The Shy Librarian



Chapter 6

“Okay, uncle, I guess I owe you the truth,” he began, intending to tell him no such thing.

“I am rather eager to hear a credible explanation for these,” said Giles distastefully, holding onto the white cotton panties by an edge.

“Well I can’t tell you while you are waving those in my face,” snapped William as he snatched Buffy’s panties from his uncle’s fingers.

Giles folded his arms, sat back, and waited.

“I’ve met someone…a…girl,” William admitted.

“But when William? You spend nearly all your free time in your room, or at least you did until two days ago,”

“It was when you were at the school Rupert… I brought her round here during the day,” he said, surprised at how easily the lies fell from his lips.

“Thank God. Your parents and I were starting to wonder if you were…er…gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” the older man added hastily.

It wasn’t quite the response that William had expected

“No there isn’t, and why does everyone always think I am gay?” he asked in annoyance.

“So when do I get to meet her? You must be serious about each other to be keeping articles of her erm clothing. I can’t say I approve of you bringing strange girls back to the house,” said Giles uneasily.

“Yes we are serious about each other, but I don’t think we are at the meet the relatives stage yet,” said William.

“It’s not a student is it?” asked Giles suspiciously.

“Don’t be so ridiculous Rupert,” said William, looking away.

“Because if it is, not only will you get fired, I will almost certainly lose my employment into the bargain,” he said.

“I have had enough of this third degree. My personal life is my own. I will be in my room if you need me,” William retorted.

“What about dinner?” asked Rupert

“I’m not hungry, but wouldn’t want to think of you starving yourself,” said William as he threw his cell phone at him. “You can order take out,” was his parting shot as he ran off up the stairs.

What has gotten into you William, thought Giles sadly as he looked at the phone. Over the last few days his nephew had almost become a stranger to him.

* * * * * * * * * *

William slammed the door hard and sat down on his bed. He rubbed his forehead tiredly. He felt guilty for snapping at his uncle like that, but he had not felt ready to answer questions about his deepening feelings for Buffy. It was all so new and strange to him.

He looked at the pair of Buffy’s panties still in his hand. Unable to help himself, He put out a finger to touch them. They were still a little damp to the touch. He raised the soft material to his face and breathed in her still lingering scent. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror, wearing the ugly tweed suit. For he knew it was ugly no matter what Buffy had told him.

He wondered if he was being the biggest fool on god’s green earth. Only time would tell on that score he mused.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy walked to school that morning. Almost sure that sure William would be there early too. She wasn’t disappointed when she entered his office and saw him sitting at his desk. There was a pensive expression on his face.

“What’s up?” she asked as she sat on the edge of the desk.

He looked up at her with a big smile on his face. It was like sunshine coming out from behind the clouds.

William got up from his seat and walked over to her. He was slightly taken off guard as she launched herself into his arms.

She put her arms around his neck and breathed in his scent.

“I missed you. Did you think about me last night?” she asked.

William pulled out of her embrace.

“I missed you too Buffy. In answer to your question… I can’t stop thinking about you. Everything I do, everything I say… you are there in my thoughts, in my mind,” He admitted.

Buffy read the fear and vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke.

“You’re still having doubts aren’t you? William I like you, I like you a lot. I don’t go around just getting off any guy that I meet. Before you, I was in a long-term relationship. I don’t play around,” she replied.

She walked away from him and turned to face the wall, bright spots of angry colour staining her cheeks. William sighed at himself, he was such an idiot. Here was a beautiful girl who seemed to worship the ground he walked on and he doubted it. Well why wouldn’t you? He asked himself. Before Buffy, all he had been was the butt of cruel jokes and innuendoes.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized.

Buffy turned to face him, her eyes still flashing.

“William, I don’t know what kind of baggage you are carrying around in that head of yours, but you have to get over it. Make the best of things as we all do,” she sighed.

William reached inside the breast pocket of his suit and took out a little package, and handed it to her.

“What’s this?” she asked warily.

“Try opening it and finding out…it’s not much. But I hope you like it,” he said, looking at her expectantly.

Buffy tore off the lid. Feeling tears well up in her eyes as she took the delicate necklace from the box.

“It’s beautiful. Put it on for me?” she asked as she handed him the necklace and turning around to lift her hair.

William placed the necklace around her neck and fastened it. His hands lingered on her shoulders. Buffy leaned back against him and nuzzled her face into his neck. He stiffened in surprise as her tongue snaked out and licked along the lines of his throat.

“I started taking the pill yesterday,” she whispered huskily as she pressed her bottom against him. Smiling as she felt him harden against her. “Just a few more days…” she trailed off.

William spun her round and devoured her lips with his own.

“The time can’t pass soon enough,” he groaned in frustration, between kisses.

“You gave me a present, let me give you one. It’s only polite,” she said, as she began to sink to her knees and look up at him innocently.

“You don’t have to…the pleasure on your face was enough for me,”

“And I want to give you pleasure in return,” she replied mischievously.

William sat on the edge of his desk, watching helplessly as her hands began to unbutton his pants. Leaving him in no doubt the form her gift would take.

Buffy unzipped him. His erection sprang forth, free of its confines. It stood proudly against his abdomen.

“Tell me William, tell me what you want me to do to you,” she encouraged as she took his large cock in her hand and began to slowly stroke her hand up and down.

William squeezed his eyes shut as all rational thought fled. He sucked in a breath as he felt her other hand fondle his balls, squeezing at them gently.

“Come on William I am only going to do as you tell me,” she said.

“I-er-want you to suck my penis,” he stuttered.

She rewarded him with a flick of her tongue as she licked at the tip.

“Not bad, but I need more. Say something dirty my proper little English guy,” she teased.

William struggled for the words. He thought back to the coarser language of his roommates at college as they had discussed their girlfriends.

“Suck that cock… take it all the way in. You know you want it…my cum,”

“Not bad at all William,” said Buffy as she felt the moisture flood between her legs.

She lowered her head. She was so close now that he could feel her breath, thinking that he would die if she didn’t take him into her mouth soon. He groaned as her mouth closed around him, it felt so hot, wet, and wonderful as she gently began to suck his cock. He watched as her blonde head bobbed up and down as she worked his shaft in and out of her mouth. She lifted her head to look at him as she licked at the head, lapping up the precum. He could see the pearly white liquid on her tongue. He swallowed hard.

“Buffy, maybe I should get some tissues or something for the…er…” he panted.

“Why? There isn’t going to be anything to clean up,” she grinned before enveloping the head of his cock with her lips once more.

He closed his eyes as her meaning washed over him. She was actually going to do what he had asked, thinking earlier that she had only wanted him to talk dirty to her. She licked up and down his shaft as if it were a succulent treat. He grasped the edges of the desk as he could feel his balls tighten. The enjoyment of her mouth wrapped around him was becoming almost unbearable. Buffy could feel the tightening too as she squeezed his sac.

“Buffy…oh…God, I‘m cumming,” he groaned.

