
Rated VERY STRONG NC-17!! Do NOT read if you are underage. If there were a higher rating than NC-17, this fic would get it!

Warnings for: This is an extremely hardcore, raunchy fic folks!! Tons of explicit, graphic sex, multiple partners, slash, group sex, kink, anal, sex toys and objects used, bondage, deals with the seedy porn industry, angst, drug use, just about everything but the kitchen sink in this one! Wait...I think there is a kitchen sink scene in here somewhere...

Pairings (or triplings) include: M/F, M/M/F, M/M, F/F/M, M/M/M among other combos

A LARGE MALE GENITALIA ADVISORY is in effect for all viewing areas. *wink*

Summary: Buffy goes to Hollywood to become an actress, against her family's wishes. William is a momma's boy who goes to Hollywood to make porn films for easy money. They meet (eventually!) through a quirk of fate.

Buffy and Spike don't meet each other for many chapters. There's lots of couplings, but the story is ultimately Spuffy.

Joss and ME own everything. I own nothing. A nod also has to go to the movie 'Boogie Nights' for the initial inspiration for this fic.

"Cheek to Cheek" lyrics by Irving Berlin. "Black Betty" is by Ram Jam

Additional credits at the end of the story.

Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing this fic for me!


Chapter 17: Connecting

[A/N: This chapter includes a scene with two underaged teens (a male and female) having sex with each other. Just giving those that would be squicked fair warning. *g*]

A week later, they were preparing to shoot Buffy's big movie. The actors all felt a bit ragged from shooting so many films so close together. They decided a trip to the local mall for some shopping and fun like normal people was in order.

Normally, wild horses couldn't keep Cordelia away from a shopping excursion, but she had a dress-making class that she didn't want to miss (fashion design was another passion for her). Xander was a little broody at first, missing her presence, but he adapted--being his usual silly self.

Buffy, Spike, Xander, Faith, Willow, Tara and Riley sat in the food court of the mall. They talked as they finished up their cheese fries and corndogs.

"Hey Spike," Riley said, "How's it feel to be immortalized in rubber?"

Everyone cracked up.

Horizons Entertainment had it's own line of sex toys. The newest of which was the 'Spike's Spike! Dildo', a rubber replica of Spike's 12" dick.

"It's an honor, or course," Spike replied. "I didn't realize how bloody obscene my dick was until I saw it all...bodyless."

"I thought it should be bronzed, rubberized never occurred to me," Buffy giggled. "And it's not obscene. It's bee-u-ti-full!"

Spike gave her a peck on the lips while the others chuckled.

"Are you excited about your photo shoot on Thursday, Spike?" Tara asked.

Spike had gotten a request from 'Adult Playground Magazine', one of the best-selling porn mags around, to do a photo session with them. Spike had accepted; none of the people that he was worried about finding out about him read, or even looked twice, at those kinds of periodicals. And he was being paid a good sum just for having his picture taken and maybe answering a few questions--Not a bad way to make a few extra bucks.

"Yeah, should be fun," Spike said. "I get to keep my clothes on, which is nice."

"Good luck with that!" Riley chuckled.

"Don't count on it, babe," Faith laughed. "They'll have you naked before you can say, 'Is it hot in here?'. Face it, people want to see the sword."

"I'm more than my sword," Spike sniffed, acting offended. "They want to see it? I'll just toss one of the dildos made in my image at them."

But he was well aware to what he owed his burgeoning career and glamorous lifestyle to. He wasn't going to go off the deep-end, getting jealous or resentful of his own cock like some porn actors had in the past. Spike was grateful for it, and to it, for the opportunities it provided him with. His mother's hospital bills and mortgage were well on there their way to being paid off. That had been his number one goal from the start; taking care of his mum.

"Of course you're more than that, baby." Buffy kissed him tenderly. "But Faith's right too, they'll want you to show your..." she looked at his lap then back to his face, "...sword just doesn't do it justice. How about 'claymore'?"

Spike pouted. "Hmph! My dick is all people care about."

They all said, "Awww!" in mock sympathy.

"How do you think I feel?" Xander asked. "Your dick is bigger than me--In a manner of speaking. When you whip that thing out, I might as well be invisible!"

They dissolved into giggles.

Faith wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I need to stop by The Secret to get some new lingerie."

"You wear underwear?" Buffy asked.

"Only for 'special' occasions," Faith grinned. "Oh, remind me to pick up some trashy lingerie for Glory too. She wants something new and red for the movie she's shooting tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, 'Glory Holes'," Xander giggled. "That title works on a couple of levels, very clever and filthy at the same time."

Buffy frowned. "I only get the one level. What are the other ones?"

Spike butted in, "Glory holes, pet. They're holes--" he thought about how to describe it best, "--like you might find in public restroom stalls. They're made specifically for blokes stick their dicks through, and a woman on the other end gives anonymous blowjobs."

"Wow!" Buffy blinked. "People really do that? I never heard of that. How do the guys know who's on the other side?"

"They don't, usually," Xander answered with a shrug.

"If I were a guy, there's no way I'd put my manhood through something like that," Willow said. "There could be a knife-wielding maniac on the other side!"

The group chuckled, the men wincing and crossing their legs.

"I'm in total agreement with you there, Red. But a few brave, desperately horny souls take the chance," Spike wiped a little bit of cheese off of Buffy's chin with his thumb.

She grinned and wrapped her lips around his thumb. She sucked off the cheese, her eyes shone as her tongue cleaned him.

Spike pursed his lips and sucked in air, feeling his cock jump. "Vixen."

"Hey, looks like we've been recognized," Faith grinned, nodding to a group of young men. The men were standing near a fountain, whispering and staring at the gaggle of dining porn stars.

One of the men, braver (or just more stoned) than his friends, approached their table.

"Hi...Uh...Are you--like--in movies?"

"Do we look familiar to you?" Faith asked teasingly.

"Yeah! You're in pornos, right?"

"Yep. You pegged me, babe." Faith flashed her tongue stud (she loved showing it off).

"I'm Cyrus. The rest of you guys are in movies too." He looked to each of their faces, starry-eyed.

They nodded.

"Wow! Are you doing an appearance here to sign autographs or something?"

"Nah, mate. We're just on a shopping trip together."

"Cool! guys...maybe sign an autograph for me and my friends? We're real big fans--Your movies totally rock!"

The porn stars shrugged and voiced their assent. The greenhorns among them were thrilled to sign their first autographs.

"Really?" an excited Cyrus asked. "Awesome!" He turned back to where his friends were waiting, waving them over with an elated smile, "Hey guys! It is them! They'll sign for us!"

Tara, ever prepared, took a memo pad and pen from her large purse. "We can use these."

The group of men (in their early twenties, by the looks of them) surrounded and fawned over the actors. They all gushed at once about how much they loved the porn films they'd seen them in.

Almost an hour later, the gang was walking through the mall. They had signed autographs until their hands started to cramp. Other people had been attracted by the crowd around the actors, and wanted an autograph of their own. Some of the people didn't know who they were, they just thought they could sell the signature on Ebay or something if they proved to be big stars. But more than a few, were obviously porn fans: mentioning the titles of the movies, and favorite pairings that they'd seen.

The ladies signed most of the autographs, but Spike was besieged almost as much as them. He'd been slipped some phone numbers, from members of both sexes. He'd throw them out later, of course, but it was flattering that they fancied him.

Spike and Buffy walked hand-in-hand.

"They treated us like we were real movie stars!" Buffy laughed.

"We're better than real movie stars," Faith said. "The fans feel more connected to us. They watch us screw each other's brains out. We're not afraid to let our freak flags fly. Actors in mainstream movies are afraid to show their bodies, much less fuck on-screen."

"Some fans get scary though," Tara added. "We've all gotten bizarre letters. Riley had a stalker."

Xander looked aghast. "Ri, you never mentioned that! What happened?"

Riley sighed, "The guy's locked up now. It was about a year ago. He was really obsessed with me--sent me crazy letters and presents all the time, said he was my boyfriend."

"Oh, that's terrible!" Buffy put her hand to her mouth.

"Yeah," Riley agreed, "it was. I was scared shitless for a while. He'd somehow got my phone number and address, I think through the DMV. He broke in one night while I was out, thank God I wasn't there. A neighbor saw him breaking in and called the cops."

"What a fucking nightmare!" Xander exhaled. "Sure as hell hope I don't get a nut job like that after me!"

Spike patted Riley's back comfortingly. "You're lucky that he was caught, mate."

"It could've been worse," Riley smiled at Spike.

"You haven't gotten any weird letters, Spike?" Willow asked.

"Well...yeah. But not stalker-type letters. Got a few marriage proposals though," he laughed. "From women and men alike."

They laughed.

"Accept any?" Tara smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"He better not have!" Buffy said with mock seriousness. She put an arm around his waist.

"Oooh!" Xander said excitedly. "An arcade! Come on, let's go play some games!"

The men's and Faith's faces lit up.

"We have shopping to do. And those places are for kids. Look--" Buffy pointed to the arcade, "--Not one person over the age of 16."

"Don't be such a mom, B," Faith snorted. "Arcades are for children of all ages!"

"Yeah!" the guys backed up the statement, wearing dimpled grins.

The women exchanged exasperated looks.

"Ok kids, we'll do our shopping, then swing back here and pick you up," Willow sighed.

Xander kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks, Willow! You're the best mom ever!"

Willow laughed and wiped her face. "If you're good, we'll stop for ice cream on the way home."

"Yay!" Xander exclaimed. "Ice cream!" He skipped into the arcade.

"Hey, B, buy something red and trashy for Glory, 'kay? I'll pay you back. And get me a black leather bustier," Faith said.

"Alright," Buffy said. "I'll do my best. But if you don't like what I pick out, it's your own fault. You should be buying your own stuff instead of playing dumb games."

Faith rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah..."

Spike gave Buffy a kiss, then joined Faith and Riley walking to the arcade. "If we stay far enough away, maybe no one will figure out that Xander's with us," he joked.

"Little Xander's a handful," Tara laughed.

"You should know," Buffy smirked. "You've handled 'Little Xander' often enough."

They giggled and started for the lingerie store.

"Spike's 20th birthday is next week," Buffy said. "I want to get him something special, but I don't know what to buy. You guys have any ideas?"

"Well..." Tara thought about it. "His birthday is on Halloween. Maybe you could get something Halloween-themed?"

"Nah, I don't want anything spooky, just something--nice," Buffy replied.

"How about a sex toy?" Faith asked. "Oh shit! I know! You can get him a vibrating cock ring! Those things are wicked cool!"

Buffy laughed, "Faith! We eat, drink and breathe sex--I'd like to get him something that will touch his heart, not other parts."

Though Buffy was intrigued, 'Vibrating cock ring, you say? Mama likes the sounds of that. wouldn't hurt to pick up one of those too while I'm buying stuff. Hope they make them big enough for him.'

"Oh! I know what to get him now! They won't have it at the mall though. I'll go out tomorrow afternoon and scout around for it," Buffy said, pleased when she thought of something that he'd just love.

She'd also drop by one of the many sex shops in town to look into that vibrating cock ring.

Buffy went with Spike on Thursday to his photo shoot. Both to offer her support, and make sure no lady photographer tried to sample the wares.

They entered the room holding hands. A female photographer was getting her cameras ready. She looked up and smiled when she saw Spike.

"Hi there, I'm Tanya."

She was pretty, tall, tanned and leggy--looking more like a model than someone who worked behind the camera. She wore tight, blue jeans and a white blouse.

Buffy was glad she'd decided to tag along.

"Hi Tanya, I'm Spike. This is my girlfriend, Buffy. You don't mind is she hangs out, do you?" Spike asked.

Buffy smiled brightly, he'd mentioned her girlfriend status very quickly. She was going to give him a special treat later for that.

Tanya's smile wavered. "No, of course not. You're welcomed to stay, Buffy."

"Thanks," Buffy beamed. She was going to stay whether Tanya liked it or not.

The backdrop they selected for him was sky blue, matching his eyes. Spike went and changed into the clothes that they wanted him to wear: a long-sleeved jacket that looked like it was made of snakeskin with a black collar, a black button up shirt, black leather pants.

Buffy ruffled his hair before they got started, messing it up the way that she found the most invigorating. Buffy's heart thudded as she watched him posing. He was so gorgeous, so sexy. Spike kept glancing at her and smiling.

"Eyes front," Tanya had to keep saying.

Tanya took the additional role of interviewer. She asked him some softball questions about his life and the movies he'd worked on. Spike danced around the questions about his life, always going back to talking about how much he enjoyed working in the industry.

"Spike, could you undo a few buttons on your shirt? You have an amazing physique," Tanya commented as she clicked pictures of him.

"You trying to get me naked, Tanya?" Spike smirked.

"Absolutely," she said honestly.

"I was hoping to keep my clothes on for once," Spike sighed.

"It's your fault for being so damn hot," Tanya laughed and winked at him.

Buffy crossed her arms.

Spike unbuttoned the top three buttons on his shirt. "How's this?"

"That's good." After taking a bunch of pictures, Tanya asked her assistants to bring over a couch.

They put the gold couch against the backdrop. Tanya pushed a black velvet backdrop in front of the other one. She walked in front of Spike and looked at the set up. She nodded.

"This will look good. Spike, how about losing the shirt altogether and just wearing the jacket?"

Spike shrugged, "Okay."

He removed the black shirt then put the snakeskin jacket back on his bare upper body. "This look good?" he asked, straightening the cuffs.

"Oh yeah," Tanya licked her lips and smiled. "You look very sexy. Have a seat on the couch."

Spike sat back and struck a series of poses for her.

"Give me a 'come hither' look," Tanya said.

Spike leaned back, splaying his legs. He pursed his lips slightly, crooking his finger at the camera in a beckoning gesture.

"Oh, that's great, yeah," Tanya snapped pictures. She wanted to crawl through the lens and launch herself at the sexy beast on the couch. If only that girlfriend of his wasn't here...

The photo session went on for a half hour. Spike was somehow able to convince Tanya to let him keep his pants on, so he was happy about that.

Once Tanya ended the shoot, Buffy came over and sat beside him on the couch. She put her arms around him and kissed him.

"Yummy boudoir photography," Buffy giggled. "I'm so hot just from watching you pose."

She trailed a hand down over chest. Spike smiled and kissed her softly.

"Glad it wasn't too boring for you, luv."

Forgetting where they were, Spike put a hand on her knee and slowly ran it up her thigh.

"Not boring at all," Buffy tilted her head, baring her neck to him.

Spike licked at her neck while his hand came to rest on her upper thigh. He could feel the humidity radiating out from the apex of her thighs on his hand.

"Mmm, you did enjoy watching me play super-model," he chuckled.

"Uh-huh," Buffy breathed his scent in deeply.

Tanya's voice brought them back into the present, "Hey, can I get a few more shots? The two of you make a striking pair."

Spike looked to Buffy to decide. Buffy considered it. Even if they did use a shot of them in the magazine, it was unlikely that her parents would ever see it.

"Yeah, go ahead. These are just for fun though," Buffy said.

Tanya took a series of pictures of the two of them. She had them touching, kissing and almost kissing. All of them were pleased with how the pictures turned out.

Buffy and Spike literally couldn't wait to get back home to ravish each other, they'd both gotten so turned on during the photo shoot. They shagged each other stupid in the back of his DeSoto in the parking lot.

He'd have to replace the shocks on it soon.

"What?" Spike smirked.

"Nothing!" Buffy giggled.

They were on the couch watching some Scooby Doo and eating the blueberry pancakes that Spike had whipped up for them for lunch. He could cook in the bedroom and out of it too. Buffy was definitely keeping him.

"You've got something that you're hiding from me, pet...I can tell."

"You couldn't be more wrong!" Buffy said, fighting smiling for all that she was worth.

All morning, Buffy couldn't keep the pleased expression off of her face. The special present that she'd ordered for Spike had come into the shop. He was going to love it! She'd also acquired that handy-dandy vibrating cock ring that Faith recommended. And on top of that, she had been doing some research with Xander about Spike's favorite fantasy women; tv, movie or literary characters that Spike had shown open lusting for. Andrew had been a big help too, he and Spike had had a few conversations about hot, sci-if women.

Buffy didn't want to clue him in on the birthday surprises she had in store for him.

"C'mon, luv! Tell me!" Spike begged with a smirk.

"I already told you, there's nothing to tell! Eat your pancakes," she ordered him. "It's hard to keep up with the plot if you keep bugging me." She made a show of focusing her attention on the tv and ignoring him.

Spike laughed. "Old man Springer is the culprit. Scooby and the gang get chased around the spooky, old mansion for awhile, Shaggy and Scooby dress up as barbers, and they trap the so-called 'werewolf'. Then, gasp! They take the mask off and it's the crusty caretaker masquerading as a monster to scare everyone off."

"Oh, fine!" Buffy smiled and smacked him on the leg. "Ruin the whole frickin' show for me, why don't ya?"

"I could tickle the truth out of you..." Spike raised an eyebrow.

"Tickle me and die."

"Goodness! That's a tad harsh, don't you think?!" Spike poked her stomach.

"No. I've had tickle-related trauma in the past," Buffy said, blushing a little.

"Do tell?"


"What's with all the clamming up today? I tell you when a notion occurs to me." Spike stuck out his bottom lip.

"Alright," Buffy sighed dramatically. "If I share the tickle trauma story, will you stop buggin' me about everything else?"


"'s so embarrassing. I was 12-years-old. I went to a classmate's birthday party. Some of the stupid boys got it in their heads to terrorize the girls. A big, dumb, mean kid named Nelson trapped me, pinned me down on the floor and tickled me relentlessly."

"That must've been scary," Spike said sympathetically. "A bigger kid, a boy, on top of you and everything."

"I peed my pants." Buffy put a hand over her eyes.

"What--Just now?" Spike asked, looking at her crotch with alarm.

"NO!" Buffy laughed. "Ewww! Grown, perfectly continent woman here. I mean that he tickled me until I peed my pants. Everyone made fun of me for years for that." Her smile waned as she remembered the taunts and how they'd hurt her. She stabbed lightly at the pancakes on her plate.

"Ah, Buffy, I'm sorry." Spike put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her. "I've had different, but scarring events happen in my life too. Nothing like a good childhood trauma to fuck you up for life, eh?"

"Yeah," she smiled. Buffy changed the subject quickly, "So, you had girlfriends before, right? Tell me about them."

Buffy and Spike hadn't gotten into their first loves in their many talks. Before porn, there really wasn't that much to talk about as far as the opposite sex was concerned.

"Well...there's no 'them'. More of a 'her'," he admitted.

"You only had one girlfriend? Your whole life? Oh, come on!" Buffy couldn't believe it. Spike was insanely hot--How could women not have been all over him?

"You're forgetting what a git I was back home."

"You were not a twit! Stop putting yourself down."

"No, I said 'git', not twit...though...I was one of those too, come to think of it."

Buffy kissed him soundly, tasting his lips. "Mmmm, maple syrupy," she grinned. "I want to do very bad things to you using the contents of a bottle of syrup."

"Hmmm, what's stopping you?" Spike asked, kissing and flicking his tongue out to taste the syrup left on her lips.

"I want to hear about this girlfriend first." Buffy sat back and batted her eyes at him. "What was her name?"

Spike sighed and sat back. "Dru."

"Drew? Like Drew Barrymore? It was Drew Barrymore, wasn't it?" Buffy said teasingly.

"No, Dru as in Drusilla."

Buffy scrunched up her nose. "Drusilla? What a yuck name!"

Spike laughed, "I liked her name quite a lot. I thought it was...regal-sounding, unusual and delicate."

"I still say yuck."

"Uh-huh. Anyway, I met her back home in London before my mum and I moved to Sunnydale. Dru was lovely and so interesting...not like any other girl I'd ever met. Never thought she'd look twice at me." Spike smiled slightly, looking wistful. "I was 14, she was 16 at the time. I thought of it as Romeo and Juliet; young lovers."

"You guys had sex then?" Buffy felt unreasonably jealous.

She had no reason to feel that way--He wasn't even living in America at that time. But she could tell by the look on his face that he'd loved this 'Drusilla'. Buffy didn't find the fact that he'd had sex jealousy-inducing (she watched him screw lots of women), it was the obvious affection and feeling that she could see in his face.

"Yes, we did. She'd done it before, but I hadn't. The first time she touched me event," he laughed.

"Oh? What happened?"

"We went to the movies, we were sitting in the back, away from most of the other patrons. I had a bucket of popcorn on my lap."

"Oh my...I can see where this is going," Buffy laughed.

"Yeah," Spike grinned. "Dru put her hand on my thigh, I almost panicked! But I pretended to be paying attention to the movie, real casual-like. Her hand kept moving around--God! I was sweating bullets! You...sure you want to hear about this?"

"Yeah, I want to know what your first time was like. Go on," Buffy said.

" you know, I dress 'to the left'. Dru was feelin' up my right thigh, she didn't actually touch it yet..."

Spike thought back to that cold, damp night in a movie theater, almost 6 years ago...

William was trembling as Drusilla's hand massaged his thigh. Her hand moved as if in search of something. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to make her stop before his erection made itself known.

"Dru," William said in a rasping whisper, "i--i-if you're looking for the popcorn, it's right here." He held the large tub of popcorn tightly between his hands, he shook it for emphasis.

He turned his head to look at her. He gasped softly at the look in her eyes--She knew exactly what she was doing, and it wasn't looking for the snacks. William had never seen that look in a girl's eye; it was full of desire, wanton and naughty. He forgot how to breathe.

Dru leaned closer to him. She rubbed her nose on his cheek as her hand moved to his crotch. She cupped his bulge in her hand and squeezed a bit, making him gasp more loudly. William felt like he would cum, scream and pass out (not necessarily in that order) any second.

"Wasn't lookin' for popcorn, luv. There's a much more interesting thing that I'm searchin' for," Dru whispered back, then licked a line up his cheek.

William's eyes bugged out further when her hand touched his stiffening prick. If he weren't completely gob-smacked by her actions, he would have found it amusing the way that her eyes and smile expanded as she discovered that there was much, much more to him than she'd imagined.

"Bloody hell..." Dru whispered in awe. Her fingers kept searching until they reached the head. "I knew you had a nice package, but...bloody hell!"

Dru rubbed his cock through his dress slacks. William whimpered quietly, gripping the bucket of popcorn resting on his knees. He was gasping, if the houselights had been up, his flushed face would have glowed like a beacon.

He thought that he might cum any second--William had masturbated before and knew how very messy that could be. He didn't want to walk around looking like he'd pissed himself. He couldn't believe Dru was doing this. He'd dreamed about it, he'd wanted it since they met a few weeks ago, but he was trying to be a gentleman. Lucky for him, Dru wasn't a gentlewoman.

"Kiss me," Dru rasped.

William stared at her for a split second then went for it. They kissed sloppily, without elegance, or experience on William's part. It was his first. It was a mad, exuberant kiss. Their lips smacked noisily, he breathed in gasps of air. He sucked in and held a lungful of air when Dru lowered his zipper. To him, it sounded like a roar; the rasping of the metal teeth and the pounding of his own heart were thunderous. He was sure the other movie patrons had heard it. But after a cursory glance, he saw that no one was paying attention to them.

Dru giggled and nipped at his earlobe. "Let's see what we have here, William. I'm going to be terribly disappointed if you've shoved a cucumber down your trousers to try and impress me."

William bit the inside of his cheek when he felt her dainty hands reach in and bring his cock out.

"Gah--William!" Dru said with delight. "This is the--Wow! I can't believe--Wow!" she made a supreme effort to lower her voice.

William was 9 of the 12 inches that he'd eventually grow to. That was still quite impressive for a 14 year old--or a man of any age. He'd discovered the wonders of self-pleasure when he was 13, wanking it to a copy of his mum's 'Cosmo' in the loo. William had been frightened at the intensity of his orgasm and the amount of cum that he'd spewed. He'd thought something was wrong with him for a while. There was just no proper or casual way you could ask another bloke what happened when they came. But when he hadn't become ill, he figured that everything was okay. Now there was another person, a beautiful girl, touching him...He was afraid of how violent his climax would be when it was caused by someone else's hands.

Drusilla stroked his cock, leaning over his lap to get a better look at it in the faint light coming from the movie screen.

"Dru...we shouldn't be d-doing this. We c-could get in trouble if we're c-caught," William moaned.

"Don't care, pet," Dru said. "I want this."

She kept stroking him softly and looked back into his eyes. He was lost in her eyes, he'd give her anything that she wanted.

"Why do you like me? Why would you w-want to touch this?" William asked.

"Oh William," Dru smiled warmly and brushed her face against his, nipping at his lips, "you don't realize your worth. Those people who make sport of you, who laugh at you and snicker...they're fools. Fools who can't see your glory." With one hand she brushed back his floppy hair from his damp forehead, then tapped lightly on his head. "You outdo them all, here. Here," she lowered her hand to his chest. "And here." Dru gave his stiff member a loving squeeze, making him gasp again. "You deserve more. Something glowing, glistening..."

'Effulgent' William thought.

Dru talked to him like no one else ever had. She could hypnotize him; looking into her big, intense brown eyes, listening to her soft voice. It helped deepen his stupefied state that her hands were both back on his dick.

"Do you want it, pet?" she asked, her strokes firm.

"Oh, yes!" William whispered urgently. "God, yes!" He wanted it more than anything else in his life.

Dru made a sound like a satisfied purr. "Good. 'Coz I want to give it to you...I want to give you everything."

Dru leaned in for another kiss, this one was a bit less wet and sloppy. He was starting to get the hang of it.

"Wh-When it...have's--it's very messy," William's face was flaming red as Dru nibbled along his jaw.

Drusilla shuddered with desire. "Is it? Can't wait to see taste it."

William groaned, getting very close. He moaned and leaned his head back.

"Here! What are you kids doin'!?" an angry voice said.

A flashlight beam illuminated them.

"Shit!" William squeaked.

Drusilla stood up, blocking William so that he could get his cock back in his pants. She was more pissed off than embarrassed.

"What's it to you, ugly?" she said to the usher. "Leave us alone!"

"This is a family theater! You two get out of here right now, or I'm callin' the police!" the man said.

"Go ahead! We don't care. You're just brassed off because no one will touch your dick!"
Dru laughed.

William had succeeded to get his throbbing monster back in his pants with some discomfort. He grabbed her hand and tugged her away. "Come on, let's get out of here!"

Drusilla gave the usher a two-fingered salute as William frantically pulled her along with him. The man ranted and raved as they ran out.

They ran all the way to Dru's car in the lot. Dru was laughing the whole way. She opened the back door and shoved William inside, then jumped in and shut the door. He looked at Dru like she was insane. She was holding her stomach, tears were leaking from her eyes, she was laughing so hard.

"That wasn't bloody funny!" William said. "Aren't you embarrassed!?"

"No. I was doin' what I wanted to. Anybody that don't like it can kiss my lily-white arse." Her laughs tapered off. "I am mad that I didn't get to finish the job though. That bastard couldn't of come a few minutes later?" she huffed.

William was shaking from unfulfilled lust and shock at being caught. "He could have called the police! Oh God, my mum would have died if I had to call her from jail!"

Dru smiled and sighed, leaning back against the seat. "Calm down, pet. It's okay now." Her hand went back to his thigh. "Let's finish what we started."

"I--I can't..."

"You don't want to get blue balls, do you?" she asked, her fingers danced over his semi-hard cock.

"Blue? They turn blue?"

"Yea, if you don't cum after you're hard. And they ache. Do they ache?"

William nodded. "I--hurt myself a bit...putting everything back in."

"Aww!" Dru pouted and leaned over to kiss his lips lightly. "Let Dru kiss it 'n make it all better, pet."

Drusilla took his pants back down and slipped out of her dress. Her hands wrapped back around his cock, gliding up and down.

"So big, my William. So perfect."

They kissed hungrily again. He tentatively touched her breasts. Dru moaned and pushed herself against him.

"Yes! Touch my tits! Squeeze them! Ohhh!"

His cock re-hardened so fast that he felt dizzy with the rush of blood sent to his penis, he moaned loudly, his glasses fogged up. Dru took his glasses off and set them on the ledge of the door. She looked into his glazed eyes as she continued the handjob.

"Can I put my mouth on it, pet?" she asked.

William tried to speak, but he couldn't. He nodded. His eyes were locked on to her as he watched her head lowering to his, once again, fully erect manhood. His breathing was reedy with anticipation. Dru flicked her tongue out like a snake at the leaking tip.

The first contact of her hot, wet tongue on his dick made him cry out and thrust his hips. Dru chuckled and pushed his hips back down onto the seat.

"Easy, luv," she said, then circled the mushroom-shaped head with her tongue.

William whimpered, clutching at the seat. His hips wanted to buck so badly.

"You going to cum for me? I know it'll taste so good--All salty," she took a few inches into her mouth, then pulled off, "and tangy," she slid back down over him, then up again, "and--"

William yelled, sounding like he was being murdered, and flung his head back against the seat. His hips fucked upwards in short, quick thrusts. Jiz shot out of his cock, plastering Dru's face with thick ropes of it.

Dru was startled at first, her face and hands were dripping with his seed before she recovered.

"Cor!" she sputtered.

With a hungry moan, she slipped her mouth over his cockhead and took the rest into her mouth.

William's eyes were rolled back, he was sweating and panting for breath.

Dru pulled off of him when he'd finished, she licked her lips and giggled.

He saw her smiling face covered with his spunk. "Oh God...I'm sorry! I didn't--"

"Shh," Dru whispered, "s'okay, pet. I liked it." She scooped the cum off of her face and ate it.

"Ohh God," William moaned, his cock getting hard again.

Dru cleaned them both up, then straddled his waist.

"Fuck me, William," she said, licking at his lips.

"Dru--Oh Dru," William moaned, sliding up into her moist heat...

Back to the present

Spike finished telling Buffy the story, "And that's the story of my first time. Don't know why you wanted to know about that."

"I have my reasons," Buffy smiled. "I wish I could have been the one to deflower you, and vice-versa. So, whatever happened to Drusilla?" Buffy hoped that his first love would never darken their doorstep--first loves were difficult to compete with.

Spike looked away, putting his plate on the coffee table. "It's hard to talk about."

Buffy frowned, she hadn't meant to bring up bad memories or upset him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"No, pet. I don't mind you knowing." Spike turned back to her, smiling weakly. He took one of her hands and a deep breath. "Dru had...problems. Over the months, I saw it. She was the sweetest girl...but she...She was coming unhinged mentally. She had hallucinations a lot, talked about leprechauns and pixies whispering to her..." Spike cleared his throat, trying to keep from getting too emotional.

Buffy didn't say anything, she just stroked her fingers through his hair softly, looking at him with a sadness and empathy.

"I tried to help her, to hold her when she cried for no reason. Or listen to her ramblings and not be frightened. She started getting paranoid and violent, she clawed my face once when I told her that I couldn't go to the shops with her."

"Oh, that must have been terrible!" Buffy said, her eyes examining his face for any hint of a scar.

