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Vampiric Truth or Dare?

Welcome to all of you who have decided to take a look at my web page and I thank you for taking the time out to hear the truth I have to say.  This is not a roleplaying site!  This site contains 10 years of combined research and study.  I feel that vampires are very special creatures and should know the true nature of their being.  There are alot of misconceptions about who and what we are, and I am here to straighten all of that ignorance out for those who are newly awakened and those just curious.......come join me.

Where do vampires come from?
We come from a natural blood line, there is no such thing as being turned by anyone.  There are those who believe that we are born from a particular virus (that is still to be proven).  I do not believe it however, because there are to many people who are born with natural imbalanced gifts which are very real.  There are instances where nonvampiric people have taken vampiric traits, feeding habits and abilities but we will discuss that later.
I went into more detail on the vampiric clans, which I put Here.

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How Do I Know If I Am A Vampire?
Some of the typical signs of being a vampire are:
  1. The taste for blood

  2. The taste for blood is an a typical sign of a Sanguinarian,
    please read the sanguine section for more information.
  3. The taste for spiritual energy

  4. The taste and need of psi energy is typical as well for psychic vampires,
    please refer to the psi section.
  5. Extra sensory perception

  6. Astral projection and planing

  7. This is a commonly known and used tool for both sangs and psis, when you go to sleep is the common time that most are able to travel.  Usually when you first awaken is when you will travel in the plane, your spirit will end up feeding for you.  It does have some risk factors, the souls you encounter can pull you into the plane or keep you from leaving.  Also, it is usually done well after a good form of meditation is mastered.
  8. Adaptation to nocturnal instinct

  9. This is a problem at first for most who are newly awakened, sunlight can cause physical and emotional pain, please refer to the Myths section.
  10. The awareness and harnessing of animal instinct

  11. Please refer to the sang section.
  12. The inability of a normal diet to sate an appetite

  13. Please refer to the Feeding section.
  14. Coping with the confusing emotion of newly awakening

  15. This can truly be a pain in the butt, when you first are awakened depending on what class of vamp you are the emotions vary.  It is like going through puberty all over again, only this time violence and confusion are amplified by a thousand.  Many around you probably will not be able to tell at first however, you will and that sucks!  There are many people who go through it everyday and as long as you study the right knowledge you will be fine.
  16. The need of the personality traits of others to make your own complete