Buffy looked up at him at that moment, Opening her lips slightly, so that he could see the first of his ejaculate spill into her mouth. William felt black spots form behind his eyes as he came harder than he had ever done so in his whole life. Buffy greedily swallowed it all down. When the deluge had ceased, she licked off the excess and kissed the tip of his already softening shaft.

“How did you like your present?” she asked as she wiped at her mouth.

William tucked himself away and did up his pants.

“I-I…it was wonderful. I love you Buffy,” he blurted out. His eyes widened as he realised the truth of his hastily spoken words.

Buffy paled in shock.

“Not quite the answer I was expecting,” she said unevenly.

William looked disheartened as her reaction.

“I’m sorry if it was too soon for you Buffy, but I can’t apologise for how I feel. If I have ruined things…” he said quietly.

Buffy put her arms around him.

“It’s okay William, you haven’t ruined anything. You are perfect just the way you are. Promise me that you will never change,” she sighed as she pulled his head down to rest against her chest.

William felt a lump in his throat. She hadn’t told him that she loved him in return. He hadn’t really expected her to. That she was here and she was his would have to be enough for now.

Buffy looked up at him and smiled.

“So when you gonna take me out on a date then Will? I think we have gotten past the I like you and you like me stage,” she grinned.

“You’d want to be seen in public with me?” he asked.

“In a secretive going where none of my friends hang out kinda way, yeah. I’ll leave the details to you,”

William hung his head.

“Duh William, the secret thing is so we don’t get busted remember? Student and teacher together are not exactly allowed. When you gonna get over the I am with you as some kind of charity case thing?” she asked angrily.

“Sorry Buffy, case of habit I guess,” he apologised.

“One that we are going to have to break. Besides I think we should go out, it will help pass the time until we can really be together. I am finding it harder and harder to keep my hands off of you,” she smiled as she leant in for another kiss.

The school bell rang and they both parted breathlessly.

“One day I am going to smash that bell to pieces,” she sighed.

“What time shall I pick you up?” he asked.

“Hmm, better not come to the house. I‘ll meet you on the corner around eight,” she said as she told him her address.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy walked out into the corridor and right into Angel.

“Buffy, imagine seeing you here,” he drawled sarcastically.

“Fuck off Angel, I have to get to class,” said Buffy as she tried to side step him.

“Got tweed boy eating out of the palm of your hand already?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Oh, sorry I meant you were eating said tweed boy,” said Angel.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she said defensively.

“Buffy don’t try to deny it. I saw you suck him off,”

Buffy looked up at him challengingly, hiding the fear in her heart.

“What’s the matter? Jealous?” she asked.

She was horrified that Angel had seen what had occurred between her and William. Mostly she was scared of what Angel would do with that knowledge.

“Buffy, does it have to be like this between us? We cared about each other once,” pleaded Angel

“That sort of all ended when you let me take the fall for your little sex games with Riley,” she hissed

“I’m sorry about that. I’ve tried to tell you a million times, but you haven’t let me anywhere near you,”

“Hmmm, I wonder why?” she asked sarcastically.

“Meet me on the bleachers at lunch. I only want to talk,” he asked her.

“I’ll think about it,” she snapped, as she strode off to class.

William watched Buffy talking to Angel, hidden within the shadowy depths of the library entrance. He had only heard the tail end of the conversation as he had been reluctantly on his way to seek out Principle Flootie. His hand gripped the door frame tightly, jealousy coursing through his veins at the sight of Buffy with her ex.



Chapter 7

“Buffy what’s wrong?” asked Willow as they walked down the corridor towards the lunch hall.

“Why would anything be wrong Willow,” Buffy replied, pasting a false smile on her lips.

“You were awful quiet in math…”

“Apart from the fact that we’re not supposed to talk in class?” asked Buffy arching an eyebrow.


“Look I have to go do something, maybe I‘ll catch you later,” said Buffy as she walked away.

Willow stared after her friend, starting slightly as Xander bounded up to her.

“So where’s Buffy off too in such a hurry?” asked Xander.

“Beats me, come on,” said Willow as she took Xander’s arm and they continued on their way to the lunch hall.

“Shouldn’t we go after her?” asked Xander.

“Something tells me that she doesn’t want us to,” said Willow.

* * * * * * * *

Buffy slowly made her way across the sports field. It was deserted except for one lone figure sitting on the bleachers. She sighed, half hoping that he wouldn’t have bothered to turn up. As she got closer to Angel, she could see an almost smug smile on his face. He hadn’t doubted that she would show for a moment. It made her wish that she had been late, as she would have enjoyed seeing him squirm.

“Buffy…so glad that you could take the time out of your busy cock sucking schedule to join me, but you always did give good head,” he drawled insultingly.

Buffy turned around and began to walk away. Angel quickly got up from his seat to follow her, realising that he had gone too far.

“Sorry that was uncalled for,” he apologised. “It was just…awkward for me seeing you with your lips wrapped around another guy’s dick,”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have watched. Did it get you off?” she asked in disgust. “Besides I had to witness something almost identical a few short weeks ago myself,”

“Point taken,” he sighed.

Angel led her back over to the platform, Buffy reluctantly sat down and Angel joined her.

“Just what do you want Angel? We are over. I thought you respected me at least enough to leave me alone. Looks like I was wrong about that…and a lot of other things,” she said sadly.

“Buffy, I’ve wronged you, I won’t deny that. I am the worst kind of coward for what I did to you, but I had my reasons…”

“There’s no reason that justifies what you did. You destroyed my life Angel,”

He flushed guiltily at her words.

“If for one moment Harmony had known what she had really walked in on, I would be out of the team and out of the school. You know I am after that Football scholarship at Stanford. Riley is going there…Snyder thinks I will walk the tryouts. There is a scout coming to watch me play next week Buffy. Do you know what this means? How long and hard I have worked for this?” he pleaded.

“Yeah, I know and more than most,” she sighed

At least that much was true, Angel was the original kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Where as Riley was the spoilt little rich boy who always got just what he wanted…including her man. He couldn’t have got her man if her man hadn’t wanted to be gotten, she reminded herself bitterly.

“But what’s it got to do with me?” asked Buffy.

“I want you to be my prom date,” he said.

“You have got to be fucking kidding,”

“You never used to have such a dirty mouth on you Buffy,”

“What are you, my mom? Sorry if you don’t like the new me…no scratch that, the real me, but I have had a lot to deal with these past few weeks,” she said bitterly, close to tears.

“Come to prom with me Buffy, I don’t want our relationship to go out on a sour note. You loved me once,” he reminded her.

“More fool me. Why don’t you ask your boy toy to be your date? I am sure Riley would look good in a prom dress,” she said sarcastically.

“Please?” he pleaded “Do this for me and I promise that I will go up on stage on prom night and confess everything. Snyder won’t be able to do a thing about my scholarship by then and you will get your life back as well as your reputation. Look on it as my attempt to make amends,”

Buffy looked away, confused beyond words.

“I can’t give you answer now Angel…I need time to think,” said Buffy.

