boi inside is Jae the smartest boy in our class! this pix is taken
at our 2F bbq worz! GOD! I look so childish! Anyway just to clarify, WE
.. pandaz worz! The 2 gurls behind is me and yun respectively and the 2
babes in front is ting(the birthday gurl!) and joanna da kutie eyeing the
cake!! (mMmMm)
babe in pink is mei ting, the gurl behind is me and the boy is jae again! ahhaha ..
duck in yellow is our kute kute soo wen, the pretty babe in black is qi
rui and the boy is .. again ..jae! hahaha ..
.. this one is candid shot... I took it secretly.. but yun saw! hahaha ...
ying hui was pulling up his pants .. so funny ... ahhahaha ...
shu wen saw me! saw dat gurl pointing?! aiya! hai wo bei desmond and tze
hao chased all around to delete da pix but hey hey! as you can see, i
didn't delete worz! hahaha ... da boy is black is tze hao, the one in
white is desmond, the babe in red is wan ling!
... jae and zun hao! lol jae like to take pix too much le ..
but i rkn this pix is beautiful!

ahahaha ... ting like to take pix too much le .. but heyy! she n pearly
looks good in the first pix! babes worz!
which one is me?! The babe behind is Ting, the dude beside is Da Niao, and
yun the belated birthday gurl is in front with her big eyes! O_O and I am
the stupid looking one in the front. Freakin! I look horrible!