  17. Please refer to the Psi section.
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What is a Sanguinarian Vampire (Sang)?
A Sanguinarian is the more violent of the two vampiric types.  We are known more for our aggressiveness towards feeding due to our bloodlust type habits.  There are certain characteristics as well which are considered to be freaky or disgusting such as; if your male it is often occuring that a woman's menstrual cycle is fed upon, also extreme spats of rage have been known to occur when that individuals lover or blood pool have been tampered with as well as friends.  Another commonly known trait of the sangs is the fact that we are very tolerant to pain, we enjoy biting mainly because we are able to taste the blood that is running through the veins of the one we bite.  A major flaw as some would call it is our intolerance for being around people, we will do everything we can to not have to be around others.  The fact that we are like this does cause quite a few conflicts which should be pretty obvious.  We get into many fights which are able to easily be avoided, for instance because a particular person looks at us the wrong way, or even says hello.  There have been many of us to be accused of being mentally ill due to this and other obvious details, including the craving and needing of blood and the violent biting fits.  These traits are not a guarantee the you are one of us however, it could very easily be a sign of it though, only time will give you a true answer.  You have to search yourself and really allow the search to guide you and in due time your answers will come one way or another.  There are many people who let a simple blood fettish or a high pain threshhold to lure them to thinking that they are what they are not, please do not belured into the game.
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What is a Psychic Vampire?
The psychic form of a vampire is oh so much different from the sang, most people who are newly awakened do find that they are psi's.  When you are a psi there are alot of things you need to know about the process of feeding and for that one truth who to be around as well.  If you find that you are around the wrong people for any reason it is advisable to get away and stay away fore it can be a very dangerous situation for you, but I will get to that in a minute.  Some of the basic characteristics for a psi are; number one at times you will find that you are drawn to a public area,the reason for that is your spirit is telling you that you need to feed.  The way psi's feed is through spiritual energy thus is the name psychic vampire.  Most of the feeding is done through other peoples spirit, you are able to feed until you are totally full and even though this is a very handy method please be forwarned that it has it's setbacks.  The biggest setback is the fact that whoevers enrgy you feed on at the same time you will pick up their emotions as well for a undetermined amount of time.  The reason for this is because you are taking in the literal essence of a person that they are throwing off, and the interresting part about it is the fact that usually they do not even know it, most are blind to the fact that this even occurs.  There are many methods for drawing energy from others, for most when they first are awakened until they can actually do this necessary act on their own.  To tell you the true dangers of tampering with the wrong enrgy, it is easily possible to approach a person and shake their hand or just getin a public area and begin to draw, if you have not honed in on the art of controlling your feeding yet then you could draw from a psychotic man, thus at least for a little while changing yourself in a negative tone.  There are however, many people who are able to harness the energy and do not necessarily feed on it, such as witches using it for spiritual and ritualistic purposes and this does not mean that you are a vampire, the area where these ways get dangerous is the fact that easily someone with knowledge of this could easily think they are something they are not.  Please, when you are looking into this make sure that you do so with caution for easily this could lead to losing the knowledge of who you are if the right measures are not taken.
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Feeding Habits
I will take this opportunity to go more indepth about the methods in which the feeding is done, for both sangs and psi's and also I will discuss what it is like to be both and their comparisons.  The whole purpose for vampires feeding rituals is due to the fact that since we are not understood we have no set food supplies, we are able to be nourished by regular type foods however, there are sometimes (usually about every other day for most) that simple foods and nutrients will not work.  Most doctors who are willing to even think about the idea say it is because we have a lacking of different things, for sangs it would be a severe lack in iron, and psi's it would be colors (or most know it as our Chakura) when one lacks a particular trait of their spiritual personality, they have a tendency to feel led to go find it, thus they feed.  For psi's usually you draw with your right hand (take in energy) and throw with your left (get rid of energy) this is done due to the fact that most are right handed, with left handers it is usually the opposite, and sometimes others are just different.  Sangs and psi's both also have a tendency to stick to one blood or energy pool better known as a donor.  This donor is a very trusted energy source, usually a spouse or a very very close friend, also usually they are of the opposite sex but some cases however are different.  With so many cases of AIDS and all the other blood diseases many sangs are on the defensive as of the last 5 to 10 years, for good reasons of course.  For most sangs as well, many have been known to naturally grow fangs to make the punctures easier to accomplish, also less painful, as well many have gone to having implants made up as well.  When the case rarely occurs and you have an individual born of both classes, normally a side is chosen so to speak, I have found that I prefer to stick to my sang side, however I do use my psi instincts for other purposes which will be gone into later on in another section.  Neither psi is better than sang or visa versa, they both have their part in the world of vampirism.  Usually it does occur however that psi's are drawn to sangs for their dominant nature and to be their blood pool's, why this is I really do not know but I have found in a number of cases that they just prefer sangs over their own.  If their are any other questions you have for me please click on the link below and leave me a email, and please continue reading as we continue to study the vampire.
