"Everything is predilection and inclination"
Welcome to a glimpse into the
Future where mind and music interact to produce a higher, more rewarding and meaningful reality. Here the energies of the metaphysical realm are brought to manifest in the form of esoteric philosophies, psychologies,
and musicalities.....

Within this realm, one may experience both the beauty
and power of the Universe, via the magic
of Transcendental Music. Discoveries await...Let destiny choose. Follow me.....
Future historians will discover that in the years prior to the
advent of the pyschoacoustical age, a select
group of inspired minds, energized by the effects
of superior music began to formulate a new
paradigm, a new perspective on Self, Reality,
Universe. From these nocturnal investigations
sprang the beginnings of a new way of perceiving and interacting with the the Natural
World. From this genius would spring the idea,
the momentum, the recipe for a better human being. History would record that from the insights
of these select few, the course of Evolution was
changed. Dharmakaya.....
Through the mist, we see a group of spiritually
aligned and empowered individuals. They seek to know
more, to become more, inspired by the undeniable sensation
of something grandiose within.
At the point they encounter the beauty and power of hyperdimensional music, each will transform, barrriers will dissolve,
passageways to the higher self, to a higher
perpose will open and avail. ESI...........
Music, in its most elaborate, extravagant state
awakens, energizes, unifies and illuminates. Those who discover the inner machinations of this sacred principle are thus blessed with a new
perspective on the mysterious link between self and universe. From within the divine sounds, mind flourishes and expands,
taking on a new knowledge, an awareness of
the formless, the timeless, the infinite. Taken to
another level, where mind and music become one, the individual awakens to another dimension, where dualities and polarites play
in perfect harmony, where order is perceived
amidst the chaos and where possibilties and potentials become attainable......
Reading from the Metallic Symphony, Opus 34,
" Thus they were given a new awareness; a facination with theorheticals, intangibles and
celestials, a new paradigm whereby the subtle
frequencies of the human estate were altered
via the magic of music. They were given the one thing the needed most. Amazement "
- Estarius -
The quest was to become more spiritual,
more in tune with the the Universe
about and within. Those who took it to an extreme became immersed in the controlling vision
of another way, another world, another totally
different, more meaningful and perposeful existence. The holiness personified by the avatar is but a manifestation
of the cosmic flow within, an actualization of
his own supernatural karma, uncorrupted by societal contaminants.
He is in essence, Spirit. Transcendent, harmonic, enlightened and Free. He has no ego.
He is a part of something much more grand than
himself. Within him are all the keys to fullfillment
and happiness. Though he preaches not, his
impressions, insights and visions can be heard.
The lights dim, the curtains pull, the majesty
of divinely inspired Music begins in an awesome, spellbinding display of phantasmic light and sound.
We are held in amazement Transformation begins......

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy." - LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - ALDOUS HUXLEY, Music at Night
"The mind of man is capable of anything because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future." - JOSEPH CONRAD, Heart of Darkness
A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become.......
- W. H. Auden -
Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted.
- William Shakespeare -
"He who possesses art and science has religion; he who does not possess them, needs religion." - Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
To those who would, who sense something
wonderful, powerful, beautiful within. To all
that the future knows. Visions unto you......
- Celcius -
Stellar Links

In the book "Future Reflective" the vision
of a far better, much more sane, sober, and sensitive
humanity is offered...One that believes in nothing but the
divine power of both Nature and the human
Mind. The vision, the possiblity, the reality of which
will only occur once mankind learns to shut
up and begin to think. For this music is required.
Find me. Extra Sensory Intelligence....