"Thankfully, it didn't scar. It just hurt and scared the piss out of me," he said. "One day...I called her house to talk to her, she'd been especially troubled the last time we'd talked. Her mother told me that Dru had been put away--she'd tried killing herself by slashing her wrists."

Buffy's mouth dropped in horror.

"Yeah...I was...just beside myself. I felt like I should've been able to do something for her, to prevent anything like that from happening. But...that was beyond my scope."

"You poor thing!" Buffy wound her arms around his neck and held on, wishing she could take all of that pain away.

Spike put his arms around her too, taking comfort in the present from the pain of the past.

"Dru is the one that you should feel sorry for, not me. I'm sane--mostly," he attempted to joke.

"I feel terrible for both of you. What happened to her?" Buffy was afraid to ask.

"I don't know. I never heard anything or talked to her again. Her mental problems were organic, a disorder that ran in her family. Her aunt went mad from it as well."

"Oh, Spike." Buffy pulled back, looking into his eyes and caressing his face. "I'm sorry that I brought all of this up."

"Don't be. You can see why I didn't say anything about her before. It's still painful--but I want you to know all about me...the good stuff and the bad."

"You really loved her, didn't you?" Buffy asked sadly.

She felt bad for having ill will, for even a moment, towards Dru. What a horribly tragic first love experience Spike had had.

"Yeah...I did. I try to just remember the good times...the way it was in the beginning."

Spike wanted to tell Buffy that he loved her now. As long as he had her, there was no room in his heart for another woman. But he was so afraid of fully loving someone again. What if he brought bad luck to everyone he loved? It was silly, but he couldn't help the fear that nagged at him about it.

Buffy crawled onto his lap and just leaned against him. Spike cradled her body against him, kissing her on her hairline.

"So sad," Buffy said lowly.

"I have you now, pet," Spike said softly. "You make me happy."

She looked up at him and smiled. "You make me happy too. Very," she kissed him lightly, "very," she kissed him again, "happy."

"I thought...for a long time...that maybe Dru only wanted me was because of her problems," Spike dropped his gaze away.

"What do you mean?"

"That she only saw something worthy in me because she was mad."

"Oh, Spike--That's not true!"

"Well, right or wrong, that's the way I felt about it. Afterall, no other women found me interesting or attractive or... any merit in talking to me--before Dru or for years after. Can't blame me for thinking that way."

Buffy kissed his entire face slowly, taking care to show him that he was very worthy of a woman's attention.

"You're a wonderful man. You have everything a woman could possibly want. You had it back then too. The women you hung around must have been blind, deaf and dumb."

Spike held her. "You're good for my ego, pet," he chuckled.

Buffy smiled and licked his ear. "I'm good at stroking other things too," she said huskily.

"Mmm, so I've noticed," Spike purred, grabbing her ass.

They giggled and fooled around on the couch for a while. Their pancakes sat unfinished, getting cold.

That evening, Buffy felt like going out. She pouted and talked baby-talk to Spike until he gave in. She had a special evening in mind. Spike's story about his first love had been so heart-breaking. She could tell that it was still on his mind later. She wanted to make up for making him relive that--and she couldn't stop thinking about doing it in a movie theater now.

It was so naughty and also illegal. It turned her on.

But Buffy kept her plan to herself, wanting to surprise him with it once they got there.

"I want to see the Pauly Shore movie," Buffy said with a straight face.

Spike did a slow take, swiveling his head to look at her. He blinked slowly. "Pardon?"

"That movie," she pointed to the name, "'Sack Lunch'. It's Pauly's big comeback movie."

"Please, tell me you're joking."

"Come on, Spike. Please?" She pouted.

Spike figured that he'd found the first thing that he didn't like about her--She was a Pauly Shore fan. In the scheme of things, it could have been worse...Was she going to subject him to Pauly's entire oeuvre? He swallowed hard.

Spike closed his eyes and sighed. "Bloody...fine. Whatever you want..."

He talked to the woman in the ticket booth. "Two for...'Sack Lunch'...please," he said, like a man buying tickets to his own execution.

Buffy covered her smile with her hand. She'd chosen that particular movie because they'd be assured an uncrowded theater. The thought of actually watching the movie made her shudder with revulsion. With any luck, they wouldn't have to watch much at all. Buffy wore an easy-to-remove skirt that zipped up the side and a blue, fuzzy sweater with no bra. She was ready to be ravage and be ravaged.

He looked so scrummy, wearing his tight, black jeans, black t-shirt and leather duster. She couldn't wait to begin.

Buffy had Spike buy her a large tub of popcorn with extra butter, and a giant drink. Spike got just a drink and some Milk Duds for later--He wouldn't be able to hold any solid food down until the movie was over, he feared.

Buffy led him up the stairs to the balcony level. She grinned as she settled into her comfy seat. She put her popcorn on the empty seat next to her. Her assumptions had proved correct, they had the entire balcony to themselves. There were only a smattering of people down below too.


Spike forced himself to smile when she looked at him. He could sit through one, stupid bloody movie for her...he hoped. Maybe he could go out for a smoke at some point...

The lights went down and the coming attractions started. Buffy stared raptly at the screen, munching on some popcorn, while she secretly planned how she'd start things off. She almost giggled, she could see him squirming out of the corner of her eye--she was so bad to put him through this. But it was nice to know that he'd do something he didn't want to do, just so that she'd be happy. She'd give him a reward in the form of a good, hard fucking. Moisture seeped out of her--she was so hot and wet for him.

The movie began.

Spike was wishing he'd brought something to read and his Itty-Bitty Booklight, when he felt her hand creep onto his leg. He looked down at her hand. She grasped and released his thigh, moving her hand up and up and repeating the action. She looked slowly over at him, a completely debauched smile on her angelic face.

Spike licked his lips. "Something you want?" he asked, his eyes going from her hand, to her lips, and then to her eyes.

"Mmm-hmm," she said leaning over to whisper in his ear. "I got so turned on hearing about the movie theater thing...I'm burning up inside. I want you to fuck me right here."

Spike released a shaky breath, his body responded immediately to her. His cock was twitching and jerking to hardness.

"If you recall the story, no actual sex was had in the theater."

"I know. That mean, old usher stopped you. No one will stop us. I want you so bad, please," Buffy moaned, slowly unzipping her skirt. She took his hand and placed it between her legs.

Spike moaned, feeling how very wet she was--She wasn't exaggerating about her excitement. He slid his fingers up and down her gash, Buffy grasped his wrist and whimpered quietly. Spike licked his lips again and looked around quickly. No one was there except them. He examined the floor, making sure it wasn't too messy. Luckily, someone must have cleaned up here recently. The floor was relatively garbage and gunk-free.

He leaned over and kissed her hard, continuing to caress her pussy.

"Thank God!" he chuckled. "You really didn't want to watch the movie?"

"Are you fucking kidding? I'd sooner eat poison--Ohhhh!"

They giggled and kissed madly.

Spike got on his knees in front of Buffy's seat. Buffy eagerly spread her legs, putting her feet up against the railing of the balcony. Spike's hands stroked her thighs as he put mouth to her oozing sex. Buffy let out a squeak of pleasure and held in a loud moan. She loved feeling his mouth loving her like this. This was the first sexual thing he'd ever done to her and remained a big favorite--for both of them.

Spike devoured her greedily. He was so fucking hard for her right now. He could feel her body shaking from pleasure and excitement. Sex in a movie theater really did turn her on big time! He wondered if she'd fancy it in other public places too. There would be time later to ask about that.

Spike flicked her clit then plastered his mouth over it, sucking softly.

"Unnhh! Mmmm!" Buffy peeped, her body shaking more violently.

Her womanly juices poured onto his tongue, coating his teeth and gums. He slurped up her cum and thrust his tongue deep into her pussy, feeling it contract around him. One of his hands slid under her sweater, up to her bare breast, fondling the mound roughly.

"Ooooh--Ohhhh!" Buffy's hips bucked at his face.

Spike's fingers dug into the fleshy part of her thigh, he pinched her nipple with his other hand as he continued to suck on her pussy. Buffy thought she might pass out. Her head was swimming. 'The plan--Don't forget the plan!' she reminded herself. This was to make him feel good too. Time for a little handjob action, then mounting. She loved riding him Cowgirl style.

"Need to fuck you now!" Buffy panted, keeping her voice down.

Spike disengaged from her pussy. Buffy leaned forward quickly, kissing and licking his face like a dog. They groaned, feeling each other up as she cleaned his face of her juice. Her hands unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans fast, freeing his cock. She stroked him, amused and delighted that he was already solid.

"Sit in your seat," Buffy said.

Spike used the armrests for support and pulled himself up then into his theater seat. Buffy vaulted onto his lap, pushing him back into the seat and mauling his mouth with hers. Spike pushed her sweater up to her neck and attacked her breasts with his lips.

Buffy couldn't stop making little gasping sounds--She needed it so bad! She put his fat cock at her entrance and slid down onto him.

"Oh Spike," she whispered.

She put her hands on his shoulders and sat up, looking down at where his cock was moving in and out of her. She couldn't see much in the low light, her body blocked most of the light from the screen--That was one drawback.

Oh well, at least she could feel it.

"We're going to jail if they catch us, you know?" Spike asked, kneading her ass.

"Don't care!" Buffy gasped, fucking herself on his hardness.

"Uhhh--Buffy!" Spike breathed. "Cum for me, pet--Want to feel you cum again!"

"Ahhh--Ahhh--Oh yeah!" Buffy's voice was screechy, but low. She bent backwards a bit, her body trembling.

Spike put his hands on her lower back, keeping her from falling. He sucked on her nipples, feeling her soft, inner muscles flexing around his big shaft.

Buffy growled, pushing him back again, and riding his cock through another orgasm. Her ass bounced up and down. They panted and held each other.

Buffy squealed, cumming again.

"Oh God, pet! Going to cum!" Spike moaned.

"Wait!" Buffy panted. She moaned and slowed down to a stop. "Don't--cum yet."

Spike let out a long groan, his hands clutched at her ass.

"Shhh," Buffy kissed him tenderly.

"I have to!" Spike grit his teeth. "Ahh--Why don't you want me too?"

"You'll see."

Buffy climbed off his lap and dropped back into her own seat. Spike just watched her as he tried catching his breath. His cock was pulsing and throbbing, begging for release. Buffy took the tub of popcorn then went on her knees in front of him. She took his cock in her hand and began stroking it, aiming it at the bucket.

"Want to add some topping for me? It's my faaaaavorite! Mmmmmm," she said, dragging her tongue over her top teeth. She bent down and licked sloppily at his cock.

Spike moaned loudly and gasped. His hips bucked violently as he came. That was the hottest, naughtiest thing he'd ever seen or heard, and he was helpless against the ferociousness of his climax. He whimpered and moaned, looking down at her. He could make out that she was grinning from ear to ear even in the darkness. Buffy took a few mouthfuls of his cum, but let most of it spray into the bucket.

Spike petted her hair and breathed heavily. "Fuck, Buffy--God--You're such a dirty girl!"

"Yep," she admitted easily, "I sure am--And loving it."

Buffy moved to the side slightly, so that the light from the screen could illuminate her. Looking up into his eyes, she took a cum-covered piece of popcorn, stuck her tongue out and placed it on her tongue. She slowly pulled it into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and moaned lowly, "Mmmmm--So good! Ohhmmm!"

Buffy rolled the popcorn around in her mouth, sucking the thick, salty cum off. She fished out more popcorn and popped it into her mouth, looking up into his sparkling eyes.

"Some?" Buffy asked softly, raising a piece to his mouth.

Spike opened up and let her put it in his mouth.

"Oh God, yeah," Buffy groaned. "Eat it--Taste how good it is."

Spike moaned chewing on the soggy popcorn while licking and sucking on her fingers.

"Oh fuck--I can't believe how hot I am again," Buffy exhaled.

"Pet, can we get out of here? I want to take you home and spread you out on our bed."

"Mmmm, sounds good!" Buffy giggled. "I want to continue eating my snack on the way."

She grabbed her skirt and zipped it back up while Spike put his cock away.

Still in their seats, they leaned into each other to kiss again. Buffy ate another piece of popcorn, sharing it with Spike.

A loud groan caught their attention, they turned toward the sound. An usher had been watching the whole thing--that was apparent. He was standing near the closed balcony doors and masturbating. The red light from the exit sign let them see what he was doing. The groan that they'd heard preceded his cumming by a second.

They watched the guy moaning and pumping into his fist. His cum squirted out, dripping onto the floor.

Spike and Buffy were a little perturbed that they'd been watched, but at least he'd let them finish.

"Watch your step on the way out, pet," Spike told Buffy.

A few minutes later, they were walking out to his car. Buffy was still eating her popcorn, giving Spike wicked looks and licking her fingers. Spike's cock was hard as a rock again, he couldn't wait to get her in the backseat.

"That was nice of him to let us fuck," Buffy said.

Spike fumbled with his keys. "Yeah, he's a nice, pervy bloke. Not like he didn't get something out of it though."

She giggled. "Yeah, that's true. Still, he was sweet, asking for our autographs."

After they'd said hello to each other, the usher (ironically named, 'Jack') had confessed that he had recognized them right away. He'd followed them up to the balcony with the hope that he'd see them fuck. Then he'd asked for their autographs.

Buffy and Spike had been happy to sign for him considering he'd let them have their fantasy shag in peace.

"He gave me his number," Buffy said.

Spike finally got the back door open. "Yeah?"

They piled into the backseat and shut the door. They started kissing again.

"He wants to have a threesome with us," she moaned.

Spike licked her neck. "He'll have to get in line. We have many admirers."

Buffy put the popcorn down on the floor then whipped her sweater off over her head. "I want to finish my popcorn before it gets cold. There's very little calories in sperm, did you know that?"

Spike took his shirt off and draped it over the front seat. "Never thought about it."

"Considering the amount I swallow daily, I looked into it," Buffy laughed.


She laid down on the seat and slid her hands up his arms. Spike smirked and laid on top of her, kissing her and unzipping her skirt.

They had an hour or so of sweaty, window-fogging, car-bouncing sex in the back seat--making sure to finish Buffy's popcorn.

Spike definitely needed to stop dicking around and get the shocks on the DeSoto replaced now.


Chapter 18: A Slayer is Born

 Spike whistled as he walked through the studio. Tomorrow was the shooting of, 'Buffy the Vampire Layer'. He'd ended up re-writing a lot of it, making it raunchy, but with some pathos. It was only a strange, supernatural-themed porn movie, but it was still exciting for him. And he wouldn't have to adlib; the words were already the way he wanted them.

For some reason, The Mayor was holding off on casting the part of the Slayer's Watcher in the movie. Spike was a bit concerned since it was getting close to 'magic time'. It shouldn't be too difficult to cast someone in the role.

Someone out of the ordinary caught Spike's notice.

A man in his 40's was picking over the food at the buffet table. He looked distinctly out of place in his brown, tweed suit, and he had a more distinguished looking air about him than most people around the studio.

Spike figured the man was either a guest of someone, an agent, or some kind of movie honcho. He strived to be polite and make him feel welcomed.

"Hi," Spike strode over and held out his hand, "You new around here, mate?"

"Erm," the man grabbed a napkin and wiped his hands free of crumbs, then shook Spike's hand with a warm smile, "Hello. Yes, I'm visiting today, actually."

"Oh, who are you visiting?"

"It was supposed to be Lilah--but she's abroad. So I'm here at Richard Wilkins' invitation. I'm going to work on a film tomorrow. The Vampire Layer. I agreed to do it at the very last moment."

"Oh...really? I'm working on that one too," Spike attempted to place the man; he'd seen him before. 'You didn't ask his name, idiot. That might help, Spike's inner-voice piped up. "I'm Spike."

"Yes, I know. You've caused quite a stir in the adult film world since you burst onto the scene, so to speak." He took off his glasses and polished them with a white, linen handkerchief (it was a habit that Spike shared when he used to wear specs).

Spike recognized him then. His eyes widened. "You're..."

"Rupert Giles," he reached out and shook Spike's hand again. "Ripper to my friends. Pleased to meet you, Spike."

Spike stared at him in awe, his hand still hung in the air. "Bloody're really him!"

Giles laughed, "Spike, there's no need for that sort of thing. I'm just a bloke."

Spike blushed and grinned bashfully. "'s just that...I've watched all of your films. I've based myself on you and your teachings."

They laughed.

"I think you're doing a bang-up job. I'm very impressed with your work. I can see my influence on you, but you take it to another level. You're very good."

"Thank you, sir!" Spike beamed proudly. His porn hero was actually giving him praise.

" 'sirs'. I feel ancient enough around all these young people. Call me Ripper, or Rupert. I'll answer to either."

"I--" Spike looked again at Ripper's outfit; it was very un-Ripperish, "I didn't recognize you..."

"Yes," Ripper chuckled, "I do look quite different than you're accustomed to seeing me. That was me 20 years ago. Now, I'm retired--for the most part--I have a little place by the ocean, and a much quieter, more peaceful life in general."

Twenty feet away, stagehands were busy putting up the crypt set for tomorrow. The noise in the studio was making it difficult to hear each other.

"Ripper, do you have time to talk? I have a bottle of Scotch in my dressing room. I'd be honored if you'd join me for a drink," Spike said, his face hopeful.

Ripper looked at him with a small smirk. "Scotch happens to be my favorite. I'd be happy to join you. You're not even old enough to drink in this country, are you?"

"No, but I won't tell if you won't."

They went to Spike's dressing room and got comfortable, enjoying their drinks and chatting.

"What have you been doing since you've retired?" Spike asked.

"Traveling, reading...I went back to school to get a few degrees. I had dropped out of University when I was 19, much to my parents' chagrin. They gave up on me subsequently. 'Lost Cause' became my father's favorite nickname for me," he sighed. "Lucky for them, they had my 'perfect' older brother, Ethan, to dote on."

"Do you have a regular job now?" Spike refilled their glasses.

"Yes, I work as--" Ripper laughed lightly, "--believe it or not, I'm a librarian."

"Librarian?" Spike was shocked. "You?"

"Don't I look like a librarian?"

" you do...yes."

"My movie career came out of my hell raising, rebellious youth. I had great fun doing the films and living in the fast lane. But all good they say. Now, I'm content to read and collect my books, tend to my garden and broaden my mind."

"Why did you quit when you did--if you don't mind me asking?"

"It was time," Ripper said with certainty. "I woke up one day, looked in the mirror and thought that I just had to get out of the business. Too much debauchery, liquor," he sloshed the Scotch around in his glass, "and drugs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I grew up and wanted more out of life."

"But you still do films sometimes?"

"Yes. Every once in a blue moon, I'll do one. If I find it interesting, or if it's as a favor to a friend."

"Which is this?"

"A bit of both." Ripper smiled. "I liked the concept, I wanted to meet the actors that I'd be working with, and I've talked to Lilah through my friend Olivia. It sounds fun."

"I've met Olivia, we worked on the Roman movie together. She's quite nice," Spike said fondly.

"Yes, she is. To Olivia."

They clinked glasses and downed some more Scotch.

Spike snorted and shook his head. "A librarian...I can't get over that."

Ripper laughed. "What about you, Spike? What secret vocation do you wish you were doing--deep down?"

"A writer. That's what I always fancied myself as. Novels, poems...maybe screenplays. I've got a lot of ideas rushing around in my noggin. I'd like to go to school...wasn't able to do that before."

"I say, do it. Do all the things that that little voice in your head whispers to you about."

"I enjoy acting too. I'd rather be doing Shakespeare in the Park, of course...but it is a lot of fun playing make-believe. I'm busy making films almost constantly," Spike sighed, "my schedule for the next few months is hectic."

"Things will slow down eventually."

"I hope so."

"Do you have a special someone?" Ripper asked.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Buffy poked her head in. "Ohh, sorry. I didn't know you--"

"That's alright, luv," Spike got up and motioned for her to come inside. "This is Ripper Giles. He's going to do the Vampire Layer movie with us."

"Wow! Ripper Giles!" Buffy exclaimed. Her brow crinkled slightly when she took in Ripper's appearance.

"I assure you, I am he," Ripper chuckled and shook her hand.

"Buffy's my 'special someone'," Spike said, putting an arm around her.

"Oh, she's lovely. You're very lucky."

"Yes, I know." Spike hugged her tighter and kissed her cheek.

Buffy blushed. "Thanks."

Buffy joined them, opting for a Diet Coke instead of Scotch; she wasn't a hard liquor fan. They talked about the business and themselves a bit.

Ripper was nothing like Buffy expected him to be. He was friendly, warm and gave off a relaxing vibe. When he told them that he didn't have anyone special in his life, Buffy silently vowed to fix that. There were tons of beautiful women around the studio that she could set him up with. He had sort of a disappointed, sad look in his eyes when he mentioned that he didn't have a 'special lady'.

"Ripper," Buffy said nonchalantly, "would you like to come to dinner at our house tonight? We'd love to have you, right Spike?" she asked.

"Oh, most certainly! Please accept," Spike said eagerly.

"That would be rather nice, thank you," Ripper said graciously. "It's always good to spend some time with someone you're doing a film with beforehand."

"Great!" Buffy gave Spike a kiss and stood up. "Xander and Cordelia will be there too. I've got to go to the grocery store to get something special."

"Pet..." Spike tried to think of how to say it delicately, "you can cook?"

He'd tasted her coffee and what she erroneously called 'scones'.

"Yes, I can cook." She swatted at the top of his head. Spike laughed and ducked away from her. "You'll be surprised. Bye, see you tonight! Dinner will be served promptly at 6."

Buffy bounced out of the room.

"She really is a lovely girl, Spike, so pretty and sweet," Ripper said admiringly. "You lucky devil."

Spike smirked. "She's wonderful--Even if she can't cook. I hope it's edible, for all our sakes."

They snickered and drank some more.

"Can I offer you some advice?" Ripper asked, looking thoughtful.

"Of course." Spike sat raptly, awaiting the words of wisdom from his idol.

"Don't let the business get to you. Try to keep yourself grounded. Don't let your ego get out of hand. It's so bloody easy for it to happen--all the adoring fans, the beautiful women--and men--who'd give their eye-teeth to sleep with you..."

" is a 180 degree turn from the way my life used to be."

"Well, don't let it change you too much. You seem like a good lad. Also, business-wise, know when to re-negotiate your contract. You're getting very big, Spike. I say, after this movie wraps, you ask for more money. You should be getting top-dollar. If they don't give it to you willingly, then you get your agent to play some hardball."


"Good Lord--Don't tell me you don't have an agent?"

"Uh...I..." Spike looked down, embarrassed by his naiveté.

"Get one immediately. Here," Ripper took out his wallet and produced a card. He handed it to Spike. "This is the firm I use. They're very good, and will treat you right."

"Thanks," Spike said, reading the card. "I appreciate it. I'm afraid I don't know much about these things...I thought only legitimate film actors needed agents."

"You're an actor, it doesn't matter that you do adult films, you're still a talent. You need representation. People like to see what they can get away with--People will try to cheat you. Don't let them."

"I'll call as soon as I get home...Thanks."

Ripper patted Spike's knee in a fatherly way. "I want to look out for you. I don't want you to get screwed to the wall--in a bad way."

They chuckled.

They both felt, not an amorous attraction, but an attraction nevertheless. It was more of a father-son feeling.

Ripper had never had children of his own. He'd tried, but found out that his 'little swimmers' were lethargic. That came as quite a surprise to him, considering the line of work he'd been in. Ripper Giles had been the most robust, manly, vigorous man in porn--how could he have lazy sperm? It was one of the only regrets that he had in life, that and the fact that he'd never found the right woman for him. There were relationships and dalliances, but nothing that lasted beyond a few years at most. Something about Spike made him feel protective, nurturing and fatherly towards him. He didn't know how to express that without sounding like a ponce.

Spike was feeling the same vibe. His own father had died in a tragic car accident when Spike was only six-years-old. Sadly, he barely remembered him. Anne Crane had tried compensating, taking over the role of both parents and did a good job of it. Then she'd gotten sick. Young William had had to take care of and worry after her throughout his teen years. He wouldn't have traded his mother for the world, but having a dad as well, would have been nice too.

Consequently, there was a part of both men's lives that was missing. For Spike, it was a father. For Ripper, it was a son. Perhaps they could help fill a void for each other--and not in any sexual way.

"Well," Ripper stood and put down his glass, "I've got a few things to do before dinner."

"Here's our address," Spike said, handing him a piece of paper he'd scribbled directions on. "Will you be bringing anyone?"

"No, no one...just me--and a bottle of wine, of course. What kind of guest would I be without bringing a token of my appreciation?"

Buffy hung up the phone, and blew a strand of hair from her forehead. "The Chinese food should get here in about a half hour...sorry."

Spike put the burned pots in the sink to soak, then hugged her. "You tried, pet. That's what counts."

"Why can't I cook? My mom can cook," Buffy pouted.

She had tried to make herbed chicken and Fetuccini al Fredo--but it hadn't turned out well.

"Maybe you can take a cooking class? If it would make you feel better about yourself, it might be nice for you, luv."

"Maybe," she whined, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder.

"Hi, guys!" Anya chirped, entering the kitchen. She put down a bottle of white wine that she'd brought. "I hope this wine's okay."

Buffy grinned, "Hi, Ahn! I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Anya--" Spike didn't know she'd be joining them. "That looks fine...thanks for bringing it, luv."

"No problem. Are we going to play any sexy games tonight?" the brazen blonde asked.

"Xander's in charge of after dinner entertainment. You should ask him what he has in store for us," Spike replied.

"Sounds good. Xander's a naughty boy." Anya laughed and went back out to the living room.

Buffy hummed a happy tune as she put the wine in the refrigerator.

"Buffy..." Spike said slowly, "You didn't say you'd invited Anya. It was just going to be us and Ripper. You wouldn't happen to be trying to play matchmaker, would you?"

"Who, me?" she said, looking shocked and putting her hand over her chest.

"Yes, you." He smiled slightly.

"Well...It didn't seem right...having an uneven number of guests--that's bad luck in some cultures," she explained.

"Uh-huh." Spike leaned against the counter, crossing his arms and giving her a little smile.

"And...Anya really wanted to meet him before filming tomorrow..."

"Pet, it's very awkward for people when they're being set up and they don't know it."

"Oh poo!" Buffy scoffed. "Maybe it's weird at first, but they'll relax."

"How do you even know that they're each other's 'types'?"

"I just know. Ripper is handsome and smart--and is legendary for his sexual prowess. Anya is gorgeous, is also very smart, and has a thing for older men--"

"She does?" Spike asked.

"Yes. We've talked. Anyway, I think they'll really be into each other," Buffy finished arguing her case, looking smug.

Spike sighed and raised his eyebrows. "Well, sounds like you've got it all figured. I hope it works out that way."

"It will. Trust me," she cooed, going back into his embrace.

Spike, Buffy, Xander, Cordy, Ripper and Anya did have a pleasant dinner. They talked, laughed, imbibed much wine and enjoyed the various foods Buffy had ordered.

After dinner, they played 'Adult Pictionary', which had much dirtier pictures and phrases to draw than the normal game.

Buffy and Spike went to the kitchen together to get some more wine.

"I wish Willow and Tara could have come too," Buffy said.

"They have their Home Repair course on Wednesdays. I've never met more self-sufficient people in my life," Spike chuckled. "They could easily survive an apocalypse. I'm going straight to their house if the worst ever happens."

"Are you sure about that agent that you talked to?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah, he seems like he knows what he's talking about."

"But...Mr. Trick? What kind of name is that? Sounds like a con man or something."

Spike laughed. "So he has an unusual name...I, for one, can't throw stones. Ripper says that the bloke's really good, and that's good enough for me."

"Look--What did I tell you?" Buffy giggled, peeking out at the living room.

Ripper and Anya were sitting close on the couch, exchanging little glances and smiles. Anya had touched his knee and thigh many times during the evening. And Ripper looked quite pleased with it.

"Yeah, you're a matchmaker extraordinaire," Spike shook his head and uncorked a bottle. "They just might want to screw, you know."

"Screwing can lead to bigger and better things."

"That's true...I suppose time will tell," Spike said, setting the bottle and the corkscrew down on the table.

"Ripper lives just up the coast a little. If they do decide they like each other, it'll be easy for them to get together."

"You're a genius, Buffy." Spike smirked, enfolding her in his arms from behind. He took a sniff of her hair; her herbal shampoo--it always made him horny.

"Mmmm," Buffy closed her eyes, feeling his cock twitch against her backside.

She put her hands on his upper thighs, lightly rubbing up and down. She moved her body back to press against his expanding bulge. Spike licked a slow line up her neck to her ear, tonguing the lobe.

"God--I want you," Buffy moaned breathily.

Spike growled and spun her around. They mashed their lips together, kissing like they hadn't tasted the other for weeks or months. Buffy went to his throat (a favorite part, among many favorite parts) nipping him with her teeth and sucking, leaving little red marks behind on his flawless skin.

"Maybe--we should--Ahh--wait," Spike gasped. "We have guests."

"Nothin' doin'," Buffy smiled, pushing him back against the counter, then pulling his shirt out of his pants. "Want you now--Miss Buffy gets what she wants, when Miss Buffy wants it."

"Since you put it that way, how can I refuse?" Spike smirked as she deftly undid his belt and pants.

They pressed against each other, their tongues sweeping into the other's mouth. Buffy pushed his pants over the rise of his ass, her hands flew to his stiffening prick, caressing it reverently.

"Love your cock! Love--everything!" Buffy groaned, stopping short of telling him that she was in love with him. "I need you inside me!"

"Oh Buffy," he whispered.

He lifted her off the ground and deposited her on the edge of the sink. They mauled the other's lips, Buffy pulled her skirt up. Spike guided his cock to her pussy. He moved and held her thong aside and pushed his cock into her.

Buffy gasped and wrapped her legs around him, she clung to his shoulders.

"Yes, Spike!" she whispered. "Oh fuck me--fuck me with it!"

Spike sank into her, grasping her ass in his hands. He rested inside of her once he was all the way in. He'd felt her sex quivering around him as he slid home, he loved that she always came just from the first pass of his cock into her heat. They breathed threadily, moaning softly. Spike began thrusting in and out.

"Spike--Ohhhh--Oh yes!" Buffy said louder than she'd planned. She couldn't help it; he made her insane when he fucked her.

"Buffy--Oh pet--love--this," he sighed, stopping short of admitting how much he loved her too.

"Me too! Augghh! YES--Fuck me!" she pulled him harder against her.

Spike opened her blouse one-handed. Shoving a bra cup aside, he palmed her breast with one hand, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He pumped his hips harder.

Buffy leaned back bracing her hands on the counter to her left and the wall behind the sink. "Hope I don't fall in," she giggled then moaned.

Spike smiled. "I've got you, luv."

They fucked like bunnies, humping away, casting all concerns to the wind.

"Ohhh S-Spike!" Buffy squealed, then she yelped noisily in surprise--her ass slipped off the counter. Part of her butt was in the water in the sink.

