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Borrowed Clothes

by Nightflower

It was night. There was the sound of a zipper rasping up a black vinyl suit. Black gloves were pulled on. A long black cape was grabbed and pinned into place.
She looked at herself in the mirror and turned. She struck a pose. "Damn, these clothes look good on me!" she grinned. She pouted her lips and stuck her hip out. "I'm Cybersix. In the name of Cyber, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil.. and that means you!"
"Okay, okay," said another voice, "You've had your fun. That doesn't mean you can make fun of me."
Another woman appeared from the shadows, very similar in appearance to the woman with the cape. She was wearing a sleeveless black suit with black bands wrapped around her arms and short black gloves. She frowned in the mirror. "This doesn't look good on me at all," she said, "Give me back my suit."
"In a minute." Kayla reached for her sister's trademark fedora and plopped it on her head.
"Hmm.. not quite." She tucked her long black hair under the hat, leaving her bangs in front of her face. "There we go!"
She turned to Cybersix, smiling. "What do you think?"
"Beautiful. Now give it back."
"Okay." Kayla took a step towards Cybersix. "After!" She backflipped away from Cybersix and leapt out the window.
"WAIT!" Cybersix ran to the window. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"I'm just test-driving it. I'll be back," came the answer.
Data 7 growled and jumped off the bed. He began to race after Kayla, but Cybersix stopped him. "Don't worry brother. She'll be back. I think."

It felt different flying through the city when she was wearing Cybersix's clothes. Maybe it was the cape. The cape stretched as she jumped up and flapped as she landed on buildings, a rather comforting effect. Maybe she should get a cape.
She laughed as she stopped on a building. She was feeling very high and irresponsible that night. Today she was Cyber 6, not Cyber 338.
She leaped again, and twirled around a lightning rod, before jumping off the building and dancing away. She was Cybersix, guardian of the night and the city of the damned, and nothing could stop her.
She heard the whistling of a bomb and looked up startled. She jumped off just in time, just as the rocket exploded the building.
She landed on the railing of an apartment, nerves frayed. Who were those people and why were they shooting at her?
Then she remembered that she was not Kayla that night, but Cybersix. And Cybersix was hunted.
Kayla had forgotten about that. She was not used to being in the spotlight and being hunted. She spent most of her life running and hiding, unknown. Von Reichter knew Cybersix was alive, and tried to destroy her on a nightly basis. How could Cybersix live with it on a daily basis?
The shooting stopped. A childish voice was heard on a loudspeaker.
"Cybersix! We have your friend hostage! Surrender now and he won't be harmed!"
What? What friend? Julian? Her heart stopped. Oh no.
She peeked over the building wall. There were Fixed Ideas and Technos on the ground, the Fixed Ideas with an assortment of weaponry equipped. They formed a rough circle around a small little boy with enormous orange glasses. The boy was holding a gun to large man with shaggy blond hair.
"Cybersix!" shouted the man, "Don't listen to him! Run away!"
"Shut up!" hollered the boy, "I give the orders here, you are just bait!"
It's just a little boy, thought Kayla disgusted. Nothing to be afraid of.
The big man grunted in pain and she looked over again. One of the Fixed Ideas had punched him in the gut.
She had no idea who the man was, or the little boy, but obviously the man meant something to Cybersix. Kayla hesitated. Her instincts told her to run, run away because it was none of her business. But she was not Kayla tonight. She was Cybersix.
Feh, I should probably uphold Cybersix's noble reputation.
She checked to make sure her hair was still up. When she moved quickly, no one would know the difference.

The boy smiled when the familiar black figure appeared from behind the building. His smile faded when he realized she was moving way too fast to anticipate her moves.
She became a black blur, leaping off the building, flipping and then zooming down off of a Fixed Idea's head, springing and kicking four in a row onto the ground. She grabbed one and threw him into a whole clump of them, then leaped onto the mass of squirming Fixed Idea's, and sprung off.
The little boy was dancing around, throwing a tantrum.
"No!" he shrieked, stabbing a finger at a techno. "She's going to escape. GET HER!"
More Fixed Ideas were sent running at her. She leaped away from them, and stomped two of them in the face with Cybersix's sharp stiletto heels. She jumped again, but suddenly felt a sharp jerk at the back of her neck. One of them had grabbed the cape! She was pulled back and swung away.
Damn cape!
She ripped the cape off and drop kicked the Fixed Idea who had the nerve to try and hurt her. She pummeled several other Fixed Ideas in lightning speed, the little boy watching with his jaw dropped, his fingers digging in his scalp. Cybersix was different tonight. More vicious and a different fighting style, almost Oriental!
The last of the Fixed Ideas dropped to the ground, groaning in pain and clutching his knee. She turned around and glared at the little boy.
"Surrender?" she repeated mockingly.
He backed off and scurried away followed hastily by the techno.

She sighed and picked up the cape. Cybersix would probably not be happy with her messing up the costume.
A groaning reminded her that the man was still there. She turned around and looked at him uncertainly. She should probably leave him be, but.. Cybersix might not like that.
She touched his shoulder with her gloved hand. "Are you okay?"
More groaning. He looked up groggily and saw the woman in black tights and cape looking at him with concern. He touched her face with his huge hand and brought it closer to his...
Her eyes grew wide and she slipped away from him. She looked at him reproachfully, stood up and leaped away.

She sat on the apartment balcony, watching as the sun rose and lit up Meridiana. She sighed and took the hat off, letting her long black hair rain down. It was a strange city.
Cybersix walked onto the balcony, dressed as Adrian. "Are you okay?"
She turned to see her sister, with baggy clothes and huge round glasses on. "You live a strange life, sister."
"I know." She had a half smile on her face, so similar to Kayla's. "It's a headache sometimes."
"Tell me about it," grumbled Kayla, "I don't know why you like them so much. They're weak and they get hurt, and they're plagued with weak emotions and feelings."
Adrian did not ask who "they" were. Data 7 slipped onto the balcony and Adrian stroked his head. "Yes, but it makes them stronger. You'd be surprised how much stronger they are than us."
"Maybe." Kayla handed Adrian the hat. Adrian took it silently and looked at her sister dressed in the black bodysuit, with her hair falling over her face. "Did you have fun pretending to be me?"
"It was fun for a while," replied Kayla, "But I wouldn't want to live it on a daily basis. Sorry sis."
He smiled and shook his head slightly. "You're never going to change."
"Nope," said Kayla, walking back into the apartment.