“It’s nearly another two weeks till prom, but I must have your answer soon,” he pressed.

“If you really want an answer right now, you wouldn’t much like it,” she said resentfully.

“Okay, that will have to do for now,”

“Tell me one thing Angel,” she asked.


“Do you love him?” asked Buffy.

“ Riley? Yes…I do. It’s like I have found the missing part of my soul,” he replied.

Buffy sucked in a breath. As Angel’s words washed over her, William’s face came to her mind. She realised with perfect clarity that they were the exact words that she had been searching for when she looked at William. Tears sprang to Buffy’s eyes as she looked at Angel.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William sat in the lunch hall, a picture of misery if anyone had troubled himself or herself to notice. He watched Buffy’s friends seated several tables away from him. As the time passed by, it became obvious that Buffy wasn’t going to join them. He sighed as he gave up all pretence of actually having any interest in the meal in front of him. He picked up his plate, walked over to the trash, scraped the remainder of his lunch into it, and exited the lunch hall.

He entered the library, the sun shone in through the windows brightening up the usually gloomy interior. William walked up the steps to the upper level of the library, rested his head on the warm glass, and closed his eyes. So, she had gone to meet Angel after all. How on earth could he even begin to compete with her last love? Angel was tall dark and athletic and everything he wasn’t. He opened his eyes and looked across the sports field, standing up straight as he saw the unmistakable figure of Buffy, sitting on the bleachers with Angel…

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy let the tears fall down her cheeks, part joy and part sadness as she realised that she had finally let Angel go in her heart. A heart so full of William that there was no place for any other.

Unthinkingly Angel put his arms around her as she sobbed, letting out all the hurt of the past few weeks, maybe even years…

“Shhhh, there now. I am so sorry that I hurt you,” he apologised.

Buffy looked up at him and smiled through her tears.

“I’m not crying for you Angel, well maybe a little…you made me realise something that’s all,”

“The new guy? You love him?” asked Angel perceptively.

“Yeah, I do, thanks Angel,” she said as she kissed his lips briefly before running from the field.

“Call me about the prom?” he shouted out to her retreating form.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

William could have almost cried himself at that moment, as he saw Angel take Buffy into his arms and hold her for what seemed like hours to him. The final knife to his heart was the swift kiss that he saw Buffy place on Angel’s lips… lips that had only a few short hours ago been enclosed around his cock…his own lips… he smashed his hand down on the window ledge in angry hurt and frustration.

Were women really such faithless creatures? He wished that he had more experience in these matters. Maybe he was getting in a lather about nothing. He almost regretted his hasty declaration of love. At that moment, he felt like she had taken his heart and trampled all over it.

They still had their date tonight. He would give her a chance to mention it then…surely if there was nothing to hide then she would tell him about her meeting with Angel, wouldn’t she?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy waited on the corner of Revello drive. Safe in the knowledge that her mom thought she was off to spend a night at the Bronze with her friends Willow and Xander. She checked her watch again before sitting on a wall while she waited for William to show. He pulled up in his uncle’s rusty Citroen at exactly at 8pm. Buffy leapt up off the wall, a big smile on her face as she got in the car and leaned over to kiss him.

“I like a guy who’s on time,” she grinned.

“My mother taught me never to keep a lady waiting,” he drawled.

Buffy frowned at his sarcastic tone of voice, but dismissed it sure that she was imagining things.

“So where are we going?” she asked eagerly.

“I thought a movie. It’s dark, no one will notice us in there,” he suggested.

“True, people are usually too busy doing other things to see anyone else around them,” she grinned.

William wondered if she had ever done those “other things” there with Angel. He pushed the thoughts away as they were the ones that led to madness. So he wasn’t Buffy’s first, but he would make sure she was his last. He couldn’t bear the thought of another man holding her…fucking her, as he so badly wanted to do.

“You look good William,” said Buffy as she eyed his black jeans and midnight blue shirt.

Little did she know that they were handouts from his roommate at college in an attempt to update his wardrobe.

“Thanks, you look good too,” he replied. He meant it. He felt like he could eat her all up in her tight little red strapless top and short black skirt.

Something seemed wrong to Buffy, if she didn’t know better she would say that he was angry with her. She looked over at the set expression on his face.

“Is there anything wrong William?” she asked.

“Why don’t you tell me?” he asked meaningfully.

“I don’t get what you mean,” she said in confusion.

“Where were you at lunch?” he asked.

“I didn’t know we were supposed to meet. I was tying up loose ends,” she replied defensively.

“And would those loose ends involve being in Angel’s arms and kissing him?” asked William angrily.

“You were spying on me?” she demanded, heartsick at all these guys who felt they had the right to watch her personal movements.

“Didn’t need to spy, you were all over him on the sports field for everyone to see,” he snapped.

Buffy flushed angrily.

“Pull over!” she demanded.

“We’ re nearly there. I can’t let you out we are in the middle of nowhere. It might not be safe,” he replied.

“Pull over dammit or I will get out of this car whether it’s moving or not,”

William pulled up sharply at the side of the kerb, and Buffy opened the door and got out of the car, closely followed by William. He caught a hold of her arm.


“What do you want me to tell you William? That he fucked me long and hard? It would be funny if it wasn’t so…rid,”

Buffy was cut off by the punishing demand of William’s lips as they ground into hers. He pushed her back against the hood of the car, forcing her to lie back. He covered her body with his own, she instinctively parted her legs so that he lay between them.

His hands roamed under her top, as he stroked her nipples to painful hardness. William lifted her top and his lips closed around one of the tight buds, sucking it into his mouth. Buffy couldn’t help the little moan that escaped her lips as he moved on to the other breast.

“If any one is going to get a long hard fucking then it’s you. No more games Buffy. You crave cock? Then you are gonna get it,” he said as he reached between their bodies and tore off her panties and threw them away.

“William…no…not like this,” Buffy groaned, aroused almost against her will.

She heard the scrape of his belt buckle as he undid his jeans. He got himself out, Buffy could feel the head of his swollen cock begging entrance to her slick channel as he begain to thrust forward, but she was afraid. Afraid that if she let him take her like this and he discovered the truth, that he would never be able to live with himself.

“I’m a virgin,” she panted.

William reared back in shock. His face was white in the moonlight.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, closing his eyes at the sight of her sprawled on the hood of the car. He tucked himself away, full of self-loathing.

Buffy pulled down her skirt with shaky hands. Eying her torn underwear, she decided to leave it where William had thrown it. William was hunched over his shoulders were trembling. Buffy put out a hand to touch him and he reared away as if she had burned him.

“I’d better take you home,” he said quietly, unable to meet her gaze.

“Okay,” she replied miserably.

The car journey home was taken in absolute silence. Buffy let a tear trickle down her face. She looked out the window, unwilling to let him see her cry.

The car came to a stop at the bottom of her drive and Buffy started to get out of the car.



“I think it best if you don’t come by the library anymore. It’s obvious I can’t be trusted around you. I am truly sorry for what I did this evening,” he said.