"Shit--sorry, pet!" Spike helped her extricate herself from the cold water.

"Now my butt's all wet, and not for a good reason. Talk about a mood breaker..."

"You okay? Didn't get hurt, did you?" He picked up a dish towel and dabbed at her wet behind.

"No...We'd better get dressed. They probably heard us out there--They might come in--"

"We're already kind," Xander said from the doorway.

Their other guests stood behind him, getting a good look.

Cordy was smiling. "We heard you yell...thought there was something wrong. Obviously, we were mistaken."

"Can we have another orgy?" Anya asked, she licked her lips. She looked up at Ripper and ran her hand slowly down his back.

"You guys up for it?" Spike asked.

They were.

An orgy wasn't part of the plan for the evening, but they were all game for it. Anya and Ripper concentrated mostly on each other. Buffy was pleased; it seemed that a 'love connection' had been made.

The next day, things were very warm and cordial on the set.

Willow and Tara made Ripper's acquaintance and found him just as charming as the rest of the actors had. Everyone was excited to begin...

Buffy the Vampire Layer

Starring: Buffy Winters, Spike, Willow, Tara, Xander Biggs, Anya. Special guest star: Ripper Giles

The movie begins with the Scoobies at Giles' home. Through their conversation, it's briefly explained what a Slayer is, and what her sacred duty is. Spike is discussed; How he can't bite humans and how he's been an uneasy ally (as well as a thorn in Buffy's side).

When things began getting amorous between the Scoobies (as they always did eventually), Buffy begged off, saying that she had to hit the cemeteries for some slaying.

A voiceover by Buffy explained, the truth was, sex with them just didn't interest her. Group sex with her friends had been fun for awhile, but now that the novelty had worn off...she couldn't achieve orgasm. She didn't feel like faking it to spare their feelings; it wasn't their fault, but they might feel inadequate. It took more than usual to get her off these days.

Cut to the next scene...

Buffy stalked through the seemingly deserted cemetery; looking for her undead prey. It was midnight, far too late for a normal young lady to walking by herself. But Buffy was special. As 'The Slayer', it was her job to protect humanity from the evils that lurked around every corner.

Buffy smiled in triumph; a newly risen vampire was brushing off the dirt from his funeral clothes.

"Hey!" she called.

His head jerked up.

"About time! I've been walking around for an hour without any vamp action."

The vampire snarled at her.

"Let's do it," Buffy said.

She ran at the vampire. He braced himself, ready for a fight. Buffy vaulted into the air, doing a somersault over his head. She kicked him in the back, sending him flying, then sprawling on the ground. He rolled over, but before he could stand Buffy was on top of him.

Buffy punched him a few times. The vampire squirmed and growled underneath her. He looked down with startled eyes when he felt her hands undoing his belt.

A little out of breath, Buffy looked into his golden eyes. "I'm not going to dust you. I just want to fuck."

Buffy had taken to screwing her prey. Vamps had that certain something that could get her off like no human could.

The vampire thought it over for a split second. A pointy grin lit up his face, "That's cool with me! Don't I know you? We went to school together, didn't we? I'm Holden, Holden Webster."

"Yeah, I remember you," Buffy said disinterestedly. She grinned when she freed his cock. "Let's catch up later, alright?" she asked, stroking him.

"Yeah--later." He tried pulling her down to kiss her.

Buffy balked, pushing him back down forcefully with a hand on his chest.

"No kissing," she said with distaste. "I don't care to have a lipectomy, thank you very much."

Holden chuckled, "Okay, whatever, baby."

Buffy hiked her skirt up to her waist, then untied the string holding her panties on; she'd worn a skirt and underwear that would be easy to adjust and remove just for this purpose. She grabbed hold of his dick and impaled herself on it, dropping down to the root.

They gasped in pleasure. Buffy began riding him at a hard, frenzied pace.

"Come on, Webbs," she used his old nickname, "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

He growled and clutched at her hips, fucking himself up into her glorious heat.

Spike was heading back home to his crypt when he saw the Slayer getting it on with yet another vampire. He stopped, leaned against a tree and watched. He lit up a smoke and shook his head, blowing a stream of smoke through his teeth.

"Ahhhh! Yeah! Ahhh!" Buffy cried out.

Webbs grunted and thrust harder, until he too wailed in release.

There were no gentle caresses, snuggling or whispers of affection. Buffy merely got back to her feet and fixed her skirt. Webbs smiled up at her, still wearing his vampire visage. He tucked his cock back into his pants and sat up.

"That was great, Buffy! I gotta say," he chuckled, standing up, "I was worried there for a minute when I saw you. There's this 'instant enemy' thing that I felt."

"Yeah, I felt it too." She started walking away.

"Um...can I call you...or something?"

Buffy halted, a smile spread over her face. "I don't think so, blood breath."

"Cut," Warren said. "Good work."

They filmed some shots from different angles. Warren was excited to be working like a big-time film director, with more money, expensive cameras, etc. In his estimation, he was just as good as any other director working in legitimate movies. Spielberg, Shmeilberg! Then again, Warren had delusions of grandeur--thanks to a coke habit and his naturally, over-inflated ego. He was good, but he wasn't that good.

"We'll put in the special effects later. Hit the showers, Webbs," Warren dismissed the actor.

"Thanks," Holden said amiably. "Nice working with you, Buffy. Maybe if we do another movie together, you can let me live."

Buffy laughed, "It was nice working with you too. Sorry about the killing you thing."

Holden laughed and walked off to the RV they had come to the cemetery in to get cleaned up and have his vampire makeup removed.

After the special effects were put in, the scene played out like this: Buffy spun around and flung a stake directly at the middle of Holden's chest. He only had time to look surprised. He looked down at the piece of wood protruding from his chest, then back at the smiling Slayer.

"What the--You bitch!" Webbs exploded into dust.

Buffy sighed, "Sorry 'bout that, buddy."

The scene continued...

"Well," Spike said, making his presence known, "there's another notch in your belt, eh, Slayer?"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Spike, you big perv--You like watching me get it on with them? Just get out of here."

"Oh yeah," he said sarcastically, "I just love watching you shag, then kill the stupid, unsuspecting buggers. That's not sporting at all, Slayer."

She shrugged. "I don't recall asking your opinion."

Buffy strolled away from him. Spike sighed and followed her.

"Why do you do it? Why shag them before you kill?"

"Because I want to."

"That's not an answer."

"Will you leave me alone?!"

"No," Spike said.

"Okay, fine! I do it because humans don't get me off anymore, okay?! Happy now?"

Spike raised his eyebrows. "Really? No humans at all? You and your Scoobies fuck all the time, don't you?"

"Yes, we do. But..." she shook her head. "Forget it, I don't have to explain myself to you."

"So hostile, Slayer. I'm just tryin' to be friendly." Spike's tongue swept over his top lip, his eyes moved over her body. The smells of sex were strong and arousing. "Can I ask you something?"

"You won't stop pestering me until you do, so go ahead," she sighed.

"Why never me, then? We...know each other. We've got a certain...rapport. Why haven't you ever expressed an interest in me? My equipment works just as well--no, scratch that--My equipment works even better than the pathetic dregs you've been shaggin'."

Buffy laughed. "You have a death wish, Spike? I screw, then I stake. That's my M.O."

"Well, obviously I'd prefer it if you left out the staking part..."

"Vampires, including you--especially you--are disgusting, evil creatures. They're good at fucking, but besides that, they have no right to exist. After I get what I want from them, they're dust in the wind."

"Isn't that lovely? You have major issues, Slayer. I think a visit to a therapist should be in order."

"Fuck you," she spit and turned on her heel.

"That's what I'm sayin'!" Spike continued, circling around to face her again. "Give me a go, I promise you'll like it."

"Eww, Spike! No way!"

"Why the bloody hell not?! Don't you think I'm good lookin'? Not at all?"

"You're gross...hideous..." Her eyes darted away from him; it was obvious that she thought otherwise.

Spike's nostrils flared, he could smell her excitement.

He smirked. "I'll wear a paper bag over my head then."

Buffy giggled, then stifled it and cleared her throat. "Spike...I would kill you afterwards."

"I bet you won't."

"I so will!" she protested. "Lay 'em, then Slay 'em. I'm not going to have vamps gossiping about me at the demon bars. You're going to end up dusty if I have sex with you."

"How 'bout this, luv...If I can make you cum..." he looked skyward, sucking in his cheeks and thinking, "let's say, 10 times before sunrise--If I can do that, then you let me live."

Buffy's eyes widened. "10 times? The most I've ever had--" Buffy swallowed hard; the temptation was great. "I--no. Forget it."

Spike smiled cockily, tilting his head. "You're afraid I can do it?"

"Pfft! Why would I be afraid of having several happys?"

"'Cos you'd have to let me go on existing after I do it. And you'll keep coming back for more." He ran his hand down his chest and stomach. He hooked his thumb into the top of his black jeans.

"Ego much? Yeesh!" Buffy said.

"I have a very big ego for a reason, luv. Wanna see why?"
"As if!" she said haughtily. Her eyes kept being drawn to where his hand rested on his jeans; he was toying with the top button.

"Not even a little curious, Slayer?"


Spike sighed. "Fine...have it your way. I'm pissin' off then. I've got better things to do."

Spike walked toward his crypt.

Buffy huffed in indignation. He wasn't supposed to give up that easily--she was ready to give in.

"Alright! I'll--I'll sleep with you."

Spike grinned broadly. Before he turned back to her, he forced himself not to look too smug. Buffy jogged to catch up with him.

"But--I'm going to stake you after it."

"Not if I give you the 10 'happys' though, right?"

"R-Right," Buffy lied. She fully intended on dusting his evil ass as soon as they were done.

"Shall we?" Spike asked, bowing slightly and gesturing towards his crypt.

"Eww, we have to do it in the crypt?" she crinkled up her nose.

"Well, my villa in the south of France is a bit of a journey from here...Give me a break, Slayer. S'not like I have money to afford a place. I've got a nice, comfy bed in the lower section of the crypt."

Buffy sighed. "Fine. But the deal's off if I think it's gross."

"Okay, Princess. Let's just go."

They shot the scenes from different angles, then Warren called for a them to pile back into the RV to go back to the studio to the crypt set.

They sat on the couch in the RV.

"That was fun!" Buffy said, sipping her foam latte. "This movie's a lot more like normal ones."

"Yeah, The Mayor really wanted this one to be special," Spike said.

"I wonder why he's being so nice to me a starring role so soon. And in such an expensive film."

Spike shrugged. "I don't think it's anything untoward. All of the girls said that he's never even suggested anything sex-wise to them."

Buffy shuddered, "Yuck--Just the thought of him wanting to get in my pants makes me--"

Spike put an arm around her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I don't think it's anything like that, pet. Don't worry. But...if he ever does try anything, I'll tear his heart out. Nice acrobatics, by the way, luv." He smiled proudly at her.

"All that working out--on and off camera that I've been doing is paying off." Buffy batted her eyelashes at him and slipped her arm under the back of his duster. Her hand slid under him, and gave his butt a squeeze.

"Save the action for the camera, horndogs," Faith joked, walking over and sat next to them. She didn't have a part in the movie, but she loved tagging along and watching the filming.

Buffy stuck her tongue out and gave Faith a raspberry.

"Don't stick that thing out unless you plan on usin' it, babe," Faith smirked.

"Who says I don't?" Buffy asked sweetly.

Faith shook her head and laughed. "You guys are really into each other, huh?"

The blondes nodded and smiled. They looked at each other and rubbed noses.

"Ugh--Man, it's going to be hard to hold down my lunch around you guys now."

"Fuck off, Faith," Buffy grinned and gave Spike a kiss. "You're just jealous."

"Fuckin-A-Right, I am! This boy's got some great assets," Faith made a playful grab for Spike's bulge.

"Hey!" Buffy laughed and karate chopped Faith's arm. "Mine!" She possessively put her arms around Spike's waist and rested her head against his chest.

Faith grinned and rubbed her arm. "Ouch! You're strong for a little thing. Aw, c'mon, B! Spike's got enough for everybody. You mean I can never hit that again?"

"I didn't say that. But I've got to be with you if you have sex--unless you're doing a movie, of course," Buffy replied reasonably. "Those are the rules."

"That's 5x5. Wouldn't mind you being there at all..." Faith stuck her tongue out and waggled it, her tongue stud gleamed in the light.

"Can't say I'd object to that scenario," Spike smirked. "You two done fighting over my hot, tight, l'il bod?"

Warren announced, "We're at the studio. Let's go, people."

"Ah, back to the old grind," Spike sighed wearily, his smirk still in place.

They exited the RV and started for the crypt set.

"I've really been looking forward to this scene," Buffy said brightly.

"Me too, pet."

"Some of the dialogue's so weird--" she giggled, "--All that undead cock stuff. I hope I can remember what I'm supposed to say while you're 'doin' your thing'."

"You're a pro. I'm sure you will, pet." Spike kissed her and took her hand as they walked. "Remember, they let me write some of it--don't be too hard on me."

"Aw, my little porno Shakespeare," she brought his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it. "You did great, baby."

The next scene begins with Spike walking into the downstairs level of his crypt with Buffy bringing up the rear.

The walls are carved out of rough stone; someone went to a lot of trouble to create this place. Spike had made an effort to make his inner-sanctum pleasant. Lit torches occupied sconces on the walls, along side a few tapestries. A large, orange recliner sat near a wooden end table. Another tabletop was covered with bottles of alcohol and a few glasses. The bed he'd mentioned did look inviting. A quilted, silky, peach duvet covered the top, the ornate headboard was brass.

"Nice, eh?" Spike asked, slipping out of his duster, then hanging it on a hook.

"It's alright," Buffy said, hiding how impressed she was.

"Any musical preferences? Something to drink maybe?"

"No. Let's just get this over with."

"You could at least try to get in the mood, Slayer," he rolled his eyes.

Buffy started taking her clothes off. Spike stopped and watched, his eyes drinking her body in. When she was completely naked, she put her hands on her hips.

"Where are we doing this?" she asked, sounding business-like.

"Why don't you use the shower over there first," Spike pointed to the far end of the cavern where a privacy curtain was hung. "I don't fancy drinking an anonymous vamp's spew."

"Ewww! You're disgusting," Buffy scrunched up her face.

"I think it's a reasonable request," he said, nonplussed.

"Fine," Buffy said tiredly, going behind the curtain.

The sounds of water started. The scene shifted to behind the curtain to observe Buffy while she washed up. She made sure to soap up and clean her pussy, getting all of the very-late-Holden Webster's cum out.

When she emerged, using a blue beach towel she'd found to dry herself off, she saw that Spike had been busy trying to 'get a mood going'. The lights were dimmer; only a few torches were left burning. A few scented candles were lit and scattered throughout the room. She sniffed the air, vanilla and boysenberry. Spike hit play on his boom box, the sounds of soft jazz music filtered through the speakers.

He grinned at her. "You look ravishing...good enough to eat."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." she smiled slightly, then caught herself and tried looking perturbed. "Well, where do we start?"

"Uh--How 'bout the chair...You sit, spread 'em, and...I'll go to work."

She shrugged, trying to play off how excited she was getting. She'd wondered what sort of lover Spike was for a long time.

Buffy sat down in the chair, took a deep breath, then settled back into it.

She watched as Spike began taking off his clothes. His heavenly torso was revealed, her tongue darted out for a moment.

Spike smiled and kicked off his heavy boots, then took his pants down slowly. At the sight of his organ, Buffy's eyebrows shot up, her lips parted slightly.

"Wow! Holy shit, Spike!" she couldn't help saying. "That's--It's huge!"

Spike chuckled, "Thanks, Slayer." He sauntered over to her, coming to stand in front of the chair. "Time to make you nice n' frothy."

Buffy's eyes went up to his meet his, and moved with him as he kneeled in front of the chair.

"Open up for me, pet," Spike purred in a voice that was as lush and soft as velvet.

Buffy spread her legs open, resting her heels on the edge of the seat cushion. She was breathing harder.

Spike ran his hands lightly up her calves, over her knees, onto her thighs. He leaned in and breathed in deeply through his nose. He shuddered and licked his lips.

"Buffy...Smells so good...I've wanted to do this for so long..."

" it," she gulped.

Spike nodded, stuck out his tongue and descended on her pussy. Buffy gasped as he stroked his tongue up and down her lips.

"Mmmmm," Spike moaned, getting more into the act.

He parted her lips with his fingers and played with her clit, rubbing and batting it around with his tongue. Buffy tossed her head back, grasping the undersides of her thighs and holding them up. Small sounds escaped her throat, her mouth was closed tightly.

Spike looked up at her. After another long lick, he said, "Don't hold back, Slayer. Let me know if you like what I'm doing...If I don't think you like it, I'll stop doing it."

"I'm n-not holding back," she protested feebly.

Spike went back to eating her out, glancing up at her face. He took her nubbin in his mouth, applying short, sweet sucks to it.

"Nnnnaaa!" Buffy panted, letting herself react. "Ohhh!"

"That's better. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Spike smirked.

"Shut up! More!" Buffy growled, putting one of her hands to the back of his head and pushing his face back into her snatch.

Spike sucked on her clit some more while one of his fingers found her hole, he pushed it in, pumping slowly. Buffy's hips began moving along with his finger. Spike growled against her.

"Ahhhh! Oh GOD! So close!" Buffy gasped.

Spike added another finger to her pussy. He took his mouth away and moved up her body to suck her tits. Buffy moaned with her eyes closed. She permitted him to suckle at each of her breasts.

"Eat my pussy, Spike! Put your mouth back on me!" she yelled, sounding like a general, giving orders to her troops.

Spike moved his mouth back to her mound, diving in with his tongue. He removed his sticky fingers and buried his face in her heat. Taking her hips in his hands, he licked and sucked on her sex like an animal, growling and tonguing her ferociously. He shook his head rapidly with his tongue against her clit then surrounded it with his lips, sucking strongly.

"FUCK--YESSSS!" Buffy screamed, bucking and cumming. Her fingers gripped and dug into her thighs.

Spike sucked and licked as she thrashed under him. His tongue slid into her hole, plunging in and out, fucking her with it.

"Ahhhh! Oh yeah--Oh Y-YEAH!" Buffy wailed, gritting her teeth; a second orgasm raced through her.

Spike began finger-fucking her again while stroking and tapping her clit with his tongue. "That's two," he moaned.

"W-What?" Buffy asked breathlessly.

"That's two orgasms that you've had. Only eight more to go..."

"Uhhhh!" Buffy groaned in pleasure.

"You like my cold tongue fucking into you?" he licked around her hole. "Tell me."

"Y-Yes!" Buffy said.

"Say it," Spike commanded. He flicked her sensitive clit.

"Nnngghha! YES! I LOVE IT! Fuck me with your cold tongue!"

Spike continued fucking his tongue into her and sweeping it over every inch of her pussy.

"Oh God, Spike! Uhhhh!"

"How you want it, Slayer?"


"You want me to keep eating your sweet pussy? 'Cos I will, no problem. But...I could fuck you too."

Buffy moaned and shivered, her eyes dropped down, trying to find his giant cock. Her tongue ran across her bottom lip.

"That...would be good. Yeah...fuck me."

"I was hoping you'd say that," he smirked and got to his feet. "Though I'd hoped it would've been a bit more enthusiastic, but..." he shrugged.

His cock stood out from his body, pointing towards her. He offered her a hand. Buffy stood up, having to grab onto his arm to get her balance.

Spike chuckled and led her over to the big bed. Buffy dropped down onto it, crawling backwards, up and into the middle; her eyes went from his face, to his dick, then back again.

Spike grabbed a tube of coconut-flavored lube off of his dresser. Buffy watched as he greased up his massive prick.

"If you think you're fucking my ass with that're sadly mistaken," she muttered.

Spike chuckled again. "No, pet. I just want to make sure I don't hurt that pretty snatch of yours. Want to go in nice n' easy. Want me to fuck you from behind?"

Her tongue licked at the corner of her mouth to catch a little drool. "Yeah."

Buffy got on her hands and knees on the bed. Spike crawled up behind her, bending over her back and kissing a line up her spine.

"N-No kissing!" Buffy said shakily.

"Bloody hell, Slayer...You're makin' this difficult. Can't you just relax and get into it?"

"Just do it already! Fuck me!"

"And they say romance is dead...You sweet talker, you," Spike mumbled.

He took his hard, slick cock and lined it up at her pussy. "Ready?"

"Yes!" she said impatiently.

Spike put his hands on her waist and pushed his hips forward slowly, his cock entered her hole, bit by bit.

"Ohhhh!" Buffy jerked her head up and down. "Oh God!"

Spike halted. "Doesn't hurt, does it?"

"N-NO! Not hurt--Keep doing it! Put it in!" she yelled, touching her clit.

"I don't want to hurt you, luv--Fuck--You feel so good!" Spike moaned, pushing further into her. "So bloody hot--Uhhh!"

With half of Spike's meaty 12 inches in her, Buffy trembled; her thighs shook. "Ooooh--Unnhhh!"

"Ahh--Fuck, Slayer! That's th-three--seven more..."

"Shove it in me! Jam that giant, undead cock up my pussy--NOW!" Buffy screamed, throwing her ass back on his cock.

Spike growled, thrusting all the way in.

"AHHHH! OH YES!" Buffy grasped the duvet in her fists, her face a mixture of intense pleasure and pain. "FUCK!"

Spike stroked his cock in and out of her, making sure she felt every blessed inch. "Feel good, Slayer?" he moaned.


"Tell me how you like it, pet. How do you like to be fucked?"


Spike put one foot flat on the bed and pumped steadily into her. His hands roamed over her back and hips.

"HARDER!" Buffy commanded. "Is that the best you can do?! Give it to me hard!"

Spike's lip curled up, he growled again and thrust hard into her repeatedly. "That how you like it, bitch?"

Buffy was breathing hard and gasping. His balls made sweet music against her flesh; slapping loudly.

Spike punished her pussy. "I asked you a question!" He slapped her ass hard with the flat of his hand.

"AHHH! YES! Talk like that! Talk dirty!"

"How's my cock feel in your wet quim?" he asked demandingly, giving her right cheek another swat.

"G-GOOD! SO FUCKING GOOD! Uhhh!" Buffy swallowed hard, pushing back against him. "So cool--So thick! OHHHHH!" Buffy came again.

"Six more," Spike said uncertainly. He couldn't think straight while pounding into his paramour.

Spike changed position, laying on his side. He moved without pulling out of her, taking Buffy's backside along with him. She let him manipulate her into position. Spooning against her, he took one of her legs under the knee and held it up, then began thrusting again.


Spike wound his hand through her leg and put it on her mound, he rubbed around her clit with his nimble fingers. And fucked her with hard, fast strokes.

"Take it, Slayer! Uhhh! Take it all!"

"SHIT! OH GOD!" Buffy humped, cumming for the fifth time.

Buffy, the actress, was feeling very gooey and dough-like. But her character was supposed to be superhuman with tons of stamina. Spike was so good at giving her pleasure; he made it very difficult for her to stay in character.

Spike changed their positions again, this time kneeling in front of her and splaying her legs on either side of his hips. He lifted her pelvis and slid back inside of her. He moved within her and massaged her clit at the same time.

"Enjoyin' it so far, Slayer?" he panted. "Gonna fuck you till you don't know your own--bloody--name!" he punctuated his words with vigorous thrusts.

"Uh-huh! Oh yes! Mmmmm! Fuck!"

"Cut!" Warren said. "Spike, Buffy, you two stay right there. We've got a problem with one of the lights. We'll be taking it up again in a minute."

Some of the crew fanned themselves while they set about their tasks.

Buffy moaned. Spike draped himself over her and kissed her sweaty brow.

"You okay, luv?"

"I'll be lucky if I can walk after this..." she grimaced with a chuckle.

"You need some time to recover?" Spike asked, concerned.

"This Slayer character is crazy if she doesn't keep Spike, the sexy vampire, chained to her bed for all eternity," she giggled.

"I think my character would gladly be stationed at his Slayer's bed, no chains required." Spike smirked.

"What if she likes chains? And whips? And handcuffs?"

"Hmm, I think he wouldn't mind those either."

They nuzzled each other.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Warren asked.

"Buffy needs some time," Spike said protectively.

"No, baby." She kissed him softly. "I can do it. I can go on."


She nodded and smiled. She was feeling pretty boneless, but was excited to finish the scene.

The scene is intercut with another, featuring Giles, Willow, Tara, Xander and Anya at Giles' home--humping away. Then the action cuts back to Spike and Buffy, joining them in progress...

Spike supported himself on his hands while he moved his hips. Buffy moaned under him, arching her neck and back as she came again.

"Five--M-More!" Spike groaned, pumping his hips.

"W-Why haven't you cum yet?" she asked.

"I'm holding off on doing that," Spike said. "I still have work to do before then."

"You--feel like you have to cum though? It's not that--I'm not good, is it?" she asked timidly.

"Pet, you have no idea how difficult it is not to fuck you like the demon that I am. You're so bloody good--so perfect."

Buffy growled, sounding more like a vampire than the Slayer, and flipped them over. She wanted Spike to be as lost to the passion as she was. She wanted to make him squirt for her.

Buffy ground down onto his cock, her hands rested on his pecs; thumbing his nipples.

"Uhhh! Ohhhh Buffy!" Spike panted.

Buffy fixated on his mouth, his luscious-looking lips were parted. Casting aside her no-kissing rule, she dropped down, kissing him spiritedly.

Spike moaned into the kiss, sliding his hands up and down her thighs as she rode him.

"Mmmm--Good lips--Ohhhmm!" Buffy moaned as she ravished his mouth.

Spike explored her mouth with his tongue and caressed her hot skin with his hands; his ardor for her evident.

"You gonna cum for me, Spike?" Buffy asked, kissing his neck, stopping to suck on his Adam's apple.

"N-Not yet," Spike groaned, clearly fighting the urge.

"Mmmm," Buffy dragged her lips onto his chest. She circled then flicked his nipples with her tongue. She rode him more slowly, her hips twitching. "Let it happen, Spike."

Spike made a low, groaning sound when Buffy let his cock slide out of her. He tried bringing her back onto him, but Buffy pulled away. He looked at her with pleading eyes.


Buffy smiled a mischievous smile, stuck her tongue out and started licking his torso; the lines of his pectoral muscles, his nipples, the spaces between his ribs, his navel. She picked up his heavy cock, stroking it gently while she continued her trail down his body. Her tongue played in his bellybutton for a moment, then swept back and forth, down the line of fine, brown hair leading to his pubic area.

Buffy looked at him, their expressions spoke volumes; lust, desire, expectation.

"These lips have never touched a man's cock before," Buffy's voice was husky. "You want me to suck your cold, undead cock?"

Spike squeezed his eyes shut, trembling with desire. "Yes!" he wheezed. "And...I'm more room temperature than cold..."

Buffy giggled then flicked at the big, purple head with her pointy tongue. "Mmm, you're right--more cool than cold. Tastes so good too..." she moaned, letting the tip of his cock slip into her moist mouth.

"Buffy!" Spike arched his neck back.

The rest of the scene was shot over the course of the next day. In the interest of not breaking up the action too much, here's how the rest would appear in the final cut of the film (with special effects in place)...

Buffy smiled around his cock, sliding her mouth up and down half of his girth. Her hands tugged on his balls and stroked the thick base. She went back to lapping at and around the head, her tongue flickering.

"You like that? You like how my mouth feels on your fat cock?"

"Oh YES!" Spike panted, hips twitching up.

"Mmmm--So good," she moaned, slobbering on his tool. "You're so big, big and hard. Want to taste your cold cum--I want to swallow it."

"Fuck--Oh Buffy! Uhhh!" Spike groaned loudly.

"Shoot in my mouth, Spike. I want it--Ohhmmmm!" She put him back in her mouth, sliding up and down and sucking hard.

"Ahhh--Oh F-Fuck! Bl-Bloody--Unnggh!" Spike arched off the bed, gurgling and crying out as he began to cum.

"Mmmmm!" Buffy moaned, relishing the delicious vamp spunk.

She gulped him down and looked up the bed at his face. His face changed to show the bumps, ridges and fangs of his vampire-self. Spike's gold eyes were unfocused, his long, sharp canines gleamed in the low light. Buffy stroked and sucked on him harder, moaning around his erupting pole. She liked seeing his demon at this moment; she'd wanted to make him lose control--and she'd done it.

Spike growled and panted, bucking his hips off the bed and moving his head from side to side. Buffy drank down his thick, creamy liquid as fast as she could, some leaked from her mouth, dripping down her chin and down the underside of his cock. She lifted her mouth off, licking her lips free of cum. She jacked him for several moments, watching the strands of cum streaming out. She touched her tongue to his cumslit, feeling it dashing against her. Buffy slipped him back in her mouth, bobbing slowly and sucking until his balls went dry.

Spike groaned. Buffy proceeded to clean his cock, making certain to get it all. She sucked the cum off of his balls, mouthing the sensitive skin then pulling it into her mouth.

Spike looked down at her, his vampire face still present. "Bloody hell, Buffy! That was incredible! Where did you learn to suck a bloke off like that?"

She giggled, still giving him little licks. "I didn't learn it. That was all instinct. I take it, you liked?"

His head dropped back onto the pillow. He chuckled, "That would be an understatement, pet!" He touched a hand to his forehead, then his mouth, feeling his fangs. Spike looked at her apologetically. "Oh...didn't realize I'd changed...sorry 'bout that..."

"Don't it," Buffy confessed, a girlish smile touched her lips. She focused her attention back on his cock. "You still feel so hard...shouldn't you be soft by now?"

Spike grinned. "I can take a licking and keep on ticking...or something like that. Takes a lot to make me soft."

"That's a very good thing," Buffy said, crawling up to straddle him again. "Stay in game face--I want to fuck you like this for a while."

"Suits me," Spike smiled.

They began to fuck again, moving slowly then building up. Spike rolled Buffy onto her back. She wrapped her legs around him, letting him thrust into her at his leisure. Spike grazed her lips with his fangs, his tongue traced her bottom lip.

"SPIKE! Uhhhh! Cumming!" Buffy whispered, staring up into his golden gaze.

Her eyelids fluttered.

Spike chalked up another orgasm to the tally. "F-Four more?"

"Lost count," Buffy moaned.

Spike licked her throat. "Need a drink--be right back, luv."

He disengaged from her and walked/staggered to his bar, pouring himself a tumbler of Scotch. Buffy sat up, her eyes roaming over his lithe, muscular frame. She licked her lips, hungry for more. She got out of bed, smiling happily when she found that she could stand. She walked over to him, swinging her hips.

"I'm thirsty too," she purred.

Spike's face changed back to human. He smirked, pouring her a glass of Scotch. Buffy drank it quickly then coughed.

"How can you drink that stuff?!" she spluttered. "Then again...look who I'm asking. You like drinking blood."

Spike snorted, "Not much of a drinker, are you?"

