
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 6: When in Rome...

The actors milled around the Roman Palace set, preparing for filming.

The set was decorated nicely, with pillars, silk draperies and murals. The actors were clad in white, linen togas and sandals. The women's hair was done up with ribbons and pins in ancient Roman style. The men had variations of the 'George Clooney-Hail Caesar' look.

Spike was looking over his script, wanting to do as good a job as possible. His hair was combed forward. He wore a Roman General's costume: a polished, metal and leather breastplate over a white, red-trimmed, knee-length tunic; a red cape; a red plumed helmet was currently being held under his arm; a leather skirt hung in strips. Lilah had an arrangement with some of the costumers at the major studios for costumes and props, so they were able to have the very best.

"Lilah," Spike walked over to her. "These columns are all wrong. These are Greek not Roman. And the togas--they aren't historically accurate. When is this film supposed to take place? Because the fashions are all over the place."

Lilah laughed. "First, I have to say what nice legs you have..." She wet her lips and leered at his legs. "And second, Spike, honey, we aren't aiming for accuracy. We just wanted to create a mood--which I believe we have. Historians won't be watching this...not to point out the flaws of the set and costumes, anyway."

Spike looked around, then sighed. "I suppose. I just thought it would be good to get everything right. I also wanted to talk to you about the script..."

"Yes? What about it?"

He opened to a page and pointed to a passage. "This is some of the worst dialogue...I can't say these things with a straight face. Take this for example, 'I will conquer and plunder your pussies with my mighty Roman spear...'" Spike looked back up at her. "That's's bloody terrible--was it put in as a joke? Can't I add some of my own words instead?"

"Spike," Lilah tried to be patient with him, "the writers are going to be pissed if you change too much. And it really doesn't matter; people don't watch porn for the sparkling dialogue--they want to see fucking."

"I know...but why can't we try to make it an all-around pleasant experience?"

"Hey, doesn't everything look great?" Xander came up to them. "Is Sir Laurence Oliver givin' you some lip?" he asked Lilah.

"Spike is having some problems with the script," Lilah sighed.

"There's a script?" Xander asked. "I don't need no stinking script--just point me to which girl I'm supposed to get with. What's the problem, Spike-O?"

"Look at these lines I have to say." Spike showed him the script.

Xander laughed when he read it. "Oh, I like the conquer n' plunder line! That's good! I may use that in real life sometime."

"It's stupid," Spike said, shaking his head.

Xander twirled around. "I like this toga thing. It's too bad these aren't in style anymore. Hey, can I have one of those leafy deals to wear on my head? That would look cool."

"Laurel headpieces weren't worn by everyone, Xan," Spike chuckled.

"It's not fair--you get that cool helmet. I want something, too."

"Here, you can wear it until we have to start," Spike handed Xander the helmet.

Xander smiled and put it on. "Neat!" Xander laughed, touching the tall, red plume. "Do you get to keep this?"

Lilah shook her finger at him with mock-sternness, "All the props go back at the end of filming. Don't let me find any of these costumes when I come over to your place. Well...I could bring a few things...just for the night."

"Now you're talkin'!" Xander grinned, imagining the sexy games they could play with the costumes and props.

An attractive black woman with short, braided hair approached them.

"Lilah, are we going to be done by 4?" she asked, her British heritage evident by her voice.

"Olivia, I want to introduce you to Spike and Xander."

Olivia smiled at them brightly. "Hello, nice to meet you."

They shook hands; it was still bizarre to Spike--they were just meeting and within minutes they'd be shagging.

"We're going to get the show on the road any minute now, Olivia," Lilah said. "We should be done well before 4."

"Good. I have a plane to catch back to London."

"You're from London as well? I lived there until I was 14." Spike smiled, cocking his head to the side.

"Yes, born and raised. What's a nice, proper, British lad like you doing in this line of work, luv?" Olivia smiled teasingly.

Spike blushed a little. "I just sort of...fell into it."

"You were right, Lilah...Spike is a very handsome, charming, young bloke," Olivia said with a soft smile, looking at Spike.

"No one ever talks about me." Xander pouted. "They always talk about stupidy, stinky Spike."

Spike snorted and elbowed him.

Xander jumped away. "I'm going to draw a crude rendering of you on the men's room wall," Xander said, "with stink lines and everything."

"Xan, you really have to lay off the pot. You're losin' braincells by the second--and you can't afford to lose anymore," Spike laughed.

Xander took off the helmet and tossed it back to Spike.

"You'll get my Thai Stick when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands," Xander skipped off to the other side of the room to mingle with other actors.

Xander had taken quite a liking to wacky weed, especially the great Thai Stick that Lilah had a connection for--it put the stuff they'd smoked back in Sunnydale to shame. He really didn't do it that often--just when he wanted to loosen up a bit.

Spike looked at Olivia and smirked. "Isn't it kind and generous of Lilah to hire the mentally challenged?"

Olivia laughed. "He seems sweet--is he always that...spirited?"

Spike chuckled, "You mean silly? Yeah, he's--"

"Okay, everyone, we're ready to go," Warren announced. "Let's get to our places."

"I hope we can talk some other time--I'd like to get to know you better." Olivia touched Spike's arm and smiled warmly.

"I'd like that...too." He watched her walk away.

"Olivia does a few films for us every now and then," Lilah said. "She mostly does European films, but we have a special relationship. She makes exceptions for us."

"She seems nice," Spike admired the way the toga accentuated the black woman's figure.

"Oh, she is. She's a real pro, too. You'd better go off set and get ready. Warren's going to burst a blood vessel if we don't get a move on."

Spike nodded and went off the set to await his cue.

'Roman Orgy 2'

Starring: Spike Crane, Angel O'Connor, Anya, Willow, Tara McClay, Faith, Olivia Baker

"Here is your wine, Excellency," Jonathan gave Angel a goblet filled with red wine.

Jonathan had practiced his lines all week. He wouldn't get to participate in the sex, but was excited about his first, on-screen, speaking role.

Angel took the drink and nodded.

"Angelus, shouldn't General Spike have arrived already?" Anya, who was playing the Empress, asked him.

"You know Spike, my love. He enjoys making an entrance."

"Yes, but we are awaiting his return to begin the celebration. I think he should be punished for making us wait."

