Islamic lectures (video)
Lectures of Hojj. Maulana Abbas Aeliya Saheb at Al
Mahdi(A.S) Center Toronto Canada
#1: The reason for decendence of prophet on the earth 1
#2: The reason for decendence of prophet on the earth 2
#3: The reason for decendence of prophet on the earth 3
#4: The reason for decendence of prophet on the earth 4
#5: Nafs-e-Ammarah and Nafs-e-lawwama, discussion
#5: attachments toward this world
lectures of: Barrister Murtaza Lakha
11th April 2001 |
10th April 2001 |
9th April 2001 |
8th April 2001 |
7th April 2001 |
6th April 2001 |
Imam Husain (as)
1st to 10th Muharram 1422
4th April 2001 |
3rd April 2001 |
2nd April 2001 |
1st April 2001 |
31st March 2001 |
30th March 2001 |
29th March 2001 |
28th March 2001 |
27th March 2001 |
26th March 2001 |
25th March 2001 |
From the movie “the Message”
Torture of bilal ( a companion of holy prophet )
Jafar b. Abi
Talib and Negus (the king of Ethopia)
Lecture of Mahmood Merchant :successor of
HolyProphet Muhamed (pbuh)
/urdu lecture
Mulana Mohammed Rizwi
From Islam in focus
lectures of Molana Muhamed Zaki Baqiri about Knowledge
of Imam Mahdi (A.S)
and obedience are Essential for imaan