"There are...some things...that I like drinking," she murmured softly, putting down the glass, then putting one hand on his chest, the other went to his cock.

Spike's grin grew. "You can't get enough, eh?" He put down his glass and wove his arms around her.

"Uh-uh," she said, kissing the crook of his neck.

"Turn around," Spike said in a rumbling purr.

Buffy moaned, turning her back to him and bracing her hands on the table. Spike went down on one knee, held her hips in place, and licked at her slit from behind.

"Ohhhh!" she sighed, parting her legs and bending forward more.

Spike moaned, making love to her pussy with his mouth.

"Oh Spike," she said breathlessly. "Oh God--So good!"

Spike stood, moving flush against her. He held his cock, rubbing it along her wet slit. "Want me to fuck you some more, Slayer?"

"Yes!" Buffy wriggled on his dick.

Spike thrust into her swiftly.

"AHHH! OH OHHHH!" Buffy gasped, re-adjusting her grip on the table.

Spike pumped into her. "Uhhh--You can take so much cock, Slayer--Such a sweet pussy you have."

"Annhha! Oh Spike--Don't stop! Oh yes!"

Spike hunched over her body, molding himself to her; their sweaty flesh slid together. His slender hips stabbed his cock into her hole relentlessly. His left hand came around to finger her pussy.

Buffy's legs began to shake, her eyes slammed shut. "OHHHH GOD! SPIKE! FUCK YES--FUCK ME--OHHHHH!" she gasped and whimpered, bowing her head.

Spike growled, thrusting madly into her cunt. "Uhhh Slayer--So fucking wet!"

When Buffy was through cumming, Spike pulled out, scooped her up in his arms and went back to the bed. Buffy lay on her back, breathing hard. He moved on top of her, placing kisses to her temples, cheeks, nose then her mouth.

Buffy latched onto his lips, groaning with passion.

"Three more..." Spike smiled, glancing at the clock on his nightstand. "We'll even have plenty of time to spare before dawn."

Buffy furrowed her brows. "Whatever. Just give me the rest of the happys, and I'll be...happy."

Spike settled between her legs again, letting his cock slip in slowly. "Can't fuck your ass?"

"No butt sex," Buffy said. "Isn't this enough?"

"It's more than enough, bloody wonderful." Spike sighed and moved within her.

"Tie you up!" Buffy shouted, writhing.

"Huh?" Spike asked, slowing his movements.

"Want to tie you up--always wanted to do that," she explained, wiping some sweat from her forehead.

Spike smirked. "Who's a dirty girl, then?"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Will you let me do it, or not?"

"I like bondage too. S'fine with me. In fact..." he withdrew from her and went to his nightstand.

He brought out a pair of handcuffs and dangled them from an index finger. He waggled his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out. He draped the cuffs over his erection, letting them hang there.

"Come 'n get 'em."

Buffy smiled. She took the cuffs off of his rigid cock, leaning down and giving the head a kiss and quick suck.

Buffy pushed Spike onto his back and straddled his waist. She took his wrists and put them above his head, then fastened the cuffs to him, threading the cuffs through the bars of the headboard.

"Don't leave me in these things too long, Slayer. I've got a deadline to meet, and I need to use all of the weapons in my arsenal of love," he smirked.

Buffy laughed softly, "Yeah, alright."

Buffy put his cock back at her hole and sank down on him. She arched her back, groaning and moving on him.

"Ahhh--Buffy!" Spike moaned.

"So--hot--having you--cuffed like--this! AUUGGHH! AHH YEAH!" Buffy tossed her head back, gyrating her hips.

Buffy bent over him, supporting herself on her hands and fucked onto him, grinding and uttering a string of unintelligible words.

"AHHH FUCK!" Buffy cried, her body shuddering and vibrating as a multiple tore it's way through her.

"Uhhhh!" Spike tilted his head back. "O-One more to go!"

Buffy slowed down, but kept sliding up and down. "Damn--You can really shag!"

They chuckled weakly.

"Like having me trussed up, Slayer?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," she moaned. "Let me see your demon. I want to fuck it."

Spike panted and smiled, slipping back into game face. "It wants to fuck you too, pet."

"Good," Buffy laughed, "we're in agreement for once then."

They groaned, she rode him slowly.

"Does it piss you off?" Buffy demanded of the demon. "For the Slayer, your natural enemy, to have you chained and using you for her pleasure?"

Spike snarled, snapping at her with his jaws.

"Yes!" Buffy moaned. "Oh yes--fight me! Yell at me!" Her movements increased in intensity.

"You--do-gooder, sanctimonious, overbearing bitch! Uhhhh! Think--you--can tame me?" he growled, an impish smile curled around his fangs.

"YES! I'll make you submit to me!"

"Never!" Spike yelled indignantly. "Do your worst, you self-righteous whore!"

"Oooohh! Yes!" She wriggled and humped on him, running her hands up his arms to the handcuffs. She grasped his wrists. "You love it--You love me fucking you--dominating you!"

"Ahh--Ahhh!" Spike's face rippled, going between human and vamp face. "Oh yes! Love it! Fuck me, Slayer!"

Buffy sat back up on him, screwing herself onto him hard, grunting and gasping for breath.

"Oh SPIKE!" Buffy screamed, cumming for the tenth, and final time.

"ARRHHA!" Spike roared, cumming inside of her.

They undulated together, riding out the waves of pleasure. His cum streamed from her pussy. Buffy laid heavily on his chest, panting for breath and moaning.

"Well," Spike panted, "that's ten. I met the goal. You can't stake me now," he grinned.

"Guess again," Buffy sat up and produced a stake out of nowhere. She held it aloft.

Spike's eyes widened, his mouth worked silently for a moment. " said..."

"I lied. Thanks for all the orgasms."

"Buffy--don't do this. You liked it--It's bloody well obvious that you liked what we did!" as he pled with her, his face shifted back to human.

She swallowed. "Yeah...I liked it. I'm--sorry, Spike. I don't have a choice. I have to--do it!"

Buffy raised the stake, preparing to plunge it into his chest. Spike stared up at her, not struggling. Her hand trembled, the emotions on her face changed from determination to uncertainty--to frustration then resignation.

She released a breath that came out shuddery.

"Dammit--I--can't." She threw the stake across the room and sighed in defeat, putting her face in her hands.

Spike heaved a sigh of relief, relaxing just a bit. "Get these bloody cuffs off me," he said tightly.

Buffy took the key and unlocked the handcuffs quickly. Spike sat up, moving away from her and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you mad?" Buffy asked and bit her lip.

Spike looked at her incredulously. "Am I mad? What the bloody fuck do you think? I spend all that time and energy gettin' you off ten bloody times--and you still try to kill me!"

"I'm sorry. But I didn't kill you--that should count for something. It was habit--that's what I did with the other vamps."

"Sod off, Slayer," Spike growled and got up, stalking over to his booze. He poured himself a Scotch and tossed it back. "I told you to leave."

Buffy walked over to him. "What do ya know? I can still walk!" she tried joking with him.

Spike 'Hmmph'ed' and looked away.

She reached out and touched his shoulder. "I really am sorry. I was confused. I thought that's what I had to do...To stake you like I did all of the others. But I couldn't do it..."

"Why not?" Spike asked.

"Because it was--you were too good. I want to keep you around. I promise that I won't ever try to stake you again," she made the 'cross my heart' gesture.

He sneered at her, "Yeah? And why should I believe you?"

"'Cause...Shit...I--can't think of anything. But it's the truth. You're an amazingly talented sex partner--the absolute best I've ever had the pleasure of screwing. I would have to be totally out of my mind to get rid of you. No one can make me feel as wonderful as you do. Please forgive me, Spike?"

"Don't know if I should..." he said, weakening. He smiled slightly. "Where were you hiding that stake anyway?"

"I've got my secrets," she smiled coyly. "Forgive me?"

He pressed his lips together, looking at her in thought. "I...suppose."

Buffy squealed and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him hard. Spike broke the kiss.

"But--I won't be able to relax enough to shag if there's even a little shred of doubt in my mind."

"I've got an idea on how to prove I'm not lying. Get dressed. I'm taking you to Giles', I'll tell everyone that staking you is a no-no from now on. And I'll tell them how great you are in bed. I bet they'll want to fuck you too."

"Yeah? I always did have a thing for Willow...that would be nice."

"Just remember," she said, pulling her shirt on, "you're primarily mine. I'm the one with the tough life and the sacred duty. I need the happys that Spike lovin' provides more than any of them."

"Shouldn't we shower first," he asked. "We're thoroughly sweaty and sticky here."

"Didn't know you were such a clean freak," she giggled.

"Nothin' freaky about it. As delightful as the smell of sex is, it's a bit pungent. I'll be hard as a rock all day if I don't wash it off."

"Hmmm, you say that like it's a bad thing," she giggled. "Alright. Let's shower, then go to Giles'."

They kissed with growing passion. Spike lifted her into his arms and carried her to the shower. The camera stayed with them as they soaped each other up, kissing and touching gingerly. They fucked one more time before the scene ended.

After they wrapped filming, Buffy and Spike went back to his dressing room to shower and change.

"That was such a fun movie," Buffy combed out her wet hair.

"It really was," Spike agreed, rubbing a towel on his hair to get excess moisture off. "The gangbang at the end was interesting. Did you enjoy working with Ripper, pet?"

"Of course I did. He's legendary, and such a nice guy too. You'd think he'd have a huge ego, but he's very giving to his fellow actors. But," she turned and smiled at Spike, "if I had my way, I'd never do a scene with anyone except you. No one can press my buttons like you do."

Spike smirked, "Thanks, luv. I feel the same way about you. I really like that Slayer character. You were so forceful and demanding, very sexy."

"You want me to take up the dominatrix duties from Cordy next time we do a foursome?" She grinned.

"That would be fun--get you all laced up in a leather bustier..." he grinned, his tongue curling up over his top lip.

Buffy giggled then groaned. "Damn, I'm so worn out. My muscles are sore."

"My poor little, delicate petal," Spike crossed over to her. He put his hands on her shoulders from behind and massaged her gently. "You work so hard, luv. You always give your scenes your all."

Buffy moved her head in circles. "Mmm, feels good."

He bent down and lightly kissed the soft skin of her throat. "Let's get home and into the hot tub. That should help."

"Yeah, I could definitely go from some hot tubbing." Buffy smiled and looked up at him.

"I could give you a full-body, sensuous massage...Slayer," he smirked.

"Liking it more and evil, soulless, extremely naughty vampire," Buffy purred.

Spike bent down and kissed her mouth lightly.

A few days later, a bunch of them were talking in Spike's new dressing room.

The Mayor had assigned him a more luxurious room due to his rising star status; he wanted to keep his #1 guy happy.

Faith burst into the dressing room, scaring the crap out of them.

"Shit, Faith!" Spike gasped.

"Hey, guys! Have you heard?" Faith asked, waving around a magazine.

"Heard what?" Buffy asked.

"The nominees for the Adult Entertainment Awards were announced." She grinned, holding out the latest edition of the Adult Entertainment News. "Congrats, you guys have been nominated!"

Buffy squealed with joy, "Really!? Oh my God! Let me see!"

Buffy took the magazine and opened it up, quickly going to the awards announcement page. The others crowded around her to read over her shoulder.

"Spike! You're nominated all over the place!" Buffy said excitedly.

Spike's nominations: Best Single Performance, Actor - 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Poon' and 'Buffy the Vampire Layer', Male Performer of the Year, Best Newcummer, Male, Super Stud of the Year, Best Cum Shot - 'Summer Heat' and 'Cum Camping'.

Buffy's nominations: Best Newcummer, Female, Best Single Performance, Actress - 'Buffy the Vampire Layer', Female Performer of the Year.

Xander's nominations: Best Newcummer, Male, Super Stud of the Year, Best Threesome - 'Roman Orgy 2', Unsung Swordsman.

Xander knew that Spike was more than likely going to win everything he'd been nominated for. There was a passing pang of jealousy, but winning awards really weren't important to Xander. He had a great time working on the movies. His pride in his friend's performances overrode any resentment in Xander's heart.

Spike and Buffy were nominated together for Best Onscreen Duo, Male/Female, and Best Sex Scene for 'Buffy the Vampire Layer' and 'Summer Heat'. 'Buffy the Vampire Layer' was nominated for Movie of the Year.

Their friends received some nominations too. Everyone laughed and smiled, hugging and congratulating each other.

"We totally have to celebrate," Faith said. "Since Halloween's in a few days, why don't we have a party here at the studio? It can double for a big, self-congratulatory wank party for our nominations."

They laughed and agreed that that sounded like fun.

Spike kept the info that it was also his birthday to himself. He didn't want everyone to make a fuss over him. Or feel obligated to get him something. He expected one of the few people who knew about his birthday (Buffy, Xander or Cordy) to say something, but they didn't.

'Maybe they forgot...' Spike thought, feeling a little hurt.

But he tried not to take it personally, everyone had a lot going on in their lives at the moment. Sometimes birthdays were forgotten. It was for the best, he wanted to drive back to Sunnydale that night to see his mum anyway. He felt kind of embarrassed about wanting to see him mother on his birthday, being a mamma's boy carried a stigma. He didn't inform his housemates that he planned on going to Sunnydale on Halloween night.

The living room reeked of stale cigarette smoke and whiskey.

He sat drinking a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 on the couch, leafing through his mail disinterestedly while he watched a Friends re-run. His dark-brown eyes were cold and indifferent, looking through, rather than at the screen. He didn't crack a smile the entire episode, though it was one of his favorites.

Life sucked.

And he was getting as numb as humanly possible.

A picture in the issue of 'Adult Playground Magazine' caught his attention; drawing his eyes like a magnet. He looked down at it, focusing his bleary, bloodshot eyes.

It was a picture (the first in a whole series of shots on the following pages) of Spike, giving the camera a sexy, suggestive smile. The title of the article alongside the picture read, 'A New Leading Man, For a New Millennium! Spike Me, baby!'

He grumbled, swiping the magazine onto the floor. Unfortunately, that action revealed his copy of 'Adult Entertainment News', which was even worse.

It read: 'Horizons Ent.' dominates awards noms. New BMOC, platinum-haired, erotic film sensation, Spike, receives most nominations of any first time nominee in 23 year history of awards!'

His eyes scanned the mention of the numerous awards that Spike had been nominated for. Rage. Red hot rage. It consumed him. There, smirking up at him from the magazine on the floor, was the reason everything was wrong--the reason for everything being fucked up.

Angel snapped.

"You son of a bitch!" he yelled at the magazine, spittle flying from his lips. He threw his bottle at the far wall. "You ruined my fucking life! Oh you're so fucking smug, aren't you?" He picked up the magazine and talked to the picture, directly. "Guess what? You won't get away with it. That's right."

Angel's life had gone downhill fast after leaving Horizons. His car had already been repossessed, he was going to lose his home next month. He went to every good porno movie studio looking for a job; they all inexplicably turned him down. Angel turned more and more to drugs to make him feel better.

"You think you're such hot shit, don't you? I'll show you who's top dog in this town...I'll"

He stopped, realizing that he was having a conversation (albeit a one-sided one) with a picture. He closed his eyes tightly.

"Damn you...Damn you for doing this to me!" he growled.

He began ripping up the magazine in a frenzy, littering the floor with confetti. When he was finished, his chest was heaving. Angel dropped down to sit on the couch, looking at the mess he'd made. He put his hands over his face and sobbed loudly.

"Why is this happening to me? Why? God--I have to get my shit together--I have to do something before..."

'Before I go out to find Spike and murder him.'

The whisper in his mind frightened him in a rare lucid moment. He was getting very close to doing just that.

Angel was losing his grip on sanity.


Chapter 19: Cake and Consequences

 [A/N: This is an extra long chapter. The flow was too good to separate it into two smaller chapters. Enjoy! *g*]

"You look so yummy!" Buffy said, putting her arm around Spike's waist. "Like Peter O'Toole in 'Lawrence of Arabia'. He was so frickin' hot in that movie. You could star in a remake easily--porn or mainstream."

"I'm glad I can pull it off," Spike smiled and put his arm around her as they walked. "I admit, I make a poofier Lawrence, what with all the silk," he chuckled. "But that's one of my favorite films, and the costume let's me be fully covered--another plus."

"Well, I still wish you would've at least tried the gold speedos on and went as Rocky Horror."

"Pet, there's no way in hell I would've--fit--in those speedos, and you know it."

"Heh-heh, yeah. I was looking forward to seeing you bursting out of those things," Buffy giggled.

"Maybe I'll put them on at a later time...just for you." Spike smirked.

"Hooray!" Buffy said. "I'll put on my white bra and slip--We can reenact 'Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me'!"

"Any way we could get a peek at that too?" Cordy asked with a devilish smile. "I do a mean Magenta."

"I can be Frank! We can have a Rocky Horror orgy!" Xander said. "Can we go home now? Can we, huh?!" He jumped up and down.

Cordy elbowed Xander in the ribs and looked at him, reprimanding. "No, Black Bart. The Halloween party first."

"Aw, shucks!" Xander mock-pouted.

They giggled and continued to the soundstage where the party was being held.

For the Halloween party, Spike dressed up as an Arabian Sheik, wearing white and gold silky robes with a long vest and a headpiece. A white and gold, silk sash was knotted around his waist. A fake, bejeweled dagger was in a scabbard attached to the sash.

Buffy was a belly dancer, wearing a gold bikini and multi-colored veils.

Xander was dressed as a cowboy. He wore all black with a big Stetson on his head and a shootin' iron on his hip.

Cordelia was a princess. A tall, pointy hat sat on her head. Her dress was green satin, showing a large amount of cleavage.

"Um, I was thinking," Spike said. "I think I'll go visit my mum later on, after the party."

Buffy looked at him. "Tonight? You want to drive to Sunnydale?"

"Yeah," he said sheepishly. He still felt like a nancy boy for wanting to see his Mummy on his birthday.

"Oh." The other three exchanged looks. His birthday party might go on for a long time. They wished he'd said something before.

"What?" Spike asked self-consciously.

"You didn't mention it earlier," Xander said. "Don't you want to party hearty?"

"Yeah,'s stupid...but this would be the first birthday that I didn't spend at least a little time with her..." Spike ducked his head.

"Aw, you are too cute!" Buffy said, kissing his cheek.

She didn't know what to do about the party, but his devotion to his mother was so heart-warming. So what if he was a momma's boy? They say that if a man is good to his mother, he'll be good to you.

"C'mon," Xander said, "let's get some partying time in before you have to go."

Spike nodded and walked ahead of them. The three of them shrugged. At least they could have a little fun before he left.

"Why's the soundstage all dark?" Spike asked.

"Hmm," Xander said, "maybe someone forgot to pay the light bill."

Spike squinted into the dark. "Where is everyone? This is where we were supposed to go for the Halloween party, isn't it?"

"Yeah, this is it," Buffy said.

Cordy put her hands on her hips. "Great, we get all dressed up and they cancel the party without telling us! Typical!"

Suddenly the lights came on, 30 or so of their co-workers jumped up from hiding places. "SURPRISE!" they shouted.

"BLOODY HELL!" Spike jumped backwards.

Everyone laughed boisterously. Strewn in with the laughs were calls of: "Gotcha, Spike!", "Hope you didn't piss yourself!" and "Happy Birthday!" Spike laughed too.

"Shit! Can you die from a heart attack when you're 19?"

"You're 20 now, baby," Buffy giggled, giving him a kiss. "Happy Birthday!"

"You," he said, tweaking her nose, "are in for it, later."

"Ooooh, yes! I was so naughty to keep a secret from you," Buffy purred. "I think you should spank me."

"Oh, I will. I'll spank your sweet, little botty 'til it's glowing pink and sore," Spike growled playfully, attacking her neck with his lips and teeth.

Buffy laughed and squealed. Even kidding around like this made her so wet for him. She wanted to drag him off by his white robes and shag the hell out of him right now...but there was the party...and all of the guests looking at them. Party first. Shagging Later.

Buffy whispered in his ear, "We'll try to move things along quickly so that you can drive home tonight."

"I wouldn't want to rush things. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time. Let's just have a good time."

Everyone (dressed up in their own costumes) came up and wished Spike a happy birthday, apologizing with a laugh about scaring him. Spike was happy that Giles attended as well. A table was piled high with birthday gifts. Spike was touched that everyone took the time to buy him something. Even Jonathan and Andrew (Jonathan came dressed as a Storm Trooper, Andrew as Darth Maul) had come bearing gifts.

Spike wasn't sure if Andrew was gay, or bi, but he could tell that the small blonde had a crush on him. Sadly, Spike wasn't attracted to Andrew physically. He hoped Andrew wouldn't mind staying 'just friends'.

An hour later, the partyers were talking, dancing and generally enjoying themselves. For some reason, whoever was in charge of the music chose to play 1970's era Funk and Disco music. Spike didn't mind, he was a fan of that era's sounds.

Anya and Giles were stuck to each other like glue, whispering in the other's ear and acting like they had to be touching almost constantly. Buffy was very self-satisfied.

Spike, Buffy, Xander and Cordy danced their hearts out to 'Shining Star' by Earth, Wind and Fire. Buffy cracked them up by dancing like Elaine had on 'Seinfeld', jerky and uncoordinated, or as the George character had described it, a full-body dry heave set to music.

Buffy and Spike paired up to dance to 'If I Can't Have You'. They danced, laughing and spinning each other around, and doing their best 'Saturday Night Fever' moves.

Don't know why I'm survivin' ev'ry lonely day When there's got to be no chance for me My life would end And it doesn't matter how I cry My tears, so far, are a waste of time If I turn away Am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do

Spike brought Buffy against him, moving their hips together. "Never realized, this song's quite sad if you listen to the lyrics."

"I know! It's so bouncy and upbeat--But it's sad," Buffy agreed.

Spike twirled her around and brought his arms around her, her back was to his front. They gyrated their hips and rubbed against each other. Buffy shimmied down and then back up, bumping his crotch with her ass on the way back up.

"Dancin' is fun!" Buffy giggled.

Spike smiled crookedly. "What are you trying to do to me?"

She winked in reply.

If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-huh, oh If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-hoh Oh...da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Oooh, oooh Aahhhh! Aahhhh!

Buffy put her arms around him, her hands moving down his back to his ass. She gave his butt a two-handed squeeze through his white robes, sticking her tongue out. Spike smirked leaning into her, and putting his hands on her ass too. He blew in her ear, making her shiver with excitement. God--she wanted to fuck him so bad!

Can't let go and it doesn't matter how I try I gave it all so easily to you my love To dreams that never will come true Am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do

If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-huh, oh If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-hoh Oh!
Aahhhh! Aahhhh! Oh!

"Having a good time, Spike?" Giles asked, bumping and grinding with Anya a few feet away.

"Yeah! It's a bloody great party!" Spike grinned.

"Why did it have to be bloody Disco music? I--" Giles was going to continue talking, but Anya spun him away.

Spike and Buffy laughed at Anya's exuberance and Giles' helplessness against Hurricane Anya.

"Am I good or what?" Buffy asked with a smile. "They're in looooove! Yay!"

Spike chuckled, shook his head and moved his body against hers again to dance.

If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-huh, oh If I can't have you I don't want nobody, baby If I can't have you...uh-hoh

'That's how I feel about him.' Buffy smiled, breathing in Spike's manly scent. 'I hope our lives don't get sad like the song though...only good stuff.'

(Cue ominous music...)

The actors chatted amongst themselves when they took time out from shaking their bootays.

Faith said, "Tara's cousin is coming to do a flick. He's really hot, one of those wide-eyed southern boys."

Tara smiled warmly. "My cousin Caleb. He works for 'Blue Moon Pictures' in Alabama. I haven't seen him since Christmas. Though, knowing him, I won't be seeing much of him." She rolled her eyes. "He's always on the make. He's only coming for a few days then he has to go back to make another movie back home."

Willow laughed and put her arm around Tara's waist. "Caleb's very sweet and nice though. His twin brother Cole...that's another story. I met them both when I went to Birmingham with Tara last year."

"Oh, don't even mention that name," Tara said with uncharacteristic anger.

"You like everyone, Tara. This bloke must be a real asshole if you don't like him," Spike said.

"Asshole doesn't even scratch the surface. Cole is the biggest misogynistic, con artist, creep you could ever meet. And he's got this weird 'preacher-thing' going on. He goes around calling everyone sinners and crazy shit. Thinks he's doing God's work." Tara shook her head.

Xander raised his eyebrows. "Wow, he sounds like loads of fun."

"It must be hard for Caleb to have a twin like that," Buffy commented. "People tend to lump twins together."

"Yeah, he ain't too happy about looking exactly like his brother. He went through a phase where he dyed his hair blue and tried looking as different as possible." Tara giggled, remembering how bizarre he looked back then. "Blue hair did not go down well in the small town of Plunkett, Alabama."

Willow added, "He looks normal now though. Have you guys seen any of the movies he's done?"

Most of them shook their heads 'no'.

Faith smiled. "I've seen a few. Very fucking hot! Can't wait to 'make his acquaintance'," she laughed lecherously.

Tara sighed. "I'd ask you not to jump my cousin, but he'll probably want you to. So do what you want."

The Mayor approached them with a glass of Scotch in his hand. "Enjoying yourselves, kids?"

They said, "Yes, sir."

"Good, good. Did I hear you talking about Caleb?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. I was telling them a little about my cousin," Tara responded.

"Gosh, he's a fine young man. We're lucky to have him aboard, if just for this one picture. Buffy, I want you to co-star in the movie with him. I think you two would make a dynamic duo," Wilkins said, smiling.

"Okay. That would be cool. Thank you, sir." Buffy was happy to have another film to do, but she wished that Spike could be her co-star in every one.

"Drop by my office on Monday, I'll give you the script. If I play my cards right, Caleb will be doing even more work with us in the future. Now, no more shop talk. This is a party, darn it! Enjoy yourselves!" Wilkins chuckled.

After some more dancing and carousing...

Spike checked his watch. He could still make it to Sunnydale tonight if things moved along a little more swiftly. The party was a lot of fun, but he'd promised his mum that he'd drop by. As if in answer to his thoughts...

"Cake time!" Faith announced into a microphone. "Come on up here, Birthday Boy!"

The crowd clapped. Xander whooped, pumping his fist in the air. Spike laughed and waved to everyone, going to join Faith by the cake on a raised platform.

"Oh, well this is cheery!" Spike laughed, commenting on his tombstone-shaped cake.

"That's the Halloween cake. This is the one for your birthday," Faith said, bringing out another cake.

This one was a regular, but large, square-shaped cake; it had a picture of Spike done in frosting.

"Oh God!" Spike laughed, putting his hands over his eyes. "I have to eat myself?"

The frosting Spike was wearing his black duster, jeans and a red shirt, smirking out from the cake.

"I get the penis part!" Buffy giggled, leaning around him to see the cake.

"Yeah, you do," Faith smirked. "Bitch."

Faith lit the candles. They all sang 'Happy Birthday'. Spike made a wish, winking at Buffy, then blew out the candles. Everyone cheered. Buffy gave him a moist kiss on the lips. He took the knife and began cutting pieces for the guests.

Buffy's smile vanished when she looked out at the crowd.

Parker Abrams.

That creepy, no good, lying, sonuvabitch was there. He was wearing a pirate costume and standing at the edge of the crowd, talking to Tara.

"Here, pet," Spike said, holding a plate out to her. When she didn't take her cake, he noticed how upset she looked. "Buffy? What's wrong?"

"Parker's here," she said flatly.

"What the fuck is that asshole doing here? Lilah isn't even in the country." Spike's eyes scanned the crowd for a dark-haired man that he didn't know. "Where?"

"The pirate with the red bandana on his head."

Spike immediately picked him out and started forward, clenching his jaw. No one treated Buffy badly. He'd wanted to kick that wanker's ass ever since Buffy had told him what happened.

"Spike," Buffy stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Where are you going?"

"To beat the snot out of that pillock, that's where."

"No," Buffy said firmly, moving to stand in front of him.

"Buffy...after what he did to you? The way that he lied--You're going to settle for the dumping his frou-frou Brandy and the toilet water thing? He needs to be taught a bloody lesson!"

"I agree, but kicking his ass isn't the answer. I could do that myself." Buffy looked off into space for a second, thinking. A smile turned up the corners of her mouth. If that evil look was meant for him, Spike would be running for his life.

"What are you thinking?"

"Just a little germ of an idea formulating...never you mind," Buffy grinned. "I think I'll go say hello to Parker."

"Pet, stay away from him. I don't know what you've got cooked up, but it's better to leave it alone. I'll still kick his spotty ass though."

Buffy giggled. "Not necessary, my cute little cave man."

"What did you see in him anyway?" Spike looked at Parker critically.

"He was nice. Rather, he seemed nice. And I'd had such incredibly bad shit happen to was nice to have someone being kind to me. I should've known he had ulterior motives. Chalk that one up to me being a naive idiot."

They watched Parker for a few moments. He was smiling and talking with a few people. Lorne had wasted no time chatting up the good looking young man. Parker looked a little uncomfortable talking to the flamboyant director. Lorne came to the party as 'Elton John in his heyday'. He wore a green, bodysuit with the chest cut out, a matching green bowler hat, a fuzzy boa around his neck, platform shoes and star-shaped sunglasses. He had the mandatory Sea Breeze in his hand. Glory had commented that he looked 'fantabulous!'.

It didn't appear that Parker agreed with that assessment. He kept inching away.

"Now, don't do or say anything!" Buffy whispered to Spike as they began walking over to Parker. "I've got a plan, don't ruin it."

Spike clenched his jaw, but nodded. This would be difficult.

"Why, Parker!" Buffy said cheerfully. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Buffy? Wow--Hey, Buffy!" Parker said, surprised to see her. Lilah had told him that Buffy worked at the studio as an assistant, but he still didn't know that she was also in the movies. He hadn't kept up on his porn watching like he'd meant to. "You look great! How are you?"

'Prick.' Buffy thought with a smile. "Oh, I'm just great, thanks! What are you doing here? You get an itch to do some adult films?"

Parker laughed. "No. Aunt Lilah was always saying how I should come to the parties that you guys have here. The party that I was going to tonight ended earlier than expected, thanks to the cops. So, I remembered Lilah said that Horizons always has a fun party on Halloween. And here I am!"

Spike openly glared at him.

Parker looked at Spike nervously. "Uh...Who's your broody, sheik friend?"

"Oh, this is Spike, my boyfriend," Buffy smiled, taking Spike's hand. "Spike this is Parker."

Parker extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Spike didn't move. He just looked down at Parker's hand, then back up to his face.

Buffy squeezed his hand. "Spike, it's polite to shake hands."

"No, thanks," he said tightly.

Buffy sighed. "He gets overprotective. I see that you've met Lorne!"

Lorne turned back to them. "Hey, Dumplin'," he said to Buffy, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Lorne, you look great! I'd swear that I was looking at Sir Elton himself!" she laughed.

