bear it.

"Spike," Buffy said, standing at the other end of the couch.

"Yes," he whispered.

"Look at me."

He closed his eyes. "I can't."

"Look at me," Buffy repeated.

Spike opened his watery eyes and turned his head to her. Buffy looked sad, heartbreakingly sad.

"I...know that nothing I can say will suffice...nothing can explain what was going on. I'm sorry, Buffy. Please don't be upset," he said nervously.

Buffy ran her hands through her hair. "Upset! I'm totally wigged out! I caught you and my little sister--"

"I tried to make her stop! I swear I did! Please--Please don't hate me for this! I couldn't bear to lose you, Buffy--Please--"

Buffy looked confused. "Hate you? I don't hate you. I love you. I don't blame you--I heard you yelling your head off for her to stop it as soon as I got in the house. And Dawn told me the whole story--What she could remember of it anyway. I know that it wasn't your fault."

Spike breathed in and closed his eyes. "I...was just trying to be kind to her--take care of her until you got home. I can't believe she...she did that. I didn't want to hurt her."

Buffy sat on the couch next to him, taking one of his shaky hands and holding it with both of hers.

"She's so drunk...she probably didn't really know what she was doing," Buffy said. "God help the little bastards who gave my sister all that booze and drove her here...If I ever catch them, they're ghosts."

Spike nodded.

"I have to call my parents, tell them she's here. What the hell do I say?"

"Say...that Dawn got it in her head to visit you on a lark. Got a friend to drive her here...somethin' like that," Spike said numbly. "She said she told them she was staying over Janice's. Maybe you can just drive her back before they realize she wasn't there..."

"Are you okay?" Buffy asked, he looked shell-shocked.

"Not I...was being raped by a little my girlfriend's little sister. I didn't think a girl could do that to a guy. I don't feel too...good right now."

"Dawnie's not so little. She's taller than me. And she has that Summers woman strength," Buffy said soothingly.

"Yeah, I noticed the strength part. I couldn't get her off of me! She just locked her..." Spike sighed heavily. "Bloody hell...that was a nightmare. Then I saw you. My life passed before my eyes."

"I guess it would. Thought I was going to kill you?" she asked, trying to smile.

"Yes...but more than that...I thought it was over. That you'd take your things and leave me." He squeezed her hand. "I couldn't deal with that...even if I did deserve it for getting into that...situation."

"She said that she's in love with you."

"I know...she said it to me too...Oh God..." Spike raked the fingers of his free hand through his hair.

"She's crushing very, very hard. I knew that--But I never thought anything like this would happen. From her drunken ramblings I gathered that she has a big case of 'Buffy Envy'. What I have, she wants. That includes you. Especially you."

"I don't think I can face her again. Not after what happened," Spike said.

"Dawn will probably be even more embarrassed than you once she sobers up. didn't--she didn't put it--inside of her, did she?"

"No," Spike said. "Thank God she didn't do that before you made her stop. But she did..."


"She did...rub it on herself. She...came." Spike turned his face away.

"Oh shit, Dawn," Buffy groaned, laying her head back against the couch. "I really want to kick her ass for this."

"I'm sorry, Buffy. I wish I had stopped it before it even started."

Buffy looked at him. "I know. If I thought for one second that you wanted it...I would have put out your lights. I trust you. I know you wouldn't have done that."

"Thank you for trusting me, pet. I could never hurt you like that. And I think of Dawn as a kind of little sister I never had...which makes this even more disturbing."

Buffy stroked his hand, tracing the bluish veins with the tip of her finger.

"I'm not sure what to do about this. I have to hammer it into her thick skull that I'm pissed at her and how horrible what she did to you was. Then there's the whole taking off from Sunnydale and coming all the way here thing."

"She's going to be really sick in the morning," Spike said.

"Good. I hope she gets really sick for everything she's done. But not puking on my carpet or shoes sick." Buffy leaned against him. She fingered the rip on the side of his pants. "Did she do this?"


Buffy shook her head at her sister's actions. "I'm sorry, Spike. She never would have done anything like that if she wasn't so drunk."


But he wasn't so sure. In his panic, he hadn't responded to everything Dawn had said while she was molesting him. Spike now remembered her saying how she masturbated to his movies, how she wanted him to be her first lover, and he remembered her saying something about how she used 'the dildo'. The thought of Dawn using that thing upset him--it upset him a lot. But he didn't know how to tell Buffy about it. Maybe Buffy would be able to set her little sister straight and dissuade her from any future lusting for him?

Spike hoped so. It wasn't something that he ever wanted to happen again.

The next morning, Dawn was up yakking in their bathroom. She felt like shit.

When she was resting back on the bed, Buffy came in.

"Well, well, look who's awake," Buffy said tightly.

"Huh?" Dawn groaned, opening one eye.

"Do you remember what you did last night, by any chance?"

Images came back to Dawn. Spike. Yummy Spike. Almost Naked Spike. Then Buffy. Angry, yelling Buffy. She decided to play dumb.

"Um...I remember coming here. I drank a lot. I...don't remember how I got here exactly."

Buffy shook her head. "You don't recall what you did to Spike?"

"Spike?" Dawn asked. Lying convincingly is really hard when your head feels like it's going to explode.

"Yes, Spike. My boyfriend."

"N-No...what happened?"

Dawn remembered it alright. She really had been out of control, and was embarrassed about the way it all happened. Most of all she regretted that Buffy had come home when she did. If she'd been allowed to continue, she would have at least finally made love to Spike. The booze had given her the courage to do what she was dying to, but probably never would have tried if she hadn't been drinking.

"He's really freaked out, Dawn. You...attacked him."

"What?! Did...Did I hurt him!?" Dawn sat up, rubbing her upset stomach.

"No permanent damage."

"I'm...sorry. I feel terrible!" Dawn heard movement near the open door and thought that it must be Spike. Spike was a sweetie, if she played it right, he'd forgive her. She put her hands over her face and cried. "Oh God--I'd never hurt him! I don't remember! I'm so sorrrrry!" she sobbed.

Buffy sighed. Spike looked in, hating the sound of Dawn crying. He was still angry and shocked about last night, but...if the poor girl didn't even remember, there was no use in punishing her for it. He came in.

"Dawn," he said softly.

She looked up. Tears were running down her face, she sniffled.

"Spike--I didn't mean to hurt you! Did I kick you or punch you?"

" wasn't...It's not important now. I can forgive and...forget."

Buffy rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly. Spike was such a softie.

