Endless Night
By Maggie. Set six years after The Final Confrontation, Kayla is now a rebel leader in an apocalyptic Meridiana. Kayla's more of a minor character in this story, but it's well written! Nicely dark and disturbing, go read it!
By SyberKat. Stryk12, SyberKat's character, and Kayla have a little conversation. SK wants to warn that it isn't her best writing (She used the word "crappy") but it isn't nearly as bad as she thinks. Note: This is a .doc file.
A Life to Call her Own
By Bethany. A short and beautifully written description of Kayla's life and struggles.
Lab Notes and Fellow Scientists
By Ptah Aegyptus. Dr. Zack sets forth to decipher Marryn's notes before Kayla's resurrection. I'm really glad he wrote this, he covers the scientific part of the story excellently!
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