"Thanks! You have no idea how hard it was to find this ensemble! I'm more devilishly handsome than the original article. Having a good b-day shindig, Sugar Snap?" he asked Spike.

Spike smiled, he was still on edge about Parker, but Lorne was such a nice guy--you couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, thanks, mate. It's been a lot of fun."

"Wait till you see what I got you," Lorne chuckled. "I think you'll dig it. I think you'll both dig it!"

"What did you buy me, you diabolical fiend?" Spike asked.

"You'll see. Look at that," Lorne said, squinting into his glass. "I need a refill!"

"Spike, could you get me a Coke?" Buffy asked. Spike looked at her, clearly not wanting to leave. "Please?" she asked.

"Sure, pet. Be right back," he said reluctantly.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek, cast a dangerous look at Parker, then left with Lorne. Lorne put his arm around Spike's shoulders as they walked to the bar.

"Your boyfriend isn't very sociable," Parker commented.

"Oh, he's usually very friendly. But I told him about what happened between you and me. He's got a bee in his bonnet about it, I suppose."

"Oh. Thanks for coming over to talk to me."

Buffy's sweet smile broadened. "That's alright."

"That Elton John guy was hitting on me, gives me the creeps." Parker said with distaste, shuddering slightly.

Buffy's brows furrowed momentarily. "That's just the way that Lorne is. He's very friendly with everyone."

"I don't like fags hitting on me. I'd appreciate it if you could keep him away from me. He looks pretty 'friendly' with your boyfriend, Spock."

Buffy fought the urge to punch him. "Spike."

"Right. Sure they're not secretly getting each other up the ass?" he laughed.

"Ha-ha-ha," Buffy laughed with false amusement. "I'm sure."

Parker turned back to her, taking her hands in his and giving her that insincere smile. "I'm really glad to see you."

"Really? After what happened?"

"I had a little fun with you and my aunt, I admit that. I almost had a stroke when I saw what you did to my Brandy."

Buffy giggled. "Yeah, I was pissed at you. Thought I'd get a little revenge."

"Well, I forgive you," Parker said piously. "Maybe not telling you the whole truth wasn't such a nice thing to do."

'Ya think?! You disgusting little worm! You forgive me!? How about the lying to me about your father being dead? How about the fact that you set out to embarrass me? And that you just wanted to fuck me and treated me like a whore the next day? Oh...You're goin' down, buddy!'

Buffy grinned. "That's good, Parker. I'm not upset with you anymore either. After all, I owe my new film career to you! If you hadn't been a dickhole and set up that meeting with Lilah, I wouldn't be a top porn star right now."

"No shit? You're making porn!?" his eyes lit up.

"Yeah! I've made some hot films. I'm making lots of money, I have a great boyfriend and friends. Life is good!"

"Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!" Parker kissed her on the cheek. Buffy grimaced, then smiled brightly again. "By the way," Parker said, "did you feel alright when you left my place? I mean, did you feel sick to your stomach or anything?"

"No...Why do you ask?"

"I had a touch of stomach flu I think. Man, was I nauseous! For like two days. Glad to hear you weren't sick too."

'Hehehe! I hope that was because of the toilet water thing!'

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Buffy said, making a sad face. "You're all better now?"

"Yeah, I'm great now." He leaned in towards her. His breath on her ear made her skin crawl. "Maybe," Parker said silkily, "we can get together sometime"

"I...don't think so. I've got Spike now. We only have sex with other people in our movies, or as a couple."

Parker's eyebrows shot up. "Oh...Couple?"

"Uh-huh. I do want to thank you though...I feel like I owe you something for inadvertently helping me to start a great new life."

"I have a...few ideas how you could do that..."

Buffy suppressed a shiver of revulsion. "Hey...I know! Have you met any of the other girls here?"

"I met Tara and Willow. I've seen some of their movies--very hot chicks." His eyes sought out Tara and Willow in the throng of people.

Tara was wearing a black and white, French Maid costume with fishnets and high heels. Willow was dressed as a sexy vampire with a black and red leather outfit. She currently had her fake fangs out, she couldn't talk right with them in.

"I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind having some fun with you. You interested in them?" Buffy asked.

"Are you kidding? Oh yeah, very much!"

"Let me see what I can do. You mingle for a few minutes." Buffy patted him on the back and went towards Tara and Willow.

"Cool," Parker grinned, getting extremely hot and horny at the prospect of fucking the sexy girls.

Spike was coming back with Buffy's drink when she waved him over. She was having a talk with Tara, Willow, Faith, Riley, Robin and Lorne.

"What's going on?" Spike asked.

"Buffy has an idea on how to get back at that Parker creep," Willow tittered.

"Buffy, why can't you settle for some of the old ultra violence?" Spike asked.

"No violence. Snuggle in close guys, here's what I want to do..." Buffy whispered her plan, asking the others if they would agree to take part.

Their eyes got big, they laughed and giggled. They all agreed that it sounded like fun.

"Pet," Spike said when she was done, "what about Lilah? He's her nephew. Don't you think she'll get pissed when she finds out--"

"Lilah, Shmilah! I've got that covered to, me thinks. Walk with me Lorne. You guys spread the word--but quietly!"

Buffy and Lorne walked away, talking conspiratorially. Lorne took off after a minute to ready his part in it.

"I'm likin' this naughty, wicked, mean side of B," Faith smiled proudly. "Didn't know she had it in her."

"Me either," Spike said. "Though, if someone deserved it, it's that git."

The players in Buffy's little drama prepared everything. Then it was time to set it in motion.

Buffy went back to Parker with Willow and Tara. She introduced them. They were all smiles and flirty with him.

"So, Buffy tells us that you like our movies?" Willow asked him.

"Oh yea! You girls are terrific!" Parker gushed.

"Thanks! You're so sweet!" Tara touched his arm, batting her thick eyelashes at him.

"You were right, Buffy," Willow smiled. "He is a cutie pie! You want to...get to know each other better?" Willow asked.

She leaned in and licked a line up his throat and nipped at his chin.

"Really?" he asked.

Willow nodded and licked her lips, "Oh yeah."

Tara cozied up to him too. "Buffy says that you're a stallion in bed. Can't wait to try you out myself."

Actually, Buffy had told them that he was 'okay', and that she'd only cum once before he was done for the night.

"Cool!" Parker said, not believing his luck. "Where to?"

"Hmm, I know a place. It's real close," Willow purred, tugging on the sash around his waist. "Follow me."

"Have fun!" Buffy called after them and waved.

"Oh, we will!" Tara said.

The girls giggled, dragging Parker off. After the girls and Parker disappeared through a door, Buffy clapped her hands.

"Okay, everyone. Here we go! Now, shush! Quiet as little mice!"

Everyone giggled and moved toward the set that Willow, Tara and Parker entered.

Willow and Tara pushed Parker down on the bed.

"Can....I tie you up, Parky?" Willow asked coquettishly.

"Hmm, like bondage, do you?" he asked.

"Yeah," Willow giggled.

"Fine by me," Parker said. "Tie me up, baby."

The girls swiftly undressed him.

"Put your arms over your head," Willow commanded. Parker did as she asked without hesitation.

Tara giggled and tied him to the bed; wrists and ankles. She made the bindings tight, but not too tight as to cause discomfort.

Tara straddled him. "Can I blindfold you? That really turns me on," she breathed.

"Yeah, okay," Parker said, drinking in her curves.

Tara tied a blue scarf around his head, covering his eyes. She looked at Willow and grinned.

"Okay!" Willow said loudly. "Now we're gettin' somewhere!"

"We're going to have a little fun with that cute bod of yours," Tara said, climbing off of him.

"Don't make me wait too long for it, baby," Parker said.

"Oh, we won't," Willow promised, winking at Tara.

Riley and Robin entered quietly and went to the bed. They were both wearing bath robes, which they discarded and put aside. Now nude, they settled on the bed, Willow and Tara hovered over the men's shoulders.

"Mmmmm, such nice legs," Willow said.

Riley ran his hand up Parker's leg.

"Want Tara to blow you?" Willow asked.

"Oh yea!" Parker said.

"She's shy about giving guys head. But she's an expert pole smoker. You'll like this. Let her know if you like it. Otherwise, she might quit."

"I will!" Parker promised.

Robin took Parker's nice, average-sized cock (5 inches) in his hand and stroked it. He winked at Riley, who was stationed near Parker's head, and lowered his mouth to take in Parker's dick..

"Ahhh!" Parker moaned.

"You like that?" Willow asked.

"Oh yeah!" Parker exclaimed.

"Mmmmm, yeah, Tara!" Willow said. "Suck that cock!"

Spike and Buffy (along with many of their co-actors and the crew) were watching the action on the bedroom set.

"You came up with that all by yourself--and so quickly?" Spike asked softly, keeping his voice low.

"What? I'm not capable of coming up with a plan?" she asked, sounding peeved.

"No, I know you're smart, luv. It's just so...very evil. I approve of it, don't get me wrong...Didn't know you had such a mean streak."

Buffy giggled and kissed him. "Don't get on my bad side, baby."

"I won't--Believe me, I won't!" he chuckled and threaded his arms around her waist as they watched.

"Ahhhh! Oh yea! Fuck---Tara!" Parker moaned.

Robin smiled and bobbed his head on Parker's cock. Riley stifled a laugh and kissed Parker. Parker moaned into the kiss. Riley broke away, waggling his eyebrows at his co-conspirators.

"You're a good kisser, Parker," Willow commented.

"Ahhh--You too!" Parker said.

"Wow, look how hard you're making him, Tara!" Willow giggled. "You must really be enjoying this, Parker."

Robin looked up at Willow and waggled his own eyebrows as he slid his mouth up and down from balls to tip repeatedly.

"Fuck--Ohhh It feels so good!" Parker moaned loudly.

Spike whispered to Buffy, "When's he going to get his first surprise?"

"Soon," Buffy smiled.

Parker's cock was hard as granite and throbbing. He moaned and squirmed on the bed.

"Would you like to watch her suck your dick? I think she'd be okay with it now," Willow said.

"Yeah! Oh yeah!"

Willow pushed his blindfold up onto his forehead. Parker blinked and looked down with a smile. The smile disappeared when he saw a big, black dude sucking on his cock instead of the curvy blonde woman that he'd been expecting.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? GET AWAY FROM ME!" Parker yelled and tried jerking away, his face reddening with anger, his eyes like saucers.

Robin released him and sat back. They all laughed (except Parker, of course).

"I'm not a fucking fag! Untie me! Untie me NOW!" Parker struggled to free himself.

Tara had been a Girl Scout and member of the 4-H Club, she could tie a damn good knot.

"Hey, hey..." Willow and Tara both ran their hands over his chest. "You were liking it, remember?"

"That's when I thought it was you! Real fucking funny! Let me go!"

"Excuse me," Robin said, lowering his eyebrows and voice, "did you call me a fag?" he asked Parker.

"Uh..." Parker gulped.

"I think he did, Robin," Riley said. "You give him a great blowjob and he calls you names...That's gratitude for ya!"

"I--I just want out of here!" Parker said anxiously. "Please!"

"Parker," Willow said, playing with his nipples, "Tara and I really do want to fuck you. But...for us to get really into it and turned on, we need to see guys fucking first."

Parker shook his head from side to side violently. "NO WAY! No fuckin' way!"

"Aw, please, Parky," Tara pouted.


"You can do whatever you want to us, wherever you want. You want to see me eat Tara's sweet pussy? The way she moans and screams when she cums...she's so beautiful." Willow smiled and gave Tara a wet kiss over his body.

The girls kept kissing, moaning and giggling softly. Parker was mesmerized. Nothing like two hot chicks doing each other. He swallowed hard. He really wanted to fuck both of them and watch them do things to each other. He glanced at Riley and Robin, they were smiling back at him with big grins.

"You...promise...I can do anything I want to you two...after?" Parker asked the girls.

"Oh yeah, we just need the proper enticement. Watching gorgeous guys getting it on makes me so...Ohh-hhhmmm!" Willow sucked in air, palming her tits and tilting her head back.

Parker licked his lips. If that's what it took... " can't tell anyone about this."

The four extremely naughty people nodded, hiding victorious smiles. Parker was untied, then the homoerotic fun began.

Buffy kept her hand over her mouth to keep the giggles in.

"He's really pounding Riley's ass," Spike said. "Look at 'im go!"

"Heh-heh, he sure is. I think Parky's more into dudes than he'd first thought."

"Well...he's certainly into Riley--the ass part, anyway."

They watched as Parker enthusiastically fucked Riley, Robin was mouthing Parker's ass and massaging his balls at the same time.

"You think he'll let Robin fuck him?" Spike asked. "It's one thing to fuck another guy, but being fucked by one is more daunting."

"I have confidence in my porno buddies' abilities. They'll convince him. Hehehe--Hear the way Parky's moaning and making animal noises? He barely made a sound when we screwed. Hmm, doesn't say much for me, does it?" Buffy joked.

"Not your fault, pet." Spike kissed her cheek. "He just seems to really like pounding ass--or maybe it's an in the closet kind of thing."

They focused back on the threesome on the bed when the cries got louder.

Robin knelt behind Parker, tapping his ass with his big, black cock. He was lubed up and ready to drill.

"Ready for me? Can't wait to fuck this cute little, white ass."

Parker looked behind him uncertainly, beads of sweat covered his body. "I...don't hurt me..."

Robin chuckled, "I'll be nice and gentle."

"He looks like he's having fun," Buffy said.

Parker had yelled and groaned with pain when Robin first started fucking his ass. But the sounds he made and the look on his face changed after a few minutes, to pleasure.

Buffy's brows creased. "This might backfire on me. He might decide he's been living a lie and embrace his gayness. That would suck. I don't want him to be happy."

"I think he's going to be confused as hell. You don't usually call gay people 'fags' affectionately. Chances are, he's going to be angry with himself...and all of us, of course," Spike chuckled lightly.

They watched the action on the bed come to a loud, explosive conclusion.

Parker screamed, cumming hard in Riley's ass. Then Riley came. Then Robin gave a primal roar, unloading into Parker's previously virgin ass. Robin pulled out, spraying the last bit of cum onto Parker's bucking ass cheeks then smearing it around. The men pulled out of each other and away. Parker lay on his back, panting for breath and sweating profusely.

"Thanks, Parker," Riley said, stretching then putting his robe back on. "You're a great fuck."

Robin laughed as he put on his own robe. "Yeah, thanks! Damn! I love fucking a virgin, so fucking tight! Better than pussy--no offense, girls."

Willow and Tara giggled.

"None taken," Willow said.

"Plus," Robin added, "I've got a thing for fuzzy, lily-white boys. I'd love to pump your ass some more."

"Yeah, when do you think we can do it again?" Riley asked innocently.

"Again?" Parker asked incredulously. "No! There's...not a next time. This was just--I only did it to get with them." He pointed to Willow and Tara.

"Aw, come on! You loved it!" Riley laughed.

"No I didn't!" Parker's voice went up by several octaves.

"I've got an ass full of your cum that says otherwise," Riley said.

Parker turned various shades of red, looking away. He couldn't believe he'd done it--Or that he really did like it--a lot. 'I'm not a fucking faggot!' his mind screamed. He needed to reaffirm his heterosexuality--and fast!

He ignored Riley and Robin, looking at the girls. "Well? Should I get cleaned up first before we do it?"

"Huh?" Tara asked, looking confused.

"Should I clean up, get a shower or something, before the three of us fuck?"

"Oh, that!" Willow said. "You know...while you guys were screwing--very hot, by the way--Tara got me off. So I'm kinda satiated."

"Me too," Tara said.

"And we've been away from the party for too long. We should get back," Willow said, pulling on her vamp costume.

"! You fucking promised that if I did--this--you would let me--"

"I changed my mind," Willow said, smiling wickedly. "But, hey, you had some fun. You shouldn't complain."

"You...bitch! You never intended to let me fuck you, did you!?" Parker demanded.

He started rising from the bed. Robin stood in front of him. "You better not be getting ready to touch either of them. I wouldn't want to have to beat the shit out of someone I just fucked--that's not polite. But I will, if you lay a hand on them."

Parker was angry, but not that stupid. Robin was huge, over 6 feet tall, big and broad-shouldered with thick muscles. The large, black man could squash him like a bug. He gulped and sat back down, Robin's dark eyes stared him down.

Buffy, Spike and the other party guests entered the set, clapping and cheering. Parker was startled and got even more angry once he surmised that they'd been there all along.

"Wow, Parker!" Buffy grinned. "That was such fun to watch! You went to town on Riley's sweet butt! Can you walk okay, Ri?" she asked the tall blonde.

"I'm just great, thanks for askin'," Riley said with a chuckle.

"What--What's going on?" Parker asked in confusion.

"You know how I said that I wasn't pissed at you anymore? Well, I lied. I hate you like poison. The little smidgeon of revenge I had, pouring out your Brandy and soaking your kitchen utensils in the toilet bowl, left me feeling unfulfilled--just like when we had sex. I wanted more revenge than that--those were more like pranks than good vengeance."

"You...Toilet bowl?! You bitch! You made me sick!" Parker yelled.

"At least we're even on that score. You made me sick too, figuratively speaking," Buffy laughed.

Parker hurriedly got back into his pirate costume. He winced at the feeling of spunk leaking out of his ass. His pants and underpants clung to his wet butt.

"So, how's it feel to be gay now?" Buffy asked.

"I'm NOT GAY!" Parker shouted.

The men formed a protective line between Parker and Buffy, just in case he flipped out and tried hurting her. Spike stayed by her side with his hand on the small of her back. She only needed to give the word and he'd knock Parker's block off.

"Gee, that's funny. 'Coz...getting fucked while you're fucking another guy...kinda gay," Buffy sighed and batted her eyes at him. "Especially if you have a screaming orgasm from it."

"I'm not a fag! You tricked me!" he protested.

"You're starting to hurt my feelings, Parky," Robin pouted.

The others laughed.

Parker was shaking with anger and humiliation. "It's not my fault that you're a slut, Buffy! I hardly had to do any convincing--You spread your legs for me pretty damn fast!"

Spike growled.

Buffy just laughed, not offended in the least. "I'm a porn star, Parker. I'm not going to deny that I like fucking. I was different back then though, I was inexperienced...naive. You saw a person at their lowest point and used them. You pretended to care about me, just so that you could fuck me then crumple me up and throw me away the next day. And the 'funny little trick' you played on me about Lilah. How did you know that I wouldn't have had a nervous breakdown or something after what I'd been through? You didn't even care. You're a miserable excuse for a human being."

"What about you!" Parker said. "What about what you've done!? Tricking someone into--into doing what you made me do!"

"We just gave you a nudge. You made the decision to fuck and be fucked, all by yourself. You needed to get played. You needed to see what it was like to be manipulated and used. 'Cept it looked like you had a much better time being used than I did," she laughed.

"You're--You're all in big, fucking trouble!" Parker raged, pointing and sweeping his arm to include everyone. "When my aunt finds out what you did, you're all fucking fired!"

"That's not a good idea, Parker," Buffy said.

"Why? Are all of you...going to beat me up?" he looked around fearfully.

He really was in big trouble if they decided to silence him, there were at least 40 of them standing around, looking at him with amused grins.

"No, perish the thought!" Buffy gasped. "I don't approve of a rule. Though Spike here wanted to bash you good."

Spike smiled. "Very true."

"But no hitting or kicking. I had a better idea," Buffy said. "Oh, Lorne! Where are you Starshine?"

Lorne walked onto the set through one of the false doors. "Someone call me?"

"You taped the whole thing, didn't you?" she asked sweetly.

"Oh, yes I did," Lorne chuckled. "Boy-Howdy! That was some good man-on-man-on-man action!" He fanned himself with his boa.

The color drained from Parker's face, he looked like he was going to be sick. "You...taped it...You taped me--"

"You porking a guy whilst being porked by another guy? Yes," Buffy said.

"Nice porking, by the way. I had a great time," Riley said.

Robin nodded in agreement.

" wrong with you?! I just had a little fun with you, for God's sake! You're all sick!" Parker yelled at everyone.

"Oh, be nice!" Lorne said in a lispy, femme voice, extending a limp wrist.

Buffy finished her speech, "Parker, if you say one word about this to Lilah, copies of this hot little movie will be sent to your coworkers first."

"Don't forget the net, luv," Spike added helpfully with a grin.

"Oh, right! Thanks baby," she kissed him. "Like Spike said, the internet will play a big part. Willow's great with web stuff. You can put it up, right Wills?"

"Yep, no problem," Willow said.

"If you blab about the fun we've had tonight, your amateur, gay porn career will officially start, 'kay?"

"You're--You sick bitch! All of you! You're sick! I hope I never see any of you again! I hope you all rot in Hell!" Parker looked like he was going to cry.

"Even us?" Riley asked with mock-sadness. "After what we've shared?"


He raced past Buffy and Spike, wanting to get out of there more than anything in the world. They let him go, having had their fill of payback and fun.

As Parker tore out of the studio, the others started singing loudly: "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye!" They repeated it over and over again, until finally, they fell out laughing.

"Thanks guys!" Buffy said happily. "You're the best--Helping me out like that."

"It was our pleasure, Buttercup," Lorne hugged her. "Those two had most of the pleasure," he said indicating Riley and Robin, "But we had a blast too...a less literal blast."

"Let's get back to the party!" Faith said, clapping Willow on the back. "I wanna shake my groove thang!"

Giles walked up to Buffy and Spike. "Well, I suppose you showed him a thing...or two."

"I know it's mean," Buffy started defending herself, "but he so deserved it. I wouldn't do that to a nice person."

"Anya told me what he did. I don't blame you for wanting some sort of vengeance," Giles said.

"Oh good, I was...afraid that maybe you'd be disappointed in me." Buffy smiled.

"On the contrary. It was inventive and took coordination and planning. Kudos." Giles smiled.

"Rupert! Come dance!" Anya called. "I want to dance to 'I love the Night Life!"

Giles shut his eyes and massaged his temples. "Bloody hell...the things you do for love...If my old mates could see me now, they'd kick my ass. I feel like kicking my own ass."

Buffy and Spike giggled as Giles went to Anya.

Everyone was back in the main party room, dancing and having a good time. Buffy and Spike were dancing to a slow song, 'How Deep Is Your Love?' by the Bee Gees. The lights were low, the mirrored ball that Jonathan and Andrew had hung from the ceiling earlier, spun and cast shards of light around the dance floor.

Buffy's arms were around his neck, Spike's were around her waist. They danced slowly. Her fingertips lightly stroked over the back of his head. She wanted to touch his hair, but the sheik headpiece--while sexy--covered his gorgeous platinum mane.

"I want you to have something special as a birthday present," she whispered in his ear. "Whatever and whoever you want, any way you want. I could ask Willow and Tara to help out--They'll really put out this time though," Buffy giggled.

Spike held her tighter. "You really want to make it special for me?"

Buffy kissed him softly. Looking into his eyes she said, "Yes. Tell me who you want and I'll make it happen."

"You. Just you," he said, his blue eyes penetrating and igniting a fire in Buffy's core. "Think I can have that?"

She smiled, sparks shot through her body. "Yeah, most definitely."

They started kissing, closing their eyes; their hands stroked and caressed, their bodies reacting to the touches and nearness of the other. Desire, fierce and powerful, raged through their bodies.

"Woo!" Faith hooted from nearby. "Looks like Spike's going to get another present! Can we watch?"

Spike and Buffy stopped kissing, resting their foreheads together and catching their breath. They turned their heads to look at Faith.

"Sorry, Faith. This is going to be a private performance," Buffy smirked.

She took Spike's hand and led him quickly through the throng of dancers.

"Aw! No fair!" Faith whined. But she was easily distracted by Forrest grinding against her ass.

The blondes found another set, away from the main room. There was a convenient bed all ready for them. Before they could get to it, Spike pulled her back by her hand, making her fly against his body. He grabbed her around the waist. They stared into each other's eyes for several moments, breathing harder by the second.

"Spike--I want you so bad!" Buffy moaned softly.

Spike growled, then kissed her intensely. Their passion exploded, reducing them to slaves to their libidos once again. Buffy pushed him backwards until they were up against the wall. She brought her leg up, hooking it over his hip and grinding her pelvis against his aching hard-on. Buffy whipped the headpiece off of his head, giving her access to the beautiful, silky blonde locks underneath. Her fingers wound through and messed up his hair.

They kissed and fumbled with the other's clothes. Spike had her bikini top off in seconds. He fondled her tits then lowered his head to suck on them. Buffy moaned, his mouth was so warm and wet as he sucked on and flicked at her puffy nipples.

She got his vest off, but couldn't figure out how to get the robe off. She growled in frustration. "Stupid robe!" she said. "How does this thing come off!?"

Spike smirked, pulling away from her. He untied the sash around his waist then started pulling the robe up over his head. Buffy grinned excitedly. So that's how you get it off! She eagerly assisted him, taking over pulling it over his head and letting it fall behind him. He was wearing a pair of gray boxer-briefs under the robe (he didn't want a draft blowing up his robe and getting a chill). His hard cock was doing it's best to escape the confines of his underwear, pushing up at an angle.

Buffy stared down at his groin, taking his hips in her hands and pushing him back against the wall. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband and went down on her knees. She gave his clothed cock a series of open-mouthed kisses.

"Uhhh--Oh Buffy--Ahhh!" Spike leaned his head back against the wall.

Buffy yanked down his underwear and licked at his cock free-handed. She ran her mouth up and down the sides. Spike's fingers went into her hair. Buffy swallowed his cock, moaning and sliding her mouth over it.

"Mmmph!" Buffy took him out of her mouth, she'd almost forgot the special thing that she had planned. "Get on the bed--I'll be right back!" she said, then jumped up and ran out of the room, taking her bikini top with her.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

But she was already gone.

Ten minutes later...

Spike had replaced his headpiece but left the rest of his clothes off. He had puttered around the bedroom set for a minute, then got on the bed, pulling the silk sheet over his lower body.

"Bloody hell! Where is she?" He was wondering if he should put his clothes back on and go look for her, when he heard someone approaching. "Buffy? " Spike asked.

"Yeah, it's me!" Buffy said, sounding breathless.

He couldn't see her yet. "Where have you been? I've been waiting here forever." Spike squinted into the darkness.

"I've got a special surprise for you. Close your eyes!"

"Alright. Better be good after all the time I sat here twiddling my thumbs," Spike joked with a smirk. He had no doubt that he'd love whatever she'd cooked up. He covered his eyes with his hands.

"You weren't twiddling anything else, were you? I've got plans for you, Mister," Buffy laughed.

"No, just the thumbs, luv," Spike chuckled.

Buffy peeked through the door to make sure he wasn't looking. She tip-toed in, setting down the wrapped presents on the bed that she'd be giving him shortly. But the main present was the one she was wearing.

Her Princess Leia as Jabba's slave costume looked very good on her. Jonathan and Andrew (the resident Star Wars experts) had personally supervised and helped put together her costume, insuring it's authenticity. Buffy wanted to look as close to the real thing as possible. She wore a twisted gold armband on her left bicep, a gold bracelet on her left wrist, small gold earrings, a gold neck collar with a thin chain attached. Her bikini was dark purple with vines of gold winding through it. A dark purple, diaphanous veil hung to the floor from where it attached to the crotch of her bikini bottoms. And of course, the long, brown wig, pulled back and plaited.

Buffy checked herself over for a moment. She brought the braid around to lay on her chest then put her hands on her hips. "Okay, you can look," she said, anxious to see his reaction.

Spike was smiling when he took his hands away from his eyes. When he saw her, his face froze. His brain was going a mile a minute, processing what he was seeing. "Oh God..." Spike whispered, sitting up.

His eyes examined her from head to toe, and then back again. His lips parted.

Buffy jiggled. "Well? Say something."

"I--I'm finding speech...a bit...tricky...just now," Spike said.

"If you like it, nod your head," she grinned.

Spike's gaze went back to her eyes, he smiled flirtatiously and nodded. He gave her one of his patented, 'I'm so going to fuck you!' slow eye blinks accompanied by that sexy smirk of his.

"Here," Buffy tossed the smaller of his presents onto the bed near him, "open this."

Spike didn't look away from her, he felt around until he picked it up and tore the paper off.

"You have to look at it," Buffy said, feeling very pleased at his dumbstruck reaction.

Spike curled his tongue up then looked at the present. His eyebrows met when he saw the package containing the vibrating cock ring. He wasn't sure what the hell it was at first. It was a soft, purple jelly cock ring, with special extensions for giving the female partner clitoral and anal stimulation. The vibrator was wireless so as not to have any pesky wires get in the way during the act.

Buffy giggled. "I want you to put that on, right now."

"This is my present?" he asked with a chuckle.

"That's one for both of us, along with my getup. Put it on. Don't make me spank you--"

Spike groaned at the bolt of arousal that shot through him--Buffy, dressed as Princess Leia, spanking him...

"You'd better get that thing on before you get too hard there, baby."

Buffy was feeling so confident, so strong and accomplished--as if there were nothing that she couldn't do. Earlier, she had gotten some sweet, sweet revenge on that asshole Parker. And now she was making the handsomest, sexiest hunk of man-flesh ever to walk the face of the Earth dizzy with lust. Her body was buzzing with her womanly power over him. She loved it!

"Yeah...yeah, okay." Spike was breathing harder as he tore open the package.

Buffy stayed a safe distance from him while he put it on. She licked her lips, getting very hot herself.

"This how it's supposed to look?" Spike asked once it was on.

"Yeah, that's good. Now, let's start the fun." Buffy said silkily.

Spike smiled at her, still amazed at how astonishingly hot she looked--Not that she didn't normally, but this--this was really something special. How many times had he fantasized about Princess Leia in that bikini? He didn't know for sure, but it was a LOT!

Buffy moved her hands up her body, rotating her hips slowly. Spike was quickly becoming hypnotized by her. Her fingers played in her cleavage for a few moments, she licked her lips and moaned. Spike moaned too, feeling his cock becoming rock hard.

"Turn on the vibrator part," Buffy said, turning to the side and rolling a shoulder at him and blowing him a kiss.

Spike glanced down long enough to find the switch and turn it on, then his eyes bolted back to her. He got up and kneeled on the bed, sitting on his heels and fighting the urge to leap on top of her and fuck her like an animal. This was special, Buffy went to a lot of trouble to do this for him. He had to control himself and enjoy her teasing. The vibrations from the ring felt incredibly good.

Buffy continued talking as she moved her body in fluid waves, "I'm Princess Leia, and you are the sexy Jedi who rescued me from Jabba the Hut's evil clutches. You can call me Princess, Princess Leia, Your Highness or just Leia. Got it?" She winked at him.

Spike nodded, his tongue pushing against his bottom lip. Buffy smiled happily, he was completely under her spell. He looked so cute and fuckable! Buffy danced closer to the bed, swaying her hips.

"However can I thank you, brave Jedi?" Buffy/Leia asked. "That horrible Jabba was going to put his slimy paws all over my sweet, tight," she thrust her pelvis at him, "virginal body! Thank the Gods that you rescued me before he defiled me!"