"Really?" Dawn asked hopefully.

"Yeah, sure." Spike forced a smile. "Just promise that you'll never drink again."

"Oh! I promise, Spike!" It was difficult in her headachey-nauseous state, but she jumped off the bed and ran to him, hugging him tight. "I'll never drink, ever again. Thank you for forgiving me."

"Th-That's okay, Dawn." He patted her back awkwardly, afraid to have her this close.

Buffy could see that he was starting to wig out and stepped in. "Okay, little sister. Get back in bed, rest for a little while, then I'm driving you back home."

Dawn smiled weakly and crawled back onto the bed.

"I called Janice and told her the situation. She’ll cover if Mom and Dad call," Buffy said.

"Okay," Dawn groaned.

Buffy took Spike’s hand and left the bedroom to let Dawn get some extra sleep.

"I’m glad she doesn’t remember," Spike said.

"Me too. It’s for the best that she doesn’t."

"Now...if only I could forget," he sighed.

Buffy kissed him softly. She felt guilty and responsible. It was her little sister that had gone all date rape on him.


Chapter 28: Would You Like Fries With That?

After taking Dawn back home to Sunnydale, Buffy got back to the studio in time to shoot their next movie. Luckily, their parents didn't know that Dawn had been in L.A., they believed that she was at Janice's the entire time.

Buffy and Spike were in his dressing room, making sure their bodies looked their best before filming.

"I told Dawn that I would kick her narrow ass if she showed up here unannounced again. Or is she laid a paw on you again," Buffy said, rubbing some lotion on Spike’s back.

He nodded, then turned his head to her. His expression was worried.

"You really don’t blame me for it?" Spike had asked her a few times since the ‘incident’, needing to be reassured.

"I don’t blame you." Buffy kissed the side of his face.

Spike turned and hugged her. "I don’t think a lot of women would have been as charitable as you, pet. To most people, Little Sister in bed with Porn Actor Boyfriend = He’s an asshole trying to bed a young girl."

"I know you, Spike." Buffy smiled. "I know you love me. I know you don’t think of Dawn that way. And I know that you would never try to take advantage of someone."

Spike kissed her lips, pulled back and smiled. "You know me so well, Buffy. You’re absolutely right on all counts. I’m so lucky to have you. I don’t know what I’d do without you."

"You’ll never have to find out," Buffy said, putting her arms around his neck. "Are you sure you're okay, Spike? I know how upset you were about it. The thought that she...violated you like that..." Buffy closed her eyes tightly, shuddering with anger and revulsion at what her sister had done to him.

Spike held her firm in his arms, kissing the side of her face. "I'm not over it, that's for sure. But I'll be alright. Dawn...made a mistake. She got too drunk and did things that...she shouldn't have. I can't hold it against her if she doesn't even remember doing it. She's a good, sweet kid when she's sober."

Buffy touched his face, smiling softly at him with tears in her eyes. "You are the sweetest man in the universe. I don't think I could forgive someone after they did something like that to me."

It wasn't easy for Spike by any stretch of the imagination. There were very few times in his life where he had been more panicked or frightened than when Dawn had him pinned down on the bed, ready to screw his brains out whether he wanted it or not. But he was a forgiving person. If everything worked out the way Spike hoped, Dawn would be a part of his family someday when he married Buffy. He had to try and not dwell on the disturbing incident.

Spike smiled, putting on a brave face. "I'll do my best to forgive and forget. But I think I'll want at least two car-lengths between Dawn and I for a while."

Buffy nodded, pouting slightly. She leaned up to touch his lips with hers. They began to kiss gently.

Knock. Knock.

"We’re ready, guys. Warren wants everyone on the set ASAP," Andrew said.

DoubleMeat Palace

Starring: Buffy Winters, Spike, Xander Biggs, Faith. Introducing: Graham Hardman

Buffy wore her red and white striped uniform and her red cow-chicken hat.

Faith, sans hat, was showing her around the place.

"The fryer and the grill can be tricky. We'll save training you on that 'til tomorrow. This is the food prep area," Faith said, walking up to a large island in the middle of the kitchen. "You got all your fixin's: tomatoes, pickles, ketchup, sauce, all that shit."

There were plastic bins on the surface, filled with condiments and burger toppings.

"You can start working here today. They'll send you a burger, you put whatever shit they want on it, wrap it up, then put it in the 'Done' section over here."

"Okay. Seems simple enough," Buffy said with a nervous smile.

"You'll do great kid." Faith clapped her on the back. "Come on, I'll intro you to some of the guys. They're out back on a break."

Faith led Buffy out into the wide alley behind the restaurant. There were three guys smoking cigarettes and leaning against the wall. Buffy and Faith walked up to them.

"Hey Faith, this the new girl?" Xander asked.

"Yep, this is Buffy. Buffy, this is Xander, Spike and Graham, the DoubleMeat Stuuuuuuds!"

They laughed and said hello.

Buffy blushed, she didn't expect her co-workers to be so hot!

"Don't you just love the hat?" Spike asked, smirking.

Buffy touched the hat and rolled her eyes. "I really wish I didn't have to wear this thing."

"Tell me about it," Xander said.

"I'm getting Buffy all ready for her first shift. You guys take it easy on her now." Faith winked.

"We'll be gentle," Spike said to Buffy.

Faith took Buffy back inside. "Pretty cute, eh?"

Buffy nodded. "Yeah, they really are! Wow! It's going to be hard to work around them all the time. They even look hot in the stupid uniforms--and that's saying a lot!"

"You want to get fucked by them?" Faith asked.

"What!? Geez, Faith!" Buffy blushed and looked around to see if anyone had heard.

"What? I'm saying that you have the chance. They nailed me when I started working here and it was great! Nice, big, fat dicks."

"All three of them?" Buffy asked with wide eyes. "At once?!"

"Yeah, it was so hot! They showed me the true meaning of 'DoubleMeat' when two of them fucked me at the same time. I highly recommend it."

Buffy bit her lip, looking toward the backdoor.

"Go for it, B," Faith said, nudging her with an elbow. "They're really good."

"Well...I am pretty horny. It's been a while...And they are super hot..."

"Cool! They'll start puttin' the moves on you after closing tonight. Just pretend to be all surprised," Faith laughed.

Buffy was mopping the floor out front. The last customer of the evening carried their bag of fast food out of the store.

Graham sprinted to the door and locked it. "Wooo! Finally, all of the humanoids are gone!"

Spike and Xander laughed from the back.

Buffy smiled and continued mopping up.