“William, there’s no need…I wanted you too, just not like that. Not in anger and doubt,”

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” he replied as she got out of the car and he drove off.

“Yes it does William. It matters because I love you,” she said softly as she watched the car disappear around the corner.



Chapter 8

Buffy walked up the driveway to her house and opened the front door.

“Buffy you’re home early,” said her mother looking up from the papers she was perusing on the dining room table.

“Yeah, the band didn’t show so it was kinda boring…and I am really sleepy. I am gonna get an early night,” said Buffy faking a yawn.

“Okay, maybe a good night’s sleep is in order. I wouldn’t be much company for you anyway, I have a stack load of invoices to work through,” said

Buffy walked up the stairs, her face crumpled. She dashed the tears away. Angry with herself, and with William and even Angel for making her react this way. At that particular moment in time, she wished all of the male species to hell.

She lay down on her bed, not bothering to switch on the light as she stared in to the darkness…

* * * * * * * * * * *

William drove the car away from Buffy. In his driving mirror, he could see her still standing there. It was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life, to keep on driving. Especially when all he had really wanted to do was get on his knees and beg for her forgiveness.

He was still in shock at her confession. It was hard to believe she was actually still a virgin. She certainly didn’t behave virginally, not by the things she had done with him. He knew she was telling the truth, there was no way she could fake the fear he had read in her eyes. He had ruined it all and had almost fucked her on the hood of his uncle’s car like some cheap whore and why? He asked himself. All because of a little green eyed monster called jealousy he told himself bitterly.

William pulled up at a liquor store. He was in desperate need of pain relief, and only the sort that could be found at the bottom of a whiskey bottle.

He paid for what he needed and continued on his journey home. He arrived outside his uncle’s house, removed the brown paper bag from the bottle and opened it. Taking a large gulp and coughing as the whiskey burned all the way down to his stomach. William took a few more swigs until he felt the alcohol begin to take effect.

He slammed the car door shut and entered the house. Knocking back more of the cheap whiskey, he staggered into the lounge.

“Hello Rupes,” he slurred.

“William, are you drunk?” asked Giles, shocked.

“Yeah, and it’s bloody great! Here have a swig,” said William offering his uncle the bottle.

“No thank you. I think I’ll pass,” said Giles

“You really need to loosen up and live a little,”

Giles struggled to his feet with his crutches, hobbled over to William, and guided him to an armchair.

“What ever is wrong you wont find the solution in here,” said Giles, snatching the bottle out of his nephew’s hand.

“It was working pretty good up until now…she must hate me,” groaned William.

“She? This is about a woman…is it that girl you are seeing?” asked Giles.

“Well I don’t see any other takers beating down my door for a piece of me,” said William derisively.

“And this will help?” he asked holding up the half empty bottle. “I think it’s about time we had a talk, don’t you.”

“If you insist,” said William indifferently, way past caring.

“You’ve been seeing one of the students, haven’t you William?” asked his uncle.

William looked at Giles bleary eyed.

“How did you know?” asked William in shock.

“Call it intuition. Are you having sex with a minor William?”

“She’s not a minor, or at least I don’t think she is,” he frowned

“Who is it?” asked Giles.

“Now, now you didn’t say the magic word,” said William, putting out a finger to tap his nose and missing by inches.

“You are playing a dangerous game here William…if Principle Flootie finds out…”

“Fuck him, it doesn’t matter anymore uncle. After tonight she won’t want to see me again anyway,” said William

“What happened?” Asked Giles

“Don’t want to talk about it, and if you don’t mind…” said William snatching the remainder of the bottle of whiskey from his uncle’s grasp. “I intend to finish this in the privacy of my own room,”

William walked off upstairs, leaving a very anxious Giles in his wake.

“William you are a fool…any village idiot can see it’s already too late for you boy. Love has bitten you hard,” sighed Giles.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy tossed and turned in her bed; sleep was refusing to come to her. She thumped the pillow for the hundredth time. Looking at the bedside clock she got up and switched on her stereo, hoping a little music would lull her to sleep. Buffy lay back down on her bed and studied the patterns of the wallpaper in the moonlight.

William was a complicated multifaceted creature. The more she knew of him the more she loved him. Now all she needed to do was convince him of that love…and that even if love didn’t conqueror all things, it made life a whole lot better with the right person.

Buffy closed her eyes, listening to the music…

If I’m not in love with you…what is this I’m going through tonight…
And if I don’t need your touch, why do I miss you so much, tonight

Buffy picked her stuffed pink pig off her bed and threw it at the stereo. She angrily got up and switched it off again.

“Dammit, why do crappy heartbreak songs always come on when you feel at your worst,” she sobbed as she changed into her jeans and a t-shirt, opened her bedroom window, and climbed out.

She took the short walk to Willow’s house at a run, afraid of bumping into Sunnydale’s less reputable characters at this late hour. There was evidence of the soft glow of a lamp shining from Willow’s window. Buffy picked up a small stone and threw it at her friend’s window. A few seconds later Willow opened her bedroom window and looked out.

“Hello?” she said warily.

“Will, it’s me,” hissed Buffy.

“Buffy? Do you know what time it is?” asked Willow.

“Yes mom,” Buffy replied teasingly. “Now are you gonna come down?”

“Okay, but we have to be quiet. My parents are asleep,” said Willow.

Buffy sat down on the front porch, waiting for her friend to appear. Willow opened the door and sat down next to Buffy, tightly wrapped in a blanket.

“What’s so urgent that you have to beat down my door…er…window at two in the morning?” asked Willow.

“It’s me and Mr Giles. Oh Willow I love him so much, but I don’t know what to do…and we almost had sex on the hood of his car tonight…but”

“Buffy before you say another word please tell me you are talking about the younger Mr Giles,” said Willow urgently.

“Ew Willow, what goes on in that sick mind of yours? You’ve been spending way too much time with Xander! Of course it’s William,” shuddered Buffy.

“Oh thank God, it’s just when you said Mr Giles…” said Willow in relief.

“Off topic Will. William and I had a huge bust up because he saw me with Angel this afternoon. I didn’t tell him that I was meeting Angel and he saw us kiss,” said Buffy.

“Who? Angel saw you kiss William?” asked Willow.

“No Angel saw William and I doing stuff and William saw me kissing Angel…okay I’m not making a lot of sense here,” sighed Buffy.

“Sounds like you had a busy day,” said Willow uneasily.

“It’s not as bad as it sounds. Well you know that I have been doing things with William, Angel spied on us. Later Angel caught up with me in the hall and asked me to meet him. When I was talking, to Angel…I got a bit upset and he comforted me and made me realise my true feelings for William. I sort of gave him a quick meaningless platonic kiss on the lips, which William saw and got all mad about. Clear yet?”

“About as clear as mud, but I think I’m getting ya,” said Willow.

“Any way, things kind of got out of hand with me and William, hence the almost having of sex on the car. Now he hates himself and says I have to stay away from him…but I can’t Will. I love him and I need him. What happened tonight was just as much my fault as it was his. What am I gonna do?” asked Buffy tearfully.

