This year I've decided to drive home for the holidays instead of taking a plane, a nice long drive by myself, plenty of time to enjoy the scenery, a whole week before Christmas. The weatherman forecasts perfect weather, just a slight chance of a shower for the next few days, nothing at all to worry about. My grandma had a fit when I first told her I'd be traveling alone, Angel a lady should never travel alone, you never know when something may go wrong. After listening quietly to her thirty-minute lecture, and promising her everything she could come up with, she finally calmed down. I think she realized how important this trip is to me, I need time to be alone, to just enjoy being by myself, no hurries or worries.
After checking everything about twenty times, as instructed by grandma, I do believe I'm ready. The SUV is ready, all gassed up, everything I'll need for the trip, including two quilts made especially for me by, of course, grandma. A very special package handmade by me for her, something I know she doesn't have and will love. Two suitcases packed with my clothes, underwear and casual everyday stuff, and plenty of nice warm socks. The back of the Rodeo pretty much stuffed with my luggage and the family's gifts. Draped across the backseat is the long red velvet dress I bought especially to wear on Christmas day. In the passengers seat a bag of traveling snacks, (just in case grandma said) fresh fruits, crackers, and dried fruits. One more trip into the house to check and make sure I haven't forgotten anything. Stove's off, lights out, I am ready to go. YESSSSS!!!
Taking off my coat, climbing into the SUV can't wait to get out on the road, just a short distance on the interstate and then country roads all the way to grandma's house. The sky is blue, sun shining, not a cloud in sight. Making my way off the interstate, a right turn takes me in the direction I need to go, a simple two-lane country road, and miles of the most beautiful sights a person could ever want to see. Trees that reach the sky, most with their branches almost bare, a few yellow, gold and orange leaves hanging on for dear life. Crossing a small bridge I slow down to a creeping pace, a small creek maybe three feet wide winds back through the trees and bushes, flowing over small rocks. I decide to pull over and get out, the perfect place for a little break. I take an apple from my snack bag, get out and walk back to the bridge, leaning on the railing, listening to the gurgling of the water flowing over and around the rocks. If it were warmer weather I'd be awful tempted to take off my boots and roll up my pants and wade around in the reddish clear waters, way to cold for that though. Taking a small bite from the apple, looking into the creek and all around at the beautiful countryside. Hearing a chirping sound, I try to locate the source, there perched on a small tree bough is a brilliant red bird, feathers dazzling me with their beautiful color. Cocking his head side ways, staring right at me, chirping at me as if to say; may I please have a bite of your apple? A smile crosses my lips and I nod my head at him, taking a bite from the apple and tossing it towards him, oops it lands in the creek, he looks at the bite of apple then looks at me. The look in his eyes tells me he's glad I'm not pitching for his team, I giggle and try again. A little more accurate this time the bite of apple lands on the ground not far from the tree he's perched in. Swiftly he swoops down to the apple, chirping loudly, suddenly another bird appears, feathers brown with a reddish tinge, a female, his mate. He stands guard while she devours the fruit, making sure no harm comes to her. As she finishes the last of it, he cocks his head at me again, a look that asks; more please, I toss the rest of the apple down to them. Again he stands there watching, guarding his precious mate, and letting her eat her fill, then she flies off to perch on a near by branch, then and only then does he eat from the fruit. A tear falls from my eye, such a wonderful touching show of devotion, why can't humans be so unselfish? Wiping the tear from my cheek, time to go.
After driving for several hours I come to a small town, checking the gas gauge, time to fill up the SUV and me too. Pulling into a gas station, an elderly gentleman comes out to great me, a pleasant smile on his face, may I help he asks. He actually pumps the gas for me, now where on the interstate could you find such unselfish kindness? As the gas tank is filling he washes the windows, asks me to pop the hood and checks all the things under there for me. When I ask how much I owe him, he replies; the price of the gas is all mam, I give him a five-dollar tip, and ask him where I might find a nice place to eat. He scratches his head for a moment, then tells me the best cook in town is his wife and invites me to join him and her for lunch. I live right behind the station he says and was just fixing to close up and go eat. So I say; I'd be delighted, he opens the door for me and away we go.
As we get around the end of the station, I see their home, a one-story white simple little home, with a porch stretched across the front. Four rocking chairs sit a few feet apart on it, and to make it even more perfect a white picket fence frames the simple home perfectly. Slipping the latch, he opens the gate and holds it for me to enter, just a short distance to the three steps that lead up to the covered porch. He holds onto the railing and offers me his hand, opening the door and letting me enter first, such a gentleman. His voice calling out, Emma honey we have a guest for lunch. The little lady comes out from the kitchen, I presume, wiping her hands on her apron, a sincere smile of welcome on her face. Hello dear, and who have you brought in from the cold today, she replies. He leaves my side and goes to her, hugging her close and placing a kiss on her lips. A very special look passes between them, the look of many years of devotion to each other. Emma, this fine young lady was looking for a good place to eat, told her no one cooks better than my Emma, and invited her to lunch with us, is that okay with you honey? Well of course it is okay dear, the more the better, and with those words she turns to me and ask my name.
