

"Fine." Spike pushed the door to the crypt open and watched her duck under his arm and walk in with a wobble.

Watching him closely as he walked over to the sarcophagus and pulled a blanket off it she noticed that he didn't really seem that angry with her. He was reluctant to have her around when he'd be vulnerable to attack but other than that he just seemed indifferent to it all. Walking back to her Spike handed her the blanket and gave her a short but sweet smile.

"Take the armchair, you're small enough to curl up in it. Just don't bitch when you wake up with back ache."

"Where do you sleep?" Buffy felt stupidly nervous over asking him, she toyed with the blanket in her hands.

"Over there." Spike pointed to the sarcophagus and Buffy raised her brows as she saw the pillow resting on it, then she realised he'd given her the only blanket.

"Really should consider getting a bed." Biting her lip at the end of the sentence she furrowed her brows as he turned to face her with a grin.

"Really?" Spike purred at her and waited for her excuse to come tumbling out of her pretty little mouth.

"It wasn't meant to come out that way." Buffy slumped into the armchair and looked up at him, he seemed disappointed by the lack of a witty comeback.

"Get some sleep." Stretching as he walked Spike couldn't help thinking this was both a very bad idea and a good one at the same time. Sure she seemed to be lacking in inhibition now but by the time she woke up she'd be ready to stake him if he tried anything with her.

Hopping up onto the sarcophagus Spike gave her one last look before laying down, she was fidgeting with the blanket and her nose wrinkled up as she tried to cover herself completely. He smiled at her as she looked up at him and it shocked him slightly when she gave him a warm smile in return. Laying down he willed his mind to empty of the Buffy inflicted thoughts that were forming there but as he took a deep breath he could smell her, she triggered every sense in him to go into overdrive. Closing his eyes he concentrated on the steady rhythm of her heart as it echoed through him, causing him to smile lazily while it lulled him to sleep.

"Spike?" Buffys voice was quiet, she wasn't sure whether he was sleeping or not. She paused and waited for a reply.

"Bloody hell…" Spike growled at her, he'd just managed to drift off into what was looking to be the start of a pleasant dream. "What is it?"

"Nothing." She bit her lip, she couldn't sleep but it seemed he could and asking him a lot of questions now would probably get her kicked out.

"Buffy?" He raised himself up onto his elbows and looked at her, she was wearing a pensive expression and he could see she wasn't tired.

Buffy looked up on hearing him speak her name, he used it so rarely that when he did say it she seemed to react to it. "Yes?"

"Ask away." Watching her chew her lip again Spike thought about the start of his pleasant dream, Buffy lips had definitely had a starring role.

"Was it really so bad?" She looked up at him and when he frowned she realised she was going to have to elaborate. "Kissing me?"

Spike paused, unsure of whether he should let on that she'd tasted nice, warm and that she'd been a good kisser that was certainly not lacking in passion. He shrugged slightly. "It wasn't bad."

"But not good?" Her heartbeat picked up pace as he frowned at her again, she knew he'd be able to sense it even from that distance.

Resigning himself to the fates he smiled slightly at her. "Was good, thought you hated it?"

"Of course." Buffy answered a little too quickly and his brow arched. "Well, okay… I lied."

"I'm shocked at you Summers." Spike feigned surprise over her lying. "Here was I thinking you were a bloody saint."

"Shut up." She frowned up at him playfully.

"Why do you want to know?" He nodded at her and she shifted her eyes to the blanket.

"Just don't seem to be good with boys." Buffy mumbled and cast him a sideward glance.

Spike paused for a moment and remembered their run in when he'd been wearing the gem.

"Pfft. Maybe you need to try finding a man instead then. College types are all very well love but part the reason they're there is the free sex." Spike paused and realised he sounded a little too interested, he grinned mischievously. "Could be you need a monster in your man."

"Spike… shut up." Buffy curled up and smiled into the blanket over what he'd said, her stomach now warm and fuzzy feeling. It was either a reaction to him or the alcohol was about to make her throw up.

"Consider it done." Spike lay back down on the hard stone lid and rested his hands behind his head.

Concentrating once again on the sound of her now steady heartbeat Spike starting to doze off. He could hear her shuffling about with what he assumed was the blanket.

Slipping her shoes off she tried to get comfortable under the blanket but something kept making her look over at Spike, pushing the blanket aside she stood up.

Buffy looked down at him, she'd moved to standing near the sarcophagus. Something about how peaceful he looked when asleep struck a nerve in her, he no longer looked devious or at all dangerous, he reminded her of the Spike she'd been magically engaged to. Wringing her hands she let her eyes trace every contour of his face and as his mouth opened slightly she took a small step backwards, afraid that he was going to say something about her watching him. When he didn't she realised he was really out for the count now, she could hear the early morning birds chirping outside and felt the slight rise in temperature the warned that the sun had made an appearance over the horizon.

Tentatively holding her hand out she hovered it over his cheek, when he shifted in position she withdrew it hurriedly and held her breath. Watching as he moved his hands so one rested on his stomach and his right hand dangled limply off the edge of the sarcophagus Buffy breathed again. Reaching her hand out she stopped with her fingers an inch away from the back of the hand that was resting on his stomach. Keeping a distance between them she ghost caressed his hand and smiled as she remembered all the kisses and touches they'd shared. The electric feel of his skin as it touched hers, his possessive grasp that he'd maintained around her waist or on her hand, his hungry kisses as they wrapped themselves up in their own little world. Willow had wanted her to have a forgetting spell but she'd refused on the ground that she didn't trust them, that and something inside her hadn't wanted to forget.




