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Stryk12, Cyber 338 and Mary Sue!

A product of SyberKat and Nightflower,
a collaboration of the damned
For a basic introduction into what a Mary Sue is, click here
Stryk12 created by Syberkat. Used by permission.

Note: The following parody was meant for entertainment, and possibly education on the evilness of Mary Sue-ism. It is NOT targeted at any fan character in particular, and frankly, the Mary Sue factor in the C6 community is low, which is why I am writing this in the first place. There's lots of controversy here, but thankfully, Mary Sue isn't one of them.

Stryk and Kayla were sitting on a roof on their break. Cybersix was out that night and their creators were busy.
“So…” began Stryk, “What’s going on with you?”
Kayla shrugged. “I dunno,” she replied dully, “My author’s done messing with my life. I think she’s moved on to other things and left me alone.”
Stryk laughed. “Yeah, Syberkat hasn’t touched me for a while.” (HINT, HINT) “But she’s very busy so I can understand.”

Suddenly, a beautiful figure bounded up to them and landed beside them. Stryk and Kayla looked at the mysterious shadow in surprise.
She stepped forward to reveal a beautiful young woman in her teens. Her long shining mass of golden curls framed her beautiful face and highlighted her gold and purple eyes.
“HI!” she bursted out cheerfully, “I’m the new unit, Mary Sue 1.”
Stryk and Kayla looked at each other warily.
“Mary Sue 1?”
“Sure!” she beamed, “Von Reichter made me, but I escaped.”
Stryk and Kayla sighed in relief. “Oh good,” said Stryk, “We thought you were sent to destroy us.”
“Oh no,” laughed Mary Sue (Her laugh resembled a crystal bell), “I’m friends with Cybersix. I help her all the time. I’m a lot stronger than her.”
Kayla looked interested. “You must be stronger than me then. Tell me more.”
“Well,” said Mary Sue smiling (revealing a straight set of beautiful white teeth), “I’m stronger, faster, and more agile than a cyber. I have an intelligence of 289 and I can work any form of machinery on the spot. I’m eternally young and beautiful, I can fly and I smell like roses. Oh, and I have a crossbow.”

Stryk and Kayla looked at each other again.
“You’re strong, smart, beautiful AND you have a crossbow?” asked Stryk incredulously, “Why are you so perfect? Perfect characters are, well, BORING.”
“Oh, I’m not perfect,” bubbled Mary Sue, “For example, I get really angry and I’m not compassionate like Cybersix! I kill people!”
Again, sideways glance between Stryk and Kayla.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” chirped Mary Sue 1, “Let’s get our creators to create some sort of global catastrophe so that I- I mean we- can save the world and look like a hero!”
“Let’s not and say we did,” mumbled Kayla with a sarcastic tone that would rival Daria’s (TM emotion of Daria).

There was a loud bumbling noise. Mary Sue of course anticipated the sound with her ultra sensitive hearing but Stryk and Kayla were taken off guard.
A disheveled Von Reichter appeared, looking very desperate. An equally desperate-looking Lucas crawled up the roof, panting (TM action of Lucas).
“Oh no!” growled Stryk, “It’s Von Reichter!” She bounded up and her claws ripped out of her hands.
“I noticed,” muttered Kayla preparing to run away. Unfortunately, Stryk grabbed Kayla’s arm and held her there (being stronger than the normal cyber).
Von Reichter collapsed in front of Mary Sue and burst into tears. “Please Mary Sue!” he begged, “Please come back to me. I can change! I can be good just for you! We can get married!”
Stryk stared (again). “Von Reichter’s a wuss!”
Kayla pointed to Mary Sue, perpetually smiling like one of them CRAZY freaky clowns. “Not only that, he’s drooling for Mary Sue.”
“OUR Von Reichter? The egomaniac? The control freak? The guy who ruined our lives?”
“Ahhh,” grumbled Kayla, “He’s a 90 year old freakin’ mummy! Let her have him!”
Lucas threw himself on her. “No, don’t listen to him, Mary Sue! Marry me!”
“Now I’ve seen everything…” muttered Stryk.
“She can have him too. But Cybersix might not like that…”

As if on cue, Cybersix leapt gracefully on the roof (but not as gracefully as Mary Sue did!)
She shook her hand at Mary Sue. “Curse you, Mary Sue, you ethereally beautiful genetic experiment! I am so jealous of you!”
Kayla looked strangely at her sister. “Are you okay?”
“Apparently she’s jealous of the ethereally beautiful genetic experiment,” explained Stryk wryly. She shook her head. “What am I saying?”

