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1)PLEASE use correct english and grammer. (Ex. DO NOT use luv, l8ter, ect.) I DO NOT Have time to edit your work!
2)I will accept anything, but it HAS to be SLASH. Send me BSB, NSYNC, Buffy, Angel, ect.
3)When youemail me the story, please include a title, who the story is about, a brief summery, and a rating. (I will accept ANY rating NC-17 and under)
4)If you have a picture or a banner you like me to use for the story, please email it to me. Otherwise, I'll either use what I want or there will be none.
5)Hosted stories must be updated at least ONCE a month. Any author who fails to do that will get an email from me, if they still fail to update, their storie(s) will be deleted from this site.

Okay, now that you've read the rules, please send me some stories! Also, I claim the right to refuse to accept anyone's stories that I feel violate the rules. Thanks!

My Stories