Buffy took a deep breath and tilted her head as she raised her eyes to his face. "Spike?"

The only movement he made was opening and closing his mouth rapidly, causing it to make a little smacking noise.

"Spike…" Buffy whispered near his ear and held her breath.

"Mmmm Buffffyyyy." Spike murmured up at her and a little smile twitched on his lips.

Frowning she couldn't help finding him fascinating, she'd always figured that a vampire would be a light sleeper and that her presence nearby would be enough to wake Spike up. "Spike?"

Fluttering his eyelids open he found Buffy staring down at him, he frowned slightly. "Buffy? Can't you sle…"

Spike mumbled the rest of his sentence into her mouth as she pressed it softly against his, his hands instantly snaked around the back of her head and caressed her hair, weaving his fingers into it. Ten seconds later and he pulled her off him.

"Bloody hell, what are you up to Slayer?"

Buffy pouted down at him then let her face go blank. Thinking it over she must have looked like she was crazy, for all he knew she had taken the forgetting spell Willow had offered. She caught his eye and smiled mischievously into them.

"Giving in to you Spike, you're a real man aren't you?" She stood above him and watched as his face turned from a look of shock to a slight grin, his eyes turning hot at her words.

"More man than you can handle pet."

"Prove it." She stood defiant and smiled.

Spike swung his legs over the edge of the tomb and hopped down, catching her around the shoulders he pushed her up against the central column in the crypt.

Buffy sighed out on impact then frowned at him. "No ouch?"

"Wasn't trying to hurt you." His tone was low and sultry by her ear as kissed down her neck gently, Buffy felt flushed all over.

Pulling back to look at her he frowned slightly, still trying to figure out what had gotten into her but at the same time thankful that they seemed to be sharing the same desire and having the same thoughts, they belonged together, the Slayer and the Vampire.

Pouting at the lack of contact between her and Spike she hooked her fingers through his belt loops and pulled him towards her, he obliged and pressed his body hard against hers, sandwiching her between him and the column. Running her fingers over his chest she gasped as she felt his hand slide up her dress and his cold fingers slide roughly over her stomach. Spike slipped his fingers around her string and ripped it off with ease. Buffy giggled when he growled.

"Mine." Spike whispered into her ear before sucking on her lobe softly, bringing his kisses back to her lips he sung internally when she hoisted herself up and wrapped her legs around him.

"Make me." Buffy put her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes, narrowing hers slightly on contact.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He gave her a toothy grin before bringing his mouth back to hers and turning up the heat a little.

Moaning slightly into his mouth she moved one hand to his belt buckle and before Spike could say anything his jeans were being slid down around his knees with her feet. Hungry for contact Spike slid his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him again, still kissing her deeply and memorising the feeling of her tongue tangling with his. As Spikes hands slid down to her ass and he pushed her against the wall again Buffy steadied herself and felt the ache in her abdomen grow.

"Spike…" Buffy mewled at him and he tilted his head then smiled slightly as she looked both hungry and innocent at the same time.

Buffys eyes widened as Spike pushed his hips forwards and she settled herself onto his cock. She watched with fascination as his eyes rolled and his lips parted, panting slightly as she wriggled to adjust to his size.

"God Buffy… hot…" Spike lost his capacity to speak so settled for muttering random words and clenching her buttocks firmly in his fingers as he moved her hips against his.

Buffy hooked her arm tight around his neck and pressed her hand into his back to, her other hand seeking purchase on the column behind her. She smiled as Spikes grip tightened on her as though he sensed her fear of falling. Rocking his pelvis against hers she surrendered her ability to think clearly and gave in to the feeling of him inside her, filling her up and sating her desire.

Thrusting up into her hard Spike was rewarded with a harsh moan from Buffy and her grip on his back tightened until she was grasping his flesh, her fingernails digging in. As his rhythm steadied Buffy opened her eyes and stared into his, she felt like she was in the eye of the storm and everything was calm, while dark clouds loomed on the horizon. Meeting her eyes Spike marvelled at the girl in front of him, she was powerful, passionate and beautiful and she had to be his. While their eyes stayed locked Spike quickened the pace, now giving her long deep strokes that made her moan softly each time he pushed up inside her, burying himself to the hilt.

Leaning her head back Buffy closed her eyes and panted softly, wrinkling her nose each time she felt his hips rise to meet hers. Concentrating on the feeling of their bodies joined together, the rise and fall of their hips and the soft brushing of skin on skin Buffy tightened her muscles up and felt the delicious feeling building inside her.

"God… Spike… more…" Buffy moaned in time with each thrust and Spike arched a brow before screwing his face up as he obeyed her command.

Pulling her tighter against him he slammed her hard into the wall and gave her everything she begged him for. Wrapping her arms around him as she climaxed Buffy panted hard into his ear, giving in to the wave of warm pleasure washing through her as it sedated her every nerve. As her muscles milked his shaft Spike came hard inside her, letting the delicious feeling sweep over him he couldn't stop himself from becoming overwhelmed by the proximity of her blood. She had to be his, she'd told him to make her his.

Sliding into game face Spike kissed his way up her chest to her neck where he pressed his cold fangs gently against her flesh, slightly scraping the surface but not enough to draw blood. Buffy wrapped her hands around the back of his head and he expected her to pull him away but she just held him there, teeth pressing against her flesh and his length still inside her.

"Mine." Buffy smiled warmly and rested her cheek against his head as she closed her eyes.

"Eternally." Came Spikes quiet reply as he softly sunk his fangs into her.

~*~ End ~*~