“You’re asking me? I hardly think I qualify for relationship guidance Buffy,” said Willow. “I‘ve been lusting after Xander for years and look where it’s gotten me,”

“It’s okay Willow I just needed someone to talk to. You never know Xander may just see the real you behind the best friend you. You guys are going to prom together aren’t you?” asked Buffy.

“Yeah, we made this pact in second grade that if neither of us had dates for senior prom then we would go together,”

“Look I’d better go before my mom finds out I am missing and calls the cops or something,” said Buffy.

“Sorry I couldn’t be more help,”

“That you were here for me is enough,” Buffy smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William woke with a groan. The sunlight that seeped through the drapes sent a thousand shards of pain to his brain. He turned over and put a pillow over his head to block out its rays.

A few seconds later, the alarm went off. He reached over and smashed his fist the offending noisemaker.

“William? William! It’s time you got up. You will be late for your job,” called Giles from downstairs.

“Be right down,” said William, slowly rising from the bed.

He eyed the empty whiskey bottle on the floor distastefully, walked over to the mirror, and looked at himself. He looked like a wreck. His eyes were all puffy and bloodshot.

He staggered into the shower, setting it at cold. Needing the icy water to awaken his senses, and then he quickly dressed. This time in his grey suit, the one he had worn the first day at the school, having had it returned from the cleaners.

As he walked down the stairs, he could smell the aroma of frying bacon. William actually felt himself turn several shades of green. He was surprised to see that the table was set for breakfast as he usually did it.

Giles hobbled out of the kitchen and sat down at the table.

“If you could bring the breakfast in. I couldn’t manage the plates too…well not without spilling everything. Also there’s some extra strong coffee brewing,” said Giles

William sucked in a breath and disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a tray laden with food and a coffee pot. He could feel the sheen of sweat as it broke out on his forehead, his stomach churned in protest.

He sat at the table eying the fried breakfast as if it were poison. Giles attacked his food with enthusiasm. William could take it no longer, putting a hand to his mouth; he rushed upstairs to the bathroom. Too busy retching over the toilet bowl to hear is uncle’s chuckle of laughter.

“Well I don’t think we will have a repeat performance of last night any time soon,” smiled Giles to himself as he continued eating.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy got a ride to high school with her friends that morning. She wasn’t quite ready to face William so soon after last night. Her resolve was unswerving…at least until morning recess.

She sat on a wall waiting for Willow and Xander to show, she kicked at a stone with the toe of her shoe. A shadow crossed her path. She looked up with a smile on her face, which soon faded as she saw whom it was.

Harmony was standing there with her hands on her hips, flanked by Cordelia and another nameless member of Harmony’s sheep brigade.

“I hear you were making out on the bleachers with Angel yesterday,” she said.

“What ever Harm,” said Buffy uninterestedly.

Buffy never failed to be surprised just how quickly gossip spread around here. She just didn’t care enough to care anymore. She had been the victim of so many barbs and innuendoes the last few weeks that she realised just how little her fellow peers opinion really meant to her.

“So are all three of you getting back together anytime soon?” asked Cordelia.

Buffy studied her fingernails.

“Yeah…maybe, it's been at least a week since my last gang bang,” said Buffy sarcastically

“Keep your hands off of Angel,” said Harmony angrily. “Now that he’s broken up with you, I have a shot at him. I’m gonna get him to take me to prom,”

Buffy stifled her laughter at Harmony’s presumptions.

“Go for it, you have my total support Harm,” smirked Buffy.

Harmony looked at Buffy open mouthed, momentarily speechless.

“Thanks Buffy,” She turned to Cordy, “Maybe you can work on Riley,”

“Sounds like a great plan,” beamed Buffy, as she got off the wall on seeing Willow and Xander approaching.

“You okay Buff? Those bitches from hell weren’t giving you a hard time?” asked Willow in concern.

“Not in the least. They have given me a real happy,” grinned Buffy.

Buffy looked at Xander, catching a faraway look on his face.

“You can stop with the naughty thoughts already Xander Harris. I didn’t mean ‘happy’ in that way,” said Buffy as she playfully slapped his arm.

“How are you holding up? Have you seen him yet?” asked Willow, reading the faintly haunted look in her friend’s eyes.

“Him who? You haven’t started up with Angel again have you Buff? I would have thought the same sex orientation was a bit of problem,” said Xander.

“Don’t be such a spaz Xander. Look I have to go somewhere before the end of recess,”

“Want us to come with?” asked Willow.

“No that’s okay, it’s a little library related problem I have to sort out on my own,” sighed Buffy.

“Are you girls like talking in some kinda code here, cos you’re not making much sense to me,” said Xander.

“You’re a boy Xander, you’re not supposed to understand us,” smiled Willow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy entered the gloomy library; she got as far as William’s office and almost turned and fled. Her heart was beating so fast. All the blinds were closed, but Buffy could see him through a tiny crack.

He looked so tired and there was an expression of intense sadness on his face. She watched him run his hands through his short brown curls. It was a gesture of his that she had become very familiar with over the past few days. He let out a big sigh and returned his attention back to the notes on his desk.

Buffy turned the handle on the door, his head instantly shot up at the sound. Buffy tried to open the door, but he had secured it. She rattled at the door, but it would not budge.

“William?” she called out.

“Buffy, I meant what I said last night. I can’t see you, I don’t trust myself to behave,” groaned William.

“Can’t we at least talk?”

“Talking seems to be the last thing on our minds when we are alone. I don’t think our first real time together should be me doing you on a desk,”

Buffy felt hope spring in her breast at his words. He still thought in terms of them having a first time together? Also the idea of herself bent over the desk while William pounded into her from behind was getting her more than a little hot. Buffy shook off her naughty thoughts, shelving the idea for future reference.

“I need to tell you something…” she pleaded.

There was a continued silence as Buffy saw him put his hands over his ears in a childish gesture to block out the sound of her voice.

“Fine, but you will listen William. What we have is something that you don’t just walk away from. You have made me feel more in these past few days than Angel made me feel in years,” said Buffy as she walked off out of the library with fresh purpose, an idea already forming in her mind.

Although William had covered his ears, he had still been able to hear every word she had spoken. He got up from his desk and opened the door, but she had already gone.



Chapter 9

Buffy walked down the hall to the principle’s office, the corridors were almost deserted except for a few stragglers late for class. She knocked on the door and entered.

“What are you here for?” asked the secretary looking up from her computer keyboard.

She eyed Buffy suspiciously.

“I was sent to the principle for not bringing in my assignment from home,” Buffy lied.

“You can wait in the Principle’s office he will be back shortly,” she tutted at Buffy disapprovingly.

Buffy entered the office and walked over to the filing cabinet. She opened it up looking for the employment records of the teaching staff at Sunnydale. Thumbing her way through the G section, Buffy picked out the elder Mr Giles’s record by mistake. She almost had had a heart attack when she had read the date of birth on the folder. Laughing at her mistake as she spotted William’s folder behind it. Her eyes widened in surprise, as she saw that he was only twenty-one.