Mary Sue smiled kindly. “I would love to marry you, Von Reichter, and Lucas. But I already have an undying love!”
She stepped back to reveal a hunky man with windblown auburn hair over his sun-tanned face; a fine specimen straight off a romance novel.
Mary Sue threw her arms around his muscular chest. “This is my soulmate, Paolo Joshua Fitzgerald! He and I will never be separated because we were created for each other!”
“Does that mean I have absolutely no chance of receiving your hand in love, Mary Sue?” mourned Von Reichter.
“No,” replied Mary Sue. She turned to Stryk and Kayla who looked somewhat pissed. “Let’s RPG!”

Stryk looked at Kayla. Kayla looked at Stryk. Together they moved and pushed Mary Sue 1 off the roof onto the ground where she just happened to land in a den of angry lions.
“And that’s the end of that chapter,” said a satisfied Stryk, dusting off her hands.

Mary Sue trembled (but still looking beautiful) at the roaring, snarling lions. One of them slinked towards her, liking his lips, but when he saw the compassion in her (beautiful) gold and purple eyes, he purred and curled around her feet. Awww. Cue crappy music. (TM Raja Chahal).
“It’s not working!’ cried Stryk in horror, “Damn you stupid lions!”
Kayla ran forward and threw a blue aura-ed carp into the lions’ den (TM Nightflower). BOOOOM!! The den exploded, lion guts flinging everywhere.
“Yay!” cheered Stryk, dancing with Kayla. “We killed her, we killed her, la la la la la la!”

Suddenly, from the smoke, a beautiful figure bounded up to them and landed beside them.
“AHHHHHHH!” screamed Kayla in fear, “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!”
Mary Sue shook her head, still smiling.
“No,” she said perkily, “A common characteristic of the Mary Sues is that they are usually immortal, invincible and eternally beautiful (or somewhere close to that). Unless in the event that they die heroic and tragic deaths saving the hero of the story. I’m one of the immortal, invincible and eternally beautiful types obviously!”
Stryk looked in sheer terror at Mary Sue 1. “You’re annoying, boring AND you can’t die?!”
“Nope,” bounced Mary Sue, “Come on, let’s RPG!”
“This is one of the most horrible toughest creatures we’ve ever had to face!” gasped Kayla.
Mary Sue pouted, looking more beautiful than ever. “Why don’t you like me? Everyone likes me! I’ve already won fifty-five beauty contests across the state!”
“Because you’re TOO perfect!” burst out Kayla, “No one is that perfect! You’re not a character anymore, you’re an embodiment of your creator’s unfufilled dreams. I mean, me being a character made in five minutes and intended to be killed off is bad, but you! You’re so much worse than me!”
Mary Sue began to cry beautiful diamond-like tears, that shone and made her more beautiful than ever.

It was at that moment that Dailu the big ass dragon decided to come to Meridiana for a snack. She stretched her huge neck down and chomped up Mary Sue 1.
“MMmmmmm…..embodiment of creator’s unfufilled dreams.”

“Whew,” sighed Stryk in relieved, “She’s gone.”
“She may be invincible,” snickered Kayla, “And beautiful. But she’s still in a dragon’s stomach!”
It was at that moment that a brooding, mysterious shadow decided to bound up to them and land beside them.
“Hi,” said the man angstily, “I’m the new unit, Gary Stu.”

That of course is an EXTREME case of Mary Sue. But she's everywhere. Lurking and bothering people. If you think you may know one, or you may be one yourself, seek help.
SyberKat and Nightflower: Together, we can beat this thing.

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