Spike looked drunk, staring at her with his mouth open slightly. His hands rested on top of his thighs, trembling slightly.

"Hey, Jedi, I'm talking to you. Did you hear me?" she asked, gyrating her hips clockwise, then counter-clockwise.

"Uh...Yes...I...I'm glad that...I could get you out of there in time. Before he...touched you," Spike was practically drooling.

Buffy/Leia giggled, "Oh yes! My hot, tight, toned body is untouched by masculine hands. I've been saving myself for a special someone. Tell me what I can give you for your bravery. What do you desire?"

"You!" Spike rasped.

"You want to take my body?" she purred.

"Yes! I--I want you!" Spike declared hoarsely.

She could see him fighting wanting to jump her bones, he kept moving forward slightly, then sitting back.

"Then, I offer myself to you." She danced closer, putting a foot up on the bed and trailing an index finger up, from her ankle to her hip. She rotated her hips.

"God, Buffy! You're drivin' me crazy!"

"Shhh! Leia, remember?" she said in mock-anger. Her face relaxed immediately back to flirty and seductive. "Would you like me to pleasure you first? I've been instructed on how to give a man pleasure in preparation for my wedding night. I'll be using it sooner than I expected."

"Wh-What was the question?" Spike brain fizzled.

She giggled. "Lay down on your back, Jedi."

Spike made her giggle some more at how quickly he dropped onto his back. He looked at her with great anticipation, shaking with lust. Buffy/Leia crawled onto the bed. She pulled the sheet away from him and scratched her nails up his right thigh lightly.

"Oh my...look at what a huge 'light saber' you have!" she giggled. "I think it's the biggest one that I've ever seen. Can you wield it well?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You'll find out soon enough," Spike smirked.

"Mmmm, yes, I will." She ran her hand over his hard cock.

Spike's eyes fluttered. "So beautiful," he muttered, gazing at her with open adoration and passion.

Buffy/Leia smirked. "Thank you, you're not so bad yourself. I like the vibrations," she said, grasping his cock and moving her hand up and down.

"Uhhhh!" Spike groaned.

"Do they feel good for you too?"

"Oh yes--Very good!" he said.

"I'm going to turn it off for now. It would feel strange when I put my mouth on you." She switched it off. "Do you want my wet mouth on your big, hot cock?"

"Oh yes!" Spike said.

Buffy licked his cock slowly, with long, thorough strokes of her tongue. She made little mewls and moans as she licked, her hands caressed his thigh and chest.


Buffy/Leia's amused eyes shot up to him, she stopped in mid- lick.

Spike caught himself. "I mean...Leia."

Buffy/Leia giggled and continued running her tongue all over his twitching cock. Spike moaned and put his hand on the back of her head. She took his wrist and moved his hand to the back of her neck, she didn't want him pulling her wig off at some point--That would spoil the fantasy a little bit. Hee-hee

She placed her mouth on his sac, taking one ball into her mouth and sucking on it like candy. Jawbreakers, they called them. Pretty fitting.

"Ohhmmm--Mmmmm," she moaned lustily, moving back up to take the head in her mouth.

She sucked on him, pulling off then reapplying her mouth with loud smacks and sucking sounds. Buffy loved the sounds that her mouth made on his cock, and the sounds that he made in reaction. She took his cock firmly in one hand, holding it--Gripping and stroking, gripping and stroking. The skin was hot; it pulsed in time with his rapid heartbeat against her palm. Buffy could worship his staff all night long. But there was more fun to be had.

"Mmmm, you're so hard," she said, licking up the side of his cock.

Spike groaned. She looked up into his face. His eyes were half-closed, his lips parted, his breath sawed in and out of him.

Buffy/Leia sat up on her knees, a hand still gliding up and down his stiff prick. "I want you to fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me like an animal. That's how I want it," she said matter-of-factly.

Spike quickly got up on his knees and snatched her around the waist, pulling her roughly to him. His mouth descended on hers, sucking, demanding.

"GOD--I want you so fucking bad!" Spike growled, his hands undoing the bikini top around her back.

"Yes! Take me, Jedi! Fuck me!" Buffy/Leia panted.

She helped him get the bikini top and bottoms off of her (they were a little dodgy), but she kept the wig in place. He placed her on her back and proceeded to lavish her naked body with kisses, licks and sucks. Her lips, neck, tits, stomach, and thighs were all shiny with his saliva. A light draft in the studio caused her wet skin to chill. Goosebumps broke out wherever his glorious mouth had touched. But she hardly noticed due to the fire raging inside of her. Buffy once again gave herself a mental, pat on the back for choosing this fantasy fulfillment for him--He was obviously enjoying this a great deal, and so was she.

Spike sucked on her pussy, pulling the labia into his mouth. A finger slid inside of her dripping womanhood, sliding in nice and slow. Buffy/Leia pulled his headpiece off again, she wanted to finger his soft curls as he fingered her. He smiled at her, flicking his tongue out to play with her clit.

"Ohhhh!" she groaned. "Oh fuck--Yes!" It was getting more difficult to stay in character, but she kept trying. "Oh yes, Jedi! Make me cum! Make my hot juice pour into your mouth!"

Spike growled, attacking her nubbin with his mouth--covering it and sucking, he slid another finger up her pussy, pumping his digits madly.

"AHHHHH! AHHH! GOD YES!" Buffy/Leia cried, arching her back and rubbing her pussy against his face. Spike moaned along with her, sucking up the sweet pussyjuice that flooded out of her in a torrent. "Oh God--Oh yes--Eat my pussy! Ohhhhh!"

Her fingers wove into his hair, pushing his face harder against her mound. Spike sucked and sucked, feeling her body rocking and her cum gushing around his fingers. He removed his fingers and plunged his tongue inside of her, fucking her spasming channel over and over again.

"SPIKE!" she shouted, "UHHNNGGH! AHH!" Her brain was short-circuiting; no one, but NO ONE, could munch pussy like him.

After a minute, he changed to gentle licks. "Did that please you...Princess?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"MMmmmm," she smiled down at his upturned, cum-drenched face. "Oh yesssss. Fuck--so good. I want you to fuck me now--I want to feel that big cock stuffed inside of me."

Spike laid over top of her, his painfully erect cock lay between their bodies. They kissed slowly at first, exchanging saliva and cum with their tongues. Buffy/Leia's hand roamed down to his cock. She felt around the cockring, she flipped the 'on' switch. Spike groaned when the vibrator buzzed to life. She moaned, feeling his cock shimmying and shaking on her flat tummy. Spike supported himself with one hand over her body, he put his cockhead at her entrance and looked into her eyes.

"Yes! FUCK ME!" she yelled.

With a grunt, he pushed inside of her. He kept pushing, further and further into her. Her slick pussy walls allowed his organ to slide right along. Spike watched his cock disappearing into her body. He was still amazed that he fit so snugly inside of her--his love.

"Uhhhh!" Buffy/Leia moaned, bringing her legs up and hooking them around his back.

Spike used both arms to support himself once his cock was firmly stuffed up her pussy. He fucked his hips leisurely, grinding their pelvises together on the downstrokes.

"You like that, Princess?" he asked, smiling.

"MMM-HMM!" To illustrate her point, Buffy/Leia flexed her muscles around him.

"Ohhh--Oh gahh--Fuck!" Spike's eyes rolled, he panted for breath.

She laughed, then moaned loudly, "Uhhh--God--That vibrating thing--OHHHH!"

The little protrusions on the cockring touched and stimulated her clit and asshole every time he thrust. That, and the way his cock was turned into a giant, yummy, vibrating dildo were turning her into one, big puddle o' Buffy. She'd never had it so good. Buffy eyes shot wide open as he ground his pelvis into her. The triple stimulation made her explode violently.

"FUCKKKKK! AHHHHHHH!" Buffy screamed.

She growled, whimpered and moaned; thrashing around under him, slamming her hips at him. Spike dropped on top of her fully, humping her pussy hard.

"OH SPIKE! JESUS!" Her orgasm kept going on and on.

She held onto his bucking body, yelling and convulsing helplessly, but happily. Spike withdrew from her spasming pussy.

"Turn around," he gulped in air. "Want to fuck you from behind."

Buffy/Leia flipped over, quick as a bunny, raising her ass and backing into him. "YES! Fuck me like an animal!"

Spike growled like a hungry lion, thrusting his throbbing dick back into her. He bent over her back, fucking her hard. His hips thrusted against her ass. Buffy couldn't believe how much pleasure she was experiencing. Her ass and clit continued to be stimulated, his long, fat cock vibrated in her snatch as he humped away. She sounded like an asthmatic, her body trembled out of control. Her G-spot was getting quite a workout as well. She really thought that she might pass out, but she couldn't stop--She never wanted to stop.

Spike was having just as wonderful an experience as Buffy was. The whole Leia fantasy was delicious enough by itself, but the cockring was a very welcome touch. He could feel her cumming almost continuously around him.

"Ahhh--Buf- Leia! Ohh--You like it rough, baby?"

"OH YES!" Her voice wavered and rasped. "FUCK--Oh GOD!"

Spike pumped into her fast. His cock slipped out, they both cried out in panic.

"Put it back in!" Buffy yelled.

Buffy reached under her body, her breath coming in quick gasps. She grasped at his slippery cock and tried forcing it back up and inside of her. Spike also frantically went about burying himself back inside of her. Their hands met around his cock. He pulled out of her grasp and shoved his meat back inside of her. He held her waist and pounded her pussy.


Spike's wonderfully huge, pulsing cock hammering into her, hitting her G-spot, the vibrations on her clit and asshole. Buffy started thinking like Capt. Kirk talks: 'Too...Much...Pleasure! pass--' Her eyes rolled back to white, she went limp--Passing out.

Spike kept humping lost in the incredible pleasure. "Oh God--I have to cum! Let me cum!" When she didn't respond, he slowed down his thrusts. "Bu- Princess?" He furrowed his brow, stopping his pumping completely. "Buffy? Luv?"

He tapped her on the back. Spike became suddenly and deeply concerned. Did he fuck her too hard? Had he hurt her? In a panic, he pulled out and rolled her over onto her back. Her eyes were unfocused and glazed, rolled up slightly into her head.

"Buffy! Oh God--Pet, are you okay?" He gently patted her face. "Please, be okay!--Oh fuck--I'll--I'll get help!"

Tears leaked from his eyes. He started to jump off of the bed.

"Huh?" Buffy said, starting to come around.

"Buffy!" Spike flew back to her side. His hands caressed her face frantically. "Pet, are you okay?"

"Huh? Y-Yeah...I'm--" She started giggling.

Spike still looked panicked.

"Holy shit! I fucking passed out!" Buffy said.

"Should I get someone?"

"For what?"

" were out cold. I'm so sorry, pet."

"Hey," Buffy said, noticing his tears, "why are you crying?"

"I thought--I'd hurt you."

"Oh God--No, baby!" Buffy pulled him down on top of her, kissing away his tears. "It was so fucking amazing. It was so good that it fried my brain."

Spike held her, brushing his cheek against hers. "I was scared--I was about to go find some help--I didn't know what to do."

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm just fine, promise." Buffy stroked his back.

They laid together for a few moments. Buffy became aware of his still vibrating cock against her leg, she giggled again. Spike looked at her questioningly, the beginnings of a smile on his lips.

"You were going to run out there and get help?" she asked.

He nodded, not seeing what she found funny about it.

Buffy giggled harder. "With your dick pointing skyward, bouncing and vibrating?"

"Hmm--Guess I should've thought about grabbing a sheet or something," he smiled. "But, with that lot," he tilted his head towards the party room, "it'd be an event if someone didn't run around with their willy sticking out."

"You're so sweet." Buffy kissed him. "Sorry I ruined everything by fainting like that."

"You didn't ruin anything, pet."

"Mmmm, you still...want to finish the job?" She rubbed herself against him.

"You still want to go on?"

"Oh yeah--Princess Leia is such a horny, insatiable slut," Buffy moaned. "She can never get enough of her Jedi's hard cock."

Spike was surprised that she was ready for more considering that she'd lost consciousness. He was even more surprised that he was able to shift gears back to horny after how terrified he'd been a few minutes ago. The cockring had helped a lot; keeping him hard and ready to fuck through his fear.

Buffy wrapped her legs back around him, folding her arms around him and encouraging him to thrust. Spike slipped back into her pussy to the hilt, rocking his hips.

"God--Mmmmm--Yeah--Oh baby!" Buffy breathed. "God--Yeah!--Give me all of it!"

They panted and moaned as their pace increased in speed. They rutted fast and hard, their bodies slamming together. Buffy rolled them over to ride him to his climax. She reached behind her to squeeze his balls. She could feel them tensing, boiling with buckets of cum, ready to send it rocketing into her.

"Yeah, baby! Oh yeah--Cum inside of your Princess! Fill me up with your hot cum!" Buffy groaned as she bounced up and down on his raging dick.

Spike dug his fingers into her thighs, gritting his teeth and stabbing up into her. He wanted to cum, but forgot that he couldn't with the cockring on. He growled in frustration.

Buffy moved her hand from his sac to the cockring around the thick base of his cock. Her nimble--but shaky--fingers found the release, she loosened the ring.

"AHHHH--AHHHHH! SH-SHIT! UGGHHAAA!" Spike's body shot up and went rigid.

Buffy came again at the hot spurts launched from his cock. She could feel it gushing inside of her, painting her pussy walls white. There was so much and it shot into her so fast, it almost felt like he was pissing inside of her--'Cept that would be gross. This was much better. She squeezed her vaginal muscles around him, holding him like a fist.

Their bodies shook. Their sex organs pulsed and spasmed, sending incomprehensible amounts of liquid into and onto the other. In the end, they were soaked with both sweat and body fluids. Spike's thick cum oozed out of her hole, pooling on their pelvises and dripping onto the bed. Buffy laid on his chest, resting until they recovered their motor functions.

They kissed softly, completely satisfied and worn out from their vigorous encounter.

"Happy Birthday, Spike," Buffy said, nibbling on his lips.

"Thanks, Buffy. I absolutely loved my presents." He smirked.

"Presents...Oh!" Buffy said, forgetting about the real present she'd bought for him. She looked over to where she'd set it on the bed, it wasn't there anymore. "Shit--the other present must have fallen on the floor."

"Wonder how that could have happened?" Spike chuckled.

Buffy kissed him again, then eased off of his pole. A flood of cum (his and hers) rushed out, further wetting his crotch. They laughed.

"Messy, messy, messy," Spike tsk'd.

"Wipe your hands off, I don't want you getting sticky stuff on the present," Buffy said, crawling over and retrieving the present from the floor.

Spike removed the cockring and placed it on the table next to the bed. He took the sheet and made sure that his hands were body fluid-free.

"I really don't need another present, pet. You've already given me such delightful gifts."

"Uh-huh. Shut up and open it." Buffy smirked and dropped the heavy package down next to him.

Spike shifted to move out of the very, very wet spot. "Wow, this is so big and heavy. Can't wait to see what it is."

"Then open it already!" she laughed, she was anxious to see how he liked it.

Spike carefully began removing the wrapping paper, he knew it would drive her crazy.

"Come on! Tear it off!" Buffy bounced on the bed.

Spike chuckled and tore into the paper. His face lit up when he saw the title, 'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare'. It was a beautifully bound, gold-covered edition.

"Buffy, this is wonderful! Oh, thank you!" He grinned like a little boy.

Buffy smiled brightly. "I'm glad it didn't get damaged when it fell off the bed. You like it?"

"I love it! I love--it so much. Thank you, pet."

He'd almost said, 'I love you' again. Spike leaned over and kissed her sweetly.

"I knew you'd like it," she said, pleased. "It's just like the one that Captain Picard has in his ready room on Star Trek. I remembered when we watched that one episode together. You said how much you wished you had one too."

Spike smiled and kissed her again. "This was so thoughtful of you. Thank you, Buffy. I love it."

Spike didn't want to risk getting any sweat or jiz on the precious book, he put it on the table, out of harm's way. Buffy went back into his arms for a cuddle.

"I think the wig's had it," Buffy giggled, taking off the brown wig and tossing it across the bed.

"It was a bit askew towards the end there," he laughed lightly. "Thank you, pet." He kissed her nose, cheeks, then her mouth. "This was all so unexpected, and so sweet of you to indulge me in."

"My pleasure, my hot, little Jedi Knight!" She giggled and pressed their mouths together. "Always so fucking good," Buffy moved her mouth down, planting little kisses on his throat.

"Mmmm," Spike agreed. "An excellent way to spend my birthday."

"Oh!" Buffy sat up suddenly. "You wanted to drive home tonight!"

A clock on the far wall said that it was midnight. Spike's eyes widened. Then he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut and groaning lightly.

"Shit! I forgot all about it."

"I'm sure your mom will understand. I'm...sorry. It's my fault. I distracted you."

"I had a great birthday, don't feel bad, pet," he stroked her face. "I'll call Mum in the morning, maybe drive up next weekend instead."

Buffy was still pouty and sad. Spike smiled and kissed her face gently. "I wouldn't mind introducing her to a certain lovely blonde girl that I know." He nipped at her bottom lip.

"Yeah? Meeting the parent, eh? That's kind of serious stuff," she teased.

"Very serious." Spike nodded, smirking.

After some more kisses and cuddles, they washed up, got dressed and rejoined the party.

They were greeted with a round of applause and wolf-whistles. Nobody had intruded on their private time, but they'd all heard the loud screams of ecstasy from the main room.

Buffy blushed a bit, but took great pride in what they'd done to each other. She'd made Spike scream in ecstasy, and was proud that the others had heard how crazy she could make her man. Somehow the sex just kept on gettin' better all the time.

She stage-bowed deeply at the waist, thanking them. Spike took her hand, they bowed together like the cast of a Broadway show, taking their bows after a rousing performance.

Chapter 20: Southern Man

[A/N: This chapter introduces the character of Caleb. If the thought of him getting it on with our heroes is unappealing to you, I suggest you skip this chapter. Please try to keep in mind that the character is different than the one that appeared on BtVS. He's not evil. He's just a hot, hung, horny porn actor *g*]

On Monday, Buffy and Spike were hanging around the buffet table on the soundstage.

"Remind me to write a letter praising the good people at 'Pleasure Co.' for making that cockring," Buffy smiled. "And I need to buy Faith something nice for suggesting it in the first place."

"Will do, pet," Spike said.

He had a devilish little smirk on his face as he sipped at his coffee.

"What?" Buffy smiled.

"Just thinking."


"A buffet table. Sounds like 'Buffy table'."

"And that's funny? I think all the sex is frying your brain," Buffy giggled.

"You may be right about the brain frying, but I found it more interesting than funny."

"Interesting? Yup, brain fry-age has occurred." Buffy took an apple and polished on the front of her shirt.

"No, it is interesting." Spike put down his coffee and put his arms around her from behind. He kissed her ear. "Imagining you, laid out, naked on the table. All manner of foodstuffs surrounding you...maybe some on you...Yeah, maybe some cakes and delicious things like that, placed strategically around your body."

"Oh?" Buffy smiled and stroked her fingers over his forearms, feeling herself warming up. "Okay, I'm big enough to admit that I was wrong. This is sounding very interesting."

"Mmm, some chocolate sauce, honey, whipped cream--pooled on your creamy, hot skin." Spike nibbled at her shoulder. "And it's my job to clean you up. Mum always says that it's a sin to waste food."

Buffy shuddered. She really liked the sound of her becoming a human buffet.

"Hey, there!" a man's cheerful voice said.

Spike growled lightly at being interrupted, but they were out on the main floor after all. He released Buffy and turned to see who was speaking.

"Ya'll know where Tara McClay's dressing room is?"

"Uh, yeah, mate. Tara and Willow's room is through that door, then right at the first turn," Spike said helpfully.

"Thanks," he said. He focused on Buffy. "I'm Caleb, Tara's cousin from Alabama. I'm gonna be doing a movie here tomorrow. You must be Buffy Winters," Caleb said, smiling a charming, crooked smile.

Buffy admired the new actor. He was about six feet tall, had long, dark-brown hair, big, brown eyes and an infectious, boyish grin. He had adorable dimples and a luscious, full bottom lip. He had a kind of overgrown, little boy quality to him. There was a schoolboyish mischievousness in his eyes and smile. From what Faith had said, he was 26-years-old and had been in the business for 4 years. The Verdict? Definite hottie.

"That's me...sort of. Hi, Caleb." Buffy went to shake his hand.

He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

"Oh," Buffy blushed.

Spike's eyes narrowed.

Caleb lowered Buffy's hand, but kept hold of it. "I just love your movies, Darlin'. You're the cutest little thing I ever saw. And such a terrific actress. I mean it."

"Oh...Thank you, Caleb!" Buffy couldn't help but be reduced to a girly puddle by Caleb's charisma and sexy southern drawl. His voice was soft, yet projected strong masculinity. She hadn't forgotten about Spike, he was the man that she loved, but Caleb was quite yummy. She wouldn't mind being in the middle of a Spike-Caleb sandwich--Their strong hands gliding over her body while they whispered little nasties in her ears. The combination of Spike's English accent and Caleb's southern one, might just make her head explode. The sexiness was mind-numbing.

"I can't wait to work with you tomorrow." A naughty grin curled up on Caleb's lips.

"I'm Spike, nice to meet you," Spike thrust his hand between Caleb and Buffy.

"Hi, there, Spike," Caleb said congenially, releasing Buffy's hand then shaking Spike's.

Spike felt real jealousy for the first time since he and Buffy had gotten together. She'd had sex with other guys right in front of him, but this guy just kissing and touching her hand was upsetting him.

Caleb winked at Spike, "You've made a name for yourself pretty damn quick, boy."

"I've had a lot of good opportunities, thanks to Lilah."

"I met her last year," Caleb said fondly. "Hell of a lady."

"Yeah," Spike smiled tightly. "When she gets back from Europe, maybe you two will get...reacquainted."

Lilah hadn't kept in touch much since she'd been gone. Just a few phone calls here and there. That was fine by Spike, he was nervous about her coming back. He was a bit anxious about how Lilah would take the news that he wasn't 'all hers' anymore. If Caleb became her new boy-toy, that would solve some problems.

Caleb laughed, "Who knows? 'Course, I might have my eye on someone else by then." He smiled at Buffy.

Spike dug his nails into his palm, waiting for Buffy to mention that he was her boyfriend. He waited...then waited some more. Buffy was blushy and dreamy-eyed under Caleb's gaze.

'I'm not bloody saying it. Or should I? Is she waiting for me to tell the ponce that she's my girl? Damn it!' Spike didn't know what to do.

Spike decided to forge ahead. "Maybe you could join me and Buffy for dinner at our place sometime?"

'Yeah, that's good...Let the wanker know she's mine, and sound classy about it.'

"You know, I'd love to! I got this thing tonight, but I'm free tomorrow night." Caleb smiled. "Why don't we go out for drinks tomorrow after filming, then go back to your casa for some dinner?"

"That sounds great!" Buffy said enthusiastically. Then she laughed, "I hope you don't mind getting take-out food, I'm a terrible cook."

Caleb chuckled, "Not at all. But I'm sure that I'd find anything that you put before me...finger lickin' good and downright delicious."

Buffy giggled and blushed again.

The sound of her laughter usually made Spike sigh with happiness, right now it just pissed him off.

"You're so sweet!" Buffy said, playfully slapping at Caleb's arm. "But my cooking is seriously bad. I'm going to take a class soon that will hopefully improve my skills." She looked at her watch. "Crap--I've got to run. I have some dry cleaning to pick up."

Caleb smiled teasingly at Spike. "You should do that sorta thing for her, Spike. A pretty little thing like Buffy should be restin' and putting her delicate feet up, not runnin' around all over town."

Spike grit his teeth, fighting to maintain a friendly smile.

Buffy spoke up, "Oh, I like doing stuff for myself. I don't want to be one of those women who never lifts a finger and lets her boyfriend do everything. Though he would if I asked him." Buffy put her arms around Spike and gave him a quick kiss. "Gotta go, baby. I'll be back in an hour or two." She stepped away and looked back to Caleb, "It was nice meeting you, Caleb."

"Likewise, Buffy." He took her hand and kissed it again. Buffy blushed anew. Spike's jaw tightened, his nostrils flared. "You take care now, Darlin'."

"I will. Bye!" Buffy trotted away, grinning her ass off.

Caleb sighed, as she walked further away. He watched the swaying of her hips. "That Buffy is a sweet, young thing."

"Yes, she is. We've been living together for a few months now," Spike said pointedly. "We're committed to each other."

Caleb looked at Spike with a mixture of amusement and smugness. "Well, ain't that nice? You must be real happy."

"I am--We are."

"How do you manage that exactly? Being committed but having sex with other people for a living?"

"We manage fine," Spike said. "Don't you worry about us."

"Something on your mind, Spike?" Caleb smiled.

Spike wanted to remove that shit eating grin from the brunette's face. He cleared his throat. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my girlfriend like that right in front of me."

Caleb laughed, "I'm just being friendly."

"Then don't be so--friendly with her from now on."

"You're serious? Look son--"

"Son? Will you stop with that folksy southern shit? You're only a few years older than me, don't call me 'son'," Spike's temper flared.

Caleb laughed again, harder this time. "Take it easy, boy! Don't get your britches in a bind," he said, purposely using some other southern-type phrases.

Spike growled a bit.

"Listen, I'm sorry that you have a problem with the way I am with Buffy. But I ain't changing my ways. I'm a flirt, and it looks like she is too, judgin' by the way she giggled and batted those pretty green eyes at me. She and I are gonna be having sex tomorrow for the movie, so...You'll just have to grow a thicker hide. I'll see you tomorrow, son," Caleb smirked then walked away.

Spike wanted to punch Caleb's lights out. 'Smug fucking bastard! I'll beat the--No...violence isn't the answer...yet. I'll just...have faith in Buffy. She cares about me just as much as I care about her.'

Spike was uneasy, but put the badness out of his mind for a while.

Some of the other actors came to the set to watch the filming. Tara stayed away; she left a message of support, but she didn't want to see her cousin screwing anyone. They were close--But not that close! Spike was there, trying not to look peeved. He had to try and show support for his girlfriend--and remind Caleb who Buffy's man was. He reasoned that he was probably just overtired from working so much, there most likely wasn't anything to worry about. But...there was still suspicion and doubt in his mind. Caleb was too smooth and flirtatious with Buffy for Spike's liking. Overnight, Spike had kept his dislike of Caleb to himself, Buffy would laugh if he told her his concerns. He had nothing to worry about...probably.

Southern Comfort

Starring: Buffy Winters and Caleb

It was a hot, humid day in the deep south. Buffy paced around her small motel room, her clothes sticking to her sweaty skin. She was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a yellow tube top.

"Where the hell is the repair guy!? I need to take a damn shower!" she said with irritation to the empty room.

She stood in front of the window mounted air-conditioning unit, sighing and letting the cool air blow on her hot, damp skin. Her right hand moved to her chest, touching her breasts, then slid down her stomach to her mound. She rubbed herself lightly through her shorts.

"Mmmm, a cool shower and a hot man--those are two things I could go for right now," she moaned.

A loud knock on the door made her stop her cooling off/feeling herself up. Her shoulders slumped in relief as she went to the door.

"Hi. You the gal with the broken shower?"

A very good looking man in a dark blue jumpsuit was at the door. He had a toolbox with him.

"Uh...Yeah. The shower's broken. Please, come in." Buffy moved aside, not trying to hide the fact that she was checking him out.

"I'll have it workin' for you in two shakes, Darlin'.

He strode into the room and into the bathroom. Buffy grinned, running her tongue over her top lip. She looked hot and increasingly more horny. She followed him into the bathroom.

"Hope you don't mind if I watch," she said, leaning against the sink.

He smiled at her as he opened up his toolbox. "Suit yourself. Name's Caleb, by the way," he said, stepping into the shower stall and fiddling with the shower head.

"I'm Buffy. I'm down here visiting some cousins. Does it always get so hot! I'm melting!"

Caleb chuckled, "It takes some gettin' used to."

He replaced the shower head quickly with a brand new one. He exited the shower stall and turned it on. Water streamed down.

"Yay!" Buffy clapped her hands, jumping up and down. "That was so fast! Thank you so much, Caleb!"

"My pleasure," he said, turning the water back off.

Caleb went back to his tool chest on the sink and put his tools away.

"Aren't, in that jumpsuit?" Buffy asked, running her fingers over the top of her damp tube top.

"Sure am. But can't run around naked like this heat calls for, there's laws against that sort of thing."

"That's a shame," Buffy giggled, smiling lopsidedly. "Do you...have to leave right away?" she asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"I want to jump in the shower, but I want you to be here--just in case it breaks again."

"Hmm," his eyes followed the contours of her body, his grin grew, along with the bulge in the front of his jumpsuit. "That might be a good idea...These things can stop workin' at a moment's notice. Those clothes are positively stickin' to you, honey. Need some help gettin' out of 'em?"

"You're such a gentleman," Buffy moaned. "You're looking pretty hot yourself...I think you need to get in the shower with me. It'll help you cool off and you can be on the spot if I need you."

Caleb moved against her, taking her in his arms. Their lips met, fires built in their bodies, turning their kiss more and more smoldering. He pulled her top down to her waist, one of his hands slid up her sweaty torso to palm a breast. He broke the kiss, his head dropped to put his mouth on her tit.

"Oooh--Mmmm!" Buffy moaned, running her fingers through his silky, brown hair.

After sucking on both of her nipples, Caleb went down on his knees in front of her. He smiled up at her with that boyish grin and pulled the tube top down over her waist and legs. Buffy stepped out of it while he unbuttoned her shorts. He kissed her stomach, lips and tongue caressing her skin. Buffy's shorts and panties were pulled down her legs.

Caleb put one of her legs over his arm and gave her pussy a hard lick.

"Ohhh! Uhh--Yeah!"

While his tongue played over her nether lips, he unzipped his jumpsuit and shrugged the top half off. He had on a white t-shirt underneath, the moisture on his body made the shirt transparent in parts. Caleb thrust his tongue between her labia, sliding it around inside. Buffy's head hung back, she panted and gripped his hair. She squealed when his mouth covered her clit, he pulled on it with his soft lips and rubbed it with his tongue. He inserted a finger into her hot channel, moving it in and out slowly.

Buffy groaned, "So hot! Ohhh!" She tugged on his hair, bidding him to come back up her body.

Caleb stood up, putting his arms around her again.

Buffy pushed the t-shirt up his torso. Caleb backed off and pulled it over his head; he tossed it behind him and dived back to her mouth. Her hands explored his chest, it was smooth, hard and muscular--a lot like Spike's. His abdomen was defined and cut--again, like Spike's. God--She so wanted to be the meat in a Spike-Caleb sandwich!

Buffy shoved his jumpsuit over his hips. He wore no underwear--like Spike. Without looking first, she wrapped her hand around the hardness that she felt pressing against her. Her eyes widened; she looked down at him. His cock was huge! It looked a tad smaller than Spike's, but it was magnificent.