My friends call me Angel, Miss Emma, I tell her as I extend my hand to shake hers. Come on into the kitchen dear, lunch is ready. The three of us enter through the doorway from which she just came. The smells from the kitchen are wonderful, nothing like good old-fashioned home cooking. Andrew, dear, please help Angel to the table while I get an extra plate for her. He pulls out the chair for me and helps me to be seated, then goes to the other side and pulls out a chair for Emma. The food already sitting on the table consists of, chicken and dumplings; a ham covered with pineapple slices and cherries in the center, green beans with bits of bacon, and hot buttered fluffy homemade biscuits, a meal fit for royalty. Andrew has waited patiently beside Emma's chair, seating her after she hands me my plate, then seating himself at the head of the table. They bow their heads and so do I, he says a prayer thanking god for the bountiful meal, the company of a sweet young lady (me), and the love of his precious Emma, everyone says amen. Andrew carves the ham while Emma fills my plate with the aromatic foods, then he places a large slice of meat on my plate. The food is delicious, every morsel a delight, cooked to perfection. We chat while we eat, they tell me about their kids and grandkids, interesting little things, their marriage of fifty years, all the kids and grandkids coming home for Christmas. As we finish our meal Emma gets up and goes to the refrigerator and comes back with a cherry pie, I swear I don't have any room for it, but accept a slice of it anyway. One bite and I'm in heaven, the most delicious pie I've ever tasted, the crust so flaky it melts in my mouth, the cherries so juicy, the flavor like none other I've ever ate. My compliments have her blushing all over, Andrew says; see I told you the best cook in town, and smiles with pride. We finish our dessert and I say I must be on my way, first offering to help clean up, but they refuse my offer. Emma says Andrew always helps her with the dishes. They both look sad, but understand that I must be on my way. A hug and a kiss on the cheek from them both and I leave.
Driving along and thinking about the sweet couple, hoping some day I find that special lasting one on one relationship like theirs. The sun is shining brightly, passing plowed fields where not long ago crops had been growing, small forests of trees separating the farms. Large farmhouses with big barns, cows, horses, and various other farm animals here and there. So peaceful and serene is the countryside, in the past 3 hours I've only seen two other vehicles on the small highway. The farms become further and further apart, the forest becoming larger and larger, miles and miles of nothing but majestic trees, their colorful leaves making a bed at their roots. The sun is starting it descent in the westward sky, not much more of daylight left to enjoy the scenery. Suddenly behind me I hear a rumbling noise, glancing in my rearview mirror the sky behind me is black, streaks of lightening dancing from it to the ground. GREAT!,,, so much for clear weather.
Driving very cautiously now for the storm has overtaken me, rain pouring from the dark sky, visibility at a minimum. The temperature outside must be falling fast, for inside the SUV is freezing, turning up the heat. Oh yes, that feels much better, and the rain has started to subside, just a slight drizzle now. Then it starts to snow, big fluffy flakes falling gently on the windshield, so soft and pretty each with it's own alluring pattern. I decide to turn on the radio and try to get a weather report, scanning for a station, finally finding one, a weather bulletin in progress; a surprise cold front moving slowly through, heavy snow expected, stay off the roads, travelers take shelter. The snow is falling very heavy now, and I see absolutely no place to stop and seek shelter, no homes, no lights, no nothing but trees. Driving very slowly, hard to distinguish the road from the ditch, the snow is piling up fast. Up ahead I can barely make it out but looks like a road, thinking maybe I should pull off and use my cell phone to call for help. Pulling off the road very carefully, rummaging through my purse for the phone, not in my usual spot, maybe I put it in another pocket of the purse, starting to get worried, dumping the entire contents in the passenger seat, NO cell phone anywhere. Now I am worried, great, what the hell did I do with it? The snow continues to fall, not as heavy as it was though. I can see a mailbox barely sticking out of the snow, surely that means there's a house somewhere down this road. Decision time, back on the main highway I know it's at least fifty miles to the next town, with a great chance of nothing in between, and down this road someplace there's a good chance of a house. Deciding to take the mailbox road, driving with much caution, after what seems like hours, but really just a few minutes, I think I see a light in the distance.
