Sword and Stake 2004 Video Awards     

Note: There were ties in two categories, and since I have the deciding vote, I decided to recognize both videos, as in each case, I loved them both!


Best Romance: Tie, leading to dual winners.

"Crazy Faith", by catatonic1242

"Souls", by denny

Best Humor:

"Gilligan's Island", by catatonic1242

Best Concept:

"Dealing with Demons", by sadiquechienne

Best Mesh of song and clips:

"Wonderboy", by ringwench

Best Innovation:

"The Song of the Count", by cybermintz

Best Thinking Outside the Box:

"Whatever", by Luminosity and sisabet

Best Creativity:

"The Last Time I Saw William", by settiai

Best Constructed Reality:

"I Wanna Be Like You", by charmax

Best "Chocolate"---smooth, addictive, can't get enough Vid:

"Souls", by denny

Best Ensemble: BtVS:

"Bed 2003", by Xandra

Best Ensemble: AtS:

"Paradise", by sisabet

Best Unconventional Pairing:

"Tainted Love", by charmax

Best Character Study: BtvS:

"Haunted (Of Eternity and Ghosts)", by Jainie Starr

Best Character Study: AtS:

"On God's Golden Shore (Sorrow)", by Magpie

Best Guilty Pleasure:

"Jolene" by Out of Mud

Best Celebration of the Jossverse:

"Did Anyone Order an Apocalypse?", by Holly Gilmore

Best "spikeNdru" Vid:

"Take This Waltz", by catatonic1242


Best Spike Vid:

"Try Not to Breathe", by Pepperland Girl

Best Drusilla Vid: Tie, Leading to dual winners:

"Crazy on You", by Nightmare Drusilla

"All Tomorrow's Parties", by Magpie


Classic Video Award Hall of Fame:

"Vampires in Love", by Valerie

It is my understanding that Valerie is no longer maintaining her site, but if you have never seen this great classic video, you can probably find it on a P2P network, or if your mail is large enough to accommodate videos, you can e-mail me.



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