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KATE LEE - lead guitar and keyboards

KATE LEE is the lead guitarist of Underworld.
She was born on July 14th, 1979 in Dublin, Ireland, and lived there with her parents James and Christina and brothers Frederick, John, and Ewan until she was fifteen. At that time her family decided it was time for a change and moved to Chicago, Illinois. It was indeed quite a change, and then when Kate was eighteen her parents changed jobs and moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin.
She currently shares an apartment with her younger brother Frederick, and her older brothers John and Ewan still reside in Dublin.
Kate enjoys listening to all kinds of music especially hard rock, and some of her favorite bands are The Distillers, Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold and Atreyu. She also enjoys being mean and picking on everyone she knows, especially people that are obsessed with video games (SHIRLEY AND JEREMY).
She is also regarded as the meanest member of Underworld. She likes for people to be afraid of her and cower in her prescence. She also hates doing bio pages because she thinks it's a waste of time. And that's pretty much all we could get out of Kate.

other people in the band

David Frost
Jeremy Robertson
Shirley Drake