"My dear, Spike has won fierce battles against barbarian hordes and tamed the wildlands in the name of the Roman people. We cannot punish him for merely being late for a party." Anya pouted. " may have your way with him, if you wish."

Anya's face brightened considerably. "You would not object?"

Emperor Angelus chuckled. "Not at all. He is a hero; he should enjoy all of the spoils of victory."

The shot pans out, showing more of the hall. Twenty prominent Romans are standing in small groups, conversing, waiting for Spike.

"Emperor Angelus," Jonathan said excitedly, "he has arrived!"

Cheers from the masses in the streets could be heard from outside the palace. A few moments later, General Spike strode boldly into the main hall. The assembled guests applauded him. Spike smiled and nodded his head in thanks. He continued on until he reached the dais upon which the Emperor and Empress sat. He removed his helmet, tucking it under his arm and went down on one knee before them.

"Ah, Spike! I see that you've finally decided to grace us with your presence?" Angelus joked.

"Apologies, My Liege." Spike bowed his head. "My delay could not be avoided." He raised his eyes to look at Anya, a smirk spread over his face. "Empress Anya, you are looking--" his eyes traveled over her body, "as lovely as ever. Perhaps more so. The Gods have truly blessed you with an incomparable beauty."

Anya smiled, "Thank you, General. How kind of you to say. We are most pleased with your victories."

Spike stood. "It is my pleasure, as well as my duty, to gather wealth for the Empire, and defeat Rome's enemies."

"Speaking of pleasure..." Angelus said, rising from his throne. He spoke to the guests, "Now that General Spike is here, we may begin the celebration!"

They cheered.

"Spike, as the guest of honor, you may have your pick of the women." Angelus smiled.

The ladies scattered throughout the room stood up straighter, looking hopeful that the dashing, brave, legendary General would choose to couple with them first.

"May I choose from any of the women, both slaves and aristocrats?" Spike asked, gazing around the room.

"Yes, any that catch your fancy."

"Then I choose Empress Anya." Spike turned back to her.

"Very well," Angelus waved his hand. "That is, if she agrees..."

"Do you, Empress? Will you agree to couple with me this night?" Spike asked, curling his tongue behind his teeth.

Anya took a breath, "Yes. I agree."

Angelus said, "Surely, you are not having just one woman? Even if the woman happens to be as exceptional as my wife."

"There will be many others," Spike walked slowly up the stairs to where Anya sat. "I have been away from the beautiful women of Rome for far too long--I have had to deny myself my desires for many months. I will also be sampling Lady Tara," his flashing, blue gaze went to the voluptuous, blonde aristocrat, "and Lady Olivia," his eyes moved to the lovely, Nubian ex-slave. "But I've waited a long time to earn a chance for this..." Spike stopped in front of Anya, reaching out to gently touch her face, "particular prize..." He'd skipped over the part that contained the horrible line he'd taken special umbrage with.

Anya closed her eyes, trembling slightly. She didn't have to do much acting right now; she wanted Spike in the worst way.

Slaves scurried to place divans and large pillows around the room to prepare for the orgy. The most luxuriant, largest divan, covered in silk, was placed on the dais. That was to be the General's place of honor to frolic with whomever he chose during the festivities. His divan, the size of a bed, could easily hold four lusty participants.

Anya rose to her feet, gazing into Spike's twinkling, azure eyes. Spike took her hand and kissed it softly. He smiled and led her to the divan prepared for him. The other guests began choosing their partners while keeping an eye on the dais; they were anxious to watch their hero pleasure their ruler.

Spike watched hungrily as two female slaves removed Anya's toga, leaving her nude. His eyes swept over her, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. The slaves then attended to him, taking his helmet, removing his breastplate and sword, then the rest of his clothing. They stood looking at each other, smiling appreciatively. Anya was drooling a bit at the sight of his meaty cock.

"Don't just stand there," Angelus laughed, "The rest of us are waiting for you to start. The guest of honor always leads the way."

"This is too enjoyable to rush..." Spike purred, stepping up to Anya, and running his fingers up and down her arms.

Anya started breathing heavier, her eyes slid closed. Spike leaned in and melded their lips together. Her hands went to his chest, feeling his cut muscles. Spike bent his head to lick at her nipples.

"Ooommm! Oh, General!" Anya moaned as Spike pulled on her nipple with his lips.

Spike smirked and lowered her to lay on the divan. He kissed and licked patterns down her body, kneeling down on the marble floor. His hands parted her thighs, as one hand gently stroked her pussy. Anya moaned.

"My Empress, may I sup from you?" Spike asked, already beginning to lower his mouth to her sex; his deft fingers parting her nether lips.

"Yes! Yes, you certainly may," Anya grinned, breathing harder.

Spike kept eye contact with her when he began licking her. He stroked her thigh with one hand while the other kept her spread open for him.

Anya watched his tongue darting over her folds. Damn, he had a fabulous tongue! "MMmmm--that's good!" She smiled.

Spike returned the smile and traced circles around her clit with the tip of his tongue. Tara and Olivia watched, feeling like they could already feel his mouth on them. Olivia touched her own pussy lightly, hoping that it wouldn't be too long of a wait.

The others in the room were getting hotter; rubbing against each other, some removing their clothes and laying on the couches.

Xander cozied up to Willow, kissing her neck while rubbing her stomach and hips. Willow smiled and took Xander's hand, leading him to one of the many divans now spread throughout the room. As they kissed, Xander removed her toga; it fell to the floor around her feet. She lay down, pulling him down with her. Xander fondled her perky, rose-nippled tits, placing kisses and licks all over them.

Back on the dais, Spike was eating Anya's pussy with gusto. His tongue was buried inside of her while his fingers fiddled with her clit. With one more brush of his fingers, Anya flew over the edge.

"UHHHH! OHHHH--OH YES--ANNHHHH!" Anya cried out, gripping his hair in her fingers (though not painfully like Harmony had at the party).

Spike continued licking Anya as she came back down from the heights of pleasure. He smiled at Olivia and Tara, who were anxiously waiting. They smiled slyly back at him. They knew it wasn't quite time yet. Spike got up from his knees, climbing on the divan with Anya. She put her arms around him, her hands moving over his arms and back as they kissed deeply. Spike moved so that he was slightly behind her. Anya cooed and turned so that she was laying on her side and leaning her back against his muscled chest. He lifted her right leg, massaging the thigh and moving his hips against her backside.

