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Jeffrey's Diablo Cheats page


    Diablo is a cool game and for all those players who just can't beat it, Or who just like to mess around with their charachter, here are some cool cheats.



Enigma's diablo trainer beta 54

    This is a cool cheat that lets you get huge amount's of gold, gives you superweapons, and can increase your level up points.  I give it a 9.5 Out of 10 on the diablo cheat scale.


Diablo item editor


    die, or the diablo item editor, is a cheat that let's you take a weapon, modify it and the graphic and its abilities etc.  Since that's all it does, i rate it 7 out of 10 on the diablo cheat scale.


Diablo Spell Book


    The diablo spell book lets you add tons and tons of spells to your spell book.  As well as you being able to use them like any normal spell in the game.


Diablo Font


    The actual font used in the game! You can set it up on your web page, like this, or put it as your windows scheme.


    Also, visit my diablo gifs page. I will soon have more gifs when i update my page. click here.  To use any of the above cheats, alt tab out of diablo, start the hack, make the changes, alt tab back in, and voila.


butcher1.gif (14779 bytes)                                                                anidiab1.gif (83107 bytes)