"Come in the back, we always unwind a little before quitting." Graham smiled and nodded his head towards the kitchen.

"O-Okay. I'll just finish up and then I'll be back."

Buffy watched him out of the corner of her eye. "Nice ass," she said to herself. She covered up a giggle. "Fuck this," Buffy muttered, pushing the mop bucket and heading for the back of the restaurant. She was getting too horny thinking about them and what they intended to do to her.

"There she is!" Spike said, sitting on the food prep table and swinging his legs idly. "How was your first day, luv?"

"It was okay. That's not very sanitary. Sitting on the table where we fix the food," Buffy teased.

Graham leaned against the industrial-sized freezer. "We clean it real good before we leave."

"Okay then," Buffy giggled. "DoubleMeat Palace...I never thought I'd be working here."

"Think of it as a stepping stone, Buffy. This job will get you some spending money until you get a better one," Xander said.

Spike was smiling at her in a very sexy way. Buffy blushed and smiled back.

"You know why they call it the 'DoubleMeat' Palace?" he asked.

"Because of the chicken and cow meat thing....Right?" She played dumb.

"I suppose. But we have a certain initiation here to break in new employees. Faith told you about it?"

"Um...No. She didn't say anything about...initiation."

"Oh...." Xander thought for a second.

"You guys are cute. You must have girlfriends to get home to." Buffy batted her eyes at them.

"I don't have anywhere to be."
"No one special waiting for me."

They all agreed quickly.

Buffy giggled at their eagerness. "I don't have to go home for a while. Is there we can do?"

The guys looked at each other and smiled.

"I have a few ideas," Spike said curling his tongue up.

Graham put a hand on top of Buffy's polyester clad thigh and moved it slowly to her inner thigh. "Want to fuck?" he asked.

"All three of you?" Buffy asked with a smile.

"Yeah, sound like fun?" Xander asked.

Buffy started unbuttoning her shirt. "Okay. I'm up for it." She grinned. "You guys are really hot."

The men smiled triumphantly.

Graham moved in to kiss her. Xander stepped up to finish unbuttoning her shirt. Spike took his own shirt off and then his pants. Buffy and the other guys helped take each other's clothes off.

Buffy took their cocks in her hands and stroked them. Spike stepped up, holding his colossal member out.

Buffy smiled, her eyebrows shot up. "Wow! Yum! You think I can take your cock? It's really big!"

"I bloody well hope so, luv," Spike laughed.

Buffy leaned forward and opened her mouth. Spike moved up to her to let her take it in her mouth. She slid her mouth over the head. Spike sighed and brushed her hair back with his fingers. She moaned, stroking two cocks in her hands and sliding back and forth on the one in her mouth.

"Yeah, luv--Uhh--That's right," Spike said.

Buffy pulled off and grinned. "Tastes good! I did skip dinner, so I'm awful hungry."

"There's plenty to eat," Spike said with a smirk. "You know, I'm a bit peckish myself. Mind if I make a meal of you?"

Buffy giggled and let him take her legs in his hands. She released the two cocks in her hands and lay back on the table. Spike raised her legs up, sliding his hands down her calves to the meatier thighs. His hands kneaded her lightly as he bent down, his face hovering just above her pussy.

Spike inhaled and rubbed his lips over her shaved sex. "Smells so good, Buffy. Makes my mouth water." He stuck out his tongue and licked the length of her slit quickly.

Buffy gasped and groaned, her hands moved to find the two big dicks to her sides again. Spike began licking her more slowly.

"Hey, Spike," Xander said with a smile, "you like ketchup?"

"Yeah..." Spike cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"Why not combine two favorite things?" Xander opened up the ketchup container and dipped his fingers in. He dabbed some onto Buffy's nipples.

"Nah, you two enjoy some of that, I'm good." Spike slid his tongue between her lips. "She's tasty enough without anything extra."

Xander and Graham bent over to each lick and suck at a breast, cleaning up the ketchup.

"Ohhhhh--Oh yeah!" Buffy said, enjoying three hot mouths on her hot flesh.

Spike placed his tongue under her clit, working his jaw fast in a chewing motion. Buffy moaned more loudly. She brought Graham's cock to her mouth and started sucking on him. Xander put some more ketchup on her tits and sucked it off.

Spike was driving Buffy crazy with his tongue-work. He was just oh-so-good at cunnilingus. He pressed and rubbed his thumb around her clitoris while he licked along her inner-lips.

"Uhhmmm! Ohhmmm!" Buffy exclaimed with a mouthful of Graham.

Spike smirked and used short, quick laps to her hole, getting the precious fluid that ran out. "You're a randy little thing, ain't ya, Buffy?" he asked.

The men chuckled.

"She's cummin' already." Spike dipped his tongue into her pussy.

Buffy thrust her pelvis up in short bursts, moaning around Graham. She pulled her mouth off and turned to Xander's, taking him in her mouth while using her hand on Graham.

"Wouldn't mind some of that." Graham smiled.

Spike gave her pussy one more slow lick then stepped back, gesturing for Graham to take his place. The tall brunette slid out of Buffy's grip and took up Spike's place at her pussy. He buried his face in her, fucking his tongue up her hole.

"Ohhhhh!" Buffy groaned.

Spike took her free hand and placed it on his king-sized cock. Buffy cooed and started pumping him.

Over the next several minutes, Buffy switched cocks, taking Spike member back in her mouth; Graham made her cum again, tagged Xander, and let him have his turn to lap at her gooey center.

"Uhhhh!" Buffy cried. "I need to get fucked! Fuck me!"

"You heard the lady," Spike laughed.

Graham stood and rubbed his cock along her slit. He held her legs up under the knees and thrust into her. He moved his hips slowly, sinking in all the way to the balls, then pulling back out.

"Ohhhh--Mmmmm!" Buffy moaned, turning to suck on Spike's cock.

Spike fondled her right tit while Xander continued taking care of the left. Xander tapped his cock on the side of Buffy's face. She giggled and turned to lick at him.

"Uhhh--Yeah!" Graham moaned, slapping the side of her ass.

Buffy jerked and moaned, sliding her mouth on Xander's hard cock.

Graham sped up his thrusts. "Fuck yeah--She's got a great pussy!"

They laughed and agreed.

"My turn," Xander said.

Graham grumbled good-naturedly and moved away. Xander wasted no time burying himself in her juicy pussy.

"Ahhh--Uhhh!" Buffy groaned.

"Let's double up in a minute, mate," Spike suggested, anxious for his turn.