Taking my mind off the driving proves to be a big mistake, all I did was stare at what appeared to be a light, and now I'm in the ditch. Forward gears don't do a bit of good, I've heard reverse is the strongest gear putting it in reverse, no luck I am stuck big time. Getting slowly out of the SUV the snow piled up comes up almost to the top of my boots, thank goodness the wind has calmed down some and the snow is falling lightly now. Reaching back in the truck for my coat it is so cold, looking in the direction I thought I saw the light, yes there is a light. I have to try to make it to the light, staying here would mean freezing to death. Pulling my coat tight around me, searching in the pockets for the gloves I always keep there, well at least the gloves are there, still can't remember what I did with that cell phone. The gloves help a lot, but my hands are still freezing, in fact all of me is freezing, trying my best to hurry towards the light. My feet and legs bogging into the deep snow making it very hard for me to walk, but the light is getting closer. I can see a small cabin, a light shining from the window, just a few more feet to the door. There's a trail of smoke drifting from the chimney, reminding me how cold I am.
Knocking on the door softly at first, then harder when that gets me no response. Finally the door opens, standing before me is a very big man, with the broadest chest I've ever seen, wearing a red and black plaid flannel shirt. Slowly my brown eyes travel up from the chest, a brown beard covers his neck, and long brown hair reaches just past his shoulders. He has to be over six feet tall, I have to tilt my head back to look into his face and I am five foot five. The most alluring eyes stare back at me, their color hypnotizing me, light brown with specks of green dancing all about. A row of perfect white teeth peek through the neatly trimmed mustache and beard, the most dazzling smile I've ever seen. He reaches for my arm and pulls me inside, my goodness little lady what are you doing out in this storm? Coming to my senses I tell him I ran off the road and got stuck. He pushes me towards the fireplace, and tells me to sit in a chair that is there, my body is shaking all over and not entirely from being cold, his nearness seems to have an arousing effect on me. Kneeling beside the chair he starts to remove my gloves and gently rubs my hands and arms the feeling starts to come back in them, but my body continues to shake, whether from being cold or from the feel of his strong hands I'm not sure. He removes my boots and proceeds to rub my feet and legs still my body shakes. Little lady I'm going to fix you a cup of hot chocolate, maybe something warm inside you will stop the shaking. Thank goodness he can't read my thoughts for the something "warm" that I want is not hot chocolate. Noticing that my clothes are very damp he suggests I remove them and he'll find me something dry to put on. Pointing to a door he tells me it is the bathroom and I can change in there.
In the bathroom I start removing my clothes, down to my green lacey bra and frilly green thong, I decide to keep them on, after all they aren't wet and I doubt he'd have any lying around, a smile crossing my lips at that thought. A knock on the door, little lady I have something I think might work for you to wear. Opening the door just a crack he extends his hand inside and I take the object from him, unfolding it I see that it's a white t-shirt, very big will have to do though. Putting it on and looking in the full-length mirror on the door, the sight is not bad; t-shirt reaches about half way down my brown legs, the dark green bra and thong plainly revealed under the whiteness of the shirt, doesn't leave much to the imagination. A voice on the other side of the door, his of course tells me the hot chocolate is ready. With a smile on my face I open the door and step back into the room, beside me I hear a gasp. The effect of my attire revealed in those sparkling eyes, my body starts to shake again. Telling me to go sit by the fire, as I sit down the shirt reveals even more of my legs, without spilling a drop he hands me the cup of chocolate. I sip at it very slowly, realizing he is staring at my legs I slip forward in the chair a little, as I anticipated the shirt slides up a tad more, revealing more of me for him to see. He takes a step or two back, then sits in a chair facing me just a few feet away, those gorgeous eyes trying to look away, glancing at the hot flames in the fireplace, then back at my exposed flesh. Sipping slowly from the cup, the warm liquid sliding down my throat warm sensations flowing through my body, and not just from the hot chocolate. Those eyes seem to touch my flesh as they travel up and down my legs, crossing my legs exposing a good part of my left buttock. He takes a deep breath and sits back in the chair, glancing at my brown eyes then back down. Leaning forward I sit the cup on the floor, stand up and raise my arms high as I stretch the shirt rises high enough for him to see my frilly green thong. Slowly lowering my arms and taking the few steps I stand between his parted legs, our eyes lock and say what words could not express. I kneel between his legs, sliding close to his body my breasts resting in his lap. Reaching up and grasping each side of his face bringing his lips to mine, his big strong arms encircling me, his hands resting in my long black hair. The brown beard and moustache tickling my face and neck, our lips touching gently kissing, the tip of his tongue teasing my small lips, seeking entrance, my lips parting slightly, the tips of our tongues touching tasting. My breasts feel the rise of his desire, making the nipples erect, his swelling manhood nestled between them, his jeans doing little to hide his condition. Our tongues continue to tease each other's, sliding my hands down to his crotch, running my finger tips up and down his shaft. The need to touch his flesh over comes me, unbuttoning his pants and sliding the zipper down. Pulling my lips from his I must see what my hands have exposed. Brown curly tendrils peek from the unzipped pants, no underpants, perfect!!!
A gasp comes from my lips; he is so huge, my small hand not able to reach around him. My lips can't resist the temptation, holding it in my hands slowly running them up and down, a drop of sweet dew appears on the tip, my tongue lapping it up. As I gaze into those mesmerizing eyes, another drop appears. With the very tip of my tongue I take the drop and rub it all over my upper lip. My eyes still locked with his, ever so slowly running the tip of my tongue around the head of his maleness. His hands pulling my hair and head closer to him, those eyes begging me to do more than just lick. I'm not sure my tiny mouth will fit over such a large area, but I for sure intend to give it a try!
Moistening my lips with my wet tongue, then moistening the head, slowly slipping my hot wet lips around the entire tip of his manhood, the moans coming from deep inside his throat telling me how great the feeling is. My tongue massaging the underside as I slowly let it go deeper and deeper almost gagging as it slides down my throat. As my tongue rubs around it I wonder how something so hard can be so smooth and silky. The taste is wonderful, kind of salty, but nothing like anything else I've ever tasted, maleness has its on distinguishable flavor. Slowly pulling my mouth back almost but not quite letting it slide out, just as the head comes in contact with my teeth I swallow it again, with each back and forth motion it slides in easier, my throat becoming accustom to the hugeness. His hands entangled in my long black hair pulling me down onto him, his moans becoming louder as my head moves faster. Those sexy alluring eyes closed and his head tilted back, my frilly green thong becoming very wet with my own juices. Gently I slow my pace and then stop, removing my lips from him, his eyes fly open and a pained look comes across his face, unable to speak but his eyes begging me not to stop, not now.
Standing before him, reaching down and taking the tail of my shirt and provocatively pulling it up and over my head, tossing it aside, my hands go behind me unsnapping my bra, slowly slipping the straps from my shoulders, it falls to the floor. His magnificent eyes devouring my breasts, can almost feel the heat coming from them, the nipples getting even more erect under his stare. Hooking my thumbs in the sides of my thong, very slowly pulling them down, inch by inch, finally revealing what those sexy eyes have been waiting for, the black curly patch of hair between my legs, droplets of nectar clinging to almost every hair. I don't know which is hotter, the look in his eyes or the heat coming from my body. Leaning over I grasp the sides of his jeans, he lifts his hips so that I may remove them, and since he's not wearing any shoes it proves to be a very easy and quick chore. Running my hands along his inner thighs, cupping his furry sack, tracing a path between each section with my small middle finger. Placing my knees on either side of him, straddling him rising up on my knees, his beard tickling my breasts as they strain to be touched. As I lower my wet patch on his huge throbbing member his lips encircle my right breast nipple, my head tilts back and my back arches.
Slowly I lower myself onto him, the hugeness of him filling ever part of my love-box, his manhood touching places that have never been touched before. Lower and lower I go until ever inch of him is devoured inside me, pausing for a few seconds, allowing my tight muscles to become accustom to his large member. He sucks on my breast, his tongue dancing back and forth across the nipple, and shivers of delight coursing through my body. My body involuntarily starts to move up and down, slowly at first, then faster, his hips matching each thrust. I can feel my juices flowing all over him the dampness running onto his legs and furry sack. The storm gathering in the pit of my stomach, he releases my breast for a moment, his own storm on the verge of exploding. The storm springs forth from him, deep moans coming from his lips, causing my own explosion, his lips reach for my nipple, teeth biting gently, my love-box explodes again and again, multiple orgasms raging from deep inside me. My moans become screams of pleasure, our juices mingling and flowing onto his and my legs. I collapse forward onto him, couldn't move if my life depended on it. His arms tighten around me, my limp body clinging to him, our breathing coming in gasps.
"Angel", pushing back from him, the shock showing in my eyes, how does he know my name? A mischievous smile on his lips, "Angel, I knew it was you the moment I open the door." My mind having problems placing him, the voice is familiar, but the beard and moustache hides the face. Those eyes, I know I've seen them before they are so unusual, staring at him trying to remember. OH MY GOD!!!! I remember it's YOU, J. W. oh my goodness it has been years since we saw each other. We were friends in school, then some how drifted apart after graduation, both going our separate ways. My arms go back around him, hugging him and he hugs me. "Angel, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you standing in the door, was to shocked to say anything at first. Then I thought I'd wait and see how long it took you to recognize me."
A big smile on my lips, a WHOLE week before I have to be at grandma's house,,, OH HELL YES!!!! I think I have found exactly what I was looking for.
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have your comments about her story Email: ICQ UIN #: 8675233 |
you cease to exist. Keep dreaming! |
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3rd Oct, 1998 to 3rd Oct, 1999 |
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