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Misconceptions, Myths and Reality
We will start this chapter off with a few myths and what their purpose was, for the longest time I often wondered how people could believe some of them but let's discuss it and you decide.  I think probably the most interresting myth of all was the idea that we can turn into bats, although I must admit it would make life alot easier to walk outside and fly to my destination, unfortunately it is not true.  The original time frame this began was around the 16th century, at that time people were being buried in shallow graves and the next day were then being seen walking around like a ghost, due to the fact many people in those days were going into comas from typhoid and other types of fevers, since they were in a deep sleep with very shallow heart beats they were pronounced as dead, most those who were outsiders and found walking around after burials were actually hunted down and killed being claimed to be heretics.  Another myth would be garlic, in all actuality this really is not that much of a myth from the sangs perspective, in the same era it began that people would eat and wear garlic figuring that their blood would be fouled and would not be wanted by the vampire, as well it was placed around their windows,beds and doors.  All I have to say about the wooden stake is that anyone stabbed in the heart with a stake is almost sure to die.  As far as holy water and crosses, these go back to people burning them at the stake, since they were considered heretics it was also figured that holy artifacts would keep them at bay as well.  Sunlight has a bit of truth behind it as well, alot of us are considered to have some type of skin cancer since sunlight does hurt our bodies, usually causing minor to semi severe pains, it could have something to do with our nocturnal nature, to a point this one I really have not figured out yet.  And last but not least, we are not immortal, thanks to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Anne Rice and Vampire the Masquerade we have more publicity than we ever wanted and un fortunately every bit of the publicity we are getting is nothing but a bunch of fake crap and needs to stop.  There are truly a lot of misconceptions about the way we are, only those who are able to embrace the truth either of what they are or what is around them are going to be able to be at peace.  You must allow yourself to embrace a six century old myth or race however you wish to look at it, we are hereand we are not going anywhere, in fact, every year we are growing more and more everyday and so are our kind.
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The Christian Vampire
Being a Christian and a vampire both at the same time has got to be one of the biggest headaches for myself and quite a few others, I am a minister in my God's name and please to anyone who reads this and finds offense to this I do apologize!  My entire life almost I have felt and known that I was different as well as my close soul brother as well, god has called us to send out and use our knowledge and gifts for the sake of helping others.  The gifts that I have been given in this life of mine consist of being able to see spirits as well as communicate with them(I must warn whoever has or believes to have this that there are demons which will pretend to be deceased loved ones and friends just to decieve you, please be careful!!!).  I believe that one of my most interresting gifts has to be being able to read other people, I am able to be a sponge without even trying I soak up other people's emotions naturally for that is my purpose.  There are alot of Christians however who will say if you are a vampire, due to the fact that you drink blood you are of the devil, this is not so however.  In the book of Corinthians it spoke of the rule of not strangled animals, nor the blood of any man or beast, many religious people have used this argument to try to put us in our place.  Also Paul said to Peter however 4 chapters later that it is not what goes in that defiles, it is what comes out.  Peter had a dream as well, of God telling him to eat, He said but Father I have never eaten anything common or unclean, and the Lord told him whatever I have given you do not call common or unclean.  Due to the fact that we are different God has given us a completely different food source.  Something that should be noted as well, in these modern times, all those who are vampiric have been placed in the same category with those of the likes of Wiccans, Pagans, Druids and Satanists....I find this to be annoying because vampirism is a true existence and not a religion or just a similarity to the others.  I honestly have nothing against any or all who are of the different religions as people, but I do not have to agree with their ways of life and nor do they mine.  Due to the ways of the modern church and the fact that that they are letting traditions take over as has always been, I do not believe in organized religion, all we are to truly believe is the words that God has given us and also please let this be known as well, we are not to take anyone's words at face value.  If a man approaches you and says something to you about the bible, including me as well please refer back to the bible and make sure that it is truly of God, for if you do not and that person has the devil in him then the evil will go in you as well.
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In Closing...
I will tell you this, be forewarned that the devil will come to you as an angel of light, as well many will claim to be what they are not.  Christians, wiccans and pagans alike need to guard themselves from the evil that masquerades itself as something holy and divine.  Many will be able to use some of these gifts which have been spoken of before, but will use them for what is definitely the wrong reasons, mainly to decieve.  To all who read this, take heed for no matter what belief you hail, their purpose is to destroy you.  But do remember that there will always be good mortals in every bunch, the joy of being a nocturnal creature is learning how to sort them out.
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