"Cool, yeah! You want it up your pussy and ass, Buffy?" Xander asked. "DoubleMeat, remember?"

They laughed again.

Buffy smiled. "Oh yeah, I want it!"

"You like the 'special DoubleMeat sauce', luv?" Spike asked, getting a gooey handful of the sauce from one of the bins.

"Let's find out," Buffy grinned.

Spike smeared the sauce on his cock then put it to her lips. Buffy wrapped her mouth around him, bobbed her head and sucked the sauce off of him.

"Mmmm-mmmm!" She smiled around his girth, making yummy sounds.

Buffy slowly stroked Graham's cock. Graham put his hand above her pussy and rubbed her clit. Buffy bucked her hips and whined around Spike's cock.

"Uhhh--Yeah--She's cumming again," Xander breathed, fucking her hard.

"Right, let's double," Spike said.

Spike laid on the food prep table on his back. Buffy moaned and kissed him as Xander pulled out of her.

"Want to take my cock up your sweet ass, pet?"

"It's...a little big for that, isn't it?" Buffy asked, staring at his megacock.

"If it's too much, we'll stop."

Buffy nodded and held herself over his body with her back to him. Spike slathered his cock with more special sauce, then put the head at her tight hole. She lowered herself slowly onto his pole.

"Mmmmm! Uhhaa!" Buffy whimpered, biting her lip.

Spike held her hips steady, allowing her to descend at her own rate. Xander and Graham squeezed her tits and fiddled with her clit, making her moan and move down to take more of Spike's dick up her ass.

"Ahh--Yeah, sit on my cock--Uhh--Ride it up your ass," Spike groaned.

"Ohhhh--Oh God--Ohhhh!" Buffy squealed and moaned.

When she was stretched enough around his rod, she gingerly began moving up and down. Buffy threw her head back then jerked it back up, looking down her body.

"Ahhhh--Oooh--Yeah!" Buffy said in a growl.

"You like that, baby?" Xander asked.

"Oooh Yeah!" Buffy exclaimed, clenching her teeth and moving on Spike faster.

"I'd--Uhh--say she's ready for her pussy to get stuffed." Spike pumped upwards lightly.

Xander tagged Graham. Graham climbed up on the table, went to Buffy on his knees and pushed inside of her. He and Spike started pounding her holes furiously.

"AAAAHHH!" Buffy screamed. "OH! OH YES! Uhhhh!"

Xander got up on the table too, positioning himself so that she could suck his cock. Buffy took him in, sliding her mouth up and down.

"You suck a mean cock, Buffy," Xander chuckled. "You taste how good your pussy is?"

"Mmmm--Mmm-hmm!" Buffy deep-throated him.

"Ahhh-Fuck--Ahh--Yeah!" Xander fucked her mouth.

The four of them groaned and shouted as they came, one after the other.

Xander's jiz filled her mouth. He took it out and finished unloading on her pleasure-stricken face.

Buffy howled and bounced between Spike and Graham's bodies, cumming on Graham's pistoning cock. Her sphincter muscles squeezed around Spike, milking his cock savagely.

"Ahhhhh! Fuck--Cumming! Ahh!" Spike yelled, shooting up her clasping ass.

"FUCK--Guhhhaa!" Graham pulled out and spewed his hot load on her stomach.

Later, that same movie...

The action moved to on top of the front counter of the restaurant by the cash register.

Buffy was being double penetrated again. This time Graham was under her, laying on his back on the counter and ramming his cock up her ass.

Xander was fucking her pussy, hammering into her. Spike was standing near the counter, groping her breasts while she sucked his cock.

"Uhhh--Fuck Yeah!--I'm going to shoot!" Xander said.

They all pulled out of the petite blonde and stood up against the counter.

Buffy's chest heaved as she laid there on her back. The three men jacked their cocks, groaning when they started to cum.

Spike rubbed his cock against her face. Buffy moved her mouth back and forth over it, licking lightly and moaning. She gasped when the hot wads began shooting out of him. His jiz squirted on the side of her face and into her hair. Buffy turned her face and stuck out her tongue to catch some of the goo as it fired.

Xander came, spraying onto her tits and massaging it into her skin.

Graham sent several volleys onto her stomach and pussy.

Buffy had a nice coating of manjuice when they were finished. She looked like a glazed donut.

"Thanks for showing me the ropes guys," Buffy said with a smirk. "I think I'm going to like the DoubleMeat experience."

They laughed.

The crew clapped after Warren ended the scene.

The stars toweled off and covered their nakedness.

"That was so much fun!" Graham said excitedly. "Thanks. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't be here right now."

"You did great, Graham!" Buffy wanted to make the newbie feel encouraged. "I had a good time working with you!"

"Really? I did okay?" he asked self-consciously.

"Hell yeah! You were just as good as any, more experienced actor," Xander said.

Spike nodded. "I agree completely. You were confident, unhesitant, and your performance was flawless. The audience will love it."

Graham grinned bashfully. "Thanks. I wanted to do a good job."

"You're going to be a star Graham Cracker." Xander smacked him on the back.


Chapter 29: Love Roller Coaster

They got cleaned up after the movie, and rejoined the crew and other actors on the soundstage. The Mayor said that he had a special surprise for everyone.

"What do you think it is?" Buffy asked.

Spike shrugged. "Maybe he bought us all some nice presents for winning so many awards."

"Maybe he's going to give us money," Xander said, rubbing his hands together.

"Everyone, may I have your attention?" Wilkins said with a big smile, standing by a set of double doors.

They all quieted and waited.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" he asked.

Everyone nodded and smiled.

"The prodigal daughter returns!"

He opened the doors to reveal Lilah standing there.

All of them were surprised, they hadn't heard much from her since she went away. Spike and Xander's surprise was tempered with anxiety. The time they had spent cavorting with Lilah had been full of very hot and delicious memories to cherish--But it seemed like a thousand years ago. Their lives were so different now.

"Hi, everyone! I missed you all so much!" Lilah exclaimed, receiving hugs from the actors. "I used up all of my vacation time for the next 5 years!"

Everyone chuckled.

"Isn't it great, Spike?" Buffy smiled. "Lilah's back!" Buffy went to give her a hug too.

"Yeah...great, wonderful," Spike said, glancing at Xander. Xander was looking back at him apprehensively.

Lilah looked fantastic, even more beautiful than they remembered her as being. She was tanned, happy and relaxed.

"Buffy!" Lilah said, giving the blonde a kiss on both cheeks. "I am so proud of you! Was I right, or was I right? You're a star, honey!"