She had been sure that he was older than that. Buffy found the information she was looking for, namely his address and she quickly replaced the folder and hastily shut the filing cabinet as Principle Flootie walked in.

“Miss Summers what are you doing here?” asked Flootie.

“I came to apologise for yesterday’s behaviour,” she lied with a smile on her face.

“Yes well never mind. Sooner forgotten sooner mended, or something like that,” he replied in a fluster.

“Yes sir,”

“Get to class Miss Summers you are late. Unless you want to spend the last few weeks of your time in the library,” he said disapprovingly.

“I wish,” she mumbled under her breath.

Buffy walked off in the direction of class, humming a little tune under her breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Buffy are you mad? That’s breaking and entering,” said Willow.

“Not if you don’t break anything isn’t Willow. I am only entering with an intent to seduce,” grinned her friend.

“Nope it’s still a felony,” said Xander, vaguely.

“What are you staring at Xander?” asked Willow.

“Did you do something different with your hair?” he asked her.

“Nope, not for at least the last five or six years,” she replied, frowning in confusion.

“So… Buffy finally decided to get it on and shake off those virginity blues?” asked Xander, eager to change the subject.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but maybe…okay that’s a big yes,” said Buffy.

“Well it had better be some guy that worships the ground you walk on or he’ll have me to deal with,” said Xander.

“Relax, I wouldn’t just throw myself away on anyone. I have learnt something from my time with Angel,” said Buffy.

“Good, now that’s out of the way…what you wearing for prom Willow?” asked Xander.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William snapped his briefcase shut and closed up the library for the end of the day. He had taken his lunch in the library…just like the coward he was he thought bitterly.

He had wanted to go to the lunch hall, but he didn’t know if he could control his jealous urges. He was afraid that he would be forced to witness another tender scene between Buffy and Angel. Maybe Angel would be the better man for her… what was that stupid phrase. If you loved someone, set them free. Yet, what if you loved someone too much? He thought as he walked to his car, got in and drove off.

At least he would have the house to himself when he got home, something for which he was glad. The last thing he needed was more of his uncle’s questions about whom he was or wasn’t seeing. Amen for the literature society, which held their meetings on a Thursday afternoon.

William went round the back of the house knowing that his uncle would have left the door unlocked. He still hadn’t gotten around to having a key cut and with his uncle’s accident; his to do list had just continued to grow.

He threw his briefcase on the kitchen counter and switched on the kettle. There were a couple of envelopes left on the side, William picked them up and saw one of them was addressed to him. He recognised the writing as his mother’s hand. Not in the mood for a parental lecture, he put them back down and went to the cupboard to extract a mug for his tea.

The kettle clicked off, his hand was half way to pick it up when he heard a dull thud coming from upstairs. He stilled his movements and held his breath. There were no more noises. Deciding that his mind was playing tricks with him, he continued with his task and poured the boiling water into the teapot. William then sat down at one of the stools.

He rested his head on the cool surface of the counter. His headache from his inadvertent drinking bout had long since receded, but there was emptiness in the region of his heart that nothing could change. He had always known that when he loved, he would love deeply. Nothing had prepared him for the assault on his senses caused by Buffy’s arrival in his life.

Just a few short days ago things had been so much simpler then…and meaningless, his treacherous mind whispered back.

His head shot up as heard another noise. William rose gradually from his chair and tiptoed to the cupboard in the hall. He knew his uncle kept a baseball bat for emergencies in there. His hand curled around the base of the bat and he slowly made his way upstairs. Wincing as the last stair creaked under his foot.

“Dammit,” he cursed under his breath.

He continued to creep along the hall. Sniffing the air, as he encountered a strange agreeable scent, familiar to that of fragranced candles. William frowned, a strange kind of burglar who made the place smell sweet before he stole your property he thought…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Five minutes earlier

Buffy sat up on the bed as she heard the thud of the backdoor as it slammed shut. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest as she heard his movements downstairs. She sucked in a breath as she lay back down on William’s bed. She put her arms above her head and knocking the alarm clock from the bedside table to the floor.

“Oh Shit!” she whispered, as she quickly leaned over to pick it up.

Buffy replaced the clock and lay there, barely daring to breath for several moments. She had stood across the street from William’s home for over an hour waiting to see if someone was there. It was only when Buffy had arrived at William’s home did she remember about the impossible problem of his uncle’s being there. The sight of the older Mr Giles being driven away in a cab a half an hour ago had rewarded her. She had then made her move and after trying both the front door and the back, and had found the backdoor to be unlocked. Upon entering their home and making sure it was unoccupied, she had crept up the stairs to locate William’s room.

Now she had gone and ruined her surprise by thumping and banging around like an elephant! That was the thing, she was still uncertain as to whether he would consider her presence in his room a good surprise or a bad one… Buffy laid back on the bed, her fists curling with nervous tension as she heard the unmistakeable creak of someone on the stairs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William was almost to his door; he had already checked the other rooms for signs of occupancy before stopping at the last door…his room. He swallowed hard as he began to turn the handle and enter. It was dim, as someone had closed the drapes. The only light came from a few candles dotted around the place.

What most caught his attention was the semi naked Buffy, draped over his bed.

Her heart was racing at the look of disbelief on his face. She smiled at him as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

“Is that a baseball bat in your hand or are you just happy to see me?” she smiled and then added what she hoped was a sexy pout for effect.

It seemed to work, as William dropped the bat to the floor a few seconds later.

“Buffy? I…”

“Don’t talk William. Just feel,” said Buffy as she rose up from the bed and walked over to him.

She took one of his large hands in her own and placed on her silk covered breast. He cupped the soft warm weight, feeling his blood rise inside of him as he felt the nipple harden under his touch.

“See what you do to me?” she asked, gasping as he rubbed his thumb across the hard tip.

“Oh God Buffy, I love you so much,”

“I know William,” she sighed as she brought his head down and flicked at his lips with her tongue.

She wasn’t ready to confess her newly discovered love for him, wanting to wait for the right moment to pour out her innermost feelings.

William opened his mouth and allowed her tongue entry. Buffy’s hands roamed down his back to rest on his buttocks and grinding herself against him.

She tore her lips away briefly “You have too many clothes on for what I want to do to you,” she panted.

“Just what do you want to do to me?” he asked

“Why, fuck your brains out of course,” she giggled

“Are you sure Buffy…that you want me to be the first?” he asked.

“Only you,” she replied, looking into his eyes as she slipped his jacket from his shoulders and began to unbutton his shirt.

“Buffy…about last night…”

“Shhhh, forget it. I have,” she replied as her hands met the waistband of his pants.

He swallowed hard as he heard the rasp of his zipper, followed by his pants falling to his knees. He helped her by stepping out of them and removing his shoes and socks.

Buffy stood back and admired the firmness of his naked body, especially the firmness of his manhood that stood proudly against his belly.

