Age: 16
Title: Lord of the Multiverse
Sex: Male
Motto: "The thorn defends the rose."
Favorite Color: Black
I am Seth, Lord of the Multiverse, of course that means virtually nothing to quite a few people, but it is rather impressive. Ok, to start out, it’s “hell o” not “hello”, I express my mood in thee ways: Hazah meaning I’m in a good mood, Hazahish meaning I’m in a good and bad mood, and Not Hazah meaning I’m not in a good mood. I’m a Dhampir, meaning I’m half vampire, while we’re on the subject I’m also a Lithian, which means I’m part angel and part demon… don’t question it. About the whole Dhampir thing, yes well I keep myself under control when it comes to the blood drinking, so you have no need to worry. I’m just a tad bit of a sex addict… I’ve done quite a bit… but I’m usually very patient, and very in control of myself. I am not a Christian; let me say that again, I am not a Christian. I know that this day in age quite a few people frown on that, but I don’t care, why? Cuz I don’t think there is a “God” or “Jesus” and I don’t believe anything in the Bible, or any of that. BAD CHRISTIAN NO BISCUT! I am rather violent, though I can be very nice at times as long as you don’t start any shit with me. However I do have a soft side, I have a girlfriend/wife and lover, her name’s Tiffany, and she’s the love of my life. So, if you hurt her in any way shape or form, or you try to take her away from me, remember this: I’ll break every bone in your body until you can’t see through all the pain, then I’ll eat my cereal from the bottom of your skull! Let’s just say I’m over protective in a good way. I wear a lot of black… however I’m not gothic, I just like black, live with it. Class dismissed….