Buffy giggled and blushed. "Thanks, Lilah. You and Mr. Wilkins have been so good to me. I could never thank you enough!"

Lilah smirked. "Just keep up the terrific work on your movies, that'll be thanks enough."

Buffy saluted her. "Yes, Ma'am! I will!"

Lilah's face lit up when she saw Spike and Xander standing back in the crowd. "Spike! Xander! Come up here and give me a hug!"

They gulped, put but happy, unconcerned smiles on their faces and walked up to her. Lilah got Xander in a bear hug first, enjoying feeling his body against hers once again. Oh how she wanted to fuck them both senseless. It had been so long, she’d pined for her boy toys--Though she had taken a few lovers while in Europe. But she never had so good a time as when she was with the boyish brunette and the blonde bombshell. She wanted to go back to their place and make some new private movies as soon as possible.

Then Lilah turned to Spike, her smile was just as sinful as he recalled, if not more so.

She wrapped her arms around his middle and whispered in his ear. "Miss me?"

"S-Sure, we all did! We missed you around the place," Spike said. He squeaked when her hands slid down to his ass and gave him a hard squeeze. Luckily, Buffy was talking to Willow and didn’t see it.

Wilkins got Lilah’s attention, letting Spike escape her embrace. "Lilah, dear, are you ready to take up your duties again?"

She turned to him. "Of course, Richard. I’m really excited to be getting back to work."

"That’s swell! I can see what you like about doing the day-to-day business though! It’s so darn much fun! I think I’ll stay and help out with that for a while."

Lilah’s smile wavered for a moment. She didn’t like sharing the reins of power, but he did own 51% of the company. If that’s the way he wanted it there wasn’t a hell of a lot Lilah could say about it. She hoped that he wouldn’t interfere too much.

"Great!" she said, smiling. "It’ll be fun to work with you more often. It’s just so good to be back."

Willow bounced up and down. "Did ya bring us presents!?"

They laughed.

"Of course I did! Everything’s still in my luggage, which I haven’t unpacked yet. I’ll have something nice for each of you tomorrow." She winked at Spike.

‘Oh shit...I didn’t like the way she just looked at me. I’m going to have to tell her sooner rather than later. It won’t be so bad...Yeah...she’ll understand. Lilah’s cool.’ Spike tried calming himself.

A short time later, calmness was impossible when he received a message from Jonathan that Lilah wanted to see him in her office right away.

Spike walked in, wearing a false, carefree smile.

"Lilah!" Spike grinned, entering her office. "Good to have you back. How was your trip?"

"It was great, just what I needed to decompress and relax. It’s so good to be back! I’m sorry I didn’t call you much."

"Oh, that’s alright. We were so busy here..."

"Yes you were! You made dozens of movies while I was away," she laughed. "And what a surprise Buffy has turned out to be. The girl’s got talent, even more than I thought she had. I’m glad Richard went ahead and did the ‘Vampire Layer’ movie with her. We have another movie in mind for a sequel."

"Cool. Buffy’s great, a real natural talent," Spike agreed with a smile.

"Ah," Lilah sat down on the couch and sighed. "That vacation made me too soft. Only one day back and I’m exhausted."

They laughed. Spike more nervously.

"Sit down, Spike. Relax." Lilah patted the couch next to her.

Spike swallowed with difficulty and sat down.

"Oh, congratulations on your writing! I thought you did a fabulous job!"

Spike grinned, distracted for a moment from being a nervous wreck. "Thanks. It's not serious writing, but it's fun. The Mayor was really good to give me a chance."

"Richard's got good instincts. He's the best at what he does, besides me, of course. I can't wait to get my hands back into everything. I like relaxing and having fun, but working is what really puts the hitch in my giddy-up," Lilah laughed.

Spike nodded, starting to feel nervous again.

"I’ve got another film you might be interested in doing, honey." Lilah picked up a script from the side table then dropped it in his lap.

He picked it up and read the title, 'Head of the Class'?"

Lilah smiled and stretched her legs out. "It's a teacher/student flick. You'll play a naughty student. We haven't cast the part of your female teacher yet...I may come out of retirement for that."

She giggled, leaned over and put her arms around Spike's neck. He gulped.

"Give Mama some sugar, baby. I missed you so baaaaad," she said huskily.

She mashed their lips together, kissing him hard.

Spike made a "MMMMPH!" noise and pushed her away. He scrambled back from her on the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" Lilah demanded. "I've been gone all this time, I want to fuck. You don't want it?"

"'s...I'm sorry." Spike stood up and began pacing. "I can't be with you like that anymore."

This is the conversation that he'd been dreading. He'd fretted over this particular discussion ever since he knew that he was falling for Buffy. He didn't know if Lilah would be cool about it, or if she'd get angry. He was about to find out...

"What? Why?"

"I...met someone. I have a girlfriend. She doesn't mind if--"

"A girlfriend?" Lilah's eyes narrowed. "When did this happen?"

Spike steeled himself. "A few months ago. I really like her. I‘m in love with her as a matter of fact. with other people is off-limits from now on."

Lilah sat back, crossing her arms, her posture rigid. Her face showed her annoyance and barely contained anger. She felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. How could he want someone else? Why not her? She knew she shouldn't have stayed away so long! Bad boys tended to stray if you didn't keep them in line. Hadn't she shown him a good time, repeatedly? Hadn't she done everything in her power to make his life better? He was rejecting her!?!

"Well, what about your films? You fuck a different women in each one. Your girlfriend doesn't mind you doing that?" she said condescendingly.

"No, she understands about that. Work is work. Unless we both are there and agree to it, we don't have sex with anyone else."

"Isn't that just dandy? You have it all worked out?"

"Lilah, please...don't be offended. I care about you, I really do. But Buffy is--"

"Buffy?! Buffy Summers? She's the girlfriend?"


"Son of a bitch! I hired that girl! She repays me by stealing my man?" Lilah fumed.

" What are you talking about? I'm one of the many men you bed on a regular basis. We never had anything close to an exclusive relationship!" Spike was shocked by her attitude. He'd expected some hurt feelings, but he didn't know that she considered him hers.

Lilah's indignation and damaged ego fueled her tirade, "Make no mistake, Spike...You ARE mine. I own you--lock, stock and fucking barrel! Where would you be right now without me? Huh? Nowhere, that's where. You and Xander would still be living in that shit-hole of a motel. I gave you everything: Your new look, new clothes, a place to live, fame, my body--This is how you show your gratitude?!" she lashed out and threw the script across the room.