"Wow!" she gasped.

"That's my favorite tool to use--It always gets the job done," Caleb purred.

"I'll bet! God--It's gorgeous!" Buffy grinned.

Spike's eyes bugged out at the sight of Caleb's body, especially the dick part. Now he was really getting nervous. Spike figured that no matter what, he'd still have the smooth talkin' southerner beat in the cock department--He had to reassess that. The guy looked almost as large as he was.

'Bollocks!--Shit!--Fuck!' Spike fought to seem unaffected and casual while he watched the woman in who's arms he wished to die get it on with his new competition.

They kissed some more while Buffy stroked Caleb's cock and balls. Caleb got rid of the rest of his clothing, then Buffy pulled him inside of the shower. They turned on the water to a comfortable temperature and embraced again.

Caleb lifted her right leg, bringing it to his hip, and rubbed his growing cock against her pussy.

"Oh Caleb! Yes--Fuck me! Please!"

He thrust into her, embedding half of his long, thick staff into her. Buffy cried out, squeezing her eyes shut.

"YES! OHHH! Oh so big! Oh yeah!"

Caleb groaned, "Fuck, baby! Uhhh--You gonna take all my big cock, honey? Can your sweet little pussy take all of me?"

"Oh yeah! OH give it to me! Fuck it into me!"

Caleb grabbed her ass and humped wildly into her, filling and stabbing into her pussy. Buffy held onto him, hoping that they wouldn't slip and fall, but she really didn't care--It felt too good to care. She opened her eyes to see him. Caleb looked so hot, smiling and moaning. But it was Spike's face that she longed to see; his sapphire eyes twinkling brightly, his beautiful smile, his sharp cheekbones and bleached blonde hair. She closed her eyes again, imagining that it was him with her. Or better yet...that he was with them. She imagined Spike pressed against Caleb's back, fucking his ass while Caleb fucked her--Buffy yelled as an orgasm sprang up.

"Ahhh--You like it hard and rough, Buffy?" Caleb panted.

"Mmmm! Oh yes!"

"Suck on my cock," he said commandingly. He released her and pulled out.

Buffy dropped to her knees, grasping his cock and dragging her mouth over it.

"Yeah--Yeah, that's real nice, baby!" Caleb petted her hair while she devoured him.

Spike crossed his arms, keeping his expression as blank as possible.

Harmony was also on the set too, standing near Spike and next to Andrew. She could see a little furrow on Spike's brow and the way his jaw twitched. She smiled, holding back a giggle. She wouldn't actively pursue him anymore because of his psycho girlfriend, but if they had a fight or something...she couldn't be blamed for that.

Harmony decided to add a little more 'friction'. She leaned over to Andrew, and spoke in low tones, "Damn, those two are really hot together! Aren't they?"

"Huh?" Andrew said, he still had traces of the shiner that Harm had given him. He looked around, confused for a moment. " talking to me?" Harmony almost never deigned to speak to him, unless it was an insult or an order.

"Yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Don't they look super hot together?"

"Oh...yeah. They do," Andrew responded, looking back to the lustful blowjob taking place.

Spike overheard (as Harm had hoped). He tried not to listen. His own mind was creating enough havoc, he didn't need other people adding to it.

Spike grit his teeth, his nostrils flared. He wanted to get the hell out of here; he didn't want to watch or hear anymore. But he had to keep his cool. Nobody else needed to know what an insecure, little git he really was on the inside.

Harm continued, "That Caleb is so fucking hot--and Wow--What a huge dick! Buffy looks like she's really into fucking him--But who wouldn't be? Am I right?" she giggled, nudging Andrew with an elbow.

"Ouch," he whispered, rubbing the spot that she'd elbowed. "I bruise easy, don't do that. Why...are you talking to me?"

"Oh, never mind! Get lost, loser," Harm groaned, moving away from Andrew and nearer to Spike.

His posture made it obvious to her that he was having some issues with the scene.

"You okay, Spike? You seem tense?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"Hmm?" Spike said. "Oh...I'm fine...yeah."

Harmony smiled. "Those two are really going at it! I've had boyfriends who were actors too. It's weird, isn't it? Seeing your snuggle bunny snuggling with someone else..."

"Yeah...well...that's," Spike said tonelessly. "I've seen her with other guys before."

Harm kept herself from smiling. "It's especially hard when they have lots of heat and good onscreen them," she nodded at Buffy and Caleb, who were kissing once again.

Spike didn't respond this time.

Caleb lifted Buffy and slid his 10 inches of throbbing manhood back inside of her. Buffy wailed and wrapped her legs around him. He screwed her hard against the wall; pounding and plundering.

"Ahhh--OH--Wow--Oh yes!" Buffy squealed as she came.

"Ohhh yeah! Uhhh--Fuck--You're pussy's so good, baby!" Caleb groaned, fucking her madly.

After a minute longer, Caleb stopped pumping. He held Buffy up, keeping her in place with his cock still buried inside of her, and turned off the water.

"Don't wanta waste water," he smirked. "Let's take this to the bed."

"Mmmm, yes! Let's!" Buffy agreed, giggling.

Caleb walked out to the main room with her locked around his waist and lowered them both to the bed. He gyrated his hips delicately. He licked and sucked water from her neck then her breasts.

"Oh Caleb!" Buffy moaned.

"Such sweet titties," Caleb said lowly, licking around an areola. "Why don't you fuck me for a while, honey?"

He rolled them over until he was on his back. He gave her a slanted smile, caressing her breasts. Buffy smiled down on him, beginning a slow, rocking motion.

"Uhhmmm! God--Feels so good!" Buffy gasped.

Caleb grunted his assent, fondling her tits and rocking up into her.

They humped for a few minutes (to Spike it was an eternity). Caleb moved his hands to her ass, grabbing and handling her cheeks roughly. Buffy arched her back, gasping and dropping on him harder. Caleb sat up, sucking on her nipples.

Buffy moaned, "Oh Caleb--Oh yeah!"

Caleb put her down on the mattress on her back. "Time for daddy to drive again."

He went to his knees, raised her legs over his shoulders and plunged back into her. They groaned as he began pumping his hips, fucking her with strokes that became increasingly more vigorous and strong. He continued fucking Buffy, building to a crescendo.

Buffy screamed in pleasure, "Caleb!
Oh fuck--Uhhhhhh!" Her body went stiff for a moment, then she shivered all over.

"Mmm--Buffy darlin'--Shit! Gonna cum!" Caleb moaned.

He pulled out of her and jacked his big cock. Buffy went up on her elbows, still panting from her own orgasm.

"Ahhhh!" Caleb grunted, long, ropy strands flew from his cock onto Buffy's stomach.

Buffy watched, licking her lips. When the jiz slowed to a trickle, Caleb smeared it around over her torso.

"My cum looks real good on you," he smirked.

Buffy smiled and sat up, taking his cock in her mouth and milking the last drops from him. Caleb smiled down at her, playing with her hair.

"Damn, I could fuck you all night long," Caleb said.

Buffy pulled her mouth off of his cock and grinned. "Sounds good to me!"

The movie went on for a half hour longer, much to Spike's dismay. He was ready to bolt. It didn't help that Harmony kept talking about how hot Buffy and Caleb were. It wasn't Harm's fault, but he was going to snap her neck if she didn't shut up--It was making him insane.

When the movie was over, the crew clapped and whistled. Spike hurried over to the bed with Buffy's robe and a towel, putting a relaxed smile on his face.

"Nice work, pet," Spike said.

"Thanks," Buffy smiled and put on her robe. She wiped the excess cum off of her body and face.

Harmony gave Caleb his robe, he thanked her politely.

"Wow! Talk about hotness!" Harmony gushed. "You guys were terrific!"

"Thanks, honey," Caleb smiled.

'Does this asshole ever stop smiling!?' Spike thought.

"Thanks, Harmony," Buffy said, surprised to be getting a compliment from her.

"Don't mention it," Harmony beamed. "You guys got me all worked up too, think I'll go find Riley and Robin. Bye!" Harm skipped off with a bounce in her step.

"Come on, Buffy," Spike gently tugged her by the hand. "You can shower in my dressing room."

"Okay," she stopped and smiled at Caleb. "You were great."

"You were too, Buffy. I hope we can work together again, real soon," Caleb winked at her.

"Me too! See you later!"

Spike glared at Caleb for a second before Buffy pulled him along with her.

Caleb chuckled, watching the retreating blondes. It was quite apparent that Spike was burning with jealousy. True, Caleb was sweet on Buffy--But Spike struck his fancy too.

Caleb had started swinging both ways a long time ago. He stuck mostly to partners of the female persuasion, but occasionally a guy would come along that got his motor revved. Caleb had watched all of the films that Spike had made so far--They never failed to get him hot and make him spray cum all over his stomach and chest. In his years in the business, he'd never seen a guy with a body as good as Spike's with a face to match, or with such a long, thick cock. Spike's body reminded Caleb of his own, and he was vain enough for that to be a big attraction. He wanted to fuck and be fucked by that glorious prick--preferably as Buffy's pussy was simultaneously being pounded by one of them. Oh, to be the fillin' in a Spike-Buffy sandwich...

Maybe tonight, Caleb could smooth things over with Spike. He didn't want the hot blonde to have it in for him...just have it in him.

"Ya'll ready?" Caleb asked, walking up to Buffy and Spike in the lot. "I could go for a Jack with a beer back."

Buffy admired the way his faded blue jeans and denim jacket fit him perfectly. His thumbs were hooked into the pockets of his jeans, drawing the eye to his large bulge.

"Yeah, about that," Spike said, "Buffy and I forgot that we aren't old enough to be served in a pub. If they decide to card us we can't drink. Guess it wasn't such a good idea."

"Hmm, I keep forgettin' how young and fuzzy you two are," Caleb smirked, anxious to pluck the fuzzy little peaches off of the vine and sink his teeth into them--their hot juice spilling into his mouth and--He halted that line of thinking, feeling his cock stirring in his jeans. "Then why don't we go straight to your house? I'm assuming you have something to drink there?"

"Yeah! We have a really cool bar with lots of drinkables," Buffy chirped. "Follow us back to the house in your car, Caleb." Buffy skipped through the lot heading for the DeSoto.

"See ya there, Spike," Caleb said smoothly, with a tip of his head.

Spike narrowed his eyes at Caleb's denim-clad back.

"Come on, Spike!" Buffy said from across the parking lot.

"I'm coming," he said, turning and walking to her, putting the fake smile back on.

Buffy, Spike and Caleb ate their pizza and drank a few beers while listening to the stereo. Buffy tried to accommodate their guest by playing a lot of southern rock.

Caleb kept winking at Spike every time he noticed the blonde glowering at him. Spike wanted to poke Caleb's eye out and give him a permanent wink. Buffy was oblivious to the tension in the room; she was too excited about the possibilities that tonight held. Xander was spending the night at Cordy's so it was just the three of them.

Caleb brought some good pot with him and rolled a few fat joints. As he sealed up the rolling paper of a particularly fat one, he looked up at Spike; his tongue glided along the seam of the paper, he added a few extra, unnecessary flicks of his tongue. Spike thought that Caleb was teasing him with what he planned on doing to Buffy--He should have recognized the 'I'm gonna fuck you' look by now.

They passed around the joints, getting more comfortable. Caleb told them about growing up in Plunkett, Alabama and some of the fun he and his cousins used to have. Tara was always a favorite relation because of her sweet nature, he'd taken it upon himself to be her protector. He briefly touched on the subject of his 'evil twin'; talking about his brother made him uncomfortable.

Spike was feeling a little more mellow and less enraged thanks to the weed and beer, but he still wished Caleb would leave. He could tell that Buffy was aroused; she had a twinkle in her eye and her nipples could cut glass, they poked out at the material of her blue t-shirt. Somehow, Spike had been able to hide his dislike and jealousy of Caleb from her for the two hours since they'd come home--He was a better actor than he'd thought.

"I'll be right back," Buffy got up.

She was getting too hot thinking about what she wanted to happen next--she wished one of them would bring it up before she had to. What was the etiquette for initiating a threesome? Maybe she'd write Dear Abby. It seemed...un-ladylike for her to suggest it. The other threesomes or group things that she'd had pretty much just happened. Buffy's panties were so wet that they were becoming uncomfortable. She needed to change into a dry pair.

"Thanks for havin' me, Spike," Caleb said.

Spike crossed his arms and leaned back. "When she's not around, let's not pretend that we like each other, alright?"

"But I do like you," Caleb scooted closer to Spike.

"I'm this close," Spike held up his hand, holding his thumb and index finger centimeters apart, "to beating the shit out of you. I'm only putting up with you this long for Buffy's sake. I'm not going to just sit here and watch you hit on my girlfriend all night. I suggest you leave--soon."

Spike took a long pull off of the joint, followed by a drink of beer. Spike swallowed hard, almost choking, when Caleb's hand found it's way onto his upper right thigh.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked, surprised.

"You have such a hot, tight, l'il body, Spike," Caleb drawled softly. "I was hopin' that you and I could have some fun too. Don't wanna leave you out, by any means..." He leaned over and kissed the side of Spike's neck, his hand moved up feel Spike's cock through his jeans.

Spike couldn't react for a few moments, he was completely taken off guard. If he'd accurately read the many signals that Caleb had sent him during the evening, it would not have come as a surprise.

" have such a big cock. Can't wait to see it in the flesh." Caleb gave his neck a love bite.

Spike snapped out of it when Caleb lightly pinched the head of his cock through his pants. "Hey!" Spike pushed him off. "Not bloody interested!"

Caleb grinned, undeterred. "I think you are. Come on, Sugar Lips, don't play hard to get! You know you want to."

Caleb leapt on Spike, pinning him to the sofa and kissing him forcefully. Spike's arms flailed about, again, he was shocked at the other man's interest in him. He could feel Caleb's hard cock rubbing against him through their jeans.

"Oh!" Buffy exclaimed when she came back in. A flood of moisture drenched her fresh panties.

Spike succeeded in shoving Caleb off of him.

Caleb landed on the floor next to the couch, he laughed, "Oww! Easy, tiger! Gonna bruise me!"

Spike looked at Buffy, eyes wide. "He attacked me!"

Buffy giggled, thinking that Spike was joking. "I was so hoping you guys would be doing something like that when I came back!" She smiled hopefully at Spike, "Can we have a threesome, baby? I've been thinking about it all night! I had to change my underwear because I was getting so fucking wet."

"I--" Spike began to say that he wanted NO part of any sex with Caleb, but Buffy looked so expectant and excited--he didn't want to disappoint her.

"Yeah, Spike," Caleb sat up and leaned on the couch, resting his chin on the cushion and batting his eyelashes. "Can we have a threesome? I promise, I'll make it real good for you. I wanna make you scream my name." Caleb ran his hand up Spike's thigh again, he looked up at him, his tongue sweeping over his lips.

Spike swallowed and looked at his beloved's face. Her green eyes were sparkling, her smile large and hopeful.

"Alright...Threesome...Yeah." He tried to smile.

Buffy's breath caught in her throat, she laughed, putting a hand to her chest, "God! I'm so excited!"

Caleb grinned, getting back up on the couch next to Spike. "Now, don't try bucking me off when we get to the screwin'. I've ridden in rodeos before, I can hang on tight for a looong time. Can't wait to pound that tight ass o' yours..." Caleb leaned over, kissing the side of Spike's neck again.

Buffy wandered over in a daze, she was trembling with desire. She sat down in a chair near the couch. "Mind if I watch you two kiss and stuff for a little bit?"

"You want to see us together, Darlin'?" Caleb asked, his hand moving up Spike's leg to his crotch. He cupped his package and squeezed lightly. "That turn you on?"

Spike closed his eyes and breathed in. He really didn't want to do this. It wasn't that he didn't find Caleb attractive or shaggable--he did--very much so if he was being honest with himself. It was the having designs on his woman thing that put him off.

"Oh yes," Buffy moaned and shivered, "please!"

"Hear that, Spike?" Caleb asked, brushing his lips across Spike's jaw. "Buffy wants us to fuck. Don't you, Buffy?"

"Yes," she said in a husky whisper.

"You have a nice, big bed, Spike?" Caleb asked.


"Then, lead the way," Caleb said, standing up.

Spike walked to his bedroom with Caleb and Buffy following and shedding their clothes on the way. Spike stood in front of his bed, telling himself that he could do it for Buffy--for her enjoyment. He was shaken from his thoughts when Caleb came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. He lifted Spike's shirt up, Spike allowed him to take it off.

Caleb's hands spread and roamed over Spike's stomach, he pressed his bare chest against Spike's back. "Feel that, Spike?" he asked rubbing his erection against Spike's butt. "I'm getting so fuckin' hard for you. What do you say we give Buffy a good show?"

Caleb's hands dragged downwards, he undid Spike's jeans, kissing his neck and shoulder. He pushed Spike's pants down and reached for the cock he'd been thinking about all night. It was still flaccid. Caleb stroked it slowly.

"You have any sex toys?" Caleb asked Buffy. "Dildos, vibrators?"

"Uh--Yeah! We have lots of cool stuff!" Buffy, who'd removed every stitch of her clothing, raced to the closet to get their bag of goodies out.

"Don't you worry, Spike," Caleb whispered in his ear then gave it a lick, "I'll get you hard. I want you to be hard when I fuck you."

Spike gulped.

"Here! We have dildos and vibrators and butt-plugs...O My!" Buffy laughed, setting the bag down near Caleb's feet.

Caleb smiled. "Good. Got any oil?"

"Yes, we have," she took the bottles of massage oil out as she said their names, "Mango, Banana, Chocolate, Strawberries & Cream--"

"Let's try the Banana, honey," Caleb said, his voice was smooth and steady, but hinted at his heightening excitement.

He gently pushed Spike onto the bed. Spike crawled on and sat down, facing them.

"Buffy, you want to rub that oil on me?" Caleb asked.

He was only wearing his jeans, the top button was already undone. Buffy knelt before him with the bottle of oil. She smiled, pulling his zipper down then bringing his jeans down his legs. His hard cock popped out, Buffy giggled and gave it a lick.

Caleb stepped out of the pants, now standing in front of her naked. Buffy began rubbing him with the oil: first his legs, then his hips, then his cock and balls. She took longer coating them, helping herself to a few kisses and licks.

"Move on, Darlin'. Don't wanna cum just yet," Caleb said, affectionately stroking her cheek.

Buffy moved her oiled hands up his body, getting his taut stomach and chest slippery with it. She stood and oiled up his muscular biceps and forearms.

Spike watched them blankly from the bed. He didn't like it--Buffy taking so much pleasure in touching this other man. His cock twitched--part of him was enjoying it on some level, apparently. The beers and joints probably helped relax him more than he realized. Just like it had that first time with Xander.

Buffy finished oiling up Caleb's back. His skin glistened like a body builder's.

"Your turn," Caleb smirked at Spike, and motioned for him to stand up.

Spike went along with it, getting up from the bed. Caleb knelt down and put the oil aside for a moment. He looked into Spike's eyes as he pulled the jeans down all the way. Spike stepped out of them mechanically.

Caleb poured the oil onto his hand, then gave Buffy a palmful of it. He began a slow, sensuous massage, beginning as Buffy had, with Spike's thighs and working down his legs. Buffy massaged the oil onto his shoulders, she pressed kisses to the back of his neck, her tongue darting out to taste the banana-flavored oil.

Caleb massaged the oil on Spike's hips then moved up, passing by the genitalia for now. Buffy spread the oil over his back, moving down to his ass. She coated his firm globes with oil, then slid her hand along his crack, making sure to circle around his hole.

"You're in good shape," Caleb commented as his hands worked the oil into Spike's skin, "Very good shape. Nice 'n tight."

Spike was breathing harder, their hands felt so good--an erection was imminent. Caleb got up to Spike's shoulders where Buffy had applied a good coating of oil. Then he went back to the well-formed pecs, rubbing his fingers over the hardening nubs. He bent his head down, flicking his tongue over one nipple, and then the other. Caleb's tongue was relentless in it's nipple stimulation: flicking, rubbing, laving. He nipped at Spike's nubs, holding one between his teeth gently and pulling on it with his lips. Spike stifled a moan--part of him was still being stubborn and didn't want to give in to the pleasure.

Caleb grinned. He knew what was going on in Spike's mind. 'I'll break down that last bit of resistance yet...'

He got on his knees. Getting more oil on his palms, he took Spike's large dick in his hands. He laughed lightly when it jumped in this grip.

"There we go!" Caleb said, stroking up and down. "Knew you'd 'rise to the occasion', Spike."

Buffy giggled, pressing herself against her lover's back. She peeked around him to observe what Caleb was doing. Her mouth watered.

"Mmmm--Does what he's doing feel good, baby?" she asked Spike, running her hands around to his chest.

Buffy's fingertips rubbed over his nipples. Spike made a little groaning sound.

"I think I can help you muster up a little more enthusiasm than that!" Caleb chuckled.

He held Spike's dick loosely and placed his lips against the base, then slowly, softly, slid his open mouth up the underbelly. Caleb repeated the soft licks upwards several times before concentrating on the bulbous head. His tongue wrapped around it; tapping, laving, caressing. His hands stroked the shaft and played with the balls.

"Buffy, why don't you slip a finger in? Since you're back there 'n all," Caleb said with a wicked smile.

Buffy brought one hand back to Spike's ass, leaving the other on his chest to play with his nipples and feel his gorgeous muscles. Her hand fondled his ass then she slipped one finger slowly inside of him. Spike's breathing was becoming more audible.

After more tongue work, Spike was getting harder. Caleb went to the next phase in his plan to make Spike beg for it. He wrapped his lips around Spike and sank his mouth down a little. He began to move his head in an easy, circular motion--letting the cock slip and slide around in his mouth. Clockwise, then counter-clockwise, then clockwise again in a leisurely, resolute fashion.

"Yeah, Caleb!" Buffy groaned. "Eat that cock! Oh yeah!"

It felt amazing! Caleb was--amazing. A thousand wonderful sensations coursed through Spike's body. Caleb's lips, tongue and teeth--His strong, sure hands. Buffy's gorgeous, supple, nude body pressed on his back--Her mouth moving over his shoulder blades and neck--Her hand on his ass, with her index finger moving gently in and out of him.

Spike shivered with powerful arousal. 'Let it happen. Just feel!' the urgent whisper echoed in his mind. All of the negative thoughts retreated, slipping away into a deep chasm. Spike allowed himself to just 'go with it'--just feel, not analyze.

A long, ragged moan was ripped from his throat.

"Mmmm," Caleb hummed happily, looking up at Spike's lust-addled face.

He didn't want to take the cock out of his mouth to say more. His head kept moving around in circles, he'd gotten glowing reviews when he'd done this to other guys. Spike looked to be finally going with the flow; Caleb knew the hot blonde wouldn't be able to stay aloof for long.

Buffy loved touching Spike. Just touching him could make her feel so good. She put another finger inside of him, pushing them in and out of his hot, tight ass while her lips pressed and slid along his back.

Caleb removed his mouth from Spike's cock. He continued a good, steady pulling-stroking motion with his left hand.

"You likin' it so far, Spike?" he asked.

Spike groaned, thrusting his hips forward ever-so-slightly.

Caleb chuckled softly, his eyes went to the open bag of sex toys. "Hmm. What do we have here?" Caleb asked, using his free hand to reach in the bag and pull out the purple, vibrating cockring Buffy had given Spike as an extra birthday present.

Buffy smiled. "I bought that for him for his birthday. I guess that wasn't fair considering how much I like it too. I fucking fainted, it was so good!"

Caleb laughed, "That's a great endorsement! Let's get this on you before you get any harder, Spike." He slipped the cock ring around Spike's shaft. Once it was secured, Caleb switched on the vibrating mechanism. "Damn, this thing is gonna be fun for all of us!" He played with the protrusions that would eventually be bringing Buffy to climax.

Buffy and Caleb laughed, Spike moaned. Caleb turned the vibrator back off for now.

Caleb engulfed the cockhead with his lips again, sliding his mouth up and down. His tongue swept back and forth on the underside. Buffy kissed and licked down Spike's back. She knelt behind him and worshiped his ass; rubbing and kissing. Her tongue ran along his crack, darting in and around his anus.

Spike felt unsteady on his feet. His upper body swayed.

"Whoa, there!" Caleb let the cock fall from his lips. He steadied him by putting his hands on his hips. "Looks like you need to lay down."

Spike nodded weakly.

Buffy and Caleb led him back to the bed and laid him on his back. Caleb climbed on top of him, sliding their oil-slick bodies together. He kissed Spike languorously as he rubbed against him. Spike put his hands on Caleb's sides, sliding his hands up and around his back slowly.

"Buffy," Caleb continued in his role as the 'in charge' guy, "I want you to get a basin of water, a washcloth and some soap."

"Why?" she asked. He didn't want to wash the yummy oil off yet, did he?

"'Cause Spike and I are gonna fuck. Then we're gonna fuck you. I want our dicks to be clean when we switch from ass to pussy."

"Oh...Okay!" Buffy sprang off of the bed and quickly retrieved what Caleb asked for.

She was back in a flash, setting the water basin down on the nightstand. Buffy lay on her side next to them, touching and gazing at them.

"God...Oh yeah...You look so fucking hot," she moaned. "Didn't miss anything, did I?"

"Uh-uh," Caleb said, still sliding against Spike's skin and giving him soft kisses. "Buffy," Caleb said, brushing his lips over Spike's, "you want to get a vibrator for yourself and a dildo for us out of that neat little bag of yours?"

It took a moment for the words to take meaning in her brain. "Uh...Sure!"

Buffy ran over to the bag, fishing through it for the items Caleb had requested. Meanwhile, Caleb continued rubbing against Spike.

"Feel good, Spike?" he asked.

Spike's strategy of just feeling was going well, but he made the extra effort to shift his sensibilities to 'Spike the porn star'. Spike gets the job done. Spike is open, and up for anything. Spike is a seductive, sexual beast. William...not so much. William (along with all of his poncy fears and insecurities) was shoved aside to make room for 'The Big Bad'.

Spike's porn star attitude clicked into place. His demeanor changed immediately. His eyes opened and locked with Caleb's; they changed from dazed and confused to fiery in a heartbeat. Caleb almost gasped at the sensuality swirling around in the blue pools. Spike growled and flipped them over.

Then Caleb did gasp. Spike rubbed himself on top of him, running his hand down Caleb's torso to his cock. He took it in his hand and caressed it. Spike's eyes darted down then slowly moved back up, his tongue was pressed against the back of his teeth.

"How's that feel?" Spike asked in a rich, deep tone.

Caleb's surprise at Spike's sudden aggressiveness turned to delight quickly. A slow smile developed. "It feels good." Now this was the Spike that he'd wanted to meet and greet.

Buffy came back to their side, bringing a vibrator and a realistic dildo (that looked exactly like a real 8" cock and set of balls). She was happy to see Spike taking charge. He'd worried her a little at how passive he was acting before--that wasn't like him. He seemed to be back to normal now. So, no worries, as he'd say.

"Just to let you know, I ain't going anywhere for the rest of this," Buffy chuckled. "I'm staying put!"

Caleb laughed, "Alright, sweetie, no more errands."

"You make yourself nice 'n comfy, pet," Spike smiled at her.

The men kissed, lips and tongues meshing slowly. Caleb's hands roamed over Spike's body. Spike took both of their hard cocks in his hand and rubbed them together. Spike switched on his cock ring's vibrator, making Caleb gasp and groan. Buffy was so hot she thought that she'd go up in a pillar of flame any second. She parted her legs and used the vibrator on her clit while she watched them.

"Buffy isn't as oily as us," Spike said with a devilish grin, turning off his own vibrator. "That's unacceptable. What do you say we shine her up, mate?" he asked Caleb.

Caleb looked over at Buffy, almost forgetting that she was there. He laughed, "Sounds good."

The men untangled themselves from each other and moved to surround Buffy. Her breaths were coming rapidly. She lay fully on her back, waiting for the two delicious men to have their way with her.

Spike took the vibrator from her and put it aside. "You take one leg, I'll take the other," he told Caleb.

They each took one of Buffy legs and began to massage the oil onto her skin. Caleb followed Spike's lead.

Spike started with her right foot. He sucked on her toes while rubbing the sole. Buffy moaned loudly, feeling bolts of lightning shooting up her legs to her pussy. The men's ascent up her legs was torturous--beautifully agonizing. Her clit throbbed when they made it to her upper thighs--She couldn't wait much longer to feel them there.

Spike ghosted his fingers up her slit with the faintest of touches. Buffy gasped and arched up, trying to force him to touch her more firmly.

Spike chuckled, "Easy, luv. Not yet."

Buffy groaned when his fingers kept going, moving up to her stomach. Caleb and Spike massaged the oil onto her stomach then up to her breasts. Their hands each cupped a mound and played with the jutting nipple atop it. Once her breasts were oiled, Spike lowered his mouth, covering her breast with his mouth. Caleb did the same with her other breast.

Buffy moaned loud and long as they tongued and mouthed her breasts. "Oh God--Uhhh Yes!"

Spike sucked on her nipple and slid his hand down her body onto her inner thigh, caressing it and encouraging her to part her legs.

"What do you want us to do, Buffy?" Spike asked, tapping her nipple with his tongue.

"Everything!" she shouted.

The men laughed lightly.

"How 'bout something specific to start?" Spike amended.

"Ahhh--Ummm," Buffy tried to think. She wanted to get fucked bad, but she wanted to watch them too. "69--I want to see you two sucking each other off."

"As you wish," Spike kissed her lips lightly.

Caleb smiled and nodded, showing his approval.

They moved into the proper positions. Caleb moved to the middle of the bed on his back. Spike went on his hands and knees above the brunette. Caleb started working Spike's cock, sliding his tongue up and down. Spike took Caleb's rod and began bathing it with his tongue. They moaned and sucked.

Buffy was staring, transfixed. "Spike...can I fuck you with the dildo?"

"Mmm-hmm," Spike hummed, bobbing his head slightly.

Buffy's hands fumbled with the dildo a little, but she got it oiled up fast. She kneeled beside them, placing the head at Spike's opening. She massaged his ass and slipped it inside of him, stretching him out for the real thing. Just the thought of watching him and Caleb fuck was making liquid ooze from her pussy and onto her thighs.

The men were lavishing the other's prick with licks and sucks, moaning and getting more vigorous. Buffy slid the dildo in and out of Spike gently.

"Can you guys fuck now?" Buffy asked after a few minutes. Spike looked ready to take Caleb inside.

They broke apart, ready to get to the main event. Caleb moved up behind Spike, running his hands over his thighs and ass. Buffy helped by putting Caleb's cock against Spike's hole.

"Thanks, Darlin'," Caleb said, then slid his meaty cock into Spike. "Ahhh--God--Uhhh!" Caleb groaned.

He sank into Spike to the root. Buffy used the dildo on Caleb's ass as he slowly started fucking Spike.