"May I help?" Olivia asked, now standing in front of the divan; she gestured to his cock.

"By all means," Spike said, then licked and nibbled at Anya's earlobe.

Olivia took his cock in her hands, her eyebrows raised in admiration of such a fine, fine piece of art. She didn't excite easily anymore; after a few years in the business, most of her enthusiasm had waned. But Spike...Spike was one of the best-looking, most well-hung actors she'd ever seen. She was pleased that she was getting genuinely turned on; she couldn't wait to fuck him. Olivia snapped out of her awe and placed his cockhead at Anya's pussy.

"Thanks, luv," Spike smirked. He pushed his hips forward.

Olivia helped guide the head into Anya's canal. Anya gasped quietly and moaned, moving her pelvis slightly to allow more to slide in. Spike moved his hand from her thigh to her pussy; feeling himself move further inside the beautiful blonde.

Olivia only moved a bit to the side, to allow one of the many cameras to film the penetration closely. She stroked Spike's thighs and balls as he pumped into Anya. She knew she was supposed to let them finish before she joined in the fun, but she couldn't help herself from at least touching him.

Spike moaned, nipping at Anya's throat, and occasionally glancing up at Olivia to give her a sexy grin.

Xander and Willow were fucking on a couch in missionary position. Everyone else was engaged in the same activities. Wet, sucking sounds and moans echoed off the walls.

Spike started pounding into Anya harder, he could tell by the way her body was tensing that she was about to cum again. His fingers pinched her clit and rubbed it roughly.

Anya arched her neck against Spike. "Ohhhh! OH Gods--Oh...General! OOOOH!" she panted.

Her eyes closed, her mouth open. Her hips and legs shook from another orgasm. Spike put his mouth over hers, tangling their tongues together while she quivered around him.

Olivia crawled up behind him to spoon his back. She kissed his throat and shoulder, her hand cradling his balls. Spike turned his head to kiss her. Olivia explored his mouth with her tongue. Her hand went to the base of his cock, pulling it slowly out of Anya's drenched snatch. Anya groaned as his cock left her body--she wanted to ride it all day. But she knew the movie had to progress.

Spike rolled onto his back. He and Olivia still kissed. She stroked his cock, impressed beyond words with how big, beautiful and hard it was. She climbed on top of him. She rubbed his cockhead along her slit and over her clit. They moaned together when she finally popped the head inside her dripping sex. She took in large gulps of air, sitting up on him. Her hands were splayed over his pecs. Spike fondled her tits, rubbing the dark nipples and pushing the mounds together. Olivia whimpered, sinking further down on his rigid staff. She gyrated her hips.

Xander had brought Willow to one intense orgasm already. Faith (sans piercings) had joined them on their divan. Faith sucked and drooled on Xander's cock, Willow munched on Faith's pussy, and Xander's tongue lapped at Willow's wet pussy; they formed a loose circle. Everyone was happy with the arrangement.

Olivia rode Spike at a leisurely pace, wanting to savor the wonderful cockmeat sliding in and out of her passage. And he was so attractive too; nice body, great face. She wouldn't mind having one of these waiting at home for here after a long, tiring day.

Spike looked at Tara and smiled. He gestured for her to come to him. Tara walked to the divan, shedding her toga along the way.

Spike thought, 'God, she's gorgeous--such great tits!'

Tara bent down, putting her lips against his. They made a big show of using tongues for the camera. Tara ran her hand over his neck and onto his chest. Olivia raised up a little more to give Tara room to get some Spikey goodness too.

Tara straddled Spike's face, grinning down at him. Spike took her full hips in his hands and burrowed his tongue into her gash. Tara gasped and threw her head back. She stroked his hair softly as he nibbled at and licked her. Willow was her soul mate--the person she loved--but being with Spike, movie or no movie, was a great experience.

The various couples and threesomes throughout the room were moaning and shouting in ecstasy.

Olivia groaned, dropping up and down on Spike energetically. She suddenly arched her back, her limbs shaking.

"OOOOH--OH YES--UHHMMM--UHHHHHHAAA!" Olivia wailed, jerking her hips spasmodically.

Spike moaned loudly into Tara's pussy. He grabbed her hips and pulled her harder against his face. He wrapped his lips around her nubbin and sucked.

"SPIKE! AHHH--OH YEAH!" Tara shouted. She bucked onto his face.

The women who'd had a go at the bleached blonde Brit compared notes later. They didn't have to fake any of their reactions with him; he was just that good. Faith had been especially excited; she loved fucking, but sometimes her heart just wasn't in it after having done so many similar scenes. But Spike just did "it" for her. He had the certain something--Sex and sensuality virtually oozed from every pore on his body. Now, back to the scene...

Xander groaned as he popped on Faith's tongue. When she felt the first splash, Faith attacked his cock more ferociously. She flicked her tongue over the spurting head then placed her mouth over it--sucking hard, her hand pulling on his cock. Xander's eyes rolled around--he thought about that old phrase 'she could suck a grape through a garden hose'. Yep. That was Faith, alright.

Willow moaned into Faith's cunt as she came on Xander's tongue. Xander was quite good at giving oral, and seeing Faith guzzling his spunk was very stimulating. Willow played with Faith's clit then sucked on it, two of her fingers thrusting in and out of the brunette's hole.

Faith sucked even harder on Xander, her cheeks hollowed. She took her mouth away, cum dripping out of her mouth. She threw her head back and yelled.

"OOOH--OH YEAH--Uhhhmmm--Willow!" Faith fucked herself onto the redhead's fingers and mouth as she came.

Faith watched Willow continuing to bring her off, then she went back to Xander's dick. She jerked him more slowly, kissing and slurping up the cum that was now just dribbling to a stop.

Tara and Olivia had switched places; Tara was riding Spike's rod; Olivia now sat astride his face. They moaned and moved together, building up momentum. Anya played with Spike's nipples, giving them little licks and sucks, as the other two ladies occupied his mouth and cock.

Spike sucked on and licked Olivia's pink pussy thirstily. He absolutely loved giving head. Women tasted so good--and if their reactions were telling, he could make them very happy and give them satisfaction. He mused, as he tongue-fucked the panting black woman, that if only he would have discovered these skills and the confidence inside of him years ago...He could have had a significantly better time in high school--he'd practically had to bribe girls to go out with him back then. Spike had found that if you give a woman good--or great--oral sex, they are very pleased and eager return customers.