"Lilah, you can't be serious? I'm insanely grateful for everything you've done! You know that! I'm very fond of you. But I don't feel that way about you. Please, don't be this way," he begged. The conversation was taking the turn that a few of his nightmares about it had.

"No. I told you, you're mine." Lilah re-crossed her arms and leveled her gaze at him. "And nobody takes what's mine. Nobody. When I'm done playing with you, she can have you. But not before then."

Spike looked at her in astonishment, shaking his head slowly. "Why are you saying these things? What's the matter with you? You've always been so good to me before."

"Yes, I have. You'd do well to remember how good I've been to you. But don't cross me, William. I'm a bitch from Hell if you cross me."

"I don't want you! Okay?! I'm sorry, but that's the way it is!"

"Too bad."

"What? What the bloody fuck do you mean 'too bad'? If I don't want you, how do you plan on forcing me?"

Lilah smiled evilly. "I have a few ideas."

"Lilah..." Spike tried to remain calm and not scream at her like he wanted to. He needed to appeal to her sense of reason. "You're beautiful, intelligent and successful. You can have any man you want. Why would you want someone who doesn't want you back?"

"It's true. I can have anyone I want. I want you. End of story."

"No! It's not the end of the story! I want Buffy. I'm in love with her! NOT you. There's nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind." He turned to leave in a huff.

Lilah's face colored with anger. "Really? Nothing? How about if I fire your little whore?"

Spike snorted. "She could get hired by another studio in a snap. Haven't you heard how the audiences adore her?"

"Okay...what about that nice, suburban, wholesome, little family of hers? Do they know her shameful secret?"

"You wouldn't?" Spike's jaw dropped, his face paled.

"Wouldn't I? Just you try me, baby."

Spike could tell that Lilah meant every word. He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe that you're doing this..."

"Believe it, honey. What'll it be?"

Spike just stared at her.

"I'm waiting for an answer," Lilah said impatiently.

In a quiet, defeated voice, he asked, "How can you ask me not to be with her? I thought you cared about me?"

She sighed. "Spike, darling, I do care about you. I'm crazy about you! But like I said, you're mine. You're the best lover I've ever had, and that's saying a LOT. I'm not giving you up--And I'm not letting you walk away. End. Of. Story."

"'ll continue to sleep with anyone, and everyone, that you want...and I'll be at your beck and call 24 hours a day--until you're done with me. Does that about sum it up?" He felt sick.

"Spike, you can still fuck whoever you want, male or female. Just no girlfriends. See? It's not all that bad. But I don't want you seeing Buffy outside of work anymore," Lilah said tiredly--being enraged used up a lot of energy.

"Don't do this...Please, Lilah..."

"It wouldn't have worked with Buffy anyway. In a month or two, she would've been leaving you for someone else, or you would have moved on to the next starlet. That‘s the way it goes in this business."

"Then why are you threatening me--blackmailing me--to stop seeing her? If it would have ended quickly without your help?"

"I have my reasons. Now, you tell her it's over."

"I quit. I'm leaving. I'm not working for you one second longer!"

"I don't think so, honey. You signed an iron-clad, 4-year contract. You aren't going anywhere."

His jaw worked silently. "Then I'm breaking the contract. I‘ll have my agent call you."

"That's not smart, Spike. Don't let the little head think for the bigger one. If you break the contract, then Horizons Entertainment will be forced to sue you for breach of contract. That means going to court. That means that it will be very public. I believe there are people that you'd rather be left in the dark about your movie career as well? Oh, and tell Xander that the same goes for him. No girlfriends--He's mine too."

Spike startled her by turning quickly and punching the wall. He held his smarting fist to his chest with his back to her.

"I'll never forgive you for this," he said, then exited her office.

Lilah shook her head. Spike would change his tune with time, he just needed Lilah to butter him up a little (literally and figuratively).

The nerve of that Buffy! That little bitch. She didn’t care how popular Buffy became, Lilah wouldn’t put up with her taking Spike’s attention away from her. No man could satisfy her sexual appetite like the sexy Brit could; she wouldn't be giving that up without a fight.

Lilah was a tough, no-nonsense kind of woman, but her heart had been a good one. Now there was a dark patch on her soul that she may not be able to erase. She shrugged off her fears at what kind of monster she'd become--'How could I threaten him like that? How could I threaten to hurt Buffy like that? She's a good kid, she doesn't deserve this!'--She worked at convincing herself, with great effort, that she'd responded correctly.

Inside of Lilah, there was that too-tall-for-her-age, thin, pimply girl with braces that her peers had snickered at, the girl who never got what she wanted. A long time ago, she'd sworn that she'd show everyone who'd ever slighted or overlooked her, she'd become a success. And she had. Lilah was rich and powerful. She had blossomed into a very beautiful woman, with a figure that most women would kill for. She could have whatever and whoever she wanted.

But now a man that she'd thought would be endlessly devoted to her, begging for her favors and attention, was choosing someone else. Just like back in the old days, Lilah got the fuzzy end of the lollipop. It hurt. It hurt so much that she was striking back, making them all hurt too, the only way that she could.

Misery loves company.

Spike took a deep, shaking breath and knocked on Buffy's dressing room door.

"Come in," she called from within.

He entered and shut the door behind him.

Buffy smiled, looking at him in the mirror as she brushed her hair. "Hi there, cutie."

"Hi," Spike said, numbly.

She could see that something was wrong. His face was drawn and pale. She turned around to face him.

"Spike, what is it?" Her heart thumped loudly in her ears.

He looked at her for a few beats. He couldn't tell Buffy the real reason; it would upset her too much to know that Lilah was holding telling her family that she was a porn star over them.

"Buffy...we can't be together...just for a little while."

It was like a sharp blow to her kidneys--Completely unexpected and painful. Her brows immediately met over her nose.

"Wh-Why? I thought...I thought you liked being with me...I thought you loved me?" Her chin trembled.

"I do. I love you so much, and I want to be with you--"

"Then what's the problem? Why are you saying this?" she asked in confusion.

Spike looked down and away from her. "Lilah," he mumbled.

"What about her?"

Spike took a few moments to think of how to put it. "She doesn't want me seeing you."

Buffy's brow creased further. "Why should she have a say in who you choose to date? Just because you're her employee? That's bullshit!"

"It's more...complicated than that."

Spike regretted not telling her about the torrid affair that he (and Xander) had been having with their boss since the beginning. Now it might seem like he'd been keeping it from her purposely.

