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Companies renting space at 277 Victoria St.
1980s- 2000

1985 (?)      Solish & Fellen  Lawyer office  was in the bldg even before the renovation has started  in 1987 ??
                   They stayed and fully operated all the way during the  construction years
                   Contacts: Lloyd Solish, Philip Fellen
                   End of August 1998. Solish & Fellen moved out of the bldg to:  180 Dundas W.    # 1500

May 1990.  F.I.T. for Work  leased the 10th and 11th floors for a Rehabilitation Centre
                    Contacts:  Myron Grunberg,  Liz Mullan
                    Aug. 1996.  FIT  left the building

June 1990.  Second Cup  franchise leased part of the North side of the Ground floor
                    Contacts: Jim & Tracy Jones
                    Jan.1995. A new management took over the coffee shop
                    Contacts: Wendy Kung

Nov.1990.   City of Toronto Drug Abuse Centre and the Major's Task Force  occupied the South part of the Ground Floor

Mar. 1991.  Ash & Smith Advertising  moved to the 11th floor
                     Contacts: John Ash , Ken Smith
                   April 1997 they moved out of the building

1991. ?      Topline Copy & Printing  moved to the basement's N-W corner area
                     Contact: Terence Lo
                     In 19 ? new owner took over the business
                     Contact: Albert Chu
                     In March  1996 new management started to run the copy store under a new name:
                     Victoria Printing & Copy
                     Contact: Eric Tsang

July 1991.    City of Toronto Health Department  rented part of the 2nd floor and the whole 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th  floors.
                     Contacts: Gloria Casey , Virginia Lemos, Verna Cooke, Joan Florence

July 1993.    Ryerson Midwifery Program  moved to the 2nd floor
                     Contacts: Bridget Blake, Susan D'Arcy
                   Sep. 30. 1999. The Midwifery program moved out of the building

March 1994. YMCA First Stop  sub-leased the S-W corner on the 11th floor
                      Contact: Edwige Miller, Cindy Brown
                      They moved out of the site in ?

Aug.1994.    Comic Shoppe  moved in to the basement level
                     Contacts: John Lee, David Yee
                   They moved out in Feb. 1996.

March 1996. Ryerson Nurse Practitioner Program  rented the last space on the 2nd floor
                      Contact: Nancy McNaughton, Dorothy Hammond
                      The Program moved out in Sep. 30. 1999.

Dec.1996.    City of Toronto Public Works  moved to the 10th and 11th floor
                     Contact: Wally Kowalenko, Tony Ferrante

March 1997. City of Toronto Health Dept.  occupied the 7th fl, too

Sep.1997.      City of Toronto Housing & CityHome  moved to the 8th, 9th and part of the 11th fl.
                       Contacts: Susan Lemelin, Mel Saluma, Elethia Burrows
                       from 1999 contacts are: Eileen Carroll,  Mike Fujino

Dec.1998 - Jan.1999 City of Toronto, Health Dept.  on the 5th floor added some new offices for new Directors, put new office furnitures, too

Jan. 4. 1999   City of Toronto Human Resources  moved to the 2nd fl (ex-Solish space)
                       Contact: Janet Butters

Nov. 1999.     City of Toronto's Health Dept's DAPP Program  moved from the Ground floor to the 2nd fl (ex-Ryerson)  space

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Last Updated December 15, 1999 by Paul Laszlo / CIBC D.C.