“God you are so beautiful William. I could eat you all up. Oh yeah already done that, but there’s always room for seconds,” she grinned.

Buffy took his hard cock in her hand and stroked up and down a couple of times. She was surprised when he took her hand to stop her.

“Lie down on the bed,” he instructed.

Buffy obeyed his request. She turned around and crawled up the bed, leaving him a view of her naked ass as she lay back on the bed. Her legs slightly parted. William could see the beginnings of the dark curls at the apex of her thighs.

“Open your legs for me,”

Buffy parted her legs and William knelt at the foot of the bed and lowered his head. His lips grazing the inner flesh of her thighs as he reigned kisses upon the sensitive flesh and traced patterns with his tongue. Buffy moaned, feeling moisture flooding between her legs.

“I have been wanting to do that to you since the moment we met,” he growled.

He lowered his head again. Buffy’s hands clenched the bedcovers as his tongue sought out and made contact with her clit. Her hips arched off the bed.

“Oh God,” she groaned as he inserted a finger inside her.

“You are so wet,” he mumbled in between tonguing her.

Buffy looked down at the brown head between her legs, doing wonderful things with his tongue. He took his free hand and placed it under her buttocks, bringing her in closer contact with his mouth as he removed his finger and replaced it with his tongue.

“William I am gonna cum,” said Buffy.

He began to rub at her clit with one of his fingers. Buffy came hard several seconds later, feeling William lap up her juices with his tongue almost made her climax again.

“That was incredible. I don’t want to know where you learned how to do that,” she panted as she slowly came down form her orgasm.

William looked up at her. His face still wet. “Why from that book you found in my office of course,” he grinned

“Had the theory now trying out a little practice…on me?” she asked. “Glad you decided to try it on me and not some other girl,”

“There is no other girl. There will be no other girl for me ever,” he admitted.

William crawled up the bed the rest of the way and lay so they were on their sides face to face. Buffy hooked a leg over his thigh and pressed herself against him. Their mouths met in a frenzy of kisses, and she could taste herself on his lips. Buffy moved lower, first nibbling at his earlobe and then suckling at his neck with her teeth.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Leaving my mark on you,” said Buffy as she continued sucking at his neck while rubbing her sex against his. “There!” she lifted her head to admire her work. “Now no will doubt that you belong to me,”

William caught one of her nipples in his mouth, tonguing the puckered tip before sucking it into his mouth. Buffy arched back her head in ecstasy at the sensations his lips invoked as he moved from one breast to the other.

Her hand travelled down between their bodies as she grasped at his swollen cock. The head was wet with precum and her own juices as she rubbed it against her clit.

William thrust against her, his body instinctively seeking entrance to her own. Buffy could take it no longer, wanting him inside her. She lay on her back and pulled him with her so that he rested in between her thighs. She welcomed the weight of his body pressed against her own. He looked down at her questioningly.

Buffy nodded speaking. “William I need you inside me now. I love you,” she whispered.

William would have wept if given the chance, but she had a tight grasp of his cock as she pumped it in her hand and placed it at her entrance.
He closed his eyes in sheer anticipation of their coupling, his blood screaming to be joined to this beautiful brave girl.

“Buffy, I don’t know much about taking a girl’s virginity, but I do know that a quick hurt is better than a slow one. I would give anything not to hurt you at all. You know that don’t you.”

“I know…do it William. Make me yours,” she pleaded.

He bent his head to kiss her once more as he positioned himself and thrust his hips forward.

Chapter 10

William tore through her hymen with one swift stroke, taking her innocence and giving her his in return. Buffy momentarily fought against the invasion of her body. She bit down on her lip to stop her gasp of pain from leaving her throat. A tear trickled down her face and he wiped it away tenderly.

“God I am so sorry…I would do anything to take the pain for you. Do you want me to stop?” he asked questioningly, beginning to withdraw from her.

“No,” she said firmly as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

The movement caused him to sink in deeper, William groaned. Being buried in her tight wet heat was sheer torment for him.

“Just give me a moment,” she said as she experimentally wriggled her hips.

“Uhhh,” William groaned into her neck.

The pain was starting to fade a little and she was beginning to enjoy the feeling of fullness as he stretched her once virgin body. The sensation of having him up inside of her felt good as she lifted her hips again.

William clenched his teeth together with the exertion of trying to keep still as she had asked him. He was near breaking point and her little movements were not helping the matter at all, but he wanted this first time to be everything she wanted it to be. The fear was still in the back of his mind that he would disappoint her in some way.

Being within the woman he loved, was all he had dreamed it would be and more. He shifted his weight onto his elbows as Buffy thrust up hard against him once more. He answered her movements with a gentle thrust of his own. Encouraged by her sighs of pleasure, he set a rhythm, which became harder and faster. She clamped the inner walls of pussy around his cock like a vice as he pounded into her harder than before.

Buffy’s neck arched off the bed as William licked along her neck, suckling at the tender flesh, and leaving his mark on her as she had done to him.

“You feel so good,” she panted.

William buried himself into her to the hilt and stilled his movements.

“What feels good Buffy…say it,” he growled.

“Your cock William…your big hard wonderful cock. Fuck me with it harder,” she begged.

William was sure that he felt his erection grow, if it had been possible at that moment. It filled him with pride and possessiveness that no one else had ever done this to her, except he. He was beginning to discover that he had quite a desire for what he had previously deemed dirty words.

He obliged her request, watching as Buffy slid a hand between them where they were joined, feeling him as he plunged in and out of her body.

“You are so bloody tight,” he panted.

“What else…it sounds so much more wicked coming from you,”

“Your pussy…Buffy. It’s so hot and tight…it makes me want to fill you with my cum until you can’t take anymore,” he whispered heatedly in her ear.

“Good…cos I think I am cumming…oh God,”

“God has nothing to do with it,” he replied as he pounded her into the mattress.

So close to orgasm, she studied his features through her own haze of ecstasy. Sweat dripped from his face, his expression one of agonised pleasure. The headboard was slamming up against the wall to their movements on the bed. William so close to cumming, holding back until the first ripples of her pleasure could be felt as he read her face and felt her inner walls contract around him. He could hold back no longer, giving a shout as the first jets of his hot seed spilled into her willing pussy. Her vaginal muscles squeezed him as if they would never let him go as they milked his cock dry.

Finally, his thrusts slowed, all that could be heard in the room was their laboured breathing. They both stared into one another’s eyes, both unable to speak.

William rolled off her and drew Buffy into his arms. They lay there together in an exhausted tangle of heated limbs. He was the first to regain the use of his tongue as he looked down at her bowed head.

“Buffy…are you okay?” he asked.

She nodded, wincing a little. Her movement did not go unnoticed by him.

“Maybe I should go use the bathroom,” she suggested, as she began to rise from the bed. “I didn’t think it would be so…er…messy,” she replied awkwardly as she felt a rush of moisture between her legs.

“Don’t move…well at least not for a few minutes. I am going to run you a bath,” he said as he scrambled from the bed.