"Uhhh--That's real good! Damn!" Caleb breathed.

He gently rocked into Spike, not wanting to rush this.

"Come up here, pet," Spike said to Buffy. "Let me eat your pussy."

Buffy extricated the dildo from Caleb and flew up the bed. She was on her back in front of Spike, her legs spread wide. They smiled at each other. He began eating her pussy--First licking the length of her slit over and over again, drinking up the large amount of moisture that had dripped out. Then he parted her lips and tongued her clit.

Buffy screamed, her body bowing off the bed, "OHHHH GODDDDD! AHHHH! YES!"

Spike smiled happily at how quick she'd cum. Her pleasure and excitement were the only reason he was doing this--at least it wasn't for nothing. He would be lying if he tried denying how much he was enjoying it too. Caleb could suck a mean cock, and his cock felt so good gliding in and out of his ass--It hit that sweet spot inside of him with every stroke.

"Yeah--Suck up that sweet pussyjuice, Spike!" Caleb moaned, fucking at a relaxed pace. He reached around and switched on the cock ring. The sudden vibrations made Spike groan.

Minutes passed. Spike and Caleb started moving together in a quicker tempo. Buffy cried out with two more orgasms, one after another.

"Oh fuck me, Spike! I need you to fuck me--Please!" Buffy wailed, needing her pussy to be filled with his cock.

Caleb stopped fucking, just resting inside of Spike as Buffy slid under them. Spike put a pillow under her ass to elevate her. Buffy took Spike's cock in her hands and steered it towards her pussy. He pushed down into her. Buffy yelled, cumming again and trying to stay relatively still until he was all the way in. She loved the way that the cock ring turned his cock into a big, beautiful, fleshy vibrator--It felt soooo good!

The three found their rhythm after a minute. Spike pumped in and out of Buffy as Caleb fucked him, their pace quickening. Buff's knees were up near her shoulders.

"Oh fuck--Ahhh!--I'm cumming!" Caleb cried, pounding into Spike urgently.

He felt Spike tightening around him and reached around to release the ring, wanting Spike to cum too. Caleb's body tensed up, he yelled as he exploded violently inside of Spike.

Buffy threw her head back in screamed in pleasure. Spike was thrown over the edge with her, grunting and moaning.

Their combined screams of ecstasy were loud and raucous; several neighborhood dogs in the area started barking at the disturbance.

They humped and jerked against each other, spilling their cum.

Caleb gulped in air, his hips still pistoning. "Unnhh! Can't--stop cumming!" His eyes rolled back, his hips wildly fucking on their own.

Spike was experiencing the same thing--cumming, and then cumming some more. His eyes were closed, his mouth opened and shut, uttering loud grunts. His cock fired round after round into Buffy's soaked pussy.

Buffy's body convulsed, shaking all over. Her hips rolled up to meet Spike again and again. The words issuing from her didn't make sense.

"Annmmha! Spaaag! Sogggodd!"

Their cries and bodies quieted over time.

Caleb rested heavily on Spike's back for a moment, panting for breath and sweating. "Wow--Fuck! Haven't cum that hard in a while," he laughed with delight and withdrew from Spike.

Buffy mewled, holding Spike against her and placing light kisses to his cheekbone. "Fuck--That was wonderful! We aren't done yet...I hope?" she looked questioningly at Spike. She'd had some great orgasms but wanted more.

Spike smiled and kissed her. "Not if you don't want us to be."

"Mmmm," Buffy flexed her pussy muscles around his wet cock, "still hard. Want to get fucked, Caleb?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I've been looking forward to that," Caleb smiled as he washed his cock. His hard-on had gone somewhat soft, but the prospect of Spike screwing him was doing wonders to bring it back.

Spike sat back on his heels and removed the cock ring for now. He was too hard to refasten it at the moment.

Caleb crawled back onto the bed to Spike, he kissed him and wrapped his hand around Spike's cock. He stroked up and down, getting the combination of cum and oil all over his hand. Caleb broke the kiss and bent over to take the cock in his mouth while his slick hand went to his own dick, coating it. Spike moaned and put his hand on the back of Caleb's head, gently gripping his soft, brown hair.

Caleb couldn't help spending a few minutes gobbling on Spike's prick--It was so big, hard and tasty. He again demonstrated his skills at sucking dick, he had Spike groaning within seconds.

Buffy fingered her clit as she watched Caleb sliding his mouth down and around on Spike's cock, she also noted the things that made Spike's eyelids flap--She'd try some of them out later.

Caleb removed his mouth from the cock with a lip smack. "Mmm, tastes so good, Spike," he grinned up at him, dabbing at the slit with his tongue. "Bananas, your cum and Buffy's, makes for quite the taste treat."

They chuckled.

"You want us to fuck you at the same time, pet?" Spike asked, casting his eyes to Buffy's.

Buffy licked her lips, her body heating up again. "Yeah--Oh yeah!" She sat up, ready to get into whatever position Spike wanted her in to be double penetrated by them.

The thought having both of their enormous cocks stuffed inside of her body made her delirious. Would she pass out? Would it be too painful? Would she reach new heights of pleasure? Buffy was eager to find out.

"Good," Spike smirked. "We'll get around to doing that...eventually."

Buffy's mouth worked silently. "You tease! You got me all hot for it!"

Caleb laughed, still licking and sucking on Spike's cock.

"But I always keep my promises, luv," Spike said. "Didn't you want to see me fucking Caleb here first?" he asked, patting Caleb on the head.

"Y-Yeah...okay." She could settle for seeing that first.

Caleb raised up on his knees again, putting his arms around Spike's back and pulling him in for a steamy kiss. They kissed while touching each other's hard chests, their tongues thrust into the other's mouth.

A loud moan came from Buffy, making them stop and look at her. Her hands were sliding up and down her body, stopping to pinch her nipples, then sliding down to her pussy. She rubbed herself gently.

"So hot!" Buffy groaned.

"I'd say Buffy's enjoyin' herself," Caleb smiled.

"Mmm-hmm," Spike agreed.

Spike pushed Caleb gently, turning him so that his back was now to him. Spike massaged down Caleb's back, sliding one finger into his anus.

"I'm ready, Spike. No need for more foreplay. Do it--Fuck me!" Caleb moaned, pushing his ass back on Spike's finger, making it sink in up to the knuckle.

Spike pushed on Caleb's back, Caleb bent forward, supporting himself on his hands. Spike took his cock and rubbed the tip over Caleb's hole, not pushing in yet. Caleb groaned backing onto him. But Spike teased him a little longer, rubbing his cock down along his crack, down to his taint.

"Ahh--C'mon, Spike!" Caleb said anxiously.

"Like I said, tease," Buffy grinned.

Spike smiled. "You want this, Caleb?" He rubbed his cock against Caleb's hole again. "You want me to split your ass with my cock?"

"Yes!" Caleb had barely gotten the word out when Spike pushed the head inside of him. Caleb gasped, "Ahhh! Ahh--Yeah!"

Spike grasped Caleb's hips, moving forward slowly. Caleb's arms shook.

"Is it good?" Spike asked.

"Ohh--Yeah--Ahhh--Shit!" Caleb clenched his teeth.

Buffy moved closer, rubbing up and down Caleb's arm. She knew first-hand what a religious experience being penetrated by Spike was. She wanted to help Caleb through the enormity of it. He opened his eyes and smiled into hers. He pulled in lungfuls of air.

Spike's cock went in as far as possible, his pubic hair brushing against Caleb's ass.

"Sweet Jesus!" Caleb laughed giddily. "Oh God--Feels great--Never so full before--Damn!"

Spike stayed still, massaging Caleb's lower back and hips gently. "You tell me when to go for it, mate."

"Now--Now's good! Fuck that big cock in me!"

Spike ground himself against Caleb, gyrating his hips. Caleb cried out, the way he looked and sounded made Buffy so hot. She wanted to watch, but she wanted to be included too.

Spike noticed how horny she looked. He wanted his girl to be totally satisfied. "Buffy, I don't think Caleb would mind eating your pussy while I fuck him...Would you, Caleb?"

"Uhhmmm--Not--Ahhh!--at all! Get down her, Darlin'!" Caleb said enthusiastically.

Buffy giggled excitedly and lay on her back in front of Caleb. He wasted no time getting started, he dived into her muff, licking and sucking up her and Spike's spendings.

The three of them breathed loudly, uttering cries of pleasure.

"Fuck him hard, Spike!" Buffy yelled, writhing under Caleb and humping against his mouth. "Wreck his fucking guts!"

Spike's passion was fanned by Buffy's complete submission to the act. The carnality and wantonness she exhibited made him so happy--He loved it when she talked like a sailor and gave herself up completely to lust. His beautiful, glowing, effulgent, filthy-mouthed angel...

Spike began fucking Caleb harder, pulling out and ramming back in forcefully. He didn't fuck him as hard as he could; he might hurt him. But his thrusts were powerful enough to make Caleb whimper and moan constantly into Buffy's snatch.

Spike jabbed into Caleb relentlessly. Caleb's achingly-hard cock flopped up and down with each thrust. As ass met pelvis with loud smacks, Spike reached around to jack Caleb's cock.

Caleb grunted loudly, saying something that was muffled by Buffy's pussy. It sounded like, "AHH--YEAH! FUCK ME!"

Buffy arched her neck back and cried out, "FUCK--YES! Ahhhh!"

Caleb yelled into her muff, and raised himself back up on his hands. He was moaning and thrusting back on Spike's invading cock.

"Gonna--Oh shit--Gonna CUM! Auuggh!" Caleb groaned.

Spike felt the cock in his hand swell and throb. Hot, sticky goo pulsed out, soaking the bed beneath them even more than it already was. Spike kept jacking with one hand, he raised Caleb's upper body, bringing it against his chest.

"Drink it up, Buffy," Spike said, offering the spurting cock to her.

Buffy quickly got up and put her mouth over Caleb's erupting cockhead, taking the wads in and swallowing heartily. She massaged Caleb's sac while she sucked.

Spike continued pumping into Caleb from behind, his hands went to Caleb's slim hips, holding him in place. Spike tilted his head back and thrust hard.

"Ahhh! Ah fuck!" Spike moaned, spilling in Caleb's ass.

Caleb panted, his eyes rolled, his face a mixture of bliss and pain. "Fuck--Ah yeah--Cum inside me! Uhhh! God--Oh God!"

He felt the bullets of jiz shooting into his clenching ass, filling him and making him cum harder. It was fantastic!

Buffy kept sucking on his cock, her hand went under the men's joined bodies to fondle their balls. Caleb's cock spurted into her mouth anew.

Caleb yelled in pleasure, the veins in his neck stood out, "Ahhh!
Ahhh f-f-fuck!"

His hips bounced between Spike's squirting cock and Buffy's warm, sucking mouth. He was reeling, feeling ready to collapse. The cock pumping into his ass and Buffy's oral attention were making his brain misfire, black spots danced in front of his eyes. It was the most intense orgasm of Caleb's life--and he'd had a LOT of them.

10 minutes later...

The threesome leaned back against the pillows, Spike and Caleb were having a smoke, Buffy just laid there in the middle in between them, glowing and sighing.

"Did I mention how great that was?" Caleb asked, smiling and blowing out a hit. If he had his druthers, Spike and Buffy would be his personal sex slaves for all of eternity.

"Maybe a coupla times." Spike smirked.

They laughed and sighed.

"Shit...well it was! Can't tell you how happy I am that things turned out the way they did," Caleb said.

Buffy didn't say anything, she just laid there, smiling and nodding.

"You two gonna chase me out? I don't have to leave yet, do I?"

"You can stay as long as you like," Spike flicked his cigarette in his ashtray.

He still wasn't sure what to think about all of this. It had been a great threesome, Spike had cum a few times. And Caleb was very hot...and skilled (mustn't forget how skilled he was!). But what if Buffy decided that she liked Caleb more than him? What if one day Spike came home to find Buffy and Caleb together without him? He hated feeling insecure again--He hadn't had to deal with feeling like this for months; it was unwelcome, to say the least.

Caleb shifted position against the headboard to sit sideways. His chocolate-brown eyes danced over Buffy and Spike's shiny, naked bodies. His hand that wasn't holding his cigarette began stroking his cock back to hardness.

Buffy noticed, her grin grew wider. "My, my...Aren't you the randy one?"

"I can go for a long time, sweetheart," Caleb drawled, shorting his cigarette in the other ashtray near him. "Just lookin' at you two is getting me stiff as a board again. So damn hot," he said, moving to lay next to Buffy and kissing her.

His hands ran down her sides and onto her hips. Buffy moaned and embraced him, moving her leg up and down his side.

Spike looked away from them, putting out his cigarette. He struggled with his insecurities and nervousness. Buffy really did seem to like Caleb a lot...

"Hey, Spike," Caleb said, smiling at him. "You game for another round--or two?"

Spike smirked easily. "Absolutely."

Caleb reached out as Spike leaned down, he put his hand on the back of Spike's neck and pulled him in for a sumptuous kiss. Buffy watched, running her hands over both of them. Her heart skipped beats, her pussy felt like it was burning up from within.

Spike and Caleb both got to their knees, kissing and touching each other over Buffy's body. Her eyes dropped to their cocks. She shook her head at the magnificence in front of her; the combined 22 inches of manmeat was truly a sight to behold. And, for tonight, it was all hers. She grinned.

Buffy sat up and scooted between them. She took both cocks in her hands, stroking up and down the considerable lengths and staring at them with hunger.

Caleb chuckled, "That's a whole lotta cock, ain't it, Darlin'?"

"Oh yeah!" Buffy agreed. "Sure is!"

She giggled then raised the cocks to her mouth. Her tongue swept over the heads. "I want you both to cum all over me--I want you to cover my tits with it and lick it off!" Buffy moaned, taking the tip of Spike's cock in her mouth and flicking it with her tongue.

"I think we can manage that, eh, Spike?" Caleb licked a path up Spike's throat.

"Yeah," Spike caressed Buffy's cheek, "whatever you want, pet."

Sometime later...

The three of them were on the 'sex chair', getting that piece of furniture oily and sticky too--But they didn't care about that right now. All that mattered was fucking.

Spike was on the bottom, Buffy lay on top of him with her back against his chest. Caleb was kneeling in front of her.

They moaned, panting and smacking their bodies together.

Spike's cock was embedded in her ass, he held the undersides of her thighs--holding her open for Caleb and using his tenuous grip for leverage. He thrust up into her, quickly then slowly, alternately. Caleb had requested that Spike use a condom while fucking Buffy's ass, he wanted to do some extra fun things and asked Spike to tell him when he was about to cum. Spike went along with it.

Caleb held Buffy's waist with one hand, the other squeezed her tits. He chuckled, "With all the oil we got on us, I'm surprised one of us hasn't squirted right out the door. Hard to find purchase here."

He valiantly tried to keep hold of Buffy and thrust shallowly into her.

Buffy and Spike laughed lightly, smiling and moaning. Spike nibbled at Buffy's ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth. He released it and licked the spot right behind and below her ear that drove her crazy.

"Enjoying it, luv?" he asked.

"Auugghh! Yes!"

"You're a dirty girl, aren't you, pet? You like being chock full of cock," Spike asked, thrusting hard and fast into her for several moments.

"Oh God YES!" Buffy wailed.

Both of their dicks couldn't fit inside of her, they each had about 4-5 inches protruding from Buffy's holes. They thrust in and out. It wasn't as easy to get a good rhythm as it was with Xander, but Spike and Caleb soon learned to anticipate each other's moves. Buffy was a beautiful mess; sweating, trembling and uttering a continuous line of exclamations. If Spike didn't know better, he'd think she was faking it. He'd never heard anyone moan like she was, outside of a porno movie.

"Fuck--Feels so fuckin' good!" Caleb groaned, his cock gliding in and out of her pussy.

"AHHH--OH GOD!--Fuck me! Fuck your huge cocks into me! GOD YES!" Buffy screamed, digging her nails into the arms of the chair.

Caleb took over holding her legs, Spike's hands cupped her jiggling tits.

Buffy screeched, cumming for the--she didn't know how many times she'd already cum.

"Uhhh!" Caleb thrust hard, spewing his thick spunk up her overflowing pussy.

Spike grunted, thrusting quickly. "Ahhh--Going to cum!"

Caleb pulled out of Buffy, his cock still dribbling, and put a hand under her ass to lift her slightly. With his other hand, he took Spike's cock out of her ass. Once the throbbing staff was freed, Caleb quickly whipped off the condom and placed the head at Buffy's gaping pussy.

"Buck up, Spike--Fuck her juicy pussy," Caleb panted.

Spike thrust up into her, feeling Caleb's hot cum surrounding him, squishing out and running down their bodies. His hands moved back to hold her thighs.

"Yeah, fuck her good 'n hard!" Caleb said, using his hands to tug on Spike's balls and pinch Buffy's clit.

Spike fucked upwards furiously.

"Ahh--Buffy!" Spike moaned. "Uummmhhh--God!"

"SPIKE!" Buffy yelled, her body shook.

They strained and gasped as they came hard, clutching at each other, their eyes closed. Caleb and Spike's combined loads ran out of Buffy. Caleb took Spike's spasming cock out of her and took a few salty gulps. Then he jerked it over her mound and stomach, splashing her stomach with a fresh, white coat of jiz. Spike caressed her hips gently and pressed his lips to the side of her neck.

Buffy and Spike panted for air after the latest orgasms. Buffy lazily smeared the cum around on her stomach, loving it's warmth and texture--and it's source. Caleb made them moan as he set about cleaning them up with his tongue. He licked Spike's cock and balls clean, taking his time to do a good job. Then he sucked and licked the cum from Buffy's pussy. Caleb moved up, bathing Buffy's stomach, then sucking her tits with his hot mouth.

"Oh Caleb," Buffy moaned lowly. "Mmmm--So good!"

Spike had a severe pang of jealousy again. As good as Xander had given it to her in the past, she'd never sounded so...blissful.

A half hour, a change of bedding and a shower later...

Caleb smiled at the reclining blondes on the bed as he zipped up his jeans. "I have to catch a flight back to Birmingham tomorrow, but I'll be back next week. We can get together again then?"

"Definitely," Buffy giggled, glowing with happiness. "I see another night, or two, of intense fucking in our near future. Right, Spike?" She looked at him, smiling beatifically.

Spike blew out a stream of cigarette smoke, forcing a happy smile. "Sure. Sounds good."

Caleb grinned. "Great!" He went to Buffy's side of the bed, bent over and kissed her. Then he leaned over, planting one on Spike's lips. Spike let him, kissing him back weakly. "Well, guess I'll be headin' back to Tara's. Thanks for everything, you two were un-fuckin'-believable!"

Buffy laughed, "God, you were too! You're soooo very welcome!"

"Bye, now!" Caleb waved, and walked out.

"Bye, Caleb! Have a safe flight!" Buffy called.

"See ya," Spike said dully.

Buffy sighed and draped herself over Spike's side, her fingers touching his stomach. "That was just like he said--un-fuckin'-believable--Incredible!"

" was."

Buffy yawned loudly then chuckled. " tired..."

"Get some sleep, luv." Spike put out his cigarette and wrapped his arms around her, he kissed her forehead.

Buffy was snoring lightly within minutes. Spike just held her, feeling her heartbeat and smooth skin against his body. Her hot breath warmed his chest. He stared up at their reflection. He could see the smile on her face while she slept. Caleb had made her happy.

He hated feeling like this! The fact that he'd had a great time with Caleb made it all the more confusing. Maybe he could do it--If she wanted to make Caleb a permanent part of them...Maybe if it meant that he could still be with her like this...

Spike closed his eyes, knowing that he wouldn't be able to accept someone else being in her heart, like he was. He was being a jealous fool--He knew it. What right did he have to feel this way after all the people that Buffy had witnessed him having sex with? When it came right down to it--He was still a git.

Spike laid awake until exhaustion dragged him down. But even his dreams were plagued with badness: Buffy telling him that she was moving out to be with Caleb, Buffy telling him that Caleb was a better lover, Buffy telling him...all kinds of terrible, heart-crushing things.

Caleb felt his way around in the dark in Tara's living room, trying to find his way to the hall and his bedroom. He needed to get a little sleep before leaving for the airport in a few hours. The sexual marathon with Buffy and Spike had really tired him out. His body was sore, his brain was foggy, he was limping from the excellent reaming Spike had given him, but the loopy smile on his face spoke volumes.

He almost fell over the hassock , but caught himself.

"Shit! God-fuckin'-dammit!" Caleb whispered fiercely, rubbing his shin.

The lights came on.

Caleb jumped and gasped. "Dammit, girl! You scared the piss outta me!"

Tara crossed her arms, pursing her lips, and looking generally annoyed. "It's 3 in the morning, Caleb. Why didn't you stay where you were for the night? Willow and I are trying to sleep, which is hard to do with you stumbling around in here."

"Sorry, alright?" Caleb said, limping and swaying slightly past her to his room. "I need some sleep."

"Are you drunk?" Tara asked, seeing how weird he looked and the way he was walking. "Caleb! You know how dangerous it is to drink and drive! I'm going to kick your ass!"

"I'm not drunk, Tara," he said tiredly. "I just had sex for 5 hours with two very animated partners, one of which has a huge dick. Give me a break."

Tara rolled her eyes, following him into his bedroom. Caleb fell onto his bed on his stomach and stayed in that position, unmoving. Tara shook her head and sighed.

"You were supposed to spend time with Willow and me tonight, you know. You don't have to have sex all the time. You can't even visit with kinfolk while you're in town?" she teased. "Caleb?" she asked when he didn't respond.

Tara walked around the bed. Caleb was sleeping like a baby with a slight smile on his face, one arm was twisted up beneath him. Tara sighed and dragged him up the bed by his shirt until his head reached the pillows. Then she pulled the comforter up to cover him. She patted his head. Caleb mumbled something then was still again.

"Maybe I should check for a pulse...I'll have to chew Buffy and Spike out about almost screwing my cousin to death."

'Hmm, chewing them out...Again, completely innocent things can sound so filthy. Well...a figurative and literal chewing out would be nice...'

Tara chuckled under her breath--She could be so naughty! But who could blame a lusty, bisexual gal when it came to the smokin' hot, blonde twosome? Willow would probably happily go for some of that too.

"Shit...5 hours of Buffy and Spike goodness...Caleb, you lucky bastard." She shivered with desire at the thoughts and images, then clicked off the light and shut the door quietly, letting Caleb rest for awhile.

Buffy woke up several hours later due to Spike thrashing around, apparently in the grips of a nightmare.

"Spike! Spike wake up!" she shook him

"Huh?!" Spike said, disoriented.

"You were having a bad dream. Are you okay?" Buffy asked, smoothing back his hair and looking down on him with concern.

"Uh--Yeah...fine," he looked around, getting his bearings. "I'm ok."

Spike rolled onto his side, putting his back to her. Buffy spooned him, laying her arm over his side and stroking his abs.

"You sure?"


"What were you dreaming about?" she asked.

"Don't remember," he lied.

"I was actually having a dream about you, me and Caleb," Buffy giggled. "I can't wait till he comes back next week. He was so much fun," she sighed contentedly.

"," Spike said quietly.

Buffy frowned, he didn't sound happy. Now that she'd gotten all of the lustys out of her system, she was actually able to pick up on it. She got up on an elbow and looked down on him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said.

"Yes, there is. Tell me." Her eyes got bigger. "Oh God--Caleb--didn't hurt you, did he? Because he's so big?"

"No, he didn't hurt me. I'm alright."

"Then...what is it?"

Spike turned over on his back, not looking at her. "It's stupid."

"I'm sure it's not stupid. Tell me, please. Come on, baby," Buffy cooed, stroking his face. "I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"You like him--Caleb."

"Yeah, I do. So?"

"I...I'm jealous," Spike confessed and fidgeted.

"Jealous? What do you have to be jealous about? Spike we have group sex all the time!"

"You like him...a lot. He flirted with you from the bloody start...Then the movie--You two were obviously having a good time. There were sparks between you."

"Spike, you have nothing to be jealous about. If you didn't like him--then why did you invite him to dinner?" Buffy wondered.

"Uh...Call it a lapse in judgment." He didn't want to admit that he'd just slipped that into conversation as a way to let Caleb know that he and Buffy were living together.

"Okay, then if you don't like him, why did you agree to have hours of slippery, sweaty sex with him?"

"' wanted to."

"You didn't want to?"


"Spike!" Buffy sat up, suddenly very distressed. "You should have said no then! I never want you to sleep with someone just because you think that's what I want!"

Spike looked away.

"I thought you were having fun," Buffy lamented, feeling tears springing up in her eyes. She felt horribly guilty.

"I was...It was fun once I put my thoughts aside and gave into it."

"Would you want me to do that? Agree to have a threesome or whatever just because you wanted it even though I didn't?" Buffy demanded.

"No," he said quietly.

"Don't do that ever again! If you don't want it too, then it isn't happening. Do you understand?"

"Sorry...Yeah." Spike moved to turn away from her, she stopped him.

"Spike," she said in a softer voice, lowering herself and placing little kisses to the corners of his mouth, "I do like Caleb, but he can't compare to you--in any way. It was just some meaningless, sex-type fun."

Buffy kissed him on the lips, lingering there for some time.

"You're the one I'm nuts about. You're the one that I want with me all the time. You're the one who I want to wake up with and have little spats about the way you're supposed to squeeze a tube of toothpaste." She smiled. He smiled back uncertainly. "You're the one who really sees me, how I am inside and out, and you actually like what you see."

"I do," Spike touched her face, running his thumb under her bottom lip.

Buffy kissed his thumb. 'Tell him, Buffy!' her inner voice said. 'Tell him that you love him!'

But, coward that she was, she couldn't say it.

"I have no right to feel jealous--I know that I have no right to feel it," Spike said thickly. "You've seen me with so many girls--and Xander and Riley."

"Were you upset about the other guys that I've been with?"

"Not as much...most of them didn't bother me. But Caleb...He's different. You acted so--schoolgirlish with him. And it was obvious that he wanted you."

"I meant it about not being with anyone unless you want it too. I could smack the shit out of you for doing that!" Buffy's eyebrows knit, forming a V.

"Sorry...I just wanted you to be happy," Spike pouted.

"I'm happy when you're happy." She kissed him softly. "Please tell me that you got off on it--That it wasn't all bad. I feel so horrible...How could I not tell that you didn't want it? What's wrong with me? I'm so sorry...I should have seen it in your face."

Spike brought his hand to her face, caressing her cheek and kissing her tenderly. "Like I said, pet, I did enjoy it once I let myself go with it. It was just--hard at first. He's...bloody hell...he's incredible in bed."

Buffy read the look in his eyes that asked the silent question, 'Is he better than me?' She wanted to put any thoughts or doubts about his own prowess right out of his mind.

"Yeah, Caleb is great in bed--and chairs," she giggled. "BUT you are still the winner and cham-peen where great sex is concerned."

"You don't have to say that," Spike said sadly. "I know I'm being a nit about this, but you don't have to lie--"

"Hey!" Buffy smacked him on the chest.

"Ow!" Spike exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm not lying, you jerk! How can you--of all people--possibly be insecure? Do you know how many women and guys want to fuck you? Can you even begin to comprehend how many times a day I get asked if I'll share you with them that night?"

Spike still looked sad.

Buffy sighed and melted onto him, kissing around his mouth and rubbing her leg up and down his thighs. "You are my man. No one could ever make me as happy as you do, sexually or otherwise."

"Yeah?" a smile quirked at his lips. He was finally starting to believe her.

"Yeah," she smiled. "When I was doing the movie with Caleb, I kept thinking how much better it'd be if you were there too. I always want you to be a part of it. Everything's better with you there."

"I love you, Buffy," Spike whispered, staring intensely up into her eyes. He was still afraid of saying the words, but he needed to say it so strongly, especially now. "I love you with every fiber of my being. When I saw how you blushed and looked at Caleb, I--"

Buffy couldn't breathe for a moment. She wasn't sure if she'd heard him correctly. She'd longed to hear him say it, to see the love for her in his eyes when he said it--She was seeing it right now.

"Shhh," Buffy put two fingers to his lips. Her eyes welled with tears of happiness, she smiled. "Say it again."

Spike smiled, seeing how happy his admission had made her. Relief washed over him--She wanted to hear it. He kissed her fingers then held her hand. "I'm in love with you, Buffy. It's been snowballing from the moment I looked into your eyes. Learning about who you are, talking, laughing with you...making love to you...I've never felt closer to anyone. It makes me crazy to think that you might not want me as much as I want you...I need you."

"Oh Spike...I love you too! I'm such a--I wanted to tell you for so long. I'm just a huge nerd."

He chuckled, "I'd hardly call you a nerd, pet."

"Well, there's still a part of me that is very nerd-like." She grinned. "So many times..." she said wistfully, brushing the back of her hand over his cheek, "so many times I wanted to tell you. But I chickened out. I was afraid that you wouldn't say it back."

"Me too! I wanted to say it so many times. But the words froze on my lips--" Spike laughed and kissed her hand again. "Aren't we a pair?"

"Yeah, we are," Buffy laughed then kissed him.

The kiss evolved from gentle to more demanding. Spike wrapped his arms around her and rolled her onto her back. After a few minutes of rubbing, hot kisses and fondling, they stopped.

"Pet...I want to make love to you, but..."

"You're too tired?" she asked.

"I'm so sorry." He kissed her shoulder. "I want to so badly."

"To tell the truth...I'm pretty damn sore from the night's activities," Buffy confessed.

Spike raised his head to look at her. "You're alright though?"

"Yeah, just need some time. We just told each other that we're in love, I wanted to..." she sighed.

Spike laid beside her, holding her close.

Buffy brightened, "How about tomorrow night, we pretend that we just said it? That can be our special night."

Spike smiled. "That will do. I'll be rarin' to go by then."

Buffy laid against him, enjoying the feel of his warm body. "I'll handle everything. I want to make it special...romantic." She yawned.

Spike kissed the top of her head, then rubbed the side of his face against her hair. "I'm sure it will be, Buffy. As long as you're there, that's all I need."

They were quiet for a few minutes.

Buffy said, "When Caleb comes back, I'll tell him it ain't happening again. There's no chance that I'm going to upset you or make you do something that you don't want to again."

"Well...if you keep 'reassuring' me that I'm your main man, I might not object to another threesome with Caleb."

She smiled up at him. "You did have fun, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did. He cracked my resistance rather quickly with that blowjob."

Buffy giggled. "I was taking notes."

"Were you now?" Spike raised an eyebrow.

"Mmm-hmm. He had a few techniques that I wasn't familiar with. And the way he made you moan...Oh Lordy...and that look on your hot. I'll be doing a few things tomorrow night that I do believe you'll enjoy."

"I'm sure that I will. I love everything that you do. I love you."

"I love you too, Spike."

They smiled, immensely happy and relieved that they'd gotten out the 'I love you's' that had been weighing down on them for weeks. They kissed softly one more time before settling down to sleep, sighing with happiness.