Buffy sat up, crossed her arms and looked at him grimly, appearing eerily similar to the way Lilah had looked not 10 minutes ago. "Well, why don't you explain it to me then? Look at me, Spike!"

Reluctantly, he turned to meet her eyes again. She looked so upset and confused, just like he was.

"Okay...Lilah and I...we...had a kind of relationship--a purely physical one--since I started working at the studio."

Buffy eyed him with suspicion, but stayed quiet for the moment.

Spike continued, wanting to get it all out, "She gave me and Xan acting jobs, she got us the house, she's done so much for us--"

"Yeah, I'll bet! Please, do go on." Buffy scowled.

Spike took a deep breath. "We didn't have an exclusive thing! I know that Lilah has other lovers besides me and Xander. I had no idea she'd object to us wanting to be with someone."

"So...what's the story? Lilah told you that you couldn't see me? And you're doing what she ordered?"

"That's...That's the crux," Spike swallowed hard. He grabbed her hand and held it with both of his, he looked pleadingly into her eyes. He ignored the pain in his hand from when he'd smashed it into the wall earlier. "I just have to figure out what to do, Buffy, I just need time. I want to be with you! That's what I want most in this world. I have to think of a way out of this so that nobody gets hurt."

Buffy wrenched her hand free of his and stood up. She looked down on him with a sneer and tear-filled eyes. "Don't bother. I'll make it easier for you--go to Hell!"

She started walking to the door. Spike's face fell. He jumped up in a panic and took her by the arm.

"Buffy--pet--please! Just give me some time!"

Buffy pushed him away from her, he stumbled back a few steps.

"Stop with that 'pet' shit! I'm giving you all the time in the world! I'll still work if you if I have to, but I want nothing to do with you outside of work. I can't believe you're dumping me for her! After everything I thought we meant to each other!"

"I'm not choosing her! If I had a choice, it'd be you!"

"Bullshit! You always have a choice! Don't touch me ever again!"

Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest, thrown to the ground and crushed under his bootheel. She wanted to make him hurt too, if it were possible. This was just some kind of ploy to keep her while he did whoever (or whatever) he liked. She'd fallen for another man's routine--Only this time she'd really fallen for it, and him. It was Parker to the Nth degree.

"Pet, don't say that, please! I haven't been with Lilah since I've been with you! I want you--not her--not anyone else. Please believe me!"

"If you call me 'pet' one more fucking time...I don't care, Spike! Go to Lilah. She obviously wants you, I don't anymore." Buffy tossed her hair over her shoulder, trying to appear haughty and as unaffected as possible.

Spike felt like all the strength was leaving his body. He felt more like his old-self right now than he had in months--weak, anxious and needy.

"You d-don't? Don't say that...How can you say that?"

"Because it's true," she lied. "You helped me out and you were great in bed. I had a good time. But it's over now. Move on, I know I will. Or should I say, you can go back to Lilah now. You think you can string me along with this, "she did an uncomplimentary imitation of his voice, "'I need time, Buffy' shit while you carry on with her? Fuck that, and fuck you! You laid out the ground rules when we started seeing each other--and you broke them!"

"I don't want Lilah! I care about her but I don't love her. I love you!" He gulped and looked back into her eyes intensely. "Buffy...I love you. Please...just give me a chance to--"

Buffy had been transfixed by his cobalt-blue gaze at first. Then she got a hold of herself and interrupted him, "Bull-fucking-shit!" she spit. "If you really loved me, you'd have the balls to tell Lilah to sod off--and that you can date whoever you want!"

"I DO love you! I told you, I just don't--want anyone to get hurt here, Buffy! You don‘t understand!" His voice rose and his face screwed up in frustration.

"I bet you've been having sex with her all along!" Buffy accused him.

"No! I swear! I haven't touched Lilah since you and I were first together! And she's been in Europe, it isn't even possible that I could have been with her."

"Ha! So you would've been fucking her given the opportunity?"

"No! Damn it--Please listen! I--"

"I'm not playing, Spike. I'm sick and FUCKING tired of guys lying to me and playing games! You and Lilah can play your weird little mind games with each other. But I'm OUT of it!" She backed away from him, her face angry and hurt. "Don't try to talk to me unless we're working together."

"Buffy, please! I'm not lying--Don't--" he tried to take her by the arms, but she shoved him away again.

"GoodBYE, Spike," Buffy growled and snatched her purse up off the chair, "I'll be sure and be gone by the time you get home. I wouldn't want your girlfriend to get the wrong idea."

"Buffy, Lilah's not my girlfriend! I love--"

Buffy interrupted him again, "Shut up! I don’t want to hear any more! Everything you say is fucked! If you really loved me, you wouldn't let her separate us! I hate you for this!" She walked out of her dressing room and slammed the door.

Spike made a move to pursue her, but stopped. It was useless. She wouldn't listen to him. She looked like she hated him now...she'd even said it.

He couldn't blame her. He hated himself too. Why couldn't he think of anything? What good was having a genius-level I.Q. and straight A's in school, when you couldn't even think of a plausible explanation for an impossible situation? His brain could join his heart in the trash for all he cared now.

He moved sluggishly to a chair and dropped down into it. Spike dragged his hands over his face and through his hair. What was he going to do now? He closed his eyes tightly, tears ran slowly down his face. His mind raced with a thousand thoughts and questions, but no answers.

He'd hurt her, when all he'd wanted to do was protect her. Spike knew that she would be upset, but he'd held onto a small, infinitesimal hope that he could still give her an explanation that she could swallow. Just a little time...If he just had time to think of a way around Lilah’s blackmail, he could still be with Buffy. Any chance he’d had of building something with her was shot to hell now. He wouldn't--he couldn't--tell her about the extortion. He didn't want to freak her out with that; Buffy was so frightened about her family finding out that it might send her over the edge.

Spike released a shuddery breath, and leaned his head back against the chair. He allowed himself to cry for a little while before going back to his own dressing room.

Buffy almost broke down when she slammed the door behind her.

Her heart was broken. Yeah, Spike had sex with lots of women, but that was his job. It was different off-camera. Those were the rules that he'd come up with! Lilah was way more pretty than her, she was also very smart and had an air of sophistication, and a body that Buffy could never compete with. In her mind, she didn't stand a chance of being Spike's 'one and only' as long as Lilah was her competition. If she let it go and accepted his plea to give him time, she could be dangling on the line for months...possibly years. She was so crazy-in love with him that a large part of her wanted to go along with whatever he wanted, go blindly into whatever arrangement he laid out.