He looked down at her in tender concern. Buffy blushed as her eyes rested on his flaccid penis, stained red with the blood of her innocence. He glanced down to where she was staring, as his face flushed almost as red.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He hurried from the room down the hall to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and the bath began to fill. He poured some masculine smelling bath salts into the foaming water. William wished he had something nicer for her, but being in a household that was male dominated didn’t allow for frilly fluffiness.

He was absent-mindedly staring into the foam, when she crept up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Resting her head against his shoulder, she gently nibbled at his naked flesh.

“All that sex…well the one time anyway, has made me ravenous. Do you think you could rustle up some ice cream later?” she asked hopefully.

“Sure, but lets take care of you first,” he said as he turned off the taps.

Buffy got into the bath and pouted at him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“Aren’t you getting in too?” she replied.

“You want me to?”

“I just asked you didn’t I?”

Buffy stood up again in the bath, he watched in fascination as the foam ran down her naked body. William felt himself grow hard again, as he settled himself in the water. Buffy lay back against him, between his legs. She pressed up against his erection with her bottom with a satisfied smile.

William relaxed in the warm water, slowly feeling his earlier concerns that he may have caused her permanent hurt, melting away. He smiled to himself at his stupid anxieties. After all, hadn’t men been deflowering virgins since the beginning of time? He let out a little laugh at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” she asked as she took a washcloth and rubbed soap into it.

“Nothing really, I was just thinking that I had deflowered you. What ever the hell that is supposed to mean anyway?”

“Maybe it means that you took off my petals?” she giggled. “Do I look like a flower to you?” she asked turning around in the bath.

William’s erection rose out of the water like a tower, growing at the sight of her pink soapy body.

“You look like the most beautiful thing that I have ever had the privilege to touch,” he said quietly.

She smiled and lent over to kiss him, the tips of her breasts rubbing against his chest.

“I love you William, never doubt that,” she said before kissing him harder.

She gave a little squeal of surprise as he lifted her and impaled her on his cock in one swift movement. She broke her lips from his, groaned at the depth of his penetration.

“Buffy I love you too,” he said his eyes boring into hers as they were joined together in the most intimate way possible.

“Show me…” she invited as she lifted herself up and down on his shaft.

William watched in enthralment as she sank down on him. This time there would be no pain for her, only pleasure. His large hands curled around her hips as he began to thrust into her. The bath water was sloshing over the edge onto the bathroom carpet. His uncle would be mad, but all he could think of was, was the beautiful girl in front of him as she took pleasure from his body…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Giles got out of the taxicab, glancing at his watch. He had decided to leave early, as the book under discussion was one that he had already read. He was also feeling a little tired from the painkillers he’d been taking for his leg and had seen no point in hanging around had taken himself off home.

The light was fading and soon night would fall. He could see by the soft glow of William’s bedroom window that his nephew had returned.

Giles hobbled slowly up the path, aided by his crutches, making his way to the front door. He fumbled around for his front door key before opening it.

He frowned as he entered the lounge. There were loud splashing noises coming from upstairs, punctuated by a few groans. Giles panicked; what if his nephew had slipped and fallen in the bath. Maybe banging his head in the process and too disorientated to get out by himself.

“William! I am coming…” he said as he struggled to the foot of the stairs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Buffy I’m cumming,” he said in between thrusts.

Buffy ground herself on his cock harder and faster, putting a hand behind her to cup his balls. She felt them tighten as he rolled back his eyes, gripping her hips firmly as he shot his load deep into her. Buffy’s orgasm took over her. She threw her head back as he pumped her hard.

Both of them so lost in the moment, that neither of them heard the turning of the bathroom door or Giles’s calls of concern. Buffy opened her eyes to look down at William. She smiled then screamed in horror as she saw William’s uncle at the threshold. Her hands flew to her breasts to cover them. Glad that at least there was still enough water in the tub to cover their lower bodies

William turned to see what had caused her to scream. His face whitened as he saw Rupert standing there speechless.

“Uncle…ever heard of knocking?” asked William angrily.

He was still rammed up inside of Buffy with his uncle in the room. Not the most pleasant of situations he considered.

“I thought you were in trouble William. You were making enough noise to wake the dead,” said Giles looking away. “Yes…well…maybe you and Miss Summers could get some clothes on and come down stairs? We need to talk,” said Giles as he continued to study the floor as if his life depended upon it.

The door closed quietly. As soon as it was shut, Buffy got off him and scrabbled out of the bath. She picked up a fluffy towel, wrapped herself in it, and threw one at William.

“Shit, shit, shit!” she cursed. “Mr Giles is so gonna tell my mom all about this…” she groaned.

“Don’t…I am sure once we explain…”

“How do we explain me bouncing up and down on your dick? Somehow the explanation that I tripped and fell on it doesn’t wash. I think there is only one explanation for that!”

“Calm down…you are eighteen right?” he asked.


“So they can all go to hell, we are both legal. What can they do? As long as the school doesn’t know and I am sure my uncle won’t be telling as it could mean his job,” William assured her.

They hurried back to his bedroom. Buffy located her clothes and quickly dressed. William took out a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt, quickly slipping them on.

William walked over to Buffy and put his arms around her.

“Look whatever happens we will face it together love,” he assured her.

“Well we’d better get the lecture over and done with,” she sighed as she lifted her head to look at him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Giles was sitting in the lounge taking large gulps of whiskey from a generously filled glass. He looked up as he heard Buffy and William treading the stairs.

They walked over to the sofa, and sat down, holding hands in a show of unity.

“What is it you have to say?” drawled William.

Giles looked at his nephew in surprise at his ill-mannered tone of voice.

“This is my home William. I have opened it up to you as a valued member of the family. You abuse that trust by by bringing home girls…and,” he was lost for words

“You said only the other day uncle that you were glad I was not same sex orientated. This is not some lust fuelled fling. I have found someone that I love and who loves me. Can’t you at least be happy for us?” asked William.

Giles sighed.

“I would be, if it was anyone, but a student of Sunnydale high William. Is she even of age? The laws are different here from back in England you know,” he pointed out.

“She has a name and Buffy is eighteen. Now if those are your only objections apart from her being a student then I’d better be walking her home before she is missed,” William informed him curtly.

Buffy shot Mr Giles an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry Mr Giles if I have caused you any embarrassment, but I really do love your nephew. You won’t tell my mom will you?” she asked as she left the room in William’s wake.

Left alone, Giles shook his head sadly. It wasn’t that he disliked Buffy, but he was not at all comforted by Buffy’s declaration of love. Truth had a way of willing out and Mr Giles had heard some disturbing rumours about the Summers girl. He had not given them credence at the time, but given the short length of William’s employ at the school, he was starting to wonder otherwise.

He had hoped that his nephew was dating a more sober girl of good standing, not a cheerleader of seemingly doubtable character. As far as he could see, William had a lot more to lose from this situation than she did.

“This will all end in tears,” he muttered gloomily, taking another mouthful of whiskey. Whether they would be Buffy’s or William’s would be another matter.


