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The Empty Night

by Nightflower

Above the city, I stand alone,
Hidden by shadows, wrapped by night.
Monsters and demons I must hunt
For the sustenance I need to live.
Forward on, I continue to run,
Trying to escape the fear and pain.

Haunting me still is an endless pain,
Faces and lives that were lost in my hunt.
I try forever, but I cannot run
I cannot hide, though lost in the night.
For these crimes, I am cursed to be alone,
For these crimes, I have no right to live.

I see below me the creatures of the night,
These creatures, the purpose of the hunt,
These monsters, they will not live,
They will feed me and ease my pain,
They will remind me that I am not truly alone,
And unknown to them, I begin to run.

They are afraid, they do not have long to live,
Only animals, they begin to run.
I move onwards, ignoring my pain,
So caught up in the thrill of this hunt.
They sense danger but see nothing in the night
They think that they are alone.

I strike them down and end the hunt,
Silent and quick, before they could move or run.
Their bodies disappear and drift into the night,
They satisfy my hunger, but do not end the pain,
Their blood brings me no comfort for I am alone,
I know this is no way anyone should live.

There is nothing left to do but run,
And try to escape the burning pain.
For now, I continue only to live,
To exist simply for the fleeting hunt;
And survive by myself, alone,
My only companion, the empty night.

Short Stories