That wasn't going to happen. Buffy would NOT let herself be used and abused by a man again. Not even the man that she loved above all others. She'd thought that he was different...She'd thought that they had a spiritual, as well as a physical, connection. She hadn't just thought it, she'd been sure of it.

She'd been a fool. A stupid, stupid fool.

Lilah had seemed so nice. She'd given Buffy a ticket out of that hellhole she had been living in, gave her a job, encouraged her and made her into a star. Boy, had Buffy ever been wrong about her! It seemed that her judgment was waaaaay off when it came to sizing people up.

Buffy wiped at her runny nose as she went to leave the building and go pack up her stuff at Spike's house. She wanted to be out when Spike got home. It'd be too painful to have another argument while she collected her things. She didn't even think of how she was going to get home; Spike had driven her to work like he did everyday.

Buffy bumped into Cordy accidentally; she wasn't paying attention to where she was going.

"Hey!" Cordy said, then turned around. "Buffy? Are you okay?"

"I'm--I'm sorry, Cordy...I have to go." Buffy continued on her way.

Cordelia frowned and followed her.

"Buffy! What happened?" She caught up to her, taking her gently by the shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"Spike...broke up with me--No--I broke up with him actually."

"What? Why? You two are crazy about each other, aren't you? I thought--"

"Yeah, we were. I was...I don't know about him. I thought he...I was wrong...I was all wrong about him. You won't believe what he said. I--I have to go and get my stuff out of his house..."

"Come on," Cordy frowned and put her arm around her rattled friend, "let's get your stuff and you can stay at my place."

Cordy wanted to get to the bottom of this, and fast. Buffy and Spike were in love, she could tell by the way they were with each other, it was almost a physical presence--and of course they said it a lot too. There had to be some kind of misunderstanding.

"Thanks, Cordy." Buffy's face scrunched up as fresh tears fell. "He's such a bastard! I hate him!"

"Shhh, it'll be okay." She hugged Buffy. "Let's go."

Cordelia guided her weeping friend to her car.

Buffy told Cordy what Spike had relayed to her about not seeing each other on Lilah's orders. Cordy couldn't believe the nerve of both Spike and Lilah.

Once Cordy got Buffy calmed down and tucked into bed, she called Xander from the other room to find out what the hell was going on.

After a few rings, he answered. "Hello," Xander's voice was rough.

"Xander, it's me. Did you just get home?"

"Cordy...Yeah...just got home."

"You don't sound good," Cordy said with concern. "Are you upset about what's going on with Spike and Buffy too?"

"Yeah. I have to--"

"What's going on, Xander?"


"Spike is such a fucking bastard! How could he do this to her?"

"It's...not his fault, exactly," Xander said.

"Then who's fault is it? Lilah's? Yeah, she's a total bitch if she really said that, but--"

"What do you mean, 'If she really said that'?" Xander asked.

"I mean, that if all of this isn't some stupid shit that Spike made up to string Buffy along."

"It isn't," Xander was getting more upset. "He's in love with Buffy, he wouldn't hurt her intentionally."

"Whatever. Even is Lilah did say it, if he was really in love with Buffy, he would've been a fucking man and told Lilah off for even suggesting it!"

"Cordy...It's complicated."

"Of course you'd take his side! He broke Buffy's heart, Xander! That stupid prick! I'd like to break his neck!! Did he really say all those things to her? I couldn't believe it when Buffy told me."


She didn't like the way his voice sounded at all; like he was about to drop something heavy on her. "Oh...don't tell me...Did you receive the same marching orders as your bleached blonde pal? You have a thing with Lilah too, don't you?" she demanded.

"I love you. Please try to--"

"Oh fuck this!" Cordy yelled. "I don't believe this! You're going to give me the same, lame 'I need time' speech that Spike gave Buffy?"

"You don't understand! Please, baby--"

"Fuck that 'baby' shit! What? Are you and Spike reading from the same script? That's the same shit that he tried to feed Buffy!" She said in a mocking, dumb guy voice, "D'uh--But you don't understand!'
I understand, Xander! You think I need your shit?"

"Don't jump to conclusions! Please...I love y-"

"Well, I DON'T love you! I'm not a small town girl like Buffy. I know the score. You were a good fuck, but nothing more," she lied, wiping tears from her face.

Xander was stunned. "Wh-What? don't mean that."

"Yes, I do. Don't you dare presume to tell me what I mean or don't mean! You're nothing to me. Fuck off, Harris--or Biggs--whatever your name is. I want nothing to do with you anymore. Nobody plays Cordelia Chase. Especially not some brain dead idiot from a hick town like you."

"Cordy, how can--"

"Shut up! Why don't you go fuck Lilah blue? That might perk you up. Go fuck Spike and yourself while you're at it too!"

"Let me finish one fucking sentence!" Xander yelled.

"No, you don't deserve to. I've said all that I need to say. There's nothing left."

"Cordy," he said, on the verge of tears, "God--I wish that I could explain everything!"

"It's crystal clear. You've chosen Lilah. That's fine. But you can go fuck yourself, 'cos I'm not touching your dick ever again!"

"Listen, I'm--"

"Don't try to talk to me unless it's absolutely necessary. I'll knee your nuts through the roof of your mouth if you ever try touching me again outside of the films that I‘m forced to do with you! Fuck off and die, you creep!"

Cordelia hung up on him, promptly bursting into tears once she released the receiver.

"Cordy?! Don't..." Xander closed his eyes and felt his heart being torn in two at the sound of the dial tone.

He wanted to talk to Spike, to commiserate. But he could hear his friend throwing things around in his not to bother him in the middle of a temper tantrum.

Ever since Spike gave him the terrible news, Xander had been in a state of denial and shock. Lilah couldn't do this to them. She was always good and kind to them. Why would she deny them happiness? Xander had gone straight to Lilah to hear it from her directly. She repeated what she'd told Spike, saying that Xander was included too--He was hers, not Cordelia's. Lilah used the same threat against Buffy if he didn't agree to end his relationship with Cordelia. Xander loved Buffy too--not romantic love, but he did love her. It was impossible, with no way out that he could see.

Spike outright refused to tell Buffy (or Cordy) about the threat.

Xander and Spike were in the same boat, up shit creek without a paddle. The woman that they had adored, and almost worshipped, had turned into a heartless bitch. The girls that they loved, hated them now.

It was head-spinningly, nauseating and disorienting, the way things could suddenly turn to shit.
