We provide an avenue for novice and veteran writers and artists to participate in our web community and publish their works in the net. It is our intention to work closely with you to give your work the best chance for acceptance.

In submiting your work (stories, poems, articles, humour, etc.) to us please follow our Submission Guidelines for Writers.





Mission Statement

Our Philosophy


Complete Page Index



1. All work submitted must be in English.

2. Before submission check your work for spelling, grammar, and typing error and make the necessary rectification. Particular care must be taken to check for common errors such as incomplete and awkward sentences, inappropriate spacing and inappropriate usage of capital letters, dotted lines, multiple question marks or exclaimation marks (example: .......... or ????? or !!!!!!). Self editing by the author before submission of work will help us save time and effort.

3. Please single space paragraphs, and double space between paragraphs.

4. All submission are to be made via e-mail to: patricksuniverse@hotmail.com

5. In submitting your work to us, please ensure that your cover page include the following information:
     (a) Date
     (b) Title of your work
     (c) Your Name
     (d) Your E-mail address
     (e) Your Pen Name (if any)
     (f) Your biodata (optional)
     (g) Word count

Acceptable Standards

6. To maintain the quality that is expected of us and to ensure that our published works are in good taste and conforms to the acceptable norm of the general mature audience in the net, we ask that you use your discretion when submitting your works that would reflect and conform to this requirement.

7. Hard core or phonographic materials and the usage of vulgar and colloquial words are unacceptable.

8. Hate, negative, partisan or racist sentiments are prohibited.

All submissions will be read carefully. Our response time for properly submitted work will take from two to fours weeks. You will be duly notified via e-mail when your work have been accepted for publishing in our site.

Please forward you feedback, suggestions and comments to: rotcivz@hotmail.com.

Submit by E-mail now
Use our Text Template for a checklist, and cover letter.

Copyright © 2000 Patrick Universe. All rights reserved.
Site created by Patrick Rotcivz. 3rd October, 1998
Page created on 08/04/2000