Tara was happy that her and Willow regularly used dildos (some of them quite large) in their lovemaking. Spike's horse-of-a-cock was still hard to take in, but she would have had a harder time if she wasn't used to a big cock. But the dildos couldn't compare with Spike; the dildos weren't made of throbbing, hot, pulsing flesh; and they weren't attached to a very sexy, sweet guy. Tara wondered if Willow would be upset if she asked her if Spike could join them at home for a ménage sometime...maybe Xander could come along too...He certainly was a cutie-pie.

Olivia shuddered all over and whimpered. The whimper became a shout, "GGGOD! YES! EAT MY PUSSY--OH--OHHHH!" Her juices ran down onto his face.

Tara rode him harder, frigging her clit. Her eyes slammed shut. Tingles ran through her body. "Uhhhh--Ahhh-Ahhh--Oh Spike--OOOOOOH!" her facial features twisted up.

Spike's hips fucked hard upwards into Tara's pussy. He uttered a muffled, passionate cry into Olivia's snatch as he too came.

Tara moaned clamorously, grinding down onto his cock. She'd never felt a guy shoot like he did--it was kind of like a big, thick garden hose being turned on, filling her pussy with liquid. His jiz flowed from her and down the sides of his cock. Olivia's eyes got big as she watched from atop his face. She licked her lips--she wanted some of that.

Tara smiled when she saw the look in Olivia's eyes. She pulled off of Spike and took a hold of his cock. Olivia bent forward and gobbled his knob. Anya ran her hands over Spike's chest and stomach. The women kept stroking and massaging his cock and sac, each sampling some of his large load.

After he was through shooting, Anya straddled him. She grinned as she sank down on his still rock-hard shaft. Tara rubbed Anya's back and Spike's right thigh lightly.

Olivia dismounted from Spike's face, his face glistening with her and Tara's pussyjuice. Olivia felt positively boneless--it had been a long time since doing a film had satisfied her so much.

Anya started off with unhurried, long strokes up and down his mammoth prick--but her ardor was growing quickly. She needed a hard fuck. Spike was panting for breath and watching Anya bounce on him. He moaned when her strokes sped up.

"Ohhh--Spike--Fuck--I love it--I LOVE IT!" Anya yelled. She cried out breathily with every thrust.

Spike wanted to do a different position, since his face wasn't currently being covered with a hot pussy. He put his hands on Anya's slender hips and stilled her.

"Wh-Wha's the matter?" Her eyes were glazed over.

Spike smirked and sat up, pulling her to him for a steamy kiss. Anya moaned, running her hands through his hair. Spike rolled her onto her back. He broke the kiss to kneel between her legs. He took one of her legs and raised it, then he moved up to her body.

"Mmmm--Ohhh!" Anya rolled onto her hip.

Spike thrust inside of her again. After a few drawn out strokes, he gave it to her how she wanted it--hard. He grit his teeth and plowed into her again and again, holding her leg against him. Anya couldn't speak, her eyes were rolled up, her mouth hung open--all she could do was grip a silk pillow and cry out in bliss.

Tara and Olivia were content to only rub Spike's back and ass while he fucked Anya silly. He kept up the inhuman pace for several minutes. He felt ready to cum again--he never knew he had this much stamina or ability to fuck so much, and for so long, in the past. Maybe he really was made for this kind of work.

Anya's pussy palpitated around him, and she yelled and groaned as she came once more. Spike grunted, fucking her fast and hard a few more time before he spilled again inside of her. He gasped and moaned. Tara and Olivia each put a hand around his shaft and brought him out of Anya's hole, they took turns gulping down his copious spendings for the second time. Spike was breathing in shuddery bursts, his hips moved back and forth.

"Yeah--Take it all--Mmmm, good girls," he caressed the backs of their heads as they licked and drank down his cum.

They grinned up at him when he was finished. By this time, everyone else in the room had finished up too. Spike gave them both a kiss then lay down on the divan on his back. Tara and Olivia snuggled up against his sides, Anya crawled up his body and lay against his chest, placing soft, reverent kisses to his chest.

"That was a most pleasant home-coming," Spike grinned.

He put his arms around the shoulders of Tara and Olivia. Anya leaned down to kiss his lips once more...

"And...Cut! Beautiful! Editing is going to be a nightmare, but I think we got some great footage," Warren said. "Good work, everyone."

The actors all smiled and gave themselves (and each other) a huge round of applause.

"We still have some threesomes to shoot tomorrow. I suggest those of you in those scenes go home and get some rest." Warren walked off with Jonathan and Andrew following behind him.

He was talking a mile-a-minute, going on about the following days scenes and the editing schedule. Jonathan and Andrew dutifully scribbled notes as they trotted after him.

"Thanks, ladies," Spike said, "that was my first on-screen group sex. You three were in-bloody-credible!"

The ladies giggled and began disengaging from his hot, tight body.

"Not so bad yourself," Anya said with a grin. She gave him a peck on the lips--holding herself back from diving back down for more.

"You were brilliant, Spike," Olivia patted the side of his face. "I hope we can work together again--I'd like to you later, but I've got that bloody plane to catch." She looked disappointed.

"That's alright, luv. I'll catch you next time you're in town."

Olivia gave him a little kiss too, then left to get a quick shower before her flight.

Willow walked up to them, pulling her white robe closed. "How did you guys make out?" she asked.

"Very well," Tara smiled. "Spike's a real natural." She kissed his cheek and stood up, putting on the robe Willow held for her.

"We're heading home," Willow said to Spike, "long day n' all that," she giggled.

"Yeah, I could sleep for a millennia or two myself," Spike said, sliding off the divan and taking his own robe from one of the assistants.

"Congrats on your first starring role! It seems like you got the job done right," Willow giggled.

"Thanks, pet. I hope I did," Spike chuckled.

"Oh, you definitely did!" Tara said quickly, and blushed a little at how enthusiastic she sounded. "Really, Spike, you were great."

"You were, too." Spike grinned at the curvaceous blonde.

Willow and Tara looked at each other, seeming to communicate without words. Willow kept her eyes on Tara as she began to speak, "If you and Xander feel like doing something later, you could give us a call. We're usually up for something fun after a nice nap." She turned to face Spike, smiling.

Tara was beaming and nodding her acquiescence.

His grin spread across his face, "Yeah, pet, I think that would be lovely."

The next day...

Angel was furious when he found out that Spike got top-billing over him. He went to Lilah's office, but found it empty. Then he went to The Mayor's office; he could hear people talking inside. He knocked.

"Come in," The Mayor said.

Angel tried to rein in his temper, taking a few deep breaths. He walked in, stopping when he saw Spike, Lilah and Xander seated in the room.

"Angel, what can I do for you?" Wilkins asked.

Angel glanced at them. "It's private, sir. I'd rather speak to you and Lilah alone about this."

"We're a family here, Angel. You can talk freely in front of the boys. Ribbon candy?" he offered the bowl to Angel.

"No. No, thank you. What I have to say is important."

"Go on."

Spike and Xander were looking at him curiously; he looked hot-under-the-collar about something.

"Alright. I would have rather not done this with him," he glared at Spike, who's brows shot up at the venomous look, "here."

"What did I do?" Spike asked, genuinely puzzled. He had done nothing that he knew of to warrant Angel's attitude. Spike had always been courteous and friendly with him.

"Lilah, he gets top-billing?! What the fuck is that?" Angel ranted. "I'm the star around here. This was only his first featured role. I played the fucking Emperor, for Christ's sake! I've worked here for 5 fucking years! I think I deserve some respect!"

Wilkins cleared his throat. "First of all, I don't cotton to potty mouths, Mister. You clean up your language around here, or its a trip to the woodshed for you."

Angel's jaw tightened. "And second, I'm the one who told Lilah to put Spike in a starring role, AND give him top-billing. Now, turn that frown upside down! You're still a valued member of the team."

"Why does he get top-billing! I play the fu--the Emperor!" Angel caught himself before he swore again. "If the Emperor doesn't get mentioned first--"

"That's what you're upset about?" Spike asked. "I don't bloody care--let him have his way. It really makes no difference to me," he said to Lilah.

"No siree-bob!" Wilkins said. "I've made my decision and I don't change my mind."

Angel ground his teeth slowly. "Then maybe you don't want me working for you anymore."

"Aw, now Angel, don't talk like that, son. You're top-notch, A-1. You've done a first-rate job for us in the years you've been here," The Mayor tried smoothing Angel's ruffled feathers.

"No--I mean it. I'm saying, right here and now, he goes--or I go."

Spike sighed and shook his head. "Don't be a wanker, Angel. This really bothers you that much?"

"Shut up, Captain Peroxide! The minute you showed up here, you were trying to steal the spotlight. Don't pretend you didn't plan this. Just because you're Lilah's flavor of the month, you get all kinds of perks."

Spike furrowed his brows. "You're out of your tree. I don't understand why you're so pissed off at me--I never said one bloody wrong thing to you."

"Yeah, man," Xander piped in, "what's your problem? Are you jealous that Spike is better than you?"

Angel's glare re-focused on Xander. "Fuck you! You're just riding on his coattails! You wouldn't even be working here if he didn't make that a condition. So just shut your fucking mouth or I'll kick or ass! Just because he's got a huge dick--chicks don't even like guys that big!"

Xander leaned back, surprised at the level of anger that Angel was displaying. "Wow--Hostile much?"

"You leave Xander out of this." Spike stood up--now he was pissed. "You touch him and I'll break your jaw. You're deranged."

Angel balled up his fists. "Am I?! You little shit--I'll--"

"Boys, that's enough!" Wilkins stood up, looking stern. "No fighting! Angel, I believe you issued an ultimatum a few moments ago..."

Angel looked back to Wilkins. "Yes. He goes, or I go. Keep in mind how popular I am with the public."

The Mayor nodded and thought it over. " know something I don't like?"

Angel shook his head no.

"I don't like it when people question my decisions--or give me ultimatums. We won't be needing you anymore, Mr. O'Connor. We'll mail you your last check. Good luck to you." He sat back down.

"You--You're choosing him over me! After everything I've done--all the money I've made for this studio?!" Angel was shocked.

"It sure looks that way...doesn't it?" Wilkins asked. He could look down-right scary when he wanted to; a drastic switch from the happy smile he usually wore. "Do you need security to show you off the lot, or can you manage?"

"I can't fucking believe this!"

"Language," Wilkins said warningly.

"Fuck you!" Angel yelled. "Fuck you--and you--and you--and YOU!" he pointed to each of them, ending with Spike. "You'll all be sorry for this. Mark my MOTHER--FUCKING--WORDS!" Everyone stared at him. "You," he looked at Spike, "better sleep with one eye open, asshole."

"I think a call to security is in order," Wilkins picked up the phone.

"Don't fucking bother. I'm leaving. I hope you all rot in HELL!" Angel stormed out, slamming the door so hard that the windows rattled.

They were silent for a few moments. "Well...that was pleasant. Angel O'Connor, everybody," Xander said, applauding, "Nice of him to stop by, don't you think?"

"He threatened me," Spike sat back down slowly. "He's a nut--I never did a bloody thing to him!"

"What a rude, young man! If I knew he had a mouth on him and a temper like that, I wouldn't have hired him in the first place." Wilkins shook his head. "So disrespectful."

"I'm sorry about that, Richard," Lilah had been too taken aback before now to speak.

"It wasn't your fault, dear. Oh well, he made his bed, now he has to sleep in it. We'll make sure security knows not to let him on the lot again. Don't worry, Spike."

"'M not worried," Spike said, trying to act more confident than he felt. No one had ever looked at him with as much raw hatred as Angel had a few minutes ago.

"Good. How about I take you boys out for some nice, frosty milkshakes to help put all that ugliness behind us?" Wilkins' smile reappeared.


Chapter 7: And Now for Something Completely Different

Lilah sat in bed, her back against the headboard, holding a glass of Chablis in one hand and a joint in the other. Xander licked between her spread legs. Spike suckled at her right breast lovingly, his left hand stroking her thigh.

She sighed in contentment. Her life had to be the sweetest of them all: indulging in a bit of the grape and fine pot while her two young, hung, hot lovers pleasured her...Decadent didn't begin to describe it. Lilah was never one to remain satisfied for long. She constantly had to push boundaries. There was one boundary that she was determined to push until it gave. They had had a few joints and beers between them, maybe that would be enough...

"Oh, boys?" Lilah blew out a stream of smoke. "I was wondering if you'd try something for me."

They raised their heads and grinned at her.

"Anything you want, luv." Spike smirked, he tapped her nipple with his tongue.

Xander smiled and gave her pussy another lick. "Yeah, what he said."

Lilah chuckled. "What I want is to see you two touch each other."

The men stopped their actions and looked at her blankly, then at each other. Spike turned back to Lilah.

"We--already discussed that. Xan and I don't--do that..."

"Not even for me?" she pouted. "You won't even try?"

"I like women, pet," Spike tried to soothe her.

"Me too!" Xander said. "No men--men are--yuck."

"I know you're both straight. That's what makes it even more of a turn on for me. I love men, I love cocks. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a woman's body too. I have and I will again in the future. I prefer dick, especially both of yours, but I like pussy too. Please, just try it for a few minutes. As a personal favor to me?"

Their eyes were slightly glazed over from picturing Lilah and another woman getting it on. They were quiet for several moments. It would be really weird--and uncomfortable--but they did owe Lilah a lot for everything she'd done for them, and to them. Even though they were het, they both had a natural curiosity about what it would be like with another man. (Xander and Spike had some unacknowledged, deeply buried bi-leanings) Xander actually had an erotic dream about his friend once (or twice) after he first saw the size of his equipment and he'd had all these weird urges since they'd started their porn careers. Spike (William, back then) had had a dream or two about Xander as well. Their dreams had been pushed far, far back into their subconscious. Lilah's request brought some of those images to the surface once again. The alcohol and pot helped to loosen an inhibition or two--just as Lilah hoped that they might.

The friends looked at each other again, then away.

"What--uh--do you want us to do?" Spike asked quietly.

Lilah smiled broadly. She always got what she wanted. "You can start however you want. I'd like to see some kissing and touching cocks, nipple licking, etcetera. You get the idea."

"I don't know if I can..." Spike said uncertainly.

"Try," Lilah said simply.

Spike and Xander sat up and moved closer to each other.

Xander cleared his throat. "Well...let's--um--get started then."

"You think you--can?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. But I'll give it a try...for Lilah." "Awww, thank you, Xander." Lilah leaned forward and kissed him. "My darling boy. Always willing to do anything to please me."

Spike frowned. "I'm going to try, too. I just need to...I need a minute is all."

"Don't get pouty. Though that is a sexy look on you. You're my darling boy, too," Lilah laughed and gave Spike a sweet kiss. "I'm going to play with myself while I watch. I'm getting so hot just thinking about it..."

She shuddered and sat back against the headboard. She lit another joint and offered it to Spike. He took a long, deep hit and held it. Xander took it and did the same. Spike expelled a huge cloud of smoke, going into a coughing fit.

Xander blew out his hit. "You alright, man?"

"Yeah," Spike coughed. His eyes crossed momentarily. "Woooo!" he laughed. The coughing had made his buzz stronger somehow; his head was swimming. "That's good shit!"

Xander giggled, feeling the effects of the drug strongly himself. "Suddenly we're Cheech and Chong. Remember the movie where their car was made out of weed? That was so fucking funny! Was that 'Up in Smoke'?"

"A-Ahem." Lilah puffed on the joint. "You can discuss fine cinema later. Why don't you start by kneeling in front of each other?"

Spike and Xander crawled to each other until they were only inches apart, kneeling in the middle of Lilah's big bed. They stared at each other. Xander snorted and started giggling hysterically. Spike soon followed his lead, laughing until his stomach hurt.

"Hey, stop laughing!" Lilah reprimanded them. She put the joint and her wineglass down then crawled over to them.

"Sorry, it's just--funny." Xander wiped tears from his eyes.

"Most things are when you've smoked some primo Thai Stick. But let's get on with it, shall we? I've been dying to see this for ages. I'll help. Close your eyes, both of you."

They closed their eyes, still chuckling and snorting.

"Shhh!" She rubbed their backs. Lilah took Xander's hand and put it on Spike's chest. She placed Spike's hand on Xander's chest.

"Now, just touch and feel. Move your hands around."

Xander's hand moved first, lightly moving over Spike's pecs, thumbing a nipple. Spike moved his hand over Xander's smooth chest.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Lilah asked.

They nodded.

"Now," she took their free hands and placed them on the other's hip, "keep touching."

Lilah backed off slowly and smiled happily as their hands moved without further prompting. Their touches became firmer as they rubbed each other's nipples and thighs. They made small sighing sounds. It felt good.

Xander took initiative, leaning forward to kiss Spike on the lips. They gazed at each other a moment before closing their eyes again and getting more into the embrace.

Lilah watched, rubbing circles around her clit. "How 'bout some tongue, boys?"

Xander's tongue darted out in response, licking along Spike's full lower lip. Spike opened his mouth. Xander pushed his tongue inside. They kissed softly, getting used to the feeling.

Lilah's eyes dropped to their (thus far) ignored cocks. She could see them both twitching slightly.

"I think your dicks need some attention."

On autopilot, they each reached for the other's cock and began stroking slowly. They moaned quietly into the other's mouth. Xander had wanted to touch Spike's cock for a long time, just to check it out. He shifted closer on his knees, their chests touching now. Xander ground lightly against his friend to rub their ever-growing organs together. They were both starting to get very aroused.

"Lick his cock, Xander," Lilah said breathily, fingering herself faster.

Xander pulled back and raised Spike's stiff cock to his mouth. Without hesitating, he stroked the head with his tongue. Spike groaned and leaned back to rest on his heels while Xander worked. It was surreal, dream-like--they couldn't really be doing this...could they? Xander took the head into his mouth and sucked on it. Pre-cum gushed onto his tongue, he eagerly swallowed it and played with the cumslit with the tip of his tongue to coax more out.

"Uhhhh--Xander!" Spike moaned.

"Good, Xander!" Lilah was getting ready to cum. "Lay down, Spike."

She tugged on his arm until he moved slowly to lay on his back. Xander never released Spike's big prick--he moved along with him, still sucking and stroking. Spike spread his legs apart. Xander pulled back while stroking on Spike's cock, watching it grow bigger and thicker.

"Shit--your dick really is amazing." He held it up and bent down to lick Spike's balls.

"Ahhhh--Have you done this before?" Spike moaned.

"Uh-uh." Xander stroked the perineum firmly, because he knew how good that felt when someone did it to him.

Lilah couldn't resist joining in a little. She leaned over and lapped at Spike's seeping cock while Xander worked on his balls. She pinched and rubbed Spike's nipples. Xander moved back up the massive prick, joining Lilah at the mushroom-shaped head. They shared the sticky liquid that Spike was manufacturing. It was surprisingly good. Xander wondered why he hadn't tried this a long time ago--not with other guys, but with Spike. What was a little cock sucking between best friends?

Spike's eyes rolled back. "God--I--I'm going to cum!" he groaned.

Lilah immediately pulled back, taking Xander with her.

Spike's head snapped up at the loss of their mouths and hands. "What? Why did you stop?"

"Xander's turn," Lilah said, pushing Xander onto his back and kissing him.

Spike got on his knees and bent over Xander. He was feeling really horny, and Xander had made him feel so good; he owed it to him to do the same. Spike dabbed at the moist head of Xander's cock with his tongue. Not bad. He ran his tongue around it and began pumping it slowly.

Xander moaned loudly as Lilah kissed him. She smiled and backed off again to watch. Xander reached out and petted her pussy. She massaged her tits and let him manipulate her clit. Spike slid his mouth down Xander's cock, humming and sweeping his tongue over it.

"Ahhhh--Ahhh Will!" Xander gasped, falling back into calling him by his real name. "Fuck--Ohhh, God!"

Xander looked down his body to observe his best friend giving him a blowjob. In all honesty, he'd wanted to see Spike's lips around his cock many times. The fear of losing his friend, and the homophobia that had been instilled in his brain had stopped him from ever talking about or discussing the subject. He'd even denied the desire to himself; any time thoughts like that arose, they were quashed almost instantly. Xander's dad had made his hatred and contempt for 'cocksuckers' well known in the Harris household. He would have received a whopper of a beating if his father even suspected that Xander had thoughts like that.

Spike licked up and down the sides, then gave Xander's balls some attention. He sucked and pulled one of them into his mouth.

"Will! GOD--Have you done this before?!"

"Uh-uh," Spike replied, keeping at his ball sucking task.

"Coulda--Fuck!--fooled me! I'm going to blow, man!"

Lilah shooed Spike away from Xander's dick.

"Wha--No--don't stop!" Xander whimpered.

"You can give each other blowjobs later. I want to see you fuck," Lilah said, her voice deep and husky.

"F-fuck?" Spike asked. He hadn't thought that far ahead.

Xander, on the other hand, was ready, willing and raring to go. He crawled over to Spike and started kissing him, muffling then quieting his protests. He wanted to be the one on top. As much as it excited him to think of Spike's mammoth cock pumping into him, it was still daunting. What if he broke Xander's ass with that thing? That would be a tough one to explain in the Emergency Room...

"Let me fuck you, Will," he whispered.

Spike started breathing harder and nodded. It wasn't something he had ever contemplated doing, but if it had to be any man, he was glad that it was Xander. He trusted Xander implicitly.

"You have to get him ready, Xander. Spike, eat my pussy while Xander works on you." Lilah laid on her back and spread her legs. "The lube is in the usual place, Xander, honey."

Spike crawled forward in a sexual daze and dived into Lilah's muff.

"Ohhhh! Ugghhaa--Oh Yessss!" Lilah came right away, worked up by watching the blonde and brunette sucking each other's cocks.

Spike licked and slurped up her juices. Xander was shaking from anticipation. He put his hands on Spike's hips and rimmed his hole. Spike groaned as Xander's hot, firm tongue slid around and dipped into his ass. Neither found their respective positions as objectionable as they had imagined. Xander ate his ass as if he'd done it many times. When Spike seemed opened up enough, it was time for the next step.

Xander took the lube and began preparing Spike's virgin ass for invasion. Spike's pussy eating became more voracious. Lilah cried out and panted, winding her fingers in his hair. He pressed his tongue to her clit and shook his head rapidly--he knew she liked that.

"OOOHHHH! Fuck--YES!" Lilah squealed.

Xander lubed up his rampant hard-on and moved up behind Spike. Spike froze when he felt the head of Xander's cock pressing against his tight opening. Lilah noticed that the fucking was about to commence and sat up, scooching back from Spike--she wanted to watch this. (Her video tapes were always rolling in her bedroom. She'd be watching this again and again.)

"Take it slow, Xander," Lilah said.

"Spike...I'll stop if it hurts too bad. Just tell me, okay? Relax..."

Spike nodded, afraid to say anything.

Xander pushed forward, wiggling his hips slightly to ease the head past Spike's sphincter. They both gasped when the head slid inside. Spike fisted the sheets in his hands and tensed up.

"Relax, Spike," Lilah cooed. "Try to relax, baby."

< "Relax," Xander moaned, echoing Lilah's words.

Spike nodded again. He tried to will himself to loosen up.

Xander grit his teeth and pushed further inside. Spike's ass was the tightest, best thing he'd ever had his dick in. He regretted all those time they could have been fucking on their sleep-overs. He pictured it: spooning Spike, bending Spike over the bottom bunk bed and reaming his ass while their parents slept. So much time wasted. It wouldn't be wasted any longer. Xander sank in gradually, until his balls were pressed against Spike's ass.

"Uhhh--God!" Spike moaned, full of cock for the first time.

It was strange, painful and bizarre--but not all bad. He gasped loudly when Xander pulled back, leaving just the cockhead inside then drove back in.

Xander was having a hard time not fucking the hell out of Spike right now. His hips kept twitching forward, his blood pounding in his veins. He released a shuddery breath.

"Are you okay?" Xander asked shakily.

Spike nodded. Xander carefully thrust in and out. Spike's body relaxed a bit. Xander's cock was hitting a spot inside of him that felt amazing when stimulated. He briefly wondered what it was before just giving into the sensation.

"Fuck--Oh Will--God, this is good!" Xander groaned.

"It's--so--so strange! Uhhhaa!" Spike squeezed his eyes shut.

"Hold on, boys," Lilah said, wiping the drool from her mouth. "Come with me to the chair."

She got off the bed and went to her favorite chair to have sex in, she'd bought one for them for their place as well (It currently resided in Spike's bedroom). It was a very large, reclining chair that she'd bought specially for fucking in. It would do quite nicely.

Xander didn't want to, but he pulled out. He got off the bed and staggered over to the chair.

"Sit down and lay back, Xander."

He looked at her quizzically but did as she asked. Spike walked slowly over.

"Spike, honey, you sit on his cock. Go on."

Spike, facing away from Xander, carefully lowered himself onto his prick. Xander helped ease him down until Spike's glorious ass was stuffed full with Xander's throbbing meat once again. They panted and rested like that for some time. Xander put his hands under Spike's thighs and started fucking again; first slowly then bucking up hard.

Spike held onto the arms of the chair and leaned fully back against Xander's chest, gritting his teeth and groaning in pleasure/pain. His still rigid cock bounced as Xander thrusted into him harder and harder. The huge, bouncing tool was too much temptation for Lilah to resist. Watching them fuck had her creaming a river. They were so beautiful together, so very beautiful. She got up on the chair, squatted, and lowered herself onto Spike's cock. She dropped down as quickly as his size would allow. Xander slowed down his fucking until Lilah was squatting over them with Spike embedded in her pussy.

The three of them were writhing and moaning. Lilah ground against Spike's cock. Xander resumed his previous pace, jerking his hips up hard. Lilah fucked herself on the huge prick like a wildwoman.

"Ahhhh! UHHH--OH YEAH!" Lilah screamed as she came again. She reached down behind her and roughly fondled their balls.

Xander's eyes opened wide when he felt his own orgasm starting. He fucked furiously upwards, almost bouncing Lilah off the top of the Spike sandwich.

"Christ! SHIT--F-FUCKKKK!" Xander yelled.

Spike felt Xander's cock begin to pulse and shoot hot spunk into him. That, and Lilah's clenching pussy, triggered his own epic orgasm.

"NNNGGGHAA! Unnghh--Bloody HELL!" Spike rasped, his body going stiff. Cords stood out in his arms and neck.

Lilah came yet again when his rod went off inside of her. She humped him, feeling his jiz running out and dripping down, coating his crotch, then Xander's below.

Xander didn't think he was capable of it--but he came again at the feel of Spike's ass clenching around him in orgasm. He reached around and squeezed Spike's wet balls, wanting to get every bit of cum out of them and extend the orgasm. Spike cried out again, arching his back off of Xander. He was almost weeping with the intensity of it. Lilah pried herself off of Spike's prick and replaced her pussy with her mouth. She gulped down a few wads then jacked him, aiming the spewing head towards the men's faces.

Spike had already cum a few times tonight, and he'd been in the throes of this particular orgasm for quite some time. But he was still going off like a machine gun, firing thick, milky bullets at an astonishing rate. Spunk splattered on their chests. A few good shots hit them in their faces. Xander opened his mouth and craned his head forward. Lilah grinned and managed to shoot some directly into his mouth. Xander savored and analyzed the salty goo. Not bad. He opened up for some more, massaging Spike's balls more vigorously. After 5 more volleys, the ejaculations began to lose power. A few weak squirts landed on Spike's stomach, and the cum drizzled to a stop, just bubbling at the slit. Lilah swooped down and sucked it up, then licked it off his washboard abs.

Spike laid heavily on Xander. They were panting hard, their eyes closed in bliss. Their bodies dripped with sweat and Spike's cum.

"God, that was fantastic!" Lilah said happily. "I knew it would be--but it was even better than I thought."

"You okay, Spike?" Xander asked sleepily, but with genuine concern.

"Yeah..." he laughed. "Did we just have sex or was that an elaborate, crazy dream?"

"This--won't change things between us--will it? I mean you're my best friend. I don't want to lose you..." It was a strange conversation to have at this moment, with his dick still inside Spike's stretched, cum-soaked hole.

"No, Xan. We'll always be best mates." Spike groaned and lifted off of Xander. "My ass hurts."

"Sorry," Xander said, feeling terrible for causing Spike pain while he had experienced nothing but intense pleasure.

"S'okay..." Spike smiled, rubbing his butt. "Couldn't be helped."

"I'm surprised you didn't want Spike to fuck you, Xander," Lilah said. "Aren't you curious?"

"Yeah, I thought--I wasn't sure if it would hurt too much. Because--hello--super-sized, giant schlong."

Lilah laughed. "I think you could take him with enough stretching first."

Xander looked at Spike's now limp cock. "Some other time? I'm fucking exhausted right now...but I--I would like to see what it's like..."

"Do you want there to be another time?" Spike asked.

Xander nodded.

"Okay. I--do, too. Next time, we'll try it. God--this is so weird!" he laughed. "I never thought I'd--like doing that--but it was great."

Xander grinned. "For me, too. I only would want to do it with you though--no other guys..."

"Agreed," Spike said with a nod.

Buffy sat near the window of her room, staring out at the lights of the city. She leaned her head against the window pane and sighed tiredly, wondering if she really had bitten off more than she could chew coming here.

Her luck hadn't rebounded since her mugging--she still hadn't gotten a call back, the creep that hurt her and stole her purse was still out there running free, and work at the diner was less than perfect. Buffy found that she was not meant to be a waitress; she dropped dishes, had little patience for assholes and her legs and feet ached something awful at the end of the day. Her boss, Joe, was gruff but lovable--'cept without the lovable part. He seemed okay when she first started working for him, but she soon found out that he had a short temper and liked yelling at her. Maybe it had something to do with the broken plates and cups...but wasn't nice to yell at people. It's not like Buffy had meant to drop anything. As a consequence of her plate-breakage, Buffy's pay had been docked a few times--and she couldn't afford to lose one cent.

She focused her thoughts back on the outside world and away from her own troubling situation. She looked at the lights in the distance that were coming from homes scattered throughout the Hollywood Hills. When Buffy was a little girl, she'd always looked at houses and wondered what the people were like that lived there. What would it be like to be them? What were they doing at this very moment? She occupied her thoughts by contemplating those anonymous people behind the little dots of light again. No doubt, there were people engaged in all kinds of activities: arguing, cleaning, cooking, eating, having casual sex, making love, laughing, crying, etc.

What she wouldn't give to be one of those people instead of hers
elf right now...preferably